
Monisol Lutele's page

17 posts. Alias of cmlobue.


| HP 20/20 | AC 18 | Fortitude +5, Reflex+7, Will +5 | Perception +5 | Speed 25


| Default Exploration: Attunement Control +5 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺


Male Korasha Lashunta Solarian 1

About Monisol Lutele

Solarian 1
Medium | Lashunta | Humanoid

Perception +5
Languages Common, Castrovelian
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +7 (+1 to shove or trip), Lore: The Newborn +3, Occultism +3, Stealth +5, Thievery +5
Items Commercial Skyfire Armor, Commercial Climbing Kit, Comm Unit, Commercial Flashlight, Hygiene Kit; 35 credits


AC 18; Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5
HP 20

◆◆ Black Hole
Frequency once per 10 minutes.
Requirement You are graviton-attuned.
You concentrate on the gravitational forces around you, pulling matter towards you in emulation of a cosmic event. Select any number of creatures within a 30-foot radius. Each affected creature takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage and must attempt a Fortitude save against your class DC.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage and is pulled 5 feet towards you.
Failure The creature takes full damage, is pulled 15 feet towards you, and is knocked prone.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage, is pulled 30 feet towards you, and is knocked prone

◆◆ Stellar Rush
You rush forward, empowered by your stellar energies, getting into the thick of combat with ease. Stride twice. You gain a +10-foot circumstance bonus to your Speed during these moves.
Graviton-Attuned When you finish your Strides, enemies within 15 feet of you must attempt a Fortitude save against your class DC. On a failure, the foes are pulled directly towards you, ending in an adjacent square if possible. You select the order which foes are moved.
Photon-Attuned The squares you moved through during your stride are suffused with solar energy until the start of your next turn. Creatures on each side of the squares are concealed from creatures on the opposite side. Creatures in these spaces are unaffected.


Speed 25 feet
Melee Solar Weapon* +7 (disarm, free-hand); Damage 1d8+4 S
Melee Bone Scepter +7 (analog, modular); Damage 1d10+4 C or Vo
Ranged Solar Shot +5 (critical trip or critical burn 1d6); Damage 1d8 B or 1d6 F
Ranged Boom Pistol +5 (boost 1, tech); Damage 1d6 S

* default form - can be reforged
Graviton-Attuned When you successfully Strike a creature using your solar weapon, that creature treats all squares adjacent to the square where they were struck as being difficult terrain until the end of its next turn.
Photon-Attuned When you successfully Strike a creature with your solar weapon, you deal an additional amount of fire damage equal to half your level (rounded up)

◆ or ◇ Attune
Frequency once per round
You steady your body and mind and attune yourself to your stellar focus. If you are unattuned or not in your favored state, you become attuned to the favored attunement of your stellar arrangement. You can also manifest any of your solar manifestations if they are currently dormant, and if you have the free hands to use them.
Special In addition to the above usage, you can also Attune as a free action when you roll initiative

◇ Center Thoughts
Frequency once per day
Trigger You fail a Will saving throw against a mental effect.
You center your thoughts and focus your mind, shaking off emotional turmoil and harmful mental intrusions. Reroll the triggering saving throw and use the better result.

↺ Nimbus Surge
Trigger You take damage from a melee attack.
Your nimbus reacts to trauma.
Graviton-Attuned The triggering creature must succeed at a Fortitude save against your class DC or be pushed 5 feet away from you.
Photon-Attuned The triggering creature takes fire damage equal to half your level (rounded up)

Re-Forge Solar Weapon
You spend 10 minutes focusing on the composition of your solar weapon. You can change the damage type of your weapon (typically between bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing), the currently selected traits for your weapon, and the weapon group your weapon belongs to. Your weapon maintains your selections until the next time you Re-Forge Solar Weapon.

Additional Feats Holy Talisman, Psychic Talent
Additional Specials Attunement Control


Monisol's most common solar weapon consists of a ring of jagged stones, faintly glowing in the violet and ultraviolet bands, which orbits his hand.

Updated 10 August 2024