Gameday XIII - Pathfinder Society #0-16: To Scale the Dragon (Core)

Game Master Lysle

Start Date: September 12, 2024 (after PBP Gameday XIII begins)
Recruitment: Full


Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon

A place for out-of-character discussion

Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon

Please note that I have set the starting date for this table to September 12, 2024, which is a few days after Gameday starts.

I have found that a slight delay in start date makes it easier for me (and, I hope, my players) to ease into the game following the "rush" of activitiy that accompanies the start of Gameday, its specials, and other tables.

Even given the later start date, I anticipate that this table will conclude on or before November 17th, the end of Gameday. Along those lines, I would ask players to review my GM profile, which includes my expectations regarding posting rates and my approach to botting PCs.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Core Sorcerer 5 Init+2 HP 27/27 AC 12 (16 MA)/T12 (16 MA)/FF10 (14 MA) F+3 R+4 W+4 Perc+0 Spd30 HeavFire 7/7
Spells Used:
L1:3/7 L2 0/4
CLW Wand 40

Desynthia is present.

Lets go Paffies!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Shoanti) AC 25/T16/FF22 F+8/R+13/W+7 57/57 init +8/Per +12 Rogue 7/Cleric 1 Move 50'Active effects:

Hello everyone.

GM Valen, looks like we will need access to the slides.

Destiny of Sands | Nothing Special | To Scale the Dragon

Permission should now be granted

Grand Lodge

Male L/G Dwarf Wizard (Transmuter)/8 | HP: 90/90 (+4 16 false life) | AC/FF/T: 17 14/14/10 | CMD: 13 | F:+9, R:+4, W:+9 (+2 Hardy) | Init: +6 | Speed 20 ft | Appraise+9, Kn Arc+15, Kn Dun/Eng/His/Loc/Nob/Pln +9, KnGeo+16, Lin+10, Perc+9, SpCft+16 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor, haste, inspire courage +2

If you want us to update slide 2 we will need edit permissions.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf CORE Fighter/1 Rogue/4 Shadowdancer/3 HP 58/58 AC25|T 18|FF 19 CMD 26* Fort +7|Ref +14|Will +6*/+8* vs. enchantments Init +6* Perc +14/+16 vs. traps Low-light, darkvision|Sense Motive +9

The slide shows as View Only for me.

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