[YFF/SFS/DMK] 6-14 The Missing (Inactive)

Game Master Kludde

RPG Chronicles
Maps And Handouts

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LG Female Kasatha Mercenary Soldier 1 | SP 16/16 HP 18/18 RP 4/4 | EAC 15 KAC 17 | F +4 R +3 W +4 | Init +2 Perc +1 mercenary soldier 1

My last post was ninja'ed by the GM providing the successful conclusion of the mission.

Xoni takes the lead in explaining to the lovers what has been going on in their absence and why the Starfinders were brought in. She hopes they will try to help their community learn to put prejudices aside and stay open to learning that the Red Corridor folks might not be the cause of all their troubles.

Xoni does not have a trained profession skill, so I guess she can't make a day job. It would be nice if characters could make a roll based on their theme instead of profession. Soldiers get precious few skill ranks to spend so at first level, it's hard to justify spending one on a skill that likely doesn't come up in play except the day job roll. I'll add a profession skill (mercenary) at 2nd level I guess.

| Recruitment Board | How is my flying? (feedback) | DICEBOT LOVES YOU | Traveling 24/25 July, so expect irregularities |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Castamir Event Code: 2715121 | How is everybody doing?

With no other option, the masked Kasatha starts to talk My name is Hynes, I am a scientist. the Kasatha explain, then starts a lengthy explanation you have destroyed years of careful research! I was building the ultimate animal, genetically engineered, trained only to serve, to be the perfect combat trained weapons, capable of attacking, tracking, and herding specified targets.

Nobody believed in my research! Unethical! Unsafe! Illegal! They said. I have retreated here, to perform my field tests. People get harmed, is what they said. What is a bit of harm in the name of progress? Irrelevant, that's what it is.

But now, there was this power outage, and you intruded he says, pointing at Rahosa and Nindir and everything is gone now!


m N drow Operative 4 [Athlete] | sp 34/34 | hp 34/34 | rp 6/6 | EAC 19 KAC 19 | F+1 R+8 W+4 [+2 vs enchantment] | Evasion | Perc +11 | DV60' |

Antethriss looks at him for a while as if he's going to stab him anyway. A long hard look. Then he silently walks away.


Copaxi Mechanic-5 | sp:35/35 hp: 34/34 rp:5/5 | E:12 K13 | F5 R5 W2 | I1 P9 | BAB3 M3 R4 | LG | 124312-712

Theseius also has nothing to say.

Thank you for running.

| Recruitment Board | How is my flying? (feedback) | DICEBOT LOVES YOU | Traveling 24/25 July, so expect irregularities |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Castamir Event Code: 2715121 | How is everybody doing?

Chronicles are up! Let me know if everything is ok.


Copaxi Mechanic-5 | sp:35/35 hp: 34/34 rp:5/5 | E:12 K13 | F5 R5 W2 | I1 P9 | BAB3 M3 R4 | LG | 124312-712

Chronicle received, applied and filed. Which Strawberry is that? DeeDee?


LG Female Kasatha Mercenary Soldier 1 | SP 16/16 HP 18/18 RP 4/4 | EAC 15 KAC 17 | F +4 R +3 W +4 | Init +2 Perc +1 mercenary soldier 1
AbadarCorp Entertainment wrote:

With no other option, the masked Kasatha starts to talk My name is Hynes, I am a scientist. the Kasatha explain, then starts a lengthy explanation you have destroyed years of careful research! I was building the ultimate animal, genetically engineered, trained only to serve, to be the perfect combat trained weapons, capable of attacking, tracking, and herding specified targets.

Nobody believed in my research! Unethical! Unsafe! Illegal! They said. I have retreated here, to perform my field tests. People get harmed, is what they said. What is a bit of harm in the name of progress? Irrelevant, that's what it is.

But now, there was this power outage, and you intruded he says, pointing at Rahosa and Nindir and everything is gone now!

"Tell it to a judge," Xoni deadpans, keeping her weapons ready to escort him to the authorities.


LG Female Kasatha Mercenary Soldier 1 | SP 16/16 HP 18/18 RP 4/4 | EAC 15 KAC 17 | F +4 R +3 W +4 | Init +2 Perc +1 mercenary soldier 1

Thanks to all. An enjoyable adventure.


Ratrace agrees with Xoni completely.

"Farewell all!' the Ysoki waves as he parts company with the fellow Starfinders.


Copaxi Mechanic-5 | sp:35/35 hp: 34/34 rp:5/5 | E:12 K13 | F5 R5 W2 | I1 P9 | BAB3 M3 R4 | LG | 124312-712

And I will be offering my services as a witness for the Prosecution Theseius replies. And harm in the name of progress is NOT irrelevant. Let me tell you what happened to my own home planet - Tabrid Minor.

| Recruitment Board | How is my flying? (feedback) | DICEBOT LOVES YOU | Traveling 24/25 July, so expect irregularities |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Castamir Event Code: 2715121 | How is everybody doing?

Captain Xogathu and Ehu Hadif listen with amazement at the story of the secret underground lab That's worthy of a recommendation the captain says Exceptional work indeed Ehu says I hope this shows the high standards that we hold ourselves to.

Just before they depart, the team is invited to a formal ceremony dinner aboard the Idari, where the Doyenate present them with the highest accolades.

Doyenate’s legal system begins the process of investigating the many charges against Hynes, the evil scientist, which include unethical and illegal experimentation on animals, unauthorized imports of live cargo, creating dangerous conditions that harmed other Idari residents, and failing to report deaths aboard the ship.

Cohomir is overjoyed to see his daughter again, embracing her and weeping openly. At first, he’s cold to Rahosa, but once Rahosa has the chance to tell his side of the story, Cohomir grudgingly begins to accept the relationship. My chosen way of living might seem unappealing to a young person like my daughter he says but it might just be me being afraid afraid of losing her. Now, Nindir has the option of remaining at home for awhile until she’s saved up some money or eloping with Rahosa right away. Regardless, she and her family stay in touch rather than becoming estranged. Cohomir’s prejudice against the people of the Red Corridors erodes as he gets to know Rahosa, and he spreads his changing beliefs to many of his neighbors.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Male Kish Operative (Disciple) 4| EAC: 14, KAC: 15 | Fort: +1, Ref: +7, Will: +7 | SP: 0/24, HP: 29/29, RP: 5/5 | Perc: +13 (60' Darkvision) | Init: +9 | Speed: 40 ft.

Chronicle sheet looks good! I got a chuckle out of the photo-card :-)


m N drow Operative 4 [Athlete] | sp 34/34 | hp 34/34 | rp 6/6 | EAC 19 KAC 19 | F+1 R+8 W+4 [+2 vs enchantment] | Evasion | Perc +11 | DV60' |

Chronicle looks good! Thanks!

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