Heart of Darkness

Game Master dickie

Current Maps

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Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Faith moves toward the front of the bus, holstering her glock. She hides behind cover while she readies her Remington. Looking for a spot with total cover from the snipers while being near an opening out of which she could fire her rifle at either one.

With a clearer shot, Hibo fires again at the man coming out of the building.

Beretta 92F: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 2) = 7

DM Rolls:
Middle: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
SniperN: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
SniperS: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

The stairs around the back of the bank lead to the roof, consider that "room" to be the shack where HVAC and similar machinery at one time. There is no ladder on the fast food place, it had been ripped free of the anchors long ago.

Faith has a shot at the sniper to the north, however he does have partial cover. The other is not visible from her current position.

The Vampiros coming out the back door of the fast food restaurant stops cackling the moment Hibo's nine millimeter round pierces his stomach. He doesn't have time to comprehend the wound, however, because Stringer and his combat drone finish the ganger off. Salvo showers the gang member to the north with lead. The youth doesn't even attempt to dive for cover and quickly drops as he's torn to pieces.

The remaining goon on the ground level rushes straight toward Salvo while squeezing the trigger of his gun. His shot misses Salvo by mere inches. One of the bank snipers tries to take Salvo down, but his round hits the sandbags. His counterpart on the other side of the bank tries to target Stringer, but the shot hits the car he's using as cover. Another wave of gangers exits from the bank!

Round Five

Everyone is up!

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

"Oh frag another 4 just ran out of the bank. Anybody got a grenade?" Stringer orders Tank east toward the horde while waiting for a good shot on the newcomers.

HK MP51 w/ Targeting software -range penalty: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 7 - 2 = 22
Dmg: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10

Desert Eagle -range penalty: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 4 - 2 = 21
Dmg: 2d8 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6

Delay until a target comes within 2nd range increment (30 squares for Stringer, 20 squares for Tank), then fire at whoever's in front.

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

There is only 1 enemy on the map currently, although the text indicates there are two snipers and four more vampiros coming out.

Faith aims her rifle at the sniper she can see while using the bus for cover.

Remington 700: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Damage: 2d10 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7

All my PBP attack rolls recently have been below 10. Waiting to break out of the statistical slump.

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

Faith, you can scroll the map to the right. There's a slider on the bottom of the screen.

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Thanks. Last turn I thought some of the figures closer to the bus were the snipers. The sniper on the roof she can see is about 140 ft range, which is more than 1 range increment for her rifle, so that shot was at a -2 plus whatever the cover gives.

Human Anthony 'Salvo' Salvatorie | Military |Adventurer | Fast 2/ Strong 2 | HP 18/ 18 | AC: 21 FF: 18 T: 18 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +2 | Init: +4 | Per: +6 SM: +6 | APs 16 | Status:

Not even releasing the trigger on the LMG Salvo swings the weapon around, chewing up the street between the cab and the Vamp ganger closing in on his position and smothering the man in a torrent of bullets.

Burst fire VS ganger AC: 1d20 + 5 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 5 - 4 = 20
damage: 2d8 + 2d8 ⇒ (8, 6) + (2, 3) = 19

Using 15 bullets

Hibo dashed forward, pressing his body against the wall of the building.

If Salvo's target doesn't drop, Hibo will fire at the thug.
If he did drop, he'll ready to shoot a foe that comes closer.

Beretta 92F: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
damage: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7

DM Stuff:
SniperN: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
SniperN: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Salvo spins the heavy gun around and traces a line of lead across the block to light the ganger up, tearing his body apart. Despite the range, Stringer and his drone drop another one, as Hibo wounds another, neutralizing the threats coming around the back side of the fast food joint. Faith's shot embeds itself in the roof just beneath the sniper.

Faith's target fires at the crazy guy with the machine gun, hoping to protect his compatriots on the ground. His shot flies far over Salvo's head, but the other two gangers don't let them stop them as they rush down the street to confront the danger. The other would-be sniper tries to take a shot at Hibo, but only rains red brick dust on the man's head as the bullet chips the building several feet above him.

Round Six

Everyone is up! No one new emerges this time, so it's just the two on the roof, and the two near the corner of the building visible.

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

"2 targets heading around the north side of the building," Stringer narrates as he monitor's Snoop's feed. He stays in position behind the car while Tank moves to get into range of the snipers.

Stringer takes full cover behind the car, Tank runs east.

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Faith shifts her aim to the nearest punk on the street. "I got eyes on them," Faith says. "Let's see if these guys are real vamps."

Remington 700: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Spending an action point to reroll

Remington 700: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Damage: 2d10 ⇒ (5, 8) = 13

Hibo falls back behind the car with Stringer. "Those up there are out of my range" Hibo says, ducking down.

Full Defense

AC: 23

Human Anthony 'Salvo' Salvatorie | Military |Adventurer | Fast 2/ Strong 2 | HP 18/ 18 | AC: 21 FF: 18 T: 18 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +2 | Init: +4 | Per: +6 SM: +6 | APs 16 | Status:

Seeing the charging ganger go down in pieces Salvo finally releases the trigger, smoke rising from the barrel. He shifts to the left, still behind the sandbag wall. Again using the wall to brace the heavy weapon. He takes aim at the two gangers on the north side of the middle building and hoses the two down with autofire.

”Faith, if you can keep the sniper down or at least interested. I’ll take care of these two, Then begin suppressing the guy on the roof.”

Autofire VS AC10 : 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
damage: 2d8 ⇒ (3, 8) = 11 DC 15 Reflex to avoid damage.

Autofire covering 10'x10' area around the two gangers

DM Stuff:
BKSG: 1d20 + 6 - 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 - 6 = 13
SniperS: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Salvo can't help but notice the feed-side of the ammo belt of the ancient machine gun is nearly empty, but his efforts result in two more dropped Vampiros.

Faith catches the sniper in the head before he can line up a shot on Salvo. The sniper on the southern end of the building fires at Tank, but the bullet plinks harmlessly against the drone's armor. The remaining gang-banger drops the rifle and hustles to the back of the bank, now out of sight from everyone on the ground.

Wounded gangers shriek in pain and moan all over the block, but no new ones emerge. Then everyone notices that a mist seems to seep out from behind the heavy blankets covering the bank's broken windows. It isn't mist, it's smoke! A moment later a small cannister comes flying out of the broken window on the bank's northern corner. Blue-gray smoke begins to fill the center of the street.

Round 7

Everyone is up, though no enemies are really visible as the one remaining O Vampiros is out of sight from anyone on the ground. The black square on the map represents where the smoke is currently expanding.

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

Snoop is 200' up, though. Both drones also have IR cameras, so they should be able to see through regular smoke (but this could be anti-IR smoke, who knows).

"Whoooo, that was a hell of a shot!" Stringer directs Tank to close in on the smoke while he has Snoop drift a bit further to the east to get a view behind the bank.

At the moment, neither drone sees heat signatures other than the guy headed for the stairs on top of the bank, but it's just plain old smoke grenade smoke.

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Just to be clear, the bank is the building on the right side of the map. The fast food ruin is in the center. We detected possible mines or booby traps in the streets approaching the bank. We think the fast food place is deserted but the bank is occupied and the likely location of the main gang.

Faith talks into her communicator, "Let's approach that bank, but avoid the street mines or traps. I'll go around on the north side. Let's meet near the most accessible bank entrance."

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

Thanks, I totally forgot the target building was the bank!

"Meet you there," Stringer responds over the comm. "Hibo, let's follow Tank," Stringer murmurs to the other man taking cover with him. He starts modifying a tag program to get his drones to ID and paint the mines and other traps guarding the approach.

Tank Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Snoop Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Can Tank and Snoop ID and tag on the map the mounds that look like mines and any other obvious booby traps so we can avoid them?

Human Anthony 'Salvo' Salvatorie | Military |Adventurer | Fast 2/ Strong 2 | HP 18/ 18 | AC: 21 FF: 18 T: 18 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +2 | Init: +4 | Per: +6 SM: +6 | APs 16 | Status:

Noticing the ammo for the LMG is nearly depleted. Slavo quickly looks about the area for more.

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

”Well Faith, that will certainly keep the sniper down. I’ll go north with you.”

If he finds more ammo he will pause to reload. Otherwise he will drop the weapon and ready his SMG. Either Way he move out with Faith

That summary seems to be correct, Faith.

Please make sure to actually move to wherever y'all are moving too, lol. It doesn't change the following, but it might be pretty important next round!

The mines were on the outside perimeter, they did not appear to mine the inside of their turf and no one (or drone) spots any traps.

It looks like that was all the ammo they had out here, Salvo.

Snoop tracks the rooftop sniper as he heads down the stairs, but loses him when he enters the rear of the bank. Snoop and tank both display a heat signature near the northern edge of the bank, pulling aside the heavy blankets blocking the view. On thermal, the new target resembles a hunch-backed human. It looks short, with broad shoulders. Not quite the size of a child, but not quite the height of a typical adult human.

With their meat eyes, however, the minion hunters see a tall figure through the swirling smoke. He is a man, dressed like he raided Count Chocula's wardrobe, complete with a frilly white shirt. He has long, blonde hair and a black cape, both of which seem to flow in breeze. As you watch he opens his mouth to reveal two sharp fangs.

EDIT: Oops, forgot to wait for Hibo! Technically he can act before the above occurs. And then after, as well, because as soon as Hibo acts it's...

Round 8

Everyone is up! The smoke is expanding, and you should see a new person on the map. Left the regular ganger on there, but he's INSIDE the bank, not on it.

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

How far can we get to move the tokens? Just 1 round worth of movement? Also just want to make sure- is Count Chocula not showing up on thermal?

"There's a door in the back of the bank, sniper 2 just went in it." As he advances around the southern side of the fast food ruin, Stringer continues to describe what's on Snoop's camera feed for anyone who isn't monitoring it.

What the drones are seeing as a short, hunched humanoid in the thermals is what the characters are perceiving as a dollar store version of Lestat. Same being, just perceived differently. How far exactly you move is up to you and limited by the combat round. I know I didn't get a great resolution of this map and the squares are hard to see, but as long as it's close enough to a move, double move, or run it'll be fine.

With a nod towards Stringer, Hibo sprints forward, coming to a stop behind a depilated wall. He raises his firearm, ready to provide cover fire for Stringer.

Ready Action to fire if a foe comes into range:

Beretta 92F: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds
Anthony 'Salvo' Salvatorie wrote:
”Well Faith, that will certainly keep the sniper down. I’ll go north with you.”

Faith shrugs as she scans the street for a moment before setting off. "Any job worth doing ..."

Faith then moves toward the bank along the north wall of the fast food joint. As she moves, she slings her rifle and readies her flashlight and Glock.

That movement was last round. I'm not clear on whether Faith has access to what snoop is seeing or if anyone has communicated anything about the figure being something other than it appears. Up near the top of the map, I added a white rectangle that is about 10 feet long, for quick measurement of distances.

Seeing someone who obliviously wants people to think he is a vampire. Faith decides he is fair game and advances closer before pointing her Glock and flashlight at him. She squeezes off a shot.

Glock 17: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9

"Let's see if you bleed, Vlad," she says in Portuguese.

Human Anthony 'Salvo' Salvatorie | Military |Adventurer | Fast 2/ Strong 2 | HP 18/ 18 | AC: 21 FF: 18 T: 18 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +2 | Init: +4 | Per: +6 SM: +6 | APs 16 | Status:

Following Faith as she moves toward the bank.

Run full round move to current position.

”Hey Count Chocula! Just how many minions do you want to lose today? Look, we only want the supplies you grabbed. Give them to us and you might just get to sleep in your coffin tonight. Instead of being in there permanently!” Salvo shouts in Portuguese

I take it that no more ammo for the LMG was found.

Salvo: yeah, that response was a little buried in an earlier post, no ammo outside that you see.

Faith: Stringer said he was relaying what he was seeing on the feed through your ad hoc comm network.

"American? I can tell by the accent!" The vampire chuckles, moments before Faith fires a bullet through the window frame just an inch from her target's face. "Hey! What happened to being reasonable?" he snaps angrily. His English sounds Midwestern to Salvo. He turns to Faith and looks deep into her eyes before saying, "Sleeeeeeeep."

Faith: DC 14 Will save to negate

"Stop shooting at us and you can have everything in the vault! We just need a second and it's all yours. My spawn is clearing my path, okay?" The "vampire" sticks close to the window while the smoke continues to expand. The sniper from the roof runs out to the center of the smoke with a crowbar in hand.

If you are going to let him go, we can drop out of combat. If you really want to kill the monster, then it's round 10 everyone is up!

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

Stringer checks Tank as the drone marks the crowbar-ganger as a target. "I don't want to shoot anybody we don't have to shoot. Let's just get those meds and supplies and get out of here," he says over the comms.

Human Anthony 'Salvo' Salvatorie | Military |Adventurer | Fast 2/ Strong 2 | HP 18/ 18 | AC: 21 FF: 18 T: 18 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +2 | Init: +4 | Per: +6 SM: +6 | APs 16 | Status:

Salvo hears Stringer’s input and is considering the offer when he notices Faith fall over.

”Faith is Down!. That scum did something to her. LIGHT him up!.”

Salvo sends a burst of automatic fire at the Vamp’s location.
10 x 10 area effect

Autofire VA AC 10: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 5) = 10 DC 15 reflex to avoid

Then creeps toward Faith 5 foot step

Well, faith is down for a 4 minute nap, and going back to check initiative rolls, Stringer is after Salvo, so I'll allow him a normal combat round in response to Salvo's attack. Hibo is also able to act!

At hearing that one of their own had fallen, Hibo moved around the corner, took cover behind a car and opened fire into the smoke.

Beretta 92F: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 6) = 10

Stringer can take an action if he wants, in response to Salvo's spraying bullets. You dont have to if you don't want, just let me know so i can resolve round 10 in the next day or two.

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

Stringer curses and has Tank take a shot at the "vampire."

Tank Desert Eagle: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Dmg: 2d8 ⇒ (4, 7) = 11

DM Rolls:
HBRef: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Gunfire rings out, but only Salvo's spray and pray finds its mark. Bright red blood spatters the broken window frame. "You bastard! I'll make you pay for that! I haven't made it this long in an ever-changing world to be brought down by a human with more bullets than brains!" The vampire shouts out. From somewhere in the smoke can be heard the sound of metal scraping on metal followed by a loud clang and an extended whistle. The vampire charges out of cover straight for his whistling compatriot and simply disappears from sight.

Stringer is fairly certain from the view on the feeds coming in from the IR sensing drones that the target dropped into an open manhole. Right now the ganger is all that remains visible.

Round 11

Everyone who isn't asleep can act. As the text stated, only one target is currently (sort of) visible. He's standing in the middle of the smoke and unarmed.

Leaving the violence to the others, Hibo holsters his firearm and runs to check on Faith.

Double move

Human Anthony 'Salvo' Salvatorie | Military |Adventurer | Fast 2/ Strong 2 | HP 18/ 18 | AC: 21 FF: 18 T: 18 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +2 | Init: +4 | Per: +6 SM: +6 | APs 16 | Status:

When Salvo sees Hibo moving to check on Faith, he moves quickly toward the ganger in the smoke. And the last known location of Vamp guy. Salvo has his SMG in one hand and a grenade in the other.

”Check Faith.” He says to Hibo. ”I’m going after Drac.’

He can reach the ganger in a move. Standard to ‘pistol whip’ guy.

pistol whip attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 I know there is a Miss chance

damage if hit: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Stringer is up!

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

"I'm pretty sure he dropped into that open manhole. I wouldn't go down there by yourself, Salvo. And don't kill this guy, we might need to talk to him." Stringer moves up to shelter behind the derelict car, aiming his SMG at the smoke. "GET ON THE GROUND!"

He orders Tank into the building to check if there are any more gangers.

FWIW, there are several wounded, but still living gangers. Not the ones who were turned into salsa in the bus, but several outside in the street.

Salvo tries to knock the last standing Vampiros out, but the ganger barely manages to duck the strike. For a moment the would-be vampire considers fighting back, but hearing Stringer order him to surrender reminds him of his master's plan. He sneers at Salvo and hops down into the manhole and moves swiftly to the north.

Salvo can see through the smoke well enough to tell that the access point sits at a four-way intersection.

Hibo can tell immediately that Faith is unharmed, merely sleeping. Tank detects no heat signatures or movement.

Round 12 or end of combat, your choice!

Everyone is up, or end of combat. Salvo can't tell which way the boss may have gone, he can only see the last gang member went north.

Human Anthony 'Salvo' Salvatorie | Military |Adventurer | Fast 2/ Strong 2 | HP 18/ 18 | AC: 21 FF: 18 T: 18 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +2 | Init: +4 | Per: +6 SM: +6 | APs 16 | Status:

Salvo kicks the remains of the smoke grenade into the manhole. He peered into the dark recess for a moment. Then shrugged.

”Hey Drac! This human with more bullets than brains. Also has a grenade!”

He pulls the pin, drops it into the hole, and moves very quickly away.

Okay combat over for Salvo

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

Stringer chuckles. "No signs of active targets inside the building. Let's secure these guys and see what they've got in their squat."

After waking Faith, the group begins to round up the survivors. All of them are universally displaying signs of severe clinical depression. At least one is totally catatonic, one weeps inconsolably, and the others are all eyeing their firearms with the darkest of thoughts. None of them resist any attempt to disarm, move, or secure them. All tell more or less the same tale: a charismatic vampire named Horatio Bloodletter used his supernatural powers to recruit them. They would have rituals that involved drinking animal blood, which escalated to drinking human blood. All believed Horatio had "turned" them, but the delusions ended as soon as they were shot and realized they were still human after all.

All three of the gangers armed with rifles were members of Horatio's inner circle, and none of the others were aware of any escape plan. Horatio liked plans and preparation. He always preached that was the way of all vampires: use the time immortality gave them to wisely keep themselves safe. Note two of the rifle-wielders were killed-killed, one shot then exploded, the other is lying on the bank roof missing a large portion of his skull. The third was the one who opened the manhole and got away.

Inside the bank is a messy display of filthy human habitation. "Nests" made of filthy rags lie in the lobby and behind the teller counter. The manager and loan officer cubicles are now trash pits swirling with flies.

Your good-guy gang host's supplies, as well as other supplies raided from gangs and civilians in the recent past, sit patiently in a ransacked room that was once home to safe deposit boxes. There are also several crates of ammunition and a handful of grenades with the supplies.

In the back is what is left of the vault. The door was somehow removed and stolen by extremely clever scavengers a decade ago. Several sheets of plastic and a patchwork of shower curtains have replaced the door.

In contrast to the mess occupying the other places in the abandoned building, the vault's walls are draped with clean and expensive velvet curtains. An Oriental rug sits on the floor beneath a beautiful mahogany coffin. Surrounding the coffin is a votive candle rack stolen from a church and covered with wax drippings.

In one corner is an old, faded, orange Halloween candy bucket with a jack o' lantern face painted on it. Inside is a collection of jewelry, cash, and other items of monetary value. A longsword rests in a scabbard in one corner of the vault. Steam rises gently from it and condensation drips off of it. It is cold to the touch and made from a material unlike anything the four hunters have seen before. Next to the sword is an AK-47. It's stock is engraved with arcane sigils. Caught on some fabric inside the coffin is a gold necklace with an jade pendant. It almost seems to glow of it's own accord. Finally, a battered ammo box in the vault contains 4 bottles of a blood-red liquid.

After gathering everything, the group exits the bank to hear a distant thwump-thwump-thwump of a helicopter. They can see the aircraft moving towards the block.

In addition to the supplies you're looking for, there is enough cheap guns, extra supplies, and stolen valuables to grant everyone a +2 wealth bonus each. There is another belt of LMG ammunition, 40 rifle rounds, and 200 extra pistol rounds. There are also 2 smoke grenades and 4 frag grenades. I'm going to assume Hibo will use a detect psionic spell and confirm the sword, AK-47, potions, and necklace all give off auras.

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Faith moans as she wakes. "Wha... Ugh. Feels like I was drugged. I guess that vamp had some powers."

When the coffin is discovered, Faith will shoot some holes in the coffin and toss some of the lit candles into the thing to set it on fire just before the group leaves.

"Well, mission accomplished. Good team work. Now lets get some rest and work on finding our kidnappers."

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

"Yeah that was crazy. What the frag is this now?" Stringer toggles the magnification on his helmet to get a better look at the helicopter, specifically looking for any identifiable logo.

Stringer can easily identify the helicopter as being a relatively new civilian aircraft. When he zooms in he spots an obvious logo from an American-based international media organization. Gang warfare always sells papers.

I'm assuming no one needs or wants to dawdde with nosey journalists on the way, and that there are no stops between here and Faith's contacts. It's more than okay to slip something in before the following:

Returning to the collapsed garden apartments is a lot like Caesar taking a victory lap around Rome. By now everyone has heard or seen the reports from the news and celebrates the return of the heroes and supplies with cheers and random pistol shots into the sky. The general consensus is that the four minion hunters are now considered family and welcome to stay as long as needed.

The other two kidnap victims remain in the same state as they have been, mostly. Machado is a little less catatonic, and has obviously eaten food left for him in a tray by the door, but he still stares through people and babbles about aliens. The little girl remains unconscious, and despite her lack of food or water, appears to be healthy.

Rest and resupply then Joao Carlo's, or something else to do first?

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