Heart of Darkness

Game Master dickie

Current Maps

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Following the others' lead, Hibo grabs his pistol off the table and takes up a position on the flank opposite Salvo, near the others. He quickly makes sure a round is chambered and silently prays he doesn't have to use it.

Sorry, no, Stringer doesn't recognize the man in the photo.

Faith clambers up to the top of the container as the steel door rolls up. Wheels caked with filth squeal along rusty rails as a chain clanks while being pulled by someone outside.

Three figures are backlit by the vehicle headlights shining in from outside. Two of them are clearly holding handguns, the third is securing the chain.

The headlights easily illuminate the warehouse floor. One points in the direction of the dead guard and shouts in angry Portuguese.

"They killed Bernard! Shoot them!"

GM Rolls:
Ginit: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Faith Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Hibo Init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Salvo Init w/Tac bonus: 1d20 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 3 = 10
Stringer Init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Round 1

The party acts before them. At the moment, these guys are perfect targets thanks to the headlights from their Zil behind them, and everyone can take a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls. The map is current.

Salvo, I'm assuming you want to follow through with the roll you posted already, but you have the option of taking a different action if you want.

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Faith lays on the cargo container and when she hears and understands their words, she opens fire with her rifle. She doesn't like to shoot first and ask questions later, but knowing how ruthless these guys are, she hopes they can take two of them out quickly and get the third to surrender and talk.

Remington 700, circumstance: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 5 + 1 = 16
Damage: 2d10 ⇒ (10, 4) = 14
She fires at the gunman on the far right.

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

Shooting: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 1 = 8 Oh wow, ok.

Stringer panic fires from behind his crate and misses wildly.

I'm still around and kickin' Lol. I know this time of year can be distracting so I didn't want to push things, but I'll give Hibo a little more time before I just push forward.

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Hibo might be waiting on the GM for the next post, so maybe give us a reminder of whose turn it is and the general battle status.

Hibo is up! Salvo, can you give me a target for your previously declared action?

Not liking the range between himself and the opposition, Hibo held his position. He gripped his pistol tighter as he waited, and began to chant under his breath. His eyes began to shift in color as his vision shifted to see psionic auras.

Using detect psionics to see if anyone of the new comers are psionically active.

Salvo did actually nominate a target, I'm dumb!

GM Rolls:
GtalLR: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
GwidLR: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Faith and Salvo open fire first, catching both of the goons with weapons in their hands before they can even aim their pistols. Salvo catches one center-mass but misses his heart by a few millimeters. Faith's bullet penetrates another right between his eyes, spattering the still-running Zil behind him with gore and dropping him immediately.

Hibo focuses his trained senses. None of the goons has any sort of aura. The area in general seems to have a faint 'static' in the air, but not enough to interfere with his perception, more the type of background noise he has witnessed in slums.

The ganger who took Salvo's bullet to the chest tries to shoot his aggressor back, but his shot merely punches a hole in the back of the warehouse. The effort proves too much for the mortally wounded man and he falls to the ground bleeding out quickly. The one who raised the chain sticks close to the wall and attempts to shoot at Faith. Like his wounded friend, he is only able to hit the broadside of a building. He sees both of his compatriots on the ground and stares at the car, clearly wondering what his chances of making it across the lot without taking a bullet are.

Round Two

The map is current, only one of the young gangers remains standing, and he looks ready to cut and run. Everyone is up again!

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

What, if anything, is required for Faith to jump safely off the cargo container? Could she jump to the smaller crate between her and the door and if so what would be the DC? Does it eat up any movement?

It would be as per the rules for Jump, but using Athletics skill. The 10 feet traveled comes out of a normal move action. Because you're doing a long jump, but hopping down, let's only increase the DC by 5 instead of doubling it if you want to skip backing up for a running start. So that makes it a DC 15 to make it to the crate safely without a running start (single move action), call it an 8 if you want to back up 20' and then run forward (as a double move).

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Faith jumps to the crate between the cargo container and the door and rushes the remaining enemy, drawing her pepper spray as she goes.

Pepper Spray, touch attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Fortitude Save DC 15 or be blinded for 1d4 ⇒ 4 rounds

Human Anthony 'Salvo' Salvatorie | Military |Adventurer | Fast 2/ Strong 2 | HP 18/ 18 | AC: 21 FF: 18 T: 18 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +2 | Init: +4 | Per: +6 SM: +6 | APs 16 | Status:

Seeing two of the men go down and Faith moving to engage, Salvo moves quickly forward to back her up. He issues a battle cry along the way and attempts to look as big crazy and menacing as possible.

I know I can’t actually double move and make an intimidating check. But It is just a cool visual. He will end his move just behind Faith.

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

With only one enemy remaining and Faith rushing to take him down, Stringer looks around to make sure no one else had entered the building while they were distracted.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

The young thugs takes a face full of irritating fluid and screams with pain as he tries to wipe his face with his filthy sleeve.

Hibo is up before the ganger!

Sticking to cover, Hibo dashed forward and crouched behind the pallet jack. He raised his firearm, but with no clear shot, he held his breath and waited.

Ready action to fire if the foe moves away from Faith.

Swearing, covered in sweat, and with tears streaming down his face, the young gangster stumbles toward the running Zil. The headlights give him something to aim for, and he bounces clumsily off the front bumper, grasping for the door handle and pulling it open.

Round Three

Everyone is up! Poor slob. I'm surprised the brawl feat doesn't allow AoO...

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Faith chases the guy and points her rifle at him, saying, "Vou atirar em você como fiz com seu amigo se você não se render e nos contar o que queremos saber!" She cocks the rifle for effect.

I'll shoot you like I did your friend if you don't surrender and tell us what we want to know!

Ready action to shoot him if he doesn't surrender. She stands just far enough from him that he can't grab her gun.

Human Anthony 'Salvo' Salvatorie | Military |Adventurer | Fast 2/ Strong 2 | HP 18/ 18 | AC: 21 FF: 18 T: 18 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +2 | Init: +4 | Per: +6 SM: +6 | APs 16 | Status:

Following the thug and Faith out of the building. Salvo launches a Martial Arts kick at the weapon in the bleary eyed man’s hand. Intending to Disarm him.

Disarm attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Disarm rules:

As a melee attack, a character may attempt to disarm his or her opponent. If the character does so with a weapon, he or she knocks the opponent�s weapon out of his or her hands and to the ground. If the character attempts the disarm while unarmed, the character ends up with the weapon in his or her hand.
If a character is attempting to disarm the wielder of a melee weapon, follow the steps outlined here. Disarming the wielder of a ranged weapon is slightly different; see below.
Step One: The character provokes an attack of opportunity from the target he or she is trying to disarm.
Step Two: The character and the target make opposed attack rolls with their respective weapons. If the weapons are different sizes, the combatant with the larger weapon gets a bonus on the attack roll of +4 per difference in size category. If the target is using a weapon in two hands, he or she gets an additional +4 bonus. Also, if the combatants are different sizes, the larger combatant gets a bonus on the attack roll of +4 per difference in size category.
Step Three: If the character beats the target�s attack roll, the target is disarmed. If the character attempted the disarm action unarmed, he or she now has the weapon. If the character was armed, the target�s weapon is on the ground at the target�s feet.
If the character fails the disarm attempt, the target may immediately react and attempt to disarm the character with the same sort of opposed melee attack roll. The opponent�s attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the character. If the opponent fails to disarm, the character does not get a free disarm attempt against the opponent.
Ranged Weapons
To disarm an opponent wielding a ranged weapon, the character makes a melee attack or unarmed attack to strike the weapon in the opponent�s hand (see Attack an Object). If the weapon is held in two hands, it gets a +2 bonus to its Defense. If the character�s attack succeeds, the ranged weapon falls to the ground or winds up in the character�s hands (if the character made the attack unarmed). This kind of disarm attempt provokes an attack of opportunity, but if the character fails, the target does not get to make a disarm attempt against him or her.

”Faça o que a senhora disse.”

Do what the lady said.

Salvo throws a dramatic roundhouse kick that sends the ganger's cheap 9mm flying across the rain-soaked parking lot. Realizing that even if he got into the car he wouldn't be able to see well enough to drive to safety, the kid begs for his life and claws at his irritated eyes.

Blind and disarmed, I think it's safe to call this combat over!

With the man neutralized, Hibo makes way towards the vehicle and begins searching it.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Faith tells the guy to put his hands behind his back and she puts a set of handcuffs on him. Then she orders him inside the warehouse while Hibo searches the car. Once inside, she sets him down and says in Portuguese, "Start telling us everything you know about this operation! Don't worry about what will happen if they find out you ratted them out. Worry about what we'll do to you if you don't provide us with convincing answers."

Hibo quickly goes through the tiny car. It smells like beer and greasy food, and in fact, the floorboards are covered with empty cans and filthy wrappers. He pops the trunk to find the most interesting thing in the vehicle: a small case with four vials of milky liquid.

"I don't know anything!" the kid shrilly screams at Faith, "There is no operation! We was going to ransom you, y'know?" He gulps and looks at his dead compatriots. His adrenaline is starting to fade and he suddenly gets sick on the floor. "Okay, okay! Look, this is all I know, okay?" he begins after he recovers. Sweat pours down his voice as he tells a different tale: "The boss says to babysit you guys. For some wealthy client, I don't know who. European, old guy. I think he's like a drug connect. But one of our other places got hit, so they said to come check on Bernie. Really, that's all I know!"

Sense Motive DC 15:
The young ganger seems to be on the level. And he's terrified.

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

"Two last questions. Give us a straight answer and you live. Who do you work for and where can we find them?"

Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Kn:Streetwise: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Stringer listens as Faith questions the kidnapper, not saying anything for the moment in order to not confuse the interrogation. He analyzes the man's clothes and accent, trying to place where he's from and see if he's wearing anything that identifies him as a member of a crew that Stringer recognizes.

Human Anthony 'Salvo' Salvatorie | Military |Adventurer | Fast 2/ Strong 2 | HP 18/ 18 | AC: 21 FF: 18 T: 18 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +2 | Init: +4 | Per: +6 SM: +6 | APs 16 | Status:

Satisfied that Faith has the prisoner under control.

Salvo moves to search the bodies and collects weapons, ammo and any other items of interest.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

When Faith asks her final questions. He moves to behind the kid and says (in Portuguese).

”If you don’t talk to her. You and I are going in the other room, and talk.” He says in a low menacing tone.

Intimidated: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Obviously my Portuguese is rusty and I tell him "My goat is rowing the boat." Not exactly intimidating.

Hibo grabs the case from the trunk and joins the interrogation. "If I may interject a third question...what were you planning to do with the contents of this case?" Hibo asks as he opens it to let the others see the four vials of milky liquid.

Salvo finds very little of interest. A few bucks of mixed corporate scripts, cheap 9mm automatic pistols, and thick leather jackets covered in gang tags and metal studs. One carried a burner phone identical to the one from the warehouse office. It shows multiple outbound calls to the same number, but no other information. Yes, if you try and call the number it rings the warehouse phone. Including Bernie the ODed one, four sets of armor/guns in all, and each had a reload for their pistols.

The goon looks ready to hurl a second time when Faith puts the fear of God into him, but that's cut-off by a look of total confusion when Salvo speaks. He stutters in his response more from being stunned by the nautical goat than out of fear. "E-Eduardo Gordo runs the gang, I don't know who the man with the cash is, just what I said, branco, causcasian, maybe in his forties or fifties, I don't know! Joao Carlo is the middleman! He's got a bar. It's close to here, just between the docks and the favela!"

"That was just, you know, to keep you asleep..." he says to Hibo. "Nothing personal, honest, we just wanted to get some script!"

Closing my notes files before crashing for the night and realized I forgot Stringer's question! He recognizes the ganger's colors and markings as being part of a medium sized crew known for running drugs and low-level extortion rackets in the borderlands between the docks and the really rough parts of the sprawl adjacent to the most over-crowded favelas.

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

Stringer says quietly "Medium sized crew of nobodies, runs some drugs and extortion in between the real gangs in the docks and the favelas. Makes sense somebody might hire them as muscle, they were probably cheap."

"Name of the bar? And how long were you supposed to hold us here til we got picked up?" 'How long until more backup arrives or somebody checks in on you,' in other words.

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Faith stops pointing her rifle at the punk and says, "Get lost."

She makes sure he leaves behind the car keys if they are not in the ignition. "We've got some wheels. What say we load the other two into the car and get lost ourselves? Once we get them somewhere safe, we can figure out who they are and why we were targeted. Then we've got some payback to arrange."

Knowledge (Streetwise): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
To locate a safe house in the area.

Human Anthony 'Salvo' Salvatorie | Military |Adventurer | Fast 2/ Strong 2 | HP 18/ 18 | AC: 21 FF: 18 T: 18 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +2 | Init: +4 | Per: +6 SM: +6 | APs 16 | Status:

Pocketing the corp script and laying the pistols on the table.

”Anybody want one? They’re cheap but better than nothing.”

Listening to Faith and Stringers information.

”That’s a good plan.” He says to Faith’s suggestion.”You have a safehouse in mind? When we go, I’ll drive. Gotta make a stop to pick up some stashed gear.”

"It doesn't have a name, everyone just calls it Joao Carlo's. Someone was supposed to pick you up tomorrow night, I swear that's all I know!" he tells Stringer.

The moment Faith gives him the word, the young hoodlum takes off in a full sprint. Stringer can see he is heading towards what should be his home turf. He never once looks back.

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

Stringer takes one of the pieces and nods at Faith. "Let's go."

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Faith pushes the gurneys with the other two kidnapped victims to the car and works with others to transfer them into a seated position in the back seat, propping them up if necessary and securing them in seat belts if they are available.

If either is conscious, she'll try to explain what's happening to keep them from freaking out. She'll suggest using the knockout syringes if either of them gets unruly.

"I'm driving," Faith says with such conviction that she evidently will not accept any other situation. If anyone asks, she will explain that she has raced in road rallies. She has a drive bonus of +11.

Human Anthony 'Salvo' Salvatorie | Military |Adventurer | Fast 2/ Strong 2 | HP 18/ 18 | AC: 21 FF: 18 T: 18 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +2 | Init: +4 | Per: +6 SM: +6 | APs 16 | Status:

When he sees Faith readying the two bed ridden victims for travel he moves to help.

”You know, keeping them out might be a good idea. At least until we get someplace safe. Or at least safer than here.” He says holding up the vials of white liquid.

Upon Faith’s declaration that she is driving. He locks eyes with her for a moment. The chuckles slightly nods and says.

”Okay, But I call shotgun. Which actually is one of the things I’m picking up. It’s not far. If we’re where I think we are.” He says looking up and down the street. ”Yeah, it should be half a klick that way.” Pointing to the north.

Ejecting the magazine of his pistol, he flips out a round with his thumb. Catching it deftly he snaps it back into the magazine and slams it into the weapon. Which he slides into a shoulder holster.

”I’m ready, lets go.”

"Agreed. We should depart before anyone comes to investigate the gunfire."

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Knowing how prevalent gunfire is in this part of town, Faith gives a cynical grin and says, "There's a first time for everything."

Male Human Fast/Smart 3 | HP 27/27 AC 21 (22 vs melee/25 vs ranged) | Perception +4 Init +3 | F +5 R +6 W +5 | Action points 18/18

Stringer laughs. "No chance of that, friend. This is Rio." He shakes his head. "But I want to get the hell out of here all the same."

"I was not referring to the authorities. I meant the riffraff. The scavengers and scroungers who come to steal from the dead. Sooner or later, they always come."

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Speaking in the voice of a old man movie character from a few decades ago, Faith says, "Such are easily frightened. But they'll be back and in greater numbers."

The young girl remains unconscious through the gunfight and aftermath. She is breathing shallowly, and if someone didn't know about the drugs would assume she was just sleeping.

The homeless man, Machado, remains awake, but clearly not exactly present. His eyes stare out at nothing and he mutters constantly. He does not resist Faith guiding him to the subcompact car outside until she gets him to the door and he suddenly focuses and looks directly into her eyes.

"I didn't want to do it! They made me! Please, don't let them find me! Don't let the aliens make me do it again!"
he whispers to her. He collapses in her arms and she packs him into the tiny back seat. His smell quickly fills the car.

It will be a tight fit, think Geo Metro, but with boxy, eastern european design. Salvo said he has a stop he wants to make, but where to after that? And go ahead and address that stop if you want Salvo. I'm guessing it's just to retrieve or stash gear.

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Faith made a roll earlier using streetwise to know of a place nearby that could serve as a safe house for a short time. The roll was pretty good. Do we have any idea where Joao Carlo turf is?

Faith puts him in and translates what he said to those who don't speak Portuguese. She takes the wheel, waits for everyone to squeeze in and starts the car. "Where to?" she asks Salvo.

Human Anthony 'Salvo' Salvatorie | Military |Adventurer | Fast 2/ Strong 2 | HP 18/ 18 | AC: 21 FF: 18 T: 18 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +2 | Init: +4 | Per: +6 SM: +6 | APs 16 | Status:

Watching the others squeeze into the Zil makes Salvo shake his head. Finally it is his turn to stuff himself into the front passenger seat. Having to scoot over twice to get the door closed. Sitting hunched down, due to the lack of head room. He has to turn his head sideways to see out the window. ”We’re heading a little to the east of that church.” Having to stick his arm out of the window to point.

The others, the ones who can see out anyway. See a church steeple to the north maybe 10 to 15 blocks away.

” Maybe we should boost another car. You know what the ads say. Buy a Zil. It’s better than a root canal. Of course like all good advertising, it’s also a lie.”

Faith is able to navigate proficiently and 15 minutes later. The group pulls up in front of a store. The sign reads Bernado’s Florista. The big man has to literally crawl out of the car.

Getting to his feet he looks up and down the mostly deserted street. Moving to the door he bangs hard on it several times. ”Bernie! Bernie! Open up it’s Salvo!” He knocks several more times before there is a scraping sound and two small sections of the door slide open. Revealing a pair of eyes at the upper opening and both barrels of a shotgun at the lower.

”Are you Fraging crazy? Do you know what time it is? A voice says in Portuguese

Salvo, showing no indication of concern at having a weapon pointed at him, simply says.”Open the damn door Bernie. I need my gear now. Remember you owe me?”

The man behind the door expresses several choice profanities in Portuguese of course but finally opens the door. As Salvo steps inside he looks back at the clown-car full Zil and says. ”Back in less than Five.”

Vanishing into the building, he does indeed return very shortly. Carrying a large black duffel bag slung over his left shoulder. Its contents are obviously very heavy, as he is leaning to the right. In his other hand is a bouquet of sad looking flowers.

It actually takes Salvo longer to get back into the car, with his gear bag than he spent in the store. ”Are we sure we don’t want another car? My treat. I’ll boost it.” Once finally in, he looks at the flowers. Shrugging.”The little rat made me buy something.” and offers them to Faith. ”Flowers M’Lady?”

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

Sierra doesn't need convincing to try to find a bigger car. She's not sure what the options are in this part of town. If she knows of a nearby deserted house or business that they can squat at while they locate a better car, that would be ideal.

DM Dickie: What are options for locating a hidey hole and a bigger car?

Faith knows somewhere nearby that would be a good option: a run down tenement controlled by a gang that, while not angels, are more focused on acting a local militia for their block, than engaging in crime and gang-banging. The only problem is, they're going to want something of value to them in return for the use of some safe space.

The streets have a variety of vehicles parked along the street that range from "complete junk" to "almost-driveable". Down the street, however, is a small lot that has a trio of unmarked delivery vans for a small, private courier company.

If you're looking to boost a car, give me a Perception and a Knowledge (streetwise). Characters don't need both skills, you can attempt either one, or both. If you're just going to make due with the Zil then ignore the rolls.

Perception DC 15:
One of the junkers is occupied by two men with the unmistakable demeanor of cops. They're watching the courier company lot.

Knowledge (streetwise) DC 15:
That courier company is rumored to belong to Comando Vermelho, the Brazilian mafia!

Female Map |Ex-cop Investigator Fast/Smart 1 + Fast/Charismatic 1 | HP 19/19 AC 21 Perception 5 Init +4 | F +3 R + 6 W + 2 | Action points 7/10 Portrait Rifle: 4/5 rounds

As the group is packing the car, Faith says, "I know a place nearby controlled by a gang that could be convinced to let us crash in their turf, but we'll need something to offer them. Go back and grab anything useful and see if we can fit it into the car."

If the car has a trunk, or some space under seats, we can take the weapons and any valuables of the fallen attackers plus any swag that the babysitters kept around for entertainment or eats.

Knowledge (Streetwise): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

As she drives by the courier company vans, Faith keeps moving. "No dice on those vans. They've got security watching and the owners would come after us. Let's keep looking and settle for something bigger that will start and get us a little ways along."

She heads for the gang territory she knows about and checks other cards for something boostable.

Human Anthony 'Salvo' Salvatorie | Military |Adventurer | Fast 2/ Strong 2 | HP 18/ 18 | AC: 21 FF: 18 T: 18 | F: +4 R: +6 W: +2 | Init: +4 | Per: +6 SM: +6 | APs 16 | Status:

When they approach the vans Salvo takes interest.

streetwise: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

He is about to point them out when he spots the guards.

Agreed. I made the guards too. And we should avoid drawing any 'Official' attention to ourselves. He says when Faith comments on the vans.

"Ugh. This day just keeps getting better and better' Hibo muttered to himself. He almost suggested trading the pistols to whatever gang Faith knew, but the thought of arming them more did not sit well with him. He shook his head.

"Has anyone heard of this "Joao Carlo's"?" he asked.

Okay, okay, you really want to find a better car first, lol.

It takes Faith driving a few blocks from the florist, and getting lost for a moment in the maze-like blue-collar business and housing district, before the group spots a jeep that looks like it might do the trick. While still only a two-seater, it has a large cargo bed. The streetlight directly above it flicks off and on at regular intervals. Most of the apartments along the street are dark, but a few lit windows show where some proles are still awake.

How about a Stealth check followed by a Disable Device from whoever is going to make the attempt?

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