[ACO] PF2e 02-18 Fanciful March of Urwal (P2) (Inactive)

Game Master UncleFroggy

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Radiant Oath

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Please dot (add a post) in here and then delete your post to add yourself to this campaign.

1) I am based in Southeast Asia (UTC +8) so my posting hours may be unusual (especially for those in North America). I usually update at least one or twice per day. Just to keep the game moving, please post at least once every day and at least once during the weekend.

2) Please label all three of your actions. Even if you think what you are doing is obvious.

3) If I am unavailable for longer than 24 hours, I will let you know in the Discussion Tab. Out of respect for your fellow players and myself, I ask that you do the same. Real life happens, and real life will always take priority over the game, but out of fairness for your fellow players, please let us know if you will be unavailable for an extended period of time.

4) Please note that on the following days, my posting can get unpredictable:
Tuesday/Thursdays - all day, as they are the 2 busiest days of my work week

4) Please complete the Macros and the Slides linked at the top of the page.

5) Questions, concerns? Feel free to share them in the Discussion tab.

6) Let's have some fun and tell a great story together! After all, that's what we are here for.

Radiant Oath

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A sprawling camp of tents and wooden buildings overlooks a forest of red pines. Sounds of hammers and saws echo from afar, as construction crews of Pathfinders and centaurs raise buildings for classrooms and a makeshift infirmary. Veterans bearing coffee and breakfast greet new arrivals, eager to swap stories and add the newcomers to their exhausted work details.

Go ahead and introduce yourselves!

Grand Archive

m N human Ranger 5 | HP 71/71 | AC 22 | F +11 R +13 W+11 | Perc +11 | Speed 30' | Hero 1/3 | Focus 1/1

А young human man with a blond long hair is the first to arrive. He looks around and sighs, clearly dissatisfied with something in the camp. His blue eyes express all that great sadness and confidence in the depravity of the world, which is so typical for young people (about) eighteen years old. However, a few scars and an obviously strong body prove that this guy is definitely worth something in battle. He has a light hammer with him, which he almost never lets go of his hands. Radim... Radim Vesperra, he will mutter to someone who asks his name. Although he looks more like a northerner hunter in clothes, but the surname gives out a southern, taldorian and perhaps even aristocratic origin.

Verdant Wheel

None Leshy Druid 5 | AC 20/22 Shield: 12/12 HP: 63/63 F12 R11 W13 Hero: 1 DC: 21 Focus: 1 Goodberry: [ ] Familiar Focus: [ ] | Speed 25' | Med +14

A leshy that looks like a giant walking mushroom with a polka dot red cap waves, holding a battered wooden shield and staff. There is a brown leaf like creature on its cap.

"Greetings! I am Farnguy! I used to dwell in a cave and then someone died in there. I absorbed his memories and decided it was interesting! So I shaped myself into this and wandered out into the world. On my head is Leafy, my familiar and companion! I primarily heal and spread spores and also produce goodberries! Two-legged creatures seem to like them as they give them visions!" Farnguy says.

realised I'm level 4 not level 3. Making the changes to the slides now.

Radiant Oath

Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Current Leads: None | ♥️ 53 | AC 23 | Saves 10/12/9 | Perception +9 (Trap Finder) | PFS ID: 133608-2003 | Female Tiefling(Human) Investigator 5 | ☘️ 1 | Focus Points □ | ◆◇↺ |

Swayaah snorts as she hears the word "visions." "Oh yeah, I bet they love those berries. Make themselves feel REAL good."

Swayaah releases the tent pole and gives the workers a careful fist bump. She doesn't want her claws to make a mess. The nice thing about dealing with centaurs is how they don't make a fuss about her deep purple skin, the short bat wings, her small silver horns or her tail. They are used to most of those features.

A younger albino girl quietly tugs her arm and leads her to the other Pathfinders. "Hey everyone. I'm Swayaah Maeleranti. This is my assistant, Fae. Don't mind the wings, that's what momma gave me." She jokes. "Fae knows a bit about medicine and the Abyss. I... know a little bit of everything."

She points at the camp. "It's hard work, but the centaurs here are very thankful." Swayaah rubs her temples to fight off a migraine. Fae hands her a few herbs. "Sorry, I've got these wicked headaches, lately..."

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (9/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 23 (21 raging) | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: None

An unkempt dwarf, bulky and slouching with greasy hair, mutters a few words in greeting. He is obviously a barbarian, though, to be fair, not all barbarians are dressed as poorly, groomed as poorly, or speak as poorly as Hancock, but the huge two handed maul and breastplate complete the picture. Not a man for words, he launches himself into the work at hand, following instructions, perhaps to avoid conversation?

Expert Hireling, Skills: Diplomacy, Speech Impediments NPC of Hancock the Angry

Hancock's assistant (or more accurately hireling), however, is quite gregarious and, in contrast, seems intent to carry on as many conversations as he can and avoid any and all work as long as possible.

"Please excuse my benefactor, Hancock. He has a slight speech impediment and has hired me to do his talking. My name if Bruce and I will help translate anything he mutters."

At that point Hancock mutters something, glaring at Bruce.

"Well, not anything. Some things are better left unsaid."

A steady stream of chatter ensues from the relaxing translator who seems content with his role.

Grand Archive

Male Human (Garundi) #43870-2003 | Investigator (Interrogation) 4 | HP 48/48 | Perc +10| AC: 18 | F: +7, R: +9 W: +10 Light Hammer +10 (+12 thrown) 2d6B; Whip +12* 2d4S
1) Faisel 2) Salamander

A dark skinned Garundi come from around the back of some random tent. He spots Hancock and nods, approaching the others.


Luz turns to the others and introduces himself and his relates his work as an investigator, along with his many talents.

Grand Archive

Male Iruxi Oracle(Lore)-3 | hp:35/35 | F:6 R:6 W:8 | AC:16 | P:7 I:7 | HP:1 | GA | 124312-2011

Rukbat is a bit late. He is an Uruxi wearing glasses and is carrying a lot of charts and journals as well as a spyglass.

Apologies, apologies he says, a bit out of breath I was up most of the night observing some really interesting cosmic phenomena. The signs and portents may be advantageous for us today.

He looks over to Swayaah Oh ... your wings are lovely ... can you fly with those?

Radiant Oath

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I think we should introduce Farnguy to Eddie "Bo" Leetus... :)

A stocky leshy clad in pinecone armor and a jaunty eyepatch emerges from the crowd. He clutches a clipboard and puffs out his chest. "I am Blackberry, the esteemed commander of the training course. My friend Urwal requested we construct a special obstacle challenge to test the newcomers’ mettle, and you will be among the first to find Urwal." Blackberry gestures into the woods, but all that is visible from this point are Iobaria’s iconic blood-red bruorsivi pine trees.

As if on cue, a group of bedraggled and dejected-looking Pathfinders, all spattered and dripping a thick purple liquid that looks suspiciously like jam, emerge from the forest from the direction that Blackberry is pointing.

"Ah, perfect! The previous group just finished with the latest obstacle course!" Blackberry looks pleased. "You can proceed forward without any delays! I really hope that you put on a better performance than the last few groups." groups honored to complete it! Get through if you want.

If your current character has played 01-15 (The Blooming Catastrophe):

A smaller leshy clears her throat, tugging on Blackberry’s shoulder. As the other leshy whispers in his ear, Blackberry’s good eye blinks. "My friends! The greatest heroes of the Finadar leshys! Forgive me for not recognizing you earlier! My vision is not what it once was… and thank goodness! Word from the wise: if you can avoid it, don’t let a piece of the Abyss lodge itself in your face."

Radiant Oath

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GM Dice:

Luz Lumino's Nature (T): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Rukbat Mnementh's Nature (T): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Hancock the Angry's Nature (U): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Farnguy's Nature (T): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
Radim Vesperra's Nature (T): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Luz, Rukbat, Farnguy:
Cyclops relics corrupted the land here, causing horrific scars and lingering Abyssal pollution that infected many of the nature spirits that called the Finadar Forest home, including those that inhabited leshys. A group of Pathfinder agents cleansed the spirits of this Abyssal corruption. Abyssal corruption isn’t the only threat to the forest; a rotting sickness has blighted the region for several years. Local druids attempting to heal the sickness have noticed the blight’s reach is lightest within the depths of the Finadar Forest.

Iobaria is home to a rare species of highly flammable conifer pine known as bruorsivi, also known as blood pine. The forest had always been prone to brief, intense fires that burned out naturally or were contained by elf druids and centaur sages. Recently, a massive fire swept through the Finadar Forest when a group of goblins living in the skeletal remains of an old draconic graveyard triggered an incomplete cyclopean ritual. Those who have seen the graveyard have marveled at how many generations of dragons must have lain buried there.

01-15 Chronicle:
Cyclops relics corrupted the land here, causing horrific scars and lingering Abyssal pollution that infected many of the nature spirits that called the Finadar Forest home, including those that inhabited leshys. A group of Pathfinder agents cleansed the spirits of this Abyssal corruption. Iobaria is home to a rare species of highly flammable conifer pine known as bruorsivi, also known as blood pine. The forest had always been prone to brief, intense fires that burned out naturally or were contained by elf druids and centaur sages. Recently, a massive fire swept through the Finadar Forest when a group of goblins living in the skeletal remains of an old draconic graveyard triggered an incomplete cyclopean ritual. Those who have seen the graveyard have marveled at how many generations of dragons must have lain buried there.

Radiant Oath

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GM Dice:

Luz Lumino's Occultism (T): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Rukbat Mnementh's Occultism (E): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Swayaah Maeleranti's Occultism (T): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Hancock the Angry's Occultism (U): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Farnguy's Occultism (U): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Radim Vesperra's Occultism (T): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Aucturn shares its nickname, the Stranger, with one of the constellations of the Cosmic Caravan. It held special significance in Old Koloran, the pre-human empire of the cyclopes, and is associated with foreboding news. The city of Min-Khadaim, and by extension the Pathfinder Society’s Iobarian basecamp, are part of the lands that the empire once held. The Wanderer is the planet of Triaxus, a planet with an irregular orbit that takes 317 years to complete. The Wagon is one of the constellations of the Cosmic Caravan and is said to carry the other stars across the sky. The conjunction of the two is a rare event, and an excellent omen for a journey of discovery. The planet Aucturn is associated with foul magic and illusion.

The Wanderer is the planet of Triaxus, a planet with an irregular orbit that takes 317 years to complete. The Wagon is one of the constellations of the Cosmic Caravan and is said to carry the other stars across the sky. The conjunction of the two is a rare event, and an excellent omen for a journey of discovery. The planet Aucturn is associated with foul magic and illusion.

Verdant Wheel

None Leshy Druid 5 | AC 20/22 Shield: 12/12 HP: 63/63 F12 R11 W13 Hero: 1 DC: 21 Focus: 1 Goodberry: [ ] Familiar Focus: [ ] | Speed 25' | Med +14

"Greetings Blackberry! Yes, those were interesting times! I hope your face has regrown!" Farnguy says.

Farnguy tells them about the Cyclop relics that have corrupted tha land, that infected many of the nature spirits that called the Finadar Forest home, including those that inhabited leshys.

A group of Pathfinder agents cleansed the spirits of this Abyssal corruption. Iobaria is home to a rare species of highly flammable conifer pine known as bruorsivi, also known as blood pine.

The forest had always been prone to brief, intense fires that burned out naturally or were contained by elf druids and centaur sages.

Recently, a massive fire swept through the Finadar Forest when a group of goblins living in the skeletal remains of an old draconic graveyard triggered an incomplete cyclopean ritual. Those who have seen the graveyard have marveled at how many generations of dragons must have lain buried there.

Have played 1-15 just before this!

Grand Archive

Male Iruxi Oracle(Lore)-3 | hp:35/35 | F:6 R:6 W:8 | AC:16 | P:7 I:7 | HP:1 | GA | 124312-2011

Rukbat points out the appearance of Triaxus, the Wanderer, in the Wagon which is an excellent omen for a journey of discovery. He also mentions that the planet Aucturn, the Stranger, is associated with foul magic and illusion.

Radiant Oath

Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Current Leads: None | ♥️ 53 | AC 23 | Saves 10/12/9 | Perception +9 (Trap Finder) | PFS ID: 133608-2003 | Female Tiefling(Human) Investigator 5 | ☘️ 1 | Focus Points □ | ◆◇↺ |

"Hey Rukbat. The wings are just for show, sadly." She flexes her shoulders. "Although it is good for jumping. A gift from Mom." She grins.

"So, what's the deal with the training course, anyway?" Swayaah begins pondering as Fae pulls out a journal and starts writing.

"Nice analysis Rukbat. Sounds right to me."

She turns to Blackberry. "So we win if we find Urwal, right?"

I'll set Urwal as my Lead via Pursue A Lead.

Grand Archive

Male Iruxi Oracle(Lore)-3 | hp:35/35 | F:6 R:6 W:8 | AC:16 | P:7 I:7 | HP:1 | GA | 124312-2011

Gliding perhaps? He seems to be doing some mental calculations in his head, possibly to do with wingspan and lift/drag coefficients.

Astrology and Astronomy. Sort of my specialty really.

Radiant Oath

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Blackberry leads you for a small hike through the forest. A pair of centaur construction workers sit on the sidelines of a clearing, drinking refreshments. "Another group! I am Tombu," a loud centaur proclaims. "Remember, we drink every time they get one to the face!"

Meanwhile, leshys in purple bandanas grab pies from a nearby table and walk to clearly marked obstacle checkpoints. Blackberry points to a plump, pumpkin-headed leshy who is tying an orange bandana around his eyes. "Your job, Pathfinders, is to escort Jackpot here through the obstacle course and help him keep heading in the general direction he chooses, without letting him take harm. You may steer him around hazards, but you must let him keep moving. Every time you fail, you get–"

"Pie to the face!" the centaurs shout.

As Blackberry finishes his instructions, the exuberant Jackpot takes off running blindly forward. Jackpot is a leshy bard-in-training who loves overacting his difficulties and narrating the problems he endures during various hazards, complete with sound effects. The blindfold slows Jackpot down slightly, so you easily catch up to him.

You get a +1 bonus to the upcoming skill checks

Surprise! It's skill check time. I know you are all shocked and amazed that there is a whole section specifically on skill checks and/or socialization. The listed skills are the obvious ones for each location, but creative solutions may be rewarded!

Basically, you need to help Jackpot negotiate an obstacle course. To do so, you need to make skill checks and generate Obstacle Points (OP). CS: 2 OP, S: 1 OP, CF: -1 OP, plus a random PC gets a pie to the face! :) You need at least 3 OPs to succeed.

The first obstacle in the course is a 20-foot-square pit with small wooden walls that prevent creatures from moving around it. Come up with a plan to get Jackpot to the other side. Jackpot runs straight for it.

Athletics to help him climb in and out
Acrobatics to swing across (Tarzan style)
Crafting to build a bridge

Radiant Oath

Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Current Leads: None | ♥️ 53 | AC 23 | Saves 10/12/9 | Perception +9 (Trap Finder) | PFS ID: 133608-2003 | Female Tiefling(Human) Investigator 5 | ☘️ 1 | Focus Points □ | ◆◇↺ |

"Jackpot, eh? I like your style-" she watches the leshy run off. Fae hops up and down excitedly around Swayaah, reading off a few ideas. Swayaah can barely keep up. "Okay! Okay! You're gonna give me a migraine."

Crafting: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

"Let's... grab some ropes. Build a bridge. Maybe some leaves? Leshies aren't that heavy."

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (9/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 23 (21 raging) | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: None


hancock rushes towards the pit, attempting to get there before the suicidal jackpot in an attempt to lower him down safely.

athletics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

Bah! Off to a lousy start. Nope, going ot use one of those free hero points to correct this, even if it is foolish.

reroll athletics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Expert Hireling, Skills: Diplomacy, Speech Impediments NPC of Hancock the Angry

Bruce, on the other hand, slips over to the leshies with the pies and quietly asks if he can help them. If agreeable, he grabs a pie and waits for Hancock to make a mistake.

Verdant Wheel

None Leshy Druid 5 | AC 20/22 Shield: 12/12 HP: 63/63 F12 R11 W13 Hero: 1 DC: 21 Focus: 1 Goodberry: [ ] Familiar Focus: [ ] | Speed 25' | Med +14

Farnguy tries to get the plants to grow and steady the bridge.

"Come on little guys. Help grow the bridge!" the mushroom leshy says.

Craft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Grand Archive

m N human Ranger 5 | HP 71/71 | AC 22 | F +11 R +13 W+11 | Perc +11 | Speed 30' | Hero 1/3 | Focus 1/1

Radim carefully supports Jackpot every time they can fall.

Athletics: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16 to hell with that! heropoint immediately!
Athletics: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (13) + 14 = 27

Grand Archive

Male Iruxi Oracle(Lore)-3 | hp:35/35 | F:6 R:6 W:8 | AC:16 | P:7 I:7 | HP:1 | GA | 124312-2011

Rukbat helps out.
athletics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Radiant Oath

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Swayaah and Farnguy manage to build a bridge for Jackpot but Radim manages to help Jackpot go down the pit and back up the other side.

Radim and Hancock, keep your HPs. The DC is 16.


The next section of the obstacle course is filled with shrubs coated with wet jam. You must get Jackpot through the area without getting jam on Jackpot.

DC 16 Acrobatics, Nature or Survival to navigate Jackpot
Hack through the shrubs (AC 12, 15 HP, Hardness 2)

Verdant Wheel

None Leshy Druid 5 | AC 20/22 Shield: 12/12 HP: 63/63 F12 R11 W13 Hero: 1 DC: 21 Focus: 1 Goodberry: [ ] Familiar Focus: [ ] | Speed 25' | Med +14

"Well be careful Jackpot hey don't rush ahead!" Farnguy says, waving their staff like an old guy at the leshy. Farnguy calls upon some mould to steady Jackpot's run.

Nature: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29

Radiant Oath

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Farnguy calls up some mold to steady Jackpot and easily helps Jackpot plot a course.

Crit Success. One more success will do it!

Grand Archive

m N human Ranger 5 | HP 71/71 | AC 22 | F +11 R +13 W+11 | Perc +11 | Speed 30' | Hero 1/3 | Focus 1/1

Thanks! )
What is happening clearly does not cause Radim any enthusiasm, but work is work.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24

Radiant Oath

Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Current Leads: None | ♥️ 53 | AC 23 | Saves 10/12/9 | Perception +9 (Trap Finder) | PFS ID: 133608-2003 | Female Tiefling(Human) Investigator 5 | ☘️ 1 | Focus Points □ | ◆◇↺ |

"See? Leaf bridges. No problem." Swayaah slaps Fae's hand away from the bushes. "Don't touch that. See how Farnguy and Radim are keeping everyone away?"

Sounds like Obstacle 2 is taken care of, so I'll abstain.

Radiant Oath

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Farnguy easily plots the best routes and Radim easily guides Jackpot through the brambles. You come to the river. It's 20 feet wide and six feet deep, and flows through the end of the obstacle course.

DC 16 Athletics to Swim
DC 16 Crafting/Survival to create flotation device
DC 16 Fortitude to walk across with Jackpot on their back

Grand Archive

Male Iruxi Oracle(Lore)-3 | hp:35/35 | F:6 R:6 W:8 | AC:16 | P:7 I:7 | HP:1 | GA | 124312-2011

Rukbat swims
Athletics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Verdant Wheel

None Leshy Druid 5 | AC 20/22 Shield: 12/12 HP: 63/63 F12 R11 W13 Hero: 1 DC: 21 Focus: 1 Goodberry: [ ] Familiar Focus: [ ] | Speed 25' | Med +14

Farnguy tries to create a raft for Jackpot.

"Slow down young leshy! You learn a few tricks when you've lived in a cave as long as I have!" the leshy says. Leafy, Farnguy's familiar, rustles in annoyance at Jackpot's recklessness.

Crafting: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (9/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 23 (21 raging) | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: None

After narrowly dodging a prematurely thrown pie (was that Bruce?), Hacncock continues on, taking a back seat to the others who seem to be doing quite well. As usual, Hancock powers through the latest obstacle and swims for it.

athletics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

But it does seem like a struggle and he has no energy to spare for Jackpot.

Radiant Oath

Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Current Leads: None | ♥️ 53 | AC 23 | Saves 10/12/9 | Perception +9 (Trap Finder) | PFS ID: 133608-2003 | Female Tiefling(Human) Investigator 5 | ☘️ 1 | Focus Points □ | ◆◇↺ |

Fae begins mumbling a cascade of different ideas for Swayaah to try out.

Crafting: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

"Slow down, kid. Uh... hmm. Right, lillypads. That should keep Jackpot buoyant."

Grand Archive

Male Human (Garundi) #43870-2003 | Investigator (Interrogation) 4 | HP 48/48 | Perc +10| AC: 18 | F: +7, R: +9 W: +10 Light Hammer +10 (+12 thrown) 2d6B; Whip +12* 2d4S
1) Faisel 2) Salamander

Luz sighs at the rambunctious nature of the current activities. Never the less, dives into to the water.

Athletics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Grand Archive

m N human Ranger 5 | HP 71/71 | AC 22 | F +11 R +13 W+11 | Perc +11 | Speed 30' | Hero 1/3 | Focus 1/1

Radim sighs, seeing that he will have to wet and then dry his equipment. But work is work.

Athletics: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29

Radiant Oath

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Farnguy and Swayaah manage to create a raft for Jackpot to float down the river with. However, Jackpot is halfway to the water by the time the raft is ready. Ruckbat, Luz and Hancock all try to catch up, to no avail. But Radim manages to get ahead of Jackpot and carry the leshy across the river and into the finish line.

Jackpot falls over and pulls a jar of blackberry jam out of his head, dousing himself with it liberally. "Look at all this blood! I need first aid!"

As you all laugh, the leshys offer each of you a jar of sticky blackberry jam that is also a gecko potion.

As you enjoy your victory, you hear rustling from the edge of the forest line.

"One can read the stars, but not the future." A voice from overhead proclaims. Two centaurs flinch as a copper-scaled iruxi drops from the tree behind them. "I am Urwal of the Verdant Wheel," the iruxi proclaims. "Like the Wanderer, we must make haste." With a brief nod, Urwal slings a pack over his shoulder and heads into the woods.

"Destinations. We speak of them as if we always know the places we must go. But if you do not know where you must go, can you find your way back? More importantly, can you feed yourself along the way? Let us see if you can. While we have some provisions, see if you can fetch some food for our journey from the surrounding terrain."

Each PC may attempt a DC 10 Survival check to prove to Urwal that you can live off the land. As you've been exploring for 8 hours or less, you each take a -5 penalty. You need 3 successes (or be able to feed half the party) to succeed

Radiant Oath

Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Current Leads: None | ♥️ 53 | AC 23 | Saves 10/12/9 | Perception +9 (Trap Finder) | PFS ID: 133608-2003 | Female Tiefling(Human) Investigator 5 | ☘️ 1 | Focus Points □ | ◆◇↺ |

GM, I set Urwal as my Lead. Can I apply the benefits here? My roll assumes I can.

Survival: 1d20 + 7 - 5 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 7 - 5 + 1 = 4
Hero Point... away!: 1d20 + 7 - 5 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 7 - 5 + 1 = 17

"Hunting? Yeah, I had to do a lot of that. But in the city. Let me see what we can do now..." Swayaah ducks low to the ground to trace her steps. Fae is half a step off, mimicking her movements as much as possible.

Grand Archive

Male Iruxi Oracle(Lore)-3 | hp:35/35 | F:6 R:6 W:8 | AC:16 | P:7 I:7 | HP:1 | GA | 124312-2011

survival: 1d20 + 6 - 5 ⇒ (1) + 6 - 5 = 2

((Hero Point))

survival: 1d20 + 6 - 5 ⇒ (11) + 6 - 5 = 12

Grand Archive

m N human Ranger 5 | HP 71/71 | AC 22 | F +11 R +13 W+11 | Perc +11 | Speed 30' | Hero 1/3 | Focus 1/1

Fewer words, closer to the point. We know how to take care of ourselves. Look.

Survival: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Verdant Wheel

None Leshy Druid 5 | AC 20/22 Shield: 12/12 HP: 63/63 F12 R11 W13 Hero: 1 DC: 21 Focus: 1 Goodberry: [ ] Familiar Focus: [ ] | Speed 25' | Med +14

"There's always decaying matter to feed on! And I have goodberries!" Farnguy says.

Survival: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (9/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 23 (21 raging) | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: None

survival, time penalty: 1d20 + 7 - 5 ⇒ (8) + 7 - 5 = 10

Hancock gives it his best shot. He's pretty good at this sort of thing, but getting a bit annoyed at all the silly tests.

Radiant Oath

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Sawayaah and Rukbat -- keep your HPs. Your three companions gave you the successes

Sawayaah - sure. you may set Urwal as your lead

The journey into the Finadar Forest continues on for several hours, during which Urwal provides little additional context for the trip beyond staring up into the open sky. Along the way, the forest thickens, and Urwal requests that you find him a clearer path through the forest that can still take you in the same direction.

Urwal’s tail twitches as he glances up at a patch of sky, barely visible through the trees. "You may wonder why I tested you your skills at a seemingly trivial obstacle course and at wilderness survival. This is not just a random lesson. A powerful force calls in my dreams, and the stars tell me that we must heed it. I cannot sense them while awake, so I must enter a trance. Like Jackpot, I embark on a vulnerable, sightless journey, and need your protection. I don’t know who or what calls. I can only feel the urgency. They sent me a vision of two partial constellations, the Stargazer and the Stranger. The Stargazer studies the heavens so intently that he cannot see his surroundings." Urwal pauses and shrugs. "Some signs need little interpretation."

"Any questions before I start our journey?"

Radiant Oath

Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Current Leads: None | ♥️ 53 | AC 23 | Saves 10/12/9 | Perception +9 (Trap Finder) | PFS ID: 133608-2003 | Female Tiefling(Human) Investigator 5 | ☘️ 1 | Focus Points □ | ◆◇↺ |

"Hmm..." Swayaah is glad she didn't embarrass herself too badly. "So sounds like we need to protect you, then. Uh... do we need to carry you?"

Grand Archive

m N human Ranger 5 | HP 71/71 | AC 22 | F +11 R +13 W+11 | Perc +11 | Speed 30' | Hero 1/3 | Focus 1/1

As far as I remember, a Stranger is something bad and dangerous, isn't it? Radim stares at Urwal. Is it possible that we are walking into a trap?

Verdant Wheel

None Leshy Druid 5 | AC 20/22 Shield: 12/12 HP: 63/63 F12 R11 W13 Hero: 1 DC: 21 Focus: 1 Goodberry: [ ] Familiar Focus: [ ] | Speed 25' | Med +14

"What kind of dangers are common in this jungle? Any unusual plants?" Farnguy says, in between inspecting the plant life around here.

Grand Archive

Male Iruxi Oracle(Lore)-3 | hp:35/35 | F:6 R:6 W:8 | AC:16 | P:7 I:7 | HP:1 | GA | 124312-2011

Rukbat ponders what Urwal said. I may have sensed something similar sir, but obviously not as strong as you. Fortunately the Wanderer in the Wagon is a good omen for this.

It seems to me that Urwal, the Stargazer, is about to meet the unknown, as represented by the Stranger. It does not have to be bad or dangerous though.

Horizon Hunters

N/N male dwarf barbarian/5 | Init (Search) +10 | HP: 90/90 (9/9 temp HP raging), 2 fire resist, 1 mental resist) | AC: 23 (21 raging) | F/R/W: +13/9/10| Speed: 20' (+10' raging) | Acrobatics +9, Athletics +14, Diplomacy +9, Intimidation +6, legal +9, Medicine +11, Perception +10, Surv +8, Thievery +9 | Active Conditions: None

Silently, Hancock hopes for the bad type of stranger. All of the pie throwing and mushroom collection has given him an itchy maul hand. Of course he does not say anything, other than a grunt.

Expert Hireling, Skills: Diplomacy, Speech Impediments NPC of Hancock the Angry

"Hey, friend. Do read futures or do that card thing? I wouldn't mind a reading if you do."

Grand Archive

Male Human (Garundi) #43870-2003 | Investigator (Interrogation) 4 | HP 48/48 | Perc +10| AC: 18 | F: +7, R: +9 W: +10 Light Hammer +10 (+12 thrown) 2d6B; Whip +12* 2d4S
1) Faisel 2) Salamander

Luz sets this powerful force as the subject of his investigation.

Radiant Oath

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Are Bruce's hands clean? Are those pie crumbs?

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