Emmanuel Holysmith |
So much undead...
A massive perversion of life, refusing to return to death.
He hears Moonlight's whisper, and returns his own idea. "I can summon someone to help distract them for a bit. Maybe deceive them long enough to bait them into the Gate."
Manny will cast >Illusory Creature< to conjure his guardian lilend, Shylye. He has a +13 Trained Deception to bait the horde.
Zenith by redeux |
May the gods guide you.
The Stars too Zenith adds, in their thoughts.
Looking at the horde, Zenith whispers "If it would be useful, I can make my blade glow like the stars and throw it above the horde to get their attention. And even continue to throw it in whatever manner we thought would be useful." They otherwise listen for other ideas and awaits direction.
1/day Zenith can make the returning starknife shed light until deactivated.
Franzine Morgenstern |
Franzine shudders as she bites her lip at the sight of so many undead.
"Where's a highly experienced Pathfinder when we need one?"
She muses in jest.
"To just, like, teleport us over there, I mean."
She shrugs.
"So, are we just going to wade through them with blades swinging or shall we try to sneak through? Maybe there's a secret passage we can use to get over there."
Anjo Aroh |
"Thank you Emmanual, but no. That weapon is probably better in your hands."
When the group decides to rescue the Pathfinders, Anjo just seems to shake his head and mutter something about emotional decisions.
"Hammid, if you can turn invisible, then you should sneak past them, draw them into the chamber, and then turn invisible again to sneak past. At which point we shall seal the room."
GM Zoomba |
Loving the ideas already :)
As you continue to looks about from your hidden for now vantage point, you can spy an opening to a short hall beyond which should lie the 'Old Gate Room' the venture-captain noted should be able to lock them in. Of course the undead will need to have their attention drawn in that direction first...
So, to 'meta' this a bit more, this operation will require several Phases of actions as you try to lure away and secure the undead before then retrieving the Pathfinders - all while avoiding being swarmed by the zombies of course! For each phase I'll need a skill check of some sort from each of you. Note however creative solutions and clever plans can very much be rewarded or impact these Phases, and a smart use of a resource like a spell could automatically grant you a success for that Phase.
First up: you need to get the undead's attention away from the besieged Pathfinders and onto you and towards the gate room. Religion or Undead Lore might help you recall things about the behavior of mindless undead that could guide what you do, Acrobatics could let you slip close enough to get their focus without being mobbed yourself, or Deception, Medicine or Performance checks could make you look like any easy meal. Again - if you have a clever alternate scheme pitch it to me.
(And Manny your Illusory Creature will absolutely give you a Success this Phase, and depending on your Deception check I'd say it could become a Critical one. Hammid: while invisibility won't necessarily help obviate a check from you for this particular Phase - since grabbing their focus and vanishing aren't quite a perfect match - it certainly will help come into play very soon :)
Franzine Morgenstern |
My first choice is Religion, to recall how they move/stagger in such a way so that Franz can get past them or lead them into the area we need to. Second would be Performance to act like a wounded bird. Or maybe the other way around; lead them to an easy meal (me!), then slip past 'em. Both skills have +10 modifier. Would like to hear input & suggestions from the rest of the group, of course.
Emmanuel Holysmith |
Manny would vote for Religion, if possible. Better to predict what the undead will do and move.
"Alright, let's do this. Shylye, need your help to bait them."
Manny casts Illusory Creature and an angelic woman descends into the halls, slithering along her bright green tail. She flexes her wings. "Hey Manny, what did you want from- wow, there's a lot of undead here."
Manny ponders, points, and poses towards the old gate.
Deception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31
"What- oh! I get it!" Shylye raises her glaive and swings at the undead. "Catch me if you can!" She slides towards the Old Gate Chamber. "Why eat some mortals when you can take down an angel?"
Hammid |
Moonlight gets to work.
Safely invisible, he walks briskly into the room, and begins knocking on walls, floors, passageways, with his gauntleted fist, slowly and methodically, far away from the conflict point, in an attempt to draw the attention of the undead not currently chasing Manny's angel back into being herded the same direction, knowing that as little as one wayward zombie can start a "trend" that diverts whole sections of the hoard, knitting back together the "cattle line"...
Deception (Trained, w/ +2 EA) w/ Ageless Patience (+2): 1d20 + 12 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 12 + 2 + 2 = 21
Hero Point!
Deception (Trained, w/ +2 EA) w/ Ageless Patience (+2): 1d20 + 12 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 12 + 2 + 2 = 35
GM Zoomba |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
My first choice is Religion, to recall how they move/stagger in such a way so that Franz can get past them or lead them into the area we need to. Second would be Performance to act like a wounded bird. Or maybe the other way around; lead them to an easy meal (me!), then slip past 'em. Both skills have +10 modifier. Would like to hear input & suggestions from the rest of the group, of course.
Each of you can use a different skill if you'd like, so long as its towards the overall goal (so Franzine could use her Religious insights to help inform 'Shylye's actions, etc)
Itka Biklest |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"Hmp." Itka assesses the horde, dredging her memories for what she's read about mindless undead. What would hold their attention?
Religion +10
Hmp. Pity I can't summon any creatures. And as much as I hate-- An idea hits her and immediately makes her feel both dirty and grimly eager. She hates Zon Kuthon, who touched her black rat with his power. What if she sent the rat out there? Would that work? The two emotions war in her mind: the desire to flip the bird at her loathsome patron vs. the knowledge that he wouldn't really care about the rat and would just send her another one the next day. Heck, he might even revel in the pain the rat would feel if the zombies caught it. Hmp. Nevermind. Not worth it. Grrr! Her frown deepens.
Zenith by redeux |
Without being given any other direction, Zenith carries out their initial plan. They touch their starknife and it begins to glow brightly like a star. They then throw it overhead the horde to start getting their attention. The kayal repeatedly catches the starknife and throws it back out to other parts of the horde.
I can't believe I carried this starknife ever since it fell from the sky, and I only recently tapped into the magic...
Throw Returning Eclipse, if needed: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18 If that's a crit fail, hero point.
The light from starknife is 1x/day from lvl 8 item and active until deactivated. if this doesn't count for the skill check then zenith's acrobatics is +14 so just subtract one from the result
Franzine Morgenstern |
Franzine watches the undead intently and tries to estimate the speed of their movement, especially with their unusual gait.
Religion: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Anjo Aroh |
Anjo looks the undead's formation and tries to give tips on how one might navigate through them.
Scouting Lore: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
GM Zoomba |
Itka Religion: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18 Its not a secret check in this context.
Much to the undead's surprise an angelic lillend appears in front of them. Large swatches of the zombies turn their decaying heads towards the new arrival and begin shambling towards it. Itka whipsers suggestions to Manny on how best to direct 'Shylye' though the some of the witch's advice is less applicable in the tight quarters of the underground chambers.
Meanwhile Franzine finds success timing her (and 'Shylye's) movements to best pace along with the undead while Moonlight disorients them with their knocks-from-nowhere. Zenith's aim could be better but the surge of illumination from Eclipse draws many more undead out of position anyway, as Anjo tries to give some navigation tips of his own but when trying them in practice struggles a bit to get through the undead mobs.
So, that is a pair of CRIT SUCCESSes from Moonlight and Manny, not only drawing the zombies in the direction of the holding area but distracting several currently attacking the trapped Pathfinders to grant them a timely reprieve. Franzine also Succeeded with her check to start luring them away, as did Zenith with some bonuses from using one of their limited resources.
Anjo and Itka: those are failures (though not critically). You can keep those, or attempt to Hero Point as normal. Alternately, you can improve those to a success by placing yourself more driectly in harm's way of some zombies to get their attention on you and away from the Pahtifnders. If you choose to do so, you would take some damage (and require a Reflex and a Fort save).
Let me know if anyone's doing that right now, as we move on too...
With the majority of the zombie throngs now being herded in the right direction down towards the holding pen the pressure on the Pathfinders is lessening. However the path to that Old Gate Room will lead the mobs around and down a few hallways, and to ensure some don't slip away nd wander off you'll need to keep them herded!
You all need to continue leading the undead to the holding area while safely outpacing them. Athletics could get you to keep up a fast pace while Acrobatics might let you squeeze through some narrow side-passage shortcuts. Survival, Pathfinder Society Lore, or Architecture Lore could also let each of you identify shortcuts and quick routes that will ensure you can slip away and ahead of the hungry undead if they get too close.
Moonlight - your invisibility will work as an auto-Success for this portion for you, though just like Manny last phase if you'd like to roll to try to improve that to a Crit you may.
Hammid |
Moonlight stays to the shadows.
Making his way slowly, invisibly, our shady hero keeps not ahead of the undead hoard, but abreast. While his "guardians" likely build a strong pace and/or navigate through the underlabyrinth that is the Sandswept Lodge, he remains behind, guiding a straggler here and there, in one's and two's and three's, and always slipping away just in time, narrowly evading hungry teeth as the mindless undead, confounded easily by conflicting and already-dampened senses, grasp at shadows and no more, eventually rejoining the main group, not knowing that an invisible hand - nay - an invisible gauntlet! - had shepherded their way forward, leading them unknowingly into containment...
Acrobatics (Trained, w/ +2 EA) w/ Ageless Patience (+2): 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 11 + 2 + 2 = 22
Emmanuel Holysmith |
"Come on, we can do this. Right this way!" Shylye continues to bait the zombies and compliment Manny's allies, often reminding them she is merely a projection of Manny's imagination and definitely not real. It's not clear if Manny is 'in character' or Shylye is a terrible liar. Either way, the undead follow.
Manny knows the job isn't over yet, so it's time to hustle along.
Athletics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29
"I gotta admit, this is the first time I've run WITH a crowd. Usually I'm running away to get some peace and quiet after a concert!" One shambling mass bites in his general direction as he slips around a corner.
If anyone wants Heroism cast beforehand, I can cast 3 of them today. May be worth it to save up for the next encounter, though.
Itka Biklest |
Anjo and Itka: those are failures (though not critically). You can keep those, or attempt to Hero Point as normal. Alternately, you can improve those to a success by placing yourself more driectly in harm's way of some zombies to get their attention on you and away from the Pahtifnders. If you choose to do so, you would take some damage (and require a Reflex and a Fort save).
Hmm... I'll keep it as is. Too early to use a hero point, and Itka's limp makes her unlikely to be willing to get close to the zombies.
"Hmp." Now that the herd is meandering in (mostly) the right direction, Itka hustles down a skinny side passage as a short cut to get ahead of them to draw them onward. She knows that the sound of her movement, especially the thunking of her cane, will draw their attention, but the narrowness of the confines should slow them enough that even she can outpace them.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Anjo Aroh |
Anjo tries to rely on his best skills to find shortcuts.
Survival: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (5) + 17 = 22
Zenith by redeux |
Zenith catches their shining blade, keeps it lit, and follows Manny's lead. "Catch me if you can you can!" The kayal tries to outpace the undead while accepting that they can't dispatch this many undead as much as they'd like to.
Athletics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18 if crit fail, will hero point
Does the decision to put themself in harms way need to be made at time of roll or after everyone's check? Unsure if we're doing okay this round and if we're not then Zenith has an edict to help the desperate and would feel obligated to do so at least once.
Franzine Morgenstern |
Franzine tries to keep up the pace while she follows Itka. She sometimes has to avoid Itka's cane as she thunks it along the floor.
Athletics: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32
GM Zoomba |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Does the decision to put themself in harms way need to be made at time of roll or after everyone's check? Unsure if we're doing okay this round and if we're not then Zenith has an edict to help the desperate and would feel obligated to do so at least once.
I'm going to say these actions are all generally happening over the same time, so throwing self In Harm's Way would be at the end of the 'phase'. Overall results will matter once all the Phases are done - not explicitly 'need X results on the Lure part, Y results on the [spoiler] Phase' - you seem to be doing fairly solid so far.
Franzine hustles along with great speed (with Manny close behind). Zombies chase after them, and Anjo and Itka too; while slower than their colleagues the witch and ranger take good advantage of the under-lodge's narrow passages to keep staying just ahead of the undead.
Moonlight lingers intentionally a bit behind to try and nudge stray corpses on the right path. The noises the mage keeps making confuse the zombies but his invisibility keeps him out of some close calls. Meanwhile Zenith rushes through and along the zombies but stumbles a couple of times. They scramble back to their feet quickly but the moment's weakness makes several of the lazing undead burst forwards with a surge of increased aggression!
Manny, Anjo, and Itka all Succeeded, with Franzine CRIT Succeeding. Zenith: that would be a failure - with both the normal re-roll options and the 'place yourself directly in harm's way' options still available. Moonlight: as the situation wouldn't allow for Ageless Patience to apply your roll too is unsuccessful - though as already stated your invisibility is allowing you to Succeed here so that is merely making it not a Crit.
Powering ahead or past the mobs of undead, all of you finally reach your destination. The Old Gate Chamber is just as the venture-captain described it: a massive holding pen that should be able to contain the undead throngs chasing you towards it. As they begin flowing past the gate and into the dead-end space you smile: step one down! Of course, they were following you into the chamber. And as their flowing through the gateway after you this room's filling up fast...
The good news is that the undead mobs have followed you into the holding area. But now you need to get out of it - back past and through the incoming waves of zombies.
You can each try an Acrobatics check to Tumble Through the undead, an Athletics check to Climb over them, a Stealth check to Avoid Notice of them as you slip by (Moonlight - for this too I will allow your invisibility to count as a auto-Success) or a Perception check to maybe notice a clear path. Or perhaps your Pathfinder Society Lore could remember a secret exit out (or again, other similar ideas/strategies could potentially work if you think of them).
Anjo Aroh |
Anjo attempts to weave his way through the undead.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20
Hammid |
Staying just out of range of the undead seems to suffice for our shady hero - for surely only a fool would put himself intentionally in harm’s way. And what a loss to the world to endanger one with hundreds of years of experience on the planet! No. Let the lesser beings sacrifice themselves if their own sense of self-preservation cannot sustain their light. For indeed, true power grows in the darkness!
That said, Ng’s granted invisibility inures Moonlight from even the remotest possibility of capture by creatures vile and mindless and slow as common zombies - he makes an effort to pause here and help any of his stray guardians safely out of the room... so long as doing so doesn’t put himself in the position to trade places!
Stealth to Help Ally (Expert, Shadow Rune, +2 EA): 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 14 + 2 = 22
Emmanuel Holysmith |
"Alright, easy part over. Let's get out of here!" Manny takes a moment to psych himself up. It's like a mosh pit. Hop on the stage (or some crates in this case) then jump in and nudge your way across their shoulders. If he's right, they won't have time to bite him before he climbs on another pair of shoulders to safety!
Athletics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27
"Woo! Now we're having some fun!" Manny hops on the undead and rolls off of their heads and shoulders as he makes his way to the gate. "We're almost done!"
Franzine Morgenstern |
"Hurry! Right behind you, Emmanuel!"
"Outta my way!!!"
Franzine clambers over the undead to get out of the room.
Athletics: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31
Zenith by redeux |
Thanks, Zenith will keep their roll then since the rest of party did well that section
Zenith gets a cramp in their leg but perseveres and stays ahead of the horde. Seeing their teammates do well, Zenith doesn't risk putting themself in harms way and pushes themself to stay ahead of the horde. Zenith gets to the back of the pen and turns around to face the undead. "In the night sky there are stars" they begin speaking loudly as they reach once more for their trusted starknife. "And there is also darkness!" they shout and suddenly the starknife's light is suppressed and seemingly begins to absorb any lingering light nearby Zenith. The champion of the cosmic caravan then attempts to sneak past the horde.
↺ Absorb Light (Eclipse); Trigger You attempt a Stealth check to Hide or Sneak, but you haven’t rolled yet; Frequency three times per day; Effect You absorb light, gaining a +2 status bonus to the Stealth check.
Technically check might be for Avoid Notice instead of Sneak. If so just remove the +2 bonus. Zenith will use the reaction for flavor regardless.
Stealth, +2 Eclipse: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 12 + 2 = 15 Hero Point, slide updated
Stealth, +2 Eclipse: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 12 + 2 = 18 Oof
Hammid |
Seeing Anjo and Zenith struggle, our shady hero finds himself getting involved, and justifying after-the-fact that it must be because losing powerful allies now would cause him more problems down the road....
Hero Point!
Stealth to Help Ally (Expert, Shadow Rune, +2 EA): 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 14 + 2 = 33
Itka Biklest |
Lifting her cane so it doesn't attract attention, Itka tries to slip sneakily past the horde on protesting hips. Hmp. With this limp I almost move like a shambling zombie myself.
Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
GM Zoomba |
Franzine and Manny vault over and through the undead to get back to the archway (the former extremely well) while Itka chooses a subtler path and manages to carefully slink by the zombies as they're distracted.
Distracted in large part by Zenith and Anjo! The human and fetchling are significantly less unobtrusive as they try to make their way back past the undead throng. But just as the zombie start to swarm over towards the pair, nauseating pustules bursting from wounds as they shamble, Moonlight leaps into action! Already invisible, the unseen cleric races towards the commotion. Causing strategic counter-noise here and there and showing through actions, not literally, cause 'invisible' and all his allies what to do, the Ngian provides enough of a distraction and opening for his colleagues to slip by to safety!!!
All six of you have now managed to get back out of the holding cell where you've corralled the zombie masses in. But while you're safely free, a few of the undead seem to have noticed you now behind them and the horde is beginning to turn back to try and leave the dead-end trap you've set.
You've got them boxed in: now time to lock them in! Whether through Athletics, Crafting, Thievery, Engineering Lore, Perception (to find some good wedging objects) or some other means, you've got to make sure they're sealed in there tight!
Hammid |
With everyone out, and some of his guardians now bracing the door shut by force or fulcrum, Moonlight, his invisibility wearing off fade by fade, produces a handful of excellently crafted picks, and locking the cell without key, attempts to jam it shut completely, leveraging the locking mechanism to stick indefinitely, or at least for a time, sealing the containment trap with the throng entrenched!
Thievery (Expert, Infiltrator Tools, +2 EA): 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 14 + 2 = 35
When he is sure the gate is stable enough to release, just before they get going to check on the steadfast holdouters, our shady hero poses an implied question of concern as a coldly distant statement "It would be a shame if any of them were bitten beyond treatment..."
Emmanuel Holysmith |
Manny looks for something heavy. A smashed pillar looks good. He taps his >Lifting Belt< and holds it overhead like a dinner plate.
Activate ◆◆ Interact; Effect You lift an object of up to 8 Bulk as though it were weightless. This requires two hands, and if the object is locked or otherwise held in place, you can attempt to Force it Open using Athletics as part of this activation. The object still has its full weight and Bulk for all other purposes—you just ignore that weight. The effect lasts until the end of your next turn.
Athletics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18
It's a bit too heavy, and he stumbles to carry it to the gate.
Zenith by redeux |
"Great idea!" Zenith says as they watch Manny and follow his lead, also tapping their lifting belt and looking for something heavy. They pick up another piece of the pillar and throw it in front of the gate.
Athletics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27
Franzine Morgenstern |
Seeing the horde turn and approach the door, Franzine begins to panic.
"Oh no! Here they come!"
She looks around for something to add to block the door as Manny hefts a smashed pillar in front.
Suddenly, there's a tug on Franzine's pant leg. She looks down and notices her Expert Hireling, Fabner the tinker gnome, looking up at her.
"Hello, m'lady. It appears you could use a little help." he says rather calmly as a horde of undead close in on the entryway.
Her eyes light up in pleasant surprise.
"Fabner! Wha...? What are you doing here? Oh, nevermind! We're in a hurry. Help us, quick!"
"Of course. Now, let's see... This should be braced in that position and that pillar there should lean that way..."
Fabner uses his knowledge of mathematics and engineering to give directions on how best to block the door with any heavy items Franzine, Zenith, and Manny are able to grab from nearby.
Engineering Lore: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
Hero Point Reroll!
Engineering Lore: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
"Very good. That should do it... I hope."
Fabner says with a grin as he dusts off his hands.
"I'll go wait in the corner for you to all finish."
Itka Biklest |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"Hmp." Itka gives Fabner a grumpy side-eye as she cobbles together bits of debris to form a locking mechanism that fits together like a 3D puzzle to hold the handles together.
Crafting: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23
Anjo Aroh |
Anjo has struggled to put forth his best effort and kept help wonder if something are simply out of his control.
Stealth: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32
None the less, he creeps along as stealthily as he can.
GM Zoomba |
Stealth wasn't quite one of the options that makes sense here. Luckily the roll is quite well and Anjo's just as skilled with Thievery.
Zenith and Manny brace the chamber door shut while the rest of the party scrambles to secure it. The kayal holds fast and slips obstructing pillars into place while the bard slips for a moment before digging deep and applying his belt to lodge a huge bit of rubble to obstruct the gateway. While they do so, Franzine finds the design of the old prison quite a bit different from what her prior training led her to expect. Luckily Itka and Moonlight manage to skillfully work together to cobble up a series of locks and restraints that keep the sealed door flush even as you all begin to hear loud *thump*ing coming from the other side.
Making you way back to the first chamber, you find the dozens of besieged Pathifnders no tentatively peeking out from behind their barricades. 'Is...is it over? Who are you?' an Osirion woman asks while a badly cut and bruised halfling moans from the ground behind her its over either way. given all weve got. cant go on any more... You see that among the agents still standing not a one is unharmed, with several sporting deep gashes and pallid skin. And even the least-injured bear haunted expressions of exhaustion.
The undead are sealed away, but the Pathfinders who had been fighting them are at their breaking point! you can Tend to the injured agents with Medicine or Nature checks, as well as with Athletics or Crafting to set broken limbs and fashion splints and crutches. Alternately, Arcana, Occultism, Religion, or Undead Lore can help to identify injuries commonly inflicted by animated corpses and their remedies.
But while the damage to the flesh needs to be treated, that Pathfinder agents' spirits are also faded. You can encourage your fellows to rally and continue their mission to help defend the rest of the lodge with a Diplomacy, Intimidation, Performance, Society, or Pathfinder Lore check, or a Crafting one (that representing repairing broken armaments to continue the fight).
Each of you can attempt one check from each set of checks, for two checks total (combining two 'Phases' here together for narrative reasons, and to keep things moving as long skill challenges in a PbP run the risk of dragging :p
Anjo Aroh |
Sorry, that was suppose to be Thievery but I put Stealth and then forgot it was suppose to be thievery
Anjo will use Soothing Mist to heal and then refocus as he gives advice about defending the lodge.
If it's clear Anjo won't have 10 minutes to refocus, then he can use Nature or Natural Medicine
Crafting: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
Hammid |
Moonlight runs triage on the wounded pathfinders, identifying who is most seriously in trouble of succumbing to the diseased wounds inflicted by the foul undead now contained. He starts directing his guardians on which person to tend first, his elven aloofness coming to full wax with the arrogance his tone seems to convey!
Medicine (Expert, Healer’s Gloves, +2 EA): 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 13 + 2 = 25
To further hurry things along, our shady hero mumbles low, and orange divine light glows across his aura, where visions of an oasis envelope the wounded camp, and like water, a divine font pours in, washing over the weary and wounded, soothing surface cuts and relieving aching joints.
◆◆◆) Heal (4th): 4d8 ⇒ (2, 1, 8, 6) = 17
”There has been a containment, but for how long remains to be seen. I am called Moonlight, and I and my guardians save you now. Come. We must move quickly!”
Society (Expert, +2 EA): 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 12 + 2 = 33
Emmanuel Holysmith |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
May those undead find eternal rest. Manny makes a silent prayer as the barricade holds.
"Hey, everyone. We're Pathfinders, just like you." He approaches the defenders. "I used to be in your position, a prisoner of a cruel vampire. If it weren't for my guardian angel, I may have lost hope. I'm no angel, but, you can lean on me for support."
Athletics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27
Manny grabs some of the wooden debris and fashions splints out of them, to help stabilize the defenders so they can leave.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19
Manny tries to keep spirits high, but their wounds remind him of his own past. The trauma is quite strong, and he has to pause to hide his own mental wounds.
Franzine Morgenstern |
Franzine rushes in and quickly gets to work treating the wounded.
Medicine: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
While treating her fellow pathfinders, she recites inspiring tales of famous Pathfinders' heroic exploits.
Performance: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Itka Biklest |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"Hmp. Let me see those wounds." Inspecting the pallid flesh, Itka diagnoses the victims' maladies so they know who will need additional healing once they've reached safety.
Occultism: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34
"Hmp. Now listen up everyone!" Her voice grates like boulders grinding over gravel. "We've penned in the undead for now, but if we linger more will come. Let's move out quickly so you don't get caught again." She hopes this will provide them with a fresh surge of adrenaline to urge them to move quickly.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
Zenith by redeux |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Zenith rushes back to the pathfinders, "Pathfinders, VC Balentiir sent us to save you." Zenith responds with brevity and sense of urgency. The kayal then rushes over to an agent with a broken arm. "Allow me" they pause briefly. "Oh, and you may want to bite down on this" they produce a rag and then set the bone.
Athletics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26
Zenith lets someone more skilled with medicine finish the splint and turns their attention to uplifting others. "All of you have held your post and have been critical to the lodges defenses. You have not been forgotten. This is a small victory, but there is work ahead. Next we are needing to go on the offensive. Anyone able and willing I implore you to step forward. We are going to need all the help we can get."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
GM Zoomba |
Not enough time to refocus here at the moment, but you could still use the initial spell on one of the more injured Pathfinders.
Though the agent's injuries are numerous you all spring into action. Zenith and Manny quickly help deal with some of the worse breaks and strains while Anjo, Franzine and Moonlight tend to the group's injuries. Well-placed healing magic washes from the cleric over the assembled Pathfinders as Itka oversees the treatments with remarkable insight that points you towards the worst-off from the zombies' sickening pustules and rotting bites. A few of the Pahtfinders seem to have sadly expired already - before you even arrived in the city by the looks of it - but you manage to stabilize all that remain.
In slightly better spirits, the recovering Pathifnders then listen as you all exhort them to get up and move quickly to rejoin the rest of the lodge. As your speeches and oratory rise so do their sprits. And by the end their bodies too as the stand tall in resolve [ooc]Even a couple who medically probably still should be lying down.
That's right: we held out this long, time to take back our lodge!
"Balentiir needs us. Let's go!"
yeah, for the fireman!
Rallied, the agents begin to move with you, allowing you all to make your way back upwards and to the Hall of Recognition. As you arrive you can see many other Pahtfinder agents moving back and forth from the room down different hallways, some with weapons and gear while others look to be ferrying information back and forth. Po'ogaat has apparently finished handling the fleeing men and women from earlier as the grippli is talking to Balenttir near the room's pyramid. The venture-captain smiles as he sees you return...and then breaks out into an astonished grin as he takes in the size of the group coming with you. By the gods! You got so many back. It's a success beyond even what I could have hoped for!
Emmanuel Holysmith |
"That's right. You all got this." Manny helps as many as he can. "You can't lose hope. You don't lose until you do..."
"Alright, Captain. We got as many as we could back. The undead are sealed away, that should buy us some time." Manny sits and catches his breath. "So what's next? That hole in the wall?"
Hammid |
”Upon the right agents have you called” Absorbing the high praise right into his ego, Moonlight hits a stride on the heels of success ”I believe you detected a breach at the old prison below - and mentioned that it might be haunted - I imagine that I and my guardians will be taking leave sooner than later”
Looking his “guardians” up and down here, our shady hero makes ready to depart...
GM Zoomba |
Yes, the venture-captain says. Though the cell block that seems to have been breached carried a sorry histroy even before this. His expression looks pained. I had tracked down a criminal fugitive named Omad Col and brought him here to the lodge to be held for bounty. Although he was checked for contraband, he somehow managed to smuggle a wand of shape stone into his cell. Balentiir shakes his head.
One night, the fool tried escaping by activating the wand. He must not have realized just how deep underground he was. Once shifted, the cell wall could no longer support the mass of the sand and stone overhead. Collapse was inevitable. Several Pathfinders bravely rushed into the collapsing cell block to release the prisoners’ restraints and dig them free. That's when the remainder of the ceiling gave way. Pathfinders and prisoners alike were crushed. Eighteen lives were lost.
The normally calm and dignified venture-captain pauses a moment to maintain his composure. The regrettable loss of so many lives caused many to grow concerned about our practice of holding prisoners for bounty within the lodge. More investigations into the incident were ongoing ongoing when the attacks began. Unfortunately, as I said before the collapse caused a breach between the lodge's lower levels that undead are using to ascend past our chokeholds. If you can seal the opening, it shouldvut off another front and free up more resources to locate the origin of all of these attackers.
While venture-captain Balentiir is explaining this, a dwarven Pathfinder from among those who followed you back from the lower levels sidles up to Franzine. Limping badly, he says "Ma'am, you and yer warriors sure came to us right in a'time of need. Torag himself couldnah have been better timed. Think I'm all out of the field for a few forgedays," he gesutre towards his injured leg "But if yer goin' back below maybe these'll help give ye put those still-lungs back in the dirt they crawled from"
The dwarf fumbles in his pocket and pulls out a trio of items whihc he offers in an open hand to the champion.
They are a Lesser Thurible of Revelation (with 20 gp worth of incense), an Emerald Grasshopper talisman, and a Gallows Tooth talsiman
Franzine Morgenstern |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"Yep. If it wasn't for the heroic actions of our almighty Highness here," Franzine says with a smirk and pointing a thumb at Moonlight,
"I just don't know how we would've gotten out of there alive. Ohhh, you're my hero, my lordship." she says, her tone mocking a damsel in distress.
"How horrible." Franzine remarks about the loss of prisoners and Pathfinders.
Her eyes light up when the battle-wounded dwarf offers the three magical items.
"Oh, bless you, mister." she says graciously.
"These items will be very helpful to us. I'll be sure to return them after we win this battle. You have my word."
Nice items! Franz is an expert in athletics, so, if no one minds, I'll take the Grasshopper.
Anjo Aroh |
Anjo will not use a Focus spell and just uses Nature...let me know if you need a roll.
Emmanuel Holysmith |
Manny stays quiet during the briefing. He's well aware of how crafty prisoners can be. Manny contemplated digging his way free from the vampire's manor, but the chains held him fast.
"Thank you, sir." Manny accepts the gifts. "And thank you for the incense."
"We have to seal the breach. And lay everyone to rest." Manny stands up.
GM Zoomba |
When you are ready to head out…
A long, narrow passage leads to an opening in the rock left by a catastrophic failure of the nearby walls and ceiling. The floor is covered in mounds of sand and strewn with fallen rock. The twisted remnants of metal bars and iron doors lie scattered about, one of the few indications that the chamber once held rows of jail cells. An unearthly cold permeates the chamber.