Awesome Arcanium: The Side Quest!

Game Master BloodWolven

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Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

As the power hits your system he reaches out and stabilizes you. He then asks with concern, "You good?" With an affirmative he quickly quips, "No need for another bath today!"

Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Fast Healing 6__DR/4 slashing, Resist: acid 5, cold 15, electricity 15, and Negative Energy 10; Immune charm, fear, magic aging, disease

The dog walking around the two of you looks up at the blue screen and seems to chuckle.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Lord Cyril stumbles as his mind expands past even his high intellect. Unbeknownst to the young noble, his brain's neural connections multiply exponentially. Former mental blocks are broken. The knowledge of flora and fauna flood his mind with clarity. Cyril immediately becomes aware of his physical dimensions, allowing him to see his body and it's movements much more tactically. With the choice of his bonus feat, Cyril feels his small corner of Reality be rewritten to allow it to occur. It is both extremely painful and revelatory. Cyril understand the Blue Screens have opened up the life of this second son of nobility to even hereto unknown plateaus.

Cyril is Chosen.

The young human's perception return to a level of new normalcy, as he looks into the face of his friend, Stavian.

"Stavian! Arthur! Did you see it?! Please tell me you saw it?! The fabled Blue Screens! The Blue Screens of The Chosen! One appeared to me! As a reward for starting my adventure! Please sit me down.."

Arthur, fill of concern, sets Cyril down on a nearby barrel. Ed leans up on Cyril's leg, panting and smiling.

"The Blue Screen! It gave me the reward and title of Knowledge Seeker! My mind has be expanded beyond it's previous state! And it allowed to to choose to be a Chosen! I am now a Chosen! I-I have a wish I can grant myself! But it told me that is I wish for other things in the future, they might be curse?!" Cyril still is trying to wrap his accelerated mind around what happened. "And The Blue Screen allowed me to choose a 'super power'!" Cyril reaches up for Arthur's clothes to hold. "Stavain! Please tell me you saw the same thing! I need to know I haven't gone insane, Stavain! Please!!"

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

His concern deepens for his friend and supports him easily. He pulls him along to find a seat and shakes his head. He relays, "No I don't see a... bluebox."

Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Fast Healing 6__DR/4 slashing, Resist: acid 5, cold 15, electricity 15, and Negative Energy 10; Immune charm, fear, magic aging, disease

Though the dog does speak up, "I see it, my previous master was a Chosen. His wish strengthened me and awoke me from the instincts of an animal. You are not going insane. Why don't you try to share the System with Arthur?"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril looks down and listens to the intelligent dog. "Alright. Alright, I'll give it try."

Looking up, Lord Cyril examines the screen. The young investigator takes a bout a minute to take in everything. In the upper right corner of the screen, Cyril noticed an icon that looked like one of his magnifying glasses. The young Lucan reached up and pushed the icon.

Query Search

Cyril looked stymied, and tried to talk to the Blue Screen.

"Blue screen, can I share the System with Arthur Stavian?"

A Blue screen appears before you, "Are you sure you wish to share the system with Arthur Stavian?

Once you select yes another screen appears:
You may select one of the rewards to prepare your ally for the coming epic:
Will Power

Once selected another blue screen appears:
Arthur has the Quest System now.
Please designate his status: Player, Chosen, Avatar, Warrior, Magician, Rogue, Other.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril clicks on the 'Yes' option, then see the rewards for Arthur. Initially he felt uncomfortable making that choice for Arthur, but thought Stavian's general jack-of-all-trades approach would be best served with Adaptability.

Looking at the other screen, Cyril chooses Chosen, so his friend could share in his honor.

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

You can see several blue screens appear before him, he selects his answers. Soon enough a familiar black stone appears in his hand. "Okay... so what? We have a wish, a super power, and I got a title."

Your Title of Master Adapter has evolved into Eternal due to your Sublime template.
You will gain resistances based on the environment that activates your Adaptability.
Your fast healing has evolved into regeneration.
+2 Con, +2 Cha

After showing Cyril the screen he accepts the changes. Then asks, "So what super power have you selected, I see there are thousands of options. Any suggestions? I was thinking my wish could be for infinite wishes what do you think? After all I already have eternal youth and nigh immortal status with that title."

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

The young noble blinks as his former concept of reality quickly changes. "Um, well, funny you should mention wishes. The message I received said wishes are often cursed. There's a super power called Unassailable Wish. I wonder if that allows wishes to be granted uncursed. I once thought the concept of infinite wishes was beyond the realm of feasibility. Now, I am not sure of ANYTHING anymore. I am glad that I am a friend of man who can have infinite wishes and not his enemy.."
..although your ego is massive enough without the ability to cast infinite wishes", Cyril smirked.

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

He envisions the possibilities and states, "Yes but think of all the possibilities if I did have them. Are we sharing the system with anyone else? Perhaps Ed or Sir Issac Pureblood? Talia is already a Chosen right? Wait was your father?! So are you going for the Unassailable wish then? If so it sounds like I need to come up with wording of my wish before I make it."

Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Fast Healing 6__DR/4 slashing, Resist: acid 5, cold 15, electricity 15, and Negative Energy 10; Immune charm, fear, magic aging, disease

Ed wags his tail and moves close to either of you looking to comfort each of you.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Lord Cyril ponders Stavian's questions. "I don't believe my father was a Chosen. If he was, he kept that very close to the chest."

Looking down at the intelligent dog, Cyril asks, "Ed, would you like to be a Chosen?"

After Ed's answer, Cyril clicks on The Unassailable Wish option for his super power.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril holds the wish stone is his hand.
"Despite my many years of learning, I've never been able to perform any magic. I could tell you all about arcane theory, but I still don't have the means to produce even a cantrip." Cyril looks up at his long-time human friend. "Maybe that's why I've admired/envied you for so long, Stavian. As a bard, you are able to do something so effortlessly, that I could never accomplish."

"So, I decided to dedicate myself to matter of investigation and knowledge. Now. I hold the means to make my desires come true. But I do not want to lose the investigative mind I've already acquired."

Lord Cyril takes a deep breath and holds the wish stone aloft.

"I wish I could cast spells as a wizard, but not lose any of my investigative gifts."

Basically gestalt as wizard.

Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Fast Healing 6__DR/4 slashing, Resist: acid 5, cold 15, electricity 15, and Negative Energy 10; Immune charm, fear, magic aging, disease

The dog happily replies obviously going through a bit of logic, "It means I will grow stronger with you. Then... YES!"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril pets Ed's head, scratching his ears.

A system prompt appears before Cyril:
"Which title would you like to advance your wizard evolution?
The Magician
The Tinkerer
The Warlord
Magic Eater

Another screen pings:
Your gestalt wish has been shared with your party.
You will need a wish to bind your group.
Do you wish to use Ed's wish to fulfill the requirements of forming a magical bond amongst your group, allowing your wish to be fulfilled without curses.

As Arthur asks your Unassailable Wish skill awakens.
You can see the many paths he could take.
Almost all have requirements:

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

Arthur watches closely and eventually asks, "So how am I going to word this... wish. So that I don't fall down a rabbit hole?"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
GM Wolf wrote:

A system prompt appears before Cyril:

"Which title would you like to advance your wizard evolution?
The Magician
The Tinkerer
The Warlord
Magic Eater

What comes to Cyril's mind is one of Avalon's greatest national heroes: Merlynn. The Magician.

Cyril reaches up and clicks on Magician.
GM Wolf wrote:

Another screen pings:

Your gestalt wish has been shared with your party.
You will need a wish to bind your group.
Do you wish to use Ed's wish to fulfill the requirements of forming a magical bond amongst your group, allowing your wish to be fulfilled without curses.

With some trepidation, Cyril reaches up to the other screen and clicks Yes.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
"Now. If memory serves me, Wish is a arcane spell. So it might be just as straightforward as 'I wish to be able to cast Wish at will'", Cyril offers.

As Arthur asks your Unassailable Wish skill awakens.
You can see the many paths he could take.
Almost all have requirements:
Gain a patron that is willing to give you the wishes.
Become a genie or like creature.
Sacrifice blood or life.
The wishes can only be made once a day, otherwise the spell sucks life from you.

But really the best would be all of the options above but at different degrees.

One of the few paths with no requirement is that you can only cast wish without the material component once per month, and as many times as you choose with the material component.

Another is cast wish once per week with a minor inconvenience.

Finally once per day but life must be split upon the great axe which is the focus for the spell.

Having a item keyed to the wish spell makes it more grounded.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril was unconcerned about the list of options. So much was going on at the same time, it nearly made the young investigator's head swim. Cyril looks to his friends to assist them should they need it.

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Wish Work:
The key to any wish is to leave as little wiggle room as possible. Making the wish with as many caveats as possible is good.

Soon enough the rest of the groups arrive and most of them stand by the railing to see as the ship moves away from the docks. The captain stands confidently but you do notice that a good portion of the crew members are pretty if not beautiful women. Sure they look as well.

A few hours on the high seas and Camelot is but a dot on the horizon. The captain then states, "Okay we are far enough away, lets get some altitude!" The helmsman kicks a lever nearby with her foot. The ship slowly lifts from the water. Soon without the resistance of the water it feels like the ship picks up even more speed.

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

Arthur does his best to adjust to his new body and powers. He walks around on the deck obviously mulling through ideas.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
GM Wolf wrote:
A few hours on the high seas and Camelot is but a dot on the horizon. The captain then states, "Okay we are far enough away, lets get some altitude!" The helmsman kicks a lever nearby with her foot. The ship slowly lifts from the water. Soon without the resistance of the water it feels like the ship picks up even more speed.

Cyril couldn't help but be astounded by the qualities of the ship (and crew). The young noble finds the Captain.

"Astounding! Captain, your ship really is a marvel!" The enthusiastic investigative wizard expounds. "Does it rise any higher or fly? Why couldn't you allow it to levitate closer to shore? This feature must allow you to do more transportation jobs that most. What should be our estimated time of arrive now?"
Arthur Stavian wrote:
Arthur does his best to adjust to his new body and powers. He walks around on the deck obviously mulling through ideas.

Lord Cyril looks on as his best friend mentally deals with his most pressing matter.

Stavian! He must really be in deep thought to be unaware of the beautiful women surrounding him. He'd be the first to ply his charm on these lovelies. I imagine once he figures out his wording, he'll be singing for their affections soon enough.

The captain rolls her eyes at all the questions before leaving she states, "Speak with the helmswoman Saffire, my second in command."


As Cyril likely approaches Saffire she looks up and listens to his questions. She confidently states, [b]"Be glad that is all she did. Yes it can fly higher. We could take it into a town but it draws far too much attention. By a waterbearing vessel of our size it would take at least two weeks. We should get there in ten days if the wind is with us.

At about noon the serving lasses come around and offer some wine or milk from their jugs. If you request something it can likely be brought. They also offer a tray of sandwiches.

Dinner is served in the gally with full view of the kitchen. An obvious performer and very nimble, the cook puts on a show cooking and then serving.

What does Cyril do with his free time?

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

After taking some milk and a tray of sandwiches all to himself. He asks again, "So what words should I say, or should we retire to our room?"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
GM Wolf wrote:
As Cyril likely approaches Saffire she looks up and listens to his questions. She confidently states, "Be glad that is all she did. Yes it can fly higher. We could take it into a town but it draws far too much attention. By a waterbearing vessel of our size it would take at least two weeks. We should get there in ten days if the wind is with us."

"Amazing! Simply amazing!" Lord Cyril applauded. "I'd love to hear as much about this ship as you'll allow."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
GM Wolf wrote:

At about noon the serving lasses come around and offer some wine or milk from their jugs. If you request something it can likely be brought. They also offer a tray of sandwiches.

Dinner is served in the gally with full view of the kitchen. An obvious performer and very nimble, the cook puts on a show cooking and then serving.

Cyril gladly accept the sandwiches and wine with gratitude.

During dinner, Cyril claps along with the others as the chef performs for their amusement.
GM Wolf wrote:
What does Cyril do with his free time?

Good question. If Cyril magically becomes a gestalt investigator wizard, and if Cyril got a 1st-level spellbbok, he will adjourn to his quarters to study any spells inside.

If not, Cyril likely explored the ship, and met with the various adventure parties, make sure everyone is okay and not fighting each other.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
Arthur Stavian wrote:
After taking some milk and a tray of sandwiches all to himself. He asks again, "So what words should I say, or should we retire to our room?"

"Let's go to your quarters", Cyril decides.

Once there, Cyril takes out a pen, and ink well, and some parchment. Both investigator and Bard write out the wish several times to make sure it sounds correct with out any loopholes or possible mistakes.

If the gestalt wish was successfully shared with Stavian and Ed, Cyril will want to discuss it further with Arthur.

In the privacy of your cabin... The gestalt wish was successful. It was shared with Arthur and Ed. The three are the best options you came up with:
I wish to have a wish per day with no ramifications, the item of which I focus through will be a ring of elemental fire resistance. For it to function I must bath it in either dragon breath or lava once per month. Doing both can have possible positive effects. The wishes power is to come from Torag or Sarenrae.
I wish to have infinite wishes with no ramifications. With the requirement of I must take a life with the focus before a wish may be made. The focus is a great axe with vicious. The patron of the wishes is to come from Gorum or Cayden Cailean.
I wish to have infinite wishes with no ramifications. With the requirement of I must slay an undead with the focus before a wish may be made. The focus is a undead bane, holy halberd. The matron of the wishes is to come from Pharasma or the Mistress.

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

As the topic of the wish is brought up he states, "The wish you shared with us has a great effect! I shall now develop in both being a bard and barbarian equally without having to multiclass! Ed which class do you think you will take? It also seems that my wish shall transfer to each of you! So the requirements that we make in the original wish will likely be transcribed to each of you."

Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Fast Healing 6__DR/4 slashing, Resist: acid 5, cold 15, electricity 15, and Negative Energy 10; Immune charm, fear, magic aging, disease

He wags his tail and rubs against each of you to get scratches, he offers, "I am glad I was helpful and it looks like my wish is being well used. Biscuit please!"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

"A 'bard-barian, Stavian? Really?!" Cyril groaned.
"Well, of the three, I like the undead option. Mainly as a moral highground, if nothing else."

Saffire gladly explains the functions of the ship from the helm of the ship. She points to the different things and references the differences from a naval ship, "Which includes the spirit engine, thrusters to help them stay aloft, the aft thrusters can help with moving forward but we prefer to use the wind if possible."

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

"So should we come up with other renditions of the wish for each of you? Who would you want to be in the good graces of, I am rather indifferent. Oh how about this?"

Thinking of leaving the wish of undeath slaying to Cyril:
I wish to have infinite wishes with no ramifications. With the requirement of I must slay an evil creature with the focus before a wish may be made. The focus is a evil outsider bane, holy gurisarme. The matron of the wishes is to come from Pharasma or the Mistress.

"Then for Ed:"
I wish to have infinite wishes with no ramifications. With the requirement of I must slay an undead creature with the focus before a wish may be made. The focus is an undead bane amulet of mighty fists. The matron of the wishes is to come from Pharasma or the Mistress.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
GM Wolf wrote:
Saffire gladly explains the functions of the ship from the helm of the ship. She points to the different things and references the differences from a naval ship, "Which includes the spirit engine, thrusters to help them stay aloft, the aft thrusters can help with moving forward but we prefer to use the wind if possible."

"Does The Spirit Engine actually run on 'spirits', or is that a fancy title?" Cyril asks.

Saffire relays, "Not in the way you are thinking, I believe it is a fire and air elemental captured and bound to provide the power."

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
Arthur Stavian wrote:

Thinking of leaving the wish of undeath slaying to Cyril:

I wish to have infinite wishes with no ramifications. With the requirement of I must slay an evil creature with the focus before a wish may be made. The focus is a evil outsider bane, holy gurisarme. The matron of the wishes is to come from Pharasma or the Mistress.

"I like this proposal", Cyril admitted, pointing at the parchment. "But I don't know how to wield a gurisarme. Nice weapon, but a little to unwieldy, especially for the erudite, like myself. My choices would be (1) Rapier, (2) Hand Crossbow, or (3) Short Sword."

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
Saffire Ravenclaw wrote:
Saffire relays, "Not in the way you are thinking, I believe it is a fire and air elemental captured and bound to provide the power."

Cyril smiled. "Thank you very much for this tour. I do appreciate the time you took away from your other duties. How long have you been this ship's First mate?"

You hear several taps upon your door, a parchment slides under your door and footsteps recede from the door before you can get in the hallway.
It says: Beware of smiles and good intentions.

She chuckles and happily replies, "Your welcome, don't worry about it, now that we are in the air it barely needs a helmsman. I have been on this ship for four years but only first mate for under a year now."

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

Arthur takes the note in hand and then listens to the door. He shrugs and brings it over for Cyril to read. "It's too vague to identify who it implies. Rapier it is then. Ready for the wish?"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril stands with Ed, taking a deep breath. "Ready."

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

He first clarifies, "So you want the evil slaying weapon or undead slaying weapon." Clutching the black stone in one hand he holds it up and states, "
I wish to have infinite wishes with no ramifications. With the requirement of I must slay an undead with the focus before a wish may be made. The focus is a undead bane, holy halberd. The matron of the wishes is to come from Pharasma or the Mistress. As the wish is transcribed to Cyril:
I wish to have infinite wishes with no ramifications. With the requirement of he must slay an evil creature with the focus before a wish may be made. The focus is a evil outsider bane, holy rapier. The matron of the wishes is to come from Pharasma or the Mistress.
Then for Ed:
I wish to have infinite wishes with no ramifications. With the requirement of he must slay an undead creature with the focus before a wish may be made. The focus is an undead bane amulet of mighty fists. The matron of the wishes is to come from Pharasma or the Mistress."

Switch out evil for undead should that be your request.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Evil as a focus works for me.

The room goes black and distant stars slowly can be seen. Each of you feel an icy hand clutch your hearts. Then you hear a female's otherworldly voice, coming to you as a whisper, "I accept your offer. You shall be marked and blessed by me, The Dark Lady, guardian of death, your Mistress. When you get a chance go see King Joeseph and Jellena Darkling my mouth piece and high priestess. They will get you settled when you return from the Verge. Beware the god of fire and what sleeps in that mountain. The elf Saronis you should make your ally if not companion."

A moment later the three of you are back in your room with sweat pouring down your bodies. You can still feel the icy grasp of her hand.

You innately know that your wishes are limited but there are exclusions. You can only wish for 10 x your level before you level up. Any unused wishes are forfeit should you not use them before you Max out your xp for your level. So you have up to 20 wishes. You will need to learn about the exclusions on your own.

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

He shudders and falls over upon the ground. After a few steadying breaths he begins to get up. "Well that was a rush, a rush to near death experiences."

He takes a few more gasping gulps for air and then adds, "Now we just need to find some undead!"

He moves over and pets the poor looking canine.

Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Fast Healing 6__DR/4 slashing, Resist: acid 5, cold 15, electricity 15, and Negative Energy 10; Immune charm, fear, magic aging, disease

Ed just drops prone to the ground and whimpers. Though you do see a black collar with moonstones along its strap.

You do see a rapier with a scabbard next to Cyril and a polearm with a covered blade next to Arthur.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

"Oh Gods..!" Cyril stood shivering with fear. "That was a God. We..we were in the full presence..of a God." The stammering noble shakily reach down to examine the new rapier of Death.

"I should have called on Desna.." Cyril whispers to himself.

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

He grabs his backpack and pulls out a bottle. He quickly pulls out the cork and takes a swig, "Ah that warms me right up, Brandy." Another swig then he offers it to Cyril.

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