Awesome Arcanium: The Side Quest!

Game Master BloodWolven

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Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

He happily agrees to the idea, "I should be fine there. We will see. You go find your own skirt to chase. If no success I will meet up with you outside of the estate in an hour. If I am not there head home and I will find you in the morning."

diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26

As the two of you return to the party you see Lady Dafne waiting with her last two friends, Lady Azule and Lady Gold. As Arthur approaches they whisper their well wishes and head over to the bar to keep up their buzzes.

After a few sly words, Lady Dafne nods her head they retreat into the garden to the maze that is walled with ten foot hedges.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril follows Lady Gold and Lady Azule, complimenting their attire and asking how they thought the gala went.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

The two ladies giggle to each other and flirt back with Cyril. 2 more chances to get a DC20 diplomacy check to wrangle a skirt for yourself.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Diplomacy DC 20: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Diplomacy DC 20: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
As Cyril chats up both ladies, it becomes abundantly clear Lady Azule is more receptive to a private tryst. Lady Gold seemed interested as well, but was too deep in her chalice. Both Lady Azule and Lord Cyril help lady Gold into her carriage to send her home. While at the carriage stables, Lady Azule invites Cyril into her carriage where they can be alone.

The carriage rocks from their exertions. How long do you entertain Lady Azule?

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Lady Azule and Lord Cyril entertain each other for nearly an hour. When others come to their carriage to journey home, Cyril discreetly exit The Azule carriage to go find Stavian.

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

Cyril you find Stavian smoking a cigar as he sits on one of the many benches.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril sits down next to Stavian without much preamble.
"Well, Lady Azule was as I expected: not well versed in the ways of passion. She pretty much laid there like a dead fish. But what she lacked in skill, she made up more in tightness."

"Did Lady Dafne enjoy her birthday present?"

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

"Which one? Hmmm?" He quickly retorts and slaps Cyril's leg. "I believe she enjoyed them all!"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril looks around. "Well, Stavian. I don't know about you, but I'm going to head home. Hopefully get a good night's sleep in Desna's arms, then start the day to tackle Father's map. Can I expect you for breakfast?"

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

He confidently replies, "You can rely on me being there, this is a story to not miss!" He walks with you toward your but about a third of the way he waves and heads down another street. Eventually he finds on of his bed mates that are still up.

The next day he is in his exercise wear, a commoners outfit as he approaches the Cyril mansion. Once pass the guards he continues to juggle the five pears he collected earlier.

Cyril's mother left early this morning and the servants don't know when she will return. Several dishes are made for breakfast and are awaiting you once you come to the table. A frosted cinnamon roll surrounded by glazed sticky buns. A fruit spread of cantaloupe, strawberries, and watermelon. Finally a platter with sausage patties lining the outside with a pile of cooked eggs in the center.

Arthur is awaiting you as he begins to eat.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Lord Cyril sits down at the table, greeting Stavian.
The young investigator turns to one of the servants and asks, "Did my mother leave anything for me this morning?"

The servant brings the message, "My dear son best of luck on your endeavor. I love you and hope the sun shall shine on you every day. Please take what you need as you will be on the road for at least a month."

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril read his mother's message as he loads up his plate with sausages and fluffy egg. "We'll need to go to my family burial grounds first to get the map", Cyril explains.

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

He finishes his plate and tidied his face with a napkin. He stood up and rallied, "What are you waiting for?! Lead the way!"

On the way he thinks out loud, "I wonder which epic will be similar to our adventure?" He was about to name off a few of the fables but seeing the wrought iron gate to the burial grounds caught his tongue. Beautiful praying stone angels sat upon each column. The magical sheen could easily be seen on the gate.

Upon the gate there is a brass plaque that simply has the family name upon it.

After pulling on the gate and it obviously isn't going to budge. The brass plaque changes to write:
Only those of the Lucan bloodline can gain access using your digit as a key.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril reads the plaque aloud for Stavian's benefit. With some hesitance, the young Lucan rests his pinky finger on the brass sign.

Nothing happens when Cyril puts his pinky finger on the brass sign.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Stymied, Cyril frowns. "Well, maybe the 'blood' part of this needed to more prominent." The young Lucan pricks his index finger with his rapier, causing a small droplet of blood to form. Cyril places his bloodied index finger on the brass plaque.

The brass plate disappears and the gates open magically for you. There are many monuments in place to represent some of the heroes of your family, though the most recent deceased is likely in the mausoleum. You both feel an aura bear down upon you, the likely defenders of the crypt.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Looking back, Cyril takes a few steps inside, feeling the aura. "Well, Stavian. I have achieved access. I shall leave it to you if you wish to continue further with me. I would like to think friendly visitors are welcome. Maybe."

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

He follows Cyril but after feeling the aura he states, "I feel why you say that. We will see, I don't have any armor or anything that can be used as a two handed weapon. I got my dagger, sap, and club. Though hopefully I can get out if the place doesn't like me."

He strums a few lines of the melody he learned, inspiring a bit of courage.

Perform: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

He walks and strums alongside Cyril, though his eyes keep darting back and forth.

The auras begin to weaken and by the time you pass several of the stone statues the aura is nearly gone.

Are you going to search the statues, gravestones, or the mosoluem first?

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

"Well, as Head of House, my father must be laid in the mausoleum", Curil surmissed. "Let's check there first."

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

Arthur nods and walks with you toward the mosoleum.

At the mausoleum's door another plaque waits for you. With a riddle upon it.
This thing all things devours: Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Grinds hard stones to meal; Slays king, ruins town, And beats high mountain down.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

As Arthur and Cyril approach the Lucan Family Mausoleum, both young nobles notice the various golden age of Camelot designs and embellishments. The visage of Sir Lucan the Butler, the founder of the Lucan line, is featured prominently throughout.

Cyril reads the plaque's riddle. "Time?"

With the correct word stated the plaque disappears just like the last one on the gate. Within you see everburning torches upon the walls which light up the mausoleum. You find a scroll case held aloft on the alter before you. If you go to the resting table you will find your father's corpse, preserved with magic and still on display as he was the last family member to die.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Lord Cyril cautiously took the scroll case. Seeing his father, the younger Lucan looked down on the form of his dead father for several minutes.
"I wonder. I wonder if I ever made you proud, Father", Cyril whispered. "Rest In Peace. Please."

To Stavian's credit, he did remain silent the entire time, until Cyril took a moment to open the scroll case to examine it's contents. "What is it?"

Within you find three different parchments. First is an aged yellowed parchment, upon it you see a treasure map which includes landmarks and a trail with tight small wrighting adding detail. The second parchment seems like is thicker than the first also practically new with a slight blue tinge to the white paper. Upon it are instructions:
Go to the local Adventuring Guild and ask for Talia. Only show her your treasure map and request respected adventurers for the mission. If Talia is hesitant give her the unopened envelope within.
Good luck my son, I am proud of the man you have become!

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Lord Cyril reads and rereads the letter, misty-eyed, and smiles.
"Well, Stavian. To the Adventuring Guild we will go."

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

He sings and strums his lute, "Once again on the road again..."

Once outside of the masoleum he states, "This does seem to be a proper adventure with the treasure map. I believe I will need to grab my armor and full gear. I will meet you at the guild hall, grab what you might think we need for a trip."

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril walks out of the Lucan burial grounds quietly and with reverence. Once out, he quickly makes it back to the manor, equips fully, and makes his way to the Adventurer Guild.

What is Cyril wearing?
Cyril you get to the adventuring guild before Arthur. There is a bar attached to the guild house and on the other side is a restaurant. The adventuring guild is mostly just straight business. You enter in the front doors and there are at least two dozen adventurers just milling around. There are occupied tables and chairs about the room, though there are clear routes towards the receptionists. The walls also have an assortment of posted quests.

As you reach the closest receptionist she offers in a happy bubbly attitude, "Greetings sir! How can I help you today?"

A trio of tough looking men get up and walk towards you. You can hear them whispering to each other, "What do you think, would he cry home to mommy?" "No man he likely would just beg for us to beat him." "What?! Look at those clothings, I want to get me a sample of the quality."

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26
GM Wolf wrote:
What is Cyril wearing?

Cyril wearing a masterwork set of studded leather armor, a masterwork rapier with the Lucan family crest emblazoned to the hilt basket, and a hand crossbow with 10 bolts, his backpack that has his rogue's kit, and a hat of disguise

GM Wolf wrote:
As you reach the closest receptionist she offers in a happy bubbly attitude, "Greetings sir! How can I help you today?"

"Yes, I'm here to see Talia. Please tell her Lord Lucan is here to see her, and that my associate, Lord Stavian will be joining us shortly."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Cyril allows his hand to rest on his rapier basket, ready to draw it should he need to.

The three men pale and quickly go back to their table then decide better and just leave the guild hall.

The receptionist's smile fades as she hears the name, "I will go check if she is available today. You may need to make an appointment, you know the guild master is a very busy person."

Sense Motive DC 12:
The receptionist is sorry that you likely won't be seen any time soon.

Sense Motive DC 15:
The three men paled at Talia's name but then took on a paler shade as Stavian was dropped.

The receptionist comes down the stairs back in her bubbly attitude. Once on the other side of the counter from you she happily states, "Once you are registered Talia will see you. Please place your hand on the orb." Once you do it begins to glow. She picks up a clipboard and begins making notes. Then she states, "Okay I have your basic info, is there any associations or teams that you are associated with? Yes I have the Lucan family. Anyone else?"

With that task accomplished and any questions you might have answered she leads you up the stairs, down the hallway and then up a spiral staircase. She knocks on the door then opens it for you. Before you is a massive greenhouse that seems to reside on the top of the guild hall. Once you enter she closes the door and returns down the stairs.

A musical voice trails off in the distance, "Cyril, come on back here. I want you to see my pride and joy!" As you walk you feel like the trees are pushing in on you, then you see the leshys, hundreds of them, though they just watch and touch you as you pass them. Finally the trees part and you are in a meadow with a pool on the far side being fed by a small waterfall... from thin air... Talia gets up from the pool and walks towards you her stern eyes analyzing you but before long she breaks into a smile, [b]"Nothing against you, I was just checking your mettle.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

GM Wolf wrote:
The receptionist comes down the stairs back in her bubbly attitude. Once on the other side of the counter from you she happily states, "Once you are registered Talia will see you. Please place your hand on the orb." Once you do it begins to glow. She picks up a clipboard and begins making notes. Then she states, "Okay I have your basic info, is there any associations or teams that you are associated with? Yes I have the Lucan family. Anyone else?"

"Yes. Arthur Stavian from House Stavian." Cyril reports.

GM Wolf wrote:
Talia gets up from the pool and walks towards you her stern eyes analyzing you but before long she breaks into a smile, "Nothing against you, I was just checking your mettle."

"No worries, Madam Talia", Cyril adds with a courtly bow.

Talia seems very familair with Cyril. Have these two met before? Does she only know of Cyril's House? What rolls does Cyril need to make?

K history, nobility, local, would likely word the best. As she is the guild master and many years ago a very active adventurer.

K local DC 20:
She is a legend in the books of adventurers. She led the Cruel Tigers through many missions of all sorts. Cyril's father was apart of the Cruel Tigers.

K History/Noblility DC 15:
She is just a commoner but has connections with house of Lucan. You believe she may be one of your god mothers.

You have a vague recollection of her as you were growing up, though you never officially met for one reason or another.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Knowledge (nobility): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
"Father always spoke very highly of you. And it is due to my father I visit you today. Today I was given my birthright. A magical map my father left for me. It was on his recommendation that we visit you today."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Cyril takes out the map and offers it to Talia to examine.

Talia takes the map and takes it over to a table. There she carefully pins it to the table. She nods and offers, "Yes it makes sense that he would send you to me. Since he is gone I suppose he is cashing in his chips for you... Do you have something for me?" As Cyril likely hands the envelop to Talia. She opens it and nods thoughtfully, "Yup, your cur of a father has indeed done that. I miss that old dog! So what do you need? Or shall I just set up a crew and transportation for you?"

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

"Before we talk of crew and transportations, I'd like to examine the map more fully", Lord Cyril explains.
The young investigator studies the map.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Knowledge (geography): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

She simply states, "okay." Though after a few minutes she begins tending to her plants.

You see that there is a red mountain called Verge. Also a river between it and a forest. The river empties into a lake. In the forest there are some landmarks, a stone head, a totem pole, and ruins. The path leads to the forest, over the river and up to mountain Verge.

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

Cyril flips the map back and forwards, looking for any hidden meaning or purpose. "The map appears to lead to something at or on Mount Verge. If the landmarks hold true, we might be traveling through barbaric lands."
Knowledge (geography, any info on the barbaric cultures in the Verge area): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

The mountain holds all sorts of dragon beasts, several clans of barbaric goliaths, and ice trolls. On the foothills is the barbaric land of the Tiger Lords. You think there are wild elves in the forest. You will not find much for civilization in this area!

Percep +17*|Diplo +35*|SM + 19*|Acro +14☆|Appraise +13|Bluff +21*|Disable +12*|Intim. +14*|Sleight +9*|Stealth +12
Venerable Human (Avalon)|HP 99/99|F: +8, R: +10, W: +11|Init +14 (12)|AC 21 (16 T, 16 FF)|BAB +3|CMB +8|CMD 24 Gestalt Investigator (Sleuth)/Wizard (Universalist)/5th|Sleuth’s Luck (Ex) 24/24|Inspiration Pool (Ex) 25/26

"I would not be surprised if you have a hard time finding adventurers to come with us, for seemingly little reward", Cyril said as he looked up from his map. "Nor would I blame anyone who did not want to come."

Grand Lodge

Talia nods at your assessment, though she suggests, "Well I am sure some adventurers would go that way to settle old scores. Others might do it if you paid them in advance or offered them a high amount of gold when you returned. But maybe the best question is who do you want to go on this trip with you. I would suggest you do a trial quest with some prospects. Do you know what other classes you would like to have? You could take on an Iron level mission and I can request two others to join you. If it doesn't work out then you can try again with others. Speaking of others Arthur, you can come out of the trees and join us. Though I feel that Arthur has brought along a companion!"

Spell +8_ Stealth +7/+5_ Surv -2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +9
HP: 53/53_ AC: 16 _ T: 14 _FF: 13_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +15_Init: +3_Fort: +9+2 vs. poison_Ref: +6_Will: +1 +7 vs charm and compulsion & ench_CMB: +7_CMD: 20_Speed: 40
Acro +8/+6_Bluff +13 _ Climb +10/+8 _ Dip +15 _ Disg +15 _ EscArt +7 _ HA +8 _ Heal -2 _ Intim +12/+14 _ K (nob) +11, Arc/Nat/Rel: +8, Eng/His +7 Perform O +15_ Ride +7_ SoH +7

As he stumbles through the foliage as if the trees were holding him back, he is acting the fool to put others at ease. "OH... uh... yes... there we go!" he mumbles as he tries to get free.

He then offers in his charismatic way, "Yes! I have brought along a stalwart companion though he will not be able to fight with us but still a welcome addition." Then he kneels down and pets the Australian shepard that comes from the tree he just left, his voice goes up at least two if not three octaves as he talks to the dog in baby talk, "Yes, Ed isn't that right! Good boy!"

Vital: HP: 127/135 | AC: 22_ T: 13_ FF: 19 | Perception +11, Initiative: +1 | Fort: +14 _ Ref: +7 _ Will: +6 | CMB: +5, CMD: 23, Speed: 55
Fast Healing 6__DR/4 slashing, Resist: acid 5, cold 15, electricity 15, and Negative Energy 10; Immune charm, fear, magic aging, disease

The dog wags its tail and licks any offered hands after they pet him.

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