The kings and queens of Korvosa have long ruled under the shadow of the Curse of the Crimson Throne—an infamous superstition claiming that no monarch of the city of Korvosa shall ever die of old age or produce an heir. Whether or not there is any truth to the legend of the curse, Korvosa's current king is but the latest victim to succumb to this foul legacy. Now, the metropolis teeters on the edge of anarchy, and it falls to a band of new heroes to save Korvosa from the greatest threat it has ever known!
Hookshanks peers at the man behind him "Geri? Geri, is that you? My how you have grown in the past few years. Always knew Lamm should have beaten you to death. Too bad, really, it's come to bite him in the ass."
"He tried. And he failed," Gerinel replies. He lets Hei-wa usher him back inside and then assists with the hog-tying of the two goons. "Three for three so far," he comments.
"Desna's smiled on us so far," Gerinel says with a smile of his own. "These three made our lives Hell, but it isn't time for them to head there...not yet anyway."
Yelena sighs when Hookshanks refuses to answer her questions. It's pretty obvious by now they'd prefer not to murder anyone, and it's probably also pretty obvious they would never let him go no matter what he said. That leaves no real motivation for him to answer. Still, she'd been hoping he would make their lives a little bit easier.
Ah well.
She moves back into the room with Tawni and Giggles. "Let's get them all in the same room but as far apart from each other as possible. With their hands tied behind their backs and them facing the wall it'll be easy to see any attempts at freeing themselves." She pokes her head through the open doorway to see if the eastern room would make a better 'cell' than the ones they've already seen.
Yelena, my apologies. I truly didn't see your questions.
Hookshanks looks at Yelena as you can visibly see the gears in his mind working "I'll tell you what you want to know, but we need to come to some sort of understanding. I tell you where you can find Lamm and you let me walk free. As proof of my sincerity I'll tell you the children are asleep on the fishery's main floor. Now, do we have a deal?"
As you listen to Hookshanks try and cut a deal you hear the sound of a creaking board coming from outside the building.
You overhear the Gnome tell the others he knows where Lamm is hiding and that the children are inside the fishery. Years of searching may have finally come to an end. Unfortunately, in your haste to find Jamis, one of the planks of the rickety boardwalk creaks beneath your feet.
Yelena looks into the side room to find a pair of bunk beds against the far wall, two of which seem to have been recently slept in. A boarded up window is between the two beds.
Hei-wa says with finality, "No deal. I do have a counter-offer..." His voice trails off as he fires a hard look at the door and dock beyond, then he cat-foots to the doorway, sliding past Trinity to confront whoever is outside.
Male Human (chelaxian) Slayer 1, HP 13/13, AC 15 t:12 ff:13, Fort: 4, Ref 4, will 1; Initiative +2, Perception +4
Dammit, of course this is in disrepair too... Here goes nothing... The sound of an armored gauntlet gently taps against the outside of the door three times. Hey! You don't know me, but that little runt knows where my son is! Thrashed a fence, Solomon - Isaac Solomon, to tell me where this jerk hides himself. Figure we can help each other on this. I'm Odver - can you let me in before the watch wanders by and does their job this one time?!?
Human Female Bard(Arcane Healer) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 16 / T 12 / FF 14 | Saves F +0 / R +4 / W +2 | CMB +1 CMD 13 | Harrow Points 3 / 3 | Init +2 Perc +7 | Bardic Performance (-6/6) rds./day | Rapier +1 (1d6+1 / 18-20x2) | Scorpion Whip +1 (1d4+1) | Sling +2 (1d4+1) | Spells 1st -2/2
Trinity prepares her whip, winding it tight and holding it firm in her hand. "What do you mean when you say help each other? Did you have something specific in mind Mr. Odvar? If that is your name." She asks in a very skeptical tone.
Hookshanks looks at Yelena as you can visibly see the gears in his mind working "I'll tell you what you want to know, but we need to come to some sort of understanding. I tell you where you can find Lamm and you let me walk free. As proof of my sincerity I'll tell you the children are asleep on the fishery's main floor. Now, do we have a deal?"
"Thank you." Yelena means it. The children are actually here. Victor is here. Her impulse is to immediately rush to the fishery floor and see for herself, but no. They have to be careful. They still don't know where Lamm is, and there's no guarantee these are the only thugs here either.
She shifts impatiently from foot to foot while they finish tying everyone up. Just when she thinks they might be ready to move on there's a knock on the door. Wait, son?
"Are you looking for someone too?" Yelena is clearly less suspicious of the new arrival than the other members of the group. "Lamm took my brother, it's why I'm here. Did I hear you say your son is missing?"
Male Human (chelaxian) Slayer 1, HP 13/13, AC 15 t:12 ff:13, Fort: 4, Ref 4, will 1; Initiative +2, Perception +4
Odver slides into the room, resting his ransuer out of reach. He obviously has the look of someone who's worked with his hands for his whole life, and the shoulders to match a lifetime of labor. His hair cut short, more out of convenience than any particular style, and a few days of stubble grown in. He nods at Yelena, and holds his hands up in a non-threatening way, as non-threatening as a man with a spiked gauntlet on his right hand can....
Thank you or this. My son has been missing for four years, me and Tomas have been looking everywhere, every beershop and pesh den we could find for Jamis. I finally found a fence who told me where to find this scumbag he nods at the gnome before continuing, and discovered you lot here already. Everything I do is to find my son, the guard can't or won't help, since I lost Lissa, this is all I know... I lost my smithy. But I need to find Lamm, if you are headed the same way and of a like mind, no reason we shouldn't do this together.... I'm Odver Trask, used to own a smithy in Old Korvosa, but that feels like a lifetime ago... he says, emotion thick in his voice, a heavy blend of anger and sorrow.
"I'd never let another kid suffer the way I did under Lamm's foul hand, whether they Chelish or a fellow Traveler. Desna smiles on you this night, Odver Trask. Gerinel is my name, and you've found an ally in me."
He extends his hand to let Tomas sniff him, and offers him a scratch behind the ears if he allows.
Human Female Bard(Arcane Healer) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 16 / T 12 / FF 14 | Saves F +0 / R +4 / W +2 | CMB +1 CMD 13 | Harrow Points 3 / 3 | Init +2 Perc +7 | Bardic Performance (-6/6) rds./day | Rapier +1 (1d6+1 / 18-20x2) | Scorpion Whip +1 (1d4+1) | Sling +2 (1d4+1) | Spells 1st -2/2
Sense Motive:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Trinity listens quietly as Odver explains his peril. Eventually she concludes that even if the man meant harm, he is too outnumbered to try anything. At some point during the explanation, she rolls up her whip and fastens it to her belt. "Most of us are somewhat unacquainted with one another, but we have similar cause. One more sword can't hert, but trust is a two-way road that takes time to develop. Hopefully we develop some as we put an end to this nightmare. With a little luck, we might find your son along the way."
"I'm Yelena Stanescu. If Hookshanks is telling the truth, we might find your son and my brother on the main fishery floor." Yelena never thought she'd be grateful Victor was missing for only a year. Four years. Four years and he never stopped looking. Not for the first time she feels a wave of anger over how quickly Adrian and Titia had given up hope.
"Let's get going." She glances at the three tied-up thugs, then at Tawni, (who's conscious but clearly hanging on by a thread.) "Tawni, perhaps you could stay here and keep an eye on them? Make sure they don't free themselves while we continue searching."
Yelena isn't the one to open doors, but my vote would be to explore the southwestern room next.
As the party interrogates the new comer Tawni carefully ties up Giggles and Hookshanks, who offers no resistance. Removing some of their items he finds three vial labeled in Orcish on Giggles. He holds them up for the others "Can anybody read this?" he asks.
Orcish or Spellcraft DC:16 check:
They are vials of Cure Light Wounds potions
Also, on Giggles he finds a suit of Chainmail, a Composite Longbow, 20 19 arrows, a heavy mace, and a pouch with 90 gold pieces in it. Testing the longbow he finds that he cannot pull it, the draw is simply too much (+3 Strength) for him.
Looking over Hookshanks he finds a suit of Leather armor (small), A finely wrought (i.e. Masterwork) Kukri (also small), an unused Disguise kit, an iron key (similar to the one you found on Yargin), and a belt pouch containing 10 gold pieces.
Hei-wa maintains his watchful silence of the latest victim of Lamm’s treachery and notes the name - Trask. He turns his attention to the bound gnome. ”Here’s my counter-offer…” Noting the team’s seeming preference for leaving these men alive, he wraps a practiced arm around the gnome’s neck and applies pressure, cutting off the gnome’s air supply while simultaneously compressing the arteries, denying blood to his brain. He’ll be dizzy in 30 seconds and unconscious in less than a minute unless he understands exactly what’s happening and knows the counter-technique.
I can roll non-lethal unarmed damage, if you prefer. Basically, I think putting the gnome lights out is the best course of action.
Once the little thief slumps into unconsciousness, Hei-wa pokes his face to make sure he isn’t faking and then gently releases him.
He nods and moves to the southwest door to listen at it before attempting to open it.
"Never could read Giggles' scrawling, and I'm still figuring out the magic Desna's gifted me, so I couldn't tell you how they work based on that. Yelena, you understand that stuff better, mind taking a look?"
Hei-wa's glance shifts from the door to Trinity to the gnome and back again. He says quietly. "He is alive. I suspect that is a mistake - leaving breath in any of them. I won't be surprised if turning them over to the Watch is the same as freeing them. But I understand your hesitancy to kill and I will respect it, for now."
Human Female Bard(Arcane Healer) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 16 / T 12 / FF 14 | Saves F +0 / R +4 / W +2 | CMB +1 CMD 13 | Harrow Points 3 / 3 | Init +2 Perc +7 | Bardic Performance (-6/6) rds./day | Rapier +1 (1d6+1 / 18-20x2) | Scorpion Whip +1 (1d4+1) | Sling +2 (1d4+1) | Spells 1st -2/2
"There is little doubt these idiots deserve to die, but I have witnessed too much death in my lifetime and firmly believe we should avoid murdering people if given the choice. The watch may turn a blind eye, or perhaps they won't. I believe we should give them the opportunity to fail before judging the process. I can tell you, from firsthand experience, that justice can be harsh under the right circumstances."
Male Human (chelaxian) Slayer 1, HP 13/13, AC 15 t:12 ff:13, Fort: 4, Ref 4, will 1; Initiative +2, Perception +4
There is one man in the watch I trust, and if Lamm's removed from his seat of power, then his run of bribes and blackmail may free others up to do the right thing. We can drop a note. Sergeant Raxor is a good man, and one we could turn this scoundrel over to, and maybe he'll see justice some day. Otherwise I'm sure this Hookshanks will just turn up in another gang, or by way of more violence in our city. Testing the bow, That's got good draw weight to it. Might come in handy soon if you don't mind? I prefer a smaller bow, but for tonight wouldn't be bad to have in the arsenal.
Yelena takes the vials from Tawni, uncorks one, and gives it a quick sniff. "They're healing potions. About as powerful as the spells Trinity and I cast earlier. I think we should each hold onto one since we don't fight up close and are less likely to get hurt, then maybe Hei-wa holds the last one?"
She opens her mouth to protest when Hei-wa grabs Hookshanks by the neck, then notes the position of his hands and stops herself. He's probably right that knocking Hookshanks out cold is a better idea than leaving him conscious, even if Tawni stays behind. "I appreciate your understanding. I've never killed anyone before, and killing these people now, even if they deserve would change me, and I don't think for the better." She wraps her arms around herself, (hissing slightly as she inadvertently brushes against the cut on her arm). "Once we've rescued the children, the guard will have definitive proof of what Lamm's been doing. None of them will be able to slip away from justice this time."
Escape grapple:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Hookshanks struggles to break free of Hei-wa's chokehold to no avail. His attempts grow more and more feeble as the Monk applies more and more pressure until, finally, the Gnome falls unconscious.
Tawni agrees to stay behind and watch over the prisoners "I'm dead on my feet and I'd feel a lot more sure of myself if I could use one of those potions." Assuming no one objects. Cure Light Wounds:1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
As Hei-wa prepares to open the door Giggles awakes and tries to break out of his bonds but Tawni knows his business and the half orc cannot get enough leverage to bust free. Giggles smile fades from his face as he launches into a profanity laced tirade calling into doubt the legitimacy of everyone's parents marriage and some Oedipal ideas about your mothers.
Strength check:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
The Tian offers up his potion for Tawni's use. Given the swashbuckler's worn appearance, Hei-wa isn't confident that he could handle the half-orc or any of his friends showing up.
He glares at Giggles' efforts and insults then stands, announcing quietly to his allies, "I'm not going to kill him... but he clearly only learns the hard way."
He moves swiftly over to the half-orc and delivers a set of flat-punches to Giggles' sternum, briefly disrupting the rhythm of his heart. Then prepares to put him in a sleeper hold if necessary.
IUS DAM (nonlethal):1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 IUS DAM (nonlethal):1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Male Human (chelaxian) Slayer 1, HP 13/13, AC 15 t:12 ff:13, Fort: 4, Ref 4, will 1; Initiative +2, Perception +4
Odver watches impassively as Hei-wa pummels the half-orc into submission again before directing his attention back to the door he's covering. Considering for a moment what these newfound allies bring to offer, maybe I should buy a sap? Seems a split bunch between violence and non-violence...
Human Female Bard(Arcane Healer) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 16 / T 12 / FF 14 | Saves F +0 / R +4 / W +2 | CMB +1 CMD 13 | Harrow Points 3 / 3 | Init +2 Perc +7 | Bardic Performance (-6/6) rds./day | Rapier +1 (1d6+1 / 18-20x2) | Scorpion Whip +1 (1d4+1) | Sling +2 (1d4+1) | Spells 1st -2/2
Standing ready, Trinity begins to voice a complaint about beating the half orc, but then refrains as she considers the process. (Hei-wa might be right about this guy. Knocking him out as well might be better for everyone.)
"For my part, I like to think I understand where to be merciful and when to send a soul to its final slumber. I've been on the road long enough to know sometimes a caravan has to fight to protect itself. I've no love for any of these scumbags, they made my childhood a living hell. But in sparing them we've proven we're better than them, better than Gaedren. And I can't help but take a small amount of smug satisfaction from that," Gerinel says.
He nods appreciatively as he accepts one of the potions, then his expression sours when Giggles wakes up.
"I barely got to KNOW my mother...OR my father for that matter, you overgrown twelve-year-old!" he retorts, just before Hei-wa goes to work on him.
"Thank you," he says as the half-orc goes unconscious. "He was always one of the worst. Just would NEVER shut up unless Gaedren yelled at him, and even that never lasted long."
Yelena shifts impatiently from side to side. She can acknowledge the benefit of knocking both Hookshanks and Giggles unconscious, but with Victor being so close any delay is maddening. "Are we ready to continue?"
Not so fast, everyone. Remember, Giggles was completely unharmed when the Sleep spell dropped him.
"Is that the best you got?" Giggles chuckles before spitting a gob of blood at Hei-wa's feet "My Mother hit me harder than that when I was a whelp. But it figures that you'd only hit a man when he's tied up. What's the matter, too afraid to face me one on one? Untie me and let's go." Giggles taunts the Tian man.
Hei-wa doesn't bite at Giggles' bait, seeming unperturbed. He applies a chokehold and starts pressing into the half-orc's neck. "If you were any sort of man - or had a shred of honor - I'd consider it."
CMB to escape grapple:1d20 + 6 - 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 - 6 = 20
Giggles manages to break free of Hei-wa's chokehold, buying himself a couple of seconds of precious air before the Monk manages to close off his airway and the half-orc collapses, unconscious.
CMB to escape grapple:1d20 + 6 - 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 - 6 = 3
With Giggles taken care of, Tawni begins to drag the uncoscious thugs into the side room where he stands watch.
As Hei-wa opens the southern door he is almost overwhelmed by the smell, a mixture of fish and sweat, the stink is enough to make his eyes water. To the east, a large wooden trough holds a hideous mound of half-rancid fish, seaweed, and brine. Filthy river water and fish blood stain the floor around this trough. A pair of wooden chutes lead from this trough through holes in the eastern wall into a larger room beyond. To the west, a desk and chair sit in one corner while a tall cabinet sits in the other.
Through an open doorway you can see a flight of stairs descending into the darkness beyond.
Male Human (chelaxian) Slayer 1, HP 13/13, AC 15 t:12 ff:13, Fort: 4, Ref 4, will 1; Initiative +2, Perception +4
Mmmmm, a lovely smell indeed, what else shall we discover today?Odver asks, creeping forward into the next chamber. He's not as light on his feet as Hei-wa, but for a blacksmith, he moves pretty well indeed.
Yelena coughs as she enters the room, regretting her decision to use Titia's scarf to bind Yargin's wounds. She could use it now to mask the smell. "Oh gods, how does anyone stand this?"
She moves to stand as far away from the trough as possible, eyes watering. To distract herself she searches the desk for any paperwork that might serve as evidence for Lamm's crimes.
Human Female Bard(Arcane Healer) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 16 / T 12 / FF 14 | Saves F +0 / R +4 / W +2 | CMB +1 CMD 13 | Harrow Points 3 / 3 | Init +2 Perc +7 | Bardic Performance (-6/6) rds./day | Rapier +1 (1d6+1 / 18-20x2) | Scorpion Whip +1 (1d4+1) | Sling +2 (1d4+1) | Spells 1st -2/2
Trinity didn't react much to the bad smell. She had experienced many unpleasant smells during her youth and, over time, belt a tolerance to it. Being a bit cautious, she moved into the room with her whip in hand. Once on the other side of the door, she quickly began inspecting of the area.
As everyone begins to enter and disperse around the room you can hear the sound of nails scratching on wood, followed by the deep bark of a large dog coming up the stairs behind the open door.
Moments later a large mastiff, who some will recognize as Bloo, Yargin Balko's dog, bursts into the room. Growling and baring his teeth he moves to attack Hei-wa.
Human Female Bard(Arcane Healer) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 16 / T 12 / FF 14 | Saves F +0 / R +4 / W +2 | CMB +1 CMD 13 | Harrow Points 3 / 3 | Init +2 Perc +7 | Bardic Performance (-6/6) rds./day | Rapier +1 (1d6+1 / 18-20x2) | Scorpion Whip +1 (1d4+1) | Sling +2 (1d4+1) | Spells 1st -2/2
Trinity takes a step back when she sees the dog rush into the room. After uncurling her whip, she cracks it forward in order to discourage the dog from Bitting Hei-wa.
Free= Five-foot move, Standard= Aid Hei-wa defensively +2 to AC.
(Attack) Aid Another for Hei-wa:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Male Human (chelaxian) Slayer 1, HP 13/13, AC 15 t:12 ff:13, Fort: 4, Ref 4, will 1; Initiative +2, Perception +4
Sorry boy, you better back off! Odver gets behind Hei-wa and growls at the dog, trying not to really hurt it unless absolutely necessary. Poor boy doesn't know any better, try not to hurt it!
Hei-Wa lashes his foot out at Bloo but the dog, used to years of abuse, dodges out of the way.
Odver approaches the animal and attempts to dissuade it from attacking and, although he doesn't recognize the words he definitely recognizes the tone, a moment of doubt can be seen in the dog's expression.
Trinity's whip snaps the air next to Bloo, causing the dog to flinch at the last second as it's jaws snap shut on thin air.
Attack roll (bite, shaken):1d20 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 3 - 2 = 10
Gerinel, memories of Bloo and his time with the Lamm's coming flooding back as he hesitates as he enters the room and sees the mutt for the first time in years.
Yelena is up, and then everyone can post their second round actions.
Back turned to the trough, (and consequently the door), it takes Yelena several seconds to realize the dog has arrived. She doesn't necessarily agree that the mastiff is a "poor boy," but if Odver wants to try and avoid hurting him she'll do her best to help. "Did anyone bring any food with them? Maybe he's just..." The dog snaps at Hei-wa's foot, missing it by inches. "...Hungry."
Uncertain what else to do, she tries to talk in a soothing tone. "You don't really want to hurt us, do you boy?"
Evil Eye: Bloo takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls for 7 rounds. A DC14 Will Save reduces the duration to 1 round.
Welcome Everyone to the Curse of the Crimson Throne: On a Knife's Edge discussion thread, the place for Out of Character discussions and general frivolity.
To receive your gift I want everyone to roll 1d4 and add that to your starting point buy and adjust your characters accordingly, keeping in mind the original restriction about going above an 18 (before racial adjustment).
Just an FYI, we will be using Roll20 for the battlemaps (a link can be found underneath my alias). Please check in and let me know who's who so I can set your tokens accordingly.
Hmmm, what to do with an extra point. Should I toss it in strength for carrying capacity or constitution for a little extra safety? Decisions, decisions…
EDIT: Not bad, not bad at all! Tawni, I noticed you've got Unhappy Childhood too. Would it be too much of a stretch to say we knew each other growing up? Quite a few Varisians in this party!
Gerinel, since we both got in I wanted to throw a possible backstory connection at you. Since we both spent time with Varisian caravans that swung by Korvosa, any interest in having it be the same one? Yelena left the caravan a few years back so we probably wouldn’t be super close, but at least acquainted. Gerinel could have even been the one to tell Yelena about “Lamm’s Lambs” and this give her a lead in the search for Victor. Thoughts?
Edited to add: Same could apply to Tawni. (I remembered the pirate ship part of the backstory more than the caravan.) Yelena was born in the caravan twenty-three years ago and stayed until about four years ago, when she left to go live with her father in Korvosa.
Certainly appears to be a great many Varisians in the group, yes!
Ages will matter for knowing each other. Tawni, for instance, fled Lamm's tender mercies at least 15 years ago, maybe as many as 18.
More recently, he was part of a typical Varisian caravan, and "jumped ship" because he recognized the behavior of Lamm's Lambs, and couldn't stomach letting it continue.
And I have the Betrayed: Reformed Criminal trait, though the story could easily have been used for either.
Our Bard is also a Reformed Criminal with a Varisian sounding name.
Heh. And 3 of us have been hiding in caravans for some period . . .. Interesting, that.
Certainly appears to be a great many Varisians in the group, yes!
Ages will matter for knowing each other. Tawni, for instance, fled Lamm's tender mercies at least 15 years ago, maybe as many as 18.
More recently, he was part of a typical Varisian caravan, and "jumped ship" because he recognized the behavior of Lamm's Lambs, and couldn't stomach letting it continue.
And I have the Betrayed: Reformed Criminal trait, though the story could easily have been used for either.
Our Bard is also a Reformed Criminal with a Varisian sounding name.
Heh. And 3 of us have been hiding in caravans for some period . . .. Interesting, that.
Ah. Yeah, I don't think we would have met. Gerinel's only just become a man, you would have been gone while he was still a toddler at the very least. I admit I assumed the trait was "Unhappy Childhood" because your backstory said you did time as one of the "Little Lamms." Sorry for the confusion! How long were you with the caravan overall? If it was the same caravan Gerinel ran away with, it may make for an interesting connection, like Tawni joined Gerinel's caravan, they got to talking and Tawni mentions his past, causing Gerinel to go "Oh s#@%, you were a "Little Lamm" too?!"
Yelena Stanescu wrote:
Gerinel, since we both got in I wanted to throw a possible backstory connection at you. Since we both spent time with Varisian caravans that swung by Korvosa, any interest in having it be the same one? Yelena left the caravan a few years back so we probably wouldn’t be super close, but at least acquainted. Gerinel could have even been the one to tell Yelena about “Lamm’s Lambs” and this give her a lead in the search for Victor. Thoughts?
I think it's a great idea! Gerinel would have spent the better part of his teenage years with the caravan, so he'd probably have at least known you for a while. When do you think he might have mentioned the Little Lamms? Would it have been while you and your family were still part of the caravan, meaning it was less a revelation for you that that's where Victor may have ended up and more a connection you made after remembering Gerinel talking about his past, or more recently, like Gerinel visited you while the caravan stopped in Korvosa after you'd settled and you were talking about Victor's disappearance and Gerinel then said, "that sounds like some of the stories other Little Lamms told of how they wound up in the gang?"
Can one of you who's checked in on the Roll20 site please check and see if you can move your token and let me know? There's a way to set permissions for tokens so that I don't have to do it every time we change maps and I just want to make sure I did it right.
I was able to select it and drag it along, but then it vanished? Layers?
Edit: Hah! It was layers! I dropped him under Trinity! Snap to grid mucked with me, because I had him "in the vicinity", not in the square, so when he snapped to grid, and behind her, I lost sight of him unexepctedly.
Human Female Bard(Arcane Healer) 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 16 / T 12 / FF 14 | Saves F +0 / R +4 / W +2 | CMB +1 CMD 13 | Harrow Points 3 / 3 | Init +2 Perc +7 | Bardic Performance (-6/6) rds./day | Rapier +1 (1d6+1 / 18-20x2) | Scorpion Whip +1 (1d4+1) | Sling +2 (1d4+1) | Spells 1st -2/2
Tawni wrote:
Certainly appears to be a great many Varisians in the group, yes!
Ages will matter for knowing each other. Tawni, for instance, fled Lamm's tender mercies at least 15 years ago, maybe as many as 18.
More recently, he was part of a typical Varisian caravan, and "jumped ship" because he recognized the behavior of Lamm's Lambs, and couldn't stomach letting it continue.
And I have the Betrayed: Reformed Criminal trait, though the story could easily have been used for either.
Our Bard is also a Reformed Criminal with a Varisian sounding name.
Heh. And 3 of us have been hiding in caravans for some period . . .. Interesting, that.
There is a strong possibility that anyone traveling with a Varisian caravan may have heard about Trinity’s history. Her father’s dark deeds are commonly a subject of discussion. I would even go as far as to say that it has likely become a scary story used to scare children into compliance. That history is something that she is ashamed of. So, to date, it is a subject of emotional regret. There is also a chance that any involvement with Lamm’s Lambs might have created a situation where paths crossed. That would have been before Trinity was assaulted and discarded. Her previous connection with Lamm would make her a strong candidate for information about his operation.
GM Whiterose wrote:
Can one of you who's checked in on the Roll20 site please check and see if you can move your token and let me know? There's a way to set permissions for tokens so that I don't have to do it every time we change maps and I just want to make sure I did it right.
I was able to move the icon. Everything looks good on my end.
Gerinel would have spent the better part of his teenage years with the caravan, so he'd probably have at least known you for a while. When do you think he might have mentioned the Little Lamms? Would it have been while you and your family were still part of the caravan, meaning it was less a revelation for you that that's where Victor may have ended up and more a connection you made after remembering Gerinel talking about his past, or more recently, like Gerinel visited you while the caravan stopped in Korvosa after you'd settled and you were talking about Victor's disappearance and Gerinel then said, "that sounds like some of the stories other Little Lamms told of how they wound up in the gang?"
I was thinking the latter. Gerinel may or may not have talked about his childhood (depending on how painful the subject was for him), but regardless his circumstances were different enough that I doubt Yelena would have made the connection. I also think having Yelena as an ally in the search for Lamm might be part of what makes Gerinel decide now’s the time for Lamm’s luck to run out. They both serve Desna after all, so luck is definitely not on Lamm’s side :)
GM Whiterose wrote:
Can one of you who's checked in on the Roll20 site please check and see if you can move your token and let me know? There's a way to set permissions for tokens so that I don't have to do it every time we change maps and I just want to make sure I did it right.
I went to check my token like asked, and I can't seem to click on it at all?
Also, how do I add the benevolent GM bonus to my point buy? I don't think HeroLab has a "17 point buy" option...
Also also, Tawni, did you have any thoughts about this?
How long were you with the caravan overall? If it was the same caravan Gerinel ran away with, it may make for an interesting connection, like Tawni joined Gerinel's caravan, they got to talking and Tawni mentions his past, causing Gerinel to go "Oh s#@%, you were a "Little Lamm" too?!"
I figured if it's the caravan Gerinel's part of, we might have been looking for Gaedren together before getting our Harrow cards, and that may factor into my opening post. Otherwise, we can just say we're in different caravans that both came to Korvosa for a meet-up or something.
Also also, Tawni, did you have any thoughts about this?
How long were you with the caravan overall? If it was the same caravan Gerinel ran away with, it may make for an interesting connection, like Tawni joined Gerinel's caravan, they got to talking and Tawni mentions his past, causing Gerinel to go "Oh s#@%, you were a "Little Lamm" too?!"
I figured if it's the caravan Gerinel's part of, we might have been looking for Gaedren together before getting our Harrow cards, and that may factor into my opening post. Otherwise, we can just say we're in different caravans that both came to Korvosa for a meet-up or something.
I read the "I don't think we would have met" and half-dropped it. I was kinda waiting to see how the connection with Yelena panned out. It looked like the two of you established a connection, but she didn't seem interested in extending the offer, so I fully dropped it.
Not because I dislike the idea, but because I find it unlikely Tawni would have ignored a single woman only a few years his junior . . .. And without her choice of active involvement, it would have required at least some of that. <shrug> I'm not necessarily talking about romantic entanglements, mind you, but he wouldn't have ignored her.
Edited to add: Same could apply to Tawni. (I remembered the pirate ship part of the backstory more than the caravan.) Yelena was born in the caravan twenty-three years ago and stayed until about four years ago, when she left to go live with her father in Korvosa.
I thought I caught that edit button early enough, but apparently not. I’m fine with all three of us being in the same caravan in which case Yelena could be looking for both of you.
Also, how do I add the benevolent GM bonus to my point buy? I don't think HeroLab has a "17 point buy" option...
Go with the 15 point option and then start playing with your ability points. Your new total (17, etc.) will show in red indicating you are over-budget, but you will be able to see your total - at least that is how it works in my copy of the non-web-based HeroLab.
^This. You can add the points, but herolab will throw you a red error warning indicating that you are over the 15 point buy. It will still calculate your stats at 17 points. If you want to clear the error message just reconfigure your hero to roll/custom on the drop down list.
As far as I’m concerned you can move us forward now and we’ll either handwave or spoiler any conversations that happened earlier in the day. Sorry for my part in the confusion.
Edited to add: Same could apply to Tawni. (I remembered the pirate ship part of the backstory more than the caravan.) Yelena was born in the caravan twenty-three years ago and stayed until about four years ago, when she left to go live with her father in Korvosa.
I thought I caught that edit button early enough, but apparently not. I’m fine with all three of us being in the same caravan in which case Yelena could be looking for both of you.
I'm fine with that if Tawni is.
Got a similar question for Trinity: what part of your life was with the Little Lamms? Would it have been before, during or after Gerinel's time? He's 18 now, and be would have been maybe 8 or so when he finally got away from Lamm and had been with the caravan for ten years after that.
One thing to note, since Yelena has been here longer at this point, she might not know we are in Korvosa until she sees us in the shop. Having run together before doesn't mean we instinctively found each other in the last couple of days.
And it helps keep us to the story's assumption that we are each alone to find the shop . . ..
The downside of us three knowing each other and Hei-Wa explicitly being the last to arrive is that poor Trinity’s going to keep getting mistaken for the host :)
Everyone gets three Harrow points, with the exception of Hei-wa who gets four. For the uses for Harrow points in this chapter of the adventure check out the spoiler on the the Campaign Info tab.
Everyone, if you say in your post that you move somewhere please, please, pretty please, move your token on the map to indicate where you want to end up.
This is a pet peeve of mine and I don't want to be responsible for any miscommunication between us.
Sorry for the delay folks! Gateway issues kept me from posting. Plus, Mother Nature decided to play an April Fool's joke on us by dumping about 8 or so inches of dense, wet snow on us, causing power outages that threw off my sleep cycle due to my CPAP going offline, we weren't able to get out of our garage because of said outage, so we couldn't shovel the driveway immediately, and when we did try to shovel it it was a real struggle due to how heavy and wet the snow was. I finally limped into work about 3 hours late, and stayed late too. Leaving me tired, cranky and sore when I finally got home. Very funny, Mother Nature. Ha ha. You got me. Happy April Fools. -_-
Gerinel, where are you getting the third action from? You can get two actions (move & move or move & standard). I'm not seeing where that last attack action is coming from.
Yes, when you use a move action you only get one attack action, so no offhand attacks when you move.
It depends on what you do next. If you pause to search the room or Yargin then we can drop out of combat until you're ready, if you proceed to the next room to see what/who is out there then we'll stay in initiative order.
I don't see Hei-wa near any door so which door are you planning on opening? The one by Yelena or the one behind Tawni, where you heard the voice come from?
Speaking of Tawni, it's been a week since he posted so I sent him a PM to see if everything's all right. If we don't hear back from him I can bot him until you clear the fishery and then we might have to see about picking a replacement.
I was listening at Tawni's door so that is the one I was planning on opening. I didn't want to place my icon on top of his or move his icon so I left my icon in place. Sorry for the confusion.