Gameday XII SFS Tarnished Legacy: Star Sugar Superstar!!! (Inactive)

Game Master Qstor

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Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LG halfling cyberborn daredevil operative 3 | SP 18/18 HP 20/20 | RP 5/5 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 40ft | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: none.

It doesn't hurt that I just got my 4th nova, so my reroll got a +4 bonus. Which reminds me, the remaining reroll is from my Eternal Hope graft, so I get one more reroll but only on a natural 1.

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor

Charity successfully stops Radat's trick and sees that he placed a bucket of Galaxy Putty slime over the stage and had a trigger on it. The slime is a harmless toy but it would have been embarrassing.

Meta Crash performs next and as a the guitarist rips a metal solo out. The huge crowd pushes against the stage and some people jump up. Some stage dive back but other's try to rush the band.

"Meta Crash we love you!"

Intimidate check to dissuade the group verbally, or attempt
to physically stop the fans with either a Athletics check, grapple, reposition, or trip combat vs KAC

I'm trying to get my first Nova Star lol. Late comer!'


NG Nuar Law Officer Robot Dad Nanocyte 2 | 20/20 SP 18/18 HP 4/4 RP | EAC 14 KAC 16 | Fort: +6 Ref: +0 Will: +3 | Perc +7 Sense Motive +9 Darkvision 60 ft | Stealth +1/+2 Speed 30 | Nanite Surge 4/4 | Current form: Sheath | Active Conditions: None

While Oshari does pride himself on striking an imposing figure when threatening fines for improper workplace safety, he also knows that outside of those situations, he is much less intimidating. Instead, here he relies on sheer size and strength to block the group, attempting to form a one-man blockade.

Athletics: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG halfling cyberborn daredevil operative 3 | SP 18/18 HP 20/20 | RP 5/5 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 40ft | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: none.

Charity calls to the crowd. "Stand back! If somebody gets hurt, the ones responsible may be arrested. Is being close to the band for one moment worth the risk of missing the rest of the concert?
Intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor
Charity Slice wrote:

Charity calls to the crowd. "Stand back! If somebody gets hurt, the ones responsible may be arrested. Is being close to the band for one moment worth the risk of missing the rest of the concert?


can we get an aid? :)


Verthani Exocortex Mechanic 1 || Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4 SM +0 || EAC 13; KAC 15 SP 3/8 HP 10/10 RP 4/4 Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0

Been trying to get to this since noon yesterday.

Little sighs and is on the point of following Oshari into what promises to be a scuffle, when Charity tries to redirect the crowd. Instead of risking a bout of fisticuffs, he tries standing behind her hoping his size will add emphasis to her point.

Aid, Intimidate, untrained: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor

loans campaign coin

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Charity uses her skills to force the crowd down.

As the reverberating shumka beat of the KaWyrd’s final song
fades, Radat approaches with a harried look in his eyes.
“You’ve got a ‘scrappy and resourceful’ vibe going on, and
Starfinders are known to make good watching. Here’s the deal:
one of the bands is ill and dropped out—not my fault, search
me—so we have time that needs to be filled and we can’t just
shift the entire lineup to fix it. I need you to get out there and
wow the crowd with what fascinating talents I’m sure you have
for the next five minutes. Got it? Great. Go break a leg.”

make a skill roll of your choice to entertain the crowd :) circumstance bonus for creativity!


NG Nuar Law Officer Robot Dad Nanocyte 2 | 20/20 SP 18/18 HP 4/4 RP | EAC 14 KAC 16 | Fort: +6 Ref: +0 Will: +3 | Perc +7 Sense Motive +9 Darkvision 60 ft | Stealth +1/+2 Speed 30 | Nanite Surge 4/4 | Current form: Sheath | Active Conditions: None

Oshari furrows his brow. "Not sure I can really help you there." the nuar says gruffly. "I am most certainly not an entertainer, and unless they want a lecture on building safety I doubt I have much to contrib--" He stops himself mid-sentence, as he notices the massive puppy-dog eyes the blob of nanites next to him is making.

He sighs a bit. "You wanna do something for a performance?"
Ariadne nods vigorously.
He sighs again, crossing his arms and thinking. "You remember that... projection trick I taught you?"
She thinks for a second, then smiles widely and nods again, turning to the nearby wall and flashing a few rainbow lights as a demonstration.

He nods. "Ok, I think we could work with that. It'd certainly be a lot safer than any real pyrotechnics." He turns back to the group. "If one of you can put on a good performance, we can handle some special effects. You'll get a background, maybe even some fog if you want it."

One of the minor forms Oshari's nanites has is the Imaginarium Projector, which just works to project images in a 20-foot radius. Between that and a cloud array, he'll do special effects by projecting a background and adding fog effects where necessary. I'll make a post describing the exact effects once we have someone to do a main act.
Engineering: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22


Precog 2 (Doomed Future) | Init +7 | Percep +8 (low-light vis), SM + 6 | Speed 30’, Stealth +8 | EAC 14 KAC 15 | SP 8 HP 14 RP 4 | Fort -1, Ref +6, Will +1 (+2 vs enchantment, immune magical sleep) | subzero ice carbine +4 (1d8 C/P; 60’), surv knife +4 (1d4 S) | Spells lvl 1: 2/3 | Paradox 2/2, Focal 1/1 | Active Conditions:* N/A

Varidenel clears this throat. "Hrrm. I could tell the audience about what we found during the last archeological expedition I was part of. I was part of a team hired by one of the drow houses to excavate a newly discovered tunnel and recover any usable technology hidden inside. The tunnel turned out to be a bust for our employers; they said nothing we found was worth anything, then kicked us off the planet. But there was this one object, it looked like a spotlight, but when someone (not me, for the record) flipped the switch, it emitted a beam of dark instead of light. Really weird, and it wasn't drawing on any power source we could see." He pauses for a moment. "Well, and a couple of people died. But that's it. Look, every civilization that's ever been wiped out or disappeared - like the people who built Aucturn - thought they would be around forever. They've all been wrong, and if we don't watch our step, we'll end up just like them and a few thousand years from now, whatever passes for people will be looking at our old shoes in a museum!"

If he is allowed anywhere near the stage:

Profession (archeologist): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG halfling cyberborn daredevil operative 3 | SP 18/18 HP 20/20 | RP 5/5 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 40ft | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: none.

Charity knows the people like tricks, so looks at the equipment and runs a makeshift obstacle course.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29
And thanks for the campaign coin!


Verthani Exocortex Mechanic 1 || Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4 SM +0 || EAC 13; KAC 15 SP 3/8 HP 10/10 RP 4/4 Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0

"I've got a joke. This lawn supervisor is out on a sprinkler maintenance job..."

Got no skills in this line. Little is just not a very physical guy. Could try another untrained aid if someone wants one.

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor
Little Lendtech wrote:

"I've got a joke. This lawn supervisor is out on a sprinkler maintenance job..."

Got no skills in this line. Little is just not a very physical guy. Could try another untrained aid if someone wants one.

Radat comes on stage.

"Ah you'll have to excuse him...He's a Little...ha ha.." He bows. The audience claps. "We're on intermission now!" He cries. The crowd heads to the rest rooms.

Faleen bumps into the group backstage. As she regains
her balance, "Nice job! Good jumping Charity! And you guys!" she says pointing at the Starfinders. "Excuse me for a sec" She immediately falls down on her face.

medicine mysticism or perception

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG halfling cyberborn daredevil operative 3 | SP 18/18 HP 20/20 | RP 5/5 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 40ft | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: none.

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26That's my best bonus of the three.


Precog 2 (Doomed Future) | Init +7 | Percep +8 (low-light vis), SM + 6 | Speed 30’, Stealth +8 | EAC 14 KAC 15 | SP 8 HP 14 RP 4 | Fort -1, Ref +6, Will +1 (+2 vs enchantment, immune magical sleep) | subzero ice carbine +4 (1d8 C/P; 60’), surv knife +4 (1d4 S) | Spells lvl 1: 2/3 | Paradox 2/2, Focal 1/1 | Active Conditions:* N/A

Mysticism: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
(Additional +4 to identify a magic item, or to arm or disarm magical traps)

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor
Varidenel Daudadomur wrote:

[dice=Mysticism]1d20 + 9

(Additional +4 to identify a magic item, or to arm or disarm magical traps)

Charity and Varidenel notice that there are green tumorous growths on

Faleen’s neck that are constricting her breathing and the growths are a symptom of demonwort, an ingested poison distilled from
a plant native to the Abyss that’s popular among drow assassins and known for causing extremely painful death.

Medicine check...

A small crowd gathers around the Starfinders.

"What happened to Faleen?" says the dwarf from security.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG halfling cyberborn daredevil operative 3 | SP 18/18 HP 20/20 | RP 5/5 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 40ft | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: none.

Medicine: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20


Precog 2 (Doomed Future) | Init +7 | Percep +8 (low-light vis), SM + 6 | Speed 30’, Stealth +8 | EAC 14 KAC 15 | SP 8 HP 14 RP 4 | Fort -1, Ref +6, Will +1 (+2 vs enchantment, immune magical sleep) | subzero ice carbine +4 (1d8 C/P; 60’), surv knife +4 (1d4 S) | Spells lvl 1: 2/3 | Paradox 2/2, Focal 1/1 | Active Conditions:* N/A

“She’s been poisoned with demonwort!”

Varidenel has a medpatch - if Charity’s check isn’t enough, he can try using it and rolling untrained with +10.


Verthani Exocortex Mechanic 1 || Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4 SM +0 || EAC 13; KAC 15 SP 3/8 HP 10/10 RP 4/4 Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0

"That doesn't sound good. Can I help?"

Little saunters onto the scene.

I've a serum of healing, if that will do any good.

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor
Varidenel Daudadomur wrote:

“She’s been poisoned with demonwort!”

Varidenel has a medpatch - if Charity’s check isn’t enough, he can try using it and rolling untrained with +10.

The group is able to stabilize her. The growths on her throat make it hard for her to talk.

DC 15 Perception or Sense Motive:
If you ask her what happened she slowly mouths“dressing room… cupcake… Tsuchi-ko… warn…”

trying to move along

if you succeed and act on the above:
this is investigation part so I'll try to moveyou're able to stop Tsuchi-ko from eating a chocolate cupcake from a lovingly wrapped gift basket but she looks puzzled[


Verthani Exocortex Mechanic 1 || Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4 SM +0 || EAC 13; KAC 15 SP 3/8 HP 10/10 RP 4/4 Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

"Poison! The dressing room cupcakes!"

This at least seems to be something Lendtech can navigate. He runs toward backstage and the dressing rooms. "Tsuchi-ko! Tsuchi-ko! Where is she?!" He opens dressing room doors and peeks inside then quickly moves to the next.

"Tsuchi-ko! Don't eat that!"

We stop Tsuchi-ko from eating a chocolate cupcake from a lovingly wrapped gift basket but she looks puzzled.

"It's poisoned." Little explains.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG halfling cyberborn daredevil operative 3 | SP 18/18 HP 20/20 | RP 5/5 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 40ft | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: none.

Charity looks for any remaining cupcakes to see if they are from the same bakery she ordered from.
Culture: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor

Tsuchi-ko is about to put the cake in her mouth as Little jumps in.

"Thanks you! Wow poison! Can you check it would for me please? I hope everyone will be OK! It bums me out that someone who is singing here might be responsible, but I think he culprit is likely
someone who wouldn’t have raised suspicions backstage with
their presence. Since people are walking in and out."

Celita and Zigvigix soon arive backstage to echo Tsuchi-ko’s sentiments.

"Yeah she's right! People are walking around!"

Charily easily finds that the cupcakes are not the ones that she got but from another store. The cakes are in a gift basket near Tsuchi-ko dressing room.

you guys can look at other physical evidence or talk to witnesses.

evidence - doll, basket, dressing rooms, catwalk or poison

witnesses - Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perception, or
Sense Motive check to find helpful witnesses

"It was the vesk military!" says a Lashunta outside. "They have it in for Tsuchi-ko!"


Precog 2 (Doomed Future) | Init +7 | Percep +8 (low-light vis), SM + 6 | Speed 30’, Stealth +8 | EAC 14 KAC 15 | SP 8 HP 14 RP 4 | Fort -1, Ref +6, Will +1 (+2 vs enchantment, immune magical sleep) | subzero ice carbine +4 (1d8 C/P; 60’), surv knife +4 (1d4 S) | Spells lvl 1: 2/3 | Paradox 2/2, Focal 1/1 | Active Conditions:* N/A

Varidenel looks around for Vesk soldiers or any other potential witnesses.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15


Verthani Exocortex Mechanic 1 || Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4 SM +0 || EAC 13; KAC 15 SP 3/8 HP 10/10 RP 4/4 Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0

"Someone should stay with Tsuchi-ko, or she comes with us. Ziggy, Celita, can you watch her? "

Little thinks a little more. "Charity, that rig you disabled in the fly. Could that have been meant for Tsuchi-ko?"

Little's no good with people. I'm thinking he'll try the catwalks again.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG halfling cyberborn daredevil operative 3 | SP 18/18 HP 20/20 | RP 5/5 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 40ft | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: none.

"Wasn't Tsuchi-ko a judge?" Charity asks. "I think the bucket was meant for somebody on-stage. Probably not related. The cupcakes were targeted. We should see who was around backstage." She goes about looking for people who may have been in the area.
Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20


Verthani Exocortex Mechanic 1 || Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4 SM +0 || EAC 13; KAC 15 SP 3/8 HP 10/10 RP 4/4 Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0

"I'll have another look up there anyway. Some assassins like high ground."

Little climbs back up to the catwalk.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor
Little Lendtech wrote:

"I'll have another look up there anyway. Some assassins like high ground."

Little climbs back up to the catwalk.

[dice= Perception] 1d20+4

"Hey there's something up here, I think." says a guy. "Where was it?"

make another perception please

Charity and Varidenel find four witnesses in the area.

Diz (N male ysoki) "I'm a member of Naughti Whiska. It's a sick joke perpetrated by Radat. I saw Radat bringing all sorts of weird and suspicious things into the theater like buckets, slime, gags, and so on. He had it in for her. All that weird stuff!"{/b]

Geldro (LN male damaya lashunta) [b]"I'm MusePathic’s manager" He
leans in conspiratorially and remarks, “I only know of one person
here who’s poisoned someone before: Lynthia. She poisoned her
lover a few years ago. It was all over the infosphere!”

Liraeus, a member of the lighting crew, says, “I didn’t see
anything about Tsuchi-ko, but could you please ask Lita Starr’s
bodyguards to stay off the catwalk? One of them was just up there
and he stepped on and broke a light. I’m afraid to ask myself.”

Sayozo of Sonic Tumult saus "I think I saw “that super obsessed
Tsuchi-ko fan from earlier” coming out of Tsuchi-ko’s dressing
room sometime after she’d already been removed from the
She scratches her head "It was was weird, but a bandmate distracted them and when they looked back the fan was gone. No other. No other of my band mates saw the fan, so I assumed they
were mistaken. Now I regret not telling security. I think she begged to see Tsuchi-ko!"


Verthani Exocortex Mechanic 1 || Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4 SM +0 || EAC 13; KAC 15 SP 3/8 HP 10/10 RP 4/4 Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0
GM Qstor wrote:
Little Lendtech wrote:

"I'll have another look up there anyway. Some assassins like high ground."

Little climbs back up to the catwalk.


"Hey there's something up here, I think." says a guy. "Where was it?"

make another perception please

"Let's have a look then."

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 Of course.

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG halfling cyberborn daredevil operative 3 | SP 18/18 HP 20/20 | RP 5/5 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 40ft | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: none.

Charity starts heading for the catwalk, and activates her comm. "Little, do you see anything up there? One of the folks back here say they saw one of Lita's bodyguards up there." She turns to one of the others. "And somebody find that kid!"

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor
Little Lendtech wrote:
GM Qstor wrote:
Little Lendtech wrote:

"I'll have another look up there anyway. Some assassins like high ground."

Little climbs back up to the catwalk.


"Hey there's something up here, I think." says a guy. "Where was it?"

make another perception please

"Let's have a look then."

[dice= Perception] 1d20+4 Of course.

The guy says "It's over there." Little sees a device attached to the underside of the catwalk above Tsuchi-ko’s chair at the judges table. Little doesn't see anything strange above the device.

Charity Slice wrote:
Charity starts heading for the catwalk, and activates her comm. "Little, do you see anything up there? One of the folks back here say they saw one of Lita's bodyguards up there." She turns to one of the others. "And somebody find that kid!"

did you want to talk To Wonder? btw pictures posted again on the slides so you can see what people in the mod look like

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG halfling cyberborn daredevil operative 3 | SP 18/18 HP 20/20 | RP 5/5 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 40ft | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: none.

Which of us are backstage? I can talk to people back there, but I know I have good Perception so I thought I may be needed elsewhere too.

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor
Charity Slice wrote:
Which of us are backstage? I can talk to people back there, but I know I have good Perception so I thought I may be needed elsewhere too.

I'm assuming you'll are together. Do we still have everyone? players I mean..."


Male Ysoki

Oshari hasn't posted in 8 days?

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

A ysoki appears on the catwalk. from a random pregen (GM}

He taps Little on the shoulder. "Ah buddy don't touch that device there....maybe some guy was up here before like my friend Charity said"

He takes out some tools.

Engineering: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

"AH no's a charge shifter would have shocked's fine NOW" He puts the tools away. "Where to next?"


Precog 2 (Doomed Future) | Init +7 | Percep +8 (low-light vis), SM + 6 | Speed 30’, Stealth +8 | EAC 14 KAC 15 | SP 8 HP 14 RP 4 | Fort -1, Ref +6, Will +1 (+2 vs enchantment, immune magical sleep) | subzero ice carbine +4 (1d8 C/P; 60’), surv knife +4 (1d4 S) | Spells lvl 1: 2/3 | Paradox 2/2, Focal 1/1 | Active Conditions:* N/A
quig 87 wrote:
Oshari hasn't posted in 8 days?

Midterms, I think.


Precog 2 (Doomed Future) | Init +7 | Percep +8 (low-light vis), SM + 6 | Speed 30’, Stealth +8 | EAC 14 KAC 15 | SP 8 HP 14 RP 4 | Fort -1, Ref +6, Will +1 (+2 vs enchantment, immune magical sleep) | subzero ice carbine +4 (1d8 C/P; 60’), surv knife +4 (1d4 S) | Spells lvl 1: 2/3 | Paradox 2/2, Focal 1/1 | Active Conditions:* N/A

Varidenel looks for Wonder to ask the kid what she was doing in Tsuchi-ko’s dressing room.

“Just a kid” - sure, but is she? Really? Could she be some kind of shapeshifter? Or just really good at disguising herself? Is anyone really who they seem to be?

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

If he finds her:
“What were you doing in Tsuchi-ko’s dressing room after security already walked you out of here? That’s a lot of trouble to risk getting into just to find a souvenir.”

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG halfling cyberborn daredevil operative 3 | SP 18/18 HP 20/20 | RP 5/5 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 40ft | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: none.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18


NG Nuar Law Officer Robot Dad Nanocyte 2 | 20/20 SP 18/18 HP 4/4 RP | EAC 14 KAC 16 | Fort: +6 Ref: +0 Will: +3 | Perc +7 Sense Motive +9 Darkvision 60 ft | Stealth +1/+2 Speed 30 | Nanite Surge 4/4 | Current form: Sheath | Active Conditions: None
Varidenel Daudadomur wrote:
quig 87 wrote:
Oshari hasn't posted in 8 days?
Midterms, I think.

Sorry! Mix of midterms and having trouble sleeping left me a little out of it. I'm still here though!

Oshari joins the group in questioning Wonder.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9


Verthani Exocortex Mechanic 1 || Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4 SM +0 || EAC 13; KAC 15 SP 3/8 HP 10/10 RP 4/4 Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0

"Thanks," Little tells the ysoki.

He settles himslf to watch the stage and backstage below.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Now what?

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor
Varidenel Daudadomur wrote:

Varidenel looks for Wonder to ask the kid what she was doing in Tsuchi-ko’s dressing room.

“Just a kid” - sure, but is she? Really? Could she be some kind of shapeshifter? Or just really good at disguising herself? Is anyone really who they seem to be?

[dice=Perception]1d20 + 8

If he finds her:
“What were you doing in Tsuchi-ko’s dressing room after security already walked you out of here? That’s a lot of trouble to risk getting into just to find a souvenir.”

[dice=Sense Motive]1d20 + 6

The groups finds Wonder backstage.

"I wanted to give her a gift!" she says.

Who do you think might want to hurt Tsuchi-ko? “No one! Tsuchi-ko is amazing!”
Did you try to poison Tsuchi-ko? Wonder’s eyes widen and her circuitry tattoos glow with agitation. “What? No! I have no idea what you’re talking about! Wait—is Tsuchi-ko hurt?”

Did you bring Tsuchi-ko a gift basket? “Of course! I wanted to give her something to apologize for sneaking in earlier. She loves cupcakes, you know. I hope she liked the doll I made her.”

Where did you get the gift basket? “I purchased it from the

using Charitys roll above, she's telling the truth. Any more questions or her or someone else?

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor
Little Lendtech wrote:

"Thanks," Little tells the ysoki.

He settles himslf to watch the stage and backstage below.

[dice= Perception] 1d20+4

Now what?

Little doesn't see anything else of interest and Lita's assistant isn't around the catwalk now

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG halfling cyberborn daredevil operative 3 | SP 18/18 HP 20/20 | RP 5/5 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 40ft | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: none.

"Did you give the cupcakes to Tsuchi-ko yourself?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor
Charity Slice wrote:
"Did you give the cupcakes to Tsuchi-ko yourself?"

"Ah..." Wonder hesitates.

one of the questions from the scenario if you fail the sense motive check is We know you’re lying about how you got the basket.

bluff diplomacy or intimidate

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor
GM Qstor wrote:
Little Lendtech wrote:

"Thanks," Little tells the ysoki.

He settles himslf to watch the stage and backstage below.

[dice= Perception] 1d20+4

Now what?

Little doesn't see anything else of interest and Lita's assistant isn't around the catwalk now

Perception or Profession (beautician, stylist, or similar) check while you're up there

did anyone check the dressing rooms yet?


Verthani Exocortex Mechanic 1 || Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4 SM +0 || EAC 13; KAC 15 SP 3/8 HP 10/10 RP 4/4 Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0
Charity Slice wrote:
Charity starts heading for the catwalk, and activates her comm. "Little, do you see anything up there? One of the folks back here say they saw one of Lita's bodyguards up there." She turns to one of the others. "And somebody find that kid!"

"There's a couple crew, but no sign of a bodyguard."

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG halfling cyberborn daredevil operative 3 | SP 18/18 HP 20/20 | RP 5/5 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 40ft | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: none.

"'Wonder,' is it? Somebody here tried to hurt Tsuchi-ko. And you are the only one who can help us catch them. If somebody took the cupcakes from you, they may have poisoned them. Who would have done that?
Bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
Part Columbo, part Psych. Charity is directing her attention. If Wonder didn't do it, she should be able to give us a suspect right away. If she did, we can check the receipts to see if she stole the cupcakes from somebody else.

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor
Charity Slice wrote:

"'Wonder,' is it? Somebody here tried to hurt Tsuchi-ko. And you are the only one who can help us catch them. If somebody took the cupcakes from you, they may have poisoned them. Who would have done that?

Part Columbo, part Psych. Charity is directing her attention. If Wonder didn't do it, she should be able to give us a suspect right away. If she did, we can check the receipts to see if she stole the cupcakes from somebody else.

“I’m sorry, I don’t want to

get anyone in trouble. I met a nice delivery
lady outside after I got kicked out. She said
she had a gift basket to deliver to Tsuchi-ko
from an anonymous fan. She saw my doll and
was totally impressed by my dedication, so
she let me drop off the basket along with my
doll. She helped me get in and everything. I
didn’t say so earlier because I didn’t want to
get her in trouble. She was super nice.”

let's try and wrap this up ASAP.

Liberty's Edge

Male Secret Identify of Qstor
Charity Slice wrote:


Part Columbo, part Psych. Charity is directing her attention. If Wonder didn't do it, she should be able to give us a suspect right away. If she did, we can check the receipts to see if she stole the cupcakes from somebody else.

you can check the security footage from the cupcake store with a DC Computers or Perception check

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

LG halfling cyberborn daredevil operative 3 | SP 18/18 HP 20/20 | RP 5/5 | EAC 18, KAC 18 | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +4 | Speed 40ft | Reroll: 1/1* | Active conditions: none.

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27


Precog 2 (Doomed Future) | Init +7 | Percep +8 (low-light vis), SM + 6 | Speed 30’, Stealth +8 | EAC 14 KAC 15 | SP 8 HP 14 RP 4 | Fort -1, Ref +6, Will +1 (+2 vs enchantment, immune magical sleep) | subzero ice carbine +4 (1d8 C/P; 60’), surv knife +4 (1d4 S) | Spells lvl 1: 2/3 | Paradox 2/2, Focal 1/1 | Active Conditions:* N/A

Varidenel sees that Charity has Wonder's interrogation well in hand and starts looking into other dressing rooms for anyone who doesn't belong.

Perception (Take 10): 10 + 8 = 18

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