GM Elfriede |

”Gather around, grandchildren.” The wind outside howled against the thatched roof and stone-and-mortar walls of the cottage as the old woman gathered her grandchildren around her. She shivered. ”Alfric, be a kind boy and fetch some more wood. It’s going to be a long, cold night, and those get to Grandmother Svetlana's bones. Now, do you want to hear a story? Good, good, now be quiet, Olga, or you’ll be sent to bed instead.”
She settled into her rocker and wrapped her shawl around her. ”This, younglings, is a tale of bygone empires and upstart baronies. It’s a tale of the Greenbelt we call home, and of the far-away Tors of Levenies we can barely see on a clear morning. And it’s a tale of tricky fae and heroic lords. This is the tale of how Oleg and I came to live here, and it starts with a bandit king, a far-away plot, and, of course, the heroes of this tale.”
”Who were they?” A small boy no more than five piped up as he crawled onto the old woman’s lap.
”I’m glad you asked.” The old woman patted the boy’s arm. ”I’m glad you asked…”
…It began in the winter of 4710. The bandits came from the south. They came out of the Narlmarch, demanded tribute from us, and stole the wedding ring Grandfather Oleg had given me." Svetlana rocked in her chair. "We'd left Restov at Oleg's request, and I'd learned how to be a frontier wife. Cooking, sewing, helping with the work around our old trading post. Still, with the bandits coming each month, there seemed to be little hope. Spring was on the horizon, the grass on the hills started to poke through the snow, and the bandits' selected day in Pharast grew nearer."
"What happened?!" One of the little girls squeaked from the back of the rug.
"A band of brave folk happened. From Restov they came..."
= = = = = Oathday, Pharast 1, 4710 AR = = = = =
Weather: 1d10 ⇒ 1
A day on the South Rostland Road to Nivikta’s Crossing - an insular little village that, for all its people didn’t want outsiders, was good at taking the charter-bearers’ coin. Another day to Fort Serenko, a wooden keep filled with on-edge guards and a pair of knights. And from there, two days travel along an increasingly unmaintained dirt track, narrow enough for only a single wagon and covered in weeds. Those few travelers the party met - mostly hunters and trappers, with an occasional farmer from House Lebeda’s southern lands - insisted that Oleg’s Trading Post was further west.
So further west they went; a young second cousin of the Lebeda line playing politics; a crusader from Mendev, here due to a vision; a wizard looking to make her own way after her teacher kicked her out; and a frontierswoman looking to keep others safer than she’d been growing up. They carried with them a charter from the Brevic throne, to explore the Greenbelt and to destroy banditry in the region.
And now, through the early Pharast snowstorm that’s drenched each of them to the bone into the afternoon, the party sees their goal in the distance. Oleg’s Trading Post is an old fort, no more than a rough wooden palisade and a few platforms for fighting built around a handful of squat log buildings. A warped wooden gate hangs open, Its two doors at odd angles, but a plume of smoke pushes up into the cloud-laden sky, rising from a cooking fire in the center of the trading post. Improbably, a man straddles the crest of the largest building’s roof, hammering away at the shake shingles and wiping snow off his workspace.
The man looks up, obviously seeing the four charter-bearers coming, and scrambles off the roof, letting his tools lie on the half-nailed-down shingle. He disappears from sight and doesn't reappear at the gate to greet the party.
If you want to make any assorted Knowledge rolls for world info of any type, go ahead and roll them!

Varrus Lebeda |

Varrus has a bunch of skills, but as yet no Knowledge skills, so cannot make DCs above 10.
The man walks up with his comrades. He is young, of middling height and slender build. He has sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. A rapier is at his belt, and he wears studded leather armor. He is poised and confident, and alert for danger.
"People moved here to get away from Brevoy. But Brevoy is coming for these lands - or if not Brevoy, the murderers and bandits of the River Kingdoms. I am sure they aren't thrilled about it. But maybe we can show that our presence will do more good than harm."
Varrus calls out. "OLEG! We are here to trade."

Sethiel Lunyris |

Sethiel shivers in his wet cloak, clearly meant for warmer weather. The elf has a bow over his shoulder and a rapier at his belt. A holy symbol of Iomedae sits proudlyon his chest. "Why can't the bandits stick to warmer places, or maybe only do their raids in the summer. Find me the Flower Bandits, or the Bandits of Harvest Season, and I'll challenge those."
No relevant Knowledges yet.

Alyssa Feuilindë |

The half-elven woman dismounts and approaches Varrus, nodding at her companion's words. Her blond hair is mostly covered in her cloak's hood, and she's carrying just a small dagger at her belt. Her deep green eyes and her voice betray a hint of sadness as she speaks.
"I... can't really speak to the reasons people chose to move out here, but the bandits have been harassing us with impunity for too many years now. Which is why this mission ours is so important."
Approaching the door, she too calls out to the owner.
"Please, we mean no harm. We just need supplies and shelter from this storm."

Theophania "The Great Tiff" |

Geography?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
History?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Tiff wears a black Pingat day dress, carelessly torn and muddied at the hem. Around her neck she sports a gaudy golden amulet, set with a bright red ruby that sparks with an unearthly glow. Slung over her shoulder is a backpack that hangs off to her side. She shivers uncontrollably as they trudge through the cold but not dangerous weather, at least not to Tiff's knowledge.
She calls out to the man quickly fleeing from them, "We are neither friend nor foe, strangers if you will, but perhaps we want to be your friend if you are willing?"
Diplomacy to assist if needed: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2 Good

GM Elfriede |

History: The Stolen Lands have had a history of being hard to tame. Brevoy and many of the River Kingdoms have had claims on it in the past. So has Taldan, in fact - many Taldan ruins can be found out in the woods, according to what you’ve read. And rumors of other, more mysterious ruins abound as well - both ancient elven ruins and ones less…civilized.
Geography: The Greenbelt is criss-crossed by dozens of streams, as well as a handful of larger rivers that could make travel tricky without knowing where the fords are. One of these, the Shrike River, makes its way through Restov and Nivakta’s Crossing before dropping through a pair of waterfalls that make travel on it impossible.
= = = = = = = = = =
The man pokes his head around the gate, which seems jammed open, and stares at you for a moment from behind a crossbow before visibly relaxing, the tension leaving his shoulders but suspicion still written on his face. Hurrying up behind him is a woman in her late twenties or early thirties. Her only jewelry is a pendant with a bow and arrow on one side - the other side is a mystery. She glances quickly at the party, pushes past the man, and starts talking quickly. ”Thank…Old Deadeye. Oleg and I’ve been waiting for someone from Restov to answer our pleas for months now. The letter we got just a few days ago said that someone would be coming to help us with them, but with the time of month, and your number, I thought you were them for a moment! I have an elk stew cooking on the fire, fresh bread in the house, and I’ve even opened a bottle of wine.”
”Pfft!” Oleg sighs skeptically, but he lowers the crossbow. ”That letter also said they were here to map the Greenbelt. That means Restov’s getting involved, and that’s why we moved here in the first place! Svetlana and I didn’t leave to be surrounded by manipulative, politicking scum again!”
Svetlana looks over her shoulder and shoots him what can only be a dirty look, and he flushes, looking down apologetically. ”Sorry. Not that we don’t need the help. The long and short of it is, if nothing changes with Kressle’s gang, we’ll be back to Restov in a month or two, like it or not.” Oleg walks to his wife and wraps her in an embrace from behind.
”Oleg, they’re freezing. Let’s get them inside and fed, at least, before we ask for their aid.” Svetlana leads you into the trading post, passing by a stable, a small outbuilding with a meager supply of furs and dried meat, and a pair of tables, before grabbing a pot from over a fire and disappearing inside the post’s largest building. Oleg follows, grumbling about Restov and bandits.
Fortunately, you won't need any rolls for Oleg and Svetlana, at least not at this time.

Alyssa Feuilindë |

The only trained knowledge I have right now is Nature - which I'm guessing wouldn't be too relevant right now.
"Thank you so much for your hospitality." Alyssa replies as they're led inside the trading post. As they pass the stables she takes her horse inside, before hurrying back to the others inside the large building.
She smiles at her two hosts as she enters and takes off her cloak, revealing her long blonde hair and an intricate necklace around her neck. "We'll keep you safe from those bandits as best we can. Kressle's gang, was it? Is there anything you can tell us about them that might help us?"

GM Elfriede |

Oleg rolls his eyes. ”Those cursed politicians didn’t bother to so much as tell you what you were walking into, did they? I included details in my letter. There’s at least a dozen of them in Kressle’s band, and she aint collecting taxes for herself. They call their boss the Stag Lord, but I think only Kressle’s met the b@$$*%$ myself.”
Svetlana ladles a bowl of stew out, passes it to Alyssa, then fills one for Oleg, the rest of the party, and herself. She sits heavily in one of the few chairs in what’s obviously Oleg and Svetlana’s kitchen, sighing and rubbing her back for a moment, then starts off. ”Let’s start with introductions, travelers. I’m Svetlana Leveton, née Obriensk, and my husband is Oleg.” She pauses to let the party introduce themselves.
Once introductions have happened, Svetlana continues, speaking quickly, an edge to her voice. ”The bandits started coming here in Kuthona, on the first of the month. Then, they had a full dozen, but the two that stood out were Kressle, a big woman with a pair of hand axes on her hips, and a cloaked man with a longbow who didn’t talk. Kressle told us if we didn’t give up our furs and what we’d traded from the trappers and hunters, she’d kill Oleg, burn the post down, and take me hostage.” Svetlana shudders, touches her stomach quickly, then continues, tears in her eyes. ”We p-paid. Oleg didn’t want to, but he didn’t have a choice. She even t-took the wedding ring Oleg had made for me…”
”The cloaked man came back with six of the bandits on the first of Abadius, and again on the first of Calistril.” Oleg interjects.
”Yes, but that time, he only had four men with him.” Svetlana smiles at her husband, but the smile has a lot of strain in it. ”In any case, they were supposed to be here this morning. The weather must be holding them up. They like to arrive within a half hour of sunrise, so I imagine they’ll be here tomorrow.”
”The man who led the “tax collectors”,” Oleg nearly spits those words, ”his name is Happs. Happs Bydon. He’s a former Restov man, like me. No idea what he’s doing with Kressle’s gang. I think Kressle’s the most dangerous - she was going to cut off my hand for fun - but Happs isn’t a saint either.”
”Eat your stew, Oleg.” Svetlana pushes the spoon toward her husband’s place at the table. Then she gestures at the party. ”We can try to answer some questions while you eat.”

Varrus Lebeda |

Varrus eyes the man.
"I am sorry for your trouble.
But if you asked for help from Restov, and they sent us, then you must understand that Restov is getting involved at your invitation.
Yes, we'll be mapping the Greenbelt. And extending protection to settlers in this area like you. That does mean politics, and it does mean taxes, and it does mean laws. You don't get protection from bandits without those things.
And you know the alternative. The so-called 'laws' of the River Kingdoms - 'You have what you hold,' an open invitation to theft and robbery. Which this Stag Lord seems to live by.
Now, there are places like Nirmathas in which the rulers have a very light hand. Maybe that will be the fate of these lands. But clearly these lands need at least some sort of protection.
Civilization is coming here one way or the other. You may be able to guide the form that it takes, but just shouting 'No!' isn't going to work.
As to your bandit problem, I think we might be able to handle them. This being an outpost that trades with trappers and hunters... do you have any bear-traps?"

Sethiel Lunyris |

”Let’s start with introductions, travelers. I’m Svetlana Leveton, née Obriensk, and my husband is Oleg.” She pauses to let the party introduce themselves.
”I’m Sethiel, of house Lunyris in Mendev.” The elf had lowered his hood once the party was invited inside, and if the shape of his eyes left any doubt as to his heritage, his pointed ears are now clearly visible.
He eats his stew gratefully, letting it warm his body and spirit, as the couple describes the bandits and their taxation methods. ”How much to you talk to the others in the area? Are they being taxed by this gang too?”

GM Elfriede |

Oleg glares back at Varrus. ”You’re not the first to say that about these lands, you know? I just…” He sighs, the fight gone from his eyes and his voice. ”Look, Restov and Brevoy aren’t well-led. There’s not enough solving problems, and too much creating ‘em where they weren’t before. Compared to that mess, the River Kingdoms may have the right of it.”
Svetlana takes a bit of her stew and starts answering questions. ”Oleg, could you take this man and show him what we do have to defend ourselves? We may have some traps out in the storage pen, and we also may have a few things in the house you could use.”
Once Oleg leaves with Varrus, Svetlana continues. ”Bokken has had a visit or two, but he’s…an odd duck. He lives southeast of us, and I know that he’s not one to worry about who’s buying his potions, as long as they have coin. He’s the only alchemist of any note nearby. As for the trappers and hunters, they’re not exactly easy to track them down. I’m sure if a group of bandits finds one in the woods, they get taxed, but mostly, they’ve figured out they can just come here. We’re where the woodsmen trade and sell.”
”Here’s how it’s gone the last few times. Happs drinks our wine and eats whatever we have while the others load whatever we’ve traded onto horses. If you were to hide until they start loading, you might catch them by surprise. The bunkhouse is where I’d hide, but the stables are also a good bet - Claptrap’s in there, and we’ll board your horse tonight, Sethiel, but no other animals right now.” She stands and glances out the door, where the snow continues to descend as dusk falls. ”Whatever you plan, I’d set it up tonight so you’re ready when they come. You can sleep in the bunkhouse tonight when you’re done.”
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Outside, Oleg continues grumbling. ”Take the Swordlords, for instance. They have a pretty good deal going for them, really. A free city, with no taxes and that light hand you talked about. And what do they do? Plot and plan to get out from under Issia’s thumb for two hundred years. It’s like we say, though; the dragon has two heads.”
He shows Varrus all sorts of equipment, including a length of rope in the 70 foot range, two potions of cure light wounds a potion of shield of faith (all three conveniently labeled and signed with a blocky “BS”), a half-full barrel of lantern oil, some torches, and a pair of quite rusty bear traps. Oleg apologizes for the lack of stock. ”Between the bandits clearing us out of anything with value and that maniac Breeg Orlivanch trading all his pelts for traps last week, we’re short on everything.”
Full list of equipment at Oleg’s:
Storage Pen (A4) : 2 rusty bear traps, a handful of pelts from deer, a wolf, and boars.
Store Room (Unmarked Room): 2 barrels of fresh water, a half barrel of oil, 3 lamps, a dozen candles, firewood, a hooded lantern, 70 feet of rope, a tent, and 2 weeks of assorted dried and nonperishable food.
Stockroom (A9): Leather Armor, Heavy Wooden Shield, 2 handaxes, 5 javelins, longbow, 24 arrows, scythe, 2 spears, two potions of cure light wounds a potion of shield of faith, 2 vials of antitoxin, 6 torches, trail rations, furs, and some coin in a semi-safe box.

Alyssa Feuilindë |

"There's actually another horse at the stables right now" Alyssa replies, a bit embarrassed "I already took mine there, didn't want it to be out in the storm any longer than necessary"
"Hiding out to catch them off guard definitely sounds like the better idea - they don't know we're here yet, so surprise is one of our advantages. Between the stables and the bunkhouse, which would you say is closer to where they usually stop to load things? I'll be calling on some additional help in the morning, and it would make sense for her to be able to close with them quickly."

GM Elfriede |

”You can keep your horse there tonight. Oleg might start charging you a silver a night if he finds out, though. The bandits’ horses are usually outside the storage pen, where the bandits can easily get from the pen and house to load our goods.” Svetlana smiles. ”I’ve been hoping for this moment for months - getting to plan a counterattack against these thugs is a nice change from wishing for them to go away.”
Added a red circle on the map around where the horses usually are.

Alyssa Feuilindë |

"Don't worry, I'll gladly pay the stable fee - I didn't mean to abuse your hospitality! I really should have checked with you first before taking it inside the stables."
Alyssa gives a small smile in reaction to Svetlana's enthusiasm.
"Tomorrow will mark the day we start making that wish a reality! We'll drive them off and make these lands safe."

GM Elfriede |

"Yes, I hope you will." Svetlana grins, then yawns. "I'm going to bed. Our guests tomorrow morning expect food and wine, so I'll need to cook for them. When the fighting starts, I'll be dragging Oleg inside to keep him safe. The idiot will probably get himself killed otherwise." With that, Svetlana leaves the room and the conversation with Alyssa.
Outside, the paltry sunset through the snow and clouds is starting to fade to black, and a deep chill settles over Oleg's Trading Post.
I'll let you guys make your preparations, unless you want to talk with Oleg. He'll be around to help you out with anything you need advice or muscle for.

Varrus Lebeda |

Okay, if we want a plan, how's this?
"I'll be in one of the buildings. When the fighting starts, Svetlana, you drag Oleg inside like you said. I'll be by the door to take out any bandits that follow you.
Because if they suddenly come under ranged fire that they can't quickly counter, at least one of them might think to try to grab a hostage. We'll use that against them."
Varrus will be in A8 with the door to A6 open.
"Tiff, will you wait with me in that building?"
"Let's begin with ranged attacks from Sethiel on the wall, and set up bear traps on the stairs going up to the wall after she gets up there. Hide under a blanket or something until it is time to attack.
And Alyssa, if you want to be with Sethiel, you can use your magic from safety."
Varrus does not know about the eidolon, so hasn't planned for how it might be used.

Sethiel Lunyris |

Sethiel nods. ”As long as there’s a good hiding place, I can keep up a steady stream of arrows. I’m trained in hand-to-hand but I don’t like it.” He shakes his head for emphasis. ”I can do a bit of magic as well, but I only have one spell that would interfere with them any. Enhancement spells, mostly.”

GM Elfriede |

Oleg grins. "I like the trap plan. Wish Breeg hadn't bought us out of the rest. We coulda used more, huh?" He drags the traps over to the two flights of stairs, setting them out but not arming them. "Does something like this work for you?"
I've taken the liberty of laying out the map about how people say they want to be. Look reasonable?]

GM Elfriede |

Shortly after preparations are complete, darkness and a light snow settle on Oleg’s Trading Post. Oleg quickly shows the party the guest house, which is really nothing more than a long room with a quartet of beds. ”I’ll put you up tonight, and feed you in the morning, but if you stay tomorrow, it’ll be 5 silvers a person for dinner, the beds, and breakfast. ‘Lana will probably be around to wake you up tomorrow.” He shuts the door behind him.
Assuming we’re prepped and ready-ish?
= = = = = Pharast 2, 4710 AR = = = = =
Weather: 1d10 ⇒ 8
”Travelers!” Svetlana’s voice cuts through the early morning stillness, followed by her pushing through the door. She looks terrified. ”It’s time. Our guests will likely be here within an hour or two..”
Outside the guest house, the early morning sun has broken through most of the clouds, and the snow has been shoveled aside to make a wide open area in the middle of the trading post. The scent of ham cooking over a fire and bread fills the air - more than six people could possibly eat - and the table nearest to the stable is clear of snow. ”The bandits usually show up hungry. After the second visit, ‘Lana started having food ready for ‘em. Keeps them happier. You’re welcome to it, though.” Oleg busies himself moving snow out of the way of the stables.
After breakfast, Svetlana helps get everyone into positions (Sethiel under a snow-covered fur blanket), while Oleg readies the two bear traps. It’s not a long wait before a half dozen horses canter into the trading post. Four have riders, though none of them seem particularly competent on their steeds, and the other two are loaded with pack saddles. Three of them walk right past Oleg and kick open the storage pen’s door, grabbing what they can and loading it sloppily onto their pack horses. The other one, however, pulls his bow off his horse, twanging the string, and sits down to eat Svetlana’s offering. ”This slop is at least better than what Fat Norry made, ‘fore Kressle took him to visit the boss. You have something t’drink in there, wench? It’s been a long ride, and it’s part of your taxes this month.” Svetlana edges closer to Oleg, trying to be unassuming.
Battle Map updated. Your move.

Sethiel Lunyris |

Sethiel sits quietly in the snow, training his bow on each bandit in turn, listening carefully as events unfold.
Since it's sometimes hard to pinpoint moments in PbP, I'll state ahead of time that if an argument breaks out or emotions start running high, Sethiel will cast magic weapon on his bow which lasts for 1 minute. I have no ability to do this quietly, but based on current positioning it looks like it would be a DC 15 Perception (10 + 5 for distance) for the closest bandit to hear it. Possibly higher since they themselves are making noise and snow tends to dampen sound.
Stealth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
+ whatever the camouflage gives me

Theophania "The Great Tiff" |

"Tiff, will you wait with me in that building?"
Tiff answers enthusiastically, "Sure! But once the trucidation starts I will need to close the distance."
The rest of the evening Tiff seems distracted by her books and pays little attention to the rest of the party and either Oleg or Svetlanna. She continues to study her book throughout breakfast mumbling incoherently and getting crumbs everywhere. After breakfast she pulls a small bit of cured leather from a bulging pouch and holds it up to her forehead. She intones words of power, "Pepper to the rescue, Triumph of Katherine, Navarro!" A field of force wraps around her vital areas protecting them. Cast mage armor
Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 I almost took 10, but that's not Tiff's style.

GM Elfriede |

Happs Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16 Luckily, there's a +10 to the DC because there's a wooden wall in the way.
Happs continues eating as his crew finishes up with their tax collection. ”Don’t forget the room in the house too. Second door on the right. Check the chest for coins too. Kressle wants those for sure.” Two of the bandits (one an older man with grey, balding hair, the other a younger man missing an eye) kick in the door and walk over to the stockroom, where they start rummaging through crates and beating on the chest’s lock.
Happs and the other bandit remain outside, the bandit checking the two pack horses while Happs makes ‘small talk’ with Oleg and Svetlana. ”Maybe we’ll burn this place to the ground when we leave this time. I’m sick of these tax collection trips anyways. We could take you two for Kressle to have fun with. She knows how to make things hurt.”
Svetlana and Oleg both move toward the house doors, trying to stay out of where they think Sethiel’s line of fire is.

Alyssa Feuilindë |

I'm assuming I had enough time to call my eidolon and cast mage armor on her before the bandits arrived. Since we didn't discuss her position the night before, I suppose she's near me as well?
As the bandit finishes his sentence, a beautiful woman, with elvish features and dark long hair and a glowing magical rune on her forehead, sprints gracefully out of the guest house, spear in hand, and aims it at the man by the table.
Alyssa stays by the door, hoping it gives her some cover from possible attacks, while taking a quick glance around the trading post, trying to see where each bandit is.
How can someone speak so casually about burning down houses and torturing people?
We don't have a token on the map for Nadyra, but she'll try to move to a spot where Happs is in range of her spear, preferably somewhere the table doesn't provide cover.

GM Elfriede |

= = = = = Begin Combat = = = = =
Tiff Init.: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Sethiel Init.: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Alyssa Init.: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Varrus Init.: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Happs Init.: 1d20 + 2 - 8 ⇒ (10) + 2 - 8 = 4
Bandits' Init.: 1d20 + 5 - 8 ⇒ (14) + 5 - 8 = 11
Oleg and Svetlana Init.: 1d20 ⇒ 20
The two bandits outside are far too shocked to do more than stare, goggle-eyed, at the tall, elf-like woman suddenly menacing the archer with a spear. Svetlana stares for a moment, but looks ready to make her move toward safety.
Surprise round! Party is up! I'll choose to delay Oleg and Svetlana until after everyone in the party goes to make things less clunky.

Theophania "The Great Tiff" |

Having rather loudly cast a shield spell while Oleg and Lana were talking with the bandits Tiff offers no apology to Varrus, but apparently doesn't need to.
She casually walks through the hallway behind the oblivious bandits and says to them, ”Hey guys! What’cha up to? Pillaging I see. Well how about you gentlemen surrender before someone gets hurt?”
Can't move my token right now I want to be next to the door adjacent to the one nearest.

Sethiel Lunyris |

Silently, Sethiel aims at the bandit closest to the horses— the better to prevent their escape— and lets an arrow fly.
Longbow + magic weapon vs green (flat-footed): 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 1 = 12
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Stealth (sniping): 1d20 + 3 - 20 ⇒ (19) + 3 - 20 = 2

Alyssa Feuilindë |

Although she has a dagger in her hand in case she needs to defend herself, Alyssa is reluctant to approach the bandits head on. Hoping to distract the closest one to give Nadyra a better chance of landing a hit, she speaks up, her voice full of righteous anger.
"Stealing from people working hard to make a living out here, thratening to burn down their home and hurt them for fun... You deserve no mercy and will find none with us."
Intimidate (Demoralize): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Nadyra takes a stab at the man at the table with her spear as Alyssa finishes her sentence.
"I never could understand what drives mortals like you to such acts of cruelty towards others. It inevitably invites retribution, with your violence payed in kind." she adds in a determined tone with a hint of sadness, as she lunges towards her target.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Since she is using a reach weapon, Nadyra shouldn't be adjacent to Happs - she should probably be one square down

GM Elfriede |

Sethiel’s arrow does find purchase, sneaking into a gap in the man's armor near his hip! The leader starts turning, only to get distracted by Alyssa’s shouted threat. He flinches, but still manages to avoid Nadyra’s spear thrust, though it’s a near, clumsy thing and one of the many small tips leaves a gouge in his leather armor. Varrus moves toward the door with Tiff, helping to effectively block the two men inside the stockroom.
Svetlana, true to her word, drags Oleg inside - and good thing too! The man looks angry enough with the bandit leader to try attacking him with only his fists. They nearly run into Varrus and then, after a second’s hesitation, duck into the dining room instead of pushing past to their bedroom.
The bandits’ mouths, almost to a man, hang open. They’re clearly shocked by what’s happening, but are already starting to move to respond.
Alyssa, your Demoralize attempt succeeded, but I don’t think Intimidate impacts AC without a feat you don’t have, so Nadyra’s attack missed. Varrus, I don't think you can move far enough to threaten anyone and ready an attack during the surprise round, so I went with moving you.
= = = = = Round One = = = = =
Order is:
Varrus, Tiff, Alyssa

Alyssa Feuilindë |

You're right, sorry. I thought AC was debuffed as well for some reason. It's still a nice debuff and helps make sure I can land a Daze spell on him this turn.
Alyssa follows her threat with a small incantation, in an attempt to cloud the man's mind and stop him for a brief moment.
Daze: Will Save DC 15
Nadyra attempts to strike again at her target, while moving around the man, hoping to better block the other bandit's route into the house, in case he wants to go after Oleg and Svetlana.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Varrus Lebeda |

Disable Device: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Varrus moves to Tiff and closes the door.
"Tiff, grab that shelf and jam the door closed!"
He'd do it himself if he could, but I think he needs his actions to move there and close the door.

GM Elfriede |

Happs Will: 1d20 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 1 - 2 = 11
Happs finds himself in a daze, and though he tries to dodge Nadyra's thrust, isn't able to get out of the way. The spear catches him cleanly in the chest, ripping through his armor, and when it comes out, it's obvious that he's not really in the fight anymore. His hand goes to his chest to try to staunch the wound, and he's still standing, if mostly doubled over.
11 happens to be Happs's hit points. He is now disabled, dazed, shaken, and flat-footed. Poor guy.
Order is:
Varrus, Tiff, Alyssa

Theophania "The Great Tiff" |

Tiff looks up at the shelf above the door and says, "Huh." She informs the bandits in the room, "You guys can surrender later." Tiff shoves the door closed and then grabs the shelf and barricades the door from the outside by placing it against the knob.
Tiff counts on her fingers for a moment, "...carry the two. With 76% confidence it will take them at least 3 minutes to break down that door. Good catch Varrus”

GM Elfriede |

Blue Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Damage: 1d6 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (1) + 1 - 5 = -3 0 for hardness
Red Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Damage: 1d6 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (2) + 1 - 5 = -2 0 for hardness
Tiff seems to be right in her assessment as she and Varrus hear the two bandits draw weapons, followed by ineffectual-sounding swings against the door. It seems they'll be there for a while, though there's plenty of swearing accompanying the pointless swinging of swords.
Green Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
The bandit by the horses leaves his steeds, stepping toward Nadyra the Eidolon and taking a swing with his sword, which catches only air. He growls, trying to get in between his boss and the nymph - or at least to distract her.
Order is:
Varrus, Tiff, Alyssa

Sethiel Lunyris |

No longer trying to hide, Sethiel throws off his camouflage. "You will not threaten these people ever again!" He aims his bow at Happs.
Longbow + magic weapon vs Happs: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 3 + 1 = 22
Damage + magic weapon: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

GM Elfriede |

Sethiel's arrow zips forward, taking Happs straight in the chest. The bandit, already staggering, falls to the ground, hitting his head on the table's bench on his way down. The other bandit glances at him, then at the saddled horses near the door.
= = = = = Round 2 = = = = =
Order is:
Varrus, Tiff, Alyssa

Alyssa Feuilindë |

Shouldn't Nadyra have gotten an attack of opportunity when the bandit closed in to attack?
Guessing from his glance that the remaining bandit is thinking about going for one of the horses by the entrance, to run away and get reinforcements, Alyssa quickly moves towards him and casts the same spell she used on his leader, hoping to prevent his escape.
Daze, Will Save DC 15
At the same time, Nadyra takes a couple of steps back from her attacker to gain the distance she needs, and then attempts to pierce him with her spear.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Crit Damage: 2d8 + 8 ⇒ (6, 8) + 8 = 22

GM Elfriede |

Yes. My bad. It seems She's disabled him, though. If you'd like to roll the AoO and finish him off, be my guest!

Alyssa Feuilindë |

Attack, +2 for AoO provoked by movement: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 2 = 8
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

GM Elfriede |

Nadyra's attack of opportunity goes wide, but a moment later, the spear successfully catches the bandit in the side, and though it doesn't drop him, he looks much more desperate to head toward the horses as he drops his sword in shock and tries to hold his wound closed. "Curse Happs, and curse Kressle..."
Order is:
Varrus, Tiff, Alyssa

Theophania "The Great Tiff" |

Tiff rushes out the door while growing a rather large pair of horns. Only pausing for a second to assess the situation she runs to the only person left standing, she bobs her heath threateningly and says, "Will you surrender? I hate cleaning blood from my clothes."
Double move and battle shaping for a gore attack, I will provoke from green but my AC is 23 currently.
Piercing: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Varrus Lebeda |

Varrus follows Tiff.
Also double move.
"'You have what you hold' no longer applies here. Your 'right' to banditry is revoked."
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

GM Elfriede |

Tiff's run by the bandit is perfectly safe, as the bandit seems uninterested in fighting. In fact, with his escape route being cut off, his options seem quite limited.
"I give up. Don't kill me." With a truly uninspired statement, the man levers himself gingerly down onto the ground, sitting in the dirt and dust of the fight. He leans against the storage pen's fence wall and tries to put pressure on his injury.
Meanwhile, inside the house, the two bandits continue to flail ineffectively at the door. Clearly, the improvised prison they're in isn't breaking anytime soon!
Blue Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Damage: 1d6 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (4) + 1 - 5 = 0 0 for hardness
Red Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Damage: 1d6 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (4) + 1 - 5 = 0 0 for hardness
= = = = = End Round 2/Begin Round 3 = = = = =
Order is:
Varrus, Tiff, Alyssa

Alyssa Feuilindë |

"You ask us for mercy, yet have you ever shown it towards your victims? After your companion's words just now, I doubt it." Alyssa's words are filled with the same anger as the ones before, as she moves towards the now helpless man with a determined step. As she looks him in the eyes however, the hand holding her dagger trembles, betraying her hesitation.
"Perhaps the man's fate can be decided after we make sure the bandit's are all dealt with and everyone is safe? Weren't there supposed to be more of them?" Nadyra casually lowers her spear between Alyssa and her target, shooting her a worried look.

Sethiel Lunyris |

With the situation under control, at least for the time being, Sethiel makes his way down from the wall (although to be honest I can't tell where I need to go to accomplish that, or whether I can do it in one round).

GM Elfriede |

Y'know what? There's no reason to keep combat going. Sethiel, I had stairs on the map, but when we switched over to Sheets instead of Drawings, I forgot to move them with us. Sorry.
= = = = = Combat Over = = = = =
The sounds from inside the house die down as the men inside realize they're trapped, outnumbered, and separated from their horses. After a moment or two, there's the sound of swearing and fighting from inside the room, but no one's trying to get out anymore.