Clash of the Olympians (Inactive)

Game Master BloodWolven

Fight Map!

General notes, pictures and maps!

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HP: 108/108, AC: 25_T:25_FF: 12, Perception +9, Initiative: +4, F: +10 _ R: +9 _ W: +13(+15 vs. fear), CMB: +7, CMD: 21, Speed: 40 ft.
Other Skills:
Halfing Monk: Acrobatics +10, Bluff -1, Climb +8, Escape Artist +7, Handle Animal -1, Religion/History +6, Perform +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +6

He switches over to his unarmed strikes which are now flaming. Doing that much more damage. He deftly dodges the swings of the pincers and the biting maws.

HP: 108/108, AC: 25_T:25_FF: 12, Perception +9, Initiative: +4, F: +10 _ R: +9 _ W: +13(+15 vs. fear), CMB: +7, CMD: 21, Speed: 40 ft.
Other Skills:
Halfing Monk: Acrobatics +10, Bluff -1, Climb +8, Escape Artist +7, Handle Animal -1, Religion/History +6, Perform +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +6

He hits and burns the insects one at a time, worrying about those threats around him and getting into flanking with another ally whenever possible.

A few minutes and the swarm has dispersed making chaos everywhere in the town. What do you do? Time to shine and be heroic everyone!

Male Advanced Duergar (Thanosian)
Climb +15|Intim. +21|Kn. (dun) +11|Kn. (eng) +11|Surv. +11|Swim +15
Fighter (Unbreakable)/5th

The Thanosian sees multiple opponents to be smashed into the sand. Plutark runs up to the next one in melee range.
Warhammer: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
Dmg.: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

M Ikarian Dwarf (outsider [native]) Unchained Monk (Base) 5

The Ikarian slugs it out with the thugs that were left to keep him and the others from following the vanishing leader, before unfurling his wings and leaping into the air again, looking for where it seems he and those on the ground below him might be needed.

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22

Making his best guess, he circles around so that those below him can see him, and points in the direction he thinks they should support. "This way, for the gods and glory!" As he moves in that direction, returning to the ground to continue the good fight . . ..

Unarmed Attack Flurry 1 w/ Risky Strike & Defensive Stance: 1d20 + 12 - 2 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 12 - 2 - 2 = 10
Bludgeoning w/ Risky Strike: 1d8 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 4 = 18

Unarmed Attack Flurry 2 w/ Risky Strike & Defensive Stance: 1d20 + 12 - 2 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 12 - 2 - 2 = 13
Bludgeoning w/ Risky Strike: 1d8 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 6 + 4 = 14

Net AC29/T28/F20/CMD37

Boo! Your dice are bad and you should feel . . .. Wait, I'm talking to me.

One black insect after another falls to your attacks. Within a minute you don't see any living threats any more. Those who are flying notice that the creatures are no longer on the roofs.

Perception DC 18:
You hear screaming coming from every direction. It is nothing new but shows you that threats are still around.

Perception DC 22:
The closest screaming is coming from the building to the north.

HP: 108/108, AC: 25_T:25_FF: 12, Perception +9, Initiative: +4, F: +10 _ R: +9 _ W: +13(+15 vs. fear), CMB: +7, CMD: 21, Speed: 40 ft.
Other Skills:
Halfing Monk: Acrobatics +10, Bluff -1, Climb +8, Escape Artist +7, Handle Animal -1, Religion/History +6, Perform +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +6

perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

acrobatics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

He moves forward and jumps through an open window. From within the screaming continues, then there is a screech and crying. The halfling opens the door somber and walks out to find another insect.

M Ikarian Dwarf (outsider [native]) Unchained Monk (Base) 5

Working from the Perception check I already threw in n attempt to figure where to go next . . ..

Kallikles wrote:

Making his best guess, he circles around so that those below him can see him, and points in the direction he thinks they should support. "This way, for the gods and glory!"

The Ikarian will do a quick loop around the structure, looking for an easy way in, though he can't miss the halfling jumping through a window. He's hoping for something larger, because he'll have to stop and put his wings away to even pretend to use the window.

Kallikles could try to bull rush through the sticks in the middle.of the roof.

Half fiend male Thiefling (Demon Spawn) AC (Buffed, normal, FF, Touch)=26/22/20/12 Fort=9 Ref=4 Will=7/12 Init=2, Perc=7/10 (if phantom inside) CMB/CMD=9/22 Skald (Spell warrior) immunity to poison; acid, cold, electricity (half fiend), DR5/magic, ER10 vs fire SR 17 Fly skill=16

bull rush the building: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29


probably some fly check: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21

Svyatoslav gets pumped up, and simply bullrushes through the ceiling of the building. Leaving a sufficiently Svyatoslav sized hole for those wishing to follow him.


People may start to understand where his nickname comes from.

M Ikarian Dwarf (outsider [native]) Unchained Monk (Base) 5

People still have to live here. Wanton destruction. Kallikles thinks to himself, as he goes towards the hole as the most obvious way in at this point.

Once in the building Svlatoslav finds a man that is dead with a slick black scorpion finishing him off. A shiny black ant attempts to bite a woman who has a chair holding it back for now. The halfling smashes into the ant, drawing its attention.

Fly DC 15 to enter without damaging your wings, or pulling them back for the bullrush/entering of the building. Svyatoslav made the check.

M Ikarian Dwarf (outsider [native]) Unchained Monk (Base) 5

I have a +15 Fly.

Male Advanced Duergar (Thanosian)
Climb +15|Intim. +21|Kn. (dun) +11|Kn. (eng) +11|Surv. +11|Swim +15
Fighter (Unbreakable)/5th

Plutark follows the others in the dwelling.

Half fiend male Thiefling (Demon Spawn) AC (Buffed, normal, FF, Touch)=26/22/20/12 Fort=9 Ref=4 Will=7/12 Init=2, Perc=7/10 (if phantom inside) CMB/CMD=9/22 Skald (Spell warrior) immunity to poison; acid, cold, electricity (half fiend), DR5/magic, ER10 vs fire SR 17 Fly skill=16

The half fiend strikes at the scorpion.
hit it: 1d20 + 7 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 3 + 2 = 20
damage: 1d10 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 10 + 2 = 15
fire: 1d6 ⇒ 3

M Ikarian Dwarf (outsider [native]) Unchained Monk (Base) 5

Once inside . . .

Unarmed Attack w/ Risky Strike & Defensive Stance: 1d20 + 12 - 2 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 12 - 2 - 2 = 24
Bludgeoning w/ Risky Strike: 1d8 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 4 = 11

Svlatoslav skewers the scorpion dead as Kallikles and the halfing beat the other insect to pulp. What do you do now? Tend to the frantic woman, rush back out, go look for other threats?

Half fiend male Thiefling (Demon Spawn) AC (Buffed, normal, FF, Touch)=26/22/20/12 Fort=9 Ref=4 Will=7/12 Init=2, Perc=7/10 (if phantom inside) CMB/CMD=9/22 Skald (Spell warrior) immunity to poison; acid, cold, electricity (half fiend), DR5/magic, ER10 vs fire SR 17 Fly skill=16

Considering this a long terms fight, Sviatoslav casts heroism upon himself.

perform oratory: 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 14 + 2 = 20
Mylady, your loss pains me, and I apologize for the damage to thy home, yet the battle is ongoing and my strength is needed elsewhere. I can alas bestow a boon upon you.
Mindfull of not starting fires, Sviatoslav switches his weapon song to shock damage.
This could perhaps aid you in defending agains further encroachments, if foes dare interrupt your mourning, then repay them blood for blood and death for death, likely your sister in Sparta did.

Male Advanced Duergar (Thanosian)
Climb +15|Intim. +21|Kn. (dun) +11|Kn. (eng) +11|Surv. +11|Swim +15
Fighter (Unbreakable)/5th

Plutark, seeing the woman safe, but not sound; the Thanosian returns outside to make the invaders pay.

Her hysteria abates as she is obviously thankful. Then her grief hits her hard seeing the limp body of her husband.

HP: 108/108, AC: 25_T:25_FF: 12, Perception +9, Initiative: +4, F: +10 _ R: +9 _ W: +13(+15 vs. fear), CMB: +7, CMD: 21, Speed: 40 ft.
Other Skills:
Halfing Monk: Acrobatics +10, Bluff -1, Climb +8, Escape Artist +7, Handle Animal -1, Religion/History +6, Perform +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +6

He leaves the room knowing his words likely would fall on deaf ears.

He listens for other cries of need and heads down the hallway.

M Ikarian Dwarf (outsider [native]) Unchained Monk (Base) 5

"And off to find more of these invaders!" While putting word to deed.

Kallikles moves down to the next building, door or broken shutter?

Baris heads to another house, finding a door and two broken shutters.

This is for everyone looking for another house.

HP: 108/108, AC: 25_T:25_FF: 12, Perception +9, Initiative: +4, F: +10 _ R: +9 _ W: +13(+15 vs. fear), CMB: +7, CMD: 21, Speed: 40 ft.
Other Skills:
Halfing Monk: Acrobatics +10, Bluff -1, Climb +8, Escape Artist +7, Handle Animal -1, Religion/History +6, Perform +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +6

He jumps for the broken shutter without looking, trying to help as quick as possible.

Male Advanced Duergar (Thanosian)
Climb +15|Intim. +21|Kn. (dun) +11|Kn. (eng) +11|Surv. +11|Swim +15
Fighter (Unbreakable)/5th
Plutark "The Harm" Gallowstone wrote:
Plutark, seeing the woman safe, but not sound; the Thanosian returns outside to make the invaders pay.

If the Thansosian doesn't see any invaders in the immediate area, he'll run to the gates where there are more.

Plutark heads out to the main street and sees the remains of the guards upon the cobblestone. You could go about 50 feet either way to find a random black insect making trouble.

Male Advanced Duergar (Thanosian)
Climb +15|Intim. +21|Kn. (dun) +11|Kn. (eng) +11|Surv. +11|Swim +15
Fighter (Unbreakable)/5th

Plutark runs up to the insect man, attack him with his warhammer.
Warhammer: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
Dmg.: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

As Plutark draws the insects attention its victims scramble away. The scorpion about your size bites and tries to sting him.

bite: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
bite damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
grab: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

sting: 1d20 + 11 - 5 ⇒ (12) + 11 - 5 = 18
damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 plus poison Fort DC 15 or 1d4 ⇒ 2 Dex damage.

M Ikarian Dwarf (outsider [native]) Unchained Monk (Base) 5

The Ikarian goes looking for signs of the insects, and not damage done by his fellow heroes.

He will engage what he finds when he finds them.

Risky Unarmed Strike Flurry 1: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Magic Blunt Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Risky Unarmed Strike Flurry 2: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Magic Blunt Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

M Ikarian Dwarf (outsider [native]) Unchained Monk (Base) 5

The Ikarian goes looking for signs of the insects, and not damage done by his fellow heroes.

He will engage what he finds when he finds them.

Risky Unarmed Strike Flurry 1: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Magic Blunt Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Risky Unarmed Strike Flurry 2: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Magic Blunt Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Male Advanced Duergar (Thanosian)
Climb +15|Intim. +21|Kn. (dun) +11|Kn. (eng) +11|Surv. +11|Swim +15
Fighter (Unbreakable)/5th

Fort DC 15: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26

Does Plutark have a hand free from the scorpion's grab to make an attack?

Plutark, you can drop a hand from your weapon to strike with an unarmed strike, or headbutt it or something.

Male Advanced Duergar (Thanosian)
Climb +15|Intim. +21|Kn. (dun) +11|Kn. (eng) +11|Surv. +11|Swim +15
Fighter (Unbreakable)/5th

Struggling to get out of the scorpion's grasp, Plutark casts enlarge person on himself. CMB: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30

Half fiend male Thiefling (Demon Spawn) AC (Buffed, normal, FF, Touch)=26/22/20/12 Fort=9 Ref=4 Will=7/12 Init=2, Perc=7/10 (if phantom inside) CMB/CMD=9/22 Skald (Spell warrior) immunity to poison; acid, cold, electricity (half fiend), DR5/magic, ER10 vs fire SR 17 Fly skill=16

Sviatoslav charges the Scorpion

charge PA: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
damage: 1d10 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 12 + 2 = 21
fire: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Enlarge person? Cool! I should be able to inspire heroism soon.

The half fiend seems to be having fun.

New direction, roll a d20 and add your level.
1-5 You take severe damage and likely call out for help.
6-10 You fail to strike down the insects but they hurt you moderately.
11-15 You struggle in your fight against the black insects but emerge victorious. You rescue 2d6 victims.
16-20 You take minimal damage. You rescue 2d6+3 victims.
21-30 You rescue many, 3d6+5 and are rewarded appropriately. You take no damage.
Please be descriptive and have fun!

Male Advanced Duergar (Thanosian)
Climb +15|Intim. +21|Kn. (dun) +11|Kn. (eng) +11|Surv. +11|Swim +15
Fighter (Unbreakable)/5th

New Direction: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 FUÇK!

Plutark breaks free of the scorpion's claw and shatter the giant exoskeleton with a sickening 'squish' from his warhammer.

Nodding toward the tiefling, Plutark turns to engage in a few nearby insect invaders, until a swarm of them appear from a nearby alley and attack the Thanosian en masse. The duergar fighter gives as good as he gets, but the superior numbers have the Thansosian sink beneath a torrent of claws and manibles.

M Ikarian Dwarf (outsider [native]) Unchained Monk (Base) 5

Random Story: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Count: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 4) + 3 = 10

Lifting himself up into the sky to identify another specific know of trouble, The Ikarian spots a group of the insects crawling up the outer walls of a well-lit estate. Lying over there as quickly as his wings will carry him, Kallikles charges an insect on top of the wall, bull-rushing it off, back to the outside of the wall. He makes a stand on top of the wall, running, or flying back and forth along the wall and across the estate in order to keep the bugs outside and away from the family and servants huddled within.

Despite how long it feels the fight has continued, eventually the insects manage to overwhelm his ability to keep them outside the walls. At this point, Kallikles joins the handful of armed guards defending the household. The combination of the smaller space, the few chokepoints inherent in the home's design, and the additional arms helping to slow the insectoid advance, combine to simplify the task of defending the non-combatants in the estate. The assault continues for far longer than anyone would have thought possible, with the fight seeming endless, until, without warning, it does end. The flow of attacking insects simply ceases.

"Is everyone well?" Investigation showed that 3 of his fellow defenders had been felled, but the last was healthy enough to seek care on his own. The family and most of the servants were unharmed, however. At least one island of safety was created during this assault. Most of the town was less fortunate. The few heroes couldn't save the entire town from an endless swarm of man-sized, killer insects.

Half fiend male Thiefling (Demon Spawn) AC (Buffed, normal, FF, Touch)=26/22/20/12 Fort=9 Ref=4 Will=7/12 Init=2, Perc=7/10 (if phantom inside) CMB/CMD=9/22 Skald (Spell warrior) immunity to poison; acid, cold, electricity (half fiend), DR5/magic, ER10 vs fire SR 17 Fly skill=16

destiny: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21 Lucky me
rescue numbers: 3d6 + 5 ⇒ (3, 4, 2) + 5 = 14

For one reason Sviatoslavs gaze is drawn to a greek man, that bravely, wearing little more then tunic and only having a dagger, attacks an insect and actually hurts it. Sviatoslavs Bardiche bisects the offending insects before it can retaliate.

I am a leader of the militia The man says, if you can get me to the armory over there I can

Sure Sviatoslav interrupts the man, kneeling down and points to his back. Climb up, do you have songs your people would sing to rally? I have a pretty good and loud voice As he prepares to take off.

Now singing in Greek, Sviatoslav assists quite capably in bumrushing the armory, and together with the militia leader organizes a force of about 10 militia men, getting progressively organized, and being increased considerably by his strange song magics. Both their weapons erupt in cold, as insects rarely like this and cold being far safer then fire, and the spirits of their fallen comrades fight alongside them

Every one who accepts his performance gets a spirit friend, that strikes with +8 to hit for d4+5 negative energy damage.
Sviatoslav flies above the impromptu militia, inspiring them while using his lingering performance to increase the overall duration, occassionall swooping down to charge down particularly nasty insects, and scouting ahead.
During a break he finally has the time to summon his "wife".
Quickly casting mage armor upon her as well.

female HP: 29/29 AC 24/19/15 Fort=5 Ref=6 will=2 Init=4 Phantom Half Fiend Phantom 4

FINALLY, lets remove some bugs! They destroyed the clothing shop I wanted to shop at!

HP: 108/108, AC: 25_T:25_FF: 12, Perception +9, Initiative: +4, F: +10 _ R: +9 _ W: +13(+15 vs. fear), CMB: +7, CMD: 21, Speed: 40 ft.
Other Skills:
Halfing Monk: Acrobatics +10, Bluff -1, Climb +8, Escape Artist +7, Handle Animal -1, Religion/History +6, Perform +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +6

Story Time!

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

He draws the insect forces away from their targets collecting and pummeling as needed. Eventually he finds more and more capable fighting people in this city and has them hold a line as he brings them more to fight. Always weakening them first. With their spears they quickly finish off the insects that are brought to them.

He continues to search for the weak and the strong. Wanting to protect the former and recruit the latter.

As most of you are successful and gather allies to fight together, the insects numbers dwindle. After another hour or so it is hard to find a threat in the area. Where do you want to travel? The marketplace, the arena, the castle, or the docks?

Male Advanced Duergar (Thanosian)
Climb +15|Intim. +21|Kn. (dun) +11|Kn. (eng) +11|Surv. +11|Swim +15
Fighter (Unbreakable)/5th

Plutark slowly crawls out from under a pile of dead insectmen. Breathing hard, the Thanosian slowly stands and gets his gear.

Half fiend male Thiefling (Demon Spawn) AC (Buffed, normal, FF, Touch)=26/22/20/12 Fort=9 Ref=4 Will=7/12 Init=2, Perc=7/10 (if phantom inside) CMB/CMD=9/22 Skald (Spell warrior) immunity to poison; acid, cold, electricity (half fiend), DR5/magic, ER10 vs fire SR 17 Fly skill=16

Kn History for sound military advice: 1d20 ⇒ 2 Nyet

A good question. The Demonic Skald pauses, regarding the overall situation.

Now, if I was a raider rather then a defender, I would be hitting the market because loot and the docks because reduce odds of pursuit. Ships can sometimes keep up with fliers, walkers cant, while having only a feigned threat at the castle. Of course, I would be looking for loot and glory, I have no idea what these insects want. He pauses.

On any account, my strength suffices to carry 2 of you, Victoria can carry the remaining one, making us effectively air mobile.

I joink the adorable monkey, no debate Interjects the Phantom
Arent you a cute one? You and I, we are gonna kill a lot of stupid bugs, yes yes!

HP: 108/108, AC: 25_T:25_FF: 12, Perception +9, Initiative: +4, F: +10 _ R: +9 _ W: +13(+15 vs. fear), CMB: +7, CMD: 21, Speed: 40 ft.
Other Skills:
Halfing Monk: Acrobatics +10, Bluff -1, Climb +8, Escape Artist +7, Handle Animal -1, Religion/History +6, Perform +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +6

He looks up to see the spiritual woman with awe. As she carries him and compliments him, he agrees, "Yes let us go kill a lot of stupid bugs!"

M Ikarian Dwarf (outsider [native]) Unchained Monk (Base) 5

The Ikarian will head to the place where he is likely to feel the most at home: the Docks.

Male Advanced Duergar (Thanosian)
Climb +15|Intim. +21|Kn. (dun) +11|Kn. (eng) +11|Surv. +11|Swim +15
Fighter (Unbreakable)/5th

The Thanosian limps behind the others as the group races for the docks.

Half fiend male Thiefling (Demon Spawn) AC (Buffed, normal, FF, Touch)=26/22/20/12 Fort=9 Ref=4 Will=7/12 Init=2, Perc=7/10 (if phantom inside) CMB/CMD=9/22 Skald (Spell warrior) immunity to poison; acid, cold, electricity (half fiend), DR5/magic, ER10 vs fire SR 17 Fly skill=16

To the Docks then!

Quick question, Can Sviatoslav, max carrying capacity 700 lbs carry both of you? I am not sure how much you guys weigh :)

You can only carry up to your max light load and continue to fly. So likely not...
Kallikles has his own wings I believe.

You arrive at the docks and see that the sailors have fared better than the townsfolk. You see many insect bodies and lots of spilled black inchor and red blood. Most of the folk around avoid your strange looking group. Most of those around have wounds but nothing serious.

Male Advanced Duergar (Thanosian)
Climb +15|Intim. +21|Kn. (dun) +11|Kn. (eng) +11|Surv. +11|Swim +15
Fighter (Unbreakable)/5th

"Damn", Plutark breathed. "It appears we missed all the fun at the docks."
Slapping the ikariam on the shoulder, the thanosian said, "You. Fly up and see where the insect invaders are now."

Going back into the air on his own and going up further than before he looks around.

Perception DC 21:
You see one building be swarmed, there are bugs all over it.

Perception DC 26:
You see a few shiny insects here and there, no other obvious collection of them. The waters look clear, you don't even see any bodies floating.

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