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With only one place left to go, The Seat of Learning, the party heads out after agreeing to the search.
As soon as you find the location, it appears your inquires suffer an interruption. A glass bottle crashes into the wall, barely missing its target by a few inches. “Haven’t you people caused enough harm?” shouts a nearby ixtli. “Do you know how many of our children, our lifemates, our parents, are missing? Gone off and joined that accursed cult! Haven’t you done enough to soil our culture?” Several other ixtli start to step forward, joining the group.
A large crowd forms, their faces angry. Several grab makeshift weapons and began a shouted chant of ‘foreign alien filth.' One spits on the ground. An ixtli with a brown patch of fur forming a crescent over their right eye moves to the head of the crowd. “Get out!” they shout. “We don’t want alien filth here!”
This local is looking to goad you into a fight.

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Sense Motive: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (12) - 2 = 10
"We don't want alien filth either. Fortunately, my companions and I are clean. Just look at Rowdy Randy's get up."

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Skorrch replies in a soft and calm voice while still making sure to be heard very clearly. "We do not want any trouble with you and will not be coerced into any violence. We have just spoken to some of your elders and have offered to help you find your missing people. The person that they are looking up to will be taken off-world again. That is why we are here; to help."

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sense motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 Oblivious!
"Yo, dude! What's the dealio?" asks Giovanni, going on Skorrch's lead. "We definitely don't want any trouble. Don't let my buff friends fool you, we ain't a combat force. We're just archeologists and explorers trying to get to know you all."
bluff: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

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sense motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 Oblivious!
"Yo, dude! What's the dealio?" asks Giovanni, going on Skorrch's lead. "We definitely don't want any trouble. Don't let my buff friends fool you, we ain't a combat force. We're just archeologists and explorers trying to get to know you all. Can't we all just be friends?"
diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

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Giovanni's demeanor and words are enough to pique the interest of the crowd. Minah, heretofore a silent guide speaks up, "You've got a chance to really help here. Keep this up!" Giovanni has a good start, but they need more. Pick a tactic and justifiy a skill. Culture, Diplomacy, Intimidate, etc. Also, don't forget any THEME bonuses!

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Magnok has a good deal of skill as a medic and looks for opportunities to apply first aid or healing to any who are sick in the camp. His conversation skills are not great, but he can try and make up for it in the practical.
Medicine: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
He probably has made the situation worse, but it was worth a try. Magnok is having great trouble with the dicebot for this scenario.

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He probably has made the situation worse, but it was worth a try. Magnok is having great trouble with the dicebot for this scenario.
You appear to have a reroll available...

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"I am sure that we can come to a common ground. What can we do to help?"
Culture: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

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"We came and talked with your council, offering assistance. We assure you we're nothing like that which has defaced your culture. One can't learn of another's culture by raming your own down it's throat."
Culture: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

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"Where I come from, we resolve disputes by picking a champion and play a little game called shin kicking, where we kick each others shins until someone's bones break. Care to test your luck, and end this here and now?"
Intimidate: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

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The quick thinking agents seem to mollify the crowd. Everyone releases a breath they didn't realize they were holding, and before tempting fate, head to the Seat of Learning.
This tall building spreads over several floors, which in turn possess various wings housing both education centers and research laboratories. Young schoolchildren learn writing skills in one chamber, whilst another houses a higher education text library. Upper floors contain a series of rooms in which computer developers and engineers work eagerly on various pieces of unfamiliar technology.
Space is at a premium in this subterranean warren, so the Seat of Learning seems to function as a nexus for education, scientific study, and other academic pursuits.

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Noble-44 studies the more obvious technology around them:
Engineering: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
"Certainly advanced ... as much as we know, but the seem to like to keep to themselves. I wonder if a better relationship with Starfinders would be beneficial for both, or better avoided."

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engineering: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25
"Yeah, ain't to bad. I can probably work wit' what dey got here.
"I knows what yer sayin' Nobley. Wit' th' way dese kids went after th' outsider, though, mebbe they need some of our help. Like wit' an allergy. Gettin' little bits of the bother ever so often so dat the bit bits ain't so excitin'. We could be dat."

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Taken aback, Skorrch wonders why Giovanni suddenly sounds uneducated. "Are you ok my friend? It sounds like you hit your head or something." the gosclaw says with concern.
Medicine: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

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To the rest of the group Skorrch ponders aloud, "Maybe the fact that these people are so technologically advanced but have chosen not to reach the stars has the elders bitter towards us but the mewlings so enamored."
Culture: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
huh, or maybe not.

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Sorry, its the voice I have usually used with Giovanni, but it takes a little more energy to type.
"I'm doin' fine, my friend. Why you askin'?"
Giovanni definitely looks like he's looking for tech he can take advantage of.

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"I'm sure we can all benefit from each other. Everyone certainly looks busy in here. I wonder what they are all up to."
Magnok tries to understand some of the work they are doing.
Engineering: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

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One of the scientists overhears the conversation and chimes in, “Our interests lay elsewhere. Why go up when it’s safer for us to dig down?
My name is Byent. Here, let me show you around.”
The tour is interesting, but not exactly helpful for your main mission. That is, until you hit one of the rooms with a sight to see. There's a holographic image of Envar, projected by a small piece of hardware that rests on a laboratory table. Several ixtli scientists pour over the machine, which you immediately identify as a comm unit.
He sees your interest, “One of our expedition teams found this device in the Ruptured Hills. I presume Envar left it for us to find, or just dropped it. We have been able to extract data including some fascinating digital maps, a few recordings made by Envar, and at least three recipes for interesting drinks.”

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Rowdy Randy tries to hide his envy that this Envar fellow is finding such an easy route to fame. He asks Byent about it.
"What's so fascinating about this Envar guy? Where we come from, he is just a normal chump like the rest of us. Nothing special."

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"I think it the novelty, and the fact that he tempts us away from our ways. Had you come first, the fame might be yours."

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Giovanni whispers to Byent, "Don't say that to him. He might get ideas."
Then, louder, he asks, "Do you mind if I take a look at that comm unit?"

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"I'm happy to give you copies of the maps and images that we've recovered, but unfortunately, I cannot allow you to take the device or scroll through its data yourselves; only those approved by the Triumvirate can touch the device, which some now see as a divine relic."
A quick look at the files you are given is enough to confirm a solid lead in finding Envar. It looks like his path took him to the Ruptured Hills, a rock formation nearby.

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"Are you telling me that this comm unit is considered a divine relic? How exactly do we get permission to look at this 'divine' relic from the Triumvirate? How much wait time are we talking?"
"Do you think we have enough info to follow Envar's lead? Does it really lead toward that rock formation?"
Magnok looks to see if there are any tracks that they could follow.
Survival: 1d20 ⇒ 12

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Magnok-704 is confident there's enough to go on, even if he can't convince them to let you touch it. "I'm sorry, but yes, you have to understand our ways."

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"We respectf'ly wit'draw the request. We ain't tryin' t' start no holy war or anythin'. Le's go find this Envar, Starfinders, and settle this B.S. fer good."

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They seem to be okay with the turn of events. The scientist explains a bit more. "The Ruptured Hills are a nearby landmark created by the ancient asteroid collision that sundered Tio Major and Tio Minor. Finding the way there is exceptionally easy and the route takes only twenty minutes to traverse on foot. Beware though, The Ruptured Hills are an area of varying gravitational conditions."
Once I get a second voice to move on, I shall!

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Out of pure curisoity, Noble-44 asks "If I may, why is it seen as a divine if the one who carried it brought so much chaos?"
He then leans to the party "Not like we are leaving dangerous technology here. They can have their beliefs as they may in my opinion. If there's a direction for Envar, I say follow it."

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"It is not ours to know the why. The Triumvirate has said as much, and that is enough for us. Were I to guess, I'd think it has something to do with that very chaos. Chaos spreads when touched..."

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"Well, if we can find Envar, then perhaps we can put an end to some of this chaos. We will be off and hopefully we will be able to help improve your situation here."

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Envar is the mission, so off the party travels. Along the route, the surrounding rocks begin to levitate, floating higher and higher in the air the closer you get to the destination.
The road leads down into a large canyon. Great serrated crags of crystalline outcroppings form steep hills. Each formation glows with faint white illumination. From a distance, the entire region resembles a collection of sharp needles. Numerous rocks float through the air, some swimming lazily while others hurtle back and forth in random directions, moving at great speeds. In spite of the low gravity, moving through the cliffs is difficult.
Indeed, someone in the party needs to pass a Survival check to plot a path, and others can aid. EVERYONE needs to pass an Acrobatics check to avoid random floating rocks.

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survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Giovanni blazes a trail, following the directions.
acrobatics: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
He nimbly dodges out of the way of the floating rocks.
"What th' heck is dis crap? How d' freak are dese rocks floating? Makes no sense!"

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Giovanni has no problem leading the party! Indeed, no one else need make the Survival checks, but everyone still needs the Acrobatics check.
While trailblazing, the keen-eyed ysoki catches something out of the corner of his eye, a sparkling rock on the ground catches the PCs’ eye. It looks like the kind of crystals solarians often use to enhance their powers.

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Skorrch is going to have to bow out of this one, so we're down to 4. Just need Noble-44 to make an acrobatics check

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That's a pass
The quartet navigates the strange landscape, following Envar's trail. The cave winds its way down several hundred yards into the earth. Small glow-tubes illuminate the path, leading into a wide chamber. The bodies of several ixtli lay scattered across the cavern. Blood flecks the walls and pools on the floor. Several dozen corpses in varying stages of decomposition rest here, all showing signs of large bite marks and vicious scratches. A powerful bellow echoes from the east, followed by a frantic cry.

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Not waiting for anyone to cast a spell or use any tech, Rowdy runs straight towards the sound.
He sees a large and strange alien lifeform trying to pull apart a scrap metal barricade. Pinned down by some of the disparate parts is a lone Ixtli. in torn, blood-spattered robes with several deep cuts in their left leg.
It immediately turns on the newly arrived snacco!
Round 1:
Noble-44: Go
Rowdy: Go
Magnok-704: Go
Giovanni: Go
Alien: TBD
Hostiles: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Giovanni: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Noble-44: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Magnok-704: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Rowdy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

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Magnok draws his azimuth laser pistol and instinctively fires at the hideous creature!
Laser Pistol: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Fire Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

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MAgnok takes no chances and opens with a shot that wings the alien!
Round 1:
Noble-44: Go
Rowdy: Go
Magnok-704: Hit
Giovanni: Go
Alien: TBD
Alien: 3

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"Well ain't dat special!"
He pulls his laser pistol out of his cheek pouch and moves forward, jury-rigging it to also put a little dot of light on the group, hoping to distract the critter like it would a pet cat!
trick attack (engineering): 1d20 + 13 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 13 + 4 = 20
Sigh. I assume it is not CR0.
Azimuth Laser Pistol: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
fire: 1d4 ⇒ 3 (If by chance that was enough: precision: 1d4 ⇒ 1)
Of course, it doesn't matter, cause the RNG loves me SO Much

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Giovanni gets some slobber on the trigger and goes way wide with his shot.
Round 1:
Noble-44: Go
Rowdy: Go
Magnok-704: Hit
Giovanni: Miss
Alien: TBD
Alien: 3