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Recognizing the backpack’s designer logo as belonging to a brand that Envar endorses, Skorrch looks around for any tracks or signs of how the pouch may have ended up at this spot. After the party's brief rest he exclaims, "C'mon guys lets start searching! Anyone have better skills at this than me?"
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Life Science: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Physical Science: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Not sure which one would apply.

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After your respite, everyone feels ready to continue the search. Suddenly, the forest grows deathly still. The sky darkens as a shadow passes overhead. Above the treetops, a gigantic shape blots out the sun. Sleek, smooth, and glistening, the shadow resembles an enormous aquatic beast. Glowing blue tendrils slide from the creature’s underside, undulating through the air. Then, with terrible speed and deliberateness, the beast dives, carving a destructive path through the crystalline trees! This thing is HUGE!
Looking around you spot a cave opening 250 feet away. If you can make it, it should provide safety.
If you can make it....

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A katura! A predator that hunts with its long tentacles.
Katuras prefer durable prey that survives their tentacle attacks
long enough to be crushed in their jaws; they are likely to ignore weaker prey that fails this test unless they are sufficiently hungry.
It's COMPLETELY obvious that you have NO HOPE of killing this thing.
It's 250' to the cave. The crystalline forest is difficult terrain, so it's not going to be easy, BUT a well trained Starfinder agent is clever. You can move at full speed for round round with:
Giovanni: Go! 250' Remaining
MAgnok-704: Go! 250' Remaining
Noble-44: Go! 250' Remaining
Rowdy Randy: Go! 250' Remaining
Skorrch: Go! 250' Remaining

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stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Giovanni for once doesn’t say anything and just slips through the forest using the natural cover.

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Giovanni is like a shadow as he makes good headway towards the safety!
It's 250' to the cave. The crystalline forest is difficult terrain, so it's not going to be easy, BUT a well trained Starfinder agent is clever. You can move at full speed for round round with:
Giovanni: Sneak! 190' Remaining
Magnok-704: Go! 250' Remaining
Noble-44: Go! 250' Remaining
Rowdy Randy: Go! 250' Remaining
Skorrch: Go! 250' Remaining

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Randy sprints through the forest
Athletics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
He swings his Grappler down off his back, ready to help anyone who falls behind.

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Rowdy Randy's legs pump even faster. His parkour skills are amazing!
Giovanni is like a shadow as he makes good headway towards the safety!
It's 250' to the cave. The crystalline forest is difficult terrain, so it's not going to be easy, BUT a well trained Starfinder agent is clever. You can move at full speed for round round with:
Giovanni: Sneak! 190' Remaining
Magnok-704: Go! 250' Remaining
Noble-44: Go! 250' Remaining
Rowdy Randy: Parkour! 170' Remaining
Skorrch: Go! 250' Remaining

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Magnok 704 decides to make a run for it!
Athletics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Unfortunately, he looks back at the last minute which slows him down.

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Magnok's over-the-shoulder gets him in trouble as he slams into a tree!
It's 250' to the cave. The crystalline forest is difficult terrain, so it's not going to be easy, BUT a well trained Starfinder agent is clever. You can move at full speed for round round with:
Giovanni: Sneak! 190' Remaining
MAagnok-704: Ouch! 220' Remaining
Noble-44: Go! 250' Remaining
Rowdy Randy: Parkour! 170' Remaining
Skorrch: Go! 250' Remaining

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"Holy Hell! WTF is that? Skorrch yells as he high-tails it towards the cave. The technomancer tries to find the clearest past through the attacking blue tendrils while running for his life.
Life Science: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

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Skorrch's surprise lasts only a second as he masterfully picks a running route that will be hard for the tentacles to triangulate!
It's 250' to the cave. The crystalline forest is difficult terrain, so it's not going to be easy, BUT a well trained Starfinder agent is clever. You can move at full speed for round round with:
Giovanni: Sneak! 190' Remaining
Magnok-704: Ouch! 220' Remaining
Noble-44: Go! 250' Remaining
Rowdy Randy: Parkour! 170' Remaining
Skorrch: Physiology! 190' Remaining

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Just curious; Rowdy Randy beat the DC by 6 and has 170' Remaining. Skorrch got a critical beating the DC by 12 and has 190' Remaining. Do the different skills have farther distances on successes? Thanks!

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Oh, wait, I didn't see the "Sprint at full speed" I am guessing that is a "run" action instead of a "stride"?

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Noble-44 opts for the shadows as he books it towards the cave.
A massive tendril lashes downward at the agents:
Who: 1d5 ⇒ 5 Skorrch
ATK: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21 MISS!
It's 250' to the cave. The crystalline forest is difficult terrain, so it's not going to be easy, BUT a well trained Starfinder agent is clever. You can move at full speed for round round with:
Flee! (Round 2)
Giovanni: Go 190' Remaining
Magnok-704: Go 220' Remaining
Noble-44: Go! 190' Remaining
Rowdy Randy: Go 170' Remaining
Skorrch: Go 190' Remaining

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Randy runs for his life, jumping a large fallen tree along the way. He is barely breaking a sweat.
"Never forget leg day! Randy never does!"
Athletics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
He slips briefly on the bark of the tree but keeps up his momentum and runs a further 80 feet.

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Randy scrambles forward as Noble-44 uses the ysoki's ruckus to cover his own sprint!
It's 250' to the cave. The crystalline forest is difficult terrain, so it's not going to be easy, BUT a well trained Starfinder agent is clever. You can move at full speed for round round with:
Flee! (Round 2)
Giovanni: Go 190' Remaining
Magnok-704: Go 220' Remaining
Noble-44: Pass 130' Remaining
Rowdy Randy: 90' Remaining
Skorrch: Go 190' Remaining

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Athletics vs. DC 12: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Magnok tries to run through the forest, but isn't clear which way to run.
I am not sure how I can roll this badly, but apparently I can!"

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Seeing that dodging through the tentacles worked so well, Skorrch tries to further predict where they will strike next, carefully studying the blue monstrosity in the sky.
Life Science: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

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Narrowing missing a limb that blasts into the ground next to the gosclaw, he shrieks "Whoa! Getting close! Didn't expect that trajectory change! Watch out guys, that thing is smarter than it looks!"

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It dawns on Skorrch that he has seen this creature in his studies before leaving the classrooms for putting his feet on the ground of adventure. The technomancer realizes that this thing is a Katura. Seeing his new friend Magnok 704's uncertainty, Skorrch calls out, "Mag! I will try to taunt it! Worst case scenario, play dead, these creatures prefer a challenge... umm... unless they are really hungry, hehe."
If the Katura predator takes the time to attack Magnok 704, on Skorrch's next turn he will take one action to try to distract it away from his friend:
Skorrch casts Magic Missile (SR, No Save) (Range: 110ft)
Force Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

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Magnok trips! He still makes a bit of progress, but the cave is a LONG way off.
It's 250' to the cave. The crystalline forest is difficult terrain, so it's not going to be easy, BUT a well trained Starfinder agent is clever. You can move at full speed for round round with:
Flee! (Round 2)
Giovanni: Go 190' Remaining
Magnok-704: Fail 190' Remaining
Noble-44: Pass 130' Remaining
Rowdy Randy: Pass 90' Remaining
Skorrch: Pass 130' Remaining

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Giovanni again attempts to take the secret ways... out of sight, out of mind.
stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

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Giovanni also takes a shadow-laden path. The mouth of the cave looms large.
Skorrch, save the Magic Missile, there's no time to slow down to cast it, and you estimate it would take hundreds of them to bring this thing down.
A massive tendril lashes downward at the agents:
Who: 1d5 ⇒ 5 Skorrch (Again)
ATK: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 MISS! (again!)
Luck is with Skorrch on the run, but until he gets to the cave, safety is no guarantee, and those tendrils are BIG.
It's 250' to the cave. The crystalline forest is difficult terrain, so it's not going to be easy, BUT a well trained Starfinder agent is clever. You can move at full speed for round round with:
Flee! (Round 3)
Giovanni: Go 130' Remaining
Magnok-704: Go 190' Remaining
Noble-44: Go 130' Remaining
Rowdy Randy: Go 90' Remaining
Skorrch: Go 130' Remaining

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‘outta sight, outta mind’ thinks Giovanni as he continues to be stealthy.
stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
He steps on a twig with a little ‘crack’ and his heart stops for a moment, but apparently only he hears it.

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Skorrch was going to try to distract the monster from his friend but after it targets the gosclaw twice, he thinks that slowing down would not be the best option! Extrapolating the creatures moves seems to be working best.
Life Science: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

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Noble-44, Giovinni, and Skorrch all hustle. Safety seems SO close, yet so far. It's only a matter of time before someone's luck runs out...
It's 250' to the cave. The crystalline forest is difficult terrain, so it's not going to be easy, BUT a well trained Starfinder agent is clever. You can move at full speed for round round with:
Flee! (Round 3)
Giovanni: Pass 70' Remaining
Magnok-704: Go 190' Remaining
Noble-44: Pass 70' Remaining
Rowdy Randy: Go 90' Remaining
Skorrch: Pass 70' Remaining

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Magnok picks himself up from his trip and tries to catch up with the rest of his team.
"So far away!"
Athletics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
I wonder if Magnok will survive this.

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Magnok runs right into a tree!
It's 250' to the cave. The crystalline forest is difficult terrain, so it's not going to be easy, BUT a well trained Starfinder agent is clever. You can move at full speed for round round with:
Flee! (Round 3)
Giovanni: Pass 70' Remaining
Magnok-704: Fail 160' Remaining
Noble-44: Pass 70' Remaining
Rowdy Randy: Go 90' Remaining
Skorrch: Pass 70' Remaining

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Rowdy gets SO CLOSE!
A massive tendril lashes downward at the agents:
Who: 1d5 ⇒ 3 Skorrch
ATK: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19 MISS!
Yet AGAIN the creature comes for Skorrch, but his luck holds! Rowdy is mere feet from the entrance. You can take a turn to Aid if you want to help your teammates get to da choppa!
It's 250' to the cave. The crystalline forest is difficult terrain, so it's not going to be easy, BUT a well trained Starfinder agent is clever. You can move at full speed for round round with:
Flee! (Round 4)
Giovanni: Go 70' Remaining
Magnok-704: Go 160' Remaining
Noble-44: Go 70' Remaining
Rowdy Randy: Standard Action IN!
Skorrch: Go 70' Remaining

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If it isn't broke, don't try to fix it
Noble-44 continues his ultra quiet path, but see's the headache Magnok-704 is hitting an issue and waves him towards the trees in hopes of showing him a place to hide if he can get out of the fray.
Stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23

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Skorrch wonders what Katuras have against Gosclaws. "I must be frustrating the bugger, being gone from where it strikes!" he thinks to himself. As he looks up at another tentacle starting to descend, he cries out, "Right here! I am right here!" The sleek-furred Azlanti blows raspberries at the beast then tries to determine where that next strike will land as he runs towards the cave.
Life Science: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

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Rowdy Randy reaches the entrance and turns, firing his grappler to its full 50 foot length.
"Magnok! Grab the end and I will reel you in! Might be a bumpy right but it's better than dying!"

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Noble-44, Skorrch and Giovanni get right to the mouth of the the cave, but poor Magnok has a way to go.
Rowdy offers some help with his ysoki-grappler Magnok gets a +2 on his rolls
It's 250' to the cave. The crystalline forest is difficult terrain, so it's not going to be easy, BUT a well trained Starfinder agent is clever. You can move at full speed for round round with:
Flee! (Round 3)
Giovanni: Pass 10' Remaining
Magnok-704: Go 160' Remaining
Noble-44: Pass 10' Remaining
Rowdy Randy: Help IN!
Skorrch: Pass 10' Remaining

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Trying to the cave, Magnok grabs Rowdy's rope and is immediately pulled quickly towards the cave.
Athletics vs. DC 12: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 5 + 2 = 22
"Woah, Rowdy! How are you pulling this rope so quickly?"

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Magnok zips along with some help!
A massive tendril lashes downward at the agents:
Who: 1d4 ⇒ 3 Noble-44
ATK: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 MISS!
The tendril lashes out, this time missing Noble-44! A tree next to the android shatters from the hit though!
Finally everyone BUT Magnok makes it to the cave, his legs pumping as fast as possible.
It's 250' to the cave. The crystalline forest is difficult terrain, so it's not going to be easy, BUT a well trained Starfinder agent is clever. You can move at full speed for round round with:
Flee! (Round 4)
Magnok-704: Go 100' Remaining

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Magnok tries to avoid the tendrils by running, but he is clearly not in shape.
Athletics vs. DC 12: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Athletics vs. DC 12: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
"Nobody mentioned that I would need to run when I joined the Starfinder Society!"
If there are any aids out there, I might make the first one.

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Rowdy reels in Android as quickly as he can. Round 4 is therefore a pass.
He's still got 40' to the cave!
ATK: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26 for DMG: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12. The Tendril slams into him! (Magnok-704: SP: 0/7 | HP: 5/10)
He trips right after being hit!
ATK: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21 for DMG: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 and takes him out! At just 10' from the cave he falls, dying.
The party gets him into the cave, worried that it might be too late to save him!
(Magnok-704: SP: 0/7 | HP: 0/10 | RP: 3/4) Magnok-704 WILL die if he does not Stabilize. We're therefore technically in initiative, though you're in the safety of the cave.
Giovanni: Go
Magnok-704: Stabilization roll
Noble-44: Go
Rowdy Randy: Go
Skorrch: Go

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Assuming I read rules right, will try to help to Stablize
Oh my Lord, the FInal Blade in the Shadows, I beg of you to help guide my hands to help my victim, er. ... teammate. Noble-44 tires his best to help.
Medicine: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

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Noble-44 knows his own, and quickly patches up Magnok's systems.
Out of initiative. But will let you patch him up into working order before advancing.