Pathfinder 1e, 8-7 Tome of Righteous Repose Outpost V (Inactive)

Game Master DoubleGold

Map is up

[dice=agirran init]1d20+2[/dice]
[dice=init Grelthe]1d20+1[/dice]
[dice=init Jim]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=init Rogarch]1d20+13[/dice]
[dice=init Shamus]1d20+5[/dice]

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Grand Lodge

Male Sylph Gunslinger-4 | HP:36 | AC:17 | F:7 R:8 W:4 | P:10 | I:5 | DV | NG | GL | 124312-16

Silly me

crit confirm v touch: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

The Exchange

Female NG Half-Orc Bloodrager(Metamagic Rager) 6 |Buffs: Blood Boiling Pill (8 hours), Heroism, Heightened Awareness, Magic Weapon CL8 (Lucerne Hammer).
Re-roll 1/1,Rage 21/21,Scabbard of Vigor 1/1, Knight Pennon 0/1, Rune stone 1st level 2/2|Spells 1st: 1/2
HP 61/61 1.5x Bleed|AC 19 T 12 FF 17|Uncanny Dodge|CMB+10 CMD 22|F +12 R +9 W +6, +2 vs Cold|INIT +15|PER +17 Darkvision 60', SM+3|Speed 30'|

@Jim - You will need to roll the additional damage for the critical as well. So another 3d8 or the GM can roll it. :)

You have all these other games or editions and everyone forgets how to play PF classic. :)

The Exchange

Male Human (Ulfen) Fighter (viking) 2/Water Wizard 3 | hp 46 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | CMD 17 | F +7, R +3, W +4 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, Dun, Eng, Geo, Loc, Nat) +9, KnPla +8, KnRel +8, Perc +0, SensM +0, Scrft +9 | arcane bond 1/1 | cold blast 7/7 | ♬ Theme Song (crank up to 11!) ♬ |
Rogarch wrote:
You have all these other games or editions and everyone forgets how to play PF classic. :)

One of the two best games on the list. ;)

"Whats all the hubbub bub?" Agirran asks of Shamus, silently cursing 5-foot-wide passages.

The Concordance

N m Samsaran | Shaman (Speaker/Past) 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 16, t12, ff14 | F +5, R +6, W +11 | Init +7 | Perc +14 (low-light) | Stealth +3 | speed 30' | Spells: Cantrips/4, 1st/4, 2nd/4, 3rd/3| Lifebound | Active Conditions: ---

Shamus nods to Agirran.
"It seems that our companions are fighting with something in that sauna."
He points down the hallway.

The Exchange

Male Human (Ulfen) Fighter (viking) 2/Water Wizard 3 | hp 46 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | CMD 17 | F +7, R +3, W +4 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, Dun, Eng, Geo, Loc, Nat) +9, KnPla +8, KnRel +8, Perc +0, SensM +0, Scrft +9 | arcane bond 1/1 | cold blast 7/7 | ♬ Theme Song (crank up to 11!) ♬ |

"A sauna you say?" says Agirran impressed.


additional damage: 3d8 ⇒ (5, 7, 8) = 20 aren't you glad I rolled it 23-10=13 damage on the fairy.
Shamus and Aggiran posted, but haven't acted, so I'll put you two in delay, meanwhile Jim is up again, as is Grelthe
Aggiran, one of the two best games. What is your other favorite ?pathfinder 2e or some or edition.

The Concordance

N m Samsaran | Shaman (Speaker/Past) 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 16, t12, ff14 | F +5, R +6, W +11 | Init +7 | Perc +14 (low-light) | Stealth +3 | speed 30' | Spells: Cantrips/4, 1st/4, 2nd/4, 3rd/3| Lifebound | Active Conditions: ---

I did post my actions. Shamus cast Bless.

The Exchange

Female NG Half-Orc Bloodrager(Metamagic Rager) 6 |Buffs: Blood Boiling Pill (8 hours), Heroism, Heightened Awareness, Magic Weapon CL8 (Lucerne Hammer).
Re-roll 1/1,Rage 21/21,Scabbard of Vigor 1/1, Knight Pennon 0/1, Rune stone 1st level 2/2|Spells 1st: 1/2
HP 61/61 1.5x Bleed|AC 19 T 12 FF 17|Uncanny Dodge|CMB+10 CMD 22|F +12 R +9 W +6, +2 vs Cold|INIT +15|PER +17 Darkvision 60', SM+3|Speed 30'|

Sure and my character should be up for round 2 at initiative count 15 before the fairy. All my ooc comments to increase the critical damage should not cost my character's round 2 actions. :)


Ooops and sorry Shamus, missed that Agirran on hold but I'll make sure you still go before the fairies next turn.
Jim, Grelthe, Rogarch are up

Grand Lodge

Male Sylph Gunslinger-4 | HP:36 | AC:17 | F:7 R:8 W:4 | P:10 | I:5 | DV | NG | GL | 124312-16

Jim reloads with Cold iron blanched bullets.

I just loaded up with Cold Iron he says. So .. I'd recommend you appear and maybe we can talk this out .... and no I'm not bluffing

Delaying until an attack happens

Sovereign Court

alternate portrait | Female Half-Orc Paladin (Holy Tactician) 2 / Skald (Dragon Skald) 1 | HP:24*/24* | AC:21*/11*/20* | CMD:17*/16* (+1 vs grapple) | Saves: F8*/R3/W7* (+2 vs fear effects; additional +2 to 1st fear save/day) | Init:1 | Senses: Darkvision, Perception:5 | Sense Motive:4 | Speed in Armor: 20' | Raging Songs 5/5 | Lvl.1 Spells 2/2 | Messenger bag reroll 1/1 | Faction Pin 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Grelthe will begin singing, a lovely upbeat Northern tune about how tricksy fey were overcome by heroes of old with sheer brawn.
Perform(sing): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 (Just for funsies)
Or at least it WOULD be lovely, if her voice hadn't come out croaking and shaky. She feels useless against an invisible enemy like this.

She will also retrieve a javelin as she moves closer to the water to give her companions more space.

Raging Song (Inspired Rage):
If a raging song affects allies, when the skald begins a raging song and at the start of each ally’s turn in which they can hear the raging song, the skald’s allies must decide whether to accept or refuse its effects. This is not an action. Unconscious allies automatically accept the song. If accepted, the raging song’s effects last for that ally’s turn or until the song ends, whichever comes first.
Inspired Rage (Su) At 1st level, affected allies gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but also take a –1 penalty to AC. While under the effects of inspired rage, allies other than the skald cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration. Unlike the barbarian’s rage ability, those affected are not fatigued after the song ends. If an ally has her own rage class ability (such as barbarian’s rage, bloodrager’s bloodrage, or skald’s inspired rage), she may use the Strength, Constitution, and Will saving throw bonuses, as well as AC penalties, based on her own ability and level instead of those from the skald (still suffering no fatigue afterward). However, inspired rage does not allow the ally to activate abilities dependent on other rage class abilities, such as rage powers, blood casting, or bloodrager bloodlines; the ally must activate her own rage class ability in order to use these features.

The Exchange

Male Human (Ulfen) Fighter (viking) 2/Water Wizard 3 | hp 46 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | CMD 17 | F +7, R +3, W +4 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, Dun, Eng, Geo, Loc, Nat) +9, KnPla +8, KnRel +8, Perc +0, SensM +0, Scrft +9 | arcane bond 1/1 | cold blast 7/7 | ♬ Theme Song (crank up to 11!) ♬ |

"Well, tell me when the privy's open, I gotta piss me somethin' fierce." he says wandering further down the hall to the east as the sound of close-quarters combat echos out of the water room.

"Hm. Maybe I'll give it five minutes." he adds after hearing all of the commotion.

He looks across the hall. "Hey, is that a plant?"

The Exchange

Female NG Half-Orc Bloodrager(Metamagic Rager) 6 |Buffs: Blood Boiling Pill (8 hours), Heroism, Heightened Awareness, Magic Weapon CL8 (Lucerne Hammer).
Re-roll 1/1,Rage 21/21,Scabbard of Vigor 1/1, Knight Pennon 0/1, Rune stone 1st level 2/2|Spells 1st: 1/2
HP 61/61 1.5x Bleed|AC 19 T 12 FF 17|Uncanny Dodge|CMB+10 CMD 22|F +12 R +9 W +6, +2 vs Cold|INIT +15|PER +17 Darkvision 60', SM+3|Speed 30'|

Rogarch accepts Greithe's music. While the tune is shaky it stirs her spirit and she feels her blood boiling. The arcane powered bloodrager drops her wand and moves forward drawing forth her cold iron tipped lucerne hammer. She attempts to stab the fey in between Greithe's movements.

To hit,cover,rage,guidance,bless: 1d20 + 8 - 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 8 - 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 13

Damage, Cold Iron, Piercing,Rage: 1d12 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 3 = 10

Miss chance 1-50% = miss: 1d100 ⇒ 32


Rogarch swings but misses. The 13 misses anyhow, and the fairy is up at the ceiling way above your head, so the hammer would also have to have reach.
Also moved you to melee range, the fairy ain't moving.
It responds to Jim I ain't surrendering unless I'm really hurt, I'm invisible, so I'm going to rely on that hoping you miss. Odd thing about that, the thing will surrender if it is hurt enough, it it is 1 HP away from surrendering. But your bullet could also kill it if you roll high end damage.
Jim An attack happened, Rogarch's attack on it. Though I assume you meant its attack, you want to come out of delay?
Aggiran waits, Grelthe sings.

Jim, what the fairy will do, please decide if you will shoot it now before opening spoiler. It does this regardless if you shoot first or wait till it goes.:
Fairy fires another arrow at Jim hit: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 give me another will save dc 15 or be charmed

Grand Lodge

Male Sylph Gunslinger-4 | HP:36 | AC:17 | F:7 R:8 W:4 | P:10 | I:5 | DV | NG | GL | 124312-16

Jim takes the shot.
v touch: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 hit>50: 1d100 ⇒ 22 dam: 1d8 ⇒ 7

will: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20


Jim misses because of miss chance, but the fairy or whatever it is fails to charm him.
Agirran and Shamus are up
Rogarch, Jim and Gethle are up for round 3

The Exchange

Female NG Half-Orc Bloodrager(Metamagic Rager) 6 |Buffs: Blood Boiling Pill (8 hours), Heroism, Heightened Awareness, Magic Weapon CL8 (Lucerne Hammer).
Re-roll 1/1,Rage 21/21,Scabbard of Vigor 1/1, Knight Pennon 0/1, Rune stone 1st level 2/2|Spells 1st: 1/2
HP 61/61 1.5x Bleed|AC 19 T 12 FF 17|Uncanny Dodge|CMB+10 CMD 22|F +12 R +9 W +6, +2 vs Cold|INIT +15|PER +17 Darkvision 60', SM+3|Speed 30'|

@DoubleGold - The Lucerne Hammer is a reach weapon. It is a pole-arm with a spear-like end and a hammer top so it can be used as both a blunt or piercing weapon. This one happens to be cold iron as well.

Helping Hand climbs out of his cage and taps Rogarch for luck.
Rogarch attempts to stab the creature again. She continues to benefit from Greithe's song.

To Hit, Bless, Guidance,Rage: 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 8 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 21

Cold Iron, Piercing, Rage: 1d12 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 6 + 3 = 21

Miss chance 1-50%=Miss: 1d100 ⇒ 75

Grand Lodge

Male Sylph Gunslinger-4 | HP:36 | AC:17 | F:7 R:8 W:4 | P:10 | I:5 | DV | NG | GL | 124312-16

If Rogarch doesn't take it out, Jim loads another Cold Iron bullet and fires

v touch: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 hit>50: 1d100 ⇒ 77 dam: 1d8 ⇒ 4


Jim, save your bullet, Rogarch takes out the fairy. It turns visible as it dies. It is actually a Pixie.
The water is crystal clear and no enemies are in it. You can take a look and see what is down there if you want.

The Exchange

Female NG Half-Orc Bloodrager(Metamagic Rager) 6 |Buffs: Blood Boiling Pill (8 hours), Heroism, Heightened Awareness, Magic Weapon CL8 (Lucerne Hammer).
Re-roll 1/1,Rage 21/21,Scabbard of Vigor 1/1, Knight Pennon 0/1, Rune stone 1st level 2/2|Spells 1st: 1/2
HP 61/61 1.5x Bleed|AC 19 T 12 FF 17|Uncanny Dodge|CMB+10 CMD 22|F +12 R +9 W +6, +2 vs Cold|INIT +15|PER +17 Darkvision 60', SM+3|Speed 30'|

Rogarch falls out of her skald inspired rage. She places her pole-arm back on her back. She then goes back to retrieve her wand of shield and places it into her spring-loaded wrist sheath.

"So does anyone like the water? I am not particularly fond of it myself."

With the aid of Helping Hand she attempts to activate her wand of Heightened Awareness. It activates after the second attempt.

UMD DC 20, Guidance: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 7 + 1 = 17

UMD DC 20, Guidance: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 7 + 1 = 20

Green Sting Scorpion Bloodline Familiar (Arcane)(Emissary)
Bit of Luck 1/1, Share Will 1/1
| HP 21/21 | AC 20 T 15 FF 17| CMB +5 CMD 11 (23 vs trip) | F +4 R +5 W +1 Improved Evasion| PER +11 Darkvision 60' SM+0| Speed 30' |Acrobatics +9 Climb +11 Stealth +15 Swim +7|

Helping Hand looks at the Pixie and around the room from the vantage point of Rogarch's shoulder.

20 Perception on a take 10.


The water is 15 feet deep and there is a backpack at the bottom, a waterproof backpack.

Description of this room
Clear water swirls and shifts in this wide hallway. A staircase
leads down into watery depths.
An underground river shifted, leaking into the lower floor’s permeable stone. A current churns the water, occasionally creating an eerie sloshing sound. The flooded basement of this crypt is beyond the scope of this adventure. But you can still grab the treasure if you want, it is not in the base or around the corner, just straight down and the current is weak, a slow current.

The Exchange

Female NG Half-Orc Bloodrager(Metamagic Rager) 6 |Buffs: Blood Boiling Pill (8 hours), Heroism, Heightened Awareness, Magic Weapon CL8 (Lucerne Hammer).
Re-roll 1/1,Rage 21/21,Scabbard of Vigor 1/1, Knight Pennon 0/1, Rune stone 1st level 2/2|Spells 1st: 1/2
HP 61/61 1.5x Bleed|AC 19 T 12 FF 17|Uncanny Dodge|CMB+10 CMD 22|F +12 R +9 W +6, +2 vs Cold|INIT +15|PER +17 Darkvision 60', SM+3|Speed 30'|

Rogarch calls out to the salty viking. She points to the bag underneath the water.

"Agirran, you know how to swim right? You were saying before that you were a seasoned sailor. There is treasure down below."

And yes there is a plant on the map but with all the excitement here I feel that we should deal with this first.

The Concordance

N m Samsaran | Shaman (Speaker/Past) 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 16, t12, ff14 | F +5, R +6, W +11 | Init +7 | Perc +14 (low-light) | Stealth +3 | speed 30' | Spells: Cantrips/4, 1st/4, 2nd/4, 3rd/3| Lifebound | Active Conditions: ---

"Good job, friends. A pixie? Strange place for a pixie to be. Aren't they supposed to be in woodland lakes and streams?"

Shamus moves to the edge of the pool with the others.
"Well? Who's going in to get that backpack? The water looks too befouled for me. I'll pass."

The Exchange

Female NG Half-Orc Bloodrager(Metamagic Rager) 6 |Buffs: Blood Boiling Pill (8 hours), Heroism, Heightened Awareness, Magic Weapon CL8 (Lucerne Hammer).
Re-roll 1/1,Rage 21/21,Scabbard of Vigor 1/1, Knight Pennon 0/1, Rune stone 1st level 2/2|Spells 1st: 1/2
HP 61/61 1.5x Bleed|AC 19 T 12 FF 17|Uncanny Dodge|CMB+10 CMD 22|F +12 R +9 W +6, +2 vs Cold|INIT +15|PER +17 Darkvision 60', SM+3|Speed 30'|

Rogarch grimaces at Shamus' attempt to dissemble.

"What are you talking about Shamus? The water is clear and the current is weak. Granted I can't swim ... well but for someone that can it should be an easy job."

Sovereign Court

alternate portrait | Female Half-Orc Paladin (Holy Tactician) 2 / Skald (Dragon Skald) 1 | HP:24*/24* | AC:21*/11*/20* | CMD:17*/16* (+1 vs grapple) | Saves: F8*/R3/W7* (+2 vs fear effects; additional +2 to 1st fear save/day) | Init:1 | Senses: Darkvision, Perception:5 | Sense Motive:4 | Speed in Armor: 20' | Raging Songs 5/5 | Lvl.1 Spells 2/2 | Messenger bag reroll 1/1 | Faction Pin 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Grelthe is generally a good swimmer, due to her sailing background, but not so much in her Full Plate. "I doubt you'd all want to wait for me to remove and then put my armor back on" she laughs "but in all honesty it is not deep, so I should be fine regardless." (Currently +0 to swim) She looks to Agirran to see if he volunteers or if she's getting wet.

She nudges the dead pixie with her foot. "That's the first one of those I've ran in to. Are they all that rude and aggressive?"

Silver Crusade

Human Male | VA | Auckland, New Zealand | UTC+12 | 124312 | PFS1e ES#6 | SFS1e 6-14 | PFS1e 6-04

Jim looks sad as the creature was revealed to be a pixie. He actually picks up the body and carefully wraps it up before putting it in his pack. Going to bury her in proper woods - it's only right

He then looks at the water.
I could go in if no one else ... or yeah ... he looks over to Grelthe I'll be happy to wait

Sovereign Court

alternate portrait | Female Half-Orc Paladin (Holy Tactician) 2 / Skald (Dragon Skald) 1 | HP:24*/24* | AC:21*/11*/20* | CMD:17*/16* (+1 vs grapple) | Saves: F8*/R3/W7* (+2 vs fear effects; additional +2 to 1st fear save/day) | Init:1 | Senses: Darkvision, Perception:5 | Sense Motive:4 | Speed in Armor: 20' | Raging Songs 5/5 | Lvl.1 Spells 2/2 | Messenger bag reroll 1/1 | Faction Pin 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Without a response from Agirran, she shrugs and starts stripping her armor. She gestures to Rogarch standing next to her. "This would be quicker with assistance?" She requests politely

doff full plate: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 1/2 that due to assistance. +4 mins to put back on (including assistance).

The Concordance

N m Samsaran | Shaman (Speaker/Past) 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 16, t12, ff14 | F +5, R +6, W +11 | Init +7 | Perc +14 (low-light) | Stealth +3 | speed 30' | Spells: Cantrips/4, 1st/4, 2nd/4, 3rd/3| Lifebound | Active Conditions: ---
Rogarch wrote:

Rogarch grimaces at Shamus' attempt to dissemble.

"What are you talking about Shamus? The water is clear and the current is weak. Granted I can't swim... well. But, for someone that can, it should be an easy job."

"I suppose the water doesn't look too bad. Being down here in an ancient ruin, you never know how foul the water can get."

Shamus shuffles forward to assist Grelthe.
"This might be easier if I just summon my unseen servant. Should we give that a try? No sense in you getting all wet. You might catch a case of the sniffles."

A soft pleasant voice of an ancestral spirit with an aristocratic accent speaks in Shamus' mind.
"Uh... Shamus, my good man. I cannot swim. I can only move across the water's surface."

"Ahh! Yes, yes. That's right."
Shamus says out loud with a finger in the air, garnering looks from his companions as he talks to himself.

He goes back to help Grelthe remove her armor.
"Nevermind. Carry on."

The Exchange

Female NG Half-Orc Bloodrager(Metamagic Rager) 6 |Buffs: Blood Boiling Pill (8 hours), Heroism, Heightened Awareness, Magic Weapon CL8 (Lucerne Hammer).
Re-roll 1/1,Rage 21/21,Scabbard of Vigor 1/1, Knight Pennon 0/1, Rune stone 1st level 2/2|Spells 1st: 1/2
HP 61/61 1.5x Bleed|AC 19 T 12 FF 17|Uncanny Dodge|CMB+10 CMD 22|F +12 R +9 W +6, +2 vs Cold|INIT +15|PER +17 Darkvision 60', SM+3|Speed 30'|

The robust female warrior shakes her head at Jim's less than subtle comments and she physically blocks Shamus from touching Greithe.

"Gentlemen, please try to behave yourselves."

I am sure that Shamus did not mean anything by his offer of help however this is a very likely reaction to this kind of offer. :)

Rogarch helps Greithe take off her armor. Helping Hand will also imbue the Paladin with a touch of divine guidance.

You have Guidance if you want it. I suggest taking 10 on the swim check.

The Concordance

N m Samsaran | Shaman (Speaker/Past) 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 16, t12, ff14 | F +5, R +6, W +11 | Init +7 | Perc +14 (low-light) | Stealth +3 | speed 30' | Spells: Cantrips/4, 1st/4, 2nd/4, 3rd/3| Lifebound | Active Conditions: ---

Shamus quickly shuffles back a few steps as Rogarch intervenes.
"Yes, yes. Forgive me, my good lady."

The Exchange

Male Human (Ulfen) Fighter (viking) 2/Water Wizard 3 | hp 46 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | CMD 17 | F +7, R +3, W +4 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, Dun, Eng, Geo, Loc, Nat) +9, KnPla +8, KnRel +8, Perc +0, SensM +0, Scrft +9 | arcane bond 1/1 | cold blast 7/7 | ♬ Theme Song (crank up to 11!) ♬ |
DoubleGold wrote:

Jim, save your bullet, Rogarch takes out the fairy. It turns visible as it dies. It is actually a Pixie.

The water is crystal clear and no enemies are in it. You can take a look and see what is down there if you want.

Agirran looks down at the tiny pixie, and back to Rogarch and rolls his eyes.

He waits a beat before reminding everyone of the "ferocious plant" just around the corner and when no one takes the hint the fact he has to pee.

Before he does he scenes the pool with detect magic.

The Exchange

Female NG Half-Orc Bloodrager(Metamagic Rager) 6 |Buffs: Blood Boiling Pill (8 hours), Heroism, Heightened Awareness, Magic Weapon CL8 (Lucerne Hammer).
Re-roll 1/1,Rage 21/21,Scabbard of Vigor 1/1, Knight Pennon 0/1, Rune stone 1st level 2/2|Spells 1st: 1/2
HP 61/61 1.5x Bleed|AC 19 T 12 FF 17|Uncanny Dodge|CMB+10 CMD 22|F +12 R +9 W +6, +2 vs Cold|INIT +15|PER +17 Darkvision 60', SM+3|Speed 30'|

Rogarch has heard many stories but is not at all familiar with ferocious plants. In fact the tales of her frozen wasteland include many dangers but none of the leafed variety.

She has no ranks in K-Nature or Survival.

"Agirran, are you sure it is a hostile plant? I saw it before but I thought that maybe it was just some plant life living underground. Have you seen it actually move or attack someone? Are you familiar with this type of plant?"

People with Knowledge skills might want to check it out. It might be some sort of hazard (like a variety of mold) or a plant creature or it might just be a potted plant. :)

The Exchange

Male Human (Ulfen) Fighter (viking) 2/Water Wizard 3 | hp 46 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | CMD 17 | F +7, R +3, W +4 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, Dun, Eng, Geo, Loc, Nat) +9, KnPla +8, KnRel +8, Perc +0, SensM +0, Scrft +9 | arcane bond 1/1 | cold blast 7/7 | ♬ Theme Song (crank up to 11!) ♬ |

"Maybe we could discuss this at length in a minute or two?" Agirran says leadingly, hoping she'll get the hint but secretly knowing better.

knowledge (nature, the plant he saw): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Sovereign Court

alternate portrait | Female Half-Orc Paladin (Holy Tactician) 2 / Skald (Dragon Skald) 1 | HP:24*/24* | AC:21*/11*/20* | CMD:17*/16* (+1 vs grapple) | Saves: F8*/R3/W7* (+2 vs fear effects; additional +2 to 1st fear save/day) | Init:1 | Senses: Darkvision, Perception:5 | Sense Motive:4 | Speed in Armor: 20' | Raging Songs 5/5 | Lvl.1 Spells 2/2 | Messenger bag reroll 1/1 | Faction Pin 1/1 | Active Conditions: None
Shamus wrote:
"No sense in you getting all wet. You might catch a case of the sniffles."

Grelthe stifles an uncharacteristic giggle at Shamus's concern. "I'm sure I'll be fine, thank you."

Since it will take a moment to doff the armor, she suggests in the meantime Agirran could visually check the plant a second time, to see if it maybe has moved or changed appearance or something.

Rogarch wrote:
"Gentlemen, please try to behave yourselves."

Grelthe seems confused by this comment, having already forgotten about Jim's earlier comment towards the other half-orc before the combat, and completely missing any undertone regarding his comment to wait for Grelthe to undress. (LOL, she's oblivious)

During the few moments Shamus seems conflicted talking to himself, Rogarch has already helped Grelthe get the armor mostly off anyway, so his help is mostly unnecessary.

Her underclothes are a typical white linen medieval looking shirt with laces, but with fancy gold celtic knot trim, and plain brown linen trousers. She'll make sure to take off her boots, backpack, and belt pouches as well before retrieving the backpack. "No sense in getting them wet."

She will take 10 on her swim as suggested, for a total of 16.

Grand Lodge

Male Sylph Gunslinger-4 | HP:36 | AC:17 | F:7 R:8 W:4 | P:10 | I:5 | DV | NG | GL | 124312-16

Jim was about to offer to help but pauses when Rogarch intervenes.

I assure you .... I was intending to be the perfect gentleman. I shall stand by in case she requires assistance down there

Rogarch would have noticed he treated the pixie's body with respect.


You detect no magic in the water unless you count the magic items in the bag, you swim down and get the backpack. You open it up. You found the magical cache in the dungeon. Dust of illusion, wand of vanish (CL 4, 24 charges) There are 2 more treasure packages in the dungeon.
The plant is a an Assassin Vine It pretends to be a regular plant and then attacks when you get into its melee range. It sometimes is alone, but there could be a group of them of anywhere from 1 to 3. So there is a chance that another one is somewhere that you can't see yet. Attack it from a distance and move away, these things are slow. These things are more deadly outside where there are vines it can activate as holding traps. It is best you clear it before you run into other danger, and they might also be guarding a treasure while looking for food.
Go ahead and set yourselves up where you can see the plant and make your ranged attacks, this will be round 0, ie surprise round once you fire an arrow or whatever, remember it has reach of 10 feet. Unless you don't plan on doing that. This takes place about 10 minutes after the pixie fight, or rather you can redon the armor before doing this.

Grand Lodge

Male Sylph Gunslinger-4 | HP:36 | AC:17 | F:7 R:8 W:4 | P:10 | I:5 | DV | NG | GL | 124312-16

Once Jim knows about the assassin vine, he heads off to deal with it, while swapping out the cold iron treated bullet for a regular one.

Sovereign Court

alternate portrait | Female Half-Orc Paladin (Holy Tactician) 2 / Skald (Dragon Skald) 1 | HP:24*/24* | AC:21*/11*/20* | CMD:17*/16* (+1 vs grapple) | Saves: F8*/R3/W7* (+2 vs fear effects; additional +2 to 1st fear save/day) | Init:1 | Senses: Darkvision, Perception:5 | Sense Motive:4 | Speed in Armor: 20' | Raging Songs 5/5 | Lvl.1 Spells 2/2 | Messenger bag reroll 1/1 | Faction Pin 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

(Minus the chatting & swimming, the armor only takes a total of 5 minutes with the assistance.)

Grelthe did notice Jim's seeming affection for the tiny lying creature, and would be very interested in chatting with him about the nature of pixies, since he seems to be more familiar with them than she is.

She also asks Agirran about the plant creature - since the only ranged options she has are a javelin or alchemist's fire, are they generally resistant or immune to either of those types of damage? "I would prefer to hold on to the alchemist's fire in case we run into a swarm, but it's an option, at least."

After squeezing out the majority of the water from the edges of her clothes, she will get her armor back on as quick as possible (with help). "Never know when we'll be ambushed, gotta stay prepared!"

Since Grelthe is quite strong, she doesn't mind holding on to any extra items the party picks up - unless someone specifically wants something. (I have a section on my character sheet for party equipment as well.)

Although she normally isn't so useful at using most magic things, and advises someone more talented take them - in this case her Skald training means she is actually familiar with the Vanish spell. If someone who is more primarily a spellcaster would like it though, she will hand either item over without complaint.

She is *quite* excited about the waterproof backpack though. :)

The Exchange

Female NG Half-Orc Bloodrager(Metamagic Rager) 6 |Buffs: Blood Boiling Pill (8 hours), Heroism, Heightened Awareness, Magic Weapon CL8 (Lucerne Hammer).
Re-roll 1/1,Rage 21/21,Scabbard of Vigor 1/1, Knight Pennon 0/1, Rune stone 1st level 2/2|Spells 1st: 1/2
HP 61/61 1.5x Bleed|AC 19 T 12 FF 17|Uncanny Dodge|CMB+10 CMD 22|F +12 R +9 W +6, +2 vs Cold|INIT +15|PER +17 Darkvision 60', SM+3|Speed 30'|

Rogarch helps Greithe don her armour.

@Greithe - In PFS (1st edition) party treasure is not assigned any weight and will not impact your encumbrance.

As she helps Greithe dress she listens intently to Agirran's report on the local plant life.

"Well that is most interesting. Moving and dangerous plants. Who would have guessed it? You seem to be exceptionally well informed."

"Might I suggest that we fire at a distance and retreat back along the same path that we already travelled. It makes no sense to trigger a trap accidentally or to fight two battles at once."

After Greithe is dressed but before the battle begins Rogarch attempts to activate her wand again. It activates on the second attempt. Helping Hand also taps her for luck (Guidance).

Heightened Awareness, Guidance: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 1 = 16

Heightened Awareness, Guidance: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 7 + 1 = 20

The warrior positions herself in the hallway waiting for the signal to attack. In each hand she wields a circular bladed weapon of sharpened death.

Grand Lodge

Male Sylph Gunslinger-4 | HP:36 | AC:17 | F:7 R:8 W:4 | P:10 | I:5 | DV | NG | GL | 124312-16

Jim would help Greithe with her armour. Pity I don't know magic. A 'Dry' cantrip would be right useful.

He then looks over to Rogarch. I agree ... no sense in getting into it's reach when you don't have to ma'am

He heads off to a point to get line of fire to it.

The Exchange

Male Human (Ulfen) Fighter (viking) 2/Water Wizard 3 | hp 46 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | CMD 17 | F +7, R +3, W +4 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, Dun, Eng, Geo, Loc, Nat) +9, KnPla +8, KnRel +8, Perc +0, SensM +0, Scrft +9 | arcane bond 1/1 | cold blast 7/7 | ♬ Theme Song (crank up to 11!) ♬ |
Jim Harkness wrote:
Once Jim knows about the assassin vine, he heads off to deal with it, while swapping out the cold iron treated bullet for a regular one.
Agirran explains quickly.
Grelthe, the singing Paladin wrote:
She also asks Agirran about the plant creature - since the only ranged options she has are a javelin or alchemist's fire, are they generally resistant or immune to either of those types of damage? "I would prefer to hold on to the alchemist's fire in case we run into a swarm, but it's an option, at least."

"You go keep an eye on it and be right there with something to help." he says and waits for her to leave. Then he leans his axe against the wall (recasting light upon it).

With the side passage finally clear, Agirran relieves himself in the pool. "Haaah." What's wrong with people today? he thinks to himself about his current companions.

When he's done he steps out ready to move northward (into area 9), without even looking at plant monster. "You guys ready, or what?"

perception: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Rogarch wrote:

Rogarch helps Greithe don her armour.

@Greithe - In PFS (1st edition) party treasure is not assigned any weight and will not impact your encumbrance.

Unless you are carrying it, in which case it counts toward encumbrance as usual. Agirran will pick up the wand only if no one else (Greithe?) wants it, because he too can figure it out.


Aggirran, from that position, you see an additional plant. That was the perfect ambush for someone traveling north. Traveling from any other route gave you the advantage.

If you can draw a straight line from you to the plant without hitting a wall you can target the plant, though it might haver cover. If you are good with your position, you can roll your ranged attack. You can cast buff spells beforehand, the thing isn't smart enough to know you are a threat until you attack it. It thinks it has outsmarted you by being a plant, so at this point only attacking it or getting 10 feet close to triggers combat. Moved up Shamus so he can see the plant. He is still in the back if that is where he wants to be.

The Exchange

Female NG Half-Orc Bloodrager(Metamagic Rager) 6 |Buffs: Blood Boiling Pill (8 hours), Heroism, Heightened Awareness, Magic Weapon CL8 (Lucerne Hammer).
Re-roll 1/1,Rage 21/21,Scabbard of Vigor 1/1, Knight Pennon 0/1, Rune stone 1st level 2/2|Spells 1st: 1/2
HP 61/61 1.5x Bleed|AC 19 T 12 FF 17|Uncanny Dodge|CMB+10 CMD 22|F +12 R +9 W +6, +2 vs Cold|INIT +15|PER +17 Darkvision 60', SM+3|Speed 30'|

Rogarch looks as ready as she can with a pair of chakrams drawn.

"Good spotting Agirran. We should probably tackle them one at a time if we can. How about starting with the original (western) plant?"

Round 0?

Sovereign Court

alternate portrait | Female Half-Orc Paladin (Holy Tactician) 2 / Skald (Dragon Skald) 1 | HP:24*/24* | AC:21*/11*/20* | CMD:17*/16* (+1 vs grapple) | Saves: F8*/R3/W7* (+2 vs fear effects; additional +2 to 1st fear save/day) | Init:1 | Senses: Darkvision, Perception:5 | Sense Motive:4 | Speed in Armor: 20' | Raging Songs 5/5 | Lvl.1 Spells 2/2 | Messenger bag reroll 1/1 | Faction Pin 1/1 | Active Conditions: None

Grelthe will start humming quietly to herself as she makes sure her ammentums are wrapped nicely around the javelins, casting a spell on everyone that makes you feel slightly more... heroic/lucky/inspired. (Moment of Greatness lasts 1 min, then Raging Song, but they are both standard actions)
Perform(sing): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Once she can tell everyone is ready her sotto voce humming will burst forth full-throatedly about an intelligent tactical ambush making quick work of the unaware combatants - it's a rousing, exhilarating, inspiring war tune!

The Concordance

N m Samsaran | Shaman (Speaker/Past) 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 16, t12, ff14 | F +5, R +6, W +11 | Init +7 | Perc +14 (low-light) | Stealth +3 | speed 30' | Spells: Cantrips/4, 1st/4, 2nd/4, 3rd/3| Lifebound | Active Conditions: ---

Shamus notices Grelthe eyeing the wand of Vanish.
"Ah! That's a fun little spell."
He remarks.
"Unfortunately, it's not part of my tradition of magic. I might be able to trick the wand into letting me activate it. I'm pretty good with activating items not of my tradition." (UMD). I'll take the wand if nobody else wants it.


Shamus crosses the hall and gets near Agirran.
"A pixie and now assassin vines? What's with all of these woodland creatures being down in a dungeon?"
He says with a cocked eyebrow.
"What are you doing down here in a dungeon, Shamus?”
A voice in his head mocks, then chuckles.

Dismissing the thought, he gets ready for combat against the dangerous plants.
He pulls out his sling and loads a bullet, then looks over in awe at Grelthe's inspiring war chant.

He nods at everyone in turn to let them know he's ready.

Anything Agirran can tell us about the plants' special defenses?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, if Agirran was going for special defenses, Immune electricity, plant traits; Resist cold 10 and fire 10.

The Concordance

N m Samsaran | Shaman (Speaker/Past) 6 | HP 45/45 | AC 16, t12, ff14 | F +5, R +6, W +11 | Init +7 | Perc +14 (low-light) | Stealth +3 | speed 30' | Spells: Cantrips/4, 1st/4, 2nd/4, 3rd/3| Lifebound | Active Conditions: ---
DoubleGold wrote:
Yeah, if Agirran was going for special defenses, Immune electricity, plant traits; Resist cold 10 and fire 10.

Thank you. I was wondering if I should use crossbow (piercing) or sling (bludgeoning). Sling it is.

Grand Lodge

Male Sylph Gunslinger-4 | HP:36 | AC:17 | F:7 R:8 W:4 | P:10 | I:5 | DV | NG | GL | 124312-16

Jim gets ready to fill the plant full of lead. He also compliments Grelthe on her singing.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Ulfen) Fighter (viking) 2/Water Wizard 3 | hp 46 | AC 16, T 11, FF 15 | CMD 17 | F +7, R +3, W +4 | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, Dun, Eng, Geo, Loc, Nat) +9, KnPla +8, KnRel +8, Perc +0, SensM +0, Scrft +9 | arcane bond 1/1 | cold blast 7/7 | ♬ Theme Song (crank up to 11!) ♬ |
Shamus Shandy wrote:

Shamus notices Grelthe eyeing the wand of Vanish.

"Ah! That's a fun little spell."
He remarks.
"Unfortunately, it's not part of my tradition of magic. I might be able to trick the wand into letting me activate it. I'm pretty good with activating items not of my tradition." (UMD). I'll take the wand if nobody else wants it.

"Hey old man, I already had dibs on the useless junk wand if Red here didn't want it."

DoubleGold wrote:
Yeah, if Agirran was going for special defenses, Immune electricity, plant traits; Resist cold 10 and fire 10.

Usually I ask for cultural, linguistic, dietary, and reproductive information, but sure defenses is fine--boring, but fine. ;)

If he can get any more info how about sensory, and movement information in that order? If they rely on vision of some kind instead of tremor or blindsight or sense, He uses the wand of vanish on anyone who wants/needs to get in close.

Shamus Shandy wrote:


Shamus crosses the hall and gets near Agirran.
"A pixie and now assassin vines? What's with all of these woodland creatures being down in a dungeon?"
He says with a cocked eyebrow.

"Damn it Shamus, I'm a sailor not a druid."

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