[Outpost V] PF2e B18 - From Family Lost (P1) (Inactive)

Game Master UncleFroggy

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Grand Archive

LN Male (he/his) death warden dwarf rogue [thief] 4 | HP 46/46 | AC 21| Fort +7; Ref +12; Will +10 | Perc: +10(E) (+11 to find traps) (Darkvision) | Speed 20ft| Hero Points 3/3 |Exploration Mode: Avoid Notice | Active conditions: Deny Advantage,

"Och. Yes, this deed." says Dethor, as he pulls the deed out of his belt pouch. It it folded up, in a less than neat way, and now has something sticky on it, but it is intact.

"Dis was what ye' wanted."

He hands it over to Castor.

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates

Castor takes the deed. He's saddened upon learning that his brother is indeed dead. But he's at least relieved that he can move on with his life. Producing a lockbox (similar to what you found in Bulviss), he pays you each 10gp, the business concluded.

End of Bounty

Thanks for playing all! I'll report the game and send out chronicles shortly.

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