Pathfinder Age of Worms Hybrid Campaign

Game Master Doug Greer

A Pathfinder First Edition conversion of Age of Worms

Male Blue Dragon

As the six-armed ebon monstrosity that came up out of the Dourstone mine fell at the hands of the group that his apprentice is now a part of, brought memories back of his earlier days as an apprentice and adventuring with others. Once again as he sometimes does, he wonders why he gave it up, why sit here in a sleepy mining town.

Of course, Diamond Lake doesn't seem so sleepy at the moment. Slakulix and his friends, the items they found in the cairn outside of town, and now the man who they brought to him, but died mysteriously in his study, just prior to this creature emerging from the mine. And now this battle in the fields east of town.

Also, they have returned minus one companion, but with someone new. I have to know what they have found down in that mine and if and how it relates to what they have found before. I have a feeling that there is a connection, but what, I know not at this time.

Slakulix, what has happened over the last few days you have been away? What happened to Katchka? Who is this new companion that you have with you?, Allustan says.

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