Kitsune Kune's Fists of the Ruby Phoenix

Game Master Kitsune Kune

The Ruby Phoenix Tournament begins! The sorcerer Hao Jin has returned to Tian Xia to host her decennial international fighting tournament, and contestants from all over the world have arrived to try their chance at winning a prize from her vault of incredible treasures. Before they can compete in the tournament, however, fighters must first complete a series of qualifying challenges on the uninhabited tropical island of Bonmu, where wild dinosaurs roam amid the ancient ruins of a lost civilization. Can the heroes defend their island stronghold, outlast their many ruthless rivals, and survive the perils of so-called Danger Island? Let the competitors decide!

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Envoy's Alliance

Prior to the beginning of the module. Each of your characters, for one reason or another, strove to enter this year's Ruby Phoenix Tournament. However, unlike previous years, Hao Jin has returned, and decided to take a direct hand in this year's tournament. She decided to hand-pick each team that would get to participate and enter the preliminary round. As such, most teams discovered that getting picked was more difficult than just being good. Instead, it took a level of political maneuvering, and a lot of advertising, to gain the attention of Hao Jin.

Luckily, many wealthier citizens of the world saw an opportunity to grow their own political power and wealth, offering their resources to a team in return for sharing in the glory and prestige that team earns. Your particular Patron turned out to be an enigmatic, greying, old Kitsune who always appears in their fully normal form, humbly tucking his nine tails behind him. Always dressed in modest, almost peasant, traveling clothes, and carrying little else in the way of wealth. He introduces himself simply as "Old Man Loong" with a warm and friendly smile.

When he came to each of you in turn, and offered to bring you together as a team for this tournament, and somehow guaranteed he could get you in. You were each appropriately skeptical. Especially the more socially adroit amongst you, as none of you had ever seen or heard of him in any of the major political or noble circles, and he never showed much in the way of the wealth required. However, for whatever reason, he seemed oddly compelling, and would visit with you as many times as it took to slowly wear down your hesitance, and you each ultimately accepted his offer.

It has been a week since you all arrived in the port of Goka, and are staying at a small unobtrusive inn, your accommodations fully paid for by Old Man Loong, when a letter arrives from him. True to his word, he has managed to secure your team's entry as one of the 32 teams chosen by Hao Jin to partake in this year's Ruby Phoenix Tournament. However, the ship setting sail for the preliminary round leaves that very evening. The letter does end with an apology on the abruptness of this fact. He hopes you a safe journey, and promises to meet you when the ship docks at the preliminary location.
----*----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*----- *----*----*--

This gives you all time to describe your characters to each-other, and how well, or little, you get to know about each-other, during a week's time. Confined to a small, but cozy inn, in an ardently expensive city. As well as how you take last-minute news. Enjoy the role play. I intend to get the actual game started once everyone says they are ready. :)

For those who plan to gm this AP in the future:
I've made several changes, including the addition of this Patron, in an effort to allow for more RP potential than the first book allows as written. Feel free to borrow/steal the ideas as desired.

Appearance Female Kitsune Oracle of Life 11 (Martial Artist) HP:140/140 AC:28 (+1 In Crane Stance) Fort: +18 Ref: +18 Will:+20 Perception: +17 (+2 Bonus)

She sat smoking her pipe at a table in the corner, taking a long drag before blowing it off to the side. Loose red attire draped over her body, long black hair tied back in Minkian style that were adorned the more unusual part of her look, a pair of orange fox ears that sat upon her head. Matching colored tails swish behind her, revealing easily her true heritage of one of the Kitsune, a race of fox like beings.

"Our mutual friend is not here, intending to meet us for the preliminary bouts, a shame," she says, taking another long drag before puffing it out slowly. Her steady aristocratic like mannerism changes to one of a more gleeful tone, "At least he left us with such bountiful drink, yes?"

Male Human Monk 11 | HP 173/173 | AC 30/34 when moving | Fort: +22, Ref: +20, Will: +22| Perc: +18 (E) | Speed 45 feet | Focus Points 3/3 | Hero Points 1/3

Iru stands just shy of 6 feet tall, average height for his human ancestry. His body is a perfectly balanced mixture built for strength, speed and stamina. He wears plain grey and white tunic, with black embroidery, black cloth plants and a modest pair of shoes. The wrapping on his hands and forearms are inscribed with numerous runes. Sitting next to him is a large backpack filled to the brim.

Perfectly balanced indeed. all physical stats and wisdom are all at 18.

In the week that you have been with him. You will find that he is trying to follow Irori's path of perfection. Iru has spent the all of his time since being eliminated from the prior tournament traveling Golarion and practicing with other martial artist. He does not study styles like most, but focuses primarily on centering and using his ki. Small lie there, but he doesn't think Wild Wind initiate is a style

Iru stands beside the kitsune, irritated by the smoke, but says nothing in an attempt to not offend. "Yes. He is most generous. Too bad our stay will not be long."

"How have been progressing with your style"

Female barbarian 2 | AC 12 | HP 2/26 | Ref +0, Fort +1, Will -1

Zathra sits across from Zhilan, sipping at a glass of fine wine. The Osirian woman stands out among the mostly Tien population of Goka. The silk clothes she wears are rather revealing, a halter style wrap and a short skirt that show off swaths of smooth skin, burnished bronze by the desert sun. Several enchanted hieroglyphs are emblazoned along the cloth. She is lithe but hardy--it is clear she is in excellent physical health.

Her phantom eidolon lingers on the Ethereal Plane for now, but the rest of the party has seen her conjure him a few times during combat practice. Tarik is a hulking humanoid whose head resembles that of a hawk. Despite the rage that consumes him, Zathra seems to have a special bond with Tarik that allows her to direct his fury towards targets of her choosing.

"I, for one, am eager to be off and get this preliminary round underway," the summoner remarks. "To test our mettle on the field of battle."

Male CG Dwarf (Elemental Heart) Alchemist (Bomber) 11 | HP 142/142 | AC 29 | Fortitude (+22), Reflex (+20), Will (+17) | Perception (+16) darkvision | Hero Points 1 | Speed 25 | Darkvision | Infused Reagent 16/16 ; Energy Emanation 1/1, Winged Boots 1/1; Necklace of Fireballs 10d6 1/1, 8d6 2/2, 6d6 2/2 | Initiative: Avoid Notice +19 | Exploration Activity: Search +16 | Hero Points 1 | Active Conditions: None

A dwarf, more doughy than doughty, enters the room in a flour-stained apron bearing a tray of pastries. It seemed odd at first that someone hand-picked to compete in this tournament would have almost immediately made his way to the galley and started working with the crew, but a few meals that were better than you've ever experienced during travel have softened your outlook. It also didn't hurt that he showed you some of the other things he could cook up: potions both beneficial and baneful, and you suspect the meat in the larder is not the only thing that he will be flame-broiling during your stay in Goka.

He places the tray on the table before you. Even after arriving, he did not stop helping whenever there was food to be prepared. He has not been the best conversationalist, but nothing seems to stop him from ingratiating himself with the staff. "I think these should go well with this vintage," he says, taking one to his seat and pouring himself some wine. "Raisins may seem too on the nose, I admit, but a little bit of cardamom and something from my home that I'll keep secret for now allows the flavors to meld in a way you won't be expecting."

Apparently, he decided at some point that he should look presentable for the tournament, as his bright red hair and beard have been trimmed, excising the singed ends he seems to accumulate daily. At the moment, he is wearing plain explorer's clothing and his clan dagger, but you know that a wicked-looking glaive and a pouch full of dangerous reagents waits in his room for the moment when you are called to battle.

Female Bird Alchemical Familiar | HP 55/55 | AC 29 | Fortitude (+22), Reflex (+20), Will (+17) | Acrobatics, Perception, Stealth (+16) low-light | Flier, Lab Assistant | Speed 25 ft., fly 25 ft.

A hawk that you know to be his familiar perches on his shoulder. You have been told that its name is Rekla, and you have seen her mix chemicals on her own at her master's direction. He feeds her a bit of pastry, and she seems content to observe the gathering.

Appearance Female Kitsune Oracle of Life 11 (Martial Artist) HP:140/140 AC:28 (+1 In Crane Stance) Fort: +18 Ref: +18 Will:+20 Perception: +17 (+2 Bonus)

Zhilan had been drinking her fill, enjoying the gift of good rest at the inn before what would be their long and perilous journey through the Tournament, "My talent... O' yes that. Rather well I shall say, it is very relaxing, to be one like that of the winds across these lands. Surely we must train together some time," she says before taking a saucer from the table and sipping gently from it. Imported rice wine, sake. How their patron knew them so well.

"We shall have our time to show our opponent what we are capable of, though for now let us enjoy the rather simple things in life. Fine drink, handsome friends," she says, her eyes drifting up towards the ceiling before going back down after taking another long drag of her pipe, "Fine drink among friends, how exquisite the night air, let us be merry, in our divine destiny, tomorrow is far away."

Appearance | Male Tiefling Bard (Enigma) 11 | HP: 127/127 | AC: 29 | Fort: 17 Ref: 19 Will: 20 Perc: 19 (Darkvision)

Jinyi reaches across the table with a long, thin arm almost as soon as the tray of pastries hits it before returning to the slouching position he had been in. He doesn't think to thank Daraj for them until he's already taken two bites, and when he does manage to remember it, the words are muffled by the food in his mouth.

Even slouching, the Tiefling is clearly tall and lanky, elven in proportion and approaching six and a half feet in height. He dresses in fairly plain clothes, all in varying shades of blue and black, matching his deep blue-purple skin. A single curving horn grows from the left side of his forehead, parting black hair that would be sleek had it had any attention paid to it at all, but is instead just pulled into a haphazard ponytail. His eyes are orange, bright in contrast to all of his blue, and you've get to see them look much but tired. Even now, with all the mounting excitement before the tournament, he has shadows beneath his eyes, but the lazy expression he's kept for most of the week is missing now.

A long-time resident of Goka, Jinyi has been treating this week as more of a vacation than anything, more than happy to lean on their Patron's generosity to keep his cup and his belly full. He's only agreed to join any training or combat practice if the others insisted on it, and every time he dragged his feet, but now that he knows the ship to the tournament is so soon, there's an air of impatience about him. Even tired, even hung over, as soon as the letter announcing their imminent departure came in, he has been ready to leave.

Male Human Monk 11 | HP 173/173 | AC 30/34 when moving | Fort: +22, Ref: +20, Will: +22| Perc: +18 (E) | Speed 45 feet | Focus Points 3/3 | Hero Points 1/3

Iru looks at the tray and fights back the urge to take a pastry. "As much as I would probably enjoy your pastries, I must refuse. In prep for the competition, I've been following a strict meal plan."

"Once we are done with the tournament, I will be more than happy to try your baked goods."

Female barbarian 2 | AC 12 | HP 2/26 | Ref +0, Fort +1, Will -1

”More for the rest of us, then!” Zathra says with a laugh. She takes two of the cookies and happily bites into one. ”Mmm, delicious!”

Male CG Dwarf (Elemental Heart) Alchemist (Bomber) 11 | HP 142/142 | AC 29 | Fortitude (+22), Reflex (+20), Will (+17) | Perception (+16) darkvision | Hero Points 1 | Speed 25 | Darkvision | Infused Reagent 16/16 ; Energy Emanation 1/1, Winged Boots 1/1; Necklace of Fireballs 10d6 1/1, 8d6 2/2, 6d6 2/2 | Initiative: Avoid Notice +19 | Exploration Activity: Search +16 | Hero Points 1 | Active Conditions: None

"Would you prefer I use almond flour for my next creation? That would certainly increase the protein content."

Appearance Female Kitsune Oracle of Life 11 (Martial Artist) HP:140/140 AC:28 (+1 In Crane Stance) Fort: +18 Ref: +18 Will:+20 Perception: +17 (+2 Bonus)

Zhilan takes one for herself, "Mhmmm, how excellent. The taste is indeed delicious," she says before taking another bite of pastry before grabbing her saucer and quenching it down with more alcohol. The tips of her tails flicker, "Is standing there part of your training a well, why don't you sit down at least?"

Male Human Monk 11 | HP 173/173 | AC 30/34 when moving | Fort: +22, Ref: +20, Will: +22| Perc: +18 (E) | Speed 45 feet | Focus Points 3/3 | Hero Points 1/3

Iru nods and pulls up a chair and tries to get more comfortable around his team mates.

However, even when he sits, you can sense his rigidity.

"I appreciate your generosity. That would be nice"

Male CG Dwarf (Elemental Heart) Alchemist (Bomber) 11 | HP 142/142 | AC 29 | Fortitude (+22), Reflex (+20), Will (+17) | Perception (+16) darkvision | Hero Points 1 | Speed 25 | Darkvision | Infused Reagent 16/16 ; Energy Emanation 1/1, Winged Boots 1/1; Necklace of Fireballs 10d6 1/1, 8d6 2/2, 6d6 2/2 | Initiative: Avoid Notice +19 | Exploration Activity: Search +16 | Hero Points 1 | Active Conditions: None

Daraj finishes his food, then pulls out a notebook and starts brainstorming recipe ideas. "I bet I could get some incredible tea around here for chai bars..."

Envoy's Alliance

It seems that fate has a sense of humor, as only moments after Iru sits down. A portly goblin dressed in mariner's garb walks into the Inn, looking around before calling out. "I am looking for the team... erm-..." He pulls out a slip of paper and squints at it uncertainly, before continuing, "'The Loong Shots'... I have important information for them."

Female barbarian 2 | AC 12 | HP 2/26 | Ref +0, Fort +1, Will -1

Zathra chuckles. "The Loong Shots? I suppose that is the team name that we have been given." She waves the goblin over. "We are the ones you seek."

Envoy's Alliance

The portly goblin trundles over to your group, and then bows curtly, as though he feels he has more important business to attend to, before speaking up.

"I am here to escort you all to the..." he will scowl at the slip of paper, sighing, "Sea Questor... The ship chartered for your trip by a mister-..." He will look over that slip of paper again, and scowls at it even more, "'Too Loong'... General preserve me, I hate puns...... So, if you could collect any of your affairs in short order. I will be... happy to take you to your ship... And get this job over with..."

Appearance Female Kitsune Oracle of Life 11 (Martial Artist) HP:140/140 AC:28 (+1 In Crane Stance) Fort: +18 Ref: +18 Will:+20 Perception: +17 (+2 Bonus)

The kitsune tapped her pipe gently, trying to press the monk for a drink as she slide a saucer over to him only to find themselves interrupted. Zhilan smiled, "How unfortunate that our merriment must come to a close. It appears it is time for us to depart, blowing to the side another small puff of smoke after a long drag.

Appearance | Male Tiefling Bard (Enigma) 11 | HP: 127/127 | AC: 29 | Fort: 17 Ref: 19 Will: 20 Perc: 19 (Darkvision)

It's hard to hide the amusement playing on Jinyi's face, and constantly harder as the puns continue, each one bringing his expression further from an easily-hidden smirk until he breaks into laughter. He pulls himself together, clearing his throat and straightening up, ready to go.

"Careful, now. I hear a lack of humor can be bad for your health." He looks to his companions. "Shall we?"

Male CG Dwarf (Elemental Heart) Alchemist (Bomber) 11 | HP 142/142 | AC 29 | Fortitude (+22), Reflex (+20), Will (+17) | Perception (+16) darkvision | Hero Points 1 | Speed 25 | Darkvision | Infused Reagent 16/16 ; Energy Emanation 1/1, Winged Boots 1/1; Necklace of Fireballs 10d6 1/1, 8d6 2/2, 6d6 2/2 | Initiative: Avoid Notice +19 | Exploration Activity: Search +16 | Hero Points 1 | Active Conditions: None

"Just a moment while I get my belongings from my room," Daraj says as he stands from the table. After a moment, he returns to the common room, his belongings stashed in a small bag. He gives the staff a hearty goodby, then sets out.

Female barbarian 2 | AC 12 | HP 2/26 | Ref +0, Fort +1, Will -1

"Lead the way, good sir goblin," Zathra says, rising to follow him. Adventure awaits!

Male Human Monk 11 | HP 173/173 | AC 30/34 when moving | Fort: +22, Ref: +20, Will: +22| Perc: +18 (E) | Speed 45 feet | Focus Points 3/3 | Hero Points 1/3

Iru hefts his pack and nods. "Let's go"

Envoy's Alliance

The goblin waits only long enough for you all to say you are ready, before Trundling out to a waiting sky chariot, being pulled by two impatient looking Sea Drakes. The tengu pilot of the chariot clearly doing all that she can in order to keep them entertained.

Once you all settle into the passenger seats, and the door is securely locked. The goblin gives the tengu a curt nod. Sending the latter springing into action as she leaps into the pilot's seat, and sets the drakes in motion.

Within moments you find yourselves flying over the bustling city of Goka, past the endless fortune seekers sluicing the Scale River, and towards the vast Ivory Port and the fleet of ships coming and going from it at all hours.

It takes only a few dizzying minutes before the tengu sends the sky chariot into a rapid descent towards the far end of the Ivory Port. Your goblin companion spends most of it finding one thing or another to angrily grumble about. Ranging from the salt in the air, to the 'slowness' of the chariot. At least one of the Drakes appears to have heard that last part, though, as there was a sudden bit of 'turbulence' after those words. The goblin then wisely keeps any other critiques of the chariot to himself for the rest of the trip.

Upon landing, the goblin tosses the Tengu a bag of coins, and quickly shepherds you out of the chariot and towards the massive ships waiting at the docks nearby, setting a brisk pace. The sounds of the Drakes are quickly lost to the roar of the docks and the crowds of people coming and going.

You are led past one massive ship after another, several of them 300-400 feet in length, and boasting massive masts and stayed sails. With hundreds of crew working across their deck. For those of you not from Goka, it is a truly impressive sight, and amongst the largest ships you've ever seen.

Which loses some of its magic as the goblin rounds a warehouse corner and leads you towards a ship positively tiny in comparison. The Sea Questor turns out to be a ship of Taldan design, and only of middling to small size for a taldan merchant ship.

The ship is no less active, however, as a group of several individuals are chatting amiably near the gangplank. A singly larger-than-average, one-eyed, Ork is intermixing chatting with the others, while barking orders to the crew on board.

The goblin gestures towards the Ork, "There's your ship. He's the captain. All arrangements for travel have been made with him... Now... If there is nothing else..." He let's the sentence trail off hopefully. Making it very clear he sincerely hopes there is nothing else, and he can be on his way.

The small crowd of people speaking with the Ork are made up of one Tien human who seems to be universally laughing at everything while clapping the Tengu standing next to him on the back. The tengu, for their part, seems too busy nibbling on a street confectionery to care about the uncommonly intimate contact for the Tian Xia region. A female kitsune stands just off to the side, feigning disinterest with the conversation, but her tail twitches with every bit of the human's mirth.

Standing next to her is a stoic nagaji who appears to be more intrigued with the fish in the water nearby than anything else. But his attention isn't soo focused that he misses the sixth individual's attempts to climb the side of the ship. Grabbing the teenaged girl by the back of her collar and pulling her back before she can hurt herself, her arms flailing dramatically all the way. The girl in question is more fair-skinned than the Tian man, and for her part seems to delight in finding ways to make the nagaji break from his fish-filled reverie, as she looks for some other kind of trouble to get into

Appearance Female Kitsune Oracle of Life 11 (Martial Artist) HP:140/140 AC:28 (+1 In Crane Stance) Fort: +18 Ref: +18 Will:+20 Perception: +17 (+2 Bonus)

Zhilan snuffed out her pipe, pouting that she wouldn't be able to enjoy the food and the drink much longer. After all, their destiny did await. Simply staying there would hamper such an endeavor as she stuffed the pipe in her bag of holding, hidden away amongst the folds of red cloth and tails that swirled slowly around her.

She'd stand up, stretching with a wide yawn before grabbing an etched staff that seemed to shimmer with some magic. It too would enter the bag as she believed that for now she did not require such an instrument among well trained company, "Let us then," she says as they left the care of the inn to the outside. Their rides, drakes, were an amusement for her as she kept her attire down, riding the sky chariot with an amused look, "What a truly beautiful city, a shame we should leave so."

Her steps were with a noted sway of the hip, as if practiced and rehearsed among the courts of Tian Xia, "A fine vessel"

Male Human Monk 11 | HP 173/173 | AC 30/34 when moving | Fort: +22, Ref: +20, Will: +22| Perc: +18 (E) | Speed 45 feet | Focus Points 3/3 | Hero Points 1/3

As the Goblin leads us to our next contact, Iru thanks him and wishes him well in his future endeavors.

Iru looks up the gangplank and waves to get the orc's attention. With a subtle bow, he speaks "Excuse me, Captain, pleasure to meet you. I am Nato Iru Kin, permission to come aboard. We are headed for the tournament as well."

Noticing the other group, "Pleasure to meet you all as well. Are you also competing this year?"

Female barbarian 2 | AC 12 | HP 2/26 | Ref +0, Fort +1, Will -1

Zathra’s heart soars as the chariot flies high over the city. She marvels at the wondrous sights. She had thought she had seen some big ships in Osirion’s capital of Sothis, but they paled in comparison to the port of Goka!

Once they arrive at the ship, she looks over the other group, smiling pleasantly but simultaneously sizing up the potential competition.

Envoy's Alliance

The Orc will look at Iru as he speaks up, and waves you all aboard, "Hello and welcome to my quaint little vessel. My name is Khorde, last of the Broken Shin tribe..." He will bow back to Iru in a practiced manner, showing he has spent a large amount of time around Tian-Xia. "Your passage has been paid for and booked... But there have been a couple problems that have arisen..." He will glance at the other group standing there who will acknowledge each of you warmly as the captain continues. "Firstly, as I was uncertain how likely a group named 'The Loong Shots' were to arrive after-all. As such, I admit to have accepted payment to provide travel for another team." At which point he nods again at the other group.

"I only have a few passenger cabins on this old tug, not enough for ten of you, unless you wish to bunk three to a room, even though there are only two beds to a room... However, I find myself with other cabins suddenly open... Which brings me to the more pressing issue..." He will turn and look at his crew grimly, "Half these scallywags are refusing to go near Bonmu, and once supplies are fully loaded, are planning to take their leave here... So, if any of you have the skill for the voyage, you can earn additional cabins and pay. As well as ensuring a safer voyage. It is merely a day and half to the port from here, so unlikely to have anything go wrong... Unless the tales about Danger Island being haunted and/or cursed are actually true."

So, you can speak with the members of Tino's Toughest to get a feel for them and see which, if any, of them some of you would feel comfortable sharing close quarters with.

Otherwise you may make a DC 26 Athletics or Acrobatics check to show your use in the masts. Or a DC 24 Nature or Sailing Lore check to show your use as a navigator. Otherwise, come up with another job and appropriate skill to do it, and I would be happy to allow it at one of those DCs.

In response to Iru speaking to them, the Tian man will smile even broader. “We’ve met a lot of people on our adventures,” he says, “but there’s always more to learn. When we got word we were invited to take part in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament, we leapt at the chance to travel to a new place and test our strength against worthy opponents. It would be quite a thing to earn one of Hao Jin’s great treasures… but as
long as we’re having fun and making memories, I don’t think any of us would regret losing the tournament!”

"My name is Tino by the way. This fine feathered friend next to me is Takatorra." The tengu will nod as he pops a bit of candy into his beak. "The gorgeous but aloof one over there is Ji-Yook" He'll say, nodding at the Kitsune. She bows her head ever so slightly in confirmation as he does. "And that's Yabin the Just, looking over our newest member, Kyoko!" He finishes as Yabin gets tired of Kyoko's antics, and just shoves her into the water at this point. She comes up sputtering and laughing at the same time, showing that while she may now be soaked, her spirits aren't dampened in the slightest.

Female barbarian 2 | AC 12 | HP 2/26 | Ref +0, Fort +1, Will -1

"It is a pleasure to meet you all. I am Zathra, of Osirion," the summoner says with a bow. She proceeds to introduce the rest of her teammates. "Our reasons for entering the tournament vary, but we are united in our desire to achieve victory."

She proceeds to lay on the charm with Tino, trying to make a good impression.

Diplomacy, Make an Impression: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (3) + 19 = 22

Male CG Dwarf (Elemental Heart) Alchemist (Bomber) 11 | HP 142/142 | AC 29 | Fortitude (+22), Reflex (+20), Will (+17) | Perception (+16) darkvision | Hero Points 1 | Speed 25 | Darkvision | Infused Reagent 16/16 ; Energy Emanation 1/1, Winged Boots 1/1; Necklace of Fireballs 10d6 1/1, 8d6 2/2, 6d6 2/2 | Initiative: Avoid Notice +19 | Exploration Activity: Search +16 | Hero Points 1 | Active Conditions: None
GM Kitsune Kune wrote:
Otherwise you may make a DC 26 Athletics or Acrobatics check to show your use in the masts. Or a DC 24 Nature or Sailing Lore check to show your use as a navigator. Otherwise, come up with another job and appropriate skill to do it, and I would be happy to allow it at one of those DCs.

Surprising no one in the Loong Shots, Daraj greets the captain and each of the crew warmly and quickly volunteers to assist in the galley to earn his passage.

Cooking Lore: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (10) + 22 = 32

Appearance Female Kitsune Oracle of Life 11 (Martial Artist) HP:140/140 AC:28 (+1 In Crane Stance) Fort: +18 Ref: +18 Will:+20 Perception: +17 (+2 Bonus)

Nature: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
Society for Danger Island: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30
Society for the competing team: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (7) + 16 = 23

"It is sadly some time since I have last consulted the stars sir captain, a lady of my stature shall be humble and take with others," she says, giving him a small bow before walking over to stand next to Zathra. She still retains that same sway, now bowing in greeting to the competitor before them.

"Danger Island, must rather dangerous no, how strange a name to be given," she says with a polite smile, "Yabin the Just, have I head that name before?

Appearance | Male Tiefling Bard (Enigma) 11 | HP: 127/127 | AC: 29 | Fort: 17 Ref: 19 Will: 20 Perc: 19 (Darkvision)

Jinyi bows as Zathra reaches him in her introductions, adding a mumbled "A pleasure to meet you." He makes a cursory effort to hide his displeasure at the captain's double-booking, but the effort is minimal, and he's glad to have to opportunity to change course and direct his attention to the competing team.

Society, opposing team: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25
Diplomacy, Make an Impression: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (17) + 21 = 38

And direct his attention to them, he does. It's like a switch is flipped as he turns from the captain to the other team, a charming smile forming on his face. He wracks his mind, trying to place any of their names as he approaches.

"How nice it is to get a chance to meet another team before we arrive! Have you all traveled far?"

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18
When it comes time to try and earn his keep on the ship, Jinyi... tries. Probably. Unfortunately, as soon as it's clear he won't be taking to work on a ship as easily as he takes to singing or to study, he gives up.

Male Human Monk 11 | HP 173/173 | AC 30/34 when moving | Fort: +22, Ref: +20, Will: +22| Perc: +18 (E) | Speed 45 feet | Focus Points 3/3 | Hero Points 1/3

"I do not speak for the rest of my companions, but I would be happy to assist. After all, if we do not make it there, how would we compete."

Iru immediately begins the manual labor aspect of the job.

athletics: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (5) + 23 = 28

However, it is obvious the Iru has never worked on a boat before and can not work the rigging right.

Envoy's Alliance

Tino happily opens up to Zathra, making it clear he is a gregarious fellow. In fact, she starts to suspect she'd have had to go out of her way to intentionally, blatantly, insult him to get anything other than a warm welcome, and willingness to discuss anything on her mind.

As she speaks with him, he will make plenty of wide open gestures, causing his vest to slowly reveal that his bare chest is covered in a single, large, tattoo.

DC 15 Religion, followers of Irori auto-pass:

The tattoo is self-done tattooing of The Master's Rebus. You are also aware that such a personal work can be used to channel the holy powers of a Cleric or Champion of Irori.

The captain samples some of Daraj's cuisine and happily hires him into the galley for 25 gp per meal, (75 in total) and a room on the ship to himself that he may share with anyone he wishes, IF anyone.
So close to critical success for double pay

Zhilan's knowledge of Danger Island:

Among the vast archipelago of Minata, lies the small island of Bonmu, once part of the ancient Taumatan civilization, and featuring one of the most complete collections of ancient Taumatan architecture and artifacts.

Several millennia after the Taumatan empire’s destruction, a large number of Tian-Sings discovered Bonmu and took residence among the abandoned structures. They made the island a center of religious worship, repurposing many of the temples to forgotten Taumatan gods into temples of Tian-Sing deities like Gozreh, Hei Feng, and Irori. The new Bonmuans enjoyed peace and prosperity for decades.

This peace met an abrupt end in 4606 AR. A massive tsunami struck the western Arcadian coast, and with it came a 'wave of catastrophe'. You aren't certain why, but the Tian-Sings ultimately fled Bonmu and never looked back, believing the again‑abandoned island to be cursed. Since that time, Bonmu has had an ill reputation. With stories ranging from great beasts and ancient monsters, to curses and wandering spirits from the previous catastrophes. This has lead to the moniker of 'Danger Island'"

Zhilan wisely recognizes that her skills at navigation would be lacking at this time, and declines the offer to try and be a Navigator.

Zhilan's knowledge of Tino's Toughest:
As she thinks deeply about the other team. She can come up with only snippets of information. Passing tales she sometimes heard in court. Mostly of a pair of fighters , Tino and Takatorra, making a name for themselves in the nation of Quain, dealing with bandits and raiders who plundered the merchant caravans loaded with gems. She also heard stories of Ji-Yook, a thief and brigand... But one who primarily focused their talents on corrupt business-men and officials. Often returning most of her stolen goods to the people who were originally exploited. Stories of Ji-yook ended a few years ago and Zhilan had assumed the thief had stolen from one too many powerful individuals.

Jinyi will easily slide into the conversation with Zhilan and Tino, and he too notices than Tino is a talkative sort. More than willing to share his tales of training in Quain, and meeting with Takatorra, and the various troubles the two ahve had to save each-other from. For their part, Takatorra will nod or shrug, but otherwise focus on chewing on one sweet or another. Jinyi is fairly certain that Tino, at least, has no ulterior motives, and is as open and good-natured as he appears.

Jinyi's knowledge of Tino's Toughest:
Jinyi has heard many glowing tales about Ji-Yook from the common folk. Of a warrior of light who would hunt down corrupt tax-men, business officials, and the like; and take back all that was exploited from the common folk. Returning it to the people, and warning the corrupt away from ever threatening them again. As a reward, the people would often insist she take some small portion of the gains with her. Which she would do begrudgingly. However, Jinyi has also heard some less bright stories, suggesting that Ji-Yook occasionally plied her skill at thievery and espionage for more personal gain. Either way, all tales of her seemed to suddenly stop about 4 or 5 years ago.

Jinyi has also heard about Yabin the Just. The nagaji earned that name because he has an incredibly complex code of honor and justice that he follows and will not veer from. Further, he has been known to enter into disputes as a negotiator, often without either side requesting it. His suggested compromises, however, have met with generally favorable views from all sides.

Jinyi wisely declines any efforts at helping out in the rigging, realizing it is not his forte.

Iru gives it a shot working in the rigging, but finds it less suited to his talents than he expected, and he never quite feels sure footed. That said, many very cleverly designed after-market features that were installed makes the work much easier than Iru thought possible, and he manages to earn the Captain's respect enough to offer him a room and payment for the voyage, 75 gp, and allowed to share his room with anyone he wants. IF he wants to.

The DC for that Athletics was 26 @iru. So you still passed even with that low die roll ;)

Male CG Dwarf (Elemental Heart) Alchemist (Bomber) 11 | HP 142/142 | AC 29 | Fortitude (+22), Reflex (+20), Will (+17) | Perception (+16) darkvision | Hero Points 1 | Speed 25 | Darkvision | Infused Reagent 16/16 ; Energy Emanation 1/1, Winged Boots 1/1; Necklace of Fireballs 10d6 1/1, 8d6 2/2, 6d6 2/2 | Initiative: Avoid Notice +19 | Exploration Activity: Search +16 | Hero Points 1 | Active Conditions: None

Not complaining about 75 gp for a single skill check.

Daraj happily accepts the post, and is willing to share space with any of the Loong Shots who don't earn their own berth (but is taking the best/only bed for himself).

Appearance Female Kitsune Oracle of Life 11 (Martial Artist) HP:140/140 AC:28 (+1 In Crane Stance) Fort: +18 Ref: +18 Will:+20 Perception: +17 (+2 Bonus)

Religion: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32
Impression on Ji-Yook: 1d20 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 20 + 2 = 40
Underworld Lore Ji-Yook: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18

"You follow the footsteps of the master, correct Tino?" she says with a very fox like michevious look, "No doubt the island shall definitely test such skills, as all of us here. We may need to rely upon each other if tales be true. A good way to put such a fine body to use."

She politely bows before walking over to Ji-Yook, "One has heard your name infrequently in some circles. May you be the same such individual?"

Female barbarian 2 | AC 12 | HP 2/26 | Ref +0, Fort +1, Will -1

After finishing up small talk with Tino, Zathra excuses herself and moves over to where Kyoko has finished drying off. "Tino said you were the newest member of his team. How did you end up joining up with the Toughest?"

Appearance | Male Tiefling Bard (Enigma) 11 | HP: 127/127 | AC: 29 | Fort: 17 Ref: 19 Will: 20 Perc: 19 (Darkvision)

Jinyi is immediately interested in Ji-Yook, and stays near enough to her and Zhilan that he can try to keep an ear to their conversation, but he doesn't join in. Instead, he turns his attention to Yabin the Just, keeping that same smile on his face.

"I've heard your name before, I think, but I'm surprised to see you here. A tournament doesn't seem the most likely place for a negotiator."

Envoy's Alliance

Tino will smile broadly as Zhilan comments on his beliefs, "Very much so. I look forward to the challenges ahead of us."

Ji-Yook takes a subtle, but obvious, note of Zhilan's kitsune features as she approaches. "Names are more than what we simply go by, they are a chronicle of who we are and the deeds we have done. They are like paintings. It would take an expert imitator to even come close to duplicating an original. I am exactly who you think me to be, and I am also quite aware of your own exploits around court. Some of us must walk in the shadows while the rest of us get to enjoy the light." You get the distinct feeling she has a strong dislike of nobility and courtesans as a whole, doubly so for any Kitsune who may somehow enjoy such a life. That said, you also sense a strong feeling of justice to her, and that while she has a distaste for it, she also understands not to judge people on first appearances. As such, she is trying to be friendly with you while keeping an open mind, and is being surprised at how well she is liking you. Excellent impression roll.

Zhilan Underworld Lore:

Ji-Yook was the name of an infamous Kitsune . Her talents at stealth, thievery, and espionage, were recognized from a very young age. Trained as a ninja for one of the warlords of Diguo-Dashu, the Ratfolk "Empire" that was thwarted by direct action from Hao Jin. Being pitted against one competing lord after another, Ji-Yook made a name for herself in her ability to steal, or kill, any competition to her lord... Until one day she left her master and disappeared from the Darklands and its tales. Whether this Kitsune is the same Ji-Yook or a different one, you cannot be sure.

Kyoko will laugh as she wrings the last of the excess water from her hair, "Well, you see, Tino and Takatorra were traveling around the Wall of Heaven, looking for a Patron to get entered into this competition. When they stumbled into an entire enclave of Ogres, being lead by a very powerful Ogre Mage, named Xia Tuan... Being completely, hopelessly, outmatched. They were caught and shoved in a cage where they were going to be boiled into Ogre soup, were it not for my heroics. Saving them, and putting down the great Xia Tuan, singlehandedly, they threw themselves at my feat, begging me to join the-"

At this point Tino has heard what is being said and quickly rushes over, exclaiming, "Whoa! Who was in Xia Tuan's cage, and needed rescue? And once rescued, who spent the next month hounding us incessantly to join and tutor under us until we agreed?"

Kyoko blushes slightly before piping up softly, "W-well... I helped you fight Xia Tuan... Once you freed me... And, and, I even blocked one of the Ogres from stabbing Takatorra in the back!"

For the first time since you all arrived, Takatorra will speak, in a soft and gentle voice, "Yes, Kyoko. You did do that, and we are all thankful for both that, and your jubilant self. Tino is just a stickler for truth, and doesn't like a good story."

As Tino rounds on Takatorra incredulously, protesting such accusations, and explaining at length all the great legends he is a fan of, Takatorra will sneak Kyoko a quick wink with their one good eye.

Yabin will nod his head some to Jinyi as he speaks, before responding, "A tournament is not the place you expect to see a Courtier," he nods at Zhilan, "A cook" he nods at Daraj, "Nor a storied Bard such as yourself... yet providence has not only ensured each of us are attending. But even meeting here before it all begins." he will pause a moment and watches the exchange between Kyoko, Tino, Takatorra, and Zathra, before continuing. "Just as fate called me from my ancient home and taught me that most humanoids are greater than our Matriarchs believe. I believe there is a reason for all things, and thus a reason for us meeting. I look forward to seeing where our paths go, and when they separate once more."

---*----*----*----*---*Break for plot resuming*---*---*---*---*---*---

About this time, Khorde will walk back up to the group as a whole. "Sorry to break up such merrymaking. But provisions are loaded, the cowards are slipping off ship, and we will be making way here shortly. I recommend getting yourselves settled into your rooms... Which, of course, comes to the issue of deciding on lodging... Let me know when you have it determined. As a reminder, there are three non-crew cabins, with two beds and space for a cheap hammock. Similar lodgings exist for each crew cabin as well."

Tino will look at you all dubiously, "I was able to secure a single crew cabin for myself and Kyoko... I could make room for one more if there isn't enough beds to go around..."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male CG Dwarf (Elemental Heart) Alchemist (Bomber) 11 | HP 142/142 | AC 29 | Fortitude (+22), Reflex (+20), Will (+17) | Perception (+16) darkvision | Hero Points 1 | Speed 25 | Darkvision | Infused Reagent 16/16 ; Energy Emanation 1/1, Winged Boots 1/1; Necklace of Fireballs 10d6 1/1, 8d6 2/2, 6d6 2/2 | Initiative: Avoid Notice +19 | Exploration Activity: Search +16 | Hero Points 1 | Active Conditions: None

Ninja'd. ---Then---

"I'm sure there's more to each of us than meets the eye," Daraj says amiably, "and neither of us are eager to spill too many of our secrets, lest they be used against us. I'm sure, whether on the field of battle or in the seats, we will learn all about each others' capabilities.

"For now, I will tell my own story, about when I had to join forces with Razmiri to fend off the walking dead. And Tino was not there, so he will not know whether what I say is true or not."

He discusses #1-18 Lodge of the Living God, though he casts himself as a simple spearman rather than an alchemist.


"I've no one to share my cabin with yet, and I guarantee it will smell better than any others on board. My own team get first choice of berths there, of course, but members of the Toughest are welcome should there be space remaining."

Male Human Monk 11 | HP 173/173 | AC 30/34 when moving | Fort: +22, Ref: +20, Will: +22| Perc: +18 (E) | Speed 45 feet | Focus Points 3/3 | Hero Points 1/3

"I have a spare bed in my quarters as well. Like Daraj, offer goes to my team first, but will welcome anyone. As long as you do not disturb my morning routine." Iru then heads towards his cabin to prepare his sleeping space.

Female barbarian 2 | AC 12 | HP 2/26 | Ref +0, Fort +1, Will -1

"Daraj, your offer sounds tempting, but I fear with all of the delicious food you'll be making, I will gain ten pounds by the time we reach Bonmu if I bunk with you!" Zathra says with a laugh, patting her belly. "Iru, I would share your cabin, if you'll have me. I promise I will not be a disruption to your routine."

Male Human Monk 11 | HP 173/173 | AC 30/34 when moving | Fort: +22, Ref: +20, Will: +22| Perc: +18 (E) | Speed 45 feet | Focus Points 3/3 | Hero Points 1/3
Zathra wrote:
"Iru, I would share your cabin, if you'll have me. I promise I will not be a disruption to your routine."

"That is acceptable." Realizing he is being a bit cold, he looks back, "Do you need help with you things?"

Female barbarian 2 | AC 12 | HP 2/26 | Ref +0, Fort +1, Will -1

Zathra favors Iru with a warm smile. "I appreciate the offer, but I don't have very many personal possessions. I'll be alright."

Appearance | Male Tiefling Bard (Enigma) 11 | HP: 127/127 | AC: 29 | Fort: 17 Ref: 19 Will: 20 Perc: 19 (Darkvision)

Jinyi nods his head as Yabin answers, the smile remaining on his face. He's amused by the response, answering the question on the face of things, and yet deftly avoiding any real information that might be given in his reply. "For whatever reason we all find ourselves here, I'm sure it will be a fascinating story. I look forward to seeing how it moves forward."

The Tiefling's orange eyes linger on Yabin for just a few seconds longer after Khorde approaches the group, before turning his full attention to the conversation at hand.

"If Lady Zhilan would rather take the other spot in your room, Daraj, it's hers to take. But I'll join you if she would rather another option."

Appearance Female Kitsune Oracle of Life 11 (Martial Artist) HP:140/140 AC:28 (+1 In Crane Stance) Fort: +18 Ref: +18 Will:+20 Perception: +17 (+2 Bonus)

"One's arts are indeed well known. I am in fact a true appreciator at such art and work you have done. Several courts have been made far better at such handiwork; it does give them a scare after all," she says in a mischievous manner. Zhilan rather enjoyed this small meeting. The "Robin Hood" types as some westerners called them, while disadvantageous at times, always made tax seasons exciting to say the least, especially when she used them herself in dealing with unsavory rivals.

"Master Zan, you are so kind," she says with the same foxy smile as before, "I would be more than happy to share a room though I shall take young master Tino's offer."

Male CG Dwarf (Elemental Heart) Alchemist (Bomber) 11 | HP 142/142 | AC 29 | Fortitude (+22), Reflex (+20), Will (+17) | Perception (+16) darkvision | Hero Points 1 | Speed 25 | Darkvision | Infused Reagent 16/16 ; Energy Emanation 1/1, Winged Boots 1/1; Necklace of Fireballs 10d6 1/1, 8d6 2/2, 6d6 2/2 | Initiative: Avoid Notice +19 | Exploration Activity: Search +16 | Hero Points 1 | Active Conditions: None

"Well, Jinyi, let's go. Best to be well rested for tomorrow. If someone straggles in late, they are welcome to the hammock as long as they're quiet about it."

Envoy's Alliance

Alright then, with the number of cabins available, and crew cabins gotten, only one member from each team ultimately needed to share a room together. Which looks like it will be Tino and Zhilan. As Kyoko will then slip off with Takatorra so everyone has a full bed.


Upon entering the cabin with Tino, Zhilan will notice that he seems to have no possessions on him beyond his explorer’s clothing, and hand-wraps he wears at all times. A cursory glance shows that both have been enhanced with magic runes, however. He shows a very strong focus on perfection in all his actions.

Zhilan can roll Society, DC 24:

His faith seems to be the biggest drive in his actions. Suggesting heavily that is a Champion of Irori, and the monastic trappings are attempting to follow the Master's Path.

He will happily give Zhilan first pick of beds, and then immediately uses the sheets from his own, and some creative rope-work in the rafters, to create a cloth separation in the room, providing her privacy. He'll ask if there is any other way he can make her more comfortable before he hops off to his duties in the rigging.


The day itself goes mostly uneventfully, with Takatorra and Kyoko happily playing cards on the deck, and welcomes any who wish to join. When any cards slip over-board due to a breeze, Kyoko quickly casts some magic to have the cards moved back to the ship.

For those who wish to know more, make a single Arcana or Occultism check, and open up any of the following three bits of knowledge you meet or exceed.

Arcana or Occultism, DC 15:
She is simply casting Mage Hand before the cards get out of reach.

Arcana or Occultism, DC 23:

She is not using Arcane or Occult magic, however.

Arcana or Occultism, DC 28:
She appears to be casting a rare school of Primal and Divine magics instead. If you got this far, and want to know more, let me know what your Society modifier is, and I'll roll a Secret check to see what you know.

Similar for Perception here.

Perception, DC 20:

Takatorra, while showing no magical inclination, always tenses his muscles ever so slightly when the cards blow away. As though waiting to see if they get too far for Kyoko, and therefor is somehow ready to retrieve them on his own.

Perception, DC 28:

He definitely has some form of flight ability. However, his instincts are clearly very honed on exactly when to move. If you got this far, and want to know more, let me know what your Society or Warfare Lore modifier is, and I'll roll a Secret check to see what you know.

Male CG Dwarf (Elemental Heart) Alchemist (Bomber) 11 | HP 142/142 | AC 29 | Fortitude (+22), Reflex (+20), Will (+17) | Perception (+16) darkvision | Hero Points 1 | Speed 25 | Darkvision | Infused Reagent 16/16 ; Energy Emanation 1/1, Winged Boots 1/1; Necklace of Fireballs 10d6 1/1, 8d6 2/2, 6d6 2/2 | Initiative: Avoid Notice +19 | Exploration Activity: Search +16 | Hero Points 1 | Active Conditions: None

Arcana: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (7) + 20 = 27
Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (12) + 16 = 28
Society +18 (T)

"That's a neat trick. I can scatter the deck just fine, but have to pick them up the old fashioned way."

Daraj will tell the rest of the Loong Shots what he learns in private.

Female barbarian 2 | AC 12 | HP 2/26 | Ref +0, Fort +1, Will -1

Occultism: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (1) + 19 = 20
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22

Zathra is largely distracted watching the waves go by. She leans against the gunwale, the wind billowing her braids and clothes as she idly daydreams.

Appearance Female Kitsune Oracle of Life 11 (Martial Artist) HP:140/140 AC:28 (+1 In Crane Stance) Fort: +18 Ref: +18 Will:+20 Perception: +17 (+2 Bonus)

Society: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19

To her, the life of a monk was foreign and so he did not comment. It would be rude to have come across uninformed. Otherwise, she knew that there was some magical enchantments upon him, likely for protection, "I require not, but you are far too kind. You bestow upon me great curtoesness,"she says from behind her side of the curtain.

Later,she joins the two others and anyone else in the game.Informing later her compatriots the more divine and primal magic the young woman possess.

Gambling Game Lore: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20
Arcana: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30
Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21

Would like the GM to roll the Society Check

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