Sooo... Kind of a weird topic for Pathfinder: rolling the Summoner back to 3.5


Dark Archive

My DM's being an ass and decided at the very last minute to go with 3.5 instead of Pathfinder. I'm stuck with this amazing character that I'm not giving up on, but he happens to be a Summoner, so I'll need to backwards convert him.

Suggestions? I'm thinking I'll roll the HD back to a d6, maybe set the duration of the summon monster ability back to rounds, or allow it less times per day or something like that, and then there's the eidolon... I'm not even sure where to start with that.

Dark Archive

xn0o0cl3 wrote:

My DM's being an ass and decided at the very last minute to go with 3.5 instead of Pathfinder. I'm stuck with this amazing character that I'm not giving up on, but he happens to be a Summoner, so I'll need to backwards convert him.

Suggestions? I'm thinking I'll roll the HD back to a d6, maybe set the duration of the summon monster ability back to rounds, or allow it less times per day or something like that, and then there's the eidolon... I'm not even sure where to start with that.

How 3.5 exactly? 3.5 had a mad power spiral. compare Samurai and hexblade to Ninja or warlock. OR Dread necromancer to healer. the splat books at the end of 3.5 really upped the power level.

anyway add 0 level spells, change summon monster to rounds/level and look at the necromancer variant from unearthed arcana for the eidolon. change the skeleton to an outsider and adjust a few things for a good start. then remove the capstone ability and the merge ability. and then tweak whats necessary from there

Sovereign Court

Yeah, I'd just use him as is. One of the problems Pathfinder tried to address was the power creep that happened in the life of 3.5, bringing the core races and classes up to the power of the later things in the game.

Don't see why he wouldn't do just fine in 3.5.

My suggestion? Get a new GM.
Sit down with him and have a talk. Tell him about how you have already made this great character concept, and ask him what you can do to bring it to the game.

I'd go with the latter option. =)

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