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Please fill out the following information below as well as the information in the Macro Link above.
Player Name:
PFS / SFS ID Number:
Character Name:
Character Level:
Day Job Roll w/ Proficiency:

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Player Name: Chadius
PFS / SFS ID Number: 133608-2002
Character Name: Miladistra
Character Level: 3
Faction: Verdant Wheel
Day Job Roll w/ Proficiency: Performance (T): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

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Player Name: Marjim Marc Arafiles
PFS / SFS ID Number: 259680-2002
Character Name: Mindartis Nightbreeze
Character Level: 2
Faction: Horizon Hunter
Day Job Roll w/ Proficiency: Lore (Tanning): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

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Player Name:Brandon
PFS / SFS ID Number:2392143-2003
Character Name:Nnamdi Osizi
Character Level:1
Faction:Radiant Oath
Day Job Roll w/Proficiency:Lore(Labor): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

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Player Name: Joey Martin
PFS / SFS ID Number: 73425-2003
Character Name: Eltis
Character Level: 2
Faction: Radiant Oath
Day Job Roll w/ Proficiency: architecture lore: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Checking the party makeup decided to go with the cleric.
He hit level 2 recently, will have him leveled and everything updated online ina day or two.

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Waiting on 1 more to check in. Eltis and Mindartis don't forget to fill in the Macro link at the top of the page.

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Player Name: Allan C Ong
PFS / SFS ID Number: 2396852-2003
Character Name: Loong Laohu
Character Level: 1
Faction: Radiant Oath
Day Job Roll w/ Proficiency: Warfare Lore: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

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As a 1 glyph GM, I can hand out a Hero Point to someone.
Even is Nnamdi, Odd is Tiger: 1d2 ⇒ 2
The dice have spoken. Enjoy the extra hero point, Nnamdi.

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need to verify -- stepping diagonally is 10 feet or 5?

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It alternates 5-10-5-10

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do the smaller squares (I'm assuming the overlapping borders between tiles) count as part of the map?

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those flaming skeleton portraits remind me of Ghost Rider... all they need is some motorcycle substitute :)

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do the smaller squares (I'm assuming the overlapping borders between tiles) count as part of the map?
Ignore those smaller squares. In a couple of these earlier scenarios Paizo tried to use the map tiles and it didn’t transition well when pulled from the scenario for online play.
They have since fixed that in later scenarios.

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Meant to ask -- what's the rule on improvised weapons? In the last combat I had the loaded sling in my hand. I was kinda thinking of using it in a Jackie Chan-like move where I'd use the thing as a sap (got the idea from his really really really old martial arts movies (e.g. Drunken Master) where he's fighting in a restaurant and using bowls and chopsticks to take on all comers :)
It just so happened that I managed to re-kill Blue and send the bullet at Green. Otherwise I was thinking of whacking Blue with it... :)

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How do you add the shaded diamonds (or the unshaded ones for free actions)?

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I wound up copying the diamond icons, adding them to my character sheet, and then copy-pasting them from my header. I'm pretty sure there's a unicode for these, but I'll never remember them.
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Meant to ask -- what's the rule on improvised weapons? In the last combat I had the loaded sling in my hand. I was kinda thinking of using it in a Jackie Chan-like move where I'd use the thing as a sap (got the idea from his really really really old martial arts movies (e.g. Drunken Master) where he's fighting in a restaurant and using bowls and chopsticks to take on all comers :)
It just so happened that I managed to re-kill Blue and send the bullet at Green. Otherwise I was thinking of whacking Blue with it... :)
Since your target was killed I readjusted your target on your ranged attack.
As for improvised weapons you simply just take a -2 to your attack roll. Damage would depend on the object being used.
Looks like Miladistra helped you out with the icons :) They are indeed unicode they I just copy/paste

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As for improvised weapons you simply just take a -2 to your attack roll. Damage would depend on the object being used.
Sling with the bullet in it -- instead of using it as a ranged weapon (i.e. releasing the end of the strap). I was just looking to whack the skeleton with it. So 1d6+str bonus since the damage would be from the bullet?

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Eltis, do you remember where the kobold icons are for avatar pics? I've got a kobold character rolled up but I can't find the icons. I've tried reptilian...

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Though I don't foresee a problem, might end up sickened 1 this weekend -- 2nd vaccine shot on Friday. No idea how I'm going to feel after that...

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

With the yellow kobold down, Mindartis sets the blue one as his prey. He commands Mialee to support him this time. "Go for the eyes, Mialee!" He shouts as he shoots another arrow.
I somewhat recall another ranger asking his animal companion to "go for the eyes!!" :)

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It's been a while but I think under monsters (or something similar) there are a few in there....
I found it. It's under "Types"...

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Though I don't foresee a problem, might end up sickened 1 this weekend -- 2nd vaccine shot on Friday. No idea how I'm going to feel after that...
Excellent news! That one dropped me like a sack of potatoes for a day or two.

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Well. I'm weird but the first one made me just a little tired but knocked my girlfriend out for half the day on the day after. For the second one we both took the day off, slept in an extra hour and a half or so. She was a little tired, didn't affect me at all.
Seems to be different for everyone. I'm sure you'll be fine.
Also, glad you found the kobolds!

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The first shot went off without trouble (although I was tired by the end of the day, and then realized the vaccine was working)
The second shot I drank plenty of water in advance, arrived way early so I could walk around the neighborhood, then drank plenty of water afterward and slept in early. Felt great the next day. Everyone seems to react differently.

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Good on everyone for getting their shot! I got the J&J which is only one shot. I felt terrible the next day but was perfectly fine after.
Sorry, Tyranius for not rolling concealment. I have dark vision when raging but forgot I wasn't raging.

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I've had people ask me -- are arrows / bolts / darts recoverable after combat? I assume they break and are therefore not recoverable. I'm assuming daggers and hatchets can be recovered...

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GM, it appears I goofed on my damage roll with the dragon tail. Damage for the dragon tail is 1d10 + str. So it should have been 1d10 + 2 instead of +5. It appears I forgot to change the modifier when I copied and pasted the dice statement. Apologies for that.
I went back and checked my other dragon tail attacks and the damage is correct.

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Good on everyone for getting their shot! I got the J&J which is only one shot. I felt terrible the next day but was perfectly fine after.
Sorry, Tyranius for not rolling concealment. I have dark vision when raging but forgot I wasn't raging.
Thanks, that is good to know while raging as I was just going off of you being human.
I've had people ask me -- are arrows / bolts / darts recoverable after combat? I assume they break and are therefore not recoverable. I'm assuming daggers and hatchets can be recovered...
Arrows and Bolts have the Ammunition category and Ammunition is destroyed once used. That ruling can be found in the errata document for the CRB.
Darts on the other hand do not appear to have the ammunition category and look as if they can be recovered similar to a javelin.
GM, it appears I goofed on my damage roll with the dragon tail. Damage for the dragon tail is 1d10 + str. So it should have been 1d10 + 2 instead of +5. It appears I forgot to change the modifier when I copied and pasted the dice statement. Apologies for that.
Thanks for the correction! :)

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Tiger wrote:GM, it appears I goofed on my damage roll with the dragon tail. Damage for the dragon tail is 1d10 + str. So it should have been 1d10 + 2 instead of +5. It appears I forgot to change the modifier when I copied and pasted the dice statement. Apologies for that.Thanks for the correction! :)
I went through the combat again and wondered how I got a +5 to damage... that's what happens when I blindly copy-paste... :)
btw, it appears that if you edit your post and add another [*dice] expression, it changes the roll (i.e. it rerolls everything). I noticed it when I added the concealment checks to the first time I attacked pink. My hits were nullified...

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The rolls end up staying the same it just gets goofy if you change the order. So if you edit in say the concealment check before any of the other rolls it will change all the rolls below it.

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aha! yes. The dart attack stayed the same but the flurry of blows did change. I should have stuck the concealment checks in the bottom of the pile.

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Can I end my movement in the same square as Mialee since she's above my head?

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I kinda noticed that after I started playing P2e here on the forums, MMORPGs got really boring...

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10 foot high ceilings, so I would think that would be fine :)

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hmm.. 2 crits in 3 attacks with a sling... maybe I should stick to ranged combat... ;)

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You're like a hypercompetent 10 year old in any 80s comedy film. Just grab a slingshot and you can hit anything!

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Do hero points carry over between adventures or is it "use it or lose it"?

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They only last for the scenario. So use it or lose it. At the beginning of each scenario you will start with 1 Hero Point unless you have boons, coins, glyphs, ect that says you can start with more.

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They only last for the scenario. So use it or lose it. At the beginning of each scenario you will start with 1 Hero Point unless you have boons, coins, glyphs, ect that says you can start with more.
That's what I thought... Do school items carry over or do I need to "give them back" if I don't use them? I know the handwraps need to go to the Society afterwards...

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oh, btw, can I assume I got the dart back from the kobold I stuck on the 1st floor of the tower? I didn't know I could recover it until now... the one I threw at the mitflit can stay in it (I'm not stepping into a trapped square to retrieve one measly dart!) :)

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The school items are returned to the society after the scenario, so use it or lose it. But at the start of the next game you can always select that item again.

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The school items are returned to the society after the scenario, so use it or lose it. But at the start of the next game you can always select that item again.
Ah, ok. So I don't get to keep the healing potion I chose (just the one I bought) :)

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Yep. Best to use the 'free' items. That's why I used the scroll earlier. And I'm pretty sure that darts are not considered 'ammunition' so unless you stuck one in something that fell into a bottomless hole you should be able to recover.

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yes, but I threw one dart into the mitflit that came out of the trapped tile... unless someone disables the trap the dart can stay right where it is :)

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Yup go ahead and recover your weapons. After combats I just assume that you recovered al of your equipment unless it is a special circumstance in the scenario.

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Aha! Ok. That's good to know.

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How does one create an alias/character for an animal companion?