SFS 4-01 Year of the Data Scourge Intro (KS) (Inactive)

Game Master phaeton_nz

Tier 1-4
Subtier 1-2


Erdrinneir Vonnarc
Acquisitives Jyskos Arabath

Male Drow Operative (Spy) 2 |SP: 2/12, HP: 16/16, RP: 5/5|EAC: 16, KAC: 17|Fort: +1, Ref: +7, Will: +3, Immune to Magical Sleep Effects, +2 racial bonus vs Enchantment Spells and Effects|Init: +9|Perception: +7|Speed: 30ft Land|Senses: Darkvision (60ft)| SLA: (At Will) - Dancing Lights, Detect Magic|Trick Attack: Bluff +15 vs CR, Success: +1d4 and Flat-Footed to the Attack|Active Conditions: Dazzled|
(105 posts)

Isis Woz

Cognates Arboreal Blightborn

Agender (They/Them) Ghoran (Oakling) Vanguard (Reaction) 1 |SP: 8/10, HP: 13/13, RP: 4/4|EAC: 14, KAC: 15|Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +0, +2 racial bonus against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, and stunning effects, unless the effect specifies that it is effective against plants.| Init: +3|Perception: +0|Speed: 30ft Land|SLA: (At Will) - Detect Magic, Psychokinetic Hand|Active Conditions: None|
(97 posts)
Isis Woz

Ivis Flanagan

Wayfinders Zamba Zorbolo

Female |SP: 4/7, HP: 12/12, RP: 4/4|EAC 13, KAC 14|Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3, +4 vs. critical hit effects Defensive Abilities hardened mantle|Init +6|Perception +7|Speed: 30 ft. Land (crawl at half this speed), 30ft. swim|Senses: Darkvision (60ft)| Biohacker 1
(66 posts)

Jason Schimmel

Exo-Guardians Darkvoid Batoidia

M Kalo Monstrous Humaoid(aquatic) Star Walker Operative 3 KAC:14 EAC:14 init:+3 perception:+7 [i][/i]; SP: 12/12 HP: 14/14 RP: 4/4 Fort:+0; Ref:+5;Will+3
(95 posts)
Artistic Octopus

4-99 MAPS:
(1,438 posts)

John Woodford

Ratfolk Troubleshooter
Exo-Guardians T| "Tik" Fiver

|SP 18/18|HP 20/20|RP 5/5|EAC 15; KAC 16|Fort +1; Ref +7; Will +4|Init +6|Perc +9, SM: +5 |Speed 40ft|Active conditions: None.
(347 posts)

Nick Wasko

Abadarcorp Employee
Exo-Guardians Inovu

Male LG korasha lashunta icon envoy 1 (Steward Officer) | SP 7/7 HP 10/10 | RP 4/4 | EAC 13; KAC 15 | Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +2 | Init: +1 | blindsense (vibration) 30 ft.; Perc: +4, SM: +6 | Speed 25 ft. (30 base) | Expertise (1d6; Diplomacy, Sense Motive) | SLAs: daze (at will), psychokinetic hand (at will), detect thoughts (1/day) | Active conditions: None.
(35 posts)


Golden Orb
Silver Crusade phaeton_nz

Human Male | VA | Auckland, New Zealand | UTC+12 | 124312 | SFS1e 1-35 | SFS1e 6-14 | PFS1e 6-04
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