[ACG][SoShack] AAUGHWHY's Season of the Shackles

Game Master AAUGHWHY

Useful Info (Includes Loot and Ships)

Turn Order:

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Lvl 6 Divine Warpriest. Deck handler

Free Ally: 1d13 ⇒ 7: Mountain Dog. I'll keep it.

Will take the second available weapon upgrade for Cleaving Battleaxe.

Will take power feat for Hand Size.

Reward Summary for 0-2A: Love's Labors Lost

Valendron - Nothing, Card Feat: Spell
Amli - Weapon 2, Power Feat: +1 Hand Size
Ezren - Ally 2, Skill Feat: INT
Zova - Weapon 2, Skill Feat: WIS
Ukuja - Armor 2

Deck Handler

spell Wizard/UM: 41 = 41 Twisted Space. Pass.

spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 297

Spending my hero point on card feat spell. 3 HP left.

Lvl 6 Divine Warpriest. Deck handler

Choose Weapon as upgrade.
Rando Weapon: 1d19 ⇒ 2 Greatsword. Pass.

Spend Hero Point on Skill feat, taking +1 in Wis.

Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 422 Dwarven Longhammer +1
Blessing 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 182 Abadar
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 960 Augury
Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 701 Brass Dwarf

Remaining B-2 Sorcerer Weapons:
1) Sling
2) Frost Sling +1
3) Main-Gauche +1

Bonus Weapon: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Sling. Pass.

Valendron has a lot of upgrade options, so I'll choose from among whatever's left over of Ally 2 Apprentice, Blessing 2 of Abadar, Weapon 1 Frost Sling.

Feat will probably be a DEX skill.

I'll also do spells for my treasure in the next scenario.

Deck Handler

Spending my Hero Point on a Card Feat: Blessing

Bonus Weapon; starting with UW, then Nature
Random Spell: 1d15 ⇒ 13 Dang I wanted 14 for Aspect of the Monkey. 13 is Sonic Blast. Pass

Blessing 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 395 Taking Blessing of Ketephys to fill in the new Blessing slot

Replace the banished Balmberry with Balmberry

Adding Spells to the Loot Pile

Reward Summary for 0-2B: Yo Ho Grindylows

Valendron - Ally 2, Skill Feat: DEX
Amli - Weapon 1, Skill Feat: WIS
Ezren - Spell 1, Card Feat: Spell
Zova - Blessing 2, Card Feat: Blessing

Deck Handler

4th xp at tier 2. Saving my HP. 3 left.

Picking Item for the reward.

Wizard/UM: 1d20 ⇒ 15 Binder's Tome. Reroll.
Wizard/UM: 1d20 ⇒ 13 Staff of the Scholar. Pass.

spell 2 for Embiggen: 1d1000 ⇒ 452

Lvl 6 Divine Warpriest. Deck handler

Will choose Armors for reward and hope I win one of the Item 2s as my upgrade.
Rando Armor: 1d13 ⇒ 7: Spiked Plate. Take it, replacing Tower Shield.

Spend my hero point on a card feat, taking blessings to 5. - Will fill hole with Kols.

Item 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 538: Manual of War
Blessing 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 184: Use for Blessing 1 - Brass Dwarf Will defer to anybody who will actually use this as blessing 2.
Spell 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 26: Weapon of Awe
Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 334: Cruel Longsword
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 999: Augury

Remaining B-2 Sorcerer Items:
1) Blast Stone
2) Bracers of Protection
3) Caltrops
4) Codex
5) Token of Remembrance
6) Wand of Shield
7) Boots of Elvenkind
8) Ivory Dice

Random Item: 1d8 ⇒ 2
Bracers of Protection. Pass.

Valendron would be happy with either Spell 2 (Safe Harbor) or Blessing 2 (of Abadar) for my upgrade.

Power feat will be to bump my sorcery attack.

Deck Handler

Spending my Hero Point on a Power Feat: Discard a card to Evade

Bonus Item; starting with UW, then Nature
Random Item: 1d13 ⇒ 12 Spiked Gauntlet. Pass

I think I'm safe taking Spell 2 for Aspect of the Monkey

Reward Summary for 0-2C: Revenge of the Fishfolk

Valendron - Blessing 2, Power Feat: +1 Sorcerer Attack
Amli - Item 2, Card Feat: Blessing
Ezren - Spell 2
Zova - Spell 2, Card Feat: Discard Card to Evade

How do summoned monster henchmen work here? The scenario rule says that as non-villain monsters, they get banished. But there are 2 locations with closing checks requiring a summoned monster henchman to be defeated, which would be impossible.

The intention might have been that defeating the ship closes the location, but I don't think that's how the rules work. Or perhaps the scenario rule was intended to be "non-villain, non-henchman"? Or perhaps the original interpretation was that the monster would also be considered defeated when it was banished in that way? (Which is certainly not the case now, but I'm not sure offhand what the rules would have been at the time of S&S. Although that would make those locations autoclosures.)

Hm I’m also wondering if maybe the “summons can’t summon“ rule was different when this scenario was written? Although I’m not sure that would fix the problem either.

That's actually a really good point. The way I was interpreting it, I suspect the scenario effect is supposed to work the same way that the Glade location in Curse of the Crimson Throne does.

Glade wrote:
When you encounter a non-story bane, you may summon and encounter the danger. If you defeat it, banish the encountered bane; otherwise, evade it.

Except make "non-story bane" read "non-villain" and "Danger" read "random ship".

But, of course, that still has the problem of technically not defeating the henchman required to close the locations and might not even be relevant since that not what the scenario effect says.

The scenario effect also creates an interaction when you don't defeat the ship where the card is still cleared from the location, but I feel like it shouldn't be? Hypothetically you could just evade every single ship encounter and still make progress emptying the locations.

I'm going to pose the question to the Rules Channel in the Org Play Server. In the interim while waiting for a response, play as though the scenario effect says this:

Interim Scenario Effect wrote:
When you would encounter a non-villain monster, summon and encounter a random ship. If you defeat the ship, banish the monster you would have encountered; it is defeated. Otherwise, evade it.

Deck Handler

5th xp at tier 2. Tiering up. Saving the HP. 4 remaining.

Can't put blessings in my deck and I don't get the adventure reward.

spell 2 for Dehydrating Touch: 1d1000 ⇒ 650

item 2 for Ring of Protection (Core): 1d1000 ⇒ 505

Deck Handler

I think Item 2 is the priority for the upcoming scenario so switch those.

Remaining B-2 Sorcerer Blessings:
1-4) Blessing B of the Gods
5) Blessing B of Iomedae
6-7) Blessing 1 of Erastil
8) Blessing 2 of Abadar
9) Blessing 2 of Pharasma

Random Blessing: 1d9 ⇒ 8
Blessing of Abadar. Sure!

Valendron's top upgrade choice is Spell 2 (Safe Harbor). Could also use Spell 1 (Frost Ray) or Weapon 1 (Frost Sling +1).

As for loot, nothing I want to include by default, although I might situationally look at something depending on the scenario. For the next scenario, I might try taking Svingli's Eye to try to scout out Cryptic Runes and maybe have a shot at an INT check in an emergency? Although I'll defer to Zova if she wants it, since she has Survival and can recharge it.

This scenario seems like it favors Ezren, so maybe use Man's Promise for our ship to enable him to explore more?

Deck Handler

Banking my Hero Point.

Bonus Blessing; starting with UW, then Nature
Random Blessing: 1d19 ⇒ 3 Blessing of Gozreh. Pass

Item 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 416

Lvl 6 Divine Warpriest. Deck handler

Bank hero point, bringing total to 2.

Rando Blessing: 1d17 ⇒ 13: Gorum's Iron. Keep it, swapping out Benefaction.


Blessing 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 284 : Use for Blessing 1 - Brass Dwarf Will defer to anybody who will actually use this as blessing 2.
Spell 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 980 : Weapon of Awe
Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 631 : Cruel Longsword
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 358 : Augury

For the Adventure reward, I'd be interested in taking Buccaneer's Breastplate or Rickety Hake.

Deck Handler

Item Wizard, UM: 1d25 ⇒ 9
Staff of Minor Healing. No room for it.

Spending my hero point on the power feat
"☐ When (☐ you acquire or) another character acquires a boon, that character may banish it to draw 1 random non-Basic (☐ and non-Elite) boon of that type from the box."

4 HP remain.

spell 1 for Life Drain: 1d1000 ⇒ 668

Remaining B-3 Sorcerer Items:
1) Blast Stone
2) Bracers of Protection
3) Caltrops
4) Codex
5) Token of Remembrance
6) Wand of Shield
7) Boots of Elvenkind
8) Ivory Dice
9) Headband of Alluring Charisma
10) Mist Horn

Random Item: 1d10 ⇒ 8
Ivory Dice. Hm, interesting. I think I'll give this a try.

I think Valendron is only interested in a Spell 1 upgrade (Frost Ray). I'll want an Item 3 at some point, but this seems bad timing to lose Crown of Charisma.

Hero point will probably be a power feat, but still thinking about which. (If the Item 3 would somehow be going unclaimed, I might even be tempted to take a card feat instaed.)

For loot, I'd like to take Lady Agasta this scenario.

Lvl 6 Divine Warpriest. Deck handler

Tier 3 with 1 xp. Take Power feat on my new Forgepriest role card: Add 2 to local checks to acquire or recharge weapons or armors.

Draw rando Armor: 1d15 ⇒ 4: Tussah Silk Coat. Pass.

Armor 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 14: Voidglass
Item 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 821: Belt of Giant Strength

Deck Handler

Spending my Hero Point on a Power Feat: "When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may draw it instead. Monsters in your hand gain the Animal trait." on the Weretouched Role Card

Bonus Item; starting with UW, then Nature
Random Item: 1d16 ⇒ 10 Salvation Cactus. Pass

Upgrade: Take Armor 3 for Sable Company Hide

As interesting as it might be to take Electricity reduction or Force substitution for this scenario, I wasn't really planning on taking those powers- I don't think there'll be enough Electricity monsters in the long run.
So, Valendron will take the Item card feat and unclaimed Item 3.

With a likelihood of Hirzengost, we might want a ship that prevents Structural damage this scenario. Maybe the Thresher?

Lvl 6 Divine Warpriest. Deck handler

Spend hero point on Card Feat, increasing spells to 4.

Amli will choose Spell for her reward.
Spell from box: 1d10 ⇒ 8: Augury. Will keep that and toss out Magic Weapon.

Spell 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 488: Divine Fortune.
Blessing 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 19: Everlight.
Weapon 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 86: Sawtooth Saber.

Deck Handler

spell Wizard/UM: 1d50 ⇒ 46

Coordinated Blast Possibly worth adding.

spell 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 196

Spending my HP on card feat spell and filling the slot with Coordinated Blast. 4 HP remain.

Remaining B-3 Sorcerer spells:
1) Arcane Armor
2) Confusion
3) Force Missile
4) Lightning Touch
5) Frost Ray
6) Unearthly Aim
7) Web
8) Dimension Leap
9) Scrying
10) Swipe

Random spell: 1d10 ⇒ 9
Scrying. Yes please!

Valendron could take any of Spell 3 (Swipe), Ally 3 (Cat), Weapon 3 (Seeking Harpoon +1), or Blessing 3 (of Gozreh). So I'll choose from what's left over.

Role will be Lightning Reaver with power feat to boost my sorcery attack with magic.

Deck Handler

Spending my Hero Point on a Skill Feat: WIS

Bonus Weapon; starting with UW, then Nature
Random Weapon: 1d14 ⇒ 11 Seaborne Trident +1, exactly the one I wanted! Definitely keeping it

Upgrade: I think I'm safe taking Ally 3 for Thylacine

Reward Summary for 0-2D: Who Rules Hell Harbor?

Valendron - Spell 2
Amli - Blessing 2
Ezren - Item 2
Zova - Item 2

Reward Summary for 0-3A: Wrecking Ball

Valendron - Item 3, Card Feat: Item
Amli - Armor 3, Power Feat: Add 2 to local checks to acquire or recharge weapons or armors.
Ezren - Spell 1, Power Feat: When another character acquires a card, may banish and replace it
Zova - Armor 3, Power Feat: Draw defeated monsters. Monsters in hand gain Animal trait

Reward Summary for 0-3B: On Top of the World

Valendron - Weapon 3 or Blessing 3, Power Feat: If the card has the Magic trait, you may add an additional 1d6.

Amli - Spell 3 (won the roll-off) or Blessing 3 (So Ezren can have an upgrade too), Power Feat: Add 2 to local checks to acquire or recharge weapons or armors.

Ezren - None Or Spell 3 (if Amli concedes the Spell), Card Feat: Spell

Zova - Ally 3, Skill Feat: WIS

Perhaps Thresher again for our ship, to negate the 1 Structural damage from Fishpork?
Unless anyone objects, I think I may take Totem Necklace this scenario instead of Lady Agasta.

Deck Handler

Since Eddie was kind enough to switch to blessing 3 I''l take spell 3 for Ice and Fire.

Thresher seems good.

Lvl 6 Divine Warpriest. Deck handler

Blessing of the Everlight replaces Sarenrae. Reward summary missed that I took a card upgrade for spells in 3B.

Deck Handler

Free card feat ally.

Spending my hero point on Skill Feat +1 to intelligence. 3 HP left.

spell 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 5
ally 3: 1d1 ⇒ 1

Valendron could use any of Ally 3 (Cat), Blessing 3 (of Gozreh), or Spell 3 (Swipe).
As tempting as a WIS skill feat is for S&S, that skill seems to be well-covered by other party members, so I think I'll increase CHA.
Need to think about the card feat.

Deck Handler

Spending my Hero Point on a Card Feat: Spell. Filling it in with Aspect of the Mouse

The free Card Feat will be an Ally. I think we can fill in gaps with 1s now, so fill it in with Raven.

I'm only interested in an Ally 3, but I'm using it for a 2 so super low priority.

Lvl 6 Divine Warpriest. Deck handler

Free card feat, take 6th blessing.
Hero Point, spend on Skill feat, bumping Con to +1.

Spell 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 859: Divine Fortune
Blessing 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 173: Lord in Iron
Weapon 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 200: Acidic Greatsword +1
Ally 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 142: Ruan Mirukova
Armor 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 490: Cellestial

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Assuming I’m getting a blessing update, I think I’ll take a blessing card feat as well.
I’m having an unusually difficult time comprehending the scenario rule. :/

EmpTyger wrote:
I’m having an unusually difficult time comprehending the scenario rule. :/

So the way the scenario rule works (at least how I'm reading it) is:

1) People select the loot they want and switch it out for cards in their deck, just like normal.

2) Once everyone has picked the loot they want, each character has to take an additional loot from the leftovers.

TBH I'm not entirely sure what the "Choose the same number of characters" part means; it doesn't seem like it changes anything. Unless maybe it's there in case there's less leftover loot than number of characters? Then it would clarify that you only distribute leftovers if you actually leftovers, but that seems pretty obvious so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The rest of the rules don't apply to us since we've completed all those scenarios

Ah, I wonder if it was intended for players who haven't completed earlier scenarios. They receive loot that they wouldn't otherwise have access to, to counterbalance the additional difficulty?

Deck Handler

Saving the HP 4 left.
pull an ally Wizard/UM: 1d22 ⇒ 17
Riftwarden. Nope.

Will take spell 3 for my adventure reward for Volcanic Storm.
Passing on the upgrades.

boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 7

I got excited that we won and didn't add in the stashed plunder or the armor Valendron acquired. Here's the full list:

Acquired Cards:
Monkey (Ally 3)

Fortified Shell Armor (Armor 3)
Sniper's Studded Leather (Armor 3)

Wall of Fire (Spell 3)
Obscure (Spell 1)

Sharpshooter's Blade (Weapon 3)
Musket +2 (Weapon 3)
Keen Falcata +1 (Weapon 2)

Deck Handler

Forgot the free power feat. Will take

☐ Before you reset your hand, you may reveal a spell to treat your hand size as 3, 7, or 10 until the end of the turn.

Lvl 6 Divine Warpriest. Deck handler

4th xp at tier 3. Save hero point, bringing total to 1. Will also tier up as we enter Adventure 4.

Will choose spell for my scenario reward.
Rando Spell: 1d9 ⇒ 1: Detect Evil. Pass.

Spell 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 849⇒ 859: Divine Fortune
Weapon 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 691⇒ Dragonbane Greatsword +2
Ally 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 483⇒ 142: Ruan Mirukova

Adventure reward. Free power feat, increasing my max to tier +1. Take Hand size bump to 6. Also choose Armor as my tier 3 boon. There's only 1 left: Celestial Armor.

Remaining B-3 Sorcerer spells:

1) Arcane Armor
2) Confusion
3) Force Missile
4) Frostbite
5) Lightning Touch
6) Frost Ray
7) Unearthly Aim
8) Web
9) Dimension Leap
10) Swipe

Random spell: 1d10 ⇒ 2
Confusion. Pass.

Adventure Reward will be Spell 3 (Swipe). For upgrades, I could take Ally 3 (Cat) if no one else wants.
Still thinking about whether to bump hand size or sorcerer attack with my power feat.

Deck Handler

Save the Hero Point. Tier up to 4

Pick Spell for my Scenario Reward. Starting with UW, then Nature
Random Spell: 1d18 ⇒ 14 Bloodscent. Pass

I'll just pass on the Bonus Card Upgrade part of the Adventure Reward. I don't have any more 3s I want and I'm not sure we can use it on 2s.

For the Bonus Power Feat part of the Adventure Reward, expand my Hand Size to 1 or 9

For Card Upgrades, interested in Ally 3 or Spell 3 but for 2s again, so still super low priority. The spell is also going to get quickly replaced in AD 4.

I also forgot to apply getting the Ally Upgrade last scenario. Dog should have been replaced with Sedja; it's corrected now

Lvl 6 Divine Warpriest. Deck handler

Ok, taking Spell 3 Divine Fortune in for Magic Weapon. Still taking Loot Buccaneer's Breastplate, setting aside Spiked Plate.

Deck Handler

Will spend the hero point on the power feat (☐ you acquire or) part of "☐ When (☐ you acquire or) another character acquires a boon, that character may banish it to draw 1 random non-Basic (☐ and non-Elite) boon of that type from the box."

4 HP remain.

To save time I'll just add that free skill now. +1 to Intelligence.

spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 611
item 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 553

boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Lvl 6 Divine Warpriest. Deck handler

The reward is worded weird, but I'll take a free skill point in Str.

Spend my scenario Hero Point on Power feat, extending my +2 local bump to Spells/Blessings as well.

1 HP left.


Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 302: Major Cure
Weapon 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 302: Golembane Hammer +2

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 8

The weird reward wording is a fix for the Vailea loot.

Valendron doesn't really have any high priority Boon 4 upgrades, so I'll choose from whatever's left over. Maybe Item 4 (for Item 3 Headband of Alluring Charisma) if it's available?

Card Feat will probably be another blessing, but I'll confirm after finalizing upgrade.

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