The Dire GM's [SFS] #3-03: Frozen Ambitions: The Shimmerstone Gateway (PaizoCon Online 2021) (Inactive)

Game Master CanisDirus

SFS PbP - Frozen Ambitions: The Shimmerstone Gateway (Tier 1-4)

GM Notes:
[dice=Blastoff]1d20 + 8[/dice
[dice=Grimace]1d20 + 0[/dice
[dice=Hanmi]1d20 + 0[/dice
[dice=Jewel]1d20 + 9[/dice
[dice=Santos]1d20 + 3[/dice
[dice=Valamir]1d20 + 7[/dice

[dice=Blastoff]1d20 + 6[/dice
[dice=Grimace]1d20 + 5[/dice
[dice=Hanmi]1d20 + 2[/dice
[dice=Jewel]1d20 + 9[/dice
[dice=Santos]1d20 + 7[/dice
[dice=Valamir]1d20 + 2[/dice

Shimmerstone Gateway (SFS) Maps & Handouts

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| Dustbound Scenery & Maps D19 | Table 2 Scenery & Maps | | Table 3 Maps & Handouts | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Lucid Dreaming Handout

This is the discussion thread for #3-03: Frozen Ambitions: The Shimmerstone Gateway (Tier 1-4) as part of PaizoCon Online 2021, set to begin on May 28th, 2021!

IMPORTANT NOTE - Because I am part of the PaizoCon Organizing Committee, I will have no time to GM during the actual weekend of PaizoCon itself. Thus, while mustering and character introductions/briefing can begin on the 28th, actual game-play will not begin until Monday, May 31st.

Recruitment for this game is handled through the PaizoCon Online 2021 Warhorn page, located HERE

Feel free to pop in and say hello if you're part of the game!


| Dustbound Scenery & Maps D19 | Table 2 Scenery & Maps | | Table 3 Maps & Handouts | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Lucid Dreaming Handout

Dire's PbP "Table Rules" -

0 - RL > Game. No other rules trump rule 0! :D

1 - I'd like it if everyone posted once a day Mon-Fri. Friday night through Sunday night is eh-whatever (I am in US Eastern Time, for reference). I'll try to post when I can over weekends, but I know people have lives and won't always be online, so no worries.

2 - If you don't post in the middle of an "action" scene for a day, you get skipped once (or botted if your action would be super obvious or you leave a note to me or another player "proxying" your character). If you don't post a second time, you get "botted" by me to do something simple (usually just attack or aid another). If we get into the 3-5 range, I'll probably drop you a line off-list to see what's up. If it goes on too long...well, I hate dropping people from games, but it unfortunately happens :(

3 - When you've got a saving throw to make, please roll that first before posting any other actions/rolls (unless it can occur before the save).

4 - Feel free to roll perception and sense motive whenever you want, and if you have a reroll, feel free to use that anytime as well.

5 - Have fun! Rule 5 trumps all other rules! :P


Also, please post the following information in this discussion thread:

Player Name/Alias:
Character Name:
Character Level:
Organized Play # / Character #:
Perception Modifier:
Initiative Modifier:
What is your favorite color:
What is your quest Day Job (if any) Roll:

After the briefing and initial info/culture checks, I'll ask you about boons and such, but until then - the above is all I need.

Thanks very much, and I look forward to running this scenario for you! :)


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Male Lambent Vesk Solarian 1 /SP 0 HP 10 / RP 3/ EAC 15(16); KAC 15(16) / Fort +4; Ref +0; Will +2

Hi Everyone!

Player Name/Alias: Simpatikool
Character Name: Grimace
Character Level: 1
Organized Play # / Character #: Grimace 2373129-703
Perception Modifier: 0
Initiative Modifier: 0
What is your favorite color: Green Menalishi where the darkness cooks.
What is your quest Day Job (if any) Roll: At this time, Grimace is not currently engaged.


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He/Him/His Ysoki Mystic (Star Shaman) 1 | EAC 13 KAC 14 | HP 8/8 Stamina 6/6 | F 0 R +2 W +6 | Init +6 Perc +8

Player Name/Alias: Chris/Noob
Character Name: Blastoff
Character Level: 1
Organized Play#/Character#: 202230-702
Perception Modifier: 8
Initiative Modifier: 6
What is your color: Black, the color of space
What is your Day Job Roll: Ratbert Blastoff is free, naked and unemployed.


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Morlamaw EAC: 14 KAC: 15 sp 14, hp 16, rp 4 Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2 ! Mechanic 3

G'Day All! & thank you Dire GM for GMing this (and all the other work you are doing for PaizoCon! :)

Player Name/Alias: Scott 'Curaigh' Janke
Character Name: Han Mi Booki
Character Level: 3 (Mechanic)
Organized Play # / Character #: 25879-703
Perception Modifier: 5
Initiative Modifier: 4
What is your favorite color: that one from the inside of a
What is your quest Day Job (if any) Roll: Moisture Farmer: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

I have not use Han MiBooki in PbP so I need to create a profile still. :)


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He/Him Human Soldier 3 | E21/K22 | SP 24/24 HP 25/25 R 4/4 |F +4 R +4 W +3 | Init. +7 | Perc. +3

Hi all!

Player Name/Alias: Daniel
Character Name: Santos
Character Level: 3
Organized Play # / Character #: 2390522-701
Perception Modifier: 3
Initiative Modifier: 7
What is your favorite color: Orange
What is your quest Day Job (if any) Roll: Vidgamer: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25


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Male Elf- 2398490-701 Witchwarper 1; EAC 13; KAC 14; SP 5; HP 9; RP 2; Fort +0; Ref +4; Will +1; Init +2; Perc +7


Player Name/Alias: Georub1
Character Name: Valamir
Character Level: 1
Organized Play # / Character #:2398490- 701
Perception Modifier: +7
Initiative Modifier: +2
What is your favorite color: 5th dimension Red
What is your quest Day Job (if any) Roll:
Warp reality to avenge my family.


Male Lambent Vesk Solarian 1 /SP 0 HP 10 / RP 3/ EAC 15(16); KAC 15(16) / Fort +4; Ref +0; Will +2

Question. Hey all, most of my play is PBP or occasional Warhorn Games, so I am not the best at rules for this game. I would like to ask a rules question...

It is about Shields. I can use Shields for unarmed strikes and you can equip weapon fusions on them. Could I equip a Called or Returning Fusion on a shield so I can throw it? Is it still just unarmed damage?

Thank you for your patience!

Plus, have a great Paizo Con and Memorial Day weekend too. I am fine with you taking some time Dire GM! I am taking my little clan on a picnic in the mountains tomorrow anyway.

Shadow Lodge Contributor

Grimace of Gwar wrote:

Question. Hey all, most of my play is PBP or occasional Warhorn Games, so I am not the best at rules for this game. I would like to ask a rules question...

It is about Shields. I can use Shields for unarmed strikes and you can equip weapon fusions on them. Could I equip a Called or Returning Fusion on a shield so I can throw it? Is it still just unarmed damage?

Thank you for your patience!

Plus, have a great Paizo Con and Memorial Day weekend too. I am fine with you taking some time Dire GM! I am taking my little clan on a picnic in the mountains tomorrow anyway.

Some of my fellow VOs and I looked into this tonight, and we learned some new things...however, two of those things are at odds with each other, so let me get back to you on this!

Most likely outcomes:
1 - You can throw it as an improvised weapon (-4 to Attack, 10ft range increment, archaic property, 1d6+Str Bludgeoning damage, no weapon specialization damage bonus), regardless of which fusions you put on it (including the Throwing fusion, although that would remove the -4 and archaic, but changes the damage down to 1d3+Str Bludgeoning).

2 - With the Throwing fusion, the weapon becomes a thrown weapon with a 10ft range increment (more range at higher levels), that does 1d3+Str PLUS weapon specialization (but not Vesk 1.5x specialization since that only counts for your natural weapons).

The crux of the issue is this from Shields:

The effects of these modifications are applied to unarmed attacks made with the shield

...But if you throw a melee weapon that doesn't have the thrown property/fusion, it's no longer an unarmed strike...I think?

Either way, I love the visual, so I'm going to keep thinking about this! :)


Male Lambent Vesk Solarian 1 /SP 0 HP 10 / RP 3/ EAC 15(16); KAC 15(16) / Fort +4; Ref +0; Will +2


Thanks for the response/discussion. I love the idea of being able to throw the shield around like a boss.


| Dustbound Scenery & Maps D19 | Table 2 Scenery & Maps | | Table 3 Maps & Handouts | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Lucid Dreaming Handout

Hello again everyone!

Paizo has asked us to turn in convention prize reporting sooner rather than later, so in PbP fashion, here are your prize rolls! A natural 1 or 20 wins you a $15 Paizo gift voucher. My modus operendii for these is to list you in alphabetical order with the GM last (or first, depending on which place will give one of you a win instead of me, should first-or-last be a winning roll).

Good luck, everybody!

Blastoff: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Grimace: 1d20 ⇒ 3
Han: 1d20 ⇒ 7
Julinia: 1d20 ⇒ 13
Santos: 1d20 ⇒ 3
Valamir: 1d20 ⇒ 19
GM: 1d20 ⇒ 7

Ah well, close but no cigar. As mentioned on the gameplay thread, I'll be taking a day off after PaizoCon "live" wraps later tonight, but we'll begin in earnest after that!


Male Lambent Vesk Solarian 1 /SP 0 HP 10 / RP 3/ EAC 15(16); KAC 15(16) / Fort +4; Ref +0; Will +2

Sounds good! Take care.


| Dustbound Scenery & Maps D19 | Table 2 Scenery & Maps | | Table 3 Maps & Handouts | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Lucid Dreaming Handout
Grimace of Gwar wrote:


Thanks for the response/discussion. I love the idea of being able to throw the shield around like a boss.

It occurs to me that, until you hit level 3 and gain Weapon Specialization, the biggest crux of this option is moot, so feel free to run with it however you like for now. As much as organized play has caused me to instinctively memorize lots of rules, I prefer story and coolness-factors whenever possible! :)

I have the scenario mission briefing all set to go once your characters make their entrance and introductions (also giving player #6 who had as rough a weekend as I did) a chance to get settled.


He/Him/His Ysoki Mystic (Star Shaman) 1 | EAC 13 KAC 14 | HP 8/8 Stamina 6/6 | F 0 R +2 W +6 | Init +6 Perc +8

Anybody got a link to how I can attach an avatar to this alias?



Morlamaw EAC: 14 KAC: 15 sp 14, hp 16, rp 4 Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2 ! Mechanic 3

Just had this question in another thread.
from the menu at the top of the page: Go to
my account > organized play > (Character) > change/choose image

Paizo Employee

1 person marked this as a favorite.
| SP 28/28 | HP 28/28 | RP 5/5 | EAC 17 KAC 18 CMD 26 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +4; Evasion | Init +9 | Perception +9 (Darkvision 60ft) [/b] | Active Effects: None | Armor Environmental Seals: Inactive (5 days remaining) | Female Xenometric Android Strix (Starwalker) Operative (Hacker) 4

Player Name/Alias: Ivis
Character Name: Jewel
Character Level: 4
Organized Play # / Character #: 809-704
Perception Modifier: +9
Initiative Modifier: +9
What is your favorite color: Purple (with glitter)
What is your quest Day Job (if any) Roll: Watching other sentient life forms in order to better understand their interactions with each other leaves no time for menial tasks.


| Dustbound Scenery & Maps D19 | Table 2 Scenery & Maps | | Table 3 Maps & Handouts | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Lucid Dreaming Handout
Blastoff wrote:

Anybody got a link to how I can attach an avatar to this alias?


In the upper right corner (if you're on a computer) you click "My Account" then "Organized Play" - after that, scroll down to your character in the list, then click "Edit" to get the character's profile editor open. From there, there will be a button allowing you to choose/change a picture/icon.

If you have other art you want to use for your "token" other than things from the Paizo website, though, just let me know!


| Dustbound Scenery & Maps D19 | Table 2 Scenery & Maps | | Table 3 Maps & Handouts | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Lucid Dreaming Handout

Maps are prepped for the game, but none are currently visible. Please check out Slide 2 and place your tokens in a general "marching order" with the front being on the right side.

I'll give it a little bit more time for characters to ask questions of the First Seeker before moving on :)


| Dustbound Scenery & Maps D19 | Table 2 Scenery & Maps | | Table 3 Maps & Handouts | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Lucid Dreaming Handout

I planned to get my next game post made earlier today but stuff came up. It will be there when I get back to my computer, though.

Just wanted to keep you all in the loop.


Male Elf- 2398490-701 Witchwarper 1; EAC 13; KAC 14; SP 5; HP 9; RP 2; Fort +0; Ref +4; Will +1; Init +2; Perc +7

Valamir purchases a cold weather environmental suit= Second skin environmental protections (24 Uses): grants a benefit as follows: cold climates (+2 circumstance bonus to Fortitude saves against environmental cold dangers)

A question: for any out of character talk, such as making comments about a horrible roll or telling a player how cool their action was, should we make those comments here or in blue on the gameplay post?


| Dustbound Scenery & Maps D19 | Table 2 Scenery & Maps | | Table 3 Maps & Handouts | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Lucid Dreaming Handout

Totally up to you. I try to follow the Eddie Izzard school of GMing whenever possible, aka "relaxed and groovy."

Just be careful not to write so blue that you trigger Paizo's Smurf protocols.

Whoops, too late!


He/Him/His Ysoki Mystic (Star Shaman) 1 | EAC 13 KAC 14 | HP 8/8 Stamina 6/6 | F 0 R +2 W +6 | Init +6 Perc +8
Valamir of the eclipsed realm wrote:

Valamir purchases a cold weather environmental suit= Second skin environmental protections (24 Uses): grants a benefit as follows: cold climates (+2 circumstance bonus to Fortitude saves against environmental cold dangers)

That's 10 credits? Blastoff gets one as well, doesn't want to get his paws cold from awful, awful atmosphere.


He/Him Human Soldier 3 | E21/K22 | SP 24/24 HP 25/25 R 4/4 |F +4 R +4 W +3 | Init. +7 | Perc. +3

Santos will pick one up as well.


| Dustbound Scenery & Maps D19 | Table 2 Scenery & Maps | | Table 3 Maps & Handouts | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Lucid Dreaming Handout

There are a bunch of different types of Environmental Clothing: ones vs hot weather, cold weather, radiation, etc. You can even have a single set of clothing that protects from multiple things - you double the costs of each set of clothing then add them together (so hot+cold environmental clothing would be 40 credits).

There's also reconfigurable clothing that lets you store 5 different ones "in" a single garment, then use nanotech to swap between them without having to disrobe, etc. Starfinder tech can be real neat sometimes! :)


Male Lambent Vesk Solarian 1 /SP 0 HP 10 / RP 3/ EAC 15(16); KAC 15(16) / Fort +4; Ref +0; Will +2

Grimace will partake in the strange Starfinder custom of a shopping and also pick up a cold weather protection suite. "Vesk 8 is too damn cold"


Male Elf- 2398490-701 Witchwarper 1; EAC 13; KAC 14; SP 5; HP 9; RP 2; Fort +0; Ref +4; Will +1; Init +2; Perc +7
The Dire GM wrote:

There are a bunch of different types of Environmental Clothing: ones vs hot weather, cold weather, radiation, etc. You can even have a single set of clothing that protects from multiple things - you double the costs of each set of clothing then add them together (so hot+cold environmental clothing would be 40 credits).

There's also reconfigurable clothing that lets you store 5 different ones "in" a single garment, then use nanotech to swap between them without having to disrobe, etc. Starfinder tech can be real neat sometimes! :)

That's cool! Thanks for the info.


Male Lambent Vesk Solarian 1 /SP 0 HP 10 / RP 3/ EAC 15(16); KAC 15(16) / Fort +4; Ref +0; Will +2

I purchased both environmental clothing (Cold) and a Voice Amplifier Augment and updated my sheet. Thank you.


He/Him Human Soldier 3 | E21/K22 | SP 24/24 HP 25/25 R 4/4 |F +4 R +4 W +3 | Init. +7 | Perc. +3
The Dire GM wrote:

There are a bunch of different types of Environmental Clothing: ones vs hot weather, cold weather, radiation, etc. You can even have a single set of clothing that protects from multiple things - you double the costs of each set of clothing then add them together (so hot+cold environmental clothing would be 40 credits).

There's also reconfigurable clothing that lets you store 5 different ones "in" a single garment, then use nanotech to swap between them without having to disrobe, etc. Starfinder tech can be real neat sometimes! :)

In that case, Santos will pick up some hot+cold clothing. And 2 mk 1 healing serums for good measure.


Morlamaw EAC: 14 KAC: 15 sp 14, hp 16, rp 4 Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2 ! Mechanic 3

Hanmi already has cold resistance, but I think the reconfigurable version sounds cool (what is it called?) He does want to purchase a couple MK1 healing serums.

Also I plan to buy a hovercycle/personal transport. I am not sure which one yet, so if it matters for this scenario, please let me know & I will bite the bullet. If not I will decide & purchase at the end of this scenario. (visions of Akira in this character).

Slotting Boons
Ally: Preservation of AA-126D (Enter the Ashen Asteroid)
Social: Making Connections (#2-05 Meeting of Queens)


| Dustbound Scenery & Maps D19 | Table 2 Scenery & Maps | | Table 3 Maps & Handouts | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Lucid Dreaming Handout
Hanmi Booki wrote:
Hanmi already has cold resistance, but I think the reconfigurable version sounds cool (what is it called?) He does want to purchase a couple MK1 healing serums.

Here you go! AoN link

Also I plan to buy a hovercycle/personal transport. I am not sure which one yet, so if it matters for this scenario, please let me know & I will bite the bullet. If not I will decide & purchase at the end of this scenario. (visions of Akira in this character).

You won't be able to take a vehicle with you on this one, so you don't have to worry about it :)


| Dustbound Scenery & Maps D19 | Table 2 Scenery & Maps | | Table 3 Maps & Handouts | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Lucid Dreaming Handout


Something I neglected to mention - Saturday night until Monday late-night (somewhere around 3am local time) are when I am most busy off-line, so that's my biggest lull in posting. Scenario updating coming shortly now, though!


Male Lambent Vesk Solarian 1 /SP 0 HP 10 / RP 3/ EAC 15(16); KAC 15(16) / Fort +4; Ref +0; Will +2

Grimace also purchased a Voice Amplifier. Updated character sheet.

Paizo Employee

| SP 28/28 | HP 28/28 | RP 5/5 | EAC 17 KAC 18 CMD 26 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +4; Evasion | Init +9 | Perception +9 (Darkvision 60ft) [/b] | Active Effects: None | Armor Environmental Seals: Inactive (5 days remaining) | Female Xenometric Android Strix (Starwalker) Operative (Hacker) 4

Jewel is going to pick up a set of reconfigurable clothing, including a set of Hot/cold/radiation environmental, formal, party, travel, and everyday. As well as 2 MK 1 serums of healing.


Morlamaw EAC: 14 KAC: 15 sp 14, hp 16, rp 4 Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2 ! Mechanic 3

I keep forgetting about my profile. I will get it updated tonight.

I also keep forgetting about Manta. If the GM will allow it, the drone will spend its round 2 action getting close enough to fire next round.


| Dustbound Scenery & Maps D19 | Table 2 Scenery & Maps | | Table 3 Maps & Handouts | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Lucid Dreaming Handout

I'm okay with that...but to be honest, there may not be another round, depending on your dice ;)


Morlamaw EAC: 14 KAC: 15 sp 14, hp 16, rp 4 Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2 ! Mechanic 3

Well, at least it means Manta is on the same side of the cave in as us. :)

profile finally updated!

Paizo Employee

| SP 28/28 | HP 28/28 | RP 5/5 | EAC 17 KAC 18 CMD 26 | Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +4; Evasion | Init +9 | Perception +9 (Darkvision 60ft) [/b] | Active Effects: None | Armor Environmental Seals: Inactive (5 days remaining) | Female Xenometric Android Strix (Starwalker) Operative (Hacker) 4

Throwing this here... I hate playing with operatives that dominate everything, so outside of computers and trick attacks, Jewel tends to focus on learning about biological creatures by working to assist them. That being said, she will take lead if others want her too, but I just want to make sure others shine too. <3


| Dustbound Scenery & Maps D19 | Table 2 Scenery & Maps | | Table 3 Maps & Handouts | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Lucid Dreaming Handout

So, this is is what things look like around here at the moment : and I've been without power for several hours now. I don't know when it will come back, but I won't really be able to post until it does. Just wanted to let everyone know.

Sorry about this.


Male Lambent Vesk Solarian 1 /SP 0 HP 10 / RP 3/ EAC 15(16); KAC 15(16) / Fort +4; Ref +0; Will +2

Dang man. Keep on Keeping on. No worries. Stay Safe.


Morlamaw EAC: 14 KAC: 15 sp 14, hp 16, rp 4 Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2 ! Mechanic 3

good luck & stay safe!


| Dustbound Scenery & Maps D19 | Table 2 Scenery & Maps | | Table 3 Maps & Handouts | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Lucid Dreaming Handout

Power is back on. I'll get a post out before I head to bed.


Morlamaw EAC: 14 KAC: 15 sp 14, hp 16, rp 4 Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2 ! Mechanic 3

I am into Stamina only so the resolve point is all I need.


I know you took the brunt of it, but didn't realize you got into hp!

Santos Peregrino wrote:
Santos gladly takes the opportunity for a rest, and uses the time to administer a few serums of healing. [dice=mk1 serum of healing]1d8[dice=mk1 serum of healing]1d8

If you need another serum I have a couple.


He/Him Human Soldier 3 | E21/K22 | SP 24/24 HP 25/25 R 4/4 |F +4 R +4 W +3 | Init. +7 | Perc. +3

Santos is back up to full after two serums. I think Valamir might be into hitpoints.


He/Him Human Soldier 3 | E21/K22 | SP 24/24 HP 25/25 R 4/4 |F +4 R +4 W +3 | Init. +7 | Perc. +3
Hanmi Booki wrote:

I know you took the brunt of it, but didn't realize you got into hp!

Yeah, it took three hits from the swarm and one from the worms to get him into hp.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Lambent Vesk Solarian 1 /SP 0 HP 10 / RP 3/ EAC 15(16); KAC 15(16) / Fort +4; Ref +0; Will +2

Hey all, I am taking my Wife and Daughter camping for the weekend. Won't really be back til Monday late. So, BOT me if you need too. No stress.

Take care!

Shadow Lodge Contributor

No worries and have fun!


| Dustbound Scenery & Maps D19 | Table 2 Scenery & Maps | | Table 3 Maps & Handouts | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Lucid Dreaming Handout

Heya gang! I predict that we will be wrapping up here in the next few days, depending on how well your dice like you in this combat. Note that there is one final semi-important RP encounter between this scene and the conclusion that can have an effect on your chronicle sheets, so please check this game over the weekend if you can?

Also, please double-check that your information on here is correct for when I report the game, and let me know if your slotted faction is different than your "default" one - the last time I ran a PbP SFS game we just reported using whatever the default was for each character, so I didn't even remember to ask with how nuts I was going in the aftermath of "live" PaizoCon. I am sorry for the erratic posting schedule I've "maintained" during this one, but hopefully that didn't detract from your enjoyment of the game too much! :)


Male Lambent Vesk Solarian 1 /SP 0 HP 10 / RP 3/ EAC 15(16); KAC 15(16) / Fort +4; Ref +0; Will +2

Not to be a rebel, but this RP event coming up is something I would like to mention. I would like to go for one of the not typical results with regards to this adventure.


| Dustbound Scenery & Maps D19 | Table 2 Scenery & Maps | | Table 3 Maps & Handouts | ◆ | ◆◆ | ◆◆◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Lucid Dreaming Handout

I'd like it for people to make decisions in-character as best fits their PC. Unless I missed something (and please correct me if I did), nobody notified me of any replays being used (pursuant to the Starfinder Society Guide to Organized Play) for this adventure as players or GMs. But even than, I would hope that nobody would spoil anything story-related.

Thanks, and look for an in-game post shortly!


Male Lambent Vesk Solarian 1 /SP 0 HP 10 / RP 3/ EAC 15(16); KAC 15(16) / Fort +4; Ref +0; Will +2

No worries Mr. GM. This is not a replay for this character or anything like that.

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