Black Rain in the Shadows of Seattle, 2060

Game Master Tilnar

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It's Seattle in 2060, and things are darker than ever before. The world's gone to drek in a handbasket, if that basket's woven out of tainted soy and rotting dreams. The Big D's gone, and so is most of Chicago, and what's left belongs to the bugs. The Arcology's closed up tighter than an exec lost in the Barrens 'n surrounded by a Troll biker gang... yet somehow, the rich and powerful manage to keep their wealth and power, and ain't none of it dripping down to you, no matter what D's will said. Heck, even the urban legends are forced to ask for help...

...and that's where you come in. Time to earn your cred, chummer.

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Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Onyx uses her slender frame to slip between the door and the frame, then steps over the wire.

On closer inspection, the wire appears to have started out as part of the frame of the now-shredded chair. It's been deliberately looped and tied around a support post on one side -- and the other goes into what looks to be a pile of broken chair bits, mostly wooden frame.

She finds herself standing in what was, before the destruction of its furniture - the "living area" of a decent, though spartan, studio apartment. The open bathroom door is in front of her - a pair of knocked-over barstools next to a raised island to her right marking off the kitchenette -- and her elven sight lets her clearly see a bed in the darkness farther down the right-hand wall.

F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

"Everyone stop a moment. Don't try to come in."

"The wire goes into a pile of chair splinters. Should I try to clear the splinters away, see if there is any kind of device hidden there?" 0nyx kneels to look closer at the debris the wire leads into, keeping her hands well back.

"If it were a trip wire device, it would have gone off when we hit the wire with the door. Maybe it is something set to explode - or sound an alarm - when the wire is cut? Is that possible?"

At this moment, 0nyx wishes she had studied more about mechanics.

Athletics (TN 5): 5d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 6, 6, 2) = 20

Danny pauses, one leg half over the wire, then skips over it.

"Could be either. Not my area of expertise"

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Onyx looks at the wire -- the side going under the furniture, and sees that it's connected to what appears to be a grenade -- and that the pin was partially pulled. Looks like the grenade moved slightly when the door was opened, preventing the explosion -- although it might also be that whoever planted this didn't factor in the reduced weight of the door, either.

F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

0nyx eeps slightly and carefully takes hold of the grenade, seating the pin solidly and holding it there with both hands. "When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is no longer our friend. Somebody wanna detach that wire?"

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Stealth: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 2) = 7
Figment slides through the door carefully, just in case of other surprises, then looks at Onyx's little care package. "Well, now, I reckon it's a fine thing we're dealing with amateurs. That woulda right hurt -- and the solid door woulda prolly sent the blast back at us to double our pleasure."

The elf pulls out a short-bladed knife, which begins to hum in his hands, "Hold the pin, just in case.", he says before bringing the blade down onto the wire, cutting through it.

F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

0nyx holds the pin with one hand while detaching the wire with the other, then holds the grenade out to Danny. "Can you use this? My gift to you."

Male Ork Street Samurai

"Is it safe to enter?" Raptor asks from his spot just outside the door.

0nyx wrote:
0nyx holds the pin with one hand while detaching the wire with the other, then holds the grenade out to Danny. "Can you use this? My gift to you."

Danny looks at the grenade, purses his lips, then places it in a pocket. "Thanks", he says, dryly, then calls out softly to Raptor: "All clear, Omae"

F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

0nyx sets her hands on her hips and sighs as she scans the wreckage. "This was a decent place. Hang on a sec, I'm gonna give Jay some "backup," such as it is." She does make the little quote marks in the air.

She sticks her head back out the door into the hall. "Hey, Eyes, go back out the way we came and track down Jay somewhere on this block or the street out front. If he is with someone else, stay invisible, listen to the conversation for five minutes, then come back here and tell me what they said. If any trouble starts, come back immediately. If Jay is alone, tell him that the rest of us are in the apartment and return here with him."

The manual says "A watcher can track down any person or place known to its summoner," so I assume that with specifying the way back out and the search area, Eyes should be able to find Jay quickly.

Back inside, 0nyx opens her perceptions and searches for the impression on the coin, or any other psychic impression in the place.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060
0nyx wrote:
The manual says "A watcher can track down any person or place known to its summoner," so I assume that with specifying the way back out and the search area, Eyes should be able to find Jay quickly.

Tracking something down takes hours, per the rest of the paragraph. Going where you told it to go, isn't a problem. Finding someone if they aren't there, that's back to Astral Tracking. (The "courier" task describes how that goes...) -- So, you can send him to where you think Jay is, but that's about it.

Also, I'll take a nice Assensing test for the other bit, please. ;)

F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

Yeah, I'm hoping that by being super specific, I'm narrowing it down enough for the little guy that it doesn't take much time.

Assensing, TN4: 6d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 3, 2, 2, 5) = 21
Aura reading, Complementary: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4

Only 3 successes.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060
0nyx wrote:
Yeah, I'm hoping that by being super specific, I'm narrowing it down enough for the little guy that it doesn't take much time.

Sadly, it's binary. Either he's where you told the little guy, or it's off to Astral Tracking and.... how many hours do you have left?


Astral Space in here seems clean and ordered -- clearly, the ward around the apartment is also keeping out the emotional turmoil out there. That said, there's a lingering after-effect, a sense of urgency, still pressed into the stuff of Astral space here -- though how long that's been lingering isn't clear -- but, wait! That's a real astral imprint -- someone was feeling pressed for time when they slung a spell here... a detection spell, you think, though while you've got just enough of the little jerk's astral signature (again, amateur didn't wipe it away), the spell itself has almost completely unraveled.

As you're studying that, your mind starts to tug at you, and it's then that you realize that the bathroom's walls are glowing softly, as if they are also astrally active.

Figment sits next to the wreckage and pulls a pair of wires from the bag he's been carrying, plugging one into a slot next to the smashed Trid, and then pulls his hair out of the way to plug the other into the datajack behind his ear. "Ceart, feicfimid cad atá ar siúl anseo," he mutters.

If Danny and Raptor are searching, please let me know. Also, is anyone watching the door?

Danny will watch the door.

F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

0nyx drifts towards the bathroom, still inspecting things in the astral, then stops.

"Raptor, do you see any nasty surprises between me and the bathroom, or in the bathroom?"

Male Ork Street Samurai

”Could be more traps. Let me look,” Raptor offers. He trains his enhanced eyes on the path leading to the bathroom and looks for any signs of danger or meaningful clues as to what happened here.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Assuming people are searching, I'll need perception (intelligence) tests to notice stuff.

F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

0nyx follows Raptor towards the bathroom, stopping if he says to or if he is blown up.

Perception(Int): 6d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 6, 2, 6, 3) = 23

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Could you kindly re-roll your exploding dice?

Male Ork Street Samurai

Perception (Int): 4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 2, 6) = 14
Explode!: 1d6 ⇒ 1

F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

Explosion!: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10
Super Explody!: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Onyx and Raptor search the bathroom, when Raptor notes that there's something wrong. The room is too small - at least, compared to the rest of the apartment. As he's about to say something, Onyx notes that the back seam in the plastivinyl shower is actually hiding a hinge, and that the whole back wall could fold like an old-style closet door...

She also notes small scratches on the wall around the showerhead -- which she surmises probably acts as the door release.

F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

0nyx points out the hingy things and showerhead to her brother, then backs out of the room to let him open it, stepping to the side of the door frame for a little cover.

She's not the muscle here.

Male Ork Street Samurai

”Ah! Good eye!” Raptor remarks. ”Clearly I paid too much for mine.”

He attempts to activate the latch for the hidden door.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Raptor turns the showerhead, and hears the hiss of a pressurized seal releasing as the back wall of the shower shifts slightly -- creating a space about the size of his finger between the two walls. Pulling it back, he's suddenly given the impression of a kid in a candy store -- or, more accurately, a street sammy in a gunshop -- as he finds two large weapon racks -- one filled with long guns, the other with SMGs and pistols. Bins below the racks have a number of filled clips, labelled "Reg", "EX", "APDS" and "Inc". Above, there are a number of bins with old-style non-aerodynamic grenades (not unlike the one left as a surprise), labelled "Off-HE", "Def-HE", "Off-Conc", "Def-Conc" and "Smoke".

F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

0nyx peers around the doorframe, says hmmm, and goes to the apartment door, tapping the Glassman on the shoulder and motioning towards the bathroom. "I think that's more your speed than mine. I'll keep watch."

She stations herself just outside the doorway in case Eyes returns with news.

"Cool". Danny walks into the bathroom to join Raptor, giving a low whistle as he sees the arsenal.

"Ready for a small war, huh?"

Male Ork Street Samurai

Raptor's eyes go wide at the small arsenal. With a trained eye, he looks over the weapons for anything of note - in particular, he wants to see if the gun their Mr. Johnson was seeking is here.

Firearms Knowledge: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 5) = 12

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Raptor identifies a Walther MA-2100 Sniper Rifle, 3 Colt M-23 Assault Rifles, and Ares Alpha Combat Gun, 4 Ingram Smartguns, 2 Ingram Supermach 100s, 2 Steyr TMPs, 3 Ares Predator III, a Ruger Thunderbolt and 2 Colt Manhunters -- or, rather, one and another gun that seems a match to the one Guardian showed you earlier.

All of the weapons show some signs of having been modified and have been very well maintained.

F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

"Remember, they're our friend's. It's not a bunch of freebies," 0nyx reminds the militant pair.

Male Human


Spoken like a man on camera, Tai. Jay frowns and contemplates whether the others have had enough time to conceal any identifying objects about Guardian, or whether they'd think to do so. In any event he feels he's given them the time they need, and he's run out of bluffs.

"Tai, I told Zhizao that I would look after my client's interests. So I will. Let's go to the safe house."

Jay turns on his heel to retrace their steps.

Feel free to re-insert us into the scene at the safe house whenever you feel appropriate. Jay will have walked him three blocks out of te way.

Male Ork Street Samurai

Raptor nods at 0nyx. ”Well, this looks like it could be the gun she wanted retrieved,” he says, grabbing the gun. ”But is this a secure place for the rest of it? She was fortunate that whoever was in this place didn’t find this stash.”

"Yeah. I'm not saying we keep it, but even if it was safe, it probably ain't now. Has she somewhere else we can shift it to?"

He pauses, thinking.

"Though we'll need something better than a couple of bikes if we're going to take it all out of here"

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060


You start the walk back, not necessarily rushing, but no longer leading him on a wild goose chase.

Figment mutters something from the corner in Sperethiel or Gaelic or something that isn't English or Cityspeak, his tone one of amusement. It's a full twenty seconds later when he speaks in a lyrical brogue, "So, 'twould seem that someone's got good softs, but not the skill to use 'em right. I've... got video."

F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

"Nice." 0nyx grins at Figment,then calls softly to the weapons locker duo. "We've got nowhere to conceal the things from Jay's new friends, either. I'd say, let's take the one we were sent for and seal up the rest. The hidden case worked so far."

0nyx looks around for Eyes once more. "Hey, someone want to watch the door so I can keep looking? I don't know why they'd leave the other stuff here, but it's worth a look since you guys found something."

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Ok, there's still a kitchen, the shredded remains of the living room, and the bedroom in the far corner (of course, other than the walls around the bathroom, they're all the same space, really, with only the kitchen counter and cupboard breaking things up) -- where are you looking?

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Figment says, his voice distant and accent thick, "Four. No trolls or dwarves. At least one woman based on the curves. Violet Leather, like bikers, but... not. Wannabes, maybe. Thin, maybe elves. No faces, covered in -- wait -- pink mohawk of wirehair just cut through the mask. Amateurs. Shaman cast a spell and the team split, shredding the footrest and heading toward the bedroom..... storage under bed... And just noticed bedroom camera, smashed it. Found a strongbox in the ottoman... Smashing stuff -- including the other camera. Ok, that's it."

He pulls the wire out of his head and sighs, "Downloaded the video - I'll share the file later. They should really have checked for a backup before leaving."

F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

Once someone else is on the door, 0nyx recruits a second pair of eyes in the mundane world to go with her and search for tech-related traps. She searches in the astral, looking for the imprint from the coin.

"Kitchens are always full of junk. Let's check there," she tells her companion.

Male Ork Street Samurai

”I’ll watch the door,” Raptor offers. He stows the custom gun on his person and closes up the secret panel in the bathroom. Then he posts himself by the entrance with a wary eye upon the approach.


Danny moves off with Onyx to check the kitchen.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Perception rolls from the searchers, please. Actually, in the future, just roll if you say you're searching. I can always ignore the rolls if something stops you or there's something so obvious just the act of looking does it. ;)

Perception (int): 2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8

F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

Assensing in the astral, perceiving in the mundane for splody stuff.
Assensing: 6d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 2, 2, 1, 5) = 20
Aura reading, Complementary: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
Perception(Int): 6d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 6, 1, 2, 1) = 15
Assensing explosion: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Preception explosion: 1d6 ⇒ 1

0nyx prowls close behind Glassman, fingertips barely touching his back so she can stop immediately if he does while she looks around.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Danny starts to look through the kitchen, and finds it to be mostly what you'd expect - working microwave, a few spoons and forks, a sink, some knives -- wait -- one of those is a vibroblade (not unlike Figment's) -- and a fridge literally full of soymeals and a variety of flavour-packs. Most of the drawers are empty -- whether they always were, or it's been ransacked is hard to tell. There is, however, another grenade - a pair to the one on the tripline, inside the microwave -- and Glassman's suddenly glad he didn't turn it on first.

The astral imprint of the detection spell still lingers in the kitchen, but otherwise, astral space in the kitchen is much the same as in the remains of the living room and inside the bathroom. In the meat-world, however, you note that there are scrapes on the facade of the lower cabinets -- specifically below the two bottom drawers on each.

F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

0nyx makes a disgruntled noise that might be disappointment.

She lays a hand gently on Glassman's arm and points to scrapes on the facades of the cabinets, below the two bottom drawers of each.

"Is that something we should check out... carefully?" she suggests. "I don't see anything magical there."

Male Human

Thought I posted late last week. Here goes again.


Jay addresses Tai as they walk back, but this time he is talking for the camera. "I hope you see that I was merely protecting my client's anonymity and meant no disrespect. I sincerely hope that nothing of that sort will be required again."

He can't help but switch back to a more personal mode with Tai. "So what have you got going? Zhenzao said that you had special talents in the investigation line. "

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060


Tai nods, "Your loyalty is noted. Admirable, in fact. We could certainly make use of a dedicated individual such as yourself."

Tai shrugs, "I am now the Sin Fung of the Triad. It is my responsibility to recruit... and, more importantly, to ensure the loyalty of new recruits. Unfortunately, not all recruits that my predecessor brought in fully met that standard, and so it was important that someone learn how to study the signs to determine what actually happened... and to track down those responsible, should they try to hide."

0nyx wrote:

0nyx makes a disgruntled noise that might be disappointment.

She lays a hand gently on Glassman's arm and points to scrapes on the facades of the cabinets, below the two bottom drawers of each.

"Is that something we should check out... carefully?" she suggests. "I don't see anything magical there."


Danny takes out his knife and probes below the drawers, very carefully indeed.

Lastwall Heroes - Current Date: Toilday, 31 Desnus, 4711 AR | Shadowrun - Current Date: Saturday, March 13, 2060

Danny's probing finds the facing to be solid, but notes that the scratch patterns are vertical, and about a foot apart -- not as far apart as the drawer's face, but probably similar to the actual drawer within.

Danny pulls the drawer out, slowly.

"Stop me if you spot any more, uh, surprises", he says to Onyx.

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