[PACS] Season of Plundered Tombs [MorkXII] (Inactive)

Game Master MorkXII

Turn Order:
Channa Ti/WilderRedbeard

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STR d6 | DEX d8 (Disable +2; Ranged +2) | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d4 | CHA d12 (Knowledge +1; Diplomacy +3) Deck Handler


Will spend hero point on Dex skill feat. Upgrade is Lady Despair (blessing 3).

Seltyiel Deck Handler STR d8 (+3) (Melee +3) | DEX d6 | CON d8 | INT d8 (+3) (Arcane +3) (Craft +1)| WIS d4 | CHA d6

Taking card feat: Item to put the Staff of Heaven and Earth

3-4B - The Battle of Toppled Stones Summary:
Alahazra (Tier 4, 2XP)
Hero Point spent on Card feat. Used: 1 Remaining: 5
Deck Upgrades: Blessing 4
Notes: Card feat: spell

Arueshalae (Tier 4, 2XP)
Hero Point spent on Skill feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 7
Deck Upgrades: Blessing 3
Notes: Skill feat: Dexterity

Athnul (Tier 4, 2XP)
Hero Point spent on Skill feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 7
Deck Upgrades: Blessing 4
Notes: Skill feat: Wisdom [x] +4

Channa Ti (Tier 4, 2XP)
Hero Point spent on Card feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 6
Deck Upgrades: Spell 4
Notes: Card feat: Ally [X] 5

Seltyiel (Tier 4, 2XP)
Hero Point spent on Card feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 7
Deck Upgrades: Item 4
Notes: Card feat: Item

Thargrap (Tier 4, 2XP)
Hero Point spent on Card feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 3
Deck Upgrades: Weapon 4
Notes: Card feat: Armor [X]2

Weapon 4 Mace of Ruin
Spell 4 Eruption
Spell 2 Lightning Bolt
Spell B Acid Splash
Armor 1 Burglar's Buckler
Item B Seer’s Tea
Item B Twitch Tonic
Ally 3 Reed Moccasin
Ally 1 Azaz Arafe and Zazu
Blessing B Blessing of Nethys
Blessing B Blessing of the Ancients
Blessing B Blessing of the Elements

Seltyiel Deck Handler STR d8 (+3) (Melee +3) | DEX d6 | CON d8 | INT d8 (+3) (Arcane +3) (Craft +1)| WIS d4 | CHA d6

Hero Point

Weapon 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 221
Spell 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 358

Replace banished Gods with Abadar's Law


Spell 4 1d1 ⇒ 1: Death's Touch (Arcane)

Blessing 3: Our Lord in Iron (Smash)
Ally 4: Sklar-quah Thundercaller (Smash)
Ally 3: Djinn (Support) (maybe with 3rd Ally feat)
Spell 3: Chain Lightning (Arcane)

Skill feat: Strength + 4.

Channa Ti's Deck Handler Female Half-Elf Druid

Scenario 4C Rewards:
Spend hero point on skill feat: Intelligence +1
Pass on loot cards.

Deck Upgrade:
Spell 2: 1d1000 ⇒ 233 Cauterize
Spell 4: 1d1 ⇒ 1 Eruption

Alahazra deck

Scenario 4C Rewards

Tier 4, XP 3

Spending my hero point on skill feat: Charisma

Used 0 hero points, Total of 5 hero points.

Loot I'm interested in continuing to use:

Card Upgrades:
Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 660 Death's Touch (curse) to replace sphere of fire

On the Hunt for:
Blessing 4

STR d6 | DEX d8 (Disable +2; Ranged +2) | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d4 | CHA d12 (Knowledge +1; Diplomacy +3) Deck Handler

Will spend hero point on card feat. Choice of card feat depends on card upgrades.

Card upgrades:

Weapon 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 210
Ally 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 577


Deck Handler Human Monk Str: d6+1 (Melee+2) | Dex: d6 | Con d10+2 (Fort +2) | Int d4 | Wis d10+4 (perception +2) (Divine +3)| Cha d6

Hero point: Card Feat: Spell [x] 1 -> Heat Metal

Pass on card upgrades.

STR d6 | DEX d8 (Disable +2; Ranged +2) | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d4 | CHA d12 (Knowledge +1; Diplomacy +3) Deck Handler

Shae will use hero point on Ally card feat (upgraded to Raccoon, Ally 3). 7 hero points remaining.

3-4C - The Choked Tunnel Summary:
Alahazra (Tier 4, 3XP)
Hero Point spent on Skill feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 5
Deck Upgrades: Spell 4
Notes: Skill feat: Charisma

Arueshalae (Tier 4, 3XP)
Hero Point spent on Card feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 7
Deck Upgrades: Ally 3
Notes: Card feat: ally

Athnul (Tier 4, 3XP)
Hero Point spent on Card feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 7
Deck Upgrades: none
Notes: ard Feat: Spell [x] 1

Channa Ti (Tier 4, 3XP)
Hero Point spent on Skill feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 6
Deck Upgrades: Spell 2
Notes: Skill feat: Intelligence +1

Seltyiel (Tier 4, 3XP)
Hero Point spent on Skill feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 7
Deck Upgrades: Weapon 4
Notes: Skill feat: Strength

Thargrap (Tier 4, 3XP)
Hero Point spent on Skill feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 3
Deck Upgrades: none
Notes: Skill feat: Strength + 4.

Weapon 4 Mace of Ruin
Weapon 4 Striking Wing Scimitar
Weapon 4 Thousand Stings Whip
Spell 1 Flames of the Faithful
Spell 1 Sands of Time
Armor 2 Hide Armor of Fire Resistance
Item 4 Necklace of Fireballs
Item 1 Embalming Fluid
Ally 4 Maftet Hunter
Ally 3 Sedja
Ally C Pard
Ally C Stone Weasel
Blessing B Blessing of Ra
Blessing B Blessing of the Ancients

Tier 4, 4 XP
Save hero point, 4 remaining.

Pass on deck upgrades.

Future stuff:
Spell 4: Death's Touch (Arcane)
Blessing 3: Our Lord in Iron (Smash)
Ally 4: Sklar-quah Thundercaller (Smash)
Ally 3: Djinn (Support)
Spell 3: Chain Lightning (Arcane)
Armor 4: Bearskin Armor (Smash)

STR d6 | DEX d8 (Disable +2; Ranged +2) | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d4 | CHA d12 (Knowledge +1; Diplomacy +3) Deck Handler

Saving hero point (8 remaining).

Card upgrades:

Weapon 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 203
Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 813


Deck Handler Human Monk Str: d6+1 (Melee+2) | Dex: d6 | Con d10+2 (Fort +2) | Int d4 | Wis d10+4 (perception +2) (Divine +3)| Cha d6

Save hero point

Item 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 526
Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 449

Alahazra deck

Scenario 4D Rewards

Tier 4, XP 4

Used 0 hero points, saving hero point, Total of 6 hero points now.

Loot I'm interested in continuing to use:

Card Upgrades:

On the Hunt for:
Blessing 4

Channa Ti's Deck Handler Female Half-Elf Druid

Scenario 4D Rewards:
Save hero point.
Pass on loot.

Deck Upgrade:
Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 689 Vampire Squid

STR d6 | DEX d8 (Disable +2; Ranged +2) | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d4 | CHA d12 (Knowledge +1; Diplomacy +3) Deck Handler

Saturday night's alright for booning?: 1d20 ⇒ 9 - not this Saturday, unfortunately

Alahazra deck

Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 13

Seltyiel Deck Handler STR d8 (+3) (Melee +3) | DEX d6 | CON d8 | INT d8 (+3) (Arcane +3) (Craft +1)| WIS d4 | CHA d6

Hero Point
Bank - 8


Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 16

Replace my Banished Gods with The Rakshasa

Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 15

3-4D - Spinel’s Grave Summary:
Alahazra (Tier 4, 4XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 6
Deck Upgrades: none

Arueshalae (Tier 4, 4XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 8
Deck Upgrades: Weapon 4

Athnul (Tier 4, 4XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 8
Deck Upgrades: Item 4

Channa Ti (Tier 4, 4XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 7
Deck Upgrades: Ally 4

Seltyiel (Tier 4, 4XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 8
Deck Upgrades: none

Thargrap (Tier 4, 4XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 4
Deck Upgrades: none

Channa Ti's Deck Handler Female Half-Elf Druid

4D Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 4 No dice

Weapon 3 Disrupting Rapier +1
Armor 4 Steel Ibis Lamellar
Item 1 Anubis Staff
Ally 4 Maftet Hunter
Ally 3 Clockwork Menial
Ally B Marianix Karn
Ally C Stone Weasel
Ally B Ubashki
Blessing B Blessing of Pharasma

Tier 5, 0 XP
1 Hero point spent.
Save hero point, 4 remaining.
Card feat: Ally

Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 412 Sklar-quah Thundercaller (Smash)
Armor 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 947 Bearskin Armor (Smash)

Future stuff:
Spell 4: Death's Touch (Arcane)
Blessing 3: Our Lord in Iron (Smash)
Ally 3: Djinn (Support)
Spell 3: Chain Lightning (Arcane)

Seltyiel Deck Handler STR d8 (+3) (Melee +3) | DEX d6 | CON d8 | INT d8 (+3) (Arcane +3) (Craft +1)| WIS d4 | CHA d6

Bank Hero Point - 9

No upgrades.

Bonus Card Feat: Spell. Add Embiggen.

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Boon, please?: 1d20 ⇒ 15

STR d6 | DEX d8 (Disable +2; Ranged +2) | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d4 | CHA d12 (Knowledge +1; Diplomacy +3) Deck Handler

Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 2

Save hero point (8 remaining).

Card upgrades:

Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 788 (Skoan-quah Boneslayer)

Taking an ally for the bonus card feat (adventure reward).

7-4E ACQUIRED CARDS: (after Thargrap and CT's pulls)
Weapon 3 Disrupting Rapier +1
Armor 4 Steel Ibis Lamellar
Item 4 Necklace of Fireballs
Item 3 Wand of Scorching Ray
Item 1 Anubis Staff
Ally 4 Maftet Hunter
Ally 3 Clockwork Menial
Ally B Marianix Karn
Ally C Stone Weasel
Ally B Ubashki
Blessing B Blessing of Pharasma

Channa Ti's Deck Handler Female Half-Elf Druid

Scenario 4E Rewards:
Save hero point.
Choose Item for draw.
Tier up to 5.

Adventure 5 Rewards:
Card Feat: Blessing [X] 3
Add Blessing of Nivi Rhombodazzle to empty blessing spot.

Deck Upgrade:
Item 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 233 Balmberry Bush
Item 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 645 Bloody Mandrake

4E Boon roll: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Alahazra deck

Scenario 4E Rewards

Tier 4, XP 5

Used 1 hero points, saving hero point, Total of 6 hero points now.

Card Feat: Ally

Loot I'm interested in continuing to use:

Card Upgrades:
Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 477

On the Hunt for:
Blessing 4
Spell 5
Armor 5
Item 5
Ally 5
Blessing 5

Boon roll:

Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 17

STR d6 | DEX d8 (Disable +2; Ranged +2) | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d4 | CHA d12 (Knowledge +1; Diplomacy +3) Deck Handler

A quick note on upgrade interests: Weapon 4, Item 5.


Deck Handler Human Monk Str: d6+1 (Melee+2) | Dex: d6 | Con d10+2 (Fort +2) | Int d4 | Wis d10+4 (perception +2) (Divine +3)| Cha d6

Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 15

Card feat: Item [x] 5: Belt of Physical Prowess.

Bank hero point.

3-4E - The Army Awakens Summary:
Alahazra (Tier 4, 5XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 1 Remaining: 6
Deck Upgrades: none
Notes: Card feat: Ally

Arueshalae (Tier 4, 5XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 8
Deck Upgrades: Ally 4
Notes: Card feat: Ally

Athnul (Tier 4, 5XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 9
Deck Upgrades: none
Notes: Card feat: Item

Channa Ti (Tier 4, 5XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 8
Deck Upgrades: Item 4
Notes: Card feat: Blessing

Seltyiel (Tier 4, 5XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 9
Deck Upgrades: none
Notes: Card feat: Spell

Thargrap (Tier 4, 5XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 1 Remaining: 4
Deck Upgrades: Armor 4
Notes: Card featL Ally

Weapon 5 Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2
Spell 1 Commune
Item 4 Jet of Anubis
Ally B Mumia Smugglers
Ally B Ubashki
Blessing 5 Blessing of the Lady of Graves
Blessing 1 Blessing of Thoth
Blessing B Blessing of Ra
Blessing B Blessing of the Ancients

Alahazra deck

Scenario 5A Rewards

Tier 5, XP 1

Used 0 hero points, spending hero point on feat, Total of 6 hero points.

Power Feat: Hand Size +1

Loot I'm interested in continuing to use:

Card Upgrades:
Blessing 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 84

On the Hunt for:
Blessing 4
Spell 5
Armor 5
Item 5
Ally 5
Blessing 5 (if i didn't get it this scenario)

Not sure if we need to do a boon roll. ignore if n/a:
Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 2

Seltyiel Deck Handler STR d8 (+3) (Melee +3) | DEX d6 | CON d8 | INT d8 (+3) (Arcane +3) (Craft +1)| WIS d4 | CHA d6

Hero Point
Power Feat: Reload spells recovered from discards

Blessing 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 854
Weapon 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 563

I was tempted to take a card feat just for the Loot Ally, and I still might.

Boon Meh: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Channa Ti's Deck Handler Female Half-Elf Druid

Scenario 5A Rewards:
Spend Hero Point on Power Feat: "You may recharge a card that has the Liquid or Magic trait to reduce Acid or Fire (or Poison) damage dealt to you([X] or a character at your location) to 0"
Not interested in the loot Ally.

Deck Upgrades:
No upgrades this time.

Boon maybe?: 1d20 ⇒ 3

STR d6 | DEX d8 (Disable +2; Ranged +2) | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d4 | CHA d12 (Knowledge +1; Diplomacy +3) Deck Handler

Hero point spent on power feat: Hand size +1 (7 total)

Card upgrades:

Weapon 5: 1d1 ⇒ 1 - would be used on a weapon 4

Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 14


Deck Handler Human Monk Str: d6+1 (Melee+2) | Dex: d6 | Con d10+2 (Fort +2) | Int d4 | Wis d10+4 (perception +2) (Divine +3)| Cha d6

Hero point spent on power feat [x] When you attempt a check to defeat a barrier, you may use your Fortitude skill instead of any listed skill.

Item 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 357 -> Headband of inspired wisdom
Blessing 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 205 -> Blessing of Norborger

Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 8

Power feat: [X]When you defeat a monster, you may heal a card or remove 1 of your scourges.

No Deck upgrades.

Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 12

3-5A - Race for the Sky Pyramid Summary:
Alahazra (Tier 5, 1XP)
Hero Point spent on Power feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 6
Deck Upgrades: Blessing 5
Notes: Power feat: Hand Size +1

Arueshalae (Tier 5, 1XP)
Hero Point spent on Power feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 8
Deck Upgrades: none
Notes: Power feat: Hand Size 7

Athnul (Tier 5, 1XP)
Hero Point spent on Power feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 9
Deck Upgrades: Item 4
Notes: Power feat: [x] When you attempt a check to defeat a barrier, you may use your Fortitude skill instead of any listed skill.

Channa Ti (Tier 5, 1XP)
Hero Point spent on Power feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 8
Deck Upgrades: none
Notes: Power feat: ([X] or a character at your location)

Seltyiel (Tier 5, 1XP)
Hero Point spent on Power feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 9
Deck Upgrades: Weapon 5
Notes: Power Feat: Reload spells recovered from discards

Thargrap (Tier 5, 1XP)
Hero Point spent on Power feat. Used: 2 Remaining: 2
Deck Upgrades: none
Notes: Power feat: [X]When you defeat a monster, you may heal a card or remove 1 of your scourges.

Channa Ti's Deck Handler Female Half-Elf Druid

Scenario 5B Rewards:
Spend hero point on card feat: Spell [X] 7
2 hero points spent that scenario, 5 total remaining.
Choose Armor to add to the acquired cards.

Deck Upgrades:
Spell 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 41 Aspect of the Tiger
Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 432 Moose
Armor 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 422 Bearskin Armor
Blessing 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 473 Blessing of the Everbloom
Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 548 Bear

Acquired Cards (updated):
Weapon 5 Galvanic Kopis +2
Weapon 5 Iceblade Spelldagger
Weapon 4 Spellsword +2
Weapon 3 Dagger of Doubling
Weapon 3 Shocking Scimitar +2
Weapon 3 Staff of Uraeus
Spell 5 Icy Prison
Spell 4 Whip of Centipedes
Spell 3 Mistform
Spell 1 Flames of the Faithful
Spell B Acute Senses
Spell B Find Traps
Armor 5 Aegis of Recovery
Armor 3 Khamsin Coat
Armor 2 Canopic Wrap
Armor 2 Tooled Crocodile Skin
Armor 1 Bone Lamellar
Armor 1 Burglar's Buckler
Item 4 Sunrod
Item 3 Staff of Revelations
Item B Alchemist's Kit
Item B Brilliance of Ra
Item B Healer's Kit
Item B Kohl of Uncanny Discernment
Item B Potion of Energy Resistance
Ally/Loot 5 Khai-Utef
Ally 4 Ausetitha
Ally 1 Azaz Arafe and Zazu
Blessing 5 Blessing of the Lady of Graves
Blessing 4 Blessing of Anubis
Blessing 1 Blessing of Thoth
Blessing 1 Blessing of Thoth
Blessing B Blessing of Pharasma
Blessing B Blessing of the Elements

Skill feat: Charisma +1

Spell 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 13 Scrying

Seltyiel Deck Handler STR d8 (+3) (Melee +3) | DEX d6 | CON d8 | INT d8 (+3) (Arcane +3) (Craft +1)| WIS d4 | CHA d6

Hero Point
Card Feat: Ally

Ally 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 982
Blessing 5: 1d1 ⇒ 1
Armor 5: 1d1 ⇒ 1

STR d6 | DEX d8 (Disable +2; Ranged +2) | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d4 | CHA d12 (Knowledge +1; Diplomacy +3) Deck Handler

One hero point spent (7 remaining).

Hero point spent on Item card feat: Swallowtail Bracers (item 3).


Weapon 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 955

Alahazra deck

Scenario 5B Rewards

Tier 5, XP 2

Used 0 hero points, spending hero point on feat, Total of 6 hero points.

Card Feat: Armor

Loot I'm interested in continuing to use:

Card Upgrades:
Spell 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 25
Armor 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 662
Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 697
Blessing 5: 1d1 ⇒ 1 (using for a blessing 4)

On the Hunt for:
Blessing 4
Spell 5
Item 5
Ally 5


Deck Handler Human Monk Str: d6+1 (Melee+2) | Dex: d6 | Con d10+2 (Fort +2) | Int d4 | Wis d10+4 (perception +2) (Divine +3)| Cha d6

Hero point on skill feat: Con +1

Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 865
Blessing 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 682
Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 857

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