[PACS] Season of Plundered Tombs [MorkXII] (Inactive)

Game Master MorkXII

Turn Order:
Channa Ti/WilderRedbeard

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STR d6 | DEX d8 (Disable +2; Ranged +2) | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d4 | CHA d12 (Knowledge +1; Diplomacy +3) Deck Handler

Arueshalae: 337921-1016. Using Ranged, Smash, and Support packets.

Rewards and boons used:

SoPluTo: When you visit a trader, you may also visit (and trade with) the trader Sunburst Market.

Tyrant of the Harrow boon: [][][]: Undaunted Guardian: When you attempt to guard your location, check a box preceding this reward to automatically succeed.

Dragon’s Demand: Swapping in Incitation blessing (swapping out Orison 2). (Unless someone else wants this.)

SoTT: When you draw your starting hand, you may draw an extra card and recharge a card.

YoRR: Each player chooses one of their PACS characters. That character may treat the following cards as 1 level lower: spells Deathgrip, Divine Blaze, Holy Javelin, Holy Light, Vampiric Touch; items Ambrosia, White War Paint; weapons Mace of Smiting, all weapons whose name includes "Deathbane."

YoRR 6E (capstone): Start with a hero point, which I’ll use immediately on an early power feat: hand size 6.

SotRune: Runewell’s Echo blessing

Alahazra 50759-1039 Using Oracle and Ultimate Magic class decks.

Rewards and boons used: TBD (will post this later after im done building her)

Channa Ti's Deck Handler Female Half-Elf Druid

Channa Ti: 341641-1011
Using Druid CD & Ultimate Wilderness
I will be applying the following boons to this character:
SoTT Promo Scenario 6F Reward: "Each player chooses 1 of her Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild characters. When that character draws her starting hand, she may draw an extra card, then recharge a card."
SoPluTo Adventure Path Reward: "Chose 1 of your Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild characters. That character may treat the loot Blessing of the Sages as if it is in her Class Deck box."


Deck Handler Human Monk Str: d6+1 (Melee+2) | Dex: d6 | Con d10+2 (Fort +2) | Int d4 | Wis d10+4 (perception +2) (Divine +3)| Cha d6

Athnul: # 332619-1004
Monk Class deck and Nature and Finesse Packs

Boons TBD

Seltyiel Deck Handler STR d8 (+3) (Melee +3) | DEX d6 | CON d8 | INT d8 (+3) (Arcane +3) (Craft +1)| WIS d4 | CHA d6

Seltyiel: #341212-1013
Magus Class deck, Arcane and Tank adventure packs

Boon:▫▫▫ Undaunted Guardian: When you attempt to guard your location, check a box that precedes this reward to automatically succeed.

Tier 1, 1 XP
Power feat: [X] You may banish a boon to draw a card; this power cannot be used during an encounter. (When you gain this feat, also check a feat box on your cohort Blood God Nulgreth.)
Nulgreth feat: [X] When you encounter a monster, reload to ignore its before or after acting power.

Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 929 Staff of Minor Healing (Smash)
Ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 153 Bound Imp (Arcane)

Seltyiel Deck Handler STR d8 (+3) (Melee +3) | DEX d6 | CON d8 | INT d8 (+3) (Arcane +3) (Craft +1)| WIS d4 | CHA d6

Skill feat: Intelligence

Pass on Upgrades.

STR d6 | DEX d8 (Disable +2; Ranged +2) | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d4 | CHA d12 (Knowledge +1; Diplomacy +3) Deck Handler

Spend hero point on Dexterity skill feat.

Card upgrades:

Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 800 - White War Paint (is level 1 from reward)
Ally 1: 1d1 ⇒ 1 - Gentleman Explorer


Deck Handler Human Monk Str: d6+1 (Melee+2) | Dex: d6 | Con d10+2 (Fort +2) | Int d4 | Wis d10+4 (perception +2) (Divine +3)| Cha d6

Skill feat: Wisdom

Ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 545 - Priest of Abadar

Channa Ti's Deck Handler Female Half-Elf Druid

Scenario 1A Rewards:
Spend hero point on Power Feat: "You may discard a card to add 1d8 to your check that invokes the Acid or Cold ([X] or Electricity or Poison) trait.."

Deck Upgrade:
Blessing 0: 1d1000 ⇒ 585 Blessing of Gozreh

Alahazra deck

Spend hero point on Power feat:
When you play a card that has the Fire (☑ or Poison) and Attack traits on any check, add 1d8.

Adding the following boons/Rewards to Alahazra:

Season 5 reward - Adding Dragon Emissary to my deck

We be Heroes reward - adding Embiggen and The Real Rabbit Prince to my deck

Deck upgrades:
Ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 856 Druid of the Flame
Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 263 Wand of Detect Magic
Ally 0: 1d1000 ⇒ 777 Dragon Emissary

3-1A - Ambush at Burning Cape Summary:
Alahazra (Tier 1, 1XP)
Hero Point spent on Power feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 0
Deck Upgrades: Ally 1
Notes: Power feat: ([X] or Poison). Applying Season 5 reward (Dragon Emissary). Applying WBH reward (Embiggen and The Real Rabbit Prince).

Arueshalae (Tier 1, 1XP)
Hero Point spent on Skill feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 0
Deck Upgrades: none
Notes: Skill feat: Dexterity +1. Aplying 3-P reward. Applying Undaunted Guardian boon. Applying 5-6F reward. Applying season 6 reward. Applying 6-6E reward (Hero point used for Hand Size 6). Applying Season 2 reward (Runewell's Echo).

Athnul (Tier 1, 1XP)
Hero Point spent on Skill feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 0
Deck Upgrades: none
Notes: Skill feat: Wisdom +1

Channa Ti (Tier 1, 1XP)
Hero Point spent on Power feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 0
Deck Upgrades: Blessing 0
Notes: Power Feat: ([X] or Electricity or Poison). Applying 5-6F reward (When that character draws her starting hand, she may draw an extra card, then recharge a card). Applying Season 3 reward: (Blessing of the Sages).

Seltyiel (Tier 1, 1XP)
Hero Point spent on Skill feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 0
Deck Upgrades: none
Notes: Skill feat: Intelligence +1. Applying Undaunted Guardian boon.

Thargrap (Tier 1, 1XP)
Hero Point spent on Power feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 0
Deck Upgrades: Item 1
Notes: Power feat: [X] You may banish a boon to draw a card; this power cannot be used during an encounter. (When you gain this feat, also check a feat box on your cohort Blood God Nulgreth.)
Nulgreth feat: [X] When you encounter a monster, reload to ignore its before or after acting power.

Alahazra deck

Spend hero point on Card feat:
Blessing - Blessing of the Gods

Deck upgrades:
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 303 Pyrotechnic Blast
Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 553 Wand of Detect Magic
Ally 0: 1d1000 ⇒ 766 Dragon Emissary

Seltyiel Deck Handler STR d8 (+3) (Melee +3) | DEX d6 | CON d8 | INT d8 (+3) (Arcane +3) (Craft +1)| WIS d4 | CHA d6

Deck Upgrade TBD:

Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 753
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 664
Armor 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 668

STR d6 | DEX d8 (Disable +2; Ranged +2) | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d4 | CHA d12 (Knowledge +1; Diplomacy +3) Deck Handler

Hero point spent on blessing card feat: Sands of the Hour.


Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 653 - White War Paint
Armor 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 268 - Magic Leather Armor


Deck Handler Human Monk Str: d6+1 (Melee+2) | Dex: d6 | Con d10+2 (Fort +2) | Int d4 | Wis d10+4 (perception +2) (Divine +3)| Cha d6

Hero point on card feat: Blessing (Blessing of Cayden Cailean)

Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 718Gem of Physical Prowess

Hero Point: Strength +1

Armor 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 660 Spiked Halfplate
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 192 Frost Ray

Channa Ti's Deck Handler Female Half-Elf Druid

1B Rewards:
Spend hero point on Card Feat: Spell [X] 6

Deck Upgrades:
Ally B: 1d1000 ⇒ 572 Mastiff
Spell B: 1d1000 ⇒ 905 Bloodscent

Seltyiel Deck Handler STR d8 (+3) (Melee +3) | DEX d6 | CON d8 | INT d8 (+3) (Arcane +3) (Craft +1)| WIS d4 | CHA d6

Staff of Minor Healing(Core) replaces Spellguard Bracers.

Taking Power feat
"add 1d6 (☑ 2d6) and that card's traits to the check."

3-1B - This One Time at Aspis Camp Summary:
Alahazra (Tier 1, 2XP)
Hero Point spent on Card feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 0
Deck Upgrades: Spell 1, Ally 0
Notes: Card feat: Blessing

Arueshalae (Tier 1, 2XP)
Hero Point spent on Card feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 0
Deck Upgrades: Item 1
Notes: Card feat: Blessing

Athnul (Tier 1, 2XP)
Hero Point spent on Card feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 0
Deck Upgrades: Item 1
Notes: Card feat: Blessing

Channa Ti (Tier 1, 2XP)
Hero Point spent on Card feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 0
Deck Upgrades: Ally 0, Spell 0
Notes: Card Feat: Spell [X] 6

Seltyiel (Tier 1, 2XP)
Hero Point spent on Power feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 0
Deck Upgrades: Item 1
Notes: Power feat: ([X] 2d6)

Thargrap (Tier 1, 2XP)
Hero Point spent on Skill feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 1
Deck Upgrades: Armor 1
Notes: Skill feat: Strength +1

STR d6 | DEX d8 (Disable +2; Ranged +2) | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d4 | CHA d12 (Knowledge +1; Diplomacy +3) Deck Handler

Banking hero point (took one early with reward, so can't take a feat).


Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 245 - The Paladin
Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 105 - Returning Throwing Axe

Not ranged, so I'll pass on the loot weapon.


Deck Handler Human Monk Str: d6+1 (Melee+2) | Dex: d6 | Con d10+2 (Fort +2) | Int d4 | Wis d10+4 (perception +2) (Divine +3)| Cha d6

Hero point: Hand size (6)

Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 343 -> Desna's Freedom

Might be interested in the loot item.

Alahazra deck

Spent Hero Point on Skill feat: Charisma

Card Upgrades:
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 265 Sphere of Fire
Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 77 Blessing of Abadar

Not interested in the loot.

Seltyiel Deck Handler STR d8 (+3) (Melee +3) | DEX d6 | CON d8 | INT d8 (+3) (Arcane +3) (Craft +1)| WIS d4 | CHA d6

No Interest in Loot.

Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 181
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 413
Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 330

Hero point will be spent in Card Feat pending upgrade received.

Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 959 Giantbane Greataxe (Smash)
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 281 Good Omen (Support)
Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 724 The Trumpet (Smash)
Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 438 The Beating (Smash)
Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 427 The Big Sky (Support)
Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 499 Gorum's Iron (Smash)

Loot Weapon and Loot Armor are both interesting.

Channa Ti's Deck Handler Female Half-Elf Druid

Scenario 1C Rewards:
Spend HP on Skill Feat: Wisdom [X] +1

Deck Upgrade:
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 772 Charm Animal
Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 144 Beaststrike Club
Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 234 Blessing of Milani

I just finished up the promo scenario for Season 3 (with character #341641-1004) and would like to apply the promo scenario reward to Channa Ti: "When playing the Mummy’s Mask Adventure Path, Season of Plundered Tombs, or Season of Factions’ Favor, when any of your characters visits a trader, he may also visit (and trade with) the trader Sunburst Market."

3-1C - Up for a Swim? Summary:
Alahazra (Tier 1, 3XP)
Hero Point spent on Skill feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 1
Deck Upgrades: none
Notes: Skill feat: Charisma

Arueshalae (Tier 1, 3XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 1
Deck Upgrades: none

Athnul (Tier 1, 3XP)
Hero Point spent on Power feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 0
Deck Upgrades: Blessing 1
Notes: Hero point: Hand size (6)

Channa Ti (Tier 1, 3XP)
Hero Point spent on Skill feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 0
Deck Upgrades: Spell 1
Notes: Skill Feat: Wisdom [X] +1

Seltyiel (Tier 1, 3XP)
Hero Point spent on Card feat. Used: 0 Remaining: 0
Deck Upgrades: Spell 1

Thargrap (Tier 1, 3XP)
Hero Point spent on Card feat. Used: 1 Remaining: 0
Deck Upgrades: Weapon 1
Notes: Card feat: Weapon

Alahazra deck

Slight correction: Alahazra doesn't have any hero points saved.

Seltyiel Deck Handler STR d8 (+3) (Melee +3) | DEX d6 | CON d8 | INT d8 (+3) (Arcane +3) (Craft +1)| WIS d4 | CHA d6

I will take Card Feat: Spell and add Frost Ray(Core) to my deck.

Hero point saved. 1 Remaining.

Ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 232 Bound Imp (Arcane)
Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 233 The Trumpet (Smash)
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 231 Good Omen (Support)
Blessing 1: The Beating (Smash)
Blessing 1: The Big Sky (Support)
Blessing 1: Gorum's Iron (Smash)

Seltyiel Deck Handler STR d8 (+3) (Melee +3) | DEX d6 | CON d8 | INT d8 (+3) (Arcane +3) (Craft +1)| WIS d4 | CHA d6

Hero Point Saved: 1 Remaining

Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 446
Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 132

STR d6 | DEX d8 (Disable +2; Ranged +2) | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d4 | CHA d12 (Knowledge +1; Diplomacy +3) Deck Handler

Hero point banked: 2 remaining.

Card upgrades:

Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 280 - The Paladin
Armor 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 11 - Magic Leather Armor
Ally 1: 1d1 ⇒ 1 - ?

Have some interest in the Tablet loot.

Alahazra deck

Saved hero point
Total hero points: 1

Card Upgrades:
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 167 Sphere of Fire
Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 108 Blessing of Abadar

Interested in the tablet loot
Tablet of Languages Lost: 1d1000 ⇒ 512


Deck Handler Human Monk Str: d6+1 (Melee+2) | Dex: d6 | Con d10+2 (Fort +2) | Int d4 | Wis d10+4 (perception +2) (Divine +3)| Cha d6

Bank hero point.

Blessing 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 583
Ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 244

Channa Ti's Deck Handler Female Half-Elf Druid

Scenario 1D Rewards:
Save hero point.
Will pass on loot.

Deck Upgrades:
Ally 1: 1d1 ⇒ 1 Fire Gecko
Blessing 1: 1d1 ⇒ 1 Blessing of Milani
Spell B: 1d1000 ⇒ 85 Aspect of the Hawk

3-1D - Under Pressure Summary:
Alahazra (Tier 1, 4XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 1
Deck Upgrades: none

Arueshalae (Tier 1, 4XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 2
Deck Upgrades: Armor 1

Athnul (Tier 1, 4XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 1
Deck Upgrades: Blessing 1

Channa Ti (Tier 1, 4XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 1
Deck Upgrades: Spell 1

Seltyiel (Tier 1, 4XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 1
Deck Upgrades: Spell 1

Thargrap (Tier 1, 4XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 0
Deck Upgrades: Ally 1

Tier up to 2, 0XP
Save hero point.
No hero points spent, 2 remaining.

Weapon 1: 1d1 ⇒ 1 Earthbreaker (Smash)

Carrying forward cards of interest:
Spell 1: Good Omen (Support)
Blessing 1: The Trumpet (Smash), The Beating (Smash), The Big Sky (Support), Gorum's Iron (Smash)

STR d6 | DEX d8 (Disable +2; Ranged +2) | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d4 | CHA d12 (Knowledge +1; Diplomacy +3) Deck Handler

Hero point banked.

Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 153 - Returning Throwing Axe

Seltyiel Deck Handler STR d8 (+3) (Melee +3) | DEX d6 | CON d8 | INT d8 (+3) (Arcane +3) (Craft +1)| WIS d4 | CHA d6

Tier Up.
Bank Hero Point (2 Total)

Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 124 - Cruel Longsword

Channa Ti's Deck Handler Female Half-Elf Druid

Scenario 1E Rewards:
Save hero point.
Not interested in either loot card.

Deck Upgrade:
Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 309 Stone Axe +1
Ally 0: 1d1000 ⇒ 726 Bat


Deck Handler Human Monk Str: d6+1 (Melee+2) | Dex: d6 | Con d10+2 (Fort +2) | Int d4 | Wis d10+4 (perception +2) (Divine +3)| Cha d6

1E Rewards: Bank hero point.

No deck upgrades.

Alahazra deck

Scenario 1E Rewards:

Save hero point. Total of 2 hero points now.
Not interested in either loot card and not interested in deck upgrades.

3-1E - Trails to the Sky Summary:
Alahazra (Tier 2, 0XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 2
Deck Upgrades: none

Arueshalae (Tier 2, 0XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 3
Deck Upgrades: none

Athnul (Tier 2, 0XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 2
Deck Upgrades: none

Channa Ti (Tier 2, 0XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 2
Deck Upgrades: Weapon 1

Seltyiel (Tier 2, 0XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 2
Deck Upgrades: none

Thargrap (Tier 2, 0XP)
Hero Point saved. Used: 0 Remaining: 2
Deck Upgrades: none

Weapon 1 Shock Glaive +1
Item 1 Staff of Minor Healing
Item B Acid Flask
Item C Burglar's Bracers
Item B Canteen
Item B Osirion History Guide
Item B Potion of Healing
Item B Ring of the Godless
Item B Seer’s Tea
Item B Wing of Horus
Ally B Dhabba
Ally B Kafar
Ally B Pahmet Clansman

STR d6 | DEX d8 (Disable +2; Ranged +2) | CON d6 | INT d6 | WIS d4 | CHA d12 (Knowledge +1; Diplomacy +3) Deck Handler

Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 14

Spending hero point on Dex skill feat.

Card upgrades:

Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 936

For future upgrades, looking for Weapon 1-2, Blessing 1-2, Ally 1. I'll want Blessing upgrades until the end of time, pretty much.

Power feat: On your ([X] or a local) check against a monster, you may bury a card from your discards or banish a buried card to add 1d6.
1 hero point spent, 1 remaining.

Weapon 1: 1d1 ⇒ 1 Earthbreaker (Smash)

Boon?: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Carrying forward cards of interest:
Spell 1: Good Omen (Support)
Item 1: Mist Horn (Arcane) (once I have a second Item slot)
Blessing 1: The Trumpet (Smash), The Beating (Smash), The Big Sky (Support), Gorum's Iron (Smash)

Seltyiel Deck Handler STR d8 (+3) (Melee +3) | DEX d6 | CON d8 | INT d8 (+3) (Arcane +3) (Craft +1)| WIS d4 | CHA d6

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 4

Spending Hero Point on Str Skill feat

Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 481


Deck Handler Human Monk Str: d6+1 (Melee+2) | Dex: d6 | Con d10+2 (Fort +2) | Int d4 | Wis d10+4 (perception +2) (Divine +3)| Cha d6

Boom?: 1d20 ⇒ 13

Hero point on Wisdom skill feat.

Channa Ti's Deck Handler Female Half-Elf Druid

Scenario 2A Rewards:
Spend hero point on Card Feat: Item [X] 3

Deck Upgrade:
Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 320 Wintervine

2A Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 19

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