GM Anthorg - RotR |

The day is warmer than usual. People are working hard. Tomorrow is the Swallowtail festival and, not only is it an opportunity to bring in money and fresh faces into town, but the people are anxious to acknowledge that the Late Unpleasantness is behind them.
People are washing their clothes, counting stocks and putting up decorations. Signs are being repainted, floors are being swept and the air smells of candy. The town has more than four times the usual number of people and the inns are practically full.
One particular inn, the Rusty Dragon, run by a hard Tian-Min woman known as Ameiko Kaijitsu is crawling with people, who are drinking and singing.

Grael Kraghelm |

Grael Kraghelm, warrior of Torag, ambles along the street in a good-natured manner, a slight limp marking his stride. More a result of the fact that one of his legs was slightly longer than the other than of any battle wound, Grael still enjoyed the "rugged adventurer" appearance his affliction seemed to afford him.
The dwarf pauses for a moment and wipes his brow, sweating in his breastplate and leathers, and adjusts his shield. The sounds of Sandpoint assail him, and Grael smiles when the oh-so-familiar ringing impacts from a nearby smithy reach his ears. For a follower of Torag, that sound always felt like home, regardless of where they were.
The dwarven adventurer sighs and glances around for someone who appeared they might know something of the town's layout and be able to tell him where the new Cathedral was...then shrugs and decides to kill two rocs with one stone and stop in at the inn he had just spotted and have a tankard or two of ale.
"Rusty Dragon, eh?" the auburn-haired dwarf muttered to himself, "Well, sounds like heaven ta' me, right about now."
And then he stepped through the door...

Mr. Biggs Sparklefoot |

How Mr. Biggs's voice sounds, more or less.
Mr. Biggs sits in a small corner table provided for him by Ameiko, both to help keep the more opinionated folk away from him, and to keep the goblin's antics from affecting to many at one time. After the last small explosion that resulted in everyone close to Mr. Biggs, including himself, turning blue for several days she figured a place out of the way would minimize damage. Even if he knew better than to meddle with more, fiery material, indoors save his own home.
He sat at the table, with an assortment of vials laid out around him, each containing a coloured, fluorescent liquid that seemed to move as smoke in the flask. Many were a neon orange, most of those were set off to the side. Some however, were purple or blue in color, and one was a bright golden yellow. He is working on crushing down some sort of dried herbs and another, dusty like material. On his robes and leather armor sits a large symbol of Sarenrea, and an envelope is half shoved into a pocket on his overcoat with the same symbol almost visible on it as well.
Ehhh.. eh? What was the proper gramage? 7 grams? no. no. Err. 5! Yes 5! hehehe. Almost... He drops the powdered mixture into the flask and begins to shake violently for several seconds before becoming still as a small plume of smoke shoots up into his face. With a huge, teeth barring grin Mr. Biggs jumps up and shouts, just as someone walks in.
YES! Mr. Biggs did it! YES! The special drinkses here was the perfect solution to use as a base! Yes! Mr. Biggs thanks you Ameiko!
he gives the flask a kiss before setting into a slot on his belt before grabbing up another empty bottle and pouring high grade alcohol into it as a base. He then wiggles his fingers with glee, preparing to start work mixing yet another vial of whatever substance he had just concocted. Unaware of the disturbance he likely just caused.

GM Anthorg - RotR |

Grael opens the door to find a tavern oozing with life. People are happy talking, singing and drinking, although no one is visibly drunk yet. Something about the atmosphere passes the impression that the townsfolk are happier than in a typical afternoon. There is a palpable sense of ease. No one acknowledges the dwarf at first. After a few moments, a halfling walks by with a plate of different types of cheese. She notices Grael and says "I'll be right with you. Find yourself somewhere to...". What she says after cannot be heard in the tavern noise, but it sounded like either "sit" or "fit".
In one corner sits Mr. Biggs, with his different assortment of concoctions. Ameiko barely hears him and she clearly doesn't hear what he says about the drinks. Someone in another table with a group of farm boys, however, says "Hey, goblin, let's see how long you survive if you burn Ameiko's inn down, eh?" The other boys laugh loudly in response. They have been looking sideways at the goblin for a while.

Mr. Biggs Sparklefoot |

Without looking up from his next item, Mr. Biggs shouts.
No fire! No no no, Fire goddess says no fire in homes! Mr. Biggs work on powder bomb! You throw it and poof! Sticky smoke makes you invisible!. He stops working for a bit, and turns to look at them, lifting up the huge goggles from his eyes.
Oh! Oh! Yes! Mr. Biggs see, if you want see Mr. Biggs fire, Mr. Biggs give poppers show outside! Though Mr. Biggs never seen you at other popper shows.. He pauses a moment before continuing You hear nice things about Mr. Biggs popper shows yes? Show for glory of Fire Goddess! Lots of BOOM! and POW! Lots of pretty fire as well! ahh, but only when not near building!

Grael Kraghelm |

The stout dwarf rubs his beard as he scans the lively crowd for a free spot where he can sit, and then frowns when it proves harder to do than he had thought, and then frowns a bit more when he notices the interaction between the goblin and the farmboys.
That'll come to no good, sure enough. Best ta' find a spot what won't have me near that lot when everything turns upside down. Grael shrugs his broad shoulders and moves further into the room and away from where Biggs was working on his "experiments". Maybe I kin just get an ale and stand off ta the side o' the bar...

Fiora Zantus |

At a table near the bar, a young human woman looks up from the book she was reading, frowning. Glancing momemtarily between the goblin in the corner and the farmboys accosting him, she sighs and stands up, facing the boys.
"Come now, Flint. You're not really going to start a fight around Ameiko's tavern, are you? Or should I tell Jhora you've been looking for trouble again? You *might* want to ask yourself just how badly you want to dance with her at the festival, hm?"
While the last few words were spoken in teasing tone along with a meaningful wink, this girl, who couldn't be that much older than the boys, had... something ; a confident allure of sorts, which seemed to draw obedience at least as well as a stern glare. That she was undeniably beatiful for a human did nothing to lessen this effect.
Turning to the second speaker, she brightens. "Ah, so good to see you again, Will! How's your homework for Sunday school? Did enough to relax here with a mug of..." she takes a few paces and checks the drink. "Rum?"
Leaning forward towards him, she does a conspiratory not quite whisper behind her hand when they're on eye to eye level. "Say, does Ameiko know you're underage? Or better yet! Does your father know you snuck out of the farm to drink here...?"

GM Anthorg - RotR |

I'm pretty sure there is no minimum drinking age in Sandpoint, but great first post!
The boys stop laughing and exchange looks. Finally, Flint, who seems to be leading the other boys, says "Come on, we said we'd help with the decorations." The other boys acknowledge as if it was something they were thinking about themselves. They leave the tavern. Fiora is left standing by herself looking at the goblin alchemist.

Grael Kraghelm |

Grael arches a bushy eyebrow and chuckles at the display, and instead of heading to one of the barstools as planned, the cleric moves towards one of the small tables in the corner.
"Bravo, lass. Well said, indeed." The dwarf grins as he passes the Aasimar, giving her a nod. He motions towards Biggs, "Saved that one a beatin', I'm thinkin', or at least from havin' ta run fer his life."
The warrior of Torag shrugs off his shield and crossbow, setting them down against the wall behind him, then settles himself down into a chair and waves for a tavern maid to place an order. He gives the goblin a look and a frown, but without threat.
"Lass," back to Fiora, he continues to smile, "If you're still of a mind to be the helpful sort, mayhaps ya' kin direct me ta this new fangled Cathedral here in town? The one what everyone's been talkin' about? I'd be much obliged."

Mr. Biggs Sparklefoot |

As the lads leave, a brief moment of sadness and mutters. No poppers... He quickly shakes himself out of it and looks up.
"Mr. Biggs good at beatin's, one time, Mr. Biggs get kicked 20ft before! Was fun! Made Mr. Biggs dizzy though. Course, Mr. Bandit got exploded soon after! Hehehe."
He looks up to Fiora "Do you want to sees Mr. Biggs poppers show? Mr. Biggs make new poppers with purple flame!
When Grael asks about the cathedral, Mr. Biggs perks back up.
"OH! Mr. Biggs knows new cath-e-deral! Its not church of Fire Goddess, so not quite as good, but still good yes, still good. Uh, Mr. Biggs wants to do popper show for festival, but Priestess maria can't be here this year, so town may not let Mr. Biggs...

Fiora Zantus |

While Fiora appears to be a normal human at first glance, from up close, Grael can indeed see something very unusual for one: her eyes are coloured a vibrant amber, or actually - gold, which as a cleric reminds him of fairly typical golden Aasimar hair colour. Other than this, however, there's seemingly nothing giving her away.
"Thank you, master dwarf, though I only did that which was decent," she replies, folding her hands and assuming a more formal tone. She smiles at the praise and would have replied if it weren't for Biggs speaking up. She winces a bit at the abuse story of his head being used as a makeshift kickball, which had been a fairly popular tale in town until her father had spoken against such agression.
"Ah, that's... quite alright, Biggs. But I appreciate the offer! I'm sure Sarenrae likes your shows too - so long as no one gets injured." For a moment, her gaze is drawn to the many chemicals and vials on display, a bit longer than necessary, but she doesn't comment on it.
Turning back to Grael, she responds to his prior question. "Well, sure! I can show you to the cathedral, if you'd like. My dad is the head priest there, actually. Did you travel here from far, sir? Only to visit the church, or something else, too?" she asks Grael.

Aleksander Albus |

Aleks gets up early, to see the festivities. "Early" in this case meaning just after lunch. When you work nights your schedule is weird. He strolls over to the Rusty Dragon which, to his mind, had some of the best food in town. Squinting against the sunlight, he looks around at the festival preparations. Gosh it's bright out. How do people operate in the daylight? he thinks, with a rueful shake of his head.
He reaches the Dragon and pushes in, relieved at the relatively dim inside, though by his standards it was still brightly lit. Count help me, its that bloody goblin again. Why does Ameiko let it in here? he thinks as he looks around the room. He takes a seat as far from the goblin and his shenanigans as he can, and waits for a waitress.

GM Anthorg - RotR |

Eventually, Ameiko makes her way to Grael's table. After a few moments of awkward silence, she asks "What can I get you? We have some rabbit stew that has been going since lunch."
At the same time, the halfling finds Aleksander's table and doesn't look a bit scared by his uncommon looks. She says "Can I get you anything? We got rabbit stew in the pot." She is a bit shy, he notices.

Fiora Zantus |

Fiora winces upon hearing the offer, and goes a bit green in the face. Just then, the top of her backpack begins to shuffle, and a brown hare inquisitively sticks out its head. The bunny seems to study Ameiko intently, perhaps wondering why this woman was the the source of his master's (?) Sudden discomfort.
Or perhaps it simply stared into Ameiko's soul accusingly for daring to suggest eating his kin right in front of him. It was hard to tell with rodents!
"I'll just, um, have the dumpling special, thanks!" Fiora quickly says, picking up her bag. She half-pets the hare behind the ears and half-pushes him back inside, blushing. "Please don't worry about Felix, Ameiko. He's very well-behaved! I promise."
She looks around the table and the room for a quick change of subject and spots Aleksander sitting in the corner. "Huh, you don't see that every day. Is he a Dhampir?" she asks no one in particular.

Grael Kraghelm |

Grael is unable to hold back a broad grin at Fiora's reaction, and then turns to Ameiko and nods, "Some of that stew sounds wonderful, madam, and if ya might, a couple o' mugs o' ale?
The Toragian cleric follows the attractive Aasimar's gaze and answers quietly, "I ain't sure, ta be honest. Haven't ever seen one 'afore."

Fiora Zantus |

The Toragian cleric follows the attractive Aasimar's gaze and answers quietly, "I ain't sure, ta be honest. Haven't ever seen one 'afore."
"Me neither!" she quickly replies, closing the bag. "So what does bring you to Sandpoint, master Dwarf? Here for some special business at the Cathedral, then?"
Throwing a sideways look at the goblin on the adjacent table, she frowns. "Come to think of it, I never got around to asking you, either. You were appointed to live here, weren't you, Mister Biggs? Do you like it here despite... well, lots of people being against you?"

Mr. Biggs Sparklefoot |

"Mr. Biggs like it here. Mr. Biggs not mind people that mean to him. Mr. Biggs know it better than them trying to hurt Mr. Biggs, because then Mr. Biggs have to explode them good. Without killing of course. And then priestess has to come down and cause trouble for everyone. But Mr. Biggs also have people that like his poppers, and those like amieko that ok with mr. Biggs as long as he not cause too much trouble. Fire goddess protect mr. Biggs. Mr. Biggs hope he not disappoint her.
He talks as he works on another item.

Aleksander Albus |

”That sounds fine, thank you. Also some wine, please.” Aleks says to the waitress with a nod. Looking around the room, he makes eye contact with anyone looking at him, holding it for a moment before moving on, as he catalogs the other patrons. Lots of humans, which is to be expected. A dwarf. Interesting. The goblin he thinks, with a tiny shake of his head, before resuming his sweep of the room.

GM Anthorg - RotR |

Eventually Ameiko and the halfling come back with the orders. Both the ale and the wine are slightly chilled, which is a welcome sensation in the heat and the full tavern. The food is good quality and it manages to dull out the bad singing going on in a nearby table.
Ameiko also brings some fresh unwashed lettuce in a small pot and says "For Felix. Hope he likes is!"
A Tien woman comes in and tells Ameiko that the white ribbons for the decorations are running out. They exchange some words and it is settled that Vinder's general store should have some. As this is brought to attention, both the town and the tavern are being decorated with colorful motives.
I'm sorry that the story is dragging a little. Waiting for all players

Felix the Hare |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Not easily beaten by a simple locked bag, Felix intrepidly sticks out his head again and squirms through the opening. Raising himself up to his full, majestic length (in reality, seven or so inches on his rear legs), he looks up at Ameiko in defiance!
...Until he smells the food.
He takes a small hop, then another, cautiously looks at the Inn's owner one more time, then jumps into the bowl and starts devouring the lettuce like it was his nemesis and the time for a vendetta was long overdue!
His human slave could talk with the others for now.

Gareth, Warpriest of Desna |

How am I supposed to top that post from Felix?! Totes unfair I gotta follow up that greatness!, lol
Gaerth had spent most of the early morning helping Ameiko around the inn, doing chores, setting up decorations, etc. It was part of their arrangement for letting him stay there whenever he was in town, regardless of how long.
As the day wore on, and people began to fill up the common room, he took a seat in a an out of the way spot, and began telling stories of legends both near and far. Before long, he had a nice little crowd gathered around him, mostly small children who loved his stories, even if they were repeats.
When the older boys started to pick on Mr Biggs, he was about to get up and talk to then. But then Fiora stepped in and neatly put them in their place. He smiles at her from across the room. "Nicely done sister." He says to his fellow Desnan.

Fiora Zantus |

Fiora's head whips around and a wide smile lights up her face. "Gareth!"
Not really caring much about decorum, she swiftly gets up and runs up to him at the entrance, then embraces him in a tight hug. "You're really back! You should have said something. I haven't seen you in forever! ...Well, forever since last summer. But still!"
She takes a step back and looks him up and down. "Have you been taking good care of yourself?" Bowing down slightly, she pokes him in the belly. "Wait, did you gain weight? Don't tell me you've gone arounds for months on just jerky again?" Narrowing her eyes in a concerned frown, she looks up at much taller man.

Felix the Hare |

Meanwhile, back at the table, Felix suddenly halts his feast. He very slowly turns around to the source of the new voice, ears twitching.
Then, he takes a single leaf of lettuce and carefully, ever so methodically rips it in two as he stares unflinchingly at the male Desnan, only to gobble up one half all at once.
Which he then chews slowly. Very slowly while he also looked the disturbingly familiar human buck up and down. As long as it took for this guy to get the message.
Another whole summer if needed!

Gareth, Warpriest of Desna |

Gareth fake winces at Fiora's hug. "I would have said something, but I arrived a couple hours after midnight, and didn't think I should wake you or your father."
He chuckles at her questioning. "No, not months. Just the last one." He says with a playful smile, and Fiora knows he's teasing her.
Suddenly, he feels a menacing, cold stare boring into his soul. He turns to look for the source of such a dread gaze, and sees Felix staring at him.
Gareth crosses over to the table where the rabbit is enjoying his meal, and scratches both long ears. He reaches into his belt pouch and pulls out a handful of bright orange berries."These are cloud berries, all the way from the River Kingdoms. I bought them just for you little buddy." He says placing the berries in front of Fiora's familiar.

Mr. Biggs Sparklefoot |

Oh! Mr. Biggs will take rabbit stew! He shouts when Ameiko brings the others their meals and drinks. He also blatantly stares at felix, a hungry yearning in his eyes. Finally, he tears his eyes away from the delicious floof ball.
Also Mr. Biggs thanks you Ameiko! Your drinkses proved perfect base for mixes. Smart miss Ameiko is! Potential great mixer could make! Mr. Biggs teach you if interested! Slowly Mr. Biggs eyes return to Felix and he grabs the back of his chair with his hands and begins tapping his fingers on the chairs back.
No no no, this one not for eating, noooo. This one is pet of girl. Must not eat. Must force self not want. LOOK AT IT. MR. BIGGS NO WANT!... MR. BIGGS WANT! NO!

GM Anthorg - RotR |

As time goes by, the party in the Rusty Dragon begins reaching its peak. During the party, Ameiko herself steps on the stage and performs some light-hearted upbeat songs which Grael notices makes drinks flow more to the tables. Bethana, the halfling, works hard despite her age and with the help of another local young girl, Inest, barely manages to keep the patrons' mugs full. It is hard for Mr. Biggs to ignore the noise at that time.
The decorations are set and people go to sleep excited. Morning comes and the town seems to be up early. The smell of fresh baked bread permeates the town everywhere. In the streets, games are being set and stalls, which were put together the day before, are starting to get filled with wares, especially in the marketplace near the harbor. Farmers are coming in with fruits, vegetables and some meat. Hunters bring game.
Linked to the marketplace is Festival Street, appropriately named since it is filled with people coming up and down. Although the southern part of town is where the bulk of the festival will take place, the main event is in front of the new cathedral uptown. Most of the locals can't tell if it's called uptown because it is towards the north or because it is actually in elevated ground, compared to the south. Also, there will be games everywhere in town.
The expectations are high and people are happy. It is completely impossible to sleep in, not for the noise, but for the energy in the air.

Fiora Zantus |

That morning, Fiora returns to the inn after the morning sermons in the Cathedral. All the wonderful stalls put a spry in her step, and she practically bursts through the door, looking for Gareth.
"There you are! Come on, sleepyhead, time for breakfast is over. You promised to go to the festival together and there's no way you're getting off the hook!"
With her considerable lack of strength, she drags (gently pulls) Gareth from his breakfast and back outside. "Now, what'll we do first?" she asks him. "Hmm... maybe we can do some game to build you back into your pre-jerky body! If we don't, how will you ever get a girl to dance with you tonight?" she winks at him, clearly teasing in good nature.
From her bag, Felix frowns at him, which was a clear improvement over yesterday! Apprently he was open to being bribed... to some extent.
Not that I wouldn't like to interact with the others, but I don't think Fiora knows any of them that well nor have any made plans to attend the festival as a group... so I'll just stick with Gareth now? What is there to do, exactly? Is it for us to make up?

Aleksander Albus |

Aleksander rises, again, early that normal. But it's impossible to sleep with the noise outside. I forget that festivals are based around the schedules of the day-workers. A shame. He yawns, stretches, and pulls on his gear, strapping his steel kukri to his hip, then heads out into the brightness.

Mr. Biggs Sparklefoot |

Mr. Biggs has set up a small display area, far away from any flammable buildings, And has prepared scores of small fireworks ranging from a couple larger ones that explode well above the building roof level and many many smaller ones that shoot up and sizzle out a short ways or simply burn different color flames or shoot up colored sparks. Over the general din of the streets everyone around the market area can hear
NOOO NO NO NONONONONO NOOOO!!! Followed by a zipping sound as a small orb of fire, about the size of a baseball, on a stick shoots up into the sky before erupting in a loud burst of light and fire.
Those close to the goblin see him throwing down a small sack in frustration and stomp the ground several times before crossing his arms and looking up to where the explosion happened. His oversized goggles hiding most of his expression save the large frown.

GM Anthorg - RotR |

No need to do things together, just flow naturally.
Fiora walks in the street and quickly finds that there are lots of festival foods. The Sandpoint Savories are selling some cookies shaped like the infamous Sandpoint Devil. There are some horseshoe throwing games, but people say they are just practicing. Apparently, the real games will be announced by Father Zantus at noon. There's even a surprise planned, people say. Something he failed to tell her, for some reason. For now, people are waking up and enjoying the sunny morning. Children are playing and some toys are being sold.
To the south part of town in the market square, Mr. Biggs gets a lot of attention, especially from children who scream pleasantly as each firework pops. Not only is the market square wide, but it is also close to the wharf in case anything goes wrong.
In my game, this Swallowtail festival is the first one in Sandpoint ever. Normally it is a yearly event.

Fiora Zantus |

"Hey, you listening? Everything all right?" Fiora asks Gareth, then shields her eyes from a particularly violent fireworks explosion from Mr. Biggs's stand.

Grael Kraghelm |

Grael wanders through Sandpoint with a mind for relaxing. He'd been here before, yes, but never without a proper cause or mission, usually delivering a book or a message from the abbey and heading immediately back.
But now, official 'wandering' Cleric in the service of Torag rather than a lowly acolyte in the Friar's service, the dwarf found he could choose at times to keep a leisurely pace and simply reflect on the nature of things...like the smiling faces at something like the Festival.
As usual he keeps an eye out for those of dwarven blood, ready to offer a kindly word in the 'moderate' tongue and a story or two, as well as watching for signs where he might spot someone in need. All part of the job. He notes a few new faces he'd seen at the Rusty Dragon, and offers nods as he passes, but does his best to entirely bypass Mr. Bigg's stand, and is gratified to have done so when he hears the explosions in the distance as he walks.
But mostly, Grael simply enjoys the day, the sounds of people in good moods as he meandered his way over towards the Cathedral for a good and proper look at the place.

Aleksander Albus |

Aleksander wanders through the festival, sticking to shaded areas where he can. He tries a few unusual foods, to mixed results. Most people in town don't know him, since he is mostly up and about when they are asleep. But he nods or waves to those he recognizes, and mostly just doesn't interact with those he doesn't. When he sees the dwarf from the Rusty Dragon yesterday, he catches his eye and nods a greeting.

GM Anthorg - RotR |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The morning has a pleasant and not excessive warmth and people start engaging in some games (described below) around town. One of the games seems to have many children's attention.
A few adults are egg hunting too.
This goes on until noon when people are driven to the square in front of the new cathedral. A great crowd is standing and talking with smiles on their faces. The smell of barbecue and ale is in the air as the lunch hour approaches and people get hungry. Mayor Deverin walks the steps to the cathedral and the chattering stops in deference. When she speaks, there is utter silence.
She says "Welcome dear Sandpointers and visitors! It has been a while since I've seen you so happy and it warms my heart. Are you having fun yet?" A few people cheer. She continues "Even our tanner Larz found the time to get out of work to the festival!" People laugh loosely. "Well, I tell you by day's end you'll have had so much fun, you'll remember this day forever! We have a lot of games around town, let me tell you what they are." She picks up a sheet of paper and announces "There is horseshoe throwing in Festival Street and in the Undercliff Way, there's an egg hunt going on to win this beautiful golden necklace! The eggs have only just now been placed, so if you've been searching until now, I'm sorry, but they weren't there." There are laughs and a few people look down embarrassed. She presents a sample egg, which is a chicken egg, painted apparently by children.
She goes on "Gorvi, our local garbage collector has set up a game of throwing junk towards the junk beach, although I'm sure he's just trying to get people doing his work for him." A roar of laughter ensues. "There is a rat race going in the Rat Alley. Jargie from the Hagfish would like to remind everyone that Norah's challenge is still going on during the festival. Talking about the harbor, there's a race to be placed on the beach sand."
"Sadly, the Glassworks has not provided a game today. But, on Bishop Street, you can find a greasy pole to be climbed. Cydar Drokkus is also making a comedy competition in front of the theater! Last, but not least, there are two secret competitions which you're going to have to find... Now, only the egg hunt, Norah's challenge and the secret competitions have an actual prize, which are secret except for the golden necklace and the sack of silver pieces, but the winners of the other games will have bragging rights forever in Sandpoint!"
Mayor Deverin finishes saying "Tonight we have a bonfire right here in this square, and the whole town is decorated with beautiful lights and maybe fireworks... If you behave."
If you want to play any of the games, give me the following rolls:
Horseshoe throwing* is ranged touch attack with an improvised weapon. Roll three times.
Egg hunting is Perception. Roll three times. This game takes the whole day, so you won't be able to participate in any other games.
Throwing garbage is Strength check. Roll three times.
Rat race is Handle Animal. Roll three times.
Norah's challenge is to drink down a single tankard of the water of his hagfish, Norah. It costs a silver piece to try, but if you manage to, you'll get the bag full of coins. Succeed on a Fortitude saving throw DC 13 to win. Winning means earning 200sp. Failing means spending the rest of the day with the sickened condition.
Racing on the sand is 10 Constitution checks
Greasy pole* is two Climb checks DC 20
Comedy competition is one Perform or Artistry check you find appropriate
You will have to find the secret games on your own if you want. Games with * can be played more than once, but no more than three times. There are other people wanting to play as well.
The mayor is cheered and applauded as she walks down the steps. Next comes the sheriff Hemlock who says briefly "Be safe around the bonfire. There will be no fighting in the festival and no trouble at all." People stop smiling with the sheriff's speech. He also says "I request a moment of silence in memory of our lost brothers and sisters who lost their lives in the fire that destroyed our previous church five years ago." After the minute of silence, the mayor comes back up and people look up expectantly. However she says "Our next speaker would be our own noble, Lonjiku Kaijutsu, but I have received word that he is ill and won't be able to come." People look at each other mumbling.
It isn't a surprise to the local people that Kaijutsu wouldn't come.
He isn't fond of festivities.
Next comes Cyrdak Drokkus, the towns showman who has been very busy lately. He says with a smirk "Well, what if our nobleman actually got lost on his way to town, I think that is possible, no?" The people laugh, apparently getting their spirits back up. He goes on "Well, gladly everyone here isn't sick. We're all ready to fight the Sandpoint devil, now aren't we?" Half the crowd screams 'Yes!' and the other half laughs.
Cyrdak doesn't let the ball drop "It's almost like the time that I didn't leave my house the whole day because I couldn't find my pants!" The crowd roars with laughter. He takes advantage of their attention and says "It's important to remember all the work of the fine people of Sandpoint and the years of labor which allowed us to build this cathedral. If not for our dedication, the contractor from..." He goes on to explain rather lengthly the process of rebuilding and collecting funds. In the end he says "And your work will all be rewarded by my own work. I am proud to finally announce that tomorrow night, there will be a new production of 'The Harpy's Curse', featuring none other than the Magnimarian diva Allishandra herself, as the harpy queen!"
After some applause by the crowd, Father Zantus steps up and pauses for a moment. Some apprehension builds until he finally says "Thank you all." He is clearly nervous. He says "Densa... I mean, Desna. Uhm... First fell to earth and was nursed to health by a blind child. Later she turned that child into an immortal butterfly." The crowd is unsure how to react to his nervousness. But then, from below him, a cart that was until now unremarkable, has a cover on top of it removed and thousands of colorful butterflies fly up into the air and the crowd is very excited. Children chase the butterflies and Father Zantus, more confident says "The consecration will be at sundown right here. Until then, lunch is free, provided by our inns! The Rusty Dragon is offering Ameiko's classic curry-spiced salmon and early winterdrop mead, the Hagfish is offering fresh lobster chowder and the White Deer is offering peppercorn venison. Finally, Cracktooth's tavern is offering their famous sausage with mashed potatoes and a special wine! Have fun everyone!"
The people disperse and continue enjoying the festival. With many rumbling stomachs, most's first stop is the inn's around town.

Fiora Zantus |

"Nailed it, dad!" Fiora cheers for father Zantus, giving him a big thumbs up from the crowd.
All during the announcements, she dances back and forth on the balls of her feet, practically bursting with excitement (except for when the comedian went off his pageant into a dull lecture on how the cathedral was built. Come on, this was a festival - not a history class!). Still, worries over why both Gareth and the stately dwarf from yesterday seemed to be mostly ignoring all her questions and attempts at conversation melted away in the cheerful festival mood.
One thing particularly caught her interest - the secret games!
...But where to find them?
Hmmm.... her dad had been awfully secretive about all this. He was bound to know more!
She tried finding him and asking him for a hint on them! And on the way, she'd stop for that comedy routine! She knew some a fun song on a highly unfortunate accident surrounding Goblins, a Horse, Glue, a Bridal dress and a Troll. That one usually worked!
Perform: Sing: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Seemingly getting a favorable reaction from the crowd, she goes through two more funny songs, then continues with the plan of charming her dad for juicy info on the secret games. If that didn't work, she'd try someone else involved with the organization. Ameiko? The mayor? Cyrdak Drokkus? Or maybe she was just thinking too hard on this and just had to explore herself - they were for the general public and couldn't be THAT hard to find, right?
Diplomacy, finding out more on the secret games: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Perception, locating the secret games herself in the festival, if more appropriate: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
I might be interested in trying the tankard challenge but only at the end of the day, if I can't find the secret games.

Mr. Biggs Sparklefoot |

After marking sure his stand is ready to go for the night show, Mr. Biggs giggles with glee and starts running around to the other game stands.
first he goes to the horseshoes.
Rtouch: 1d20 + 5 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 5 - 4 = 3
Rtouch: 1d20 + 5 - 4 ⇒ (4) + 5 - 4 = 5
Rtouch: 1d20 + 5 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 5 - 4 = 17
Mildly disappointed with how hard it seemed, but he moves on to the next.
Garbage throwing! A goblin pastime!
He readies himself for his turn. His first throw is embarrassing as it slips out of his lil gobo fingers and rolls behind him. AH! No! he shouts before shielding himself from an eminent explosion. Apparently, this type of thing has happened before. With more explosive results. grabbing another he shakes off the failure.
Okay! This time, Mr. Biggs do good! he shouts as he tosses the junk as far as he can. Then, finally, after settling down a little, he waits, checks the air current, and does several calculations accounting for his throwing strength the weight of the garbage he was throwing, and several other factors that could possibly alter the course before making the, almost, perfect throw.
throw!: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
throw!: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11
throw!: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19
HAH! See!? Mr. Biggs throwing expert! Don't miss Mr. Biggs big fire-work show tonight! Lots of Boom! he runs off cackling like a child to the next set.
Herding rats?! What goblin worth his salt has never herded a rat?! Mr. Biggs herd rat real good! Watch and see! He then goes about manically chasing the rats and shouting rude words in goblin to try and get them to do as he commands! Tripping over the rats several times and tumbling around as he did so.
handle animal: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (11) - 3 = 8
handle animal: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (16) - 3 = 13
handle animal: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (3) - 3 = 0
Mr. Biggs, used to drinking rather potent and pungent mixes, has no fear at all with the hagfish challenge. He boldly strides up and places a silver coin on the table.
Mr. Biggs try drinkses please! Mr. Biggs wonder if so bad compared to mi-, er, other, things Mr. Biggs have to drink before. He downs the entire glass in one gulp before giving a slightly satisfied smirk.
fort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Slimy, yet satisfying! Mr. Biggs approves! If they would give over the silver, he accepts it and thanks them. If not, he seems mildly hurt, and, giving a sad face trundles away.
Eventually he comes across the greased pole. And his excitement picks back up.
Ooo! Mr. Biggs great climber! At least, Mr. Biggs think he is? Mr. Biggs try! He then deftly grabs hold of the pole before shimmying up like squirrel.
climb: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
climb: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Mr. Biggs can almost see Mr. Biggs house from up here! Weeeee!!! oh! Remember to come see Mr. Biggs firework show! Vouched for by Fire Goddess priestess Maria!
As he walks away from his last great (possibly) victory, his stomach rumbles and grumbles.
Phew, Mr. Biggs hungry after all that.. Mr. Biggs go... oh.. Mr. Biggs not know! All food sounds tasty and scrumptious! Oh! Mr. Biggs knows! Mr. Biggs go eat all places! Yes! Then taste all good food and not make anyone sad!
Mr. Biggs will spend the remaining evening gorging himself on a meal from each tavern.

Aleksander Albus |

Slimy water? How bad can it be. Surely I ate worse things back home.Aleks thinks to himself, and heads over to the Hagfish and tosses Jargie a silver, before taking his mug.
Fortitude: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Aleks drinks the whole thing down without trouble, and leaves 200 silver richer. Well, that was...worth it. I think. Eager to wash the taste of slime from his mouth, he orders up a bowl of the Hagfish's lobster chowder.

Gareth, Warpriest of Desna |

Gareth is slightly annoyed at being woken up so early, as he had spent a lot of the night stargazing, and meditating on the mysteries of his goddess. Thus he was bit surly as he ate.
However, as soon as he saw Fiora bound through the door of the Rusty Dragon, he smiles brightly and his mood immediately lightens. "Heya kiddo, I was just waitin on you."
As they wander the stalls, he does appear to be somewhat distracted. He stumbles occasionally, drops his cup once or twice, and seems to be reacting to things unseen and unheard by any but himself.
When Fiora asks him if he's okay, he smiles ruefully. "More or less. I seem to have gained the attention of some unwanted spirits somewhere in my travels. They're mostly harmless, but a bit annoying. Do not fear, they have no real interest in anyone other than me." Gareth has the haunted Oracle curse.
And then are ushered to the new cathedral, which had still been under construction the last time he was in town. It warms his heart seeing it complete, and as he listens to all the various townsfolk talk about it's construction, and the festival, he begins to get a little eager to see the inside. Of course, that will have to wait till later, as now it was time to celebrate!
He accompanies his fellow Desnan to the theater, and recites one of his more ridiculous stories that leaves the crowd roaring with laughter. 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21 Perform(Storytelling)

Fiora Zantus |

When Fiora asks him if he's okay, he smiles ruefully. "More or less. I seem to have gained the attention of some unwanted spirits somewhere in my travels. They're mostly harmless, but a bit annoying. Do not fear, they have no real interest in anyone other than me."
"Spirits...? How do you know that? And what did you do to even make them chase you? You're one of the nicest people I know! ...Well, until the fighting starts, haha."
Later, When Gareth finishes his song, she cheers with the crowd. "That was a really good one! Now, let's go find those secret games. I'm really curious what they are, or the prizes! Maybe it's a trip around the world? Wouldn't that be great!?"

Grael Kraghelm |

Not really interested in playing any of the games, Grael still does agree to trying one of them anyway, at the urging of the game runner and a few people in the crowd, albiet, grudgingly.
Horseshoe Throw: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (15) - 2 = 13
Horseshoe Throw: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (9) - 2 = 7
Horseshoe Throw: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2
The broad dwarf grunts in amusement. One of the throws had gone better than expected, but to be honest, it was more than likely due to luck than any skill. "I just ain't built fer' throwin' things."
With a good-natured nod and wave, Grael moves on past the rest of the games and festivities, once again intent on getting to the Cathedral.

GM Anthorg - RotR |

As Abstalar hears Fiora and her eagerness, his heart melts and he lets out "Well, you might be lucky if you care about discussing the Old Light. Or if you like... savory food?"
Brodert Quink is known for his wild theories on the Old Light.
The town bakery is called Sandpoint Savories.
@Fiora: These are separate checks.
Mr. Biggs is certainly the sensation of the festival. He has been seen everywhere, and has made quite a name for himself with some the games. Although he did manage to keep Norah's water down, Aleksander enters with resolve and quickly gulps it down also. The two exchange looks and Jargie declares "Well, let's make this interesting! Let's have some bets, shall we?" The patrons start throwing money in a pot and a young girl suddenly appears writing down bets. Jargie says "Another cup, whoever takes it better gets the 200 silver plus half the bets. Bottoms up, hahahah"
@Mr Biggs and Aleksander: Since you tied, I want to make it interesting and you have to drink another round. Whoever rolls higher gets the 200 silver plus 10 gold pieces. You roll with a -2 penalty (from drinking some already)
Later, Mr Biggs shows how it's done and climbs the pole flawlessly, bringing much applause from the bystanders. Even one of the boys who was bothering him yesterday cheers him on. Apparently these games do bring some recognition.
Although Fiora's song was captivating, it wasn't actually funny. As Gareth told his story of the pig who managed to fly by mounting a flying gnome sorcerer, the crowd lost their composure and many people had trouble breathing with so much laughter.
The diva Allishandra nods approvingly, disguised in the crowd.
The horseshoe competition seems to be undefeated. A teenage farm boy and his brother seem to be the best throw so far.
Grael finds his way to the cathedral and it is magnificent. Father Zantus stands by the entrance nervously.

Mr. Biggs Sparklefoot |

Mutagen for con boost! Nah, lol. :P. I knew I should have stuck with hagfish hopeful lol.
Mr. Biggs downs it heartily.
fort: 1d20 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 3 - 2 = 12
However, it seems that once again his small (even by goblin standards) size bites him again. While he manages to keep it down, it is only after several close calls and feeling a little woozy. Eventually he shakes it off and cheers. More than happy to just be included.

Fiora Zantus |

Knowledge: local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Really? -_-
Knowledge: local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
"Huh...? Old light? I think I heard of that before..."
Unfortunately, she has a total blackout and just shakes her head. More fortunate, she does get the second hint! "Oh well, the bakery *does* sound good right now! Thanks, dad!"
She gives him a quick hug, then skids off to the bakery in search of the first secret game! And hopefully, she could ask some people on the way on this Old Light to refresh her memory.
Is it possible to simply ask locals on the way about Old Light, whatever it is?