Sufficiently Advanced Magic (Inactive)

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Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

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Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

The town of Torch has long enjoyed a singular claim to prosperity—a violet flame that burns atop Black Hill in the heart of the town. This flame burns incredibly hot, and while it’s usually the size of a bonfire, several times a year the fires spew up into the heavens in a brilliant beam of purple violence. These eruptions are presaged by about an hour of soft rumbling, giving nearby smiths a chance to retreat before the fires can consume them. At all other times, the violet energies allow for the smelting of all manner of skymetal. Torch is one of the only locations where skymetal can be worked with relative ease outside of Starfall, and its entire economy has risen around these purple flames, with traveling smiths coming from across Avistan to pay for the opportunity to work with them. Of course, Torch needs all the visiting trade and coin it can gather, for while the town’s distance from Starfall makes it inconvenient for the Technic League to maintain a permanent presence here, the taxes and tariffs it charges the Numerian town on a monthly basis are significant. The town prospers, but the bulk of its income does not belong to it.

Which is why, when the fires atop the hill suddenly go out, leaving only a strangely seeping pit of rubble and bubbling fluids where Torch's livelihood once glowed day and night, the town is in trouble.

Fortunately for Torch, on its council sits a powerful and well-liked wizard by the name of Khonnir Baine. He immediately launched an investigation, and discovered signs of unusual traffic on the banks of Weeping Pond, and shortly thereafter, the submerged tunnel that provides access to several heretofore unknown tunnels under Black Hill. His emergence from the caves with a deactivated semi-humanoid
automaton sparked worries that something strange might be going on in the caverns. Several bands of adventurers ventured into the caves after his initial expedition; none returned. Khonnir Baine organized a second expedition of his own, but it has now been several days since their expected return.

With the town running low on volunteers, and one of its most powerful guardians missing, the remaining members of the town council have made public a reward of 4,000 gp for the return of Khonnir's body. If he can be rescued alive, they offer as additional payment the scroll of resurrection they plan to use on him.

The group of you have, for various reasons, decided to venture into the mysterious tunnels beneath Torch. Perhaps you're motivated by your personal connection to Khonnir, curiosity about what lies beneath the town, or simply by the sizable reward. No matter the reason, your first order of business is to speak with the town council before undertaking your new mission.

You have all gathered some information by now, whether through deliberate action or simply by what you hear in town. Roll a d20 to see what you know already. Additionally, roll a separate d20, and if you roll a 1, you will need to follow it up with a Fortitude save.

Female N Changeling Ranger 3 | HP: 21/25 | AC: 18 (T: 13, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +3, R: +6, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

As Shesik returns to Torch, tired and dusty, the town is abuzz with rumors. The forge fires are cold and dark, and Khonnir Baine brought a robot up from the caverns. ”That’s dangerous. What if there’s more down there, what if they’re responsible for the fires going out”

Trading her meager finds for enough to resupply, she hears further talk about Khonnir being missing, and a reward. ”Better find out who to talk to about that”

gather information: 1d20 ⇒ 13
1d20 ⇒ 11 Not a 1.

Android Wizard (Spell Sage) 3 | HP 23/23 | AC 13 (Touch 13, FF 10, CMD 16) | F +3 R +4 W +3 | Per +5 | Init +3 | Active: None

Hekau put on the usual disguise. Some makeup and a hooded cloak. While not great, it kept him from being too obvious, as long as he kept his distance and didn't draw attention to himself.
Disguise as a human is an 11. Counting on distance modifiers and the fact that others don't normally get checks unless they are suspicious. Technic League agents who have heard rumors of Hekau would no doubt count as suspicious.

The locals knew that Hekau was under Khonnir Baine's protection. Val and Zelvin also looked out for him. Still, that wouldn't stop the Technic League.

Val helped apply some of the makeup. The android addressed her, his speech somewhat more natural around her after years of coaching.

"Thank you, Val. I am ready to go to the Council. I expect there will be strangers present due to the lucrative reward. I will be careful. I will listen to Zelvin."

What has he heard?: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Other roll: 1d20 ⇒ 18

LG fm dwarf Gunslinger1/Brawler2; 20/32hp, Grit 4/4 l AC18, T11, FF 17 l F +8, R +6, W +4, Ini +1 l Perc +7 l Active Conditions: (none)

Rumors?: 1d20 ⇒ 15
1d20 ⇒ 5

Seating outside the tavern, Xaerai nurses a beer and broods. She hasn't had an easy or productive last few weeks--as an outsider she wasn't particularly trusted and the list of hopeful would-be apprentices was longer than here arm. It left a bad taste in her mouth to even think the thoughts, but perhaps Torch's recent troubles signaled an opportunity for her--and by extension, Clan Stormforge. She gives Shesik a nod in greeting as the hunter passes by.

It wouldn't be the first time I sold my skill at arms, and their need seems real enough. All I need is a chance...

Downing the last dregs of her mug, she drops a coin into it and sets it aside, slinging her shield over her shoulder and marching up the street.

NG Male Tiefling Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Crypt Breaker/Wasteland Blighter) 3 |HP:19/21|(2 NL) AC: 14 T: 12 FF: 12 | CMB:+3 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +5 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, (+8 to locate traps) SM: +1 | Darkvision 60' | Speed 30 ' |(SLA) Darkness/CLW 0/1 | Bomb 5/8,(DC 16 Splash) | Formula: 1st 1/5 | Active Conditions: None

For his whole life, it seemed, Tyn had been preparing for this. Since the moment of what he has become to believe as his divine deliverance to his adopted parents in Anuli, and his subsequent training in the Manna Wastes, the Tiefling believed this was to become the culmination of his whole existence. Fascinated with stories of the alien creatures and their automated abominations, he had made his way to Torch several years ago. Here, he tended bar at a small hole-in-the-wall joint just outside the warehouse district. He slung heady drinks to the locals and traveling skymetal smiths, who loved to listen to tidbits of the information he gathered over the years-as well as a few crackpot conspiracy theories he would offer once in awhile.
He spent most all of his free time learning everything he could about the extraterrestrial phenomena that lay dormant beneath the area-almost to the point of becoming a minute thorn in the side of the Technic League itself-having even once sneaked in to study the deactivated humanoid brought out from the caves.
It had been several days since Khonnir Baine had led his latest expedition into the depths below when the news of the reward came in. He turned to see the owner, a small balding Gnome named Zatqualmie Pibbletip, smiling kindly at him on the bar step-stand he used to raise himself to patron height along with three containers of the Boulderhead Bock Tyn had developed a knack for brewing.
He just nodded to Tyn,

"Time to armor up've got a date with the council!"

Tyn smiled, nodded back, and went to gather his gear.

NG Male Tiefling Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Crypt Breaker/Wasteland Blighter) 3 |HP:19/21|(2 NL) AC: 14 T: 12 FF: 12 | CMB:+3 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +5 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, (+8 to locate traps) SM: +1 | Darkvision 60' | Speed 30 ' |(SLA) Darkness/CLW 0/1 | Bomb 5/8,(DC 16 Splash) | Formula: 1st 1/5 | Active Conditions: None

Gather info: 1d20 ⇒ 20

other: 1d20 ⇒ 1

ok, so that's how it's gonna be then...

FORT: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

M NG Magus 1 / Wizard 3 | HP 33/33 | AC13+4 T13 FF10+4 | CMB0 CMD13 | F+6 R+5* W+7* | Init+4 Per+9 (darkvision 60', low-light vision) SM+2 | AP 7/7 bullets 6/6 Called 1/1 | spells M1st 3/2 W1st-2/4 | conditions/effects: extended water breathing 8h, mage armor 2h

Gathering information: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Something else, no 1s: 1d20 ⇒ 8

Zelvin had taken to hanging out at the other tavern in town, the one favored by travelers, in hopes of meeting promising companions on the expedition he has already decided to take. He had warned Hekau he wouldn't be there to help the android get ready, but would meet him at the council house.

Three strangers looked like especially promising candidates to Zelvin. He followed behind each of them, watching them all separately learn about the reward and then make their way to the meeting. By some coincidence all three of them found seats relatively near each other, and so Zelvin slipped into an empty bench in the same general area. "How d'you do?" he said in the slight twang of the region, looking at each of them in turn. "While we're waitin' for the doings to begin, I thought I should introduce myself. I'm Zelvin, sometimes called Zelvin Baine. Khonnir Baine is my adopted father. I mean to go after him, me and my brother Hekau, and I'm hopin' you three will join us. Mr. Khonnir taught both of us magic, and we're not useless in a fight, neither. If you mean to go, we'd do better as a team. What d'ya think?"

He holds his breath as he finishes this spiel, and waits to see if they will respond before the meeting begins. Then he sees Hekau enter, and he waves to him, motioning for him to join Zelvin on the bench.

Android Wizard (Spell Sage) 3 | HP 23/23 | AC 13 (Touch 13, FF 10, CMD 16) | F +3 R +4 W +3 | Per +5 | Init +3 | Active: None

Hekau looks around warily, glancing at all the unfamiliar faces in the room, and then moves to join Zelvin.

"I am Hekau," he says quietly to the strangers.

Then he sits down and listens.

I think being introduced this way probably warrants a Perception check, so feel free to make one. It's only DC 11 to realize that Hekau is actually an android.

Female N Changeling Ranger 3 | HP: 21/25 | AC: 18 (T: 13, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +3, R: +6, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Having wandered into the town council meeting Shesik hunches down on a bench looking suspiciously at the small crowd. Most gathered are human, but there are a few outliers. The Stormforge dwarf she knows. The other standout is a nearby tiefling who smells of hops.

She grunts as the pale half-elf introduces himself. He seems to be including Xaerai and this demonkin. The dwarf can hold her own, don't know nothin' about horns over there.

"You're quite forward to make assumptions sir." she growls quietly.

But his adoptive brother walks in and catches her mismatched eyes.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 6 + 2 = 23

Her eyes narrow. Oh for shame! He calls that one brother. The fingers on her right hand pull back and curl, claws at the ready. "Fine!" she practically spits at Zelvin. "I won't speak for Xaerai or horns here, but I'll work with you." Even if it is just to make sure _that_ doesn't cause any trouble.

LG fm dwarf Gunslinger1/Brawler2; 20/32hp, Grit 4/4 l AC18, T11, FF 17 l F +8, R +6, W +4, Ini +1 l Perc +7 l Active Conditions: (none)

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Xaerai quirks an eyebrow at Hekau but doesn't comment, instead turning back to Zelvin. "Do you speak for the town? Or is this a personal misadventure? Judging by reputation your da was no slouch as a wizard--if something got him down there I'll need more'n just your appreciation." The dwarf flinches when she hears how she sounds, and softens her expression.

"I don't mean to be crass an' mercenary, but I'm not just here for m'self. There's a whole clan riding on my work here whether they know it or not, an' as much as I'd like ta help I can't afford any charity cases right now."

M NG Magus 1 / Wizard 3 | HP 33/33 | AC13+4 T13 FF10+4 | CMB0 CMD13 | F+6 R+5* W+7* | Init+4 Per+9 (darkvision 60', low-light vision) SM+2 | AP 7/7 bullets 6/6 Called 1/1 | spells M1st 3/2 W1st-2/4 | conditions/effects: extended water breathing 8h, mage armor 2h

Zelvin appears startled by the force of Shesik's reply, but nods as he sees her studying Hekau, as if perhaps he understands her reaction.

He grins a bit sheepishly in response to the dwarven woman's statement. "Didn't ya hear?" he drawls a bit more quietly, looking around as if sharing a secret, "There's to be a reward for Mr. Khonnir's return, alive or dead. I'm anxious that it be the former, obviously, but I assure you, your efforts wouldn't go unpaid. 'Sides, going together means we would be less likely to get in each others' way."

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

I'm already in love with everyone's roleplaying. Here are some wild rumors and baseless speculations for you.

While trying to find a buyer for some of your wares, you overhear a snippet of conversation that sticks. "My cousin says his friend saw a monster snake in Crowfeather Lake, a beast big enough to swallow a wagon!"

While working in the back of Baine's foundry, a piece of conversation pierces through the din and into your audioreceptors. "You didn’t hear it from me, but Garmen Ulreth’s Ropefists have something to do with these problems. How do I know? Well...Ulreth’s got his fingers in pretty much everything bad in town already, so why not our latest troubles?"

You might be an outsider, but sometimes outsiders are the ones people are most eager to share secrets with. One man at the tavern, deep into his cups, is talking with you when he looks around to make sure no one can overhear. Whispering, he tells you "Garmen’s not the actual boss of the Ropefist gang. They’re actually agents of the Technic League!"

Ever since you woke up this morning, you've had a splitting headache that refuses to go away. While trying to find an apothecary that would see you, you pass by two people having an animated conversation. One says to the other "The Technic League’s not pleased with the situation, and I hear the Black Sovereign himself is heading to town in a few weeks to find out what’s been going on down here!"

Because of this migraine, you take a -1 penalty to all Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based skill checks for 24 hours. Your saving throws, ability checks, etc are unaffected.

While hanging about the tavern, you are able to eavesdrop on the conversations of travelers whose voices have been made too loud by alcohol. One sticks out to you in particular: "Ratfolk bandits have been becoming more and more of a problem on the roads to the east. Someone’s gotta do something about them!"

NG Male Tiefling Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Crypt Breaker/Wasteland Blighter) 3 |HP:19/21|(2 NL) AC: 14 T: 12 FF: 12 | CMB:+3 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +5 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, (+8 to locate traps) SM: +1 | Darkvision 60' | Speed 30 ' |(SLA) Darkness/CLW 0/1 | Bomb 5/8,(DC 16 Splash) | Formula: 1st 1/5 | Active Conditions: None

Tyn is sitting down in the council meeting massaging his temples, muttering under his breath-something about their signal must be getting stronger somehow.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

He does a double-take when Hekau walks in and watches him intently as he joins the rest. When the shoddily-disguised android introducing himself, he replies,

"And so you are...fascinating."

When Shesik calls him by horns, he smiles a smart aleck toothy grin and knocks on his right one with a closed fist-wincing at the exacerbation of his pounding headache. He sighs and goes back to massaging his temples.

Female N Changeling Ranger 3 | HP: 21/25 | AC: 18 (T: 13, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +3, R: +6, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Shesik looks over at the tiefling, "Yeah, it's quite fascinating. It even speaks common." Giving Hekau some side-eye, a twisted frown of distrust makes her dark eye squint as she turns back to the pale half-elf.

"Since yer so attached to working together, maybe you can share what you know." Her look softening slightly, very slightly, she looks back and forth between Khonnir Baine's adopted sons. "Zelvin, Hekau, before he disappeared, your father and mentor supposedly dragged a chunk of mechanical terror from the caverns under the black hill."

Leaning back to cast her disperate gaze around the small group and lowers her voice, "What can you tell us about this strange acquisition? How similar is it to your ... brother?" This last word said with a dismissive glance at the android sitting with them.

M NG Magus 1 / Wizard 3 | HP 33/33 | AC13+4 T13 FF10+4 | CMB0 CMD13 | F+6 R+5* W+7* | Init+4 Per+9 (darkvision 60', low-light vision) SM+2 | AP 7/7 bullets 6/6 Called 1/1 | spells M1st 3/2 W1st-2/4 | conditions/effects: extended water breathing 8h, mage armor 2h

Zelvin shakes his head. "Mr. Khonnir won't let us near it, he says it's dangerous. He keeps it locked in his workshop. Based on the brief glimpse I got, I don't think it looked anything like Hekau, bein' honest. Don't worry. Most times I forget my brother ain't like the other stiffs livin' and workin' here in Torch-- but then again, I'm not much like them either. We may be locals, but we ain't got much civic pride, except for Mr. Khonnir. He's the only one here who ever treated us like people." He rolls his eyes in a sign of slight sibling rivalry. "And Val, o' course, but I think jus' between us that she is just a mite bit superior about bein' the oldest. She was adopted first, y'see." He shrugs. "Anyways, maybe after the meetin' you'd like to come back an' see the-- what did he call it, Hekau? 'Robert'? Truth be tole I forgot about it what with everythin' else that's been goin' on."

NG Male Tiefling Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Crypt Breaker/Wasteland Blighter) 3 |HP:19/21|(2 NL) AC: 14 T: 12 FF: 12 | CMB:+3 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +5 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, (+8 to locate traps) SM: +1 | Darkvision 60' | Speed 30 ' |(SLA) Darkness/CLW 0/1 | Bomb 5/8,(DC 16 Splash) | Formula: 1st 1/5 | Active Conditions: None

"Ooh, secrets!" Tyn squeaks.

He looks to the right and left as if someone nefarious maybe trying to listen in. He strokes his metallic horns, leans in, and lowers his voice in turn,

"I've heard that the Black Sovereign himself is headed here within two weeks to find out what is going on!"

Android Wizard (Spell Sage) 3 | HP 23/23 | AC 13 (Touch 13, FF 10, CMD 16) | F +3 R +4 W +3 | Per +5 | Init +3 | Active: None

Hekau looks Shesik in her mismatched eyes and replies impassively, "It is true that Khonnir Baine retrieved a robot from the caverns. As with many robots, it could be dangerous if improperly tampered with.
The robot differs from me in that I am an android. You have clearly deduced my constructed nature, but perhaps you do not understand the distinction.
I have a soul. Although my components were constructed, my life force is much like yours. I can be healed by curative magic or slain by death magic. This is not true of robots."

He turns to Tyn. "If the Black Sovereign were indeed headed here, that would be a cause for alarm. According to my knowledge on the subject - primarily the observations of Khonnir Baine - the actions of the Sovereign are not generally taken for the benefit of his subjects.
I too have heard rumors of unknown veracity. Is the source of your information credible?"

Finally, he addresses Zelvin, a bit less stiffly. "Yes Zelvin, perhaps we can show them the construct. What do you think would be Val's position on the matter? I believe she would consider herself responsible for Father's property in his absence, but would also concede that the robot may hold some clues, even minor ones."

LG fm dwarf Gunslinger1/Brawler2; 20/32hp, Grit 4/4 l AC18, T11, FF 17 l F +8, R +6, W +4, Ini +1 l Perc +7 l Active Conditions: (none)

After mulling all of this over a moment, Xaerai shrugs. Her answer was never really in doubt. "Alright, I'm in. Coin is well at good but what I really want is training." She points at Hekau and Zelvin. "Your da's a big man around here, yeah? So here's my price: once we rescue him, I want your oath that you'll lean on him to help me get an apprenticeship. I want to learn how to work the skymetals, maybe poke around in the guts of this 'Robert' thing... Are we agreed?"

At Tyn's pronouncement Xaerai just blinks, puzzled. "Black Sovereign...sounds important." She turns to Shesik with a small shrug. "Are they important?"

M NG Magus 1 / Wizard 3 | HP 33/33 | AC13+4 T13 FF10+4 | CMB0 CMD13 | F+6 R+5* W+7* | Init+4 Per+9 (darkvision 60', low-light vision) SM+2 | AP 7/7 bullets 6/6 Called 1/1 | spells M1st 3/2 W1st-2/4 | conditions/effects: extended water breathing 8h, mage armor 2h

Zelvin snorts. "You got that right, Hekau. We'll have to convince her to let us in the workshop-- or break in." He scratches his neck warily. "Probably Mr. Khonnir wouldn't like that when he gets back. Any of you folks good at sweet-talkin' teenaged girls?"

He looks from Xaerai to Hekau with an open expression, like he is deferring to the android's judgment. He shrugs, indicating that for his part at least Xaerai's rider is fine with him. (He's not particularly good at hiding his motivations; everyone can probably recognize that he is playing up his overly folksy manner. Perhaps this is a defense mechanism he's picked up from Khonnir Baine?)

Android Wizard (Spell Sage) 3 | HP 23/23 | AC 13 (Touch 13, FF 10, CMD 16) | F +3 R +4 W +3 | Per +5 | Init +3 | Active: None

Hekau looks to Zelvin. "Yes, I agree that persuading Val to allow us access would be best. 'Sweet-talking.'"

He looks rather blankly at Xaerai. "Big man? Khonnir Baine is within the typical size range for a human male.
Ah. More vernacular.
Yes, he is well-known and respected in Torch.
I should lean on him? Ah... I should try to influence him. Acceptable. You must understand that my capabilities of persuasion are limited. If you assist us in rescuing Khonnir Baine, I will say, 'Father, this dwarf has helped rescue you. She wishes to learn to work skymetals and to understand the construction of robots. I request that you assist her in learning these disciplines.'
Would that be acceptable to you?"

Hekau normally defers to Zelvin's judgment, since Hekau has a -4 Sense Motive check.

Female N Changeling Ranger 3 | HP: 21/25 | AC: 18 (T: 13, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +3, R: +6, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Know.Engineering: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 3 + 2 = 19
Know.Arcana: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 2 = 14
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Grimacing at Hekau's awkward social graces Shesik grunts, "I am familiar with the claimed differences between the android mind and a robot mind. I was more curious about construction. For instance, does it have legs? or wheels? Does it have something that can be identified as a head?" She shakes her head in frustration.

With a sigh of acceptance she continues, "Once we've heard what the council has to tell us, why don't you two take us to your father's workshop and we'll see if it warrants more digging." Absently she scrapes a claw up the side of the machete hanging from her hip, the strange chitin on metal sound makes her grin dangerously. "Then, maybe we'll wander down into those caverns and see if there are any more of them." And kill them!

After a short pause she continues, "And hopefully we can return with your father safe and sound." She finishes with a grunt. Unlikely, they've probably already torn him limb from limb. It'll be a wonder if we find any trace of him besides his blood.

LG fm dwarf Gunslinger1/Brawler2; 20/32hp, Grit 4/4 l AC18, T11, FF 17 l F +8, R +6, W +4, Ini +1 l Perc +7 l Active Conditions: (none)

Xaerai narrows her eyes at Hekau, trying to determine if she's being mocked. Deciding that she isn't, she offers her hand to shake. "I'll accept that, so long as you give it an honest effort. I don't exactly have a silver tongue either." Her expression grows briefly horrified at an imagined faux pas. "D-do you have...?"

Android Wizard (Spell Sage) 3 | HP 23/23 | AC 13 (Touch 13, FF 10, CMD 16) | F +3 R +4 W +3 | Per +5 | Init +3 | Active: None

Hekau shakes hands with Xaerai.
"No. My tongue is not silver, neither in the literal nor the metaphorical meaning."

He is clearly not mocking Xaerai, just absurdly sincere.

NG Male Tiefling Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Crypt Breaker/Wasteland Blighter) 3 |HP:19/21|(2 NL) AC: 14 T: 12 FF: 12 | CMB:+3 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +5 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, (+8 to locate traps) SM: +1 | Darkvision 60' | Speed 30 ' |(SLA) Darkness/CLW 0/1 | Bomb 5/8,(DC 16 Splash) | Formula: 1st 1/5 | Active Conditions: None

Tyn watches Hekau intently. Studying his demeanor, or general lack thereof, he hangs on every word of the android's interpretation of the metaphorical banter his living counterparts throw at him. Not for anything of suspicion, but he tries to infer something in his reaction other than a constructed being, some spark of true humanity.

sense motive: 1d20 ⇒ 13

He chuckles to himself at the futile attempt and offers,

"You know Hekau, growing up in the family I did. I have aided and abetted the destruction of many a mindless construct abomination. From my experience, I can tell that you are about as far from that as any true biologically born being around. Bharnarol is pleased of your very existence, I am sure of this!"

Not being able to contain himself from offering his own metaphorical contribution, he clasps Hekau on the shoulder in supportive alliance,

"You're a good egg Hekau...a good egg!"

Android Wizard (Spell Sage) 3 | HP 23/23 | AC 13 (Touch 13, FF 10, CMD 16) | F +3 R +4 W +3 | Per +5 | Init +3 | Active: None

Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
"Bharnarol... The Tempered Inventor. I know of him.
A good egg...?
Ah. It is a compliment.
Thank you, sir. What is your name?"

NG Male Tiefling Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Crypt Breaker/Wasteland Blighter) 3 |HP:19/21|(2 NL) AC: 14 T: 12 FF: 12 | CMB:+3 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +5 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, (+8 to locate traps) SM: +1 | Darkvision 60' | Speed 30 ' |(SLA) Darkness/CLW 0/1 | Bomb 5/8,(DC 16 Splash) | Formula: 1st 1/5 | Active Conditions: None

The Tiefling extends his hand to the android,

"Tyn...Tyn Foyle-of the Numerian Aasimar family-via Bharanol knows where, originally. We never figured that one out. Alchemist and extraterrestrial aficionado...or local crackpot and troublemaker, depends on who and where you ask. Pleased to make your acquaintance!"

LG fm dwarf Gunslinger1/Brawler2; 20/32hp, Grit 4/4 l AC18, T11, FF 17 l F +8, R +6, W +4, Ini +1 l Perc +7 l Active Conditions: (none)
Tyn wrote:
"Tyn...Tyn Foyle..."

Xaerai rolls here eyes. "Aight then, don't tell us. We're just the people who'll be watching your back down there."

Female N Changeling Ranger 3 | HP: 21/25 | AC: 18 (T: 13, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +3, R: +6, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Watching Tyn and Hekau make their introductions Shesik shrugs, "Well, if it's time for the meet and greet, you can call me Shesik. Shesik of the nothin' and nobody. Unlike some of you, I grew up out there in the harsh wastelands around here. Won't find me reporting back to no clan or fam." She presents her clawed hand, not really expecting anyone to be willing to meet its pronged grasp."Scavenger, survivor and some-times guide."

She will willing shake hands with anyone but Hekau. Simply dropping the proffered hand or turning toward someone else if he attempts.

M NG Magus 1 / Wizard 3 | HP 33/33 | AC13+4 T13 FF10+4 | CMB0 CMD13 | F+6 R+5* W+7* | Init+4 Per+9 (darkvision 60', low-light vision) SM+2 | AP 7/7 bullets 6/6 Called 1/1 | spells M1st 3/2 W1st-2/4 | conditions/effects: extended water breathing 8h, mage armor 2h

Zelvin nods, and solemnly takes Shesik's hand. "Sounds like you'll be right at home with a coupla misfits like us. Especially if you're a survivor! You ever done any spelunkin'? Mr. Khonnir took me down once or twice, and o' course they say that's where the folks at the temple to Brigh found me-- havin' lately come out o' those caves, or so the story goes. But I certainly wouldn't call myself a guide, and I'd be happy to follow your lead, Shesik. Pleased to meet you."

Android Wizard (Spell Sage) 3 | HP 23/23 | AC 13 (Touch 13, FF 10, CMD 16) | F +3 R +4 W +3 | Per +5 | Init +3 | Active: None

Hekau looks uncertainly at Shesik. While is not good at picking up the subtleties of interpersonal interactions, Shesik has been anything but subtle.

He calculates the risks of various approaches, then settles on doing nothing.

I am not certain of the strategy Zelvin is employing for dealing with the scavenger. I will have to ask him about it later. I do not want to impair his strategy.

LG fm dwarf Gunslinger1/Brawler2; 20/32hp, Grit 4/4 l AC18, T11, FF 17 l F +8, R +6, W +4, Ini +1 l Perc +7 l Active Conditions: (none)

For the record, Xaerai would have shaken Shesik's hand when they were traveling together a few weeks back

NG Male Tiefling Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Crypt Breaker/Wasteland Blighter) 3 |HP:19/21|(2 NL) AC: 14 T: 12 FF: 12 | CMB:+3 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +5 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, (+8 to locate traps) SM: +1 | Darkvision 60' | Speed 30 ' |(SLA) Darkness/CLW 0/1 | Bomb 5/8,(DC 16 Splash) | Formula: 1st 1/5 | Active Conditions: None

Tyn looks at his outstretched hand blankly, not altogether surprised Hekau missed the gesture. When Shesik offers hers, he swings his empty hand and catches her claw. He turns it over-studying it-nods and smiles approvingly.
"A part of an ancestry I failed to inherit." he shrugs,

"Well, we all can't be perfect, now can we? Don't hold it against me eh."

With every exchange he witnesses between the others-both good and bad-it's clear that he is the outsider here...literally...

Female N Changeling Ranger 3 | HP: 21/25 | AC: 18 (T: 13, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +3, R: +6, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Don't worry Hekau, she'll warm up eventually. It just takes time, especially for someone who qualifies as a favored enemy.

Shesik snorts in surprise as Tyn examines her hand, "I don't think we have any ancestry in common Horns, I'm told both my parents were wholly human, but something else got in here too. For what it's worth..." Her gaze passes over the small group. "...none of us are quite human. Are we?" At least I didn't wind up with horns. The eyes and the claws are plenty.

Shifting back to Zelvin, Shesik shakes her head. "Don't have much experience with caverns. Most of my exploring has been done above ground or in man-made environs." She taps the side of her head and continues, "However, these tend to work pretty well in the dark, so, there's that."

M NG Magus 1 / Wizard 3 | HP 33/33 | AC13+4 T13 FF10+4 | CMB0 CMD13 | F+6 R+5* W+7* | Init+4 Per+9 (darkvision 60', low-light vision) SM+2 | AP 7/7 bullets 6/6 Called 1/1 | spells M1st 3/2 W1st-2/4 | conditions/effects: extended water breathing 8h, mage armor 2h

"Well, that's real fine. Sure'n that'll come in handy!" Zelvin grins, breathing a little easier now. Well, the hard part's done. Hope we can all get along long enough to rescue Mr. Khonnir. Realizing the dwarf hasn't given her name yet, he reaches a hand out to her as well. "How would you like to be addressed? I'd say ma'am because it's one of the most respectful titles I know, but some folks don't like it so I don't like to assume."

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

Eventually, a harried looking young human enters the tavern, scanning the patrons inside. Though he walks in, it's obvious he's been running, and once he catches sight of you, he visibly relaxes. "Finally," he says to himself, though the words carry further than he intends.

He makes his way over to your table and sketches a bow. "The council will see you now. If you'll please follow me..."

The man turns and immediately heads for the door, only catching himself at the door and looking back to see if anyone is actually following him.

M NG Magus 1 / Wizard 3 | HP 33/33 | AC13+4 T13 FF10+4 | CMB0 CMD13 | F+6 R+5* W+7* | Init+4 Per+9 (darkvision 60', low-light vision) SM+2 | AP 7/7 bullets 6/6 Called 1/1 | spells M1st 3/2 W1st-2/4 | conditions/effects: extended water breathing 8h, mage armor 2h

Zelvin jumps up and instinctively bows back, then his pale skin pinks with slight embarrassment. He looks to the others and prepares to follow, nodding to the man that they are right behind him.

NG Male Tiefling Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Crypt Breaker/Wasteland Blighter) 3 |HP:19/21|(2 NL) AC: 14 T: 12 FF: 12 | CMB:+3 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +5 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, (+8 to locate traps) SM: +1 | Darkvision 60' | Speed 30 ' |(SLA) Darkness/CLW 0/1 | Bomb 5/8,(DC 16 Splash) | Formula: 1st 1/5 | Active Conditions: None

Tyn pops up and he stutters a bit. For a split second, he almost questions the degree of his own dedication as the half elf seems to beat him to the punch. He shakes off the thought and proceeds to follow.

Female N Changeling Ranger 3 | HP: 21/25 | AC: 18 (T: 13, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +3, R: +6, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

Shesik stands slowly, fluidly unfolding from her hunched seated state. Nodding to Xaerai she flashes Hekau a look. ”Well robot, shall we follow your brother’s lead? Don’t want to get left behind for the League, right?”

She carefully gathers up her pack, making sure none of her meager belongings are left behind, and follows the young human out of the tavern.

Android Wizard (Spell Sage) 3 | HP 23/23 | AC 13 (Touch 13, FF 10, CMD 16) | F +3 R +4 W +3 | Per +5 | Init +3 | Active: None

"I am an android. Not a robot."
Hekau stands, returns the young man's bow, and follows him.

LG fm dwarf Gunslinger1/Brawler2; 20/32hp, Grit 4/4 l AC18, T11, FF 17 l F +8, R +6, W +4, Ini +1 l Perc +7 l Active Conditions: (none)

Xaerai opens her mouth to ask what the difference is, then closes it again. She doesn't want to look like a bumpkin--or worse, insult someone who has offered to help her. Slinging her shield and pack she follows the messenger.

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

One of the grander buildings in Torch, the town hall #15 on the map located on Slide 3 doubles as a second garrison and lookout tower watching over the eastern roads. The young man ushers you inside to the council chamber, giving an abbreviated introduction that amounts to little more than "The latest batch of adventurers, Madame Councilor,"[ before rushing out on his next bit of business without so much as a goodbye.

Up on the dais, there sits a single old dwarven woman, flanked on both sides by empty chairs numbering four. This is Dolga Freddert, the town's oldest councilor, who has lived in Torch since its founding a century ago. When you first enter the room, she is scowling down at the messenger, though her face brightens once she sees the group of you, and positively beams at Zelvin and Hekau.

"Good lads!" she says. "I know we've all been worried sick about your father, but it's good to see you stepping up to bring him home. Who are your friends? They look quite formidable as well."

M NG Magus 1 / Wizard 3 | HP 33/33 | AC13+4 T13 FF10+4 | CMB0 CMD13 | F+6 R+5* W+7* | Init+4 Per+9 (darkvision 60', low-light vision) SM+2 | AP 7/7 bullets 6/6 Called 1/1 | spells M1st 3/2 W1st-2/4 | conditions/effects: extended water breathing 8h, mage armor 2h

Zelvin licks his lips, wary of Ms. Freddert but glad that her response is positive. He smiles. "Thanks, ma'am. I just know we'll find him and bring him back safe and sound. I'll let my associates introduce themselves. They're real fine folk, seems to me."

LG fm dwarf Gunslinger1/Brawler2; 20/32hp, Grit 4/4 l AC18, T11, FF 17 l F +8, R +6, W +4, Ini +1 l Perc +7 l Active Conditions: (none)

Xaerai steps forward and executes a salute that might have even satisfied her old sergeant. "Xaerai Stormforge, of the Five Kings, Councilor Freddert. With your blessing, we'll find your wayward mage and bring him safely home. I would ask a boon of you--I've little need for coin, but I hunger for knowledge of the forges. I would ask that I be made an apprentice, to learn to smelt the sky-metals, and would gladly forfeit my share of the reward in exchange."

Android Wizard (Spell Sage) 3 | HP 23/23 | AC 13 (Touch 13, FF 10, CMD 16) | F +3 R +4 W +3 | Per +5 | Init +3 | Active: None

Hekau adds, "I hope these individuals will be able to help."
They are not yet my 'friends' but it would be impolite to say that.

He otherwise stands back and lets Zelvin handle the talking.

Female N Changeling Ranger 3 | HP: 21/25 | AC: 18 (T: 13, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +3, R: +6, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: none.

As Xaerai finishes her introduction and request, Shesik hesitantly steps forward. Clasping her hands behind her back, she bows carefully and looks up at the aged dwarf. ”I am called Shesik your honor. I am a mere scavenger, but I would hate to see the mechanical menace that the elder Baine uncovered below rise up and cause this town harm. Or this company. I will do everything I can to bring Khonnir Baine back and make sure his adoptive sons return as well.”

And with that she backs away making space for Tyn to introduce himself.

NG Male Tiefling Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Crypt Breaker/Wasteland Blighter) 3 |HP:19/21|(2 NL) AC: 14 T: 12 FF: 12 | CMB:+3 CMD: 15 | F: +3 R: +5 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, (+8 to locate traps) SM: +1 | Darkvision 60' | Speed 30 ' |(SLA) Darkness/CLW 0/1 | Bomb 5/8,(DC 16 Splash) | Formula: 1st 1/5 | Active Conditions: None

Tyn nods to Shesik as she gives way. He saunters up a few paces and bows in a sweeping motion,

"Tyn Foyle, at your service your majestic Councilor-a-ship...ness! Academian of the School of Life, Alchemical Medicine, and Grand Pursuit of all Knowledge Extraterrestrial! You may have heard of"

Feeling a momentary resurgence of his migraine, he swoons a bit- righting himself as his prehensile tail stabilizes him. He once again tries to massage his troubles away around his horns, muttering,

"And present victim of one demon of a headache!"

He sighs and drops back again.

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

Hekau and Zelvin:
The other members of the council, Bazlundi Oterrbie, Joram Kyte, and Soceal Murgrave, are absent, as indicated by their empty seats. Your father Khonnir, of course, is also absent for obvious if unknown reasons.

Dolga listens to each of your introductions with a serious and attentive expression, nodding as you (for the most part) promise to return Khonnir home. She even grimaces sympathetically when Tyn mentions his headache. "You have my sympathies, boy. There's been a quite a bit of that going around lately."

She grins for a moment in response Xaerai's enthusiasm for the forges, but it's wiped away by a sigh. "Since the torch went out, there's been precious little forging of skymetals going on. But if you bring Khonnir back, there'll be a place for you in my forgehall."

"Now, I'm sure the lot of you know all about the reward for bringing back Khonnir, one way or the other. There is also a separate reward for finding a way to reignite the torch, but lives come first. If I find out you abandoned any of Torch's citizens to whatever's in those caves just to turn on the world's biggest nightlight I will personally beat some sense into you with my warhammer."

"That said, the council is grateful for your assistance. The main reason I summoned you is to answer your questions and help you prepare as best I can. Ask away."

M NG Magus 1 / Wizard 3 | HP 33/33 | AC13+4 T13 FF10+4 | CMB0 CMD13 | F+6 R+5* W+7* | Init+4 Per+9 (darkvision 60', low-light vision) SM+2 | AP 7/7 bullets 6/6 Called 1/1 | spells M1st 3/2 W1st-2/4 | conditions/effects: extended water breathing 8h, mage armor 2h

"Can you tell us about the other expeditions? Everyone's been mighty tight-lipped about them. Mister Khonnir wasn't the first one to go rooting around under there after the fire went out, right?" He cocks his head. "And where are the other council members? You speak with their voices, right ma'am? Are they okay?"

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

"He wasn't the first, no, but his team was the only one to come back. There were four teams in all, making five expeditions. The first team was a group of halfling adventurers, the second a group of local thugs, and the fourth a small adventuring party devoted to the worship of Brigh from out of town. Khonnir’s team undertook the third and fifth expeditions under Black Hill, and it was on the fifth expedition—his second trip—that he went missing."

"I do speak for the council, but that's a fair question. Councilors Otterbie and Kyte are working on how to deal with our trash problem. Ordinarily we'd just toss garbage into the torch, but without that it's starting to pile up. Murgrave is resting at home with a migraine, he's been hit especially hard by the outbreak of headaches."

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