GM Quirk's Threefold Conspiracy

Game Master Quirk, Private Eye

Campaign maps and slides

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Male LG Trox Dream Prophet Vanguard 6 | SP 60/72 HP 50/50 | RP 6/8 | EAC 19; KAC 19 (17+1+1 w/EP/Shield)| Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +1, Dark vision 60ft | Speed 40ft (Burrow 20ft)| FoP 0/1 | Frenzy 0/1 | Reactive 1/1 | Asp Emb 1/1| EP 1/5 |Active conditions: -

At Galatea's description, Rar'gul twists in the tight corridor and tries the access panel on the wall behind him.

"Someone want to help with these two?' the trox rumbles, carting the vesk into brig. He removes her armour and other equipment, before restraining her. The process is repeated with the dwarf.


Female halfling envoy 3 / biohacker 3 | SP 42/42 : HP 35/38 : RP 6/7 | EAC 15 : KAC 16 | F +8 : R +8 : W +7 | Init +3 : Perc +15 : SM +13 (+1d6) : Med +13 (+1d6) | Speed 30 BH 2/5 : IB B/J/P/r/T : TDW B/J/P/R/T | Bottle Caps 1
Rar’gul wrote:
"Someone want to help with these two?'

Lilly slips past Rar’gul and heads toward the brig. “You carry the goods, I’ll handle the doors. Put ‘em in here.” She pauses for a moment, then begins to chuckls. “Goods… mercs… they’re ‘merc-andise! Ha!!”

Her laughter grows louder and continues for many seconds longer than the joke deserved, then it slowly morphs into a minute’s worth of wracking sobs.

She finally pulls herself together and wipes at now-red eyes. “I’m fine. I’m just… I’m fine. It’s… all… the… (sniff) I’m fine. I’ll give these two a quick (sniff) once over, then we can check on the others.”

She sets to work checking the mercenaries for fresh scars, especially around their heads.

Medicine: 1d20 + 12 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 12 + (1) = 15

Her hands tremble a little, definitely not operating with her usual precision. Damn grays. Damn, damn, damn them.

Doctor Flint-Bridge II wrote:
Rar’gul wrote:
"Someone want to help with these two?'

Lilly slips past Rar’gul and heads toward the brig. “You carry the goods, I’ll handle the doors. Put ‘em in here.” She pauses for a moment, then begins to chuckls. “Goods… mercs… they’re ‘merc-andise! Ha!!”

She sets to work checking the mercenaries for fresh scars, especially around their heads.

[Dice=Medicine] 1d20+12+1d6

Mildly irritated at how bad your joke was. But only mildly...

Dr. Flint-Bridge's quick medical check of the "merc-andise" proves to be inconclusive. There COULD be evidence of procedures the grays may have done, but both have been given a solid beating by your crew, possibly hiding any contusions, incisions, or swelling caused by grays (or whoever is in that ship following you).

Meanwhile, Breeze slowly opens the door to her medbay room and looks out into the corridor.

She appears to be in control of her faculties, though quite disturbed by what has transpired. "Are...they dead?"

Silver Crusade

Male Human Operative 6 Init +6 Percept +11 SenseMotive +11 // F 3* R 9 W 5 // EAC 18 KAC 18 ; Stamina 48/48 HP 40/40 Resolve 6/7

John grabs the dwarf's collar and drags him to the brig where he begins to strip the dwarf's gear and armor.

When the dwarf is naked in the cell

Weapons, armor and bric a brac. Sure hope he didn't go commando. Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

Female LN Android Quartermaster Exocortex Mechanic 5 | SP 33/35 HP 34/34 | RP 6/6 | EAC 21; KAC 24; CMAC: 32 | Fort +5; Ref +11; Will +2 | Init: +7 | Perc: +12, SM: -1 | Speed 30ft | Active Effects: Infosphere (Perception), Memory Module (Medicine) | Conditions: None.

Galatea looked at Breez with coldly logical eyes, "No, your companions have been subdued with non-lethal force. They are being restrained so they do not pose a threat to themselves or other members of this crew."

She quizzically regarded the mercenary, "May I perform a scan to ensure that there is no neural trauma related to your condition, or this most recent telepathic assault on the crew of this vessel?"

OOC: If she submits to the scan, I am attempting to determine how she was able to resist the conditioning that caused her fellow mercenaries to attack us. Medicine check, if Breez consents: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34. This will likely allow us a 10 minute rest, for those injured who need to recover Stamina. Also, is anyone down to HP's and in need of Treat Deadly Wounds?

Silver Crusade

Male Human Operative 6 Init +6 Percept +11 SenseMotive +11 // F 3* R 9 W 5 // EAC 18 KAC 18 ; Stamina 48/48 HP 40/40 Resolve 6/7

Was interrupted mid-post yesterday.

When the dwarf and vesk are naked in their cell, John turns to Rar'gul. "Let's fetch the others from the bridge."

"Doc be you content here until we return? Maybe you can consider how to restrain the ysoki while we're gone."

Stripping the technomancer might not be enough to ensure they can't escape the brig. Pharmaceuticals for more secure living?

We should check the other mercenaries and Yariel too.

GMQ, any of the mercenaries augmented?

John U. Rawlins wrote:

John grabs the dwarf's collar and drags him to the brig where he begins to strip the dwarf's gear and armor.

When the dwarf is naked in the cell

Weapons, armor and bric a brac. Sure hope he didn't go commando.

chance dwarf went commando, low is bad: 1d100 ⇒ 84

The dwarf is properly clothed with the appropriate and expected boxer shorts, as is the tradition of his people.

Once the fight is over, and she sees that her fellow mercenaries are alive, Kaniko thanks you all for the rescue. Deducing that you have already handled the mercenaries on the bridge, she says, “Then
there’s only a few of us unaccounted for. We’ve got to check on
them. Maybe they were able to resist whatever was done to us.
But if they weren’t, we need to take them down alive.”

Breez submits Galatea's scans and examination.

The only logical explanation as to why Breez has not been affected as the other mercenaries the medication she was using following her injuries back at the complex you were rescued from.

John, you don't believe any of the mercenaries you have encountered so far have been augmented.


Female halfling envoy 3 / biohacker 3 | SP 42/42 : HP 35/38 : RP 6/7 | EAC 15 : KAC 16 | F +8 : R +8 : W +7 | Init +3 : Perc +15 : SM +13 (+1d6) : Med +13 (+1d6) | Speed 30 BH 2/5 : IB B/J/P/r/T : TDW B/J/P/R/T | Bottle Caps 1
John wrote:
”Doc, be you content here until we return? Maybe you can consider how to restrain the Ysoki while we're gone.”

Lilly flashes a half-smile to John. “Galatea and I can take care of the details down here. Good idea collecting our charges. I'm sure we’ll find a way to make them comfy.” The emphasis she puts on the last word sounds strange to her ears. No, I don’t really want to make them comfy, but it’s not their fault that they attacked us.

She leans onto the wall and then sinks to the floor near where Galatea works on Breez. “I’m going to rest here a bit, Galatea. Can you make any sense of why Breez wasn't affected by the mind control?”

10 minute rest, spend 1 resolve to recover hit points and bio hacks. She’s locked and loaded again.

Female LN Android Quartermaster Exocortex Mechanic 5 | SP 33/35 HP 34/34 | RP 6/6 | EAC 21; KAC 24; CMAC: 32 | Fort +5; Ref +11; Will +2 | Init: +7 | Perc: +12, SM: -1 | Speed 30ft | Active Effects: Infosphere (Perception), Memory Module (Medicine) | Conditions: None.
Kaniko Breez wrote:
“Then there’s only a few of us unaccounted for. We’ve got to check on them. Maybe they were able to resist whatever was done to us. But if they weren’t, we need to take them down alive.”

"We will endeavor to resolve the current situation in a manner which prioritizes the life of your squad. I, personally, hold no animosity for the actions of Pike and your fellow mercenaries, they are being manipulated by outside forces." The android paused, "If given the opportunity to confront those responsible however ...," she let the sentiment drift off as she continued the scan. She was a member of the Steward's, neutralize threats, detain, and prosecute, however, in the face of so insidious a foe, could she be expected to observe those directives? Would she care if she did not? A dilemma for another time perhaps.

Galatea seemed pleased that the Doctor was taking a moment to herself. The woman had been under significant stressors since her escape from the facility, coupled with these most recent events, the android was unsure if she, herself, would be able to handle it any better.

Doctor Flint-Bridge II wrote:
“I’m going to rest here a bit, Galatea. Can you make any sense of why Breez wasn't affected by the mind control?”

Galatea pondered the question while observing the data, "Difficult to say Doctor, if we could narrow down the 'vector' in which the commands were issued that could help. Telepathic? Psychologically programming? Neural transmitters?" Cross referencing Kaniko's initial diagnosis with the medications and sedatives, "At this point my working theory is that the pain medication that rendered Breez insensate, also buffered her from any psychological programming, telepathic contact, or neural overrides that may have occurred. While worth investigation, it does not provide us with much defense beyond sedating ourselves into oblivion."

Grand Lodge

Male Nuar Sta 42/42 HP 19/36 RP 6/7 EAC 18, KAC 21, Init +0, Fort +3, Ref +5, Wil +2

Beauregard moves over to T'sorkel and taps his head, indicating he wants a telepathic conversation.


"Okay, to summarize, we can't go into the drift because there is a Starship out there that we can barely detect that's futzin' with our drift drive, and the minute we try to do something about it, all the mercenaries on the ship have their switch flipped to evil, not their fault, I know."

Beauregard takes out a cigarette and takes a long drag off of it.

"Seems we have someone lookin' over our shoulder. Either that other ship has hacked our security cameras, they've placed a spy device onboard, or someone is a traitor. Either way, we are transmitting SOME sort of signal to the other ship. Either the ship is doing it if we are hacked, or the maybe a personal transmitter. Either way, it's worth looking into. Can you let the others know? Don't want to tip our hand to the bad guys."

Male CG Shirren Xenoarchaeologist Mystic 6 | SP 48/48 HP 42/42 | RP 6/7 | EAC 16 KAC 16 | Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +9 | Init: +6 | Perc: +13, SM: +13
Spell tracker:
Mystic 1: 0/5, Mystic 2: 0/4, Healing Word 1/1

T'sorkel nods at Beauregard. Then he send telepathic speech to the group. Beauregard believes someone is monitoring us and what is happening onboard. Very likely the same ship who is blocking our drift engines. Either that other ship has hacked our security cameras, they've placed a spy device onboard, or someone is a traitor. Either way, we are transmitting SOME sort of signal to the other ship. Either the ship is doing it if we are hacked, or the maybe a personal transmitter. Either way, it's worth looking into. Right, Beau?

The Shirren continues. I could try to reach into the Archive to make a slight change to one of these mercenaries' memories. Make them trust me in the short term. If so, they might tell us anything they know about what happened. But that assumes they know what's going on, and that they wouldn't tell us anyway if they aren't under the 'murder everyone' effect anymore.


Female halfling envoy 3 / biohacker 3 | SP 42/42 : HP 35/38 : RP 6/7 | EAC 15 : KAC 16 | F +8 : R +8 : W +7 | Init +3 : Perc +15 : SM +13 (+1d6) : Med +13 (+1d6) | Speed 30 BH 2/5 : IB B/J/P/r/T : TDW B/J/P/R/T | Bottle Caps 1

Galatea and Rar'gul -- Did either of you take a 10 minute rest at this point? I just need to know so I can reset my inspiring boost flags. Thanks!

Okay. Let's clarify some things. Are some of you going back up to the bridge to get the elf, kasatha, and "Sparkles" the ysoki to bring them down to the brig (or a locked medbay)? If so, that's fine, and they remain unconscious for the time being. The remaining three mercenaries (four if you count Yariel) would most likely on the lower deck where their quarters are.


Female halfling envoy 3 / biohacker 3 | SP 42/42 : HP 35/38 : RP 6/7 | EAC 15 : KAC 16 | F +8 : R +8 : W +7 | Init +3 : Perc +15 : SM +13 (+1d6) : Med +13 (+1d6) | Speed 30 BH 2/5 : IB B/J/P/r/T : TDW B/J/P/R/T | Bottle Caps 1

I think heading back up the bridge is John's plan, yes.

Lilly is with Galatea and Breez in the med bay. The Vesk and Dwarf are locked up in the brig.Lilly's growing emotional trauma and occasional paranoia is settling down a bit.

Grand Lodge

Male Nuar Sta 42/42 HP 19/36 RP 6/7 EAC 18, KAC 21, Init +0, Fort +3, Ref +5, Wil +2

Beauregard is so far out of his depth he’ll go where needed. Mostly he wants to interview people and figures out what the hell is happening.

Male CG Shirren Xenoarchaeologist Mystic 6 | SP 48/48 HP 42/42 | RP 6/7 | EAC 16 KAC 16 | Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +9 | Init: +6 | Perc: +13, SM: +13
Spell tracker:
Mystic 1: 0/5, Mystic 2: 0/4, Healing Word 1/1

T'sorkel will ask to be part of any interview with the mercs once they wake back up. So I guess we should just go and round them all up?

Silver Crusade

Male Human Operative 6 Init +6 Percept +11 SenseMotive +11 // F 3* R 9 W 5 // EAC 18 KAC 18 ; Stamina 48/48 HP 40/40 Resolve 6/7

Yes, John's plan is clean up the bridge. Put all the prisoners in one place. Then check the other mercenaries. But before he leaves --

"Galatea, T'sorkel. See if you can find out when the dwarf and vesk went beserk. Was it before or after we dropped the bridge crew?"

Male LG Trox Dream Prophet Vanguard 6 | SP 60/72 HP 50/50 | RP 6/8 | EAC 19; KAC 19 (17+1+1 w/EP/Shield)| Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +1, Dark vision 60ft | Speed 40ft (Burrow 20ft)| FoP 0/1 | Frenzy 0/1 | Reactive 1/1 | Asp Emb 1/1| EP 1/5 |Active conditions: -

Rar'gul glances sideways at Doc as he drags the unconscious mercenaries into the brig. What did the future have in store for her? If only he was better at understanding his visions.

He listens to Doc's chatter while he assists John in liberating the mercenaries from their belongings."Nice one, Doc," he rumbles, in need of distraction and appreciative of the attempt at levity.

When her laughter continues, the trox pauses at the door, glancing over his shoulder in the direction of the halfling. The pun hadn't been that funny. There was a brittleness to the sound, as though it might break at any -

And there it was.

Making his way across the room, Rar'gul crouched over his much smaller companion, placing a gentle hand on her back while she sobbed. He speaks softly to her, in halfling, "Whduv duh rqob zdwhu, dqg iorzhuv, wuhhv, dqg iuxlw fdqqrw jurz zlwkrxw zdwhu. Exw wkhuh pxvw eh vxqoljkw dovr."

He quotes an old halfling addage, "Tears are only water, and flowers, trees, and fruit cannot grow without water. But there must be sunlight also."

As her sobbing subsides, he stands and with a final pat on her back, joins the others at the medbay.

"They'll have quite the headache and morrre than a few brruises, but wakke they will," he reassures Breeze. The trox listens to the discussion between his companions as they share their suspicions and hypotheses.

When John suggests Rar'gul accompany him, he simply nods and falls in behind the man as they head back to the bridge.

No rest just yet for Rar'gul, thanks Doc.

You all spend several minutes gathering the other mercenaries from the bridge and placing them in the brig. Several of you finish your questioning of Breez in the medbay.

As you contemplate heading down to the lower deck to confront the remaining mercenaries, the lift activates.

Three mercenaries appear, armed and ready for action.

Rar'gul is ready.

They armed themselves and came to you. We're still on slide three.
Bold may go. Round 1.

1. Rar'gul
2. Enemy green
3. Dr. Flint-Bridge
4. Beauregard
5. T'sorkel
6. Enemy blue
7. Galatea-5
8. John Rawlins
9. Enemy Red

GM screen:
Galatea-5: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Rar’gul: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Dr. Flint-Bridge: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
John Rawlins: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
T’Sorkel: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Beauregard: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12
enemy blue: 1d20 ⇒ 11
enemy red: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
enemy green: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Male LG Trox Dream Prophet Vanguard 6 | SP 60/72 HP 50/50 | RP 6/8 | EAC 19; KAC 19 (17+1+1 w/EP/Shield)| Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +1, Dark vision 60ft | Speed 40ft (Burrow 20ft)| FoP 0/1 | Frenzy 0/1 | Reactive 1/1 | Asp Emb 1/1| EP 1/5 |Active conditions: -

Having finished helping round up the mercenaries form the bridge, Rar'gul awaits nearby in the more spacious rec area while his companions finish up in the med bay.

Turning at the sound of the lift activating, the doors open to reveal a group of armed and armoured mercenaries. "We've got company," he rumbles in warning to his companions.

Recognising the group's readiness to throw down, Rar'gul reacts instinctively, hurling his hammer at one of the mercenaries at the rear of the lift (blue), the gears and mechanisms of his armour whirring as they aid his throw. (Thrower's Arms upgrade gives him 20ft of range)

Called thrown diamagnetic storm hammer (vs KAC): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Bludgeoning & Electricity Damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

EP+1 for first action of combat. EP:1/5

Almost as soon as the hammer leaves his hand, the trox is striding forward, a shimmer of energy forming along a forearm as he closes on the foes in an effort to trap them within the confines of the lift.
(Entropy Shield: Field Riot Shield)


Rar'gul batters the half-orc brutally, then moves forward.[/ooc]

The korasha lashunta (green) steps back and casts a spell at Rar'gul!

Guarded step, followed by an oldie but a goodie--magic missile!

damage: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (3, 1) + 2 = 6

Bold may go. Round 1.

1. Rar'gul (-6)
2. Enemy green (korasha lashunta)
3. Dr. Flint-Bridge
4. Beauregard
5. T'sorkel

6. Enemy blue--half-orc (-14)
7. Galatea-5
8. John Rawlins
9. Enemy Red

Male LG Trox Dream Prophet Vanguard 6 | SP 60/72 HP 50/50 | RP 6/8 | EAC 19; KAC 19 (17+1+1 w/EP/Shield)| Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +1, Dark vision 60ft | Speed 40ft (Burrow 20ft)| FoP 0/1 | Frenzy 0/1 | Reactive 1/1 | Asp Emb 1/1| EP 1/5 |Active conditions: -

Huh. I never considered the possibility the lift had doors on multiple sides!

Grand Lodge

Male Nuar Sta 42/42 HP 19/36 RP 6/7 EAC 18, KAC 21, Init +0, Fort +3, Ref +5, Wil +2

"I'm gettin' real sick and tired of this!"

Beauregard will double move out and get adjacent to green.

Male CG Shirren Xenoarchaeologist Mystic 6 | SP 48/48 HP 42/42 | RP 6/7 | EAC 16 KAC 16 | Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +9 | Init: +6 | Perc: +13, SM: +13
Spell tracker:
Mystic 1: 0/5, Mystic 2: 0/4, Healing Word 1/1

T'sorkel looks over in alarm as the other mercenaries come to attack them. He looks for the same signs that they are being controlled too. Then he uses his psychic abilities to push a multitude of whispers and sensations at the one dressed in red to distract him and make him easier to hit.

Casting Wisp Ally, reflavored as some psychic distraction. The next attack vs Red gains +2 to hit.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21 I'm going to assume this is the same mind control, but please tell me if I am wrong or spot anything else.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Operative 6 Init +6 Percept +11 SenseMotive +11 // F 3* R 9 W 5 // EAC 18 KAC 18 ; Stamina 48/48 HP 40/40 Resolve 6/7

"Defaulting weak-willed mercenaries." John grumbles as he draws his pistol.

Rar'gul wrote:
Huh. I never considered the possibility the lift had doors on multiple sides!

My take on this is that the lift was just an anti-grav shaft that runs up and down the shift. No walls. Admittedly, the map is not clear. Those gray outlines COULD BE walls. On the other hand, no doors are clearly are marked either. Maybe those marks on the right side.

We'll patiently wait for the good Dr. to make a post until tomorrow evening. After that, we'll move forward.


Female halfling envoy 3 / biohacker 3 | SP 42/42 : HP 35/38 : RP 6/7 | EAC 15 : KAC 16 | F +8 : R +8 : W +7 | Init +3 : Perc +15 : SM +13 (+1d6) : Med +13 (+1d6) | Speed 30 BH 2/5 : IB B/J/P/r/T : TDW B/J/P/R/T | Bottle Caps 1

Hearing the commotion, Lilly moves down the corridor and draws her rifle. She moves to T’sorkel’s side. “You started the party without me.”

Using scurry to share the space with T’sorkel.

She aims at the lashunta technomancer (green). “No spells on my friends!”

Liquidator Casutolance: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 vs green EAC using a specialty inhibitor
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 acid damage plus the following effects: -2 penalty to AC, speed is decreased by 50% (minimum 5 feet), gains the encumbered condition, must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or also gain the entangled condition.

Encumbered: All of your speeds are reduced by 10 feet, your maximum Dexterity bonus to your Armor Class is reduced to +2, and you take a –5 penalty to Strength- and Dexterity-based checks (or you take your armor’s armor check penalty, whichever is worse).

Entangled: You are ensnared. Being entangled impedes your movement but does not entirely prevent you from moving unless the bonds are anchored to an immobile object or tethered by an opposing force. You move at half speed, you cannot run or charge, and you take a –2 penalty to your AC, attack rolls, Reflex saving throws, initiative checks, and Dexterity-based skill and ability checks.

Dr. Flint-Bridge steps into the lounge and fires her caustolance, hitting the lashunta.

FORT save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Made the save.

The half orc bares her teeth. They seem unusually sharp.

She steps toward Beauregard and attempts to latch on!

Guarded step.

to hit: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
damage, P: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Bold may go. Round 1.

1. Rar'gul (-6)
2. Enemy green (korasha lashunta)(-4, encumbered)
3. Dr. Flint-Bridge
4. Beauregard
5. T'sorkel
6. Enemy blue--half-orc (-14)
7. Galatea-5
8. John Rawlins

9. Enemy Red (+2 to hit your next attack from wisp ally)

Silver Crusade

Male Human Operative 6 Init +6 Percept +11 SenseMotive +11 // F 3* R 9 W 5 // EAC 18 KAC 18 ; Stamina 48/48 HP 40/40 Resolve 6/7

John moves down the side of the galley. He flicks the wooden scabbard off his sword cane and circles behind the enemy to stab them in the back.

Move as shown.
Sneak attack, stealth v DC 20+CR: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29 If successful red is flatfooted til my next turn !
sword cane v KAC, red, wisp ally: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 7 + 2 = 18 ... damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 critical Bleed 1d3; Analog.operative)
trick attack damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6

John inflicts a vicious wound on the human soldier in front of Rar'gul.

Galatea-5 charges out of the exam room where Breez is into the crew lounge (double move).

The human, a tear streaming down his cheek, produces a stormhammer and swings mightily at Rar'gul.

to hit: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
damage, B and E: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

It really appears to you that these mercenaries are dealing the same sort of control that ones you previously fought. You have no reason to believe they are any different.

Bold may go. Round 2.

1. Rar'gul (-13)
2. Enemy green (korasha lashunta)(-4, encumbered)
3. Dr. Flint-Bridge
4. Beauregard
5. T'sorkel
6. Enemy blue--half-orc (-14)
7. Galatea-5
8. John Rawlins
9. Enemy Red (-11)

Male LG Trox Dream Prophet Vanguard 6 | SP 60/72 HP 50/50 | RP 6/8 | EAC 19; KAC 19 (17+1+1 w/EP/Shield)| Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +1, Dark vision 60ft | Speed 40ft (Burrow 20ft)| FoP 0/1 | Frenzy 0/1 | Reactive 1/1 | Asp Emb 1/1| EP 1/5 |Active conditions: -

Rar'gul attempts to deflect the force of the blow but raises his shield a fraction of a second too late.

He turns his body, converting the impact from the strike into momentum for his own counterattack combo. He jabs low and then high, hoping capitalise on the distraction provided by John's proximity. (Full attack on red, flanking with John)

Entropic strike 1 (vs EAC): 1d20 + 9 - 4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 9 - 4 + 2 = 11
A&B Damage: 1d6 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

Entropic strike 2 (vs EAC): 1d20 + 9 - 4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 9 - 4 + 2 = 8
A&B Damage: 1d6 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Operative 6 Init +6 Percept +11 SenseMotive +11 // F 3* R 9 W 5 // EAC 18 KAC 18 ; Stamina 48/48 HP 40/40 Resolve 6/7

~sigh~ Maybe Beau can take advantage of the flank. :-)

Rar'gul can't quite connect on the experienced combatant in front of him.

The korasha lashunta sees that he is far too close to well-armed warriors, so he hits the "open" button on the door behind him and steps through.

The double doors remain open.

That's two move actions, one a guarded step so it shouldn't cause any AoO's.

Bold may go. Round 2.

1. Rar'gul (-13)
2. Enemy green (korasha lashunta)(-4, encumbered)
3. Dr. Flint-Bridge
4. Beauregard
5. T'sorkel

6. Enemy blue--half-orc (-14)
7. Galatea-5
8. John Rawlins
9. Enemy Red (-11)

Male CG Shirren Xenoarchaeologist Mystic 6 | SP 48/48 HP 42/42 | RP 6/7 | EAC 16 KAC 16 | Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +9 | Init: +6 | Perc: +13, SM: +13
Spell tracker:
Mystic 1: 0/5, Mystic 2: 0/4, Healing Word 1/1

The whispers continue to harry the mercenary (Red, human?), distracting him to make him drop his guard a bit. T'sorkel points at the half-orc and projects into his brain psychically, Down on the ground, now!

Wisp Ally continues to give +2 to the first attack vs Red. Casting Command on Blue (Will DC 16) for him to drop prone.

Grand Lodge

Male Nuar Sta 42/42 HP 19/36 RP 6/7 EAC 18, KAC 21, Init +0, Fort +3, Ref +5, Wil +2
John U. Rawlins wrote:
~sigh~ Maybe Beau can take advantage of the flank. :-)

Unless I'm missing something . . . there is a big ol' wall in between you and the green guy. Or am I missing something?

Silver Crusade

Male Human Operative 6 Init +6 Percept +11 SenseMotive +11 // F 3* R 9 W 5 // EAC 18 KAC 18 ; Stamina 48/48 HP 40/40 Resolve 6/7

GMQ, Dec 4 -- " My take on this is that the lift was just an anti-grav shaft that runs up and down the ship. No walls. Admittedly, the map is not clear. Those gray outlines COULD BE walls. On the other hand, no doors are clearly are marked either. Maybe those marks on the right side."

I was rolling with no walls, else crazy-stupid to step into a small space like that with two enemies.

Grand Lodge

Male Nuar Sta 42/42 HP 19/36 RP 6/7 EAC 18, KAC 21, Init +0, Fort +3, Ref +5, Wil +2

Beauregard hauls off and decks the flanked guy with his Fist natural weapons.

attack vs flanked: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
damage if hit: 1d3 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

will save, blue: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Made the save.

Beauregard gives the half orc a good pounding, bloodying her severely.

You all appear to be doing LETHAL attacks here. Remember, if your weapon does not have the ability to do non-lethal damage, you can take -4 to hit and do non-lethal.

Dr. Flint-Bridge may go. Remember, red is +2 to hit here from T'sorkel's wispy dude.

Grand Lodge

Male Nuar Sta 42/42 HP 19/36 RP 6/7 EAC 18, KAC 21, Init +0, Fort +3, Ref +5, Wil +2
GM Quirk wrote:

[dice=will save, blue]1d20+6

Made the save.

Beauregard gives the half orc a good pounding, bloodying her severely.

You all appear to be doing LETHAL attacks here. Remember, if your weapon does not have the ability to do non-lethal damage, you can take -4 to hit and do non-lethal.

Dr. Flint-Bridge may go. Remember, red is +2 to hit here from T'sorkel's wispy dude.

Yeah, We haven't been able to buy or build anything since the matter converter in several levels. I don't HAVE any nonlethal options. I'm hoping to get him down low enough that someone can knock him out.


Female halfling envoy 3 / biohacker 3 | SP 42/42 : HP 35/38 : RP 6/7 | EAC 15 : KAC 16 | F +8 : R +8 : W +7 | Init +3 : Perc +15 : SM +13 (+1d6) : Med +13 (+1d6) | Speed 30 BH 2/5 : IB B/J/P/r/T : TDW B/J/P/R/T | Bottle Caps 1

Lilly slides around the side wall for a clearer line of sight. She takes a non-lethal shot at red.

Liquidator Casutolance: 1d20 + 7 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 7 + 2 - 4 = 23 vs red EAC using a minor inhibitor
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 acid damage plus the following effects: -1 penalty to attack, speed is decreased by 50% (minimum 5 feet).

Silver Crusade

Male Human Operative 6 Init +6 Percept +11 SenseMotive +11 // F 3* R 9 W 5 // EAC 18 KAC 18 ; Stamina 48/48 HP 40/40 Resolve 6/7
GM Quirk wrote:


You all appear to be doing LETHAL attacks here. Remember, if your weapon does not have the ability to do non-lethal damage, you can take -4 to hit and do non-lethal.

oops. John must have forgotten. Or just wanted to have a better chance of hitting. Rar'gul can afford to take the -4. John can't. Fortunately his shock pistol is set to stun.

Alright. Let's get things going again.

Beauregard and Lilly both hit their targets.

The mercenary combatants exhibit uncertainty and fear as you continue to attack them. Out of the three, the half-orc seems less fearful, and almost relishes a chance to use her magically-enhanced teeth to bit Beauregard.

to hit: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
damage, P: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8


Bold may go. Round 2.

1. Rar'gul (-13)
2. Enemy green (korasha lashunta)(-4, encumbered)
3. Dr. Flint-Bridge
4. Beauregard (-8)
5. T'sorkel
6. Enemy blue--half-orc (-25)
7. Galatea-5
8. John Rawlins

9. Enemy Red (-16, -1 to attack, -50% to speed)

Silver Crusade

Male Human Operative 6 Init +6 Percept +11 SenseMotive +11 // F 3* R 9 W 5 // EAC 18 KAC 18 ; Stamina 48/48 HP 40/40 Resolve 6/7

John feints a leg sweep, thrusts his sword at the half-orc's back.

Sneak attack, bluff v DC 20+CR: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29 If successful red is flatfooted til my next turn !
sword cane v KAC, blue: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 7 + 2 = 23 ... damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 critical Bleed 1d3; Analog.operative)
trick attack damage: 1d8 ⇒ 3

Following John's sword thrust at the bitey half-orc, Galatea takes aim with her weapons. She is able to hit and take her out of commission.

Please see the discussion boards, botting Galatea and pressing "easy button" on this one.

The soldier near Rar'gul takes a swing at the hulking trox.

to hit: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
damage, B&E: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

HIT! And some nasty damage!

Bold may go. Round 3.

1. Rar'gul (-26)
2. Enemy green (korasha lashunta)(-4, encumbered)
3. Dr. Flint-Bridge
4. Beauregard (-8)
5. T'sorkel
6. Enemy blue--half-orc (unconscious)
7. Galatea-5
8. John Rawlins
9. Enemy Red (-16, -1 to attack, -50% to speed)

Male LG Trox Dream Prophet Vanguard 6 | SP 60/72 HP 50/50 | RP 6/8 | EAC 19; KAC 19 (17+1+1 w/EP/Shield)| Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +12, SM: +1, Dark vision 60ft | Speed 40ft (Burrow 20ft)| FoP 0/1 | Frenzy 0/1 | Reactive 1/1 | Asp Emb 1/1| EP 1/5 |Active conditions: -

+1 EP from damage taken. EP: 2/5

Rar'gul grunts from the impact of the blow. "Not playing arround, arre you?" he rumbles to his human opponent.

"Going to trry to brring you down gently, but I get the feeling you're not going to makkke it easy."

Rar'gul sets his shield toward the man and reaches a hand to shove the man's chest.
Move action to direct shield for extra +1 shield bonus. EAC/KAC: 20

Entropic strike (vs EAC): 1d20 + 9 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (20) + 9 + 2 - 4 = 27 w/ flanking from John
Non-lethal Bludgeoning Damage: 1d6 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
Crit Damage: 1d6 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

Rar'gul brings down the hurt.

The human soldier in front of him crumbles under his blow. He is out of commission for now.

This leaves one final mercenary. His eyes are wide. Uncertainty is evident. Still, he can't stop himself from raising his hands and making magical gestures.

Full round action to cast that old favorite magic missile. One missile at each of John, Beauregard, and Lilly.

damage John: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
damage Beauregard: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
damage Lilly: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Bold may go. Round 3.

1. Rar'gul (-26)
2. Enemy green (korasha lashunta)(-4, encumbered)
3. Dr. Flint-Bridge (-3)
4. Beauregard (-13)
5. T'sorkel

6. Enemy blue--half-orc (unconscious)
7. Galatea-5
8. John Rawlins (-4)

9. Enemy Red (unconscious)

Grand Lodge

Male Nuar Sta 42/42 HP 19/36 RP 6/7 EAC 18, KAC 21, Init +0, Fort +3, Ref +5, Wil +2

Beauregard will run past green and presumably provoke, and then punch once.

Natural weapon: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
damage if hit: 1d3 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

"Lousy Palooka."

Male CG Shirren Xenoarchaeologist Mystic 6 | SP 48/48 HP 42/42 | RP 6/7 | EAC 16 KAC 16 | Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +9 | Init: +6 | Perc: +13, SM: +13
Spell tracker:
Mystic 1: 0/5, Mystic 2: 0/4, Healing Word 1/1

T'sorkel waves his hand at the psychic emanations shift to harry the last mercenary. Then he moves into the elevator platform to get a better shot.

Wisp Ally is now on Green. +2 to hit on the next attack vs him.

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