[PFS1] GM Losonti's The Horn of Aroden 05-19 (Inactive)

Game Master Losonti

Maps and Handouts

Current Characters

Imperial Dragon Sorcerer
Grand Lodge Bahram al-Urgug "Jack"

Male Half-orc Bard (archaeologist) / 6 HP 44/51 | AC 23 F 20 T 13 | Init +3 | F +8 R +12 W +9 | Perception (+12) | Darkvision 60'

played by mahuffma (1,000 posts)
GM Losonti

Wrath of the Righteous | Iron Gods

played by Losonti (1,314 posts)
The Concordance Laafdahni Riverrun

Female N Undine Elemental Sorcerer 4 | HP 18/18 | AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 | CMB 0, CMD 11 | Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +6 | Init +3 | Perception +2, Sense Motive +1 | Spells/day: 1st 7/7; 2nd 4/4| Cold Ray/day: 8/8 Speed 30ft | Swim Speed 30ft| Active conditions: none

played by Warah (570 posts)
Liberty's Edge Magellia

NN Andriod Female Magus 1/Inspired Swashbuckler 1 |HP 17/17 | AC: 18 T: 14 FF: 14| Fort +3; Ref +6; Will +3|Immune: fear, emotion, fatigue, exhaustion, sleep, disease| +4 on saves vs Mind Effecting, paralysis, stun | Init: +4 | Perception +7 darkvision 60ft|Sense Motive: -3| CMB: +2 CMD: 16 | Special Abilities: Nanite Surge 1/1 Panache 4/4 Arcane Pool 3/3 | Movement: 30ft | Active Conditions: None

played by Fox--Pantom (117 posts)
Silver Crusade Torvald Stonecask

+4Con, -2Cha l hp30/30 l AC21, T12, FF19 l Fort +7 // +4 Str, -2Int l AC21, T12, FF19 // +4Dex, -2Wis AC23, T14, FF19 l Ref +8, Will +2
Dwarf Trap-Breaker3 l hp 24/24 l AC19, T12, FF17 l F +5 R +6 W +3 Ini +2 l Bombs 8/8 l Perc +7* SM +1

played by CrusaderWolf (720 posts)
Weslen Gavirk
Liberty's Edge Yates Ashkoont

NG Human Extemporaneous occultist 2 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 15 (T 12, FF 13) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +2, W: +3 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, SM: +4 | Speed 30 ft | Spells 1st 3/3 | Focus 8/8 | Active conditions: none

played by Sedoriku (115 posts)

Previous Characters

GM Sedoriku

The Golden Serpent Maps | Actions: ◆ | ◇ | ↺

played by Sedoriku (2,105 posts)