Volcano's Land - Unknown Depths (Inactive)

Game Master Miner Cotren

Darkness surrounds the land where the peoples of Volcano, River, and Forest live under a Fallen Sky.

Vị Thanh writeup
Vi Thahn map (basic)
Vi Thanh map (pretty)

Battle Map

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It is nineteenth candle.

The mill house is empty of people - perhaps the Sleep caught them at home instead, preparing for the week of Pilgrimage festivals. It is clean, and well-maintained. Sacks of rice flour and wheat flour take up two corners of the place; the rest of the spacious work area is clear.

Kapelo does not claim a turn at Watch, perhaps forgetting about things that his hired swords typically do

Male Sylph Shifter 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 16* (FF: 16*, T: 12*) (+2 vs Non-magical Projectiles) | F: +3, R: +7, W: +2| BAB: +2, CMB: +3, CMD: 19, | Init: +4 | Perc: +7 | Speed 30ft (20ft Climb) | Wildshape (3/4),

Badhbh smiles wistfully at Nempura's question.

"The waters move you with their currents, no? Push you from here to there. The air makes water seem like stone. Up there I am the master of my movements. It's like I'm dancing with the air, our movements complement each other. I can use wind to speed myself or halt my motion, currents give me height or allow me to glide. Every time I fly I can feel myself getting stronger, I'll take you up there one day if you like. One day I will stay up there, higher and higher."


Once they have eaten, in that natural lull that invites self reflection and contemplation, Badhbh sits and thinks. He serches for a moment in a pocket and withdraws a stone disk about the size of a large coin with a deft flick of his fingers the disk is air born. But at the apex of its flight, just when it should be falling, it stops, hovers for a moment and begins to orbit Badhbh slowly.

After a few orbits Badhbh's spindly fingers drob a gold piece onto the disk as it passes. He carries on dropping coins onto the stack every few passes.

Dex: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

The stack is only 3 coins high when a coin catches an edge and they all fall to the ground.

Stones don't fly

He catches the stone and offers it up. It is clear that this is just a little game that Badhbh has developed to occupy his hands while he thinks.

"My record is twelve, but tonight it's three to beat. Who's game?"

Female Ifrit Paladin 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 20 (FF: 17, T: 13) | F: +6, R: +7, W: +5| BAB: +3, CMB: +3, CMD: 16, | Init: +3 | Perc: -1 | Speed 30ft (20ft) | Smite (1/1), LoH (3/4)

Freya ate with the others, tasting the catfish stew with small pieces of dry bread. "Not too bad, certainly better than trail rations. Your mother taught you well, Nempura."

After eating, she watched Magpie's strange game with curiosity. When he offers, the ifrit raised her hand. "Well, I'm always willing to take up a challenge." Freya took the stone from Badhb and turned it over in her hands, trying to find out how it worked. Shrugging, she tossed it into the air like the sylph had done.

If it works
Dexterity: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
The paladin managed to get four coins into a stack before the fifth slid off, scattering them. "That was a little easier than I thought! I bet I could do much better the next time."

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

"I would like that," she will answer. "I think you are right to a point. I'd imagine just like in a storm, there are strong currents, but to me, I sleep underwater. I have since I was a little girl. I'm most often in the same place that I fell asleep in when I wake. It really depends, I suppose, on how capable you are at swimming. I'd imagine the same is for the little birds I watch when I clean jewelry in River, compared to watching you soar. They often flutter vigorously to get where they want to go, but you seemed to expend very little energy at all. It is the same for me compared to, let's say a small fish."


They seem to enjoy the meal she made and she obviously is appreciative. To Freya, she will respond, "Thank you." The words are said with a soft smile, however, there is much more on her mind.

She is still slowly eating her food as others have already finished and are playing their game. As soon as she finishes, she will wander out to feed the pogonas. There she will place a hand to her forehead and cry out of sight of the others for a while. To the best of her ability, she will care for their animals while her eyes clear. Nempura will use mage hand and prestidigitation to move small swarms of gnats closer to the lizards for eating and then will heat the ground beneath them for extra warmth. She will set some leaves, flowers, and even fruit at their feet in case they get hungry in the night.

Handle Animal: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

One of the large, bearded lizards makes a grunting sound and noses away the fruit. Then, they all begin eating the rest of the pungent pogona feed with a will. Their own saddlebags are packed full of the same feed, thankfully sealed away for the moment. They seem very calm around you, appreciating your delicate touch and tone.

Male Sylph Shifter 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 16* (FF: 16*, T: 12*) (+2 vs Non-magical Projectiles) | F: +3, R: +7, W: +2| BAB: +2, CMB: +3, CMD: 19, | Init: +4 | Perc: +7 | Speed 30ft (20ft Climb) | Wildshape (3/4),

Badhbh gives Freya a nod of acknowledgement and a smile,

"you're on!"

If Freya agrees
They proceed to spend some time passing the stone back and forth taking turns to play the game. Not a warrior, but good with her hands.

Intently watching Freya, Badhbh addresses Nempura,

"Back in the village I saw a lot of rope made from river plants. Is that plant rare? Does it take long to make? Would you be able to make me some? Say... this thin and as strong as possible?"


When time comes to settle down for the night Badhbh will bed down as hih in the mill as possible, preferably on the roof under the stars if there is a flat area. He will volunteer for the last watch, dawn.

keep watch and dream, as you will
It is Coalday, Giantrites the 19th.

Kapelo is up shortly after bright, simmering finely ground rice meal with cinnamon. Taking it off the fire, he adds honey he retrieves from somewhere in his satchel, then sets down hot bowls of sweet rice porridge for the group. "Mangia bene, friends."

eat well, friends.

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Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

"It is not rare, Badhbh. I could attempt it. The matron mother showed me when I was a young girl how to do so, but it has been a while. Excuse me," she will announce to him while she heads out to feed the Pogonas.


In the moment by herself, the sharp lonely sting of remembrance of her trip northward to Hearth subsides. It is particularly the Pogonas that distract her from her thoughts. She finds their presence soothing and their behavior a bit humorous as well.

After a few moments, she will move to give them water and wash her hands with water and some florally fragrant grasses nearby. She will secure the Pogonas so they don't wander off too far and then head back up to the building.

"I have fed them and given them water. They seem settled for the evening," she will declare concerning the lizards.

As it is getting later, will proceed to clean the pots, plates, and utensils of their dinner in a nearby field with her water spells. Her behavior is not one of a noble at all, but more like a cook's, and how she repacks her gear, like trained military personnel. Eventually, she also will go to the nearby water to retrieve some of the desired seaweed that Badbhb wishes for so it can dry out.

Readying for bed:

Those traveling with Nempura will see she is actually devout to the Whirl Mother. She will say quiet prayers to her, but also she pays respects to the other Gods as well; something Swem may not typically do.

She will gather hay to put under people's bedrolls as well as hers if it is at hand and then will seemingly meditate for some time. Afterward, she sharpens her starknives and places them at the head of her bed out of the direction of her tossing and turning.
At some point before bed, she will find a place to privately change into her evening robe. It is a cute, white, floral-themed robe that is quite loose and breathable. She does not sleep in her armor like some.

Before she lays down, she will set out a traveling kettle for the morning, her clothes for the next day, and then will braid up her exceedingly long hair after brushing it from the wild day they've had. She is meticulous in everything she does. Every placement of her gear is in the right spot for the right moment, and every brush is done with the best outcome to preserve the beauty of her hair in the wild. At long last, she lays down and while others may lie awake for a while, she seems to drift off to sleep quite quickly.

Long before the light of Volcano rises, Nempura will wake and realizing where she is, she will give a quiet sigh of relief. The morning is quiet, but still, nature seems alive. She will take up her clothes and gear and will quietly shuffle out to where she had changed into her robe the night before. There Nempura will change into her hot weather outfit. It is a loose (somewhat sexy--higher slit) outfit that will eventually be mostly covered by her modest, light lamellar leather armor.

There she will sit alone, thinking of the day to come. The journey perturbs her. Although it is pitch black outside, she can still see fine. To prepare herself, in her hands, she will mix some of her sugar, some milk powder, dried basil and some drops from her vial of lemon juice to create a beauty mask for her face.

There she will apply it and think to her spells and lessons the matron mother had taught her in her youth. Once the mask has dried and remained for a time, she will wash her face and take care of her teeth. Her hair will be done up this morning and she will pin it with beautiful silver pins with pomegranate and orange blossoms as decoration. She will not, however, wear all her jewelry. She is more functional than noble in her focus.

As the light of Volcano begins to rise to Bright, she will grind out some coffee on a curved stone after washing it. Kapelo seems to be up doing something and so she will quietly return to the group. With his relighting of the fire, she will heat the coffee in her pot.

For any who see her, she seems well put together (even a bit sexier than the previous day--minus her armor) and far more awake than most who rise at the coming Bright. Her hair is adorned and she looks far more put together and radiant this day than the previous. She will quietly sit, waiting for others to rise, and at times, she will quietly scribble in a journal with ink and a pen.

When food is set before her, she will smile up to Kapelo with a little bow.

"Thank you, did you all sleep well?" she will reply and readily eat at a slow, graceful pace.

Female Ifrit Paladin 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 20 (FF: 17, T: 13) | F: +6, R: +7, W: +5| BAB: +3, CMB: +3, CMD: 16, | Init: +3 | Perc: -1 | Speed 30ft (20ft) | Smite (1/1), LoH (3/4)

Freya plays the sylph's game for a while, but soon the light of Volcano begins to ebb. She volunteers to take second watch, her natural talents allowing her to tend the fire with ease. The ifrit sets up her bedroll near one of the windows, weapon and armor by her side. Out of her armor, Freya is noticeably lean and tall, her scale mail making up most of the paladin's bulk.

Freya tosses and turns in her bedroll, unable to sleep. She lies there for what felt for hours before giving up. Looking around to find the others sound asleep, the paladin sits up and snaps a fire into existence. Using the small light, she leafs through her holy texts but quickly tires of it, having read them just hours before. Instead, she curiously fishes in her pack for Yorse. Keeping the godling's light from awakening the others, she attempts to converse with it.

If successful
She at first simply reassures the light-creature that she was still there and would ask if it wanted anything. From there, the paladin attempted to teach the godling some ifritian philosophy, starting with the basic concepts. As someone who wavers or blends Vivace and Rendere philosophies, Freya speaks of helping others and how facing life's challenges can inspire others to do the same. Given recent events, the ifrit is discouraged in her own attempts to follow her beliefs, but resolves to improve in the future.


The paladin was also awake when the others rose, being the first up the next morning. She watched Volcano's first light, and whispered prayers to her God as he shone once more. It felt strange to do, but Freya believed that the conflicts of Volcano's followers would resolve itself peacefully. Or at least she hoped.

Without Novalie at her side, the ifrit is much quiet than she had been in previous days. She sat alone, polishing her armor and sharpening her blade during the early hours, lost in thought. She doesn't take food unless placed before her.

Kapelo smiles back at Nempura, bowing back slightly, playfully. "I slept good, as I always do after good exercise. And you, Lady Nempura?"

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

"I slept well. Thank you," she will reply with a sly grin. "Why is he always so mirthful? That is odd for a noble-el..."

Freya's quietness that morning does not go unnoticed. Nempura will tuck her bowl to her chest and her ink and pen all in one hand, with her book tucked up under her arm. She then will intercept the bowl meant for Freya from Kapelo with her free hand and will walk over. Freya seems consumed with her armor and weapon.

Knowing that the Ifrit thinks she rambles quite a bit, and it is true, she will sit cross-legged near her and just be there for her. Nempura may not have family or friends unconscious right now, but she does know deep loss.
She will set the book down on her lap and the ink and pen at her side. Then, hoping to pull her from her thoughts, Nempura will lean over and bump shoulders with the much skinnier paladin while handing her the bowl.

"Here, eat."

She then will go back to quietly eating her meal and jotting in her book. It appears to be a recipe book, and the notations she is marking in it currently are about the breakfast she is eating. She can identify spices, consistencies, flavor profiles and many other various things most who eat a meal will not consider. In a way, it is an obsession log converted to a recipe book.

Female Ifrit Paladin 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 20 (FF: 17, T: 13) | F: +6, R: +7, W: +5| BAB: +3, CMB: +3, CMD: 16, | Init: +3 | Perc: -1 | Speed 30ft (20ft) | Smite (1/1), LoH (3/4)

Freya is taken aback when Nempura bumps into her. "Wha- hey! I mean... thanks. For a minute there, I thought... nevermind." She eats quietly for a time but eventually breaks into quiet conversation. "For a while, I thought I'd just wake up and Novalie would be here. We've been together for years, training and preparing to fight to the Dark. But now she's just... gone. I know she's alive, but maybe she'll never wake up. And for what? Is keeping Volcano in power really more important than defeating the Dark?"

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

Freya's words sadden her a little, but she is glad for the openness that Freya so rarely provides with her.

"You know Novalie better than I do, and you know what she'd want you to do."

Nempura looks down and picks at the last remnant of food in her bowl.

"My mother passed when I was a young girl, and I remember that feeling. The anger, thinking how unfair it was, even the feelings of waking from sleep and that by some miracle she'd still be there. Novalie isn't gone. We are going to fight this, and we will win--consequences be damned."

Male N Oread Ranger 2 (Divine Tracker) | HP: 20/20 | AC: 14 (10 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +4 | Init: -1 | Perc: +7, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | eventually, divine tracker blessings | Active conditions: None.

using the same avatar, it fits the character

While foraging for food together, Ohkwarikó asks his sylphan companion, "Badhbh, what do you think of the warm yellow light that Freya carries? What is it?"

Female Ifrit Paladin 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 20 (FF: 17, T: 13) | F: +6, R: +7, W: +5| BAB: +3, CMB: +3, CMD: 16, | Init: +3 | Perc: -1 | Speed 30ft (20ft) | Smite (1/1), LoH (3/4)

Freya laughed. "She'd probably want me to head up to Hearth and tear Ky La a new one." Her expression droops into a wry smile. "I don't think I can do that. I may be a soldier, but we were trained to fight darklings and other monsters. Killing an el is something completely different."

Frustration wells up in the ifrit and she growls, "What the inquisitor is doing can't be sanctioned by the Temple! If I can find something in our records, we could approach the Blessed of my order and... do something. I'm not sure yet." She sighs and shakes her head "I'm no scribe, I don't know the first thing about politics."

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

With a sympathetic voice, she chuckles and states, "I wouldn't have known what to do in your situation..."

They both know that Freya ran and to what Nempura implies in her statement. It is without judgment though but rather acceptance.

"I'm glad the godling is safe..."

She pauses a moment and then confesses her thoughts of the morning to the Ifrit.

"I was thinking that we are out of our depth here. We have a potential convert to the Dark magics who has infiltrated the Temple of Volcano in its highest reaches. I can't think of a more dangerous quest. Perhaps it is time we reach out to someone who may help us? Instead of taking the shorter route on land, as Ky La would suspect, maybe we can go northwest to my city of Rushing Falls? He does not know me or my connections there with the Matron Mother. There we can ask the Chord to send worthy guards to protect Vi Thanh while we deal with this, and perhaps they can give us insight into how to proceed? I know my father would provide us passage north on River, which would cut our travel time down by a lot and perhaps give us time to arrive early. Then we can root out Ky La and whatever he has planned for us. We can look to your records and even approach the Blessed of the Order there before he even knows what is going on. What do you think?"

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Male Sylph Shifter 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 16* (FF: 16*, T: 12*) (+2 vs Non-magical Projectiles) | F: +3, R: +7, W: +2| BAB: +2, CMB: +3, CMD: 19, | Init: +4 | Perc: +7 | Speed 30ft (20ft Climb) | Wildshape (3/4),

Sorry for the radio silence

It seems so long ago that it was just the two of us, foraging together in the wilds, before Hearth, Kapelo, whatever this is... but what has it been? A rite? 6 weeks? A lifetime?

"I don't know Ohkwarikó"

A moment of silence as they search, Badhbh is poking through the underbrush with the but of his spear, plucking berries, edible flowrers and small mushrooms with a darting hand and storing them.

Suddenly he leaps, his feet have taken the form of raptor talons and snatch at nothing as his prey scuttles away. They carry on like this, the lythe and the ploding, the unreliable and the consistent, for some time.

"It's been called a godling. But I don't know what that means. Whether it's a fragment of a god, a god's child, a new god," Great Father Sky returned. "I don't know. I know it needs our help though. I held it and it didn't feel dark, it felt... right somehow. Besides, we don't have a lot of choice with this sleeping sickness running rampant. I... have you had any more dreams? That feather?"

Badhbh bends and gathers some sturdy looking sticks, about an inch in diameter.

Survival(Foraging): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Female Ifrit Paladin 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 20 (FF: 17, T: 13) | F: +6, R: +7, W: +5| BAB: +3, CMB: +3, CMD: 16, | Init: +3 | Perc: -1 | Speed 30ft (20ft) | Smite (1/1), LoH (3/4)

Freya crinkled her nose. "Rushing Falls? Is it underwater?" She shook her head. "I think moving through the undine town is smart, but I think it's better the Chord doesn't know what happened in Vi Thanh. The Temple and Chord are not friends on the best of days, the less infighting we have amongst el the better. I don't want to imagine what might happen if they blame the entire Temple for Ky La's actions.."

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

"I can see your worry there, and I would mirror it, but I was close with their family. Their son and I...well...in any case, they are quite close. I learned to my talents from the matron mother. If I ask them to handle the situation with care, they may well listen. I'm surprised you didn't stop there on your way south from Hearth. Rushing Falls is a huge resort town. I'll leave it up to you though."

Male N Oread Ranger 2 (Divine Tracker) | HP: 20/20 | AC: 14 (10 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +4 | Init: -1 | Perc: +7, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | eventually, divine tracker blessings | Active conditions: None.


Ohkwarikó walks beside you, digging up larger edible roots with his shovel-sized hands for his part of the foraging.

Oak will usually just take 10, which is good enough to find food for 3 other people and himself. Badhbh obviously does very well, getting plenty of food and whatever other materials he might want.

After walking silently for a while, Ohkwarikó says, as if no pause had occurred, "I don't know. Nothing new. It's the same dream, but sometimes it slows down, or it's upside down. Granite Paw is trying to talk to me, but I do not have the ears to hear right now."

Male Sylph Shifter 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 16* (FF: 16*, T: 12*) (+2 vs Non-magical Projectiles) | F: +3, R: +7, W: +2| BAB: +2, CMB: +3, CMD: 19, | Init: +4 | Perc: +7 | Speed 30ft (20ft Climb) | Wildshape (3/4),

Should I know who Graanite Paw is?

"I hope you find your ears soon friend."

There is a glint in Badhbh's eye, but he manages to keep the smile off his face.

"So we go with the wind, forllow the currents. I just wish it felt less like being underwater. I don't like being pulled. Still, I hope this ifrit realises what he's pulling on."

Badhbh deftly straps his spear to his pack and draws a dagger, roughly stripping and shaping the sticks he had collected. Punctuating his remarks with the blade.

Male N Oread Ranger 2 (Divine Tracker) | HP: 20/20 | AC: 14 (10 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +4 | Init: -1 | Perc: +7, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | eventually, divine tracker blessings | Active conditions: None.

It is the name of Oak's spirit animal, which he only sees when asleep or dream walking. He has talked with you about it in the past. (not a real physical bear, since there is no more animal companion)

Ohkwarikó laughs, the sound low and mellow. "I think sometimes you would not mind being under water, if something shiny were there with you."

Stopping now, thinking. "Should we go talk with the others now? Our immediate path for the day has not been decided."

Male Sylph Shifter 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 16* (FF: 16*, T: 12*) (+2 vs Non-magical Projectiles) | F: +3, R: +7, W: +2| BAB: +2, CMB: +3, CMD: 19, | Init: +4 | Perc: +7 | Speed 30ft (20ft Climb) | Wildshape (3/4),


Badhbh narrows his eyes at his lumbering friend.

"Yeah, you're probably right. They may have finished combing their hair and polishing their armour by now."

He is obviously joking, it is also clear that he is developing a lot of respect for their new travelling companions.

As they return to the mill
Badhbh will let Oak present the forage, he needs no credit.

"I don't know much about these routes, I go where the wind takes me.
Téim leis an sreabhadh. Where do we go now, how do we get there from here? We have a Temple to tear down."

Kapelo claps at the last part, "Grandioso! I love to hear talk of that orribile place being torn down."

He looks over at Freya. "Metaphorically, speaking, of course." He grins, a bit of sweat on his forehead as if he has been exercising after he finished making breakfast.

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

Freya and she decide on a path of action concerning the matron mother, but the path is clear, they will follow River.

As the group returns, she will take the last bite of her food and put away her book and ink into its kit.

"I think we've settled on heading to Rushing Falls. From there, taking iceboats north. I'm sure my father will give us all room and board, as well as provide transportation. It'll be faster, and give us time to prepare." She will rise to look over the collection of food for their journey. "Very nice! Thank you. You found quite a bit."

"Been working out?" she directs toward Kapelo.

Kapelo shrugs indifferently. "Si. Daily practice, or better yet twice daily, is part of being excellent at what I do."

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

"How excellent is that?" she asks slightly more playful in her address, yet even still, she is regal in her asking. She will pack up her things and if no-one else volunteers to do the dishes for that morning, she will quietly begin to collect them.

Smiling widely, hands out palms up, "When it comes to dueling?" He shakes his head, frowning, somber now. "I have found no elen better then myself."

He almost reaches for his blade with his right hand, then deliberately draws with his left instead, then sheaths it again. "Just give me a few days to get used to this vol-" He looks at Nempura mid-curse, and changes to, "this new hand and everything will be right as roads."

an ifrit saying, since I don't think "right as rain" is something that would catch on among ifrits

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

"I'm sure you are right. Fortunately, you have many here who can spar with you. Do you practice the resistance of your mind?" she asks, curious as to whether he is all guts and no brain.

She will move past him with the bowls in her hands as well as the pot to clean out in the nearby field.

Female Ifrit Paladin 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 20 (FF: 17, T: 13) | F: +6, R: +7, W: +5| BAB: +3, CMB: +3, CMD: 16, | Init: +3 | Perc: -1 | Speed 30ft (20ft) | Smite (1/1), LoH (3/4)

Paladins aren't exactly skill powerhouses, so I'd be either searching my memory for Kn.Religion or using my abysmal Perception score. Detect Evil can be useful though

Freya suspected that Kapelo wouldn't be too broken up over the destruction the Temple, but doesn't say anything in response. "Let's get moving then, I'm sure the Inquisition has people looking for us already."

Male Sylph Shifter 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 16* (FF: 16*, T: 12*) (+2 vs Non-magical Projectiles) | F: +3, R: +7, W: +2| BAB: +2, CMB: +3, CMD: 19, | Init: +4 | Perc: +7 | Speed 30ft (20ft Climb) | Wildshape (3/4),

After a lovely breakfast and as they are preparing to move out Badhbh will transform and scout the road ahead, flying high to avoid unwanted attention.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29 I'll use one chunk of wildshape, so an hour round trip out and back. Doing the same in the afternoon if necessary, not sure of the timings/distances or what he'll find.

Once he has returned and fed back his findings assuming he hasn't found anything that needs immediate attention he settles onto the backplate of the wagon, feet dangling, and begins to whittle at the sticks he has collected. He is focussed on function over form and slowly the form of two fingers emerges.

Craft:Engineering: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Nempura, as a friendly parting shot, he says, "I rely on luck, and if that doesn't work I can run pretty fast. Enjoy your scrubbing, bella."

He produces what seems to be another of Freya's cigarettes, lit showily by a small flame belched from Kapelo like baby dragon with an upset stomach. "Miss Paladin is right. Let's finish up with everything and get going."

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Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

Nempura will finish up with her dishes, although part of her thinks of creating a downpour over top of Kapelo. She resists and finishes packing up her things. On the road, she will see Badhbh working on something and will produce the strips of seaweed he asked for. Kindly, she will hand them over and watch what he fiddles with. At some point, she will take control of the reins once more, and like a kid getting to drive, she is very attentive to where the road's edges are and will keep the pogonas away from it as if she were trying to do her best. At times, her wrap will fall down off her face revealing a beautiful smile hidden underneath. It is clear she is getting to do something she was never allowed to do before.

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Female Ifrit Paladin 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 20 (FF: 17, T: 13) | F: +6, R: +7, W: +5| BAB: +3, CMB: +3, CMD: 16, | Init: +3 | Perc: -1 | Speed 30ft (20ft) | Smite (1/1), LoH (3/4)

Freya sits in the back of the wagon, watching Badhbh carve his bauble or the countryside roll by as they go. The idyllic countryside was at unconcerned with their struggles and it's uncaring beauty brought a smile to the ifrit's face. As the sylph's sculpture comes to shape, the paladin decides to break the ice. "I didn't think you were the type to be a woodcarver, Badhbh. I thought that was more of an Oread thing. Did Oak show you how to do it?"

Badhbh: Your scouting does not turn up anything that needs immediate attention. The road is empty, save for your wagon - this far down River, most travel is done by iceboat. You see a modest amount of River traffic - you wonder what they will think of a slumbering Vi Thanh.

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

While time passes on the road, the day is seemingly without danger and for that she is thankful.

"What do you think we should do if he does send the Inquisitors after us? Handle things in a non-lethal way?" she will at one point ask the group.

At another point, when her and Freya are in the back, she will break her concentration and ask the Ifrit, "When you and Novalie met, did she speak Ifrit well?"

"Why non-lethal? We have plenty of evidence that these guys are corrupt pieces of..." He looks ready to swear, but then glances at you, "eh, all I'm saying is, why give them a chance? We're trying to protect ourselves here, and if they keep running around trying to kill us, why shouldn't we kill them back?"

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Female Ifrit Paladin 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 20 (FF: 17, T: 13) | F: +6, R: +7, W: +5| BAB: +3, CMB: +3, CMD: 16, | Init: +3 | Perc: -1 | Speed 30ft (20ft) | Smite (1/1), LoH (3/4)

Freya crossed her arms. "I'm not above using force, but I'm not going to kill an el if I don't have to. They see us as heretics... villains. Killing them just proves them right in their eyes. If we're to try to change the Temple's structure without unnecessary deaths, there needs to be doubt. A corpse never has a change of heart."

I took a quick peek at Novalie's character sheet and...

The ifrit laughed at Nempura's question. "She never learned the language. The reason we got along so well was because I spoke Undine!" She giggles for a while before continuing. "She's so stubborn sometimes. Not that I'm one to speak... but it was useful to have a "secret" language. I doubt I'd be half as good at Undine without her."

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

"I struggle to see any nobility left in this man," she thinks to herself as she eyes him through her facial wrap. His words are met with Freya's and it's fortunate as she was about to strongly disagree with him.

"I am of the same mind, and I'd appreciate it, Mr. v'Adril, that while you are in our company, you too hold to these non-murderous actions, otherwise, we shall find another way without you."

With that, she will leave the seat next to him and move into the back of the wagon, leaving him to drive alone.


Freya's laugh causes her to smile and Nempura snickers. "She has a cute laugh when she's happy," Nempura thinks to herself of the rare sight. She could picture Freya and Kapelo get along quite well if he weren't so consumed with his hatred.

"I feel bad for your poor instructors," she winks playfully. "We Undine can be quite stubborn in our heritage sometimes, but I've always wished to learn Ifrit, but as it is, I've only ever had a chance to learn a bit of High Ifrit; which is sort of the reverse way of things hmm?"

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Male Sylph Shifter 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 16* (FF: 16*, T: 12*) (+2 vs Non-magical Projectiles) | F: +3, R: +7, W: +2| BAB: +2, CMB: +3, CMD: 19, | Init: +4 | Perc: +7 | Speed 30ft (20ft Climb) | Wildshape (3/4),

"Wood's just what I had to hand. I don't think oaks much of a craftsman to be honest. Too grounded. You'd have to ask him yourself. I'm no artist...

He holds his creation out at arm's length and turns it, smiling.

"...just trying to be helpful. Do the ifriti create much?"

He gathers Nempura's kelp leather and begins to tie.

"Thanks Blue. Freya, could you just give me a hand... Hold that piece while I... That's great. Thank you."

If Freya is happy to lend a hand, they work together for a while.

"Kapelo, may I borrow you? I made this for you, it's no replacement and it's crude, but it should give you some small functionality."

As he speaks Badhbh ties his creation to Kapelo's injured hand it is a pair of articulated wooden fingers to replace his own.

"They are not pretty and do not have full movement but you should be able to grip better at least, under gloves no-one should notice if you don't want them to..."


Badhbh listens to the others discussing tactics and lethality. Before adding his own thoughts.

"So we get attacked in the dead of night. But being the ingenious tacticians we are" he nods towards Freya "we are ready for them! We spring awake!" Badhbh leaps to his feet and brandishes his dagger in a fair imitation of Kapelo's fighting stance. Flipping his blade over he deftly catches the tip and bangs the side of the waggon with the handle. "Being kind, noble, honourable elle's we subdue our assailants without harming a hair on their chinny-chin-chins." He specifically does not look at Nempura.

"Then what? We take them with us to their city, feeding them all the way? Tie them up to starve beside the road? Let them free to come at us again? I'm as wary as anyone to avoid killing. But if it comes to it I'm not sure we have much of an option. No-one held back back at the shrine. When it comes to it, we need to live. This is not a game."

Female Ifrit Paladin 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 20 (FF: 17, T: 13) | F: +6, R: +7, W: +5| BAB: +3, CMB: +3, CMD: 16, | Init: +3 | Perc: -1 | Speed 30ft (20ft) | Smite (1/1), LoH (3/4)

Freya isn't one to turn down requests for help, and works with Badhbh.


The paladin rolled her eyes. "Don't be ridiculous. We don't have the luxury of dragging people to the next town. We'd knock them unconscious, make sure none of them bleed out and leave them without the weapons by the side of the road. Leave a note telling them the truth of the matter and/or to piss off."

She shakes her head. "And getting attacked in the middle of the night means whoever was on watch slipped up, maybe he was too distracted by shiny things? I'm sure it's easy to preach the gravity of the situation when you can fly away if it gets too tough."

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

"Easy..." she mentions, hoping to stop an oncoming argument. "I truly do appreciate your insight, Badbhb, but none of us fought to the death at the Shrine. We were going to bring Ky La before the Matron Mother before he exploded into glass. Aside from that, anyone who Ky La sends after us may as deceived as we were once. All of us..." she will say specifically toward Kapelo, as from his own story, he at one point worked with Ky La until he wouldn't do what he said.

"Now...we are traveling at speed. Hopefully, we won't run into anyone, but if we do, leaving them without transportation and equipment will leave them many days behind us, if not weeks; even if they do find a means of transportation." She pauses for a moment and spreads her palms out on her knees. She looks intently to Badbhb with a tilted head as if appealing to his conscience. "I would hate to deprive someone their family member because I was too hasty with my blade. Especially when they are seeking to root out evil. I feel we must at least try, right?" she asks pleadingly.

Male Sylph Shifter 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 16* (FF: 16*, T: 12*) (+2 vs Non-magical Projectiles) | F: +3, R: +7, W: +2| BAB: +2, CMB: +3, CMD: 19, | Init: +4 | Perc: +7 | Speed 30ft (20ft Climb) | Wildshape (3/4),

Badhbh briefly narrows his black shiny eyes at Freya.

"Fine. OK. Fine."

He shrugs, his voice artificially light, there is not truth to the motion.

You don't know me. Grabbing a shiny thing and fleeing, that's you. Not me. Personal insults don't suit you.

The rapport that had begun to build between them as they worked together seemed to dissolve into the air.

In a conciliatory tone, Kapelo says, "Badhbh, sit up front with me and the pogonas for a bit, will you?"

hoping you agree

"I'm speechless about these fingers you have made for me. I didn't get a chance to thank you before our silly group started arguing yet again." He clears his throat. "So, anyway, thank you. And you're right, I think with the some good gloves the eles won't even know the difference. Heh, if I ever make it back to Hearth to resume my old life, maybe I can still win some more tender hearts before I die."

It is twelfth candle.
about halfway done with your travel for the day. Stop to eat, or just eat rations while on the wagon?

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

When posed as to whether to stop or not, Nempura will vote to keep going. Speed being the most important element right now that they should focus on. If the real Ky La is in Hearth, and had sent Inquisitors immediately after the group's disobedience, the faster they travel, the more time they have before those seeking them realize they took River.

Female Ifrit Paladin 3 | HP 32/32 | AC 20 (FF: 17, T: 13) | F: +6, R: +7, W: +5| BAB: +3, CMB: +3, CMD: 16, | Init: +3 | Perc: -1 | Speed 30ft (20ft) | Smite (1/1), LoH (3/4)

"We're well stocked on food, let's keep going." She'd never been to Rushing Falls, but it was much easier to avoid trouble in the cities than on the roads. Or at least so she thought. I just hope there's aboveground places to stay.

For a moment, everyone hears the innocent, curious voice of Yorse in the back of their head: What is food?

Kapelo ducks and flinches at the ghostly sound. "What the volc was that?"

Aquatic Elf Female |HP: 12/15 | AC: 16 (T: 13, FF: 13) +2dodge vs Chaotic | Perc: +9 | Init: +5 | Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3 | CMB: +12, CMD: 20 | Spd: 30ft |

Yorse speaks to them all, or to Freya and his power is just flexing, but whatever the real intent, they all hear it. Nempura will eek a little bit in a frightened fashion as initially, she thinks this is some kind of attack by Ky La, but at the question, she looks to Freya curiously.

"Who is this? I can hear you. Is this messaging magic from someone I know?"
Casting Detect magic
Knowledge Arcana (Identify Spell in place): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21 In theory, could a godling have power to do this?

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