GM Litejedi's Curse of the Crimson Throne - Anniversary Edition

Game Master Litejedi

Book 2: Seven Days to the Grave

Starting Day: 4th of Erastus, 4712 AR
Today: 7th of Erastus, 4713 AR

Current Combat Map
CotCT Loot
Map of Korvosa
Map of Korvosa With Locations
Important Places, Lodging, and Shopping in Korvosa

See the campaign tab for the current state of Korvosa.

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Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 27 (25 w/o shield), Touch 13, FF 25 (23 w/o shield)| HP 80/91 (Temp 0), DR 3/- | F +10, R +7, W +6 (+1 vs continuous, +4 vs mind-affecting) | Init +3 | Perc +19 | AV 0/5, BB 2/3 | Bull Rush | Overrun

Marcus nods to her wisdom. "A lesson I am fortunate enough to have learned earlier than others I know. The problem is recognizing your only tool is a hammer doesn't change that all you have is a hammer." He pinches the bridge of his nose. "That's what allies are for I have someone close to me that may be able to help." He leaves it there. If this was going to get cloak and dagger, it was important that Kroft maintained plausible deniability.

Marcus started to turn to leave, but stopped. He chewed on his concern for a moment then turned back to Kroft. He stared silently for a beat, not really knowing how to articulate what he needed to get across. He looked up at the ceiling. S#~&. "Been getting much sleep lately?" He started, waiting to gauge her response to know how best to proceed.

I will need to go have a conversation with Tiona after this, see if she may be able to help.

Don't Forget to Gather Info! Combat Map - Korvosa | Corruption +2; Crime +0; Economy +4; Law +5; Lore +4; Society +0; Danger +10

She looks up, and nods, "not as much as I need. It turns out I contracted blood veil and had to seek help. Unpleasant help." She has a sour face, "but seemingly effective. I'm no longer dying, at least." She taps the paperwork, "I delegate what I can, but somehow the paperwork has increased tenfold in this last year. So many ordinances, so many forms I have to double-check. It makes my job hard." She stares at the paperwork.

Her voice has an edge of tension, and restraint, "I hope you're all keeping yourselves safe. I may have a few more tasks to deal with when you can." She tightens her hand around her pen.

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Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 27 (25 w/o shield), Touch 13, FF 25 (23 w/o shield)| HP 80/91 (Temp 0), DR 3/- | F +10, R +7, W +6 (+1 vs continuous, +4 vs mind-affecting) | Init +3 | Perc +19 | AV 0/5, BB 2/3 | Bull Rush | Overrun

"We're here, and we're ready. If it helps my Fangs are at your disposal. I'll waive my own fees, as long as the men get their wages the extra muscle is available." He wasn't sure if the guard could make use of common mercenaries, but giving Kroft options couldn't hurt.

Marcus chews on his next thought for another beat, leveling a heavy frown across her desk. Perhaps soft words were what she needed. But he had never been good with those. "I've seen strong men snap with half the pressure you're under. Hope you have a plan so that doesn't happen." Words weren't out of his mouth long and he already knew they weren't the right ones. But had to say something, she looked like a bent over switch about to fly loose.

Female Half Orc | Slum Shaman 9 | HP 57/57(66/66)| AC 21 | T 11 | FF 21 | CMD 19| Fort +7(+6)| Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +1 | Perc +25(+27)/+32(+34 hidden doors/traps), scent SM +16 | harrow points: 2 | battle spirit: 0/4 | conditions: heightened awareness(90 minutes), teas to wine, pass without a trace(9 hours), -2 con

Magda cannot see enough from her perfectly pleasant PUBLIC alleyway, so she weighs the risks of getting closer to see where those barrels are going.

Not visualizing well. If there is a place she can see that will get her closer without getting too close, relying on Magda's own sense of THAT IS STUPID. She can take ten on whatever she needs to roll for that.

Female Human (Varisian) Arcanist (Harrowed Society Student) 9 | HP 70/70 | AC:13 T:12 FF:11 CMD:15 | F+7 (roll twice vs disease), R+7, W+9 (greater aegis of recovery) | Init +6 | Perc +7 |
HP 35/35 | AC:20 T:14 FF:18 CMD:13 | F+7, R+6, W+14 (Ferocious Will) | Perc +7

Vera's ears perk up when she hears about the illness--she's both concerned and curious. "Oh no, sorry to hear that you got sick, Miss Cressida. Did you have to go to those strange doctors able to help you? The ones with the masks?"

She nods in agreement with Marcus as he voices his concern. She liked seeing the softer side of the man--even if it still came with frowning.

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Oracle (Spirit Guide) 9 | HP 63/83 | AC 22/13/19 | F+8 R+7 W+8 | CMD 25 | Init. +2 (War Sight) | Perception +12 | SM +3 Human (Shoanti)
4/day: Blessing of Fervor, CCW, Stoneskin, Wall of Fire | 6/day: CSW, Magic Vestment, Prayer, Rage, Remove Disease

While most of the others are off to talk to Kroft, and Magda is lurking who knows where, Yaziyah is nettled by guilt. "We've been sent on a wild goose chase, what a waste of time," she mutters under her breath as she walks the narrow streets of Bridgefront, but she doesn't give voice to her other thoughts. Sure, what Vendra was doing was very likely a scam and she was profiting off people's desperation, but some of the things she had said were true. Only those who had money could afford an effective cure, and hearing from Vera that her priest friend had been reprimanded for offering healing for free made her seethe with rage. She recognizes that feeling well - it had been what had spurred her into her very misguided actions so many years ago, but this time she knows better. Build, not destroy. If she was mad about the blood veil situation then she'd better do something about it, no?

Pushing open the door of the community center, she seeks out Jhonas, the young priest who helps run the place while she's away. "Who do you know of that's currently sick and cannot afford healing?" She doesn't need to say what they would be sick with, and it really doesn't matter - blood veil or no, they all deserved a chance.

She will spend the rest of the day doing house visits and casting Lesser Restoration (CON) on sick people - she has 5 of those a day. Let me know if I need to roll for anything.

Don't Forget to Gather Info! Combat Map - Korvosa | Corruption +2; Crime +0; Economy +4; Law +5; Lore +4; Society +0; Danger +10

Yaziyah saves five people from getting sicker.


Fort Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Fort Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Fort Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Fort Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Fort Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14


Spoke with Magda via discord and clarified some things.



She nods at Vera, "yes. Effective, but..." she trails off, "effective. I no longer have blood veil." She doesn't respond to Marcus for a little while, as if considering, "the guard is strapped for money, now, but if I can pay for it, I will consider it. Many of my other plans seem to have fallen apart. It is as if this plague is like a fire, but a fire directed by an intelligence bent on destruction." She looks at the wall behind him, and then takes a slip of paper, and writes a long note on it "this Vendra woman - this may help, someone else to speak to maybe." She stands unsteadily and hands it to Vera, then standing near her desk, she stares at Marcus, "I hope Vera shares the note with you" then gestures, "now, I have hours of work to do before I sleep again. Please let me know if you need more help, but I must keep at this, or else..." She trails a little bit, and adds, "you are dism... excused."

It's obvious the meeting is over.

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21


Vera reads the note, and it's a bit rambling, talking about finding different other alchemists that are nearby, seeing if there's any way that the linament can be improved, get her to lower her prices. Check discord for the hidden meaning of the note.

Female Human (Varisian) Arcanist (Harrowed Society Student) 9 | HP 70/70 | AC:13 T:12 FF:11 CMD:15 | F+7 (roll twice vs disease), R+7, W+9 (greater aegis of recovery) | Init +6 | Perc +7 |
HP 35/35 | AC:20 T:14 FF:18 CMD:13 | F+7, R+6, W+14 (Ferocious Will) | Perc +7

Vera spends a fair amount of time reviewing the note, before she folds it up and speaks. "Thank you, Miss Cressida. This is extremely helpful, as always! I know you have a lot on your plate, so we'll discuss amongst ourselves and do what we can." She curtsies and readies herself to leave.

Once outside, she casts some minor magics on her allies. Message and Dancing Lights. "Maybe we should get some rest and wait for the others before we decide on our next steps. She yawns as if tired, covering her mouth.

Marcus, Erasmo:
You hear Vera whisper to each of you magically--a spell you're already familiar with. "Miss Cressida's note is a secret message that says she's being watched."

Female Half Orc | Slum Shaman 9 | HP 57/57(66/66)| AC 21 | T 11 | FF 21 | CMD 19| Fort +7(+6)| Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +1 | Perc +25(+27)/+32(+34 hidden doors/traps), scent SM +16 | harrow points: 2 | battle spirit: 0/4 | conditions: heightened awareness(90 minutes), teas to wine, pass without a trace(9 hours), -2 con

Magda in the guise of a round old woman in a lovely coat putters about, keeping an ear on the end of the alleyway. She might not know animals well, but she does know noise. A donkey and a cart make plenty of it, so she is ready to follow without the need to be following near as near.

as per discord, hat of disguise, and wanting to follow the cart when it goes wherever it goes.

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 27 (25 w/o shield), Touch 13, FF 25 (23 w/o shield)| HP 80/91 (Temp 0), DR 3/- | F +10, R +7, W +6 (+1 vs continuous, +4 vs mind-affecting) | Init +3 | Perc +19 | AV 0/5, BB 2/3 | Bull Rush | Overrun

Marcus inhales slowly. "Kroft." He says as means of departure, then takes his leave.

Marcus walks silently for a ways. He keeps an eye out to see if they're being tailed.

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Don't Forget to Gather Info! Combat Map - Korvosa | Corruption +2; Crime +0; Economy +4; Law +5; Lore +4; Society +0; Danger +10

It doesn't seem like anyone's tailing you.



It's a little before 8:00 pm, and Magda has the sense that the party is to meet up in an alley near her shop to commiserate. As Magda begins heading out, she notices that the cart with the donkey is filled with bottles, as well as "luggage". Vendra remains in the alley, speaking in Skald to the four Ulfen guards.

Female Half Orc | Slum Shaman 9 | HP 57/57(66/66)| AC 21 | T 11 | FF 21 | CMD 19| Fort +7(+6)| Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +1 | Perc +25(+27)/+32(+34 hidden doors/traps), scent SM +16 | harrow points: 2 | battle spirit: 0/4 | conditions: heightened awareness(90 minutes), teas to wine, pass without a trace(9 hours), -2 con

The plump old woman rushes off, muttering about grandkiddies and muffins in ovens. And knitting, whatever that is. Until she gets into the alleyway where the others are and she becomes gangly and slightly green again.

once is she certain she isn't being followed.
perception: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (7) + 21 = 28

"she's got a donkey and a cart and is filling it with bottles and bags of her stuff like rich people do to go places. Nice cases to hold things instead of burlap bags." she tells them quickly and quietly. "I think she's bolting, which has me thinking the city is right and she's made enough off of pain and suffering so she's ready to go spend it otherwheres."

"The donkey don't look too quick though, so we aren't in a hurry about it. Anything you all learned?"

Male N halfling swashbuckler (mouser) 5/halfling opportunist 1 | HP: 59/60 | AC: 23 (16 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +8*, CMD: 18* | F: +4, R: +10, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11*, SM +7 | Speed 20 ft. | Active conditions: none.

Erasmo nods in agreement with Magda. "I believe you are correct... she is fleeing. My sources indicate she has stopped paying the Cerulean Society protection today."

"I believe you can imagine what would happen to a place that stops paying the Society... she is certainly on the move. I do not believe she would do it if she was honest about her business."

He scratches his goatee and retrieves a piece of bread with cheese from his pocket, offering the others a bite. "In a way, Korvosa will be safe from her actions if she leaves, even if she tricked the people... however, I wonder how much antiplague one could buy if her luggage is missplaced..." He leaves the suggestion in the air, testing the waters.

Female Human (Varisian) Arcanist (Harrowed Society Student) 9 | HP 70/70 | AC:13 T:12 FF:11 CMD:15 | F+7 (roll twice vs disease), R+7, W+9 (greater aegis of recovery) | Init +6 | Perc +7 |
HP 35/35 | AC:20 T:14 FF:18 CMD:13 | F+7, R+6, W+14 (Ferocious Will) | Perc +7

Vera communes with the others and shares her knowledge. "We went to speak with Kroft, but she wasn't really able to help. She told us that she got blood plague! It turns out she needed to get help from those weird doctors with the masks. She called the treatment effective, but unpleasant. I think we ought to figure out what those doctors are doing, because I don't like it."

Vera takes out a note, and her voice lowers to a whisper. "But it gets worse. Kroft handed me this note. It looks like a very confused note about what alchemists to visit, but it has a secret message." Vera demonstrates how she decoded it.

Once she explains, the message emerges. It states: "I AM BEING WATCHED. SAVE AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN. BURN AND SCATTER THIS NOTE." Once everyone has had a chance to review as much as they'd like, Vera puts the note in the fireplace and watches it burn.

* * *

"Goodness, Vendra works fast, doesn't she? responds Vera to the news. "We can't let her get away with it! The folks who bought her fake cure deserve better."

Oracle (Spirit Guide) 9 | HP 63/83 | AC 22/13/19 | F+8 R+7 W+8 | CMD 25 | Init. +2 (War Sight) | Perception +12 | SM +3 Human (Shoanti)
4/day: Blessing of Fervor, CCW, Stoneskin, Wall of Fire | 6/day: CSW, Magic Vestment, Prayer, Rage, Remove Disease

Yaziyah snorts at the news that Vendra is preparing to bolt. "If we can figure out where she's going, we can intercept. Not that many ways out of the city by cart. Unless the cart is a ruse, and she plans to leave by boat, or by ship. I wouldn't put it past her to try and pull a fast one on whoever might be following her. She's many things, but stupid isn't one of them."

The Shoanti raises an eyebrow at Kroft's note. "And who might be watching her, do you think? Usually the Guard does the watching, isn't it? The only one I can think of that would hold that kind of authority over Kroft would be the queen."

Don't Forget to Gather Info! Combat Map - Korvosa | Corruption +2; Crime +0; Economy +4; Law +5; Lore +4; Society +0; Danger +10

It's about 8:30 pm, and Vendra is sitting on her cart, with a checklist, and looking at the contents. One of the guards is standing by, and looking at his nails.

The party approaches down the alley, and donkey twitches its ear, eating from its feedbag. The guard spots the party and puts his hand on his flail. You remember that he can draw the flail with incredible ease if a fight breaks out.

Vendra turns toward the party as they approach. She drops the checklist onto her lap, and sounding almost bored she says "oh, you're back. What do you want now?" She raises an eyebrow as she looks down on everyone from above the cart.

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Female Half Orc | Slum Shaman 9 | HP 57/57(66/66)| AC 21 | T 11 | FF 21 | CMD 19| Fort +7(+6)| Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +1 | Perc +25(+27)/+32(+34 hidden doors/traps), scent SM +16 | harrow points: 2 | battle spirit: 0/4 | conditions: heightened awareness(90 minutes), teas to wine, pass without a trace(9 hours), -2 con

Magda tosses a bag with two gold worth of copper and silver to the smells lady. "we took one cause we thought you were no good to prove to all that you were, but you're not, well at least not all no good. People who know says it helps a little But there are problems, river water ain't safe, not with it being a dumping in every sense. And the sick spread with sick being too close to not sick, so your lines are making the help your giving be right gone." the half orc young woman looks away and rubs her neck, a guilty sorry tic of hers. "if we say our sorries and help fix those parts, and stop calling it a cure, would you stay?" she looks back " I'll even talk to the city about Borrowing thus alley for you"

diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

"we can get people to deliver and come boil the waters, carry from wells even. Pay them in the potions, to spread it more. Enough for their families and such"

Female Human (Varisian) Arcanist (Harrowed Society Student) 9 | HP 70/70 | AC:13 T:12 FF:11 CMD:15 | F+7 (roll twice vs disease), R+7, W+9 (greater aegis of recovery) | Init +6 | Perc +7 |
HP 35/35 | AC:20 T:14 FF:18 CMD:13 | F+7, R+6, W+14 (Ferocious Will) | Perc +7

Vera casts Detect Thoughts before the evening meeting and Message on everyone.

"Consider it a business arrangement--one that's fair," adds Vera, obviously admitting by her very presence that she and Marcus were in on the investigation. "Seems like you made out pretty well selling your cure. You can keep making a solid profit and even a name for yourself. Just need to keep the product high quality and be straight about what it is."
Diplomacy Aid another, auto-pass for +2

Oracle (Spirit Guide) 9 | HP 63/83 | AC 22/13/19 | F+8 R+7 W+8 | CMD 25 | Init. +2 (War Sight) | Perception +12 | SM +3 Human (Shoanti)
4/day: Blessing of Fervor, CCW, Stoneskin, Wall of Fire | 6/day: CSW, Magic Vestment, Prayer, Rage, Remove Disease

Yaziyah stands a little to the side, not wanting to tower over Vendra, her arms crossed. "I know how it must have looked earlier, and you had every right to be upset. We just want to help people, and I think you want the same thing. We can work together instead of being at odds."

She is a little stiff in her delivery, but the sincerity should be evident.

Diplomacy aid, pride: 1d20 + 11 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 11 - 2 = 26

Male N halfling swashbuckler (mouser) 5/halfling opportunist 1 | HP: 59/60 | AC: 23 (16 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +8*, CMD: 18* | F: +4, R: +10, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11*, SM +7 | Speed 20 ft. | Active conditions: none.

Erasmo says nothing, staying on the back and watching the guards.

Don't Forget to Gather Info! Combat Map - Korvosa | Corruption +2; Crime +0; Economy +4; Law +5; Lore +4; Society +0; Danger +10

She gives a sidelong glance to Vera, "I never said it was a cure, and I didn't make much of a profit. It was all on volume." She frowns, "I've lived here what, ten years? Selling perfume to nobles and poor folk alike. You know what I learned?"

She takes a beat, "they're all bad. Everyone's scumming. Trying pull one over on someone else. Merchants. Priests. Everyone." She folds her arms, "I am one of the most accomplished alchemists within a thousand miles, and I spent a tremendous amount of time and money on rare ingredients for amazing perfume. High quality ambergris, fresh flowers, extract distilled over a year. An amazing product for people to give as gifts, ways to color the awful stench of this city,"

She pauses, "my effort was for naught. People bought cheap, gaudy s~++ and gave it to their mistress. Or used it as a bribe. Or asked me to make them scents that would make people fall in love. Cheap, trivial crap." She shakes her head, "so I can't win - I make high quality things and nearly bankrupt myself, or I make an inexpensive concoction from my grandmother's linament recipe to help people - finally making enough money to leave this rotten dump, and you hooligans break into my home and steal from me." She gestures at Marcus and Vera "or lie to me." She looks towards the exit of the alley, "I just want to leave - maybe to Magnimar."

She's obviously still pretty mad at the party/situation/Korvosa.

The one remaining guard exhales and leans against the building when Vendra starts ranting.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 27 (25 w/o shield), Touch 13, FF 25 (23 w/o shield)| HP 80/91 (Temp 0), DR 3/- | F +10, R +7, W +6 (+1 vs continuous, +4 vs mind-affecting) | Init +3 | Perc +19 | AV 0/5, BB 2/3 | Bull Rush | Overrun
GM Litejedi wrote:
The one remaining guard exhales and leans against the building when Vendra starts ranting.

Aye. I feel you.

Marcus had said nearly nothing, and done next to nothing, for most of the interactions with Vendra. He had reserved his actions for once he knew more.

And now he knew enough.

"I never lied to you. I kept my silence, any assumptions you made were your own. Keep that in mind for what I say next." He inhales, then continues.

"We were sent to investigate what could have been a malicious scam. You admitted yourself the city is rife with them, and you've partaken yourself. This plague only makes people more vulnerable. So we were both trying to do good for the city, and we tripped over each other. Which was our fault, not yours." He does not distinguish between his own actions and his comrade's actions. He shares the responsibility. "We acted hastily and without proper cause. But now we know each others intentions. And we can get some real progress made."

He inhales, looking up. "The winds are shifting. A lot is going to change. Maybe not all for the better. But if we drive out good people like you, it will certainly be for the worse."

He looks back at Vendra, then says with a finality. "You have my word. If you stay, I and my mercenary company will personally see to any harassment you face, on this matter or any other. I will provide extra hands to help mitigate your costs, run supplies to you, and run crowd control and protection as needed."

"That is my word. And I never break my word."

It hangs in the air for a moment, and his right hand twitches. "Normally I would offer a hand, but you know, the plague and all." Quite possibly the closest Marcus had come to making a joke.

Female Half Orc | Slum Shaman 9 | HP 57/57(66/66)| AC 21 | T 11 | FF 21 | CMD 19| Fort +7(+6)| Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +1 | Perc +25(+27)/+32(+34 hidden doors/traps), scent SM +16 | harrow points: 2 | battle spirit: 0/4 | conditions: heightened awareness(90 minutes), teas to wine, pass without a trace(9 hours), -2 con

"Sorry" Magda says, truly feeling bad "We've been dealing with bad people so long, necromancers, cannibal... Lam so jumped into thinking you had to be one too, which is wrong, no matter how to stare at it. Sorry." she offers again.

"But there is good in the city, plenty of it. Mama Mu on third that is older than the cobblestones beneath her and barely getting by always had a crust of bread for a little one. Pickle's Palace Of Pigfeet had leftovers a plenty for anyone with their own bucket, no charge. Pearl has more kids than sense but has never put one out on the street or into other things. There is kindness, and pretty things, and... other good things happening every single moment to fight the bad."

"We need help. Yours. Doesn't have to be forever, just until we see through this. If you get it, I got magic that can help get rid of it, I promise. And we'll help get this out to people better and safer."

Female Human (Varisian) Arcanist (Harrowed Society Student) 9 | HP 70/70 | AC:13 T:12 FF:11 CMD:15 | F+7 (roll twice vs disease), R+7, W+9 (greater aegis of recovery) | Init +6 | Perc +7 |
HP 35/35 | AC:20 T:14 FF:18 CMD:13 | F+7, R+6, W+14 (Ferocious Will) | Perc +7

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Really, never sold it as a cure? Greatest alchemist in a thousand miles? Vera was definitely annoyed with Vendra's self-righteousness, but she tries to remember the greater good and keeps her trap shut while the others woo Vendra back.

Don't Forget to Gather Info! Combat Map - Korvosa | Corruption +2; Crime +0; Economy +4; Law +5; Lore +4; Society +0; Danger +10

Will Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13


She's very proud and vain, and was annoyed at the entire process, but seems to be agreeing with everyone's points at the end of the conversation.

She sticks her nose into the air contemptuously for a moment, but her expression softens bit by bit as the various parties entreat her. She grimaces and then opens her arms, shrugging, "fine. Fine! I'm sorry too. Thank you for apologizing." She lowers her hand and drums her fingers on the board, "ugh, alright. I'll stay for a while longer." She says something to the guard in Skald, who rolls his eyes and goes into the apartment to get something, Vendra turns back to everyone else, "it's good you came to me before I left, I was going to sell all this to those doctors. But sale hadn't gone through yet." She climbs down off the cart, and grabs a case of her perfume, "well?" She gestures with her fingers for help moving the stuff in the cart back, and moves back to the shop.

The guard comes back with some paperwork and follows Vendra back into the store, picking up a heavy case of materials under his other arm.

With dedicated help tonight - she can start up operations again. As long as she gets mercenary guards and physical assistance every day brewing the concoction, she can sell an upgraded lesser antiplague which costs about 5 sp to make in materials, which she insists on selling for at least 1 gp (normally crafted things would sell for 3x the cost). The effect provides a +3 bonus on saves against blood veil specifically and doesn't allow rerolls. You can cover the cost for any poor people out of your own pockets if you want.

Don't Forget to Gather Info! Combat Map - Korvosa | Corruption +2; Crime +0; Economy +4; Law +5; Lore +4; Society +0; Danger +10

The party gets to work on helping Vendra with manufacturing, distribution, and sales. It's slow going. She's very arrogant about her skills, but to everyone's untrained eye, she seems to be somewhat justified - she's a wonder at an alchemical lab, and is exacting, competent, and fastidious.

The party works for about four hours before midnight, unpacking things and obtaining ingredients for Vendra until she dismisses everyone and asks that the cart and donkey be returned to the market, then shoos everyone out to go to sleep.

The next day the party joins her - she hasn't fled, bright and early. Dressed very well in a mix of chelaxian and varisian styles, with large golden hoop earrings, she nonetheless is wearing an apron and heavy gloves, with a face mask and expensive-looking glass goggles. The party helps her as best they can, but it's clear everyone's out of their league in terms of alchemical skill. More than once she's gotten angry at people in the party for screwing up, though she muddles through with the help, she mostly has to do all the hard work herself. Vendra takes to it best. She seems like she regrets starting the process again at such a high-production rate, and eventually says, "look, you are trying your best, but if you don't want to poison everyone - I need help from people who know what they are doing." Nobody has alchemy. Soon enough, the party hires a handful of assistant alchemists who work for cheap, and focus on getting her the vast quantities of materials she will need to make her linament in large batches.

The party asks the guard for help, but Kroft is not available again. They pass her a note asking for funding, and soon receive a formal statement noting that resources are stretched thin, and this cannot be helped. The note is signed by Doctor Davalus and Cressida Kroft. The costs, however, are somewhat minimal, even subsidizing the poor's antiplague. Marcus has the idea to set up shops to distribute it to people.

Soon enough, some of Doctor Davalus' doctors, the Queen's Physicians, come by with their black bags and sticks, as the party is setting up one of the booths in one of the districts. They are flanked by a pair of grey maidens. Everyone's faces are hidden under their helmets and masks.

With a muffled voice, one of the doctors asks, "we are representatives of Doctor Davalus, and the Queen as well. What is this booth you are setting up?" Vendra is not nearby, working at her shop. The street is otherwise emptied, as most folks are just staying at home.

Female Human (Varisian) Arcanist (Harrowed Society Student) 9 | HP 70/70 | AC:13 T:12 FF:11 CMD:15 | F+7 (roll twice vs disease), R+7, W+9 (greater aegis of recovery) | Init +6 | Perc +7 |
HP 35/35 | AC:20 T:14 FF:18 CMD:13 | F+7, R+6, W+14 (Ferocious Will) | Perc +7

"Uh oh--creepy doctors and armored ladies heading over," whispers Vera. "I don't like this one bit."

Vera nevertheless puts forward her most innocent, charming self possible. Charmer. Casting Detect Thoughts.

As one of the doctors speaks, Vera's attention is directed at him as she attempts to read his thoughts. She buys herself a bit of time to see if the magics will work. "Good day, sir! It's nice to see you take such an interest in our work. Did Dr. Davalus send you here himself? It's such an honor."

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 27 (25 w/o shield), Touch 13, FF 25 (23 w/o shield)| HP 80/91 (Temp 0), DR 3/- | F +10, R +7, W +6 (+1 vs continuous, +4 vs mind-affecting) | Init +3 | Perc +19 | AV 0/5, BB 2/3 | Bull Rush | Overrun

"Nothing illegal about a booth. Stay calm" Marcus glances up from the work. He thinks about giving a smartass answer, something along the lines of Looks like you figured it out already, it's a booth. Probably wouldn't be helpful though.

"Safer to sell outside. People not as cramped together." Marcus generally points out, letting them decide how far to take their questions. He didn't plan to offer up any information that wasn't asked for. He continues to set up the booth like they were nosey neighbors and he didn't mind their presence.

Female Half Orc | Slum Shaman 9 | HP 57/57(66/66)| AC 21 | T 11 | FF 21 | CMD 19| Fort +7(+6)| Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +1 | Perc +25(+27)/+32(+34 hidden doors/traps), scent SM +16 | harrow points: 2 | battle spirit: 0/4 | conditions: heightened awareness(90 minutes), teas to wine, pass without a trace(9 hours), -2 con

Magda was drawing up the sign, with plenty of Advertisement knowhow, when the Authorities arrive. With narrowed eyes and lots of pent-up anger, she stays out of the discussions. She knows enough about how those that see themselves as above the rest of them would react to a street kid half-orc questioning them about why in the hells they are bothering them when people are dying all around and shouldn't the doctors be spending time saving people instead of being concerned about business type folk...

Biting her tongue is REALLY hard, but she manages... barely.

Male N halfling swashbuckler (mouser) 5/halfling opportunist 1 | HP: 59/60 | AC: 23 (16 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +8*, CMD: 18* | F: +4, R: +10, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11*, SM +7 | Speed 20 ft. | Active conditions: none.

Much like the others, Erasmo remains silent for now, awaiting for the proper questions before giving proper answers.

Don't Forget to Gather Info! Combat Map - Korvosa | Corruption +2; Crime +0; Economy +4; Law +5; Lore +4; Society +0; Danger +10

The physician’s voice is muffled, but he responds to Vera and Marcus, ”no, I’m afraid that this is all new to me. You’re selling lavender’s linament? We’ve heard of this - it seems to be a very effective remedy.” The man in the mask nods. ”We physicians were tasked by Doctor Davaulus to see to everyone’s needs, and so we are moving about the city administering aid and calling upon those we know are sick. Could we have a sample for our testing? To make sure the quality is high enough of course. We can bring it to our labs at the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden.” The physician bows slightly, obviously respectful, and extends his hand. The grey maidens stand impassively.

I would remind everyone that this is only about 12 hours after you convinced Vendra to improve the inconsistent and kind of bad linament.

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 27 (25 w/o shield), Touch 13, FF 25 (23 w/o shield)| HP 80/91 (Temp 0), DR 3/- | F +10, R +7, W +6 (+1 vs continuous, +4 vs mind-affecting) | Init +3 | Perc +19 | AV 0/5, BB 2/3 | Bull Rush | Overrun

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Not like we could stop them from getting a sample off the street anyways. Marcus takes a sample, throwing a gold coin from his own purse into the money box to cover to the cost. Better to make sure they're testing a new sample instead of finding an old one floating around. He takes a crude open-topped miniature box he constructed, placing the liniment in it and putting it on the ground a good five feet away from the physician. However he stands above it and stops to look at the physician for a moment. "And your name? To follow up on the testing, of course."

Don't Forget to Gather Info! Combat Map - Korvosa | Corruption +2; Crime +0; Economy +4; Law +5; Lore +4; Society +0; Danger +10

The physician stoops and picks it up, then slips deftly into his black bag. He also retrieves a sheet from his bag and moves to hand it to whomever wants it. ”Thank you, my name is Cauldwell, citizen. Please be reminded of the nature of our work, however, by familiarizing yourself with this decree if you have not read it yet.” He bows again and the doctors and guards move to depart.

The Decree (Since I couldn’t find it already posted):

By Decree of Her Royal Majesty, the Radiant Queen Ileosa, all citizens and members of the Korvosan Guard are to aid and admit the newly established Queen’s Physicians in this time of urgency. These royal agents will extend healing to those who are ill and organize defense against the spreading affliction known as “blood veil.” They are to be allowed access to any home or building they deem necessary in the course of their duties. All those suffering from disease or disorder are to submit themselves to the Physicians for treatment.
To aid in the duties of the Queen’s Physicians, know that the order of the Gray Maidens shall also provide military support as needed. The Maidens answer directly to the Crimson Throne, and will be called upon as necessary to augment and strengthen the peace where city guards will not suffice.
Impeding or distracting the Queen’s Physicians or the Gray Maidens in the pursuit of their duties is punishable by imprisonment. Impersonating one of the Queen’s Physicians or Gray Maidens is punishable by death. Knowingly harboring or hiding the infected is punishable by death. Purposefully spreading blood veil is punishable by torture, then death.
The Queen’s Physicians will be making rounds of every city district henceforth until Her Majesty deems this misfortune has abated.

The guy seemed to have many copies of this.

Female Half Orc | Slum Shaman 9 | HP 57/57(66/66)| AC 21 | T 11 | FF 21 | CMD 19| Fort +7(+6)| Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +1 | Perc +25(+27)/+32(+34 hidden doors/traps), scent SM +16 | harrow points: 2 | battle spirit: 0/4 | conditions: heightened awareness(90 minutes), teas to wine, pass without a trace(9 hours), -2 con

Mags stands next to the wall, peering over to read the 'decree' whatever that is. "I thought they could do all that anyway. Never heard a guard ask to come in a place unless the door was thick enough to withstand a couple of kicks." Magda's viewpoint is skewed a bit still.

knowledge local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Female Human (Varisian) Arcanist (Harrowed Society Student) 9 | HP 70/70 | AC:13 T:12 FF:11 CMD:15 | F+7 (roll twice vs disease), R+7, W+9 (greater aegis of recovery) | Init +6 | Perc +7 |
HP 35/35 | AC:20 T:14 FF:18 CMD:13 | F+7, R+6, W+14 (Ferocious Will) | Perc +7

K. Local re Hospice of the Blessed Maiden: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Vera waits for the visitors to leave. "That went well. I don't trust people in masks, but they're only doing what we ourselves did. Maybe they'll even help!" chimes Vera optimistically.

She shares whatever she knows about this Hospice that Cauldwell mentioned.

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 27 (25 w/o shield), Touch 13, FF 25 (23 w/o shield)| HP 80/91 (Temp 0), DR 3/- | F +10, R +7, W +6 (+1 vs continuous, +4 vs mind-affecting) | Init +3 | Perc +19 | AV 0/5, BB 2/3 | Bull Rush | Overrun

Marcus watches the men(?) depart, grimly nodding to Magda. "They can. This just means they're gonna do it a lot more, and nothing can be done about it."

He grimaces to Vera. "Hopefully." Marcus wasn't a hopeful person.

Female Human (Varisian) Arcanist (Harrowed Society Student) 9 | HP 70/70 | AC:13 T:12 FF:11 CMD:15 | F+7 (roll twice vs disease), R+7, W+9 (greater aegis of recovery) | Init +6 | Perc +7 |
HP 35/35 | AC:20 T:14 FF:18 CMD:13 | F+7, R+6, W+14 (Ferocious Will) | Perc +7

Vera shrugs. "I've never heard of the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden. I'm sure it must be a new place--wonder who it's named after? And I'm curious what these weird doctors are up to--Kroft mentioned that she did not particularly like their treatment, though it was effective. Now that they're looking into us, maybe we should return the favor and investigate them a little bit."

If there's time, Vera will start asking around discretely.
Diplomacy gather info, commendation: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 10 + 2 = 15 Bleh.

Don't Forget to Gather Info! Combat Map - Korvosa | Corruption +2; Crime +0; Economy +4; Law +5; Lore +4; Society +0; Danger +10

Once they leave, and Magda casts the spell, Magda hears that the Queens Physicians opened up a hospice to care for ill blood veil patients, or to help ease their passing if they are terminal.

Anything else at this booth?

Per discord - we can handwave/accelerate how well you can distribute this linament per below:

With distribution set up, it will cost 50 gp per day to "protect" 750 people (providing the cure to about 1/4 of the city - doing the math :) ) or if you don't want to give free cures to the top 20% of people, then 40 gp to "protect" 675 people.

Each day, the party can attempt a check each day to help "more" people, but you can't take 10 on the roll and can't use spells like guidance, but people can assist each other. Note the consequences for failure, though:

With a DC 20 diplomacy check you can increase production/distribution do it again and spend twice as much per day (80/100) and help twice as many people (1350/1500 people - trying to distribute to "half" of the city) but failure means that they only would help (600/700 people) that day. It would still cost the increased amount - as your party attempts to expend resources but fails to successfully implement the plan.

With a DC 25 diplomacy check you can increase production/distribution further for that day, and spend three times as much for that day (120/150) and help twice as many people (2025/2250 people - trying to distribute to "3/4" of the city) but failure means that they only would help (500/600 people) that day. It would still cost the increased amount - as your party attempts to expend resources but fails to successfully implement the plan, seemingly running into a lot of bureaucratic pushback.

With a DC 30 diplomacy check you can increase production/distribution to cover every citizen of the city, and spend three times as much for that day (160/200) and help four times as many people (2700/3000 people) but failure means that they only would help (300/400 people) that day. It would still cost the increased amount - as your party attempts to expend resources but fails to successfully implement the plan as there is significant pushback from certain parties. There may be other consequences to failing this attempted amount too many times.

Don't Forget to Gather Info! Combat Map - Korvosa | Corruption +2; Crime +0; Economy +4; Law +5; Lore +4; Society +0; Danger +10

Marker Post for the 28th of Sarenith, 4713 AR



1d100 ⇒ 41
1d20 ⇒ 17

1d100 ⇒ 79
1d20 ⇒ 5

1d100 ⇒ 94
1d20 ⇒ 4

1d100 ⇒ 81
1d20 ⇒ 4

2d4 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Oracle (Spirit Guide) 9 | HP 63/83 | AC 22/13/19 | F+8 R+7 W+8 | CMD 25 | Init. +2 (War Sight) | Perception +12 | SM +3 Human (Shoanti)
4/day: Blessing of Fervor, CCW, Stoneskin, Wall of Fire | 6/day: CSW, Magic Vestment, Prayer, Rage, Remove Disease

While the rest are distributing the new and improved linament, Yaziyah is locked in her room again, fighting the blood veil. "Cursed disease! I already got it once!" The Shoanti seethes helplessly, feeling worse than useless - a burden on the others as Magda would need to heal her now, and waste her spells on someone who is supposed to help, not hinder, gods be damned!

She paces for hours before succumbing to exhaustion and falling into a feverish, restless sleep. Magda's babbling about the city must have rubbed off on her, because she dreams of Korvosa, only everything is made of bones - the houses, the bridges, the streets - thousands upon thousands upon thousands of bones crammed together, and somewhere in there are her own bones, she knows that. Strangely, instead of being frightening, the dream is... comforting.

I'm dead. And alive. This city is dead and alive.

She begins to float, rising above the streets. The city is empty of people, but somehow she knows they are in there, their lives like fireflies, like sparks, like motes of light, each of them so small on their own, yet so precious.

She wakes up drenched in sweat, a fingerbone from one of her fetishes tightly gripped in her right hand. Then she gets to work: everyone who has ever received help from her, everyone she has ever healed, every youth she has tattooed, every Shoanti in the city or outside of it, she asks them all for help. As many hours as they can spare, as many houses as they can visit, careful with the vials, if they don't have money perhaps they can spare somethingelse, we can trade it later.

CL check to remove disease: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
CL check to remove disease: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19 Level 3 spells 2/4
Lesser restoration: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Lesser restoration: 1d3 ⇒ 1
Lesser restoration: 1d3 ⇒ 3 Level 2 spells 3/6
Diplomacy to increase distribution: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29

Female Half Orc | Slum Shaman 9 | HP 57/57(66/66)| AC 21 | T 11 | FF 21 | CMD 19| Fort +7(+6)| Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +1 | Perc +25(+27)/+32(+34 hidden doors/traps), scent SM +16 | harrow points: 2 | battle spirit: 0/4 | conditions: heightened awareness(90 minutes), teas to wine, pass without a trace(9 hours), -2 con

Magda's collection of street kids and the downtrodden turn up to help with promises of a warm meal and hope. Eager hands to help with the army Yazi has turned up with. "You lot use the sewer to get to Old city. Like I showed you, and the rats'll help if you get lost." while the half orc might not know names and books, she knows logistics (even if asked she'd have no idea what logistics means).

aid diplmacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Female Human (Varisian) Arcanist (Harrowed Society Student) 9 | HP 70/70 | AC:13 T:12 FF:11 CMD:15 | F+7 (roll twice vs disease), R+7, W+9 (greater aegis of recovery) | Init +6 | Perc +7 |
HP 35/35 | AC:20 T:14 FF:18 CMD:13 | F+7, R+6, W+14 (Ferocious Will) | Perc +7

While Yazi and Magda work the channels in their communities, Vera publicizes the efforts with her customers and those she knows, especially highborn and officials who can either smooth over their distribution plan or put a kink in it. "You might see all different sorts of folks distributing the antiplague, but that's the genius of it. Leveraging our resources and providing opportunities to the disadvantaged during these difficult times."

Aid Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15

Don't Forget to Gather Info! Combat Map - Korvosa | Corruption +2; Crime +0; Economy +4; Law +5; Lore +4; Society +0; Danger +10

Per discord, choosing the cheaper DC 20 option.

Marcus Aid Yazi: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (17) - 2 = 15
Erasmo Aid Yazi: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

With everyone working together, including some of the party's contacts, the first day of distribution is a success. Word of mouth combined with the party's growing reputation for helpfulness and a work ethic leads the party to complete success at their attempt at making and distributing the 8,100 or so doses of the linament. It's a job for a dozen? No, a hundred volunteers, all chipping in, each with their own linaments to keep themselves safe. Vendra is working overtime, and seems pleased with the progress, though she makes almost nothing per sale, and this is the hardest work she's ever done.

Because of your efforts - approximately 420 people avoided getting the blood veil, or recovered from the disease on the 28th of Erastus.

As the party is wrapping up for the day, slips from the shadows, fidgiting and hooded. She whispers, "you all. I need your help. My plague carters - some have disappeared in Old Korvosa. Before my people agreed to help, the church was giving discounted healing to those who carted the dead to the Grey. But they did not do their jobs, and left many corpses near Racker's Alley near Garrison Hill. A few of my people investigated and fled when they were attacked by the very corpses they had sought to retrieve - or so they say." She tilts her head, "I have no payment, other than my gratitude." It is now about 6:00 pm

Don't Forget to Gather Info! Combat Map - Korvosa | Corruption +2; Crime +0; Economy +4; Law +5; Lore +4; Society +0; Danger +10

Lol it deleted that she’s m Eries Yelloweyes, sorry.

Female Human (Varisian) Arcanist (Harrowed Society Student) 9 | HP 70/70 | AC:13 T:12 FF:11 CMD:15 | F+7 (roll twice vs disease), R+7, W+9 (greater aegis of recovery) | Init +6 | Perc +7 |
HP 35/35 | AC:20 T:14 FF:18 CMD:13 | F+7, R+6, W+14 (Ferocious Will) | Perc +7

Vera recognizes Eries Yelloweyes and greets her amicably. But the grim news means they move quickly beyond pleasantries. "The corpses themselves are rising?" she repeats with genuine concern. "That's horrible! Maybe some necromancer at work? Or could it be the disease itself? Either way, sounds like we need to investigate."

K. Local re Racker's Alley: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Female Half Orc | Slum Shaman 9 | HP 57/57(66/66)| AC 21 | T 11 | FF 21 | CMD 19| Fort +7(+6)| Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +1 | Perc +25(+27)/+32(+34 hidden doors/traps), scent SM +16 | harrow points: 2 | battle spirit: 0/4 | conditions: heightened awareness(90 minutes), teas to wine, pass without a trace(9 hours), -2 con

"Dead people in the dark." the half orc shaman winces a little since her friend's all have poor eyes. "Worse though to let them walk about more than sense allows. Spreads and scares." she agrees they need to go take care of that now.

Oracle (Spirit Guide) 9 | HP 63/83 | AC 22/13/19 | F+8 R+7 W+8 | CMD 25 | Init. +2 (War Sight) | Perception +12 | SM +3 Human (Shoanti)
4/day: Blessing of Fervor, CCW, Stoneskin, Wall of Fire | 6/day: CSW, Magic Vestment, Prayer, Rage, Remove Disease

Yaziyah would have helped Erin with almost anything, for the kinship she felt with the woman, but undead... this she had to put right. "We cannot let this stand. The undead are an abomination."

She turns to the others. "We should notify the Cathedral, as well. They will want to know if there are walking dead about."

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 27 (25 w/o shield), Touch 13, FF 25 (23 w/o shield)| HP 80/91 (Temp 0), DR 3/- | F +10, R +7, W +6 (+1 vs continuous, +4 vs mind-affecting) | Init +3 | Perc +19 | AV 0/5, BB 2/3 | Bull Rush | Overrun

Marcus nods grimly, some part of him secretly happy there was work to be done he was better at. "It will be done." He also nods to Yazi's advice to inform the church, especially since the walking dead would be another condition exacerbating the plague in the city.

Don't Forget to Gather Info! Combat Map - Korvosa | Corruption +2; Crime +0; Economy +4; Law +5; Lore +4; Society +0; Danger +10

Don't forget the map to figure out where stuff is.


Racker’s Alley, with its strange shape and shadowy corners, has long been a site of illicit exchanges, quiet murders, and criminal business in the tangles of western Old Korvosa.

Eries wiggles her nose, "I don't know anything about necromancy, I'm sorry. Thank you for looking into this - once it is safe we will have the bodies buried." She inclines her head and disappears.

Where to?

Female Half Orc | Slum Shaman 9 | HP 57/57(66/66)| AC 21 | T 11 | FF 21 | CMD 19| Fort +7(+6)| Ref +6 | Will +13 | Init +1 | Perc +25(+27)/+32(+34 hidden doors/traps), scent SM +16 | harrow points: 2 | battle spirit: 0/4 | conditions: heightened awareness(90 minutes), teas to wine, pass without a trace(9 hours), -2 con

To Racker's Alley near Garrison Hill I believe

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