GM Mike's Ironfang Invasion

Game Master mike9322


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Female Lynx

Trjega charges #1.

bite (+2 charge): 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 10 + 2 = 19
damage: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
grab: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 10 + 2 = 29

Behind the screen:

cmb: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

Catie Wolverines herself free of the net. Hooray!

Sarge puts down #3.

Katia turns her (very impressive) ire on #1.

Freyja forgets how to shoot.

Trjega charges #1, bites it, and latches the f~*+ on. Unfortunately, #1 immediately frees itself and turns tail to run. That provokes from Trjega and Catie if you want to try to take it down.

Gorgon #2 (106 damage, unconscious)
Catie (53/113 hp, +4 AC, haste [7 rounds])
Sarge (129/133 hp, combat expertise)
Freyja (110/110
Trjega (63/76 hp, magic fang [claws], -2 AC [1 round])
Gorgon #1 (102 damage, unconscious)
Katia (57/57 hp, flying)
Warmaze Master #2 (81 damage, unconscious)
Warmaze Master #3 (92 damage)
Warmaze Master #1 (45 damage, -4 attack [9 rounds], fleeing)

Bold may act.

Female Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Vivisectionist) 11
Vital Statistics:
[ HP 113 ] [Hero Pts 1 | Init +3 | Per +14] [AC 24 | Tch 15 | FF 20] [F +10* | R +10 | W +6 ] * = +4 vs poison
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Mwk Cold Iron Longspear +13/+8 | 1d8+6 P | x3] [Melee +2 Claws* +11/+11 | 1d6+5 S | x2] [Melee +2 Bite* +11 | 1d8+5 B/P/S | x2] * = Only During Mutagen
Daily Powers and Extracts:
[Spontaneous Healing 55hp/Day] [Mutagen (+4 Str/+2 AC/-2 Int)] [Extracts | 1st (DC 15): 6 | 2nd (DC 16): 5 | 3rd (DC 17): 5 | 4th (DC 18): 3]

Wow I'm a dummy. Catie actually does have 2 claw attacks. They just didn't show up on Hero Lab until I unchecked the longspear. But the longspear is more damage so I'm going with that one.

AoO vs #1: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (8) + 16 = 24
Dmg: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17 Cold Iron, Piercing

Female Lynx

aoo: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
damage: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

confirm: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
damage: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Behind the screen:

Catie and Trjega both ravage #1 as it flees, but it barely stays up.

Do you want to chase it down or let it go? BTS: It has 2hp left.

Gorgon #2 (106 damage, unconscious)
Catie (53/113 hp, +4 AC, haste [7 rounds])
Sarge (129/133 hp, combat expertise)
Freyja (110/110
Trjega (63/76 hp, magic fang [claws], -2 AC [1 round])
Gorgon #1 (102 damage, unconscious)
Katia (57/57 hp, flying)
Warmaze Master #2 (81 damage, unconscious)
Warmaze Master #3 (92 damage)
Warmaze Master #1 (77 damage, -4 attack [9 rounds], fleeing)

Bold may act.

Dark Archive

Human Witch (Cartomancer) 6/Harrower 4 | HP 72 | AC 17 (T 13, FF 15) | Per +11 | F +7 | R +7 | W +10* (* +1 vs Ench) | Hero Points 1/3 | Flight Hex 6 minutes/day | Blessing of the Harrow 1/day

The long 24 hours of suffering and destruction has Katia feeling... less than charitable. She blasts forward until she's only 15 feet behind the minotaur and whips another card at him.

Harrow Card: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Dmg: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 S, Magical

Behind the screen:

Katia's card catches the minotaur at the nape of its neck. Its momentum carries it forward a few more steps, and then it falls.


The minotaurs carried some lootz:

- 12x antitoxin
- 3x fire ward gel
- 6x frost ward gel
- 6x mwk throwing axe
- 6x net
- 9x potion of cure serious wounds
- 3x veterinarian's kit
- 3x +1 hide armor
- 3x mwk heavy steel shield
- 3x +1 warhammer
- 3x scent cloak

Over the next minute or so, the statues in this area slowly turn back to flesh and blood. They thank the party profusely, clearly overwhelmed with relief.

With the immediate threat taken care of, the guards begin work on reinforcing the ruined gate, doing the best they can with limited time and resources.

Nothing seems to be imminently threatening you. You can hear the battle raging outside the walls, but you have a chance to heal up and do anything else you'd like to do to prepare for whatever fresh hell Kosseruk sends at you next. WDYD?

Male Human Paladin (Vindictive Bastard) 7/Fighter (Molthuni Defender) 4
Vital Statistics:
[HP 133 | Init -1 | Hero Pts 1 | Per +21] [AC 28 | Tch 10 | FF 28] [Fort +12 | Ref +3 | Will +10*] [*= +1 vs Fear]
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Vergeltung +16/+11/+6 | 1d8+4 S | 19-20/x2] [Melee Shield Bash +14/+9/+4 | 1d4+3 B | 20/x2]

Sorting through the items, Sarge hands two vials each to Catie and Katia, and takes 2 for himself. "We have a surplus of the stronger curative potions, we should each have a few on hand for emergencies, ja?" He offers two of the vials to Freyja, as well.

With the addition of this loot, we had fifteen potions of cure serious wounds. I figure we might as well carry a few on our person just in case!

Female Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Vivisectionist) 11
Vital Statistics:
[ HP 113 ] [Hero Pts 1 | Init +3 | Per +14] [AC 24 | Tch 15 | FF 20] [F +10* | R +10 | W +6 ] * = +4 vs poison
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Mwk Cold Iron Longspear +13/+8 | 1d8+6 P | x3] [Melee +2 Claws* +11/+11 | 1d6+5 S | x2] [Melee +2 Bite* +11 | 1d8+5 B/P/S | x2] * = Only During Mutagen
Daily Powers and Extracts:
[Spontaneous Healing 55hp/Day] [Mutagen (+4 Str/+2 AC/-2 Int)] [Extracts | 1st (DC 15): 6 | 2nd (DC 16): 5 | 3rd (DC 17): 5 | 4th (DC 18): 3]

Now that the threat is over, Catie takes a moment to catch her breath. She does so apart from the others, who are mingling with the civilians and accepting their thanks. She doesn't look very approachable at the best of times, but with the feral mutagen coursing through her veins, it's even worse.

After a few moments of speaking to people, she clears her throat and says to the party, "We should get back to Mayor Crawbert. I think he was trying to tell us something before these minotaurs so rudely interrupted."

Dark Archive

Human Witch (Cartomancer) 6/Harrower 4 | HP 72 | AC 17 (T 13, FF 15) | Per +11 | F +7 | R +7 | W +10* (* +1 vs Ench) | Hero Points 1/3 | Flight Hex 6 minutes/day | Blessing of the Harrow 1/day

Katia, having long since returned to the ground, hustles up to Catie. "Uh huh. Hold still." She begins vigorously wanding her ex.

Damn, that Frontier Healer campaign trait is dope! +5 healing every time she casts a cure spell!

Wand of CLW @Catie: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Wand of CLW @Catie: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Wand of CLW @Catie: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Wand of CLW @Catie: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Wand of CLW @Catie: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Satisfied with the alchemist's improvement, she moves on to Trjega. She approaches hesitantly and mumbles "Nice kitty" before awkwardly tapping the cat with the wand.

Wand of CLW @Trjega: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

After stepping a good distance away from Trjega (who probably gave her absolutely no reason to be afraid) she smooths the creases in her long, tattered skirt and nods curtly. "Okay, let's go talk to the mayor."

Female Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Vivisectionist) 11
Vital Statistics:
[ HP 113 ] [Hero Pts 1 | Init +3 | Per +14] [AC 24 | Tch 15 | FF 20] [F +10* | R +10 | W +6 ] * = +4 vs poison
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Mwk Cold Iron Longspear +13/+8 | 1d8+6 P | x3] [Melee +2 Claws* +11/+11 | 1d6+5 S | x2] [Melee +2 Bite* +11 | 1d8+5 B/P/S | x2] * = Only During Mutagen
Daily Powers and Extracts:
[Spontaneous Healing 55hp/Day] [Mutagen (+4 Str/+2 AC/-2 Int)] [Extracts | 1st (DC 15): 6 | 2nd (DC 16): 5 | 3rd (DC 17): 5 | 4th (DC 18): 3]

Catie nods, falling in step behind the others. As she walks, the last few wounds on her slowly stitch back together.

Catie will use Spontaneous Healing to heal the last 10 hp.

Behind the screen:

prophet init: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
prophet init: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
troop init: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

The party gets healed up and makes their way back to the eastern gate, where they last saw Crawbert. And, sure enough, he is still there, leading the inexperienced militia members and barely more experienced town guard against the battle-hardened Legion troops. Crawbert's natural leadership skills are on full display, as he pushes farmers and shopkeeps and seamstresses far beyond what anyone would have ever guessed capable. As you approach the gates, you see him take a hob's head clean off with his sword, knock another to the ground with his shield (which Elise, always at the mayor's side, finishes off with an axe to the throat), and turn to give orders to a guard commander, all with practiced ease and finesse. He is clearly singlehandedly holding morale together at this gate, and the defenders are giving as good as they are getting.

He sees you coming and waves you over, but, again, he is interrupted by the stupid opposing army doing something uncool. Shouts of "morlocks!" come from atop the city walls, mixed with screams of surprise and pain. As Crawbert turns to look up to the ramparts, several city guards are thrown over the edge, 30 feet to the ground below. Crawbert turns to the party. "Get up there!"


Freyja init: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Catie init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Sarge init: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6
Katia init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

You can't see much from down here at ground level, but it is clear that the defenders on the ramparts are getting more than they can handle with the morlocks. You remember from your previous encounters with morlocks that they can swarm (mechically, occupy the same space and count as flanking while they do so). You wouldn't expect a bunch of morlocks to give the guards any more trouble than hobs or bugbears, so you're unsure right now why things seem to be going poorly.

Now is when you need to separate your knowledge as a player from your PCs' knowledge. On the map is an enlarged morlock -- clearly a spellcaster of some kind -- and a morlock troop. The tokens on the map are just a symbolic representation of the troop; in reality, there are dozens of them, and they climb and roil over each other, almost like a single entity. Remember that a troop must stay continguous, but does not have to be a square. Troop mechanics refresher if you need it.

Obviously, the party will know all this in a couple of turns too.

Also, I don't have tokens for the town defenders because it would be way too much work. Just assume that the morlocks are f*&+ing them up and they need your help, bad. Once you get there, assume the morlocks will ignore everyone else to get at you and that the guards will need to focus on firing arrows and dropping rocks on hobs outside the walls.

Also also, it has been 3d10 ⇒ (8, 7, 6) = 21 minutes since the minotaur fight ended. Use that to determine which buffs you still have active and let me know so I can denote them correctly on the tokens and in the initiative tracker.

Troop (0 damage)
Morlock caster (0 damage)
Catie (113/113 hp)
Freyja (110/110 hp)
Trjega (76/76 hp, magic fang [claws])
Katia (57/57 hp)
Sarge (133/133 hp)

Bold may act.

Female Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Vivisectionist) 11
Vital Statistics:
[ HP 113 ] [Hero Pts 1 | Init +3 | Per +14] [AC 24 | Tch 15 | FF 20] [F +10* | R +10 | W +6 ] * = +4 vs poison
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Mwk Cold Iron Longspear +13/+8 | 1d8+6 P | x3] [Melee +2 Claws* +11/+11 | 1d6+5 S | x2] [Melee +2 Bite* +11 | 1d8+5 B/P/S | x2] * = Only During Mutagen
Daily Powers and Extracts:
[Spontaneous Healing 55hp/Day] [Mutagen (+4 Str/+2 AC/-2 Int)] [Extracts | 1st (DC 15): 6 | 2nd (DC 16): 5 | 3rd (DC 17): 5 | 4th (DC 18): 3]

Catie's mutagen lasts 121 minutes, so she has roughly 99 minutes left on it. Her false life extract got used up last battle so no need to worry about that one. Haste, of course, only lasted 11 rounds so that's also gone.

Catie rushes toward the stairs to get up to the ramparts as quickly as she can.

Double move.

Dark Archive

Human Witch (Cartomancer) 6/Harrower 4 | HP 72 | AC 17 (T 13, FF 15) | Per +11 | F +7 | R +7 | W +10* (* +1 vs Ench) | Hero Points 1/3 | Flight Hex 6 minutes/day | Blessing of the Harrow 1/day

Katia exerts a modicum of her will to launch herself into the air once more.

Activating her Flight hex again for another minute of flying. Moving forward 50ft and up 30 ft, which according to Google's Pythagorean calculator is just under 60ft total. Since you mentioned the soldiers fell 30 feet I assume that puts her at about flush with the wall and about 10 feet away from it.

Male Human Paladin (Vindictive Bastard) 7/Fighter (Molthuni Defender) 4
Vital Statistics:
[HP 133 | Init -1 | Hero Pts 1 | Per +21] [AC 28 | Tch 10 | FF 28] [Fort +12 | Ref +3 | Will +10*] [*= +1 vs Fear]
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Vergeltung +16/+11/+6 | 1d8+4 S | 19-20/x2] [Melee Shield Bash +14/+9/+4 | 1d4+3 B | 20/x2]

Sarge is too old for this running up stairs shit. He pops Catie's extract off his belt and chugs it, then takes to the air, drawing his blade as he awkwardly tries to maneuver himself.

He flies forward 30 and up 20, for just under 40 feet total. Because he's wearing heavy armor, he only has a Fly speed of 40.

Female Human Ranger (Nirmathi Irregular) 11

Freyja points at Catie. "Defend!"

Then she starts running to the stairs, jealous of all the flying folks.

Female Lynx

Trjega jogs alongside these slowpokes.

Behind the screen:

The morlocks kill some more dudes.

Maybe I should have started you guys closer to the walls. What a boring waste of a pbp turn.

Troop (0 damage)
Morlock caster (0 damage)
Catie (113/113 hp)
Freyja (110/110 hp)
Trjega (76/76 hp, magic fang [claws])
Katia (57/57 hp, flying)
Sarge (133/133 hp, flying)

Bold may act.

Dark Archive

Human Witch (Cartomancer) 6/Harrower 4 | HP 72 | AC 17 (T 13, FF 15) | Per +11 | F +7 | R +7 | W +10* (* +1 vs Ench) | Hero Points 1/3 | Flight Hex 6 minutes/day | Blessing of the Harrow 1/day

Katia alights on the parapets right in the thick of the morlocks, then unleashes a great gout of flame.

Concentration (Cast Defensively) DC 17: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (20) + 16 = 36

Burning Hands Fire Dmg: 5d4 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 3, 3) = 13 DC 18 Reflex save for half.

Female Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Vivisectionist) 11
Vital Statistics:
[ HP 113 ] [Hero Pts 1 | Init +3 | Per +14] [AC 24 | Tch 15 | FF 20] [F +10* | R +10 | W +6 ] * = +4 vs poison
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Mwk Cold Iron Longspear +13/+8 | 1d8+6 P | x3] [Melee +2 Claws* +11/+11 | 1d6+5 S | x2] [Melee +2 Bite* +11 | 1d8+5 B/P/S | x2] * = Only During Mutagen
Daily Powers and Extracts:
[Spontaneous Healing 55hp/Day] [Mutagen (+4 Str/+2 AC/-2 Int)] [Extracts | 1st (DC 15): 6 | 2nd (DC 16): 5 | 3rd (DC 17): 5 | 4th (DC 18): 3]

Catie hustles up the stairs, then stops, considers, and downs an extract.

Casting fiendish wrath.

Male Human Paladin (Vindictive Bastard) 7/Fighter (Molthuni Defender) 4
Vital Statistics:
[HP 133 | Init -1 | Hero Pts 1 | Per +21] [AC 28 | Tch 10 | FF 28] [Fort +12 | Ref +3 | Will +10*] [*= +1 vs Fear]
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Vergeltung +16/+11/+6 | 1d8+4 S | 19-20/x2] [Melee Shield Bash +14/+9/+4 | 1d4+3 B | 20/x2]

Sarge flies right up to the big bad and slaps him in the face. Hard. With his sword. The sharp part.

Vergeltung PA, CE: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Dmg: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 S, Adamantine, Magical


Female Human Ranger (Nirmathi Irregular) 11

Freyja charges up the stairs, then up to the top of the opposite tower from the morlocks, giving herself an advantageous vantage point.

She points at Sarge. "Defend!"

Female Lynx

Trjega rushes past Catie and launches herself at Sarge's target.

bite: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
damage: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
grab: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

Behind the screen:

troop reflex: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

CD: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

damage: 4d6 + 3 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 1) + 3 = 21

The troop sees Katia's attack coming and, with dizzying speed, open up a gap in their formation that the cone of fire erupting from her hands fills a split second later. Plenty of morlocks on the edges of the gap are burnt to a smelly crisp, but Katia knows it could have been much worse (nat 20 on the save, but +50% for AoE damage!).

The gap in the troop immediately refills, however, as dozens of morlocks crawl over the dead like they are not even there. They surround and engulf Katia, and she feels the tearing and puncturing of hundreds of teeth and claws. It's uncomfortable (21 damage).

The caster easily swats away both Sarge's sword strike and Trjega's bite, but Sarge can see in its eyes that it knows that these newcomers are trouble compared to the mook guards they had been murdering a few seconds before. It holds Sarge and Trjega at bay with its morningstar while it whispers a quick incantation, and then the entire rampart is enveloped in darkness. Sarge and Trjega can hear it moving away from them, but they have no idea where it went. (IOW it has a climb speed so it was able to get away along the rampart wall. Catie and Freyja see the darkness aura move, but I think only Catie has darkvision, right? Although not even Catie knows where it is right now, since she is down the stairs a bit and there is a wall between her and it. Have fun!)

Troop (27 damage)
Morlock caster (0 damage)
Catie (113/113 hp, fiendishly wrathed)
Freyja (110/110 hp)
Trjega (76/76 hp, magic fang [claws])
Katia (36/57 hp, flying)
Sarge (133/133 hp, flying)

Bold may act.

Dark Archive

Human Witch (Cartomancer) 6/Harrower 4 | HP 72 | AC 17 (T 13, FF 15) | Per +11 | F +7 | R +7 | W +10* (* +1 vs Ench) | Hero Points 1/3 | Flight Hex 6 minutes/day | Blessing of the Harrow 1/day

Katia realizes suddenly the terrible mistake she's made by diving headlong into a mass of enemies, and launches herself straight up, drawing the wand of cure light wounds as she goes.

Once she's a safe 30 feet above their heads, she taps herself with the wand.

Probably gonna take like 20 AoO's but whatever.

Wand of CLW: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Female Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Vivisectionist) 11
Vital Statistics:
[ HP 113 ] [Hero Pts 1 | Init +3 | Per +14] [AC 24 | Tch 15 | FF 20] [F +10* | R +10 | W +6 ] * = +4 vs poison
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Mwk Cold Iron Longspear +13/+8 | 1d8+6 P | x3] [Melee +2 Claws* +11/+11 | 1d6+5 S | x2] [Melee +2 Bite* +11 | 1d8+5 B/P/S | x2] * = Only During Mutagen
Daily Powers and Extracts:
[Spontaneous Healing 55hp/Day] [Mutagen (+4 Str/+2 AC/-2 Int)] [Extracts | 1st (DC 15): 6 | 2nd (DC 16): 5 | 3rd (DC 17): 5 | 4th (DC 18): 3]

Catie, snarling with the vile magic coursing through her blood, leaps into melee with the giant morlock, completely ignoring the magical darkness around her as she tries to rip its flesh with her horrific fangs.


CHOMP: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
Dmg: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 Bludgeoning, Magic, Piercing, Slashing

Male Human Paladin (Vindictive Bastard) 7/Fighter (Molthuni Defender) 4
Vital Statistics:
[HP 133 | Init -1 | Hero Pts 1 | Per +21] [AC 28 | Tch 10 | FF 28] [Fort +12 | Ref +3 | Will +10*] [*= +1 vs Fear]
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Vergeltung +16/+11/+6 | 1d8+4 S | 19-20/x2] [Melee Shield Bash +14/+9/+4 | 1d4+3 B | 20/x2]

Cursing at the sudden darkness, Sarge reconsiders, then hustles up the stairs to his east to aid Katia instead.

There's no way he can help against an enemy with magical darkness so he'll go stab some mini-morlocks instead. Power Attack, Combat Expertise.

Vergeltung PA, CE: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
Dmg: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14 S, Adamantine, Magical

Female Human Ranger (Nirmathi Irregular) 11

Freyja calls Trjega back to her; she knows the lynx can't see in total darkness and wants to keep her out of harm's way.

Fortunately, when the caster moved away, it exposed the troop to Freyja's wrath; she rains down hell.

manyshot: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20
damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

longbow: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (1) + 14 = 15
damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

longbow: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

longbow: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

Female Lynx

Trjega freezes in surprise when the light goes away, but then she hears her master calling her, and bolts toward the sound of it. Full withdraw

Behind the screen:

aoo damage: 4d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 1) + 3 = 13

CD: 1d20 + 7 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 7 + 4 = 24

melee touch: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
damage: 3d8 + 9 ⇒ (1, 2, 5) + 9 = 17

The claws and teeth continue to tear at Katia until she is out of their reach (13 damage, exactly offsetting the healing). Sarge and Freyja get immediate revenge, however, felling an incredible number of morlocks in a matter of seconds. The remaining morlocks come to their senses and disperse (lol stupid CR9 encounter). Sarge takes a few more down as they flee.

The caster notices the troop's utter destruction and spits what you can only assume is a curse.


While it is distracted for a split second, Catie opens a nice gash across its arm, and it hisses in pain. To its credit, it stands and bangs with Catie. It reaches out, touches Catie on her arm, and whispers an incantation, staring Catie in the eye and grinning a fanatical grin the entire time.

catie will: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Its grin fades as Catie resists the hell out of the spell. Her skin momentarily blackens and she feels pain course through her, but the morlock's expression tells you it should have been much worse (8 damage).

Troop (89 damage, dispersed)
Morlock caster (7 damage)
Catie (105/113 hp, fiendishly wrathed)
Freyja (110/110 hp)
Trjega (76/76 hp, magic fang [claws])
Katia (36/57 hp, flying)
Sarge (133/133 hp, flying)

Bold may act.

Female Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Vivisectionist) 11
Vital Statistics:
[ HP 113 ] [Hero Pts 1 | Init +3 | Per +14] [AC 24 | Tch 15 | FF 20] [F +10* | R +10 | W +6 ] * = +4 vs poison
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Mwk Cold Iron Longspear +13/+8 | 1d8+6 P | x3] [Melee +2 Claws* +11/+11 | 1d6+5 S | x2] [Melee +2 Bite* +11 | 1d8+5 B/P/S | x2] * = Only During Mutagen
Daily Powers and Extracts:
[Spontaneous Healing 55hp/Day] [Mutagen (+4 Str/+2 AC/-2 Int)] [Extracts | 1st (DC 15): 6 | 2nd (DC 16): 5 | 3rd (DC 17): 5 | 4th (DC 18): 3]

Catie's grin is almost feral as she opens her fanged mouth and whispers hoarsely, "My turn."

Bite: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (2) + 18 = 20
Dmg: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 B, P, S, Magical

Claw: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (19) + 18 = 37
Dmg: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 S, Magical

Claw: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (18) + 18 = 36
Dmg: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 S, Magical

Rend (if both claws hit): 1d6 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Dark Archive

Human Witch (Cartomancer) 6/Harrower 4 | HP 72 | AC 17 (T 13, FF 15) | Per +11 | F +7 | R +7 | W +10* (* +1 vs Ench) | Hero Points 1/3 | Flight Hex 6 minutes/day | Blessing of the Harrow 1/day

Katia, still shaken from the dozens of claws ripping at her flesh, floats up in the air and taps on herself with the wand again.

CLW: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Male Human Paladin (Vindictive Bastard) 7/Fighter (Molthuni Defender) 4
Vital Statistics:
[HP 133 | Init -1 | Hero Pts 1 | Per +21] [AC 28 | Tch 10 | FF 28] [Fort +12 | Ref +3 | Will +10*] [*= +1 vs Fear]
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Vergeltung +16/+11/+6 | 1d8+4 S | 19-20/x2] [Melee Shield Bash +14/+9/+4 | 1d4+3 B | 20/x2]

With the horde of morlocks dispersed, Sarge has no recourse but to hop into the air, bank slightly north, and fly directly into the darkness. He nearly topples over when he bumps into the big morlock, but at least he knows where it is now.

Since CE is a dodge bonus and that matters exactly zilch while blind, he's going to skip CE and just use PA.

Vergeltung PA: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14
Dmg: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 S, Adamantine, Magical

Good news is, no need to roll concealment!

Female Human Ranger (Nirmathi Irregular) 11

Freyja calls into the darkness. "Guys! I can't see it!"


Behind the screen:

aoo: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18
damage: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (5, 1) + 7 = 13

morningstar: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22
damage: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (6, 6) + 7 = 19

morningstar: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
damage: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (3, 1) + 7 = 11

Catie tears the morlock's chest into bloody ribbons. Sarge rushes headlong into the dark. He feels the business end of a giant morningstar pass through the space his head had been a moment before, then crashes into the morningstar's wielder. His wild sword swing misses badly.

Then it screams in defiance and swings twice at Catie, but both miss.

Troop (89 damage, dispersed)
Morlock caster (7 damage)
Catie (105/113 hp, fiendishly wrathed)
Freyja (110/110 hp)
Trjega (76/76 hp, magic fang [claws])
Katia (36/57 hp, flying)
Sarge (133/133 hp, flying)

Bold may act.

Female Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Vivisectionist) 11
Vital Statistics:
[ HP 113 ] [Hero Pts 1 | Init +3 | Per +14] [AC 24 | Tch 15 | FF 20] [F +10* | R +10 | W +6 ] * = +4 vs poison
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Mwk Cold Iron Longspear +13/+8 | 1d8+6 P | x3] [Melee +2 Claws* +11/+11 | 1d6+5 S | x2] [Melee +2 Bite* +11 | 1d8+5 B/P/S | x2] * = Only During Mutagen
Daily Powers and Extracts:
[Spontaneous Healing 55hp/Day] [Mutagen (+4 Str/+2 AC/-2 Int)] [Extracts | 1st (DC 15): 6 | 2nd (DC 16): 5 | 3rd (DC 17): 5 | 4th (DC 18): 3]

Did you forget to add Catie's damage from last round? Or does it have DR or something?

Catie goes ham on that mofo.

Bite: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (3) + 18 = 21
Dmg: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13 B, P, S, Magical

Claw: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (19) + 18 = 37
Dmg: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11 S, Magical

Claw: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (19) + 18 = 37
Dmg: 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13 S, Magical

Rend (if both claws hit): 1d6 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16

Male Human Paladin (Vindictive Bastard) 7/Fighter (Molthuni Defender) 4
Vital Statistics:
[HP 133 | Init -1 | Hero Pts 1 | Per +21] [AC 28 | Tch 10 | FF 28] [Fort +12 | Ref +3 | Will +10*] [*= +1 vs Fear]
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Vergeltung +16/+11/+6 | 1d8+4 S | 19-20/x2] [Melee Shield Bash +14/+9/+4 | 1d4+3 B | 20/x2]

Sarge calls back, "Nein, I cannot see it either! I suppose... fire just above my voice?" It's more likely to net him an arrow in the back of the head than in the enemy, but he doesn't know what else to offer her.

Once again, Power Attack but no Combat Expertise.

Vergeltung PA: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32
Dmg: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 S, Adamantine, Magical
Concealment: 1d100 ⇒ 85

Vergeltung PA: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Dmg: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 S, Adamantine, Magical
Concealment: 1d100 ⇒ 74

Vergeltung PA: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Dmg: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17 S, Adamantine, Magical
Concealment: 1d100 ⇒ 2

Confirm Atk 1: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
Dmg: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18 S, Adamantine, Magical

Dark Archive

Human Witch (Cartomancer) 6/Harrower 4 | HP 72 | AC 17 (T 13, FF 15) | Per +11 | F +7 | R +7 | W +10* (* +1 vs Ench) | Hero Points 1/3 | Flight Hex 6 minutes/day | Blessing of the Harrow 1/day

Katia considers tonight's spell repertoire, and shrugs helplessly at Freyja. "I have nothing to combat darkness."

She silently curses herself for not being a wizard, and taps herself once more with the wand.

CLW: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

If Hero Lab is to be believed, then, that puts Katia at 52/64 hp.

Behind the screen:

It ded. So ded.


Katia is level 10!

The caster falls, but the darkness persists.

spellcraft DC12:
You know that darkness is a minute per caster level, so it'll go away naturally in a few minutes. In the meantime, you could find the source of the spell and cover it or something.

Perception DC20 (Catie only):
The darkness is emanating from the morlock's morningstar.

With the morlocks down, there is a lull in the fighting. The guards on the ramparts, visibly relieved, continue to fire arrows down on hobs outside the gates, but for now, you have a moment to catch your breath.

Mayor Crawbert comes up the stairs behind you. He can see the remains of the morlock troop, but the caster is hidden from him in the darkness aura. Still, he can see that this fight barely caused the party to break a sweat. "That was weird. Was that weird? Does Kosseruk have nothing stronger? Why wouldn't she have sent those morlocks as part of another offensive? She has to know you all are here and would wipe the floor with a handful of morlocks." He pauses for a few moments, a confused look on his face.

He looks out on the fields beyond the wall and Kosseruk's camp beyond. The fields are still overrun with hobgoblins and other creatures. "What I was trying to say before was that we -- er, you -- need to bring that tower down before more reinforcements come. But a direct assault is suicide, even if you all have weakened her forces." He looks to the sky. "Dawn is in a few hours. If she pulls her army back again, maybe you will have a chance then? In any case, heal up and get some food and some rest. We can handle things here for now. We will call for you if it gets dire again."


Female Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Vivisectionist) 11
Vital Statistics:
[ HP 113 ] [Hero Pts 1 | Init +3 | Per +14] [AC 24 | Tch 15 | FF 20] [F +10* | R +10 | W +6 ] * = +4 vs poison
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Mwk Cold Iron Longspear +13/+8 | 1d8+6 P | x3] [Melee +2 Claws* +11/+11 | 1d6+5 S | x2] [Melee +2 Bite* +11 | 1d8+5 B/P/S | x2] * = Only During Mutagen
Daily Powers and Extracts:
[Spontaneous Healing 55hp/Day] [Mutagen (+4 Str/+2 AC/-2 Int)] [Extracts | 1st (DC 15): 6 | 2nd (DC 16): 5 | 3rd (DC 17): 5 | 4th (DC 18): 3]

Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

Catie plucks up the morningstar and wraps it up in her cloak. The aura of darkness immediately vanishes.

She ceases concentrating on the anger burning through her, and with a few deep breaths, it finally begins to recede after about a minute. Her jagged fangs shrink back down, and the claws simply become brittle and shatter, falling to the ground in small paper-weak chunks of dead nail. Surprisingly, it leaves her actual nails neatly trimmed and healthy.

Male Human Paladin (Vindictive Bastard) 7/Fighter (Molthuni Defender) 4
Vital Statistics:
[HP 133 | Init -1 | Hero Pts 1 | Per +21] [AC 28 | Tch 10 | FF 28] [Fort +12 | Ref +3 | Will +10*] [*= +1 vs Fear]
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Vergeltung +16/+11/+6 | 1d8+4 S | 19-20/x2] [Melee Shield Bash +14/+9/+4 | 1d4+3 B | 20/x2]

Sarge, unaware the morlock is dead, hacks into empty air after it falls, then steps forward and kicks with his boot. The body he hits doesn't react, so he backs up slightly, blade still raised defensively. The sudden influx of torchlight makes him flinch and blink. He sees Catie swaddle the morningstar and nods. "Good thinking, fraulein."

When Crawbert comes up and expresses his concerns, Sarge rubs his bestubbled chin thoughtfully. "It could be she is running out of specialists to throw at us. That would be good news, were it not for the fact that she has a seemingly endless horde of foot soldiers. We can only do so much, ja? We will rest and make an attempt at the tower at dawn. I am pleased that tonight went better than last, however. It is good for morale." He nods to the ladies and excuses himself to get help exiting his plate mail.

Dark Archive

Human Witch (Cartomancer) 6/Harrower 4 | HP 72 | AC 17 (T 13, FF 15) | Per +11 | F +7 | R +7 | W +10* (* +1 vs Ench) | Hero Points 1/3 | Flight Hex 6 minutes/day | Blessing of the Harrow 1/day

Katia watches the old man go before stepping hesitantly up to Catie, having since dismissed her Flight hex. "You're hurt," she murmurs, gingerly touching a cut across the oni-spawn's clavacle. She seems to think better of the gesture and pulls her hand away, cheeks red.

Female Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Vivisectionist) 11
Vital Statistics:
[ HP 113 ] [Hero Pts 1 | Init +3 | Per +14] [AC 24 | Tch 15 | FF 20] [F +10* | R +10 | W +6 ] * = +4 vs poison
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Mwk Cold Iron Longspear +13/+8 | 1d8+6 P | x3] [Melee +2 Claws* +11/+11 | 1d6+5 S | x2] [Melee +2 Bite* +11 | 1d8+5 B/P/S | x2] * = Only During Mutagen
Daily Powers and Extracts:
[Spontaneous Healing 55hp/Day] [Mutagen (+4 Str/+2 AC/-2 Int)] [Extracts | 1st (DC 15): 6 | 2nd (DC 16): 5 | 3rd (DC 17): 5 | 4th (DC 18): 3]

Catie snorts. "You should talk. You're covered in blood."

She puts a hand to the side of Katia's neck, where the unhealed wounds are worst, and rubs her unique, foul-smelling salve into the wounds, which tingle and burn as they rapidly seal up.

Spending 10 points of Spontaneous Healing on Katia, then 10 points on herself.

She slaps a little onto her own wound, which does the same thing.

"Now that that's done, we should take the mayor's advice and get some sleep." She opens her mouth, as if to say something else, then snaps it shut, glad the overly pink hue of her skin masks her flushed cheeks.

Dark Archive

Human Witch (Cartomancer) 6/Harrower 4 | HP 72 | AC 17 (T 13, FF 15) | Per +11 | F +7 | R +7 | W +10* (* +1 vs Ench) | Hero Points 1/3 | Flight Hex 6 minutes/day | Blessing of the Harrow 1/day

Her courage finally returning to her, Katia blurts, "I wouldn't mind some company tonight."

Female Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Vivisectionist) 11
Vital Statistics:
[ HP 113 ] [Hero Pts 1 | Init +3 | Per +14] [AC 24 | Tch 15 | FF 20] [F +10* | R +10 | W +6 ] * = +4 vs poison
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Mwk Cold Iron Longspear +13/+8 | 1d8+6 P | x3] [Melee +2 Claws* +11/+11 | 1d6+5 S | x2] [Melee +2 Bite* +11 | 1d8+5 B/P/S | x2] * = Only During Mutagen
Daily Powers and Extracts:
[Spontaneous Healing 55hp/Day] [Mutagen (+4 Str/+2 AC/-2 Int)] [Extracts | 1st (DC 15): 6 | 2nd (DC 16): 5 | 3rd (DC 17): 5 | 4th (DC 18): 3]

Catie gives her a pained look, then sets her jaw. "And how would that end any better than last time?"

There is an agonizingly long silence between them, during which Catie has time to regret the harsh retort. "Look," she says, trying to be as soft as she can, "I appreciate that you still find me attractive. Gods know I feel the same way about you. But you... don't settle down. It's not in your nature. I do. Or, I plan to, anyway. I want someone who wants the same thing as me. Anything else would just be wasting both our time. Besides," she adds with an awkward arm slap, "I'm your doctor. There's gotta be some kind of bylaw against that."

Well. Not according to Penthouse Forums but that's hardly a reputable source lol

After another moment of no response from the witch, Catie sighs. "I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight." With a sinking ball of iron in the pit of her stomach, Catie turns away from Katia and heads back toward the inn.

Dark Archive

Human Witch (Cartomancer) 6/Harrower 4 | HP 72 | AC 17 (T 13, FF 15) | Per +11 | F +7 | R +7 | W +10* (* +1 vs Ench) | Hero Points 1/3 | Flight Hex 6 minutes/day | Blessing of the Harrow 1/day

Katia feels like she's been punched in the gut. Is that really all she is? Some femme fatale to woo strangers into her bed for a little fun and nothing more? Once upon a time she'd loved Catie. But fear had made her pull away, fear of caring for someone deeply enough that their betrayal could hurt her. The way Father's betrayal had hurt. The way Dellan's flight from home had hurt. The way Mother's death had hurt. The way that vile old man Father had sold her to had hurt.

Is she never going to feel connected to anyone again? Ever?

As bowstrings sing behind her, the soldiers of the battlements waging an all-out war at her back, she stares into the long, grim shadows of the self-titled city before her, unmoving, as night carries on around her.

If Freyja doesn't snap her out of it, she'll eventually wander her way back to the inn to pass out.

Female Human Ranger (Nirmathi Irregular) 11

Freyja briefly considers pretending she didn't just hear what happened between Katia and Catie, but she sees the distress on Katia's face and reconsiders. She walks up to Katia, takes her arm, and says, "Come on." She leads Katia away from the walls and toward the inn. She is silent for a while, deep in thought.

Sympathy? Or tough love? I didn't think this through! She looks at the carnage around her and the din of battle in the distance and sighs quietly to herself. Tough love it is.

She stops and pulls Katia to the side and takes her hands. "Katia. Look around us. I love you and I am sorry, but now is not the time to complicate what is clearly already a complicated situation. I understand. You are scared. I am scared too. This whole thing is f#~+ed." Her eyes begin to tear up but she angrily blinks them away. NO! Not now! "But we can get through it together if we don't distract each other. We need you, Katia. You have come back from your coma with a fire in your eyes that wasn't there before. We need that. Are you with us?"

Oh gods I hope I chose right.

Dark Archive

Human Witch (Cartomancer) 6/Harrower 4 | HP 72 | AC 17 (T 13, FF 15) | Per +11 | F +7 | R +7 | W +10* (* +1 vs Ench) | Hero Points 1/3 | Flight Hex 6 minutes/day | Blessing of the Harrow 1/day

Katia seems to collapse a little under Freyja's words, but eventually, she nods numbly. She hasn't felt this foolish since her school years, when she told Accio Tasmana that she fancied him and in response, he made fun of her frizzy hair. She'd decked him, of course, and vowed to never let a man make her feel stupid again.

She hadn't banked on a woman doing it.

When they reach the inn, she gives Freyja's shoulder a small squeeze. "Goodnight," she mumbles, and makes her way upstairs.

She flops down on her bed, and without a single conscious thought her Harrow deck is in her hands. She stares at the ceiling as she absently shuffles the deck, until eventually sleep offers her respite from her brain, the cards splayed almost artfully across her stomach.

When she wakes, they are no longer on top of her, but rather in a neat stack on her bedside table. She has long since ceased questioning the strange events that surround her deck.

Behind the screen:

I've been forgetting to do this:

Day 79: Kuthona 5, 4717

Sarge's head barely has a chance to hit the pillow before he is shaken awake. Though it feels like it has been mere minutes, the sunlight streaming through the window tells a different story. Sarge looks up to see who has awoken him and sees Elise, who says, "Reinforcements. Hundreds, and they keep pouring out of that damned tower. And it's after sunrise, but they keep coming." Her face and demeanor are calm, but her eyes tell the real story: things are bad and the party is needed. Once she is certain Sarge is awake, she says, "I'll get the others up," and hurries out of the room.

A similar scene plays out in three more rooms.

It has been about 3 hours. You haven't regained any daily abilities, but you're not fatigued yet. I'm pausing here to give you a chance to do anything you'd like to before rejoining the fight.

Male Human Paladin (Vindictive Bastard) 7/Fighter (Molthuni Defender) 4
Vital Statistics:
[HP 133 | Init -1 | Hero Pts 1 | Per +21] [AC 28 | Tch 10 | FF 28] [Fort +12 | Ref +3 | Will +10*] [*= +1 vs Fear]
Weapon Statistics:
[Melee Vergeltung +16/+11/+6 | 1d8+4 S | 19-20/x2] [Melee Shield Bash +14/+9/+4 | 1d4+3 B | 20/x2]

Sarge blearily rubs his face, nods, and hustles out of the room to wake the others before recruiting someone to help him put his armor back on. "Let us see what all this ruckus is about, ja?"

Once everyone is dressed, he leads them off toward the main gate.

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