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Liesel-Marie listens solemnly, face grim, recognizing the import of the warrior's speech from his demeanor. When he has finished, she nods once. "Well met, Oloch, son of Halgra of the Blackened Blades and priest of the Lord in Iron. I am Liesel-Marie Frostvale, defender of Trunau, friend to Halgra and Ruby, of the icy lands of the north, bearer of IcingFlame. Well met." As she names the greataxe, she raises it slightly.
"We were sent here by Halgra as Chief Defender of the city of Trunau in response to the attack on the city. It was led by the bandaged archer Kelseph and orchestrated by the tribe found within these walls. I present my blood-brothers and blade-sisters."
She gestures to the rest of the party, a clear invitation for them to introduce themselves. If Oloch doesn't cut them off, of course.
At this, the samurai rises from where she'd been kneeling. As she does so, both hands are placed one on top of the other just below her abdomen. Aiko then dips her torso slightly toward Oloch.
Watashi wa Aiko degozaru. After a moment, she stands upright and says, this time in the common trade tongue, I am Aiko.
Nyym watching the exchange from beside the opening watched him enter and return with the new blade. As Aiko made her introduction, Nyym could not help but since at the implications.
Kelseph, you really messed with the wrong family. Plus you just keep bringing us allies through ur wretched ways. I will not dishonor this guy's pledge when he gets his hands on you. I will not interfere. Liesel-Marie has tought me that much.
As Aiko finished, Nyym simply inclined his head in greeting as he spoke.
I am simply known as Nyym.
Tsadok watches the actions of Oloch and the rest of the ones present. He still will not be at ease till all is done here. But he does relax, alittle, as he spines Saber Moon in his hand to clear the blood from his blade before it comes to rest in a reverse grip with the back of the blade resting against the back of his arm.
Jiak kij Tukadok Whiukperfall, ukon ro avhe Ukhaavaverun Kalsak'uk ro avhe Menador Mounavainuk.Tsadok says in a gruff Orcish language as he stares at Oloch.
Translation: I am Tsadok Whisperfall, son of the Shattered Fang's of the Menador Mountains.
Oloch listens as each member of Team Ruby present introduce themselves to him, and is especially surprised to hear Tsadok do so in an atiquated dialect of Orcspeech.
The Shattered Fang, eh? The battle priest stares at the dhampir intently before continuing. I have heard many things concerning your tribe, who are well known throughout Belkzen for their savagery and for honoring their oaths.
He then turns his attention back to Liesel-Marie. Is this all of your blood-brothers and blade-sisters?
Before the Erutaki can respond, another voice calls out: Not quite all.
Oloch spins about, sword at the ready, to find three people who had not been present before. The first is a lanky pale-skinned female elf dressed in a light blue midriff top, which sits above light blue baggy ankle-cuffed style pants, a finely wrought dagger proudly displayed at the waist, and black leather tie up sandals. She stares at Oloch with large unblinking aqua-hued orbs, her unreadable expression sending a shiver of doubt across his being.
Peering out, eyes wide with fear, from behind the tall woman is a little human girl wearing a black silk dress.
Hovering above the two is a lean and mean looking biped with blue, almost black, scaled skin and wolflike facial features clad in a black body suit with an open neck, short sleeves, and almost full-length leggings as well as a white cloth over his right shoulder and the left side of his hips and a wide leather band from his left shoulder to his right hip.
Oloch notices that the two females are soaked from head to toe while the winged one is not.
Identify yourselves the orc calls out.
I'd ask the same of you, responds Kyt as she settles into an open stance while placing her right hand upon the handle of the sword sticking out over her shoulder. Above the elf, a whirling ball of sand forms in the space between Rocnork's hands.
Oloch pauses for a moment, understanding that they are only reacting to his posture. With that thought in mind, the orc relaxes as he lowers his blade. I am Oloch, battle-priest to the Lord in Iron and son to Halgra of the Blackened Blades.
Well met, Oloch. I am Hanakotaba Kytynna, sword-sister to Liesel-Marie and defender of Trunau. She continues while releasing her grip on the sword's handle. The one above me is Rocnork, while the one behind me is...
Charlotte! The little girl blurts out her name. My name is Charlotte.
There. We are all acquainted with each other now. The elf looks past Oloch to Liesel-Marie. Perhaps we should get going. There is much to discuss and we can do so on the move.

Nyym |
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Nyym raises an eyebrow as he sees the little girl behind Kyt when she blurts her name. Hearing the fear in her voice..
You are among friends here Charlotte.
Looking back to Kyt..
But is it wise for her to accompany us where we are going? While you know I love the chaos, I do not wish to endanger her unnecessarily.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Liesel-Marie crouches down on her heels to meet the child on a more even height. Gently, she motions the child to approach. "Charlotte. I am Liesel-Marie. What are you doing in such a terrible place, child?"
We have not moved into the tent yet, I presume?

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Nyym raises an eyebrow as he sees the little girl behind Kyt when she blurts her name. Hearing the fear in her voice..
You are among friends here Charlotte.
Looking back to Kyt..
But is it wise for her to accompany us where we are going? While you know I love the chaos, I do not wish to endanger her unnecessarily.
I don't know if it is wise, but I do know that I will not leave her behind so that she can be used as bear bait again. Then a sudden realization occurs to Kyt as she glares at Nyym. And you, sir, don't get off as easily as that. Leaving me behind so that you can get into mischief on your own.
Her tone may seem angry, but her expression was anything but. Especially when she adds, Why, whatever would Aodhán think if he knew that you were leaving a defenseless maiden such as myself out in this wilderness to her own devices? As Kyt speaks, she feigns despondency.
Liesel-Marie crouches down on her heels to meet the child on a more even height. Gently, she motions the child to approach. "Charlotte. I am Liesel-Marie. What are you doing in such a terrible place, child?"
We have not moved into the tent yet, I presume?
No, you have not moved back into the tent.
Charlotte, the young human girl, does not move from behind Kyt. I got separated from my big brother. I was found by the orcs and taken here. He's going to make them pay when he gets here, so I've been waiting for him. His name is Meir.
Liesel-Marie recalls running into a human male with wild shoulder-length black hair wearing a black sleeveless shirt and baggy pants with leather accents when the group was journeying to the Vault of Thorns. His crescent blade chain weapon and the phantom that accompanied him is not something that she's likely to forget anytime soon. Now that she thinks about it, the phantom strongly resembles this little girl.

Nyym |
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Nyyms eyes narrowed at the suggestion that he would leave a child to be any kind of bait..
I would not dare suggest such a thing. I would have thought you of all people would know that. I do not wish to endanger her farther if it can be avoided..
The anger and hurt in his eyes very clear. Hearing who her brother is looks to her and to the rest..
And as she is clearly standing here alive and not dead as her brother believes. I would very much like to keep her that way so she may reunite with him.
His voice lost some of his edge as he looked to her..
With that he fell silent. He didn't even acknowledge her jab that he had left her when it was her who left him to go off her own..

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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What happened to Meir? A little research doesn't indicate that we saw him again after entering the Vault, is that accurate?
Liesel-Marie nods, understanding the girl's hesitation, and replies, "We have met Meir. He will indeed make them pay. Until he arrives, I suggest that you travel with us so you can help protect us. How does that sound?"

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What happened to Meir? A little research doesn't indicate that we saw him again after entering the Vault, is that accurate?
You are indeed correct, Liesel-Marie. None of you saw him upon exiting the Vault of Thorns. And there's a story reason for that... but, for right now, let's just chalk it up to being a mystery waiting to be solved. ^_^
Liesel-Marie nods, understanding the girl's hesitation, and replies, "We have met Meir. He will indeed make them pay. Until he arrives, I suggest that you travel with us so you can help protect us. How does that sound?"
Liesel-Marie Influence check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14; DC 12 or better to make a request of Charlotte
For a brief moment, Charlotte's pale blue eyes light up. Only for it to fade away just as quickly. She says nothing more, only nodding her head in affirmation to Liesel-Marie's words before tenatively walking over to where the Erutaki kneels.

Araki Aiko |

Aiko looks around at everyone present.
I don't know what caused the alarm bell to ring, but we probably shouldn't be out here standing around and make it easier for the enemy to find us.
She then turns her focus to Nyym. You found something within that structure, yes? At this, the samurai indicates with her head the yurtlike tent. Perhaps you should show us all exactly what that is.

Nyym |
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Nyym looks to Aiko..
Absolutely. Right this way..
Nyym cast a glance from Aiko to Charlotte then back to Aiko again. His eyes uneasy as he does so. Nyym could not shake the feeling that something was off.. But he did not speak of it hoping that Aiko was able to read his eyes.. Then turning to enter the tent once more.
Hopefully Aiko will take a read of the girl like she has with eack of us. Don't want a repeat of the Vault of Thorns.

Araki Aiko |

Nyym looks to Aiko..
Absolutely. Right this way..
Nyym cast a glance from Aiko to Charlotte then back to Aiko again. His eyes uneasy as he does so. Nyym could not shake the feeling that something was off.. But he did not speak of it hoping that Aiko was able to read his eyes.. Then turning to enter the tent once more.
Hopefully Aiko will take a read of the girl like she has with eack of us. Don't want a repeat of the Vault of Thorns.
Aiko Perception check to get a hunch: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (10) + 18 = 28; DC 25 or better to succeed
The half-elf's curtness catches Aiko a bit by surprise. But once Nyym's eyes shift from her to the child, she understands why. Given their recent past experience in the Vault of Thorns, he's not very trusting of this little girl. Which reminds her of the creed of the Empress:
"The strategy of war involves deception by nature, but the flag of peace is sacrosanct. I accept no negotiations from those who have attacked a foe under the pretense of arbitration or truce for their own gain; they have destroyed the trust that reconciliation requires."
The samurai sighs as she pauses just long enough to cast a gaze towards Charlotte, her scarlet eyes glittering. To her sight, a gloomy series of dark gray, parallel vertical lines manifests in parallel bars across the young girl’s body. Sorrow. Desolation. This child exudes such anguished misery.
Aiko is about to end her heart-sight when she catches something else. Mixed in with Charlotte's melancholy are flashes of thick black clouds. Hatred. It lurks beneath her spiritual self, but has yet to consume the child.
She closes her eyes, ending the heart-sight, then approaches Nyym. Aiko speaks, keeping her tone low so that only the half-elf can hear her words:
I know nothing of what she has endured, but I can say this with certainty. The child is in emotional pain. There is little to no hope within her. Only misery and hatred. She needs what aid we can provide and more. But if you wish to keep a mistrustful eye upon her, you are free to do so. I, for one, will not.
When she is done speaking, Aiko moves past Nyym and enters the tent.

Nyym |
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Nyym listens to Aikos words. He has come to trust her in their travels and after she speaks. Nyym looks back towards Charlotte before he accompanied Aiko into the tent.
Your word is good enough for me.
He gives her a weary smile as he does so..

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To speed this along, I'm going to assume that the rest of the group follows Aiko and Nyym into the tent. Make whatever decisions about the rest of the loot inside:
In front of chest 1: potion of cure serious wounds (CL 5th, 3d8+5), potion of protection from arrows (CL 3rd, DR 10/magic and prevents up to 30 points of damage from ranged attacks), a fire-blackened mithral agile breastplate*, a furious greatsword, mwk javelins (2), a spell component pouch, a platinum holy symbol of Gorum (worth 100 gp), and 148 gp
In front of chest 2: a light dragonhide fire wyrmsbreath shield, a ghost touch warhammer, two light hammers, a potion of barkskin (CL 3rd, +1 natural armor bonus), two flasks of alchemist’s fire, and a set of thieves’ tools
* This armor is treated, in all ways, like light armor, including when determining proficiency. It has an arcane spell failure chance of 15%, a maximum Dexterity bonus of +5, and an armor check penalty of -1.
Once that is done, Nyym can show the others the hidden door behind the tapestry and the secret corridor beyond that.
There are two portcullises down in this corridor, each blocking access to a possible exit (one to the west, the other to the east). Nyym can inform everyone that they are locked to the floor in such a way that he can't release them through strictly mechanical means. However, it is very possible for them to be lifted from where they are currently locked. Doing so will require a lift check for each one.
Though one person could manage to lift each portcullis, I recommend more than that (though given that the corridor is 5-foot wide, no more than two people per portcullis can make the attempt). This will require two different rolls: one for the DC 25 lift check, the second being a DC 10 aid another check. Success on the aid another check provides a +2 bonus to the lift check.
Liesel-Marie can use bloodrage to activate her strength stance (which will give her a +8 bonus on her Strength check to lift a portcullis). Each use counts as one round of bloodrage expended.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Liesel-Marie is interested in the agile breastplate, but she won't deny anyone else if they are interested. If someone wants to carry the wyrmsbreath shield, our GM has stated that Liesel-Marie could 'charge it up' and grant the user access to the breath weapon. I don't have to carry the ghost touch warhammer, but I want to make sure someone does.

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Liesel-Marie is interested in the agile breastplate, but she won't deny anyone else if they are interested. If someone wants to carry the wyrmsbreath shield, our GM has stated that Liesel-Marie could 'charge it up' and grant the user access to the breath weapon. I don't have to carry the ghost touch warhammer, but I want to make sure someone does.
With regards to the armor, Kyt and Tsadok are unchained monks, (with Aiko having levels in that class as well), so they can't make use of it. Nyym, while he can use it, has something else going on with his armor. That just leaves Liesel-Marie and Rocnork, and he won't take it for personal reasons. So that, as far as I can tell, leaves only one person.
As far as the shield and warhammer are concerned... well, I can only offer so much advice. :P

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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I already look like a walking weapon store. That said, if no one minds, she will carry the shield and the warhammer until someone has a better reason to do so. I will make no claim to anything else in the chests.

Nyym |
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Nyym will carry the 2 light hammers, potion of cure serious wounds, and thieves tools. If no one wants it, he will take the barkskin potion as well.

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In front of chest 1: potion of cure serious wounds (CL 5th, 3d8+5), potion of protection from arrows (CL 3rd, DR 10/magic and prevents up to 30 points of damage from ranged attacks), a fire-blackened mithral agile breastplate*, a furious greatsword, mwk javelins (2), a spell component pouch, a platinum holy symbol of Gorum (worth 100 gp), and 148 gp
In front of chest 2: a light dragonhide fire wyrmsbreath shield, a ghost touch warhammer, two light hammers, a potion of barkskin (CL 3rd, +1 natural armor bonus), two flasks of alchemist’s fire, and a set of thieves’ tools
* This armor is treated, in all ways, like light armor, including when determining proficiency. It has an arcane spell failure chance of 15%, a maximum Dexterity bonus of +5, and an armor check penalty of -1.
So, if I'm understanding this right, this is the break down: Liesel-Marie will take the mithral agile breastplate, the fire wyrmsbreath shield, and the ghost touch warhammer; Nyym will take the 2 light hammers, the potion of barkskin, the potion of cure serious wounds, and the thieves tools; and Tsadok will take the two flasks of alchemist’s fire and potion of arrow protection. Adjust your characters accordingly.
If that's indeed the case, then we will move on from here. Will any of you try to lift the portcullises or will you try to figure something else out instead?

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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I believe that's accurate.
Liesel-Marie will move to the portcullis. "Which one do you think we need to pass through? Have you found anything we could use to prop it up?"

Nyym |
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Nyym directs her to the one he has cleared the trap on..
This is the one I have disabled the trap on. As to if it will stay up or not. That I do not know. I have not located anything that could be used to prop it up unfortunately.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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GM: Would either of the chests be stout enough to slide under the portcullis so it would at least allow us to crawl under?

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GM: Would either of the chests be stout enough to slide under the portcullis so it would at least allow us to crawl under?
Let's see... a treasure chest has a hardness of 5, 15 hit points, and a break DC of 23.
To quote Referee Mills Lane from MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch: I'll allow it!

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Liesel-Marie grabs one end of one of the chests and wrestles it toward the gate indicated by Nyym, putting it just short of the barrier so someone can set their feet and lift. ”Anyone want to give a girl a hand here? We’re going to lift it waist-high and someone else will shove the chest under one side. Sound good?”
If anyone wants to assist, do they have to roll to assist first?

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If anyone wants to assist, do they have to roll to assist first?
I guess really it depends on how the group is going to go about the process: Who's doing the lifting, and who's providing assistance?
By my check, the strongest characters present are Aiko (18), Kyt (16), and Liesel-Marie (18). So, with that said:
Kyt goes to step forward, but Charlotte pulls on the elf's hand, shaking her head. Please don't leave me.
Her voice is tiny and full of fear.
Kyt kneels before the the little human girl, and says with a smile while brushing the child's hair with her free hand, I'm not going anywhere without you, little one.
A look of relief crosses Charlotte's face as she crushes the warrior-monk with a tight embrace.
Meanwhile, Aiko is staring at the portcullis. I'll assist you, sword-sister.
The samurai motions for herself and Liesel-Marie to switch places, so that she can push the chest and the Erutaki can lift the portcullis.
When you lift, I'll push.
Aiko Athletics check to aid another: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (4) + 18 = 22; DC 10 or better to succeed
Given that she beat the DC by 12, I'm inclined to give a +4 bonus rather than the usual +2 from aid another.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Liesel-Marie will stand before the portcullis, focusing on the task, and start taking deep breaths. Instead of her normal instantaneous launch into bloodrage, she does it with purpose, bracing herself and grabbing the bars tightly before starting to lift slowly and deliberately.
Strength check with bloodrage and strength stance and big assist: 1d20 + 4 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 4 + 8 + 2 = 34
And, having met its mistress, the barred gate says, “Ok, fine. I will wait up here until you tell me otherwise.”

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Liesel-Marie will stand before the portcullis, focusing on the task, and start taking deep breaths. Instead of her normal instantaneous launch into bloodrage, she does it with purpose, bracing herself and grabbing the bars tightly before starting to lift slowly and deliberately.
Strength check with bloodrage and strength stance and big assist: 1d20 + 4 + 8 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 + 8 + 4 = 36
And, having met its mistress, the barred gate says, “Ok, fine. I will wait up here until you tell me otherwise.”
Aiko lets out a long whistle as the portcullis slams back into the ceiling that it dropped from. She looks approvingly at the Erutaki, saying: Well done, sword-sister.
And with those words, the samurai cautiously steps forward, examining the walls as she moves.
Aiko Perception check: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33
As she approaches the end of the eastern side of the corridor, Aiko raises a hand as if in warning before moving toward the wall. After a moment of running her palms along its surface, she makes a motion, which results in audible "click" being heard and a section of that wall opens towards her.
Beyond the opening is a small chamber. To the northeast is a set of stairs leading up into a guard tower, while on the north wall is a door.
Kyt moves up to where Aiko is, with Charlotte staying close to the elf. She looks out then back towards the rest of the group. There's a door out there that needs to be checked.
Charlotte Perception check: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20
Before the elf can say anything further, the little girl dashes through the door, heading towards the door mentioned by Kyt. When she reaches her destination, Charlotte reaches into her hair and pulls out a piece of wire which she begins to twist and bend before inserting it into the lock.
Charlotte Finesse check: 1d20 + 9 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 9 + 4 = 22
A few seconds later, Charlotte replaces the wire back in her hair and carefully, cautiously, opens the door just enough to allow her to peer out. The human girl motions for Kyt to come and see.
We're going to have to have a talk after this, young lady. There's a hint of annoyance, curiosity, and relief mixed in the elf's tone and manner. But she looks through the door at what it is that Charlotte wants her to see.
Beyond is a courtyard overgrown with thick vegetation. Not too far away stand four ogres gathered in a circle around the mangled body of an orc, its arms having been ripped out of their sockets.
Iblith!* The word escapes her lips as Kyt slowly closes the door. Taking Charlotte by the hand, she makes her way back to the others and quickly explains the situation to them.
What do you wish to do now?
* Iblith is both the Elven and Undercommon word for excrement.

Nyym |
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Nyym raises an eyebrow at Charlottes lockpicking skills..
Little one has skills.
Looking through to see the ogres standing around the mangled Orc. Dropping back from the door before addressing the group.
Do we handle these 4 now or move on. I don't like the idea of having them at our back.

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Nyym raises an eyebrow at Charlottes lockpicking skills..
Little one has skills.
Still hiding behind Kyt, Charlotte's pale face becomes lightly tinged with pink.
My brother isn't so good with things like that. So I learned how.
Looking through to see the ogres standing around the mangled Orc. Dropping back from the door before addressing the group.
Do we handle these 4 now or move on. I don't like the idea of having them at our back.
We may have to do a lot of things that we don't like to do, says Kyt. We might be able to get past them if we're careful about it. But I think we should see what other options we have first.
She looks back the way that they had all just come from. We need to be mindful of our path going forward. Looking to Aiko, the elf continues, If you had to guess, where do you think the hill giant chieftain would establish herself in this place?
The samurai ponders Kyt's words for a moment before speaking. If I recall what Calrianne told me correctly, there's a fortified keep built into its southwestern corner. For defense, the keep’s entrance is located on the second floor, with a drawbridge connecting that entrance to a freestanding stone staircase in the inner ward.
I'm guessing we'd have to get past those ogres if we wanted to get to that staircase, says Kyt while looking thoughtful. I think we're pretty close to the southwest corner, but we need to be sure. I think we should go there.
At this, the elf points to the door leading into the tower. She continues, saying, Once we get a better idea as to where we are, I think we can better figure out what to do next. What say the rest of you?

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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I think I'm missing something. I understood that there is a single door and a set of stairs. Is there a second door - one that doesn't have ogres on the other side?

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I think I'm missing something. I understood that there is a single door and a set of stairs. Is there a second door - one that doesn't have ogres on the other side?
There is a set of stairs leading into the tower, which has a door to enter it. My fault for not making that clearer.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Liesel-Marie nods. She gestures to the others, Go ahead. She keeps an eye on the door in case an ogre decides to check it out before the others are out of site.
I guess I should ask - is everyone healed up enough to continue? Or did we take care of that in the tent before coming in?

Nyym |
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Nyym nods before starting up the stairs. As he does he on watch for anything that seems out of place or don't belong as well as any sounds up ahead.
perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

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I guess I should ask - is everyone healed up enough to continue? Or did we take care of that in the tent before coming in?
Aiko provided healing to Oloch and Tsadok drank a Cause Moderate Wounds potion. I can have the samurai use her wand to give Liesel-Marie some healing as well, however:
Cure Light Wounds wand: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Cure Light Wounds wand: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Liesel-Marie receives an additional 10 points of healing, and is Healthy at 71 hit points.
Liesel-Marie nods. She gestures to the others, Go ahead. She keeps an eye on the door in case an ogre decides to check it out before the others are out of site.
Nyym nods before starting up the stairs. As he does he on watch for anything that seems out of place or don't belong as well as any sounds up ahead.
perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
To show that the group is moving in a cautious manner (not trying to attract the notice of the ogres), I'm rolling a group stealth check against the ogres' perception.
Group Stealth check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
With Nyym heading up the stairs, the rest of the group make their way after, with Kyt and Charlotte going next, followed by Tsadok, Rocnork, and Aiko. Oloch and Liesel-Marie bring up the rear, the two keeping a close eye on the door behind them that leads to the fort's inner bailey.
At the top of the stairs, the half-drow examines not only the door, but listens for possible enemies on the other side. Sensing no danger, Nyym carefully opens the door and peers inside, where he sees a set of stairs spiraling up the tower.

Nyym |
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Nyyms let's out a slow breath and slips through the door and proceeded up the stairs as he whispers..
More stairs..
As before watching and listening for threats and traps..
perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27

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Nyyms let's out a slow breath and slips through the door and proceeded up the stairs as he whispers..
More stairs..
As before watching and listening for threats and traps..
perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27
Nyym continues further into the tower, making his way up. Kyt pauses at the base of the stairs with Charlotte, giving both the half-drow time to find any potential dangers that may lay hidden before them as well as allowing the rest of the group to gather within the structure.
As Nyym cautiously advances, his head darting to and fro even as he grumbles about having to climb more stairs, it isn't long before the half-drow begins to hear mumbling ahead of him. Continuing to creep forward (moving past some arrow slits), it isn't long before Nyym comes to yet another door. On the other side, he can make out two voices bickering in a language unknown to him.
If he checks the door, Nyym finds it unlocked. If he wishes to open it and see what awaits beyond, this is what he finds:
After carefully opening the door, Nyym finds a room that offers a splendid vantage of the countryside surrounding the fort. Within the chamber (and the source of the bickering) are two twisted and deformed giants, each with tiny eyes and a mouth of jagged teeth, though one of them also has thick scaly skin and a third arm.

Nyym |

Nyym eases his arm back and holds up 2 fingers to indicate number or room occupance then moves his hand to indicate where in the room above they are. Then slowly he raises his hand above himself with his hand horizontal to indicate that the occupance are giants. As he does so he listens to what the 2 are bickering about. He is sure that with the door open, the others can now hear the 2 as well. So as not to be framed by the door, Nyym steps back using the doorjamb.as cover as he listens and reads to react sould they approach.
Great, dumb with 2 arms and dumber with 3. But not the one we are looking for.
Nyym watches between the door and the group below to so what the group desires to do. This time he won't attack unless the group desires to.

Nyym |

Nyym eases back down the stairs to the landing keeping a close eye on the door incase the giants come near the door. Fortunately they were to focused on their bickering at the moment. Once back on the landing. He whispers to the others..
There are only 2 giants up beyond the door. But not the one we are looking for. One has an extra arm. What do y'all wanna do?

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

Whispering, "Is there any reason for us to go into the room? Do they guard something or some path we seek? Can we trap them within their chamber and ignore them?"

Nyym |

Nyym goes over what all he saw in his head. Then whispers..
I didn't see any other way out. But that's not to say there isn't one though.

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Nyym eases back down the stairs to the landing keeping a close eye on the door incase the giants come near the door. Fortunately they were to focused on their bickering at the moment. Once back on the landing. He whispers to the others..
There are only 2 giants up beyond the door. But not the one we are looking for. One has an extra arm. What do y'all wanna do?
The moment Nyym describes the occupants of the chamber, Rocnork's eyes narrow. Those two.
Kyt glances over at the wyvaran, her expression one of incredulity. You know them?
Only as pests. I have unfinished business with them as a result.
And with those words, he moves past the others to make his way slowly up the stairs. As the wyvaran nears the door, particles of sand can be seen gathering around his hands.
Rocnork begins moving his arms and hands in a spinning fashion. Wind and sand slowly begins to manifest in a circular rush about him right as he stands in the doorway.
Poppy Perception check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22; DC 13 or better to notice Rocnork
Turgle Perception check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18; DC 13 or better to notice Rocnork
In the guard chamber, Poppy and Turgle continue to argue with one another. However, the words being exchanged between them trails off into silence as they both begin to notice that something about the air in the room, especially since it now seemed more gritty. The two exchange a look of realization with one another before turning to glance at the open doorway to find Rocnork, their previous archery target, standing there with what can be described as a sinister smirk on his face.
But by then, it is too late.
Rocnork sandstorm blast damage: 8d6 + 15 ⇒ (3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5) + 15 = 46; halved due to use of cyclone form infusion
Poppy Reflex saving throw: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5; DC 17 or better vs cyclone form infusion for half damage
Poppy Reflex saving throw: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14; DC 18 or better vs entangling substance infusion
Turgle Reflex saving throw: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13; DC 17 or better vs cyclone form infusion for half damage
Turgle Reflex saving throw: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13; DC 18 or better vs entangling substance infusion
Both Poppy and Turgle sustain 23 points of damage and are entangled for 1 minute.
The two ogrekin find themselves being battered by a swirling updraft of wind and sand. As they struggle to put together what is happening, neither Poppy nor Turgle notice the particles accumulating on their bodies until they attempt to flee, only to discover that they can't.
Maintaining the atmospheric phenomena in the room, Rocnork calls back to the others down the stairs, saying as a trickle of blood falls from his nostrils: If you want to interrogate these two, I suggest you make it quick. I don't know how long I can keep them from dying.

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Liesel-Marie just shakes her head. ”Go. I will follow and watch your backs.”
Rocnork yells back to the others, I can make it so that anyone wishing to talk with these pests can do so safely.
A moment later, the swirling vortex of wind and sand stops. The ogrekin brothers, seeing an opportunity to escape, try to muscle their way out of the bonds restricting their movement.
Poppy Strength check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20; DC 18 or better vs entangling substance infusion, -3 due to Critical threshold
Turgle Strength check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10; DC 18 or better vs entangling substance infusion, -3 due to Critical threshold
However, despite their best efforts, neither Poppy and Turgle are able to break free.
Lets tighten that up a bit for you, says the wyvaran as he raises both hands (which were still limned with particles of grit) toward the hapless pair.
Rocnork sand blast: 4d6 + 11 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 2) + 11 = 23
Poppy Reflex saving throw: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17; DC 18 or better vs entangling substance infusion, -3 due to Critical threshold
Turgle Reflex saving throw: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14; DC 18 or better vs entangling substance infusion, -3 due to Critical threshold
More sand manifests around the ogrekin, fusing them to the floor of the chamber and rooting them in place. Only their heads are left exposed.

Araki Aiko |

Rocnork yells back to the others, I can make it so that anyone wishing to talk with these pests can do so safely.
The samurai has an uncertain look on her face as she makes her way up the stairs. Questioning these two will prove beneficial to them all, but she has seen too many instances where the ones doing the asking get too carried away and engage those being questioned with actions that venture into the realm of torture. Of those here, the ones who seem most likely to do so, in Aiko's mind, are Rocnork and Tsadok.
So she decides to keep a watchful eye on the process. If it looks as though it will get out of hand, then the samurai will step in to ensure that it does not.
My apologies for not posting sooner, but unexpected absences at work has made being able to get on here more difficult to do as of late. I do check the game even when I'm not able to post myself, so please don't hesitate to get involved to keep things moving.

Nyym |

Nyym follows Aiko back up the stairs. As they enter the room, Nyym stops, his eyes widen with shock from the site before him. Doing a double take before looking between the 2 encased Ogrekin and Rocnork before speaking..
Big guy, I'm glad ur on our side. I hope I am never the one to piss u off my friend.
With that he shakes off his surprise and moves around to get a lay of the area as the others question the 2 prisoners.
perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15
Guess Nyyms still in shock lol

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

Liesel-Marie stays at the back of the party. Once the others have all moved toward the imprisoned giants, she will bring up the rear.

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If any of you are going to participate in the interrogation of Poppy and Turgle, then there is a process that we shall be using if there isn't going to be any use of violence to get them to talk.
First, a DC 15 Perception check to get a hunch. This is what will be used to ascertain what will make the target comfortable, and what can be used to create a common bond. Creating a common bond results in the target being treated as having an attitude of "indifferent." Otherwise, their attitude will be considered "hostile."
Next, an Influence check (DC equals ogrekin opposed Perception check) to either make a request or lie to get the target to believe that you're actually willing to be on their side. If an actual common bond exists, use make request. If you have to lie, then use lie to get the target to trust you.
Finally, a second Influence check (DC 17 if you lied to them previously/DC 12 if you share a common bond) to get the actual information. For every 5 that is beaten on the previous roll, you get a +2 to this one.
Roleplay the attempts if you feel up to the challenge of doing so. Sufficently good attempts may even make the process easier for you to get the information you seek...

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Can't believe I missed this, so lets deal with it now:
Nyym follows Aiko back up the stairs. As they enter the room, Nyym stops, his eyes widen with shock from the site before him. Doing a double take before looking between the 2 encased Ogrekin and Rocnork before speaking..
Big guy, I'm glad ur on our side. I hope I am never the one to piss u off my friend.
With that he shakes off his surprise and moves around to get a lay of the area as the others question the 2 prisoners.
perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15
Nyym notices that there are two other doors in this chamber: one on the west wall and another on the east wall.