Trunt Zecks |

Trunt looks around when Runt tries the door and says, "You all stay here for a moment, I'm going to have a look around the north side of the building, see if I can't get a look inside." Trunt slinks off on a scouting mission.
Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19
Goal is to find a window Trunt can look into, preferably with a view on that door that the others are at.

Camil D'este |

Camil glances around outside the building, casually withdrawing a slim leather envelope from his belt.
I think I may have a spare key to this place, I order a lot of vials for alchemy work through them."
Spending 1 Inspiration 3/4 remaining today
Pick Lock: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 8 + (3) = 19

Runt PbP |

Runt steps back to make room for Camil and wait for Trunt's return. She nervously grips her falchion and tries to look everywhere at once, including up.

Ironperenti |

Trunt walks along the front toward the north side of the building but finds all the curtains drawn. He does notice however that there is at least one large glass dome on top of the building and it does not appear to have anything blocking it. Camil doesn't quite get the lock but he feels given time he can get her picked.

Rowan Ellis |

Rowan waits for the sneakier members of the party to find a way into the building.

Zandril Siska |

Zandril stands by the door waiting for Camil to open it. When he fails to open it the first time, Zandril will lean up against the wall right by the door nonchalantly waiting, "Are you sure that's not trapped? If there's those willing to kidnap, they may be expecting some to come looking."

Runt PbP |

Runt waits for someone to try the special knock or to break the door down or whatever, still checking the rooftop for leaping goblins.

Camil D'este |

Shrugging at the help, Camil continues to work on the lock. Listen, Zandril do i ask you about shouldn’t you be in primo when engaging two opponents? Grinning at the half elf, Camil continues. plus i think i got this!
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
sorry for brevity posting on mobile.

Trunt Zecks |

Trunt comes back to the others quietly saying ,”Well, I couldn’t find any open windows around the north side, but there seems to be some kind of window on the roof we might be able to...OH, are we going in already? Can someone get me onto the roof first to scout? I’m awful at climbing.”

Runt PbP |

Runt gives Trunt the 'don't look at me' look.

Trunt Zecks |

I was going to leave that up to the others, he needs help to do it anyway, his climb is -1...
Trunt looks back and forth between Camil and Lavanor, "Do you want me or someone else to scout the roof before we try again?"

Valtyra Valdemar |
Valtyra mentions, "If there is something up there, we cannot help you from here. Perhaps we should go in the door."

Lavanor Garavon |

Lavanor looks at Trunt and then back at Camil. "I guess I can go up there to look if you think it's necessary. Did you see a way up?," he asks before looking for a spot to climb.
Climb: 1d20 + 8 - 1 ⇒ (15) + 8 - 1 = 22
Once up on the roof, he tries to look through the dome to see inside.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Ironperenti |

It turns out there are four domes. The big dome you could easily see from below. The other three smaller domes are along the western edge of the building. Looking in through the large dome Lavanor sees the display room. Many of the display cabinets have been busted and glass lays shattered all over the floor. Looking through the nearest small dome, Lavanor sees three goblins in some sort of work room. He cannot see a lot of the room but it appears to be a workshop.

Lavanor Garavon |

@GM - Is that a door by the "A18" label on the map?
Lavanor walks to the front of the building where the rest of the group is waiting. "Looks like the main room has been ransacked. I see 3 goblins in what looks like a workshop over in that corner," he says pointing in the direction of the room.
"Trunt, did you see any other doors? We need to try to keep them from escaping. I'll stay up here with my bow in case they try to make a run for it. Maybe have a few of you go around to the back and try to enter from there also. If we surround them and can capture one, maybe we can find out what happened."

Runt PbP |

"I don't think you need to worry about that. I've only seen a goblin run from a fight once, and that was only because it was on fire and jumped in a barrel. But who knows what might come scurrying out so I think setting up an overwatch is a grand idea." More goblins for me.

Trunt Zecks |

I'm assuming that Trunt only walked around enough to see the door at A18.
Trunt whispers back up to him, "I just saw that door around the corner there by that next glass dome. I'll do a quick search around the whole building.
Trunt sneaks off to scout the outside of the building, finds the doors and returns to the group to report.
Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
"Other than the front here, and the side door around the north, there 2 doors around the other side. Perhaps we should enter from 2 directions? A group at the front and a group in the back?"
OOC, I'm ok with whatever, but trunt agrees with Lavanor about not letting anyone get away.

Runt PbP |

"Good idea. Though we still haven't been able to open any doors yet. Brute force? I know which door I'm coming in."
Runt makes her way over to the door nearest the goblins.

Ironperenti |

@lavanor: that is a double door, yes. My inability to draw a straight line not withstanding, I have drawn a purple rectangle around all outside doors.
Camil was able to unlock the door he is at, he just has not opened it yet. I did not want to make that assumption. It seemed prudent to allow the scouting before opening.

Rowan Ellis |

"More goblins? What are they still doing here? I agree with surrounding them. I'll go around to the back door, but I'll need one of you to help get it open."

Lavanor Garavon |

While he waits for the others to move around the back and unlock the door, Lavanor peeks into the other domes trying to move quietly so as to not tip off the goblins inside.
Stealth to 2nd dome: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Perception at 2nd dome: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Stealth to 3rd dome: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Perception at 3rd dome: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Stealth to 1st dome: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Zandril Siska |

Zandril waits patiently by the door.
Are we splitting up, entering from two doors? That's the advantage of having a larger party. Who's going where? I can lead the way through one of them. What about the doors at the south end of the map? There's a single door and a double door down there.
Maybe one group enter from the south and one from the north?

Trunt Zecks |

I’m with Zandril, let’s do 2 entrances. More work for our DM, but I think it makes the most sense. I’m going to post as though I’m going in the south door with you, it that might be contingent on what Lavanor finds.
Trunt listens to the others and, after Lavanor’s report pipes up, ”I may be able to...ease...our way into one of the south doors. Let’s go for the double door.” Trunt makes his way quietly over to the door, getting out is tools and, just as he is about to get to work, he stops, and puts his ear to the door to listen.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Assuming he doesn’t hear anything concerning, he gets to work on the door.
Disable Device: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Runt PbP |

Are all green outlined characters PCs? Which doors? South doors suggest the ones WAAAY to the south. Is anyone coming in the door Runt's icon is at? She's not crazy enough to go in alone and if she is not joined she will go looking for allies.

Ironperenti |

Rowan has gone around to the back door where Runt is. I opened up the north seeking arrow, should have done that earlier. The map is wonky and has North to the right. The south doors I believe you are talking about are actually the east doors. Either way, you do have a large enough group to enter from multiple doors if you choose to do so. Trunt can probably pick a lock, Camil already did one. I just need to know to which door you intend to go. For ease of discussing doors, I have marked them #1-4.
I try to have all PCs in green, unknown in grey, enemy in red, and friendly in blue. I have some older tokens that do not follow that pattern but that is my general procedure.

Runt PbP |

Could everyone place their icons and declare that they are ready for the big entry? Trunt said he went to a door, but he is not at a door (or if he is, he likes to stand back 20'). Lavanor is still in the same place on the roof as he was a page ago. Valtyra, Wrath, and Isabella are still in their initial starting locations and haven't posted for a while. Camil, Zandril, Rowan, and Runt all look like they have taken up positions.

Trunt Zecks |

Sorry, I don’t have access to Roll20 on the weekends. Would someone be willing to move Trunt over there? This also means that I won’t have much input until tomorrow on Tactics.

Runt PbP |

Do we want to go through doors 1 and 2? Or doors 2 and 3 or 4?
I was thinking the two doors we are currently arrayed at. We have 8 PCs left so two groups of 4 seem reasonable, otherwise one of the groups would have to have only 2 in it.

Ironperenti |

I have split them between door 1 and 2 assuming Lavanor comes down to rush one of the doors. Door 1 Camil, Zandril, Wrath, Valtyra. Door 2 Isabella, Rowan, Runt, Lavanor, Trunt. That gives someone with a high BAB at each door, two clerics at one and a sorcerer at the other, and a person who can pick locks at each door. Move if you want or let me know you are ready to proceed. I will move forward with opening of doors tomorrow after work. Door 1 is the main public entrance. Door 2 is in the back and near where Lavanor saw the goblins. If you cannot access the map but wish to go through a different door, let me know which one. If you have questions, ask.

Runt PbP |

9 PCs. I miscounted. In any case ready when you are.

Trunt Zecks |

I had meant for us to go through doors 1 and 4, but its not a big deal if you all want to do something different. As soon as we nail down which doors to go through, Trunt is ready. The groups look fine to me.
As they get ready to go in, Trunt pulls out 2 of his daggers and readies himself for another fight with goblins.

Camil D'este |

Looking to the assembly outside, Camil unwinds his bladed scarf and steathily pushes open the door, entering the room (A1). Looking about for any opponents who may be lurking the space. "Here goes nothing!
Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Ironperenti |

The door (A1) swings slowly open to reveal a room containing wares a customer could buy here. Various display cases and sample wares on shelves are now broken and shattered along the floor. There are two doors exiting the room. Both are behind the sales counter with one opening north and the other opening west. The muffled sound of cackling goblins can be heard coming from behind the west door. (remember North is to the right of the map screen)
It takes Trunt just a few tries before he pops the lock. The door swings open quietly on an 'L' shaped hall. The short side of the hall runs north with a double door on the east wall. The long hall runs east with a door on the east wall where it appears to turn north. Everyone outside the door (A2) can hear the sound of cackling goblins coming from behind the double doors in the north hall.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Zandril Siska |

Zandril follows Camil in trying to be quiet as well with his estoc in hand.
Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
He kicks a pile of glass across the room as he enters and winces a bit, then makes his way to the North door. He motions that way and shrugs.

Trunt Zecks |

Trunt curses and whispers, "I wish I had learned Goblin, I'm going to have to fix that." He looks at the others and holds a finger to his mouth silently shushing them and sneaks down the hall to look around the corner.
Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

Ironperenti |

Trunt makes it to the corner and looks around to see a long (90') hallway running north ending in a double door with a single door on the east wall about halfway down its length. Through the door to his left he can easily hear the goblins laughing and cajoling. Trunt also hears the crunching of glass behind the door to his immediate right.

Lavanor Garavon |

Lavanor takes his bow off of his shoulder and waits, trying to hear any commotion coming from the building to indicate what is going on.
"Did I make the right decision in staying up here or should I be in the building helping?" he wonders to himself.

Runt PbP |

Runt steps into the building, and motions silently at the room he knows houses goblins, obviously eager to pound a few of them. Unfortunately Trunt moves out of view as he moves into position to look down the long hallway. So Runt waits for him to return.

Rowan Ellis |

Rowan quietly steps into the room and draws his bow. He whispers, "We should try and sneak up on them." He attempts to stealthily move further in to the building. He readies an arrow to fire at the first goblin he sees in case the stealth attempt fails.
Stealth: 1d20 ⇒ 16

Isabella Monstrance |

Isabella creeps up behind Rowan, remaining silent. Necessary to sneak up, after all.

Ironperenti |

A quick check by Runt shows that the double doors leading toward the goblin noises is unlocked. By the sound of the commotion on the other side she believes there is a goblin near the door. Zandril and Camil are line up, one at each door leading out of the room. Do they go west or north? (north on the map is to the right)