GM Weenerton Beyond Azlant Ridge
Game Master
Character Details
GM Amsheagar
Haro はろ
HP:27/27 | AC:17/FF:13/T:16 (+2) | Fort: +6 Ref: 7 Will: +6 | Sense Motive: +6 Perception: +6| Init: +3 | CMD 20 CMB 5 BAB 2 Kitsune Monk 3
HP 43/43 AC 21 TAC 11 FF 20 | CMD 17 (21 overrun/trip) | F +8 R +3 W +8 (+2 vs poisons, spells, spell-likes and death effects) | (Fv: 5/5 Bl: 5/5 SW: 4/4 L1: 4/4+ L2: 2/2) | Senses Darkvision +7 Skills: Acrobatics+0,Climb+3,Diplomacy+4,Heal+7,Intimidate-3,K.eng+6,K.History(dwar ven)+4,K.Religion+7,Linguistics+3,SenseMotive+7,Stealth-3,Spellcraft+5,Surv ival+3,Stealth-3,Swim-1,Concentration+7 Male Dwarf Warpriest 4 | - (Inactive)
Rykar the Swift
Male [HP: 47/48 | AC:20 ; T:13; FF:18 | F:+7; R:+7; W:+5] Half Orc Hunter (Forester) 5.2
Toral Kargar
Male N Dwarf from Qadira - usually talking business or about the past | Flame Spirit Shaman (Speaker for the Past) 9 | HP 98/98 + 12/12 Temp HP | Resistance Fire 10 | Now: AC25 / AC 27 vs evil, Normal: AC 22 T 10 FF 22 | CMB +4, CMD 14 | F: +11, R: +6, W: +17 | Init: +0 | Perc: +20, SM: +19, Dipl.: +24 | Reroll 1/1 | Chaldira trait reroll 1/1 | Knowledge 8/8 | Darkvision 60ft | Speed 20ft | Active condition: heroism, barkskin, magic vs evil, heightened awareness
Melea Shemroe
Female Aasimar (plumekith) Inquisitor 5/Evangelist 1 | AC 19/14/15 | HP 44/44 | CMD 19 | F +7, R +8, W +9 | Init +7 | Perception +12 | Resist Acid, Cold, Electricity 7