Aurealia Andosana |

"Hi, Mom! Not really. We went into the woods to find Cheshire, which we did. We also found Mister Retch and drove the bugger off, without a fight mind you. Then, as we were celebrating, some Fleshdregs attacked Audrahni! We ran out and killed them, but there were more that Sir Roderick killed. We think they might be coming from some local ruins that Jaya and Kallie came up here to check out. Can we go check it out? Please?"
Aurealia is clearly thrilled with their adventures, and in her excitement speaks very rapidly, sort of hopping a bit from foot to foot.

Kallie Silversun |

Kallie laces her fingers together and holds them at her waist while her tail swishes back and forth. "Hi, Gramma. Hi, Auntie 'Lu."
Her efforts to look sweet and innocent don't really work with her top half built for mortal sin. "You've met Jaya and Cai'nan here, right? We're going to explore the ruins near here. It'd be great if 'Lia and 'Quelle come along."

Cosmic Dungeon Lord |

"Hello there, Kallie!" replies Jeevika with a kind smile. "I'm... familiar with both your friends."
Shalelu takes a moment to process what she just heard.
"...First of all, who is this Mister Retch?" the Commander of the Black Arrows asks in clear confusion.
One of the nearby Black Arrows - a seasoned Veteran going by his impressive build and armor - flushes slightly and moves to whisper something in his Commander's pointy ear.
"Uh huh. Yeah. Gotcha... Seriously?" she says and then sighs. Looking at the man who just brought her up to speed, Shalelu mumbles, "Well, it would appear that you all somehow succeeded where some of our Black Arrow Veterans failed."
"I can confirm what they say is true, ma'am," adds Yulia. "You see..."
The Silver Sentinel promptly gives a more detailed recounting of the day's events. Given her status, the three elven women intently listen. Audrahni also verifies your accomplishments.
"Well, this is... worrying," Shalelu says with a sigh. "You see, I'm... leaving early tomorrow morning on a mission with Jeevika here. I'm going to have to ask you to let Elandra handle this one. It's..."
Now completely serious, the Treeslayer takes over.
"It sounds related to the very reason I'm visiting. You're all adults, so... I can you give an idea of what we're dealing with here. This mission is very important; I'm rounding up as many of the Shiedron Heroes as I can. Sir Gianluca the Honeyed and Archmage Eugeni will be joining me and Shalelu. Meanwhile, Zoli Tileani is coming out of retirement just for this occasion. Vice Primarch Constantine might be tagging along as well. Thrassk wanted to come with us, but he's needed in Minkai."
The Treeslayer lets her words sink in.
"I'm not asking any of you to abandon your plans like exploring those ruins, but... we'd rather let Deputy Commander Elandra investigate those monsters. They might be coming from the ruins, but... there might be another source, which is a hornet's nest I'd rather not have any of you kick."
Shalelu slowly nods in agreement. For her part, Elandra appears to be trying to process the entire situation.

Kallie Silversun |

Kallie's mouth twists. She hadn't seen her Earthmother in several months, so she was curious as to why if they were gathering up so many heavy-hitters she wasn't mentioned.
"You didn't mention Earthmother Ryli. Is she--?" An idea suddenly strikes her. "Oh, come on! She's not having another foal, is she? I cannot believe that mare..." She folds her arms and tosses her hair with a shake of her head in disbelief.

Aurealia Andosana |

"But...but...We just accomplished what your veteran Black Arrows failed to do! Of course I will respect your wishes mother, but wouldn't Auntie Elandra be better off with our back up anyway? You're always telling us about strength in numbers."
Aurealia does her best cute puppy eyes, nearly tearing up at the thought of being cut out of another adventure, even after they had just proved themselves.

Cosmic Dungeon Lord |

As she sees her friend about ready to cry, Audrahni pouts and quickly pipes up.
"L-Lady Treeslayer, C-Commander Andosana, I've actually been tasked by the Port-Governor to investigate all these... reports about Sir Roderic's ghost," she begins. "The more I hear, the more I feel that these two cases aren't mutually exclusive. From what I've gathered, he historically appears when... Thassilon stirs. When Karzoug the Reclaimer was about to return, sightings of Sir Roderic skyrocketed. I've been feeling that I need some help. If they're up for it, would it be alright if these heroes helped me instead? Sir Roderic clearly isn't malevolent; remember, he actually saved me from those things."
As the Commander and Treeslayer talk among themselves, Audrahni turns to Aurealia, "I know it's not what you wanted, but I really think the two cases are related. Sir Roderic attacked those creatures with such... hatred. As for your friends helping, well, the investigation might eventually take us to the ruins."
Finally, Jeevika smiles gently and speaks, "That sounds fine, Audrahni. If they're up for it, we see no reason why they can't help you."

Aurealia Andosana |

Aurealia smiles, reaching out to squeeze her friend's hand in gratitude. "That's an amazing idea, iubirea mea! Why didn't you tell me you needed help before? Before long the skalds will be singing sagas of our glorious adventures."
(Iubirea mea = my love)

Cai'nan Blakros |

”That seems a fair compromise...” Cai’nan says to the ladies in his company.

Aurealia Andosana |

"You still have guts in your hair, what would you know?" Aurealia huffs at the penis-haver. What kind of man rejects a perfectly good offer of prestidigitation? Hmpf!

Cai'nan Blakros |

”I what? Where?” he asks, embarrassed, reaching to his hair but careful not to touch it to spread any goo further...

Kallie Silversun |

"I think it looks good on him; it gives him an air of danger," she says with a sultry edge to her voice. She turns to Cai'nan. "And it's really only blood. Right here." She points to the reddish substance.

Aurealia Andosana |

Oh hell, no. Now's my chance!
"Here, let me," Aurelia says, letting go of Audrahni. She gestures at Cai'nan and mutters a word, and the goo magically pops off him into a neat pile on the floor, then disappears. "Just next time, take my advice instead of staring at Kallie's ţâţe while I'm talking to you."
"Bărbați..." she mutters to herself.
(ţâţe = tits, Bărbați = men)

Cai'nan Blakros |

”Her what?” he asks, confused, looking back and forth between the two in a fluster.

Aurealia Andosana |

Aurealia just rolls her eyes. "Well, it's a plan then. Adventure waits for no one! Shall we, dear?" Aurealia says to Audrahni, offering her elbow to the elven woman the way a man would to escort his partner into a ball.

Cai'nan Blakros |

Cai’nan shakes his head and says ”Maybe we should wait for the morning? Things are more dangerous at night, and three of us have been traveling all day, on top of the evening’s fights. A rest would be nice...”

Kallie Silversun |

With a devious grin, Kallie watches the way Aurealia escorts Audrahni, and then places her hand on Cai'nan's elbow. "I like that idea. A rest would be nice. Lead the way, if you would, good sir. And I know that trick, too." she whispers under her breath.

Jaya Farwynd |

Jaya rolls her eyes at the jealousy and oneupsmanship on display
With a more serious expression, she turns to Shalelu and Jeevika. "What aren't you telling us about this nest? You must know something or you wouldn't be pulling together such an assembly."

Cosmic Dungeon Lord |

Audrahni giggles and takes Aurealia's offered arm, "I actually thinking we'd start investigating tomorrow morning? You see..."
The lanky elf takes a moment to collect her thoughts.
"For who knows what lurks in the dark?
"Likely nothing for the faint of heart.
"Thus I propose we begin when the sun rises,
"To minimize the odds of unwelcome surprises..."

Aurealia Andosana |

Aurealia smiles at the verse. "Oh, fine. You know me, always ready to rush into things."
(8 wis)
"I guess there was plenty of reefclaw left on the table when we jumped up. Jaya raises a good point, though. Let's hear mom's answer and then we can retire to prepare for the morning."

Cai'nan Blakros |

Now with a third woman tending to his hygiene, Cai’nan is a total flustered mess. He sheepishly let’s them do their work, before noticing Kallie’s hand on his elbow. ”I...I don’t know the to-“ he starts to reply, but then she whispers and he just looks at her in further confusion.

Cosmic Dungeon Lord |

Jeevika and Shalelu look at each other for a long moment.
"Might as well tell them," remarks Elandra. "Curiosity killed the cat after all. I'd rather it not kill my nieces and their friends too."
After sending out all the Black Arrows, Silver Sentinels (sans Yulia), and Audrahni (who doesn't object), Shalelu closes the door, and Jeevika casts a powerful spell to lockdown the room.
"We have reason to believe that Alaznist survived our last battle," Jeevika writes on a piece of paper before showing everyone. "The Archmages suspect that she used a Clone spell to cheat death. Hence this... reunion of the Sihedron Heroes. Please, please, please leave her to us."
Once everyone has read the paper, Jeevika destroys it.

Kallie Silversun |

Kallie sighs. "Okay. That's... what they do. It's like a nest at spring. Snakes crawl out, and the Outriders stomp them back into the ground."
She smiles, trying to show she's not worried.

Aurealia Andosana |

Aurealia gulps. They think we're that crazy? No wonder they haven't promoted us to full Arrows yet.
"I want adventure, not death, Mam. Feel free to handle the big game on your own."

Cai'nan Blakros |

I have no idea what they are even talking about, but if they are getting my father involved...
”Maybe...maybe we should leave you to it then, ma’am’s. We don’t want to get in your way...” he says as he takes Kallie and Jaya’s hands and steps back towards the door. ”We will busy ourselves with helping Audrahni in the morning...”

Kallie Silversun |

Kallie allows Cai'nan to escort her (and Jaya) out of the briefing. Once outside, she turns to him with a smile softly playing on her lips. "Well, now that the morning's spoken for, what'll we do this evening? You want to see what kind of drinks this town has?"

Cai'nan Blakros |

Cai’nan gulps to himself as he escorts the two ladies out. He gives Jeevika a smile over his shoulder before they depart.
At Kallie’s question, his heart rate picks up, and he tries to remember exactly how much coin he has in his coin purse. Be a gentleman, your treat...
He smiles and says ”If you all are up for some fun, I suppose we can have a few drinks.” He then leads the way to the Creekside Inn and heads up to the clerk. He retrieves his gold coin and hands it to the man and says ”A nice room and a bottle of Elven red. And... he turns to Kallie, Jaya, and the others and asks ”several glasses?” with a bit of a mischievous grin on his face.
He’s shooting for the moon here. Lmao

Aurealia Andosana |

Aurealia, with Audrahni on her elbow, follows after Cai'nan and her two erstwhile classmates. She motions to Croquelle to come along, who grins and offers her rocking hand gesture.
Once in the Creekside Inn, Aurealia watches as Cai'nan tries his best with the two non-skinwalker ladies.
I guess I was kind of harsh on him back there. No wonder he's not interested in me. I can't believe Kallie is using illusion magic to make herself look like a sex doll though. What a slut! She must be so jealous of her mom that she finally cracked, and will do anything to get laid now.
"Alcohol. Yes."

Cai'nan Blakros |

Cai’nan takes the bottle and returns to their table from earlier, and begins pouring glasses for everyone. ”Well...what should we talk about?” he asks.

Aurealia Andosana |

"Sir Roderick I guess. He was..." Aurealia pauses to chug her wine.
Knowledge (History, Local): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 191d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Jaya Farwynd |

Jaya nodded soberly. "If anyone were to survive such a thing... Alaznist was never one to be easily stopped. Of course we will not interfere."
Well, I suppose that **is** a good enough reason not to go digging where they recommend against.
Jaya doesn't immediately recoil when Cai'nan takes her hand, but she slips it from his grasp before they pass the threshold.
Jaya takes a glass and a healthy swig herself as she launches into conversation with Aurealia about Sir Roderick.
Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
"Really what I'm curious about is whether we can trace any other periods of Sir Roderick's increased activity. Who's to say that Karzoug's rising was the only thing that sent him into such fits?"
Better if we get her off of Cai'nan and Kallie's 'ţâţe.' Especially if we're going to be drinking...

Kallie Silversun |

Kallie eagerly accepts her glass and tastes the wine with a delicate sip. With her other hand, she fluffs her purple, blue and turquoise-streaked hair. She keeps her attention on Cai'nan until Aurealia brings up Sir Roderic's ghost. She thinks a bit on the subject before deciding if she has anything to add.
Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Cosmic Dungeon Lord |

Being in a generous mood, the innkeeper only charges you 1 gold piece for everything.
After some initial hesitation, Galatea decides to join the group. Naturally, that means that Yulia follows. Before sitting down nearby and keeping an eye out for trouble, the Silver Sentinel orders a tall mug of Ulfen mead and appears to enjoy it.
Along with Audrahni, Archmage Eugeni's students put their big brains together and review what they know about Sir Roderic...
Sir Aurek Roderic was a famous privateer and cartographer from Magnimar. About a hundred years ago, after discovering a good natural harbor, he founded the town of Roderic's Cove. He was the settlement's first Port-Governor, and almost daily, he would patrol the gulf in his ship to protect his city from Riddleport pirates. Sir Roderic finally met his end during an attack by said buccaneers, who sank his vessel. His entire family was also aboard, and they all drowned in the frigid waters. Given the tragic circumstances of his family's deaths, it would appear that Sir Aurek Roderic never found peace.
Whenever the Cove has been in danger, sightings of Sir Roderic's ghost have skyrocketed. In recent memory, there have been four such occasions:
1) The first time was approximately when Runelord Karzoug almost returned from stasis; interestingly, Krune's brief reappearance didn't draw the same reaction!
("That slug probably wasn't worth the effort," Galatea remarks dryly.)
2) The second one was around the time the Sihedron Heroes assembled the Shattered Star itself.
3) The third occasion happened when a sizable armada of Riddleport pirates prepared to destroy the Cove in response to Shalelu setting up the Black Arrows in the region.
...Sir Roderic wasn't really awake for long that time; halfway during the enemy's voyage, all the ships suddenly and mysteriously sank at sea. Riddleport hasn't bothered Roderic's Cove since.
4) Recently. Audrahni is positively stumped about the current cause of his restlessness.
"Before you all go charging off into the woods, I think it would be best to first search Roderic's Wreck... O-Oh, right, some of you aren't from around here... That would be Sir Roderic's old house," explains the town gravedigger. "I... nearly ventured in myself, but I was almost immediately chased out by a swarm of spiders! I haven't worked up the nerve to go back since..."

Aurealia Andosana |

"Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Jaya can probably burn the spiders. If not, we can get some alchemist's fire or something..."

Jaya Farwynd |

Jaya nods casually. "It'll go better if someone spots it for me though. It's no fun burning spiders off of yourself." She shudders, finishes and quickly changes the subject. "So, Cai'nan. How often do you find you need a whole baby T. Rex when guiding people from city to city in Varisia? I know there are some wild spots, but Krodha seems like sometimes he'd get you into more trouble than even he could eat!" She giggles for a moment before realizing that she's got a case of the self-laughies, and quickly stops with a blush.

Cai'nan Blakros |

Cai’nan looks at Jaya, his smile fading from genuine to more of a practiced, polite one. ”It’s not really a need, but a responsibility. My team, when we were in the Expanse, we came across all sorts of horrors of the jungle. Things that are the stuff of nightmares and impossible to describe,” he says as he takes a large drink from his glass. He refills it slowly, then grips it in both hands. ”One of those terrors was a beast the locals called Niyati. It was a full grown T-Rex, highly territorial and very, very mean. One of our number, Ciervo, figured one of her eggs would be a valuable prize...so he slipped in and stole the damned thing. Niyati hunted us and tore us apart one by one. By the time we learned of why, it was too late. We were back at the trading post and Niyati took her wrath out on the entire camp. Only I and our guide Unafe survived, and I don’t remember how. Everything from that time is fuzzy...” he says morosely before downing his glass again.
”Next thing I knew I was on a boat back for the real world and had this egg in my care, and a new outlook on life. Despite his size and the fact he is already as deadly as most predators here, Krodha is really just a few months old...that should give you an idea as to how much momma was. But even though he is growing fast, he’s still vulnerable. And my responsibility...”

Kallie Silversun |

"That's really neat, Cai'nan," Kallie says after listening with rapt attention to his story. "Scary, but neat. I can't imagine something the size of Titanicus chasing you."
She had spent the conversation about Sir Roderic actively ignoring Galatea. Once the wine bottle becomes empty, she orders another to be brought to their table.

Cosmic Dungeon Lord |

Evidently, that original gold piece Cai'nan spent is really going to cover everything for the night; another bottle of the same fine Elven red is brought over to your table without hesitation. If asked, the innkeeper states that the establishment owes much to the Andosana family, so a generous discount was in order.
Dear Kallie,
Would it be alright if we talked tonight?

Aurealia Andosana |

"Wow, that's like, so tragic. I'm sorry to hear you lost all your friends. That must have been terrible..."
Aurealia's hand creeps slowly across the table towards Cai'nan's, a look of sympathy in her somewhat inebriated gaze.

Jaya Farwynd |

Jaya purses her lips, "I'm sorry, Cai'nan. I didn't mean to bring up... unpleasant memories."
She refills and raises her glass, "To absent friends."

Kallie Silversun |

Kallie misses the toast, as she is reading a small note. Her jaw clenches, then she stuffs the note in the same pouch as the earlier one. Realizing that there was a toast, she hastily picks up her glass and raises it far too late and looks uncertain as to what they were toasting.
Trying to keep from getting flustered, Kallie sips her drink, but then she notices Aurealia's hand sneaking toward Cai'nan's. She quickly tries to get his attention. "Ah, Cai'nan, this is good wine. Did you pick it out? You've got good taste!"

Cai'nan Blakros |

Cai’nan shrugs at Jaya and the others sympathy. ”Hard to mourn something you hardly remember. I often feel like something more happened, but it is all fuzzy,” he adds as he joins the toast with Aurelia’s hand resting on top of his.
At Kallie’s question, he nods with a smile and reaches over with the hand Aurelia had been holding to take the bottle. ”Yeah...I like it,” he says as he pours everyone another round.
”But enough sob stories! A little fun is in order before we set out into who knows what tomorrow! Anyone up for some drinking games?” he asks as he makes sure everyone’s glasses are full.

Kallie Silversun |

Kallie lifts her full glass to her lips to show her agreement with Cai'nan's idea. She looks over the rim of her glass at Galatea with a defiant expression. "I sure am! What kind of games? I didn't get to play drinking games in the herd. What do you want to do?"

Cosmic Dungeon Lord |

Galatea stays relatively quiet throughout the conversation. Initially, she appears to be in a relatively good mood. However, by the time the toast happens, the Treeslayer's daughter seems to be going through the motions.
"...I think I'm done for tonight, Cai'nan," she mumbles, politely refusing the next round of drinks. "I'll... see you all around I guess. Sentinel Rockne, time to hit the hay."
Upon hearing her more formal title, Yulia shifts into the more serious state of being you all saw earlier today and resumes being a professional soldier. Gali whistles for Cheshire to follow and then gives everyone a small wave goodbye. After making sure that their tab is all settled, the trio depart the tavern.
Feel free to continue posting with the drinking games and such; Gali's just tired after a long day.

Aurealia Andosana |

"You know what guys? I think Galtea has the right idea. If we're going to confront gods know what tomorrow in Roderick's Wreck, I don't want to be more hung over."
Aurealia slams her last glass of wine (her third), and wobbles to her feet. "Noapte buna, prieteni!" Using the shaft of her longspear as a walking stick, the werebatkin stumbles her way home to bed.
(Good night, friends!)

Cai'nan Blakros |

Cai’nan suggests a variety of drinking games, starting heavy but eventually reeling it in to avoid a hangover or blacking out. After Aurelia and Croquelle leave ”Alright alright, I’m throwing in the towel! I got a suite upstairs. I think I’m gonna check it out...” he says as he picks up the last bottle and a few glasses before he makes his way to the stairs...

Jaya Farwynd |

Jaya lets out one more giggle when she sees Cai'nan grab the extra glasses, but just shakes her head with a grin. "Good night everyone."

Kallie Silversun |

Kallie watches Galatea go wordlessly, her tail twitching and flicking restlessly. She smiles when she's gone, a little forced, but the alcohol in her system soon helps the grin become completely natural. When the Andosana sisters also leave and it's just Cai'nan, Jaya and Kallie, she stares hard at her half-full glass but frequently looks up at the druid with her large, green eyes.
Kallie stares after Cai'nan when he gets up and announces he's going to check out his suite. "Okay..." she says softly, gauging Jaya's reaction. When her other traveling companion seems to decline the unspoken invitation -- if that's what it was -- Kallie rises to her hooves and takes a few steps to the stairs. "Can I-- I mean, are you--?" She forces a giggle. "You need some help with that... wine, right?" She fusses with her hair as her tail swishes back and forth.

Cai'nan Blakros |

Cai’nan looks back and smiles to Kallie. He gives her a nod of his head up the stairs as he heads on up to his room...

Cosmic Dungeon Lord |

Aurealia (and Croq) - Day 1 Night
Croquelle (who doesn't appear to be phased at all by the wine) and Audrahni (who seems a little tipsy) join you on the trek home. Outside the Creekside Inn and Tavern, you find the Black Arrow Veteran from earlier ("Name's Bruce.") and your Aunt Elandra waiting for you. As such, everyone gets home safely and rests well.
Kallie, Jaya, and Cai'nan - Day 1 Night
As Galatea predicted, before everyone retires for the day, the innkeeper asks that Cai'nan park Krodha in the stable for the night. The baby T-Rex is given some warm blankets, water, and some leftover lamb to hold him over for the night. After taking off his barding, the dinosaur quickly makes himself a little nest, and given his exciting day, he's out like a candle in a matter of moments.
You all then (more or less) call it a night.
Aurealia and Croq - Day 2 Morning
In the morning, during breakfast, your mother has much to discuss with you.
"Since you will be helping Audrahni with her investigation, I decided to make that... official," your mother begins as she promptly presents Aurealia with some fancy papers. "These documents are signed by myself and Port-Governor Thort; for all matters relating to the investigation of Sir Roderic's ghost, you two and anyone else you 'deputize' will be acting with our authority. Your Aunt Elandra has a few dozen backup copies just in case. Please act responsibly, alright?
"Additionally, I checked the town archives, and it would appear that Sir Roderic left his entire estate to the city of Roderic's Cove if he died without any heirs. Legally speaking, that's exactly what happened. Port-Governor Thort has authorized you and your friends to have the first right of salvage should you find anything... useful inside Roderic's Wreck."
Kallie, Jaya, and Cai'nan - Day 2 Morning
Once you're all ready to roll out for the day, you find a somber Galatea waiting for you in the inn lobby. Cheshire is sprawled out at her feet. Interestingly, Yulia isn't with her.
"Hey. There are some shifty characters stalking around town today. They seem to be looking for you three. I overheard them talking, and they seem to think you're all associated with someone named... Corstela Rostrata?"
Earlier, when you go to pick up Krodha, you find Galatea and Cheshire waiting in his stall. With her right hand, Gali is feeding your animal companion some of that lamb, which he really appears to enjoy. With the left, she is gently stroking his scaly head.
"First of all, I want to sincerely apologize for spilling too many beans yesterday," the Treeslayer's daughter begins. "I... thought I was being vague enough; I didn't realize that you wanted me to say nothing. Again, I'm really sorry, Cai'nan."
She is having a hard time looking at you in the eye.
Earlier, as you find a quiet, secluded place to prepare your spells for the day, you hear a knock on the door.
"Kallie, it's me," says Galatea in surprisingly polished Thassilonian. "Could we please talk? It's been... roughly a year since we've said anything meaningful to each other."
You hear her slump against the wooden wall.
"...I don't know what to do anymore! You asked me to give you some space for awhile, so I did. After months of silence, I then felt like I was being neglectful, so I tried very... lightly asking every so often if you wanted to talk. I suspect all my notes have gone in that little pouch of yours, haven't they? My visits didn't go much better either. I know you wanted space, but... after what happened, I... don't know. I wanted to show my support somehow. That's why I convinced Mom and Shiloh to visit too... Leaving you all alone just felt... cruel."
A pause.
"Kallie, I... don't want this... impasse to continue. You said that you didn't want me to go, so I'm still trying. I just..."
Galatea's voice trails off. You hear a shuffling of papers. She then starts talking again... softly. She sounds like she's on the verge of tears...
"...Could we please talk?"