000dafi03 |
Well I get a PM from Warwikk asking if he could still join, but I fear he is unused to being on Paizo's forms and checking rather often.
000dafi03 |
My work schedule is wildly different from normal this week, so my posting might be spotty at times.
000dafi03 |
Do we need a wayfinder?
You actually get a free one from finishing this mission, as implied by Janira. (First one of your characters to complete this scenario, additional characters get a discount I believe).
Keandre Glasmiter |
This week is going to get busy beginning TH-Sunday since it is Holy Week.
000dafi03 |
His wisdom is high because I am planning on going Mystic Theurge to get access to the cleric enchantment spells. Are they worth it though?
That is a hard archetype to play in Society because you don't typically get to reach and play high level games. Because you're not focusing one spellcasting class, you'll feel a little behind compared to other casters.
On a different note, 14 WIS for your divine spells, especially DC focused ones, is not very high. If you're going to do the classic Wizard/Cleric combo, my best suggestion would be a dual-talented (alternate racial) human with the ability array score of:
DEX 10
CON 14
INT 18
WIS 18
Another option, although it slows you down by 1 level, is to be a Cleric/Sorcerer with the Empyreal wild bloodline because it makes both your spellcasting classes use Wisdom.
Keandre Glasmiter |
Maybe just going wizard and if you want to prestige go evangelist? I dont think having a high wisdom as an enchanter is a bad thing. You don't want to fall prey to a charm spell yoirself.
Keandre Glasmiter |
FYI: The Easter Triduum has begun. I may or may not be around that much this weekend.
000dafi03 |
I'll be returning to normal posting speed on Monday, so that's fine. Sorry for the delays on my end
Huong Chan |
Arcane Point taken back.
Question: When I re-do spells in the morning I loose all my points and gain back 3+1/2 Level. It doesn't say a minimum of 1 or not. Also, will I re-gain the bonus 3 from the feat as well or will I start with only 3(4)?
Arcane Reservoir(Su): (+2 DC or CL; 7/day) An arcanist has an innate pool of magical energy that she can draw upon to fuel her arcanist exploits and enhance her spells. The arcanist’s arcane reservoir can hold a maximum amount of magical energy equal to 3 + the arcanist’s level. Each day, when preparing spells, the arcanist’s arcane reservoir fills with raw magical energy, gaining a number of points equal to 3 + 1/2 her arcanist level. Any points she had from the previous day are lost. She can also regain these points through the consume spells class feature and some arcanist exploits. The arcane reservoir can never hold more points than the maximum amount noted above; points gained in excess of this total are lost. Points from the arcanist reservoir are used to fuel many of the arcanist’s powers. In addition, the arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a free action whenever she casts an arcanist spell. If she does, she can choose to increase the caster level by 1 or increase the spell’s DC by 1. She can expend no more than 1 point from her reservoir on a given spell in this way.
000dafi03 |
Your maximum pool value is 3+level. At the beginning of a day and scenario, you have 3+1/2 your level.
If you have extra reservoir, both these numbers increase by 3. So your maximum will be 6+level and you'll start each day with 6+1/2 level. The half level does not have a minimum of 1, so at level 1, you only have 6 with a maximum of 7.
When you rest, it resets to your base value.
1)"Any points she had from the previous day are lost."
2) Refill to 6+1/2 level.
Keandre Glasmiter |
What us the point of playing an arcanist? I have looked at the class and am trying to figure it out a bit.
Huong Chan |
Thank you for the clarification.
Some of the exploits are quite useful. One of the ones I have is:
Potent Magic(Su): Whenever the arcanist expends 1 point from her arcane reservoir to increase the caster level of a spell, the caster level increases by 2 instead of 1. Whenever she expends 1 point from her arcane reservoir to increase the spell’s DC, it increases by 2 instead of 1.
My character has 1 Burning Hands and 1 Color Spray currently memorized. By using 1 Arcane Point I can increase the Burning Hands to 3L (ie.: 3d4) or increase the DC of the Color Spray by +2 (ie.: DC=17).
000dafi03 |
Personally I think arcanist has the best casting style in the game that I think should just be how all prepared casters cast spells. You prepare chill touch and mage armor in your 2 slots? Cast either of them 3 times a day. Pick up quick study (so strong) and just swap chill touch to comprehend languages and cast that 3 times, etc.
000dafi03 |
No problem, I just wanted to make my GM posts when I had a chance, but I should be back to my normal posting speed now.
000dafi03 |
More than one person can cast detect magic, so go right ahead. Either way, you'll need a spellcraft check to identify the magic aura.
Khoda Issad |
My niece (6) and nephew (2) ask me to do the bacon all the time.
Keandre Glasmiter |
It is funny that the points I make are never seen as valid DM. You always seem to take other people's point and actions into account. Have we been through 3 encounters yet?
000dafi03 |
I typically don't see your points as valid because I don't believe them to be. Someone using their UMD to activate a wand to heal a teammate is not overstepping their role of the party. They invested some resources into being able to activate wands. Your character is not "wand activator bot", he can certainty use the wands, but just because he doesn't need to roll to activate the wands doesn't mean nobody else should or could try. It typically sounds like you are trying to be the one man party in these instances because you don't appreciate other players doing things that you could do.
I take other peoples points and actions into account because I feel that you do not do so. Did you stop to think that other players want to use wands? That someone wants to use the skill points they put into UMD? The fact that this is a play by post means that not everyone gets to act at the same time like they could in a real game. This means that when a player can do something, they typically are going to do so. Other players should not be required to read the profiles of every other character in the game to figure out what they can and can't do to decide what their actions should be. If a player is capable of healing another player, let them. If you see that a player rolled UMD to activate a healing wand, when you could use the wand without rolling UMD, a simple post of "Hey, don't worry about rolling, CLW is on my list, so I can use the wand for you guys." or a post at the beginning of the game stating something like, "Hey guys, I can use CLW wands without rolling, so just assume I'm healing you out of combat." is all that you need. If then, the other player does not allow you to use the wand because they want to be a one man party, that is a totally different story with a different response required.
If you can't handle the etiquette of PbP or Pathfinder Society, then you're free to leave the games you are in that I'm running. If you would like to continue being included in games that I run, then you need to be generally nicer or more polite to other players and your GMs.
Technically, with the first encounter in the forest, the trap, this encounter, and possibly the Gillman, you have been in 3 encounters, so I can make you a chronicle now if you plan on leaving.
Keandre Glasmiter |
Am I understanding you correctly then to mean that the character who posts first is the one that will act first?
000dafi03 |
If your in combat initiatives, then usually yes unless the order matters drastically. Out of combat, no as I already stated. "If you see that a player rolled UMD to activate a healing wand, when you could use the wand without rolling UMD, a simple post of "Hey, don't worry about rolling, CLW is on my list, so I can use the wand for you guys.'" This can "override" their post since it means they don't have to roll.
Keandre Glasmiter |
I more comfortable allowing others to do what they have put their skill points in or how they have built their characters.
Waykand Day |
This is my first Play by Post and I am not impressed with how the GM is treating people. I will stick it out I guess but am not sure how I should ask questions or advice if it is going to be seen as being rude to him or other players.
000dafi03 |
The player I am having issues with is not asking questions or advice, he is being passive aggressive to other players and this isn't the first game where he has done so. I've tried on at least two separate occasions to explain to him why he can't act the way he has, but I have contacted the higher ups to help with advice and support here.
If you have questions or want advice, myself or the other players would be more than happy to help you. If you want to tell players that they are "being a party of one", I'm going to take issue because that is neither true nor polite and I imagine, not appreciated by the player in question who is simply trying to play game and help another player.
Waykand Day |
I do not see anything wrong with what the other player is asking. So if I have a complaint about how you are treating this player, who would I contact about you?
I think that you need to find another player for this game. I would like my chronicle because I do not do well with bullies, which is my take away from your style of GMing.
Keandre Glasmiter |
The player I am having issues with is not asking questions or advice, he is being passive aggressive to other players and this isn't the first game where he has done so. I've tried on at least two separate occasions to explain to him why he can't act the way he has, but I have contacted the higher ups to help with advice and support here.
In that case I would like my chronicle as well.
000dafi03 |
Like I said, I've contacted the people in charge of the PbP PFS format. Until this is resolved, our game is on hold, but I won't punish the remaining players by disbanding the game, and would be happy to continue running the game for them once this is resolved.
For those of you who are new to PbP or PFS, my condolences as this is not a normal occurrence. I have some players that would be more than happy to join up to help shore up your numbers for the final two encounters if you would like. Assuming the rest of you stay to finish, that puts you at three PCs, so you'll either need to use a pre-generated PFS character like Kyra or Valeros or add at least 1 new PC to technically be a legal table.
@Waykand and Keandre, I never ask for emails from my players and always create a google drive folder to share chronicles. I will create them and have them for you as soon as I am able. Are either of you choosing slow track? It's not very common so I don't tend to include it in my sign ups.
Waykand Day |
You didn't answer my question about who I talk to about your comportment?
While it is nice that you apologizing to those who are new to PbP and PFS, but I am one of those people as well, and you ruined this experience for me with the bullying.