Edge of Anarchy: Curse of the Crimson Throne, Book I by GM Apoc (Inactive)

Game Master Apoc Golem

Fate and vengeance lead four heroes to their destinies amid a city in chaos!


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Welp. You do still have a crowbar!

Andakos slides open the hatbox, and another cloud of flies wafts out from inside as he does so.

Inside the box, at the very bottom, is a blood-soaked cloth wrapping a small rectangular item, roughly the size of a harrow deck. Even without the ability to cast detect magic, Andakos can feel the waves of arcane power wafting from the bundle.

Sitting on top of the cloth bundle is a severed head.

The head looks as if it has been in the box for some time, perhaps a few weeks, and is rapidly decomposing. Even still, it's impossible not to recognize the face of the fortune-teller, Zellara Esmeranda.

Male Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 6
Vital Statistics:
[HP 46/46] [AC 19 | T 13 | FF 17] [Per +15/+18 traps | Init +2 | Spd 30] [F +6 | R +10/+12 traps | W +8/+10 illusions] [Inspiration 0/10]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[+1 Longspear +7 | 1d8+5 P] [Ranged Sling +5 | 1d4+3 B] [Active Conditions: None]

Oh. Oh no. Did we do this? Did we take too long? Andakos dry heaves and then turns to the side and vomits. Unable to stay in this room any longer, he stumbles back to the larger room with his companions. "Dead. She's dead.... Zellara. HE KILLED HER!" He falls in a heap on the floor and stares into nothingness.

Male Human Cleric (AngleFire Apostle) 3
Spells Prepared:
[0-lvl: Detect Magic, Mending, Stabilize] [1st lvl: True Strike 1/1 | Shield of Faith 1/1| Murderous Command 0/1] [2nd Lvl: Hold Person 1/1 | Mirror Image 1/1]
Vital Statistics:
[HP 22/22] [AC 14 | T 10 | FF 14] [Init +0 | Per +5 | Spd 30] [F +5 | R +1 | W +7] [Channel 7/7] [Bit of Luck 6/7] [Sudden Shift 7/7]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Ranged Lt Crsbow +0 | 1d8 | Rg 80 | 19-20/x2] [Melee Whip +0 | 0Dmg S | Rg 15 | Trip, dsrm - see txt] [Active Conditions:x0/0 rds | y 0/0hour]

Maelis came help but feel like a failure. He couldn't keep his comrades up in battle, and that may have allowed Lamm to escape again. He can't quite meet their eyes as he helps search the rooms, hoping to find some clues as to where Lamm may have gone.

He looks over the note and it seems familiar to him, but the letters are too garbled to make sense of.

At hearing of the shiver stash Maelis becomes suddenly agitated, "We should get these two out of here so they can rest and recover, this is no place to keep them, where an ambush could be just around the corner!" He urges the party to consider moving on presently.

Upon seeing the head of Zellara, Maelis grabs at Trell's arm more urgently, "Surely this is a bad omen of things to come. We should leave." The wincing face of the elf brings him back to himself, and he realizes he was squeezing the man's arm rather more aggressively than he meant to. With an oddly familiar taste in his mouth, he wipes the back of his hand against his lips and in a gentler tone, "Forgive me, Trell. I don't know what's come over me. This place, it brings back demons that I had thought long since banished."

Male Human Cleric (AngleFire Apostle) 3
Spells Prepared:
[0-lvl: Detect Magic, Mending, Stabilize] [1st lvl: True Strike 1/1 | Shield of Faith 1/1| Murderous Command 0/1] [2nd Lvl: Hold Person 1/1 | Mirror Image 1/1]
Vital Statistics:
[HP 22/22] [AC 14 | T 10 | FF 14] [Init +0 | Per +5 | Spd 30] [F +5 | R +1 | W +7] [Channel 7/7] [Bit of Luck 6/7] [Sudden Shift 7/7]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Ranged Lt Crsbow +0 | 1d8 | Rg 80 | 19-20/x2] [Melee Whip +0 | 0Dmg S | Rg 15 | Trip, dsrm - see txt] [Active Conditions:x0/0 rds | y 0/0hour]

Appraise: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6

Haha yeah that'll do it

Female Human Sable Company Marine Skirmisher Ranger 3
Vital Statistics:
[HP 33/33] [AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14] [Init +3ᴱ | Per +7ᴱᵀ | Spd 30] [F +4 | R +6 | W +2]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Melee MW Comp LB +7ᴱ | 1d8+2 P | x3] [MW Lance +6ᴱ| 1d8+3 P | x3] [MW Scimitar +6ᴱ| 18-20x2][Active Conditions: Condition X 10/10 rds | Condition Y 2/2 mins]

The first thing to float come to mind as Destriant slowly rouses is the sound of a cracking leg bone, an explosion of pain just below the knee, bringing Destriant toppling to the ground. He flexes the muscles in his legs to test the injury. He can still feel numerous cuts, and slides, his leg slick with blood from the one down, but he can move his leg, at least. This is either Maelis's work, or I'm luckier than I realize, he thought as he slowly stood up.

As he gets to his feet, sheathing his rapier as he does so, behind the putrid smell of death - apparently Zellara's head stuffed unceremoniously into a random box - is the familiar tug he's used to. He licks his lips subconciously as he takes a few shambling steps towards its source.

"Regrettably, the city guard is known to have bad faith actors who buy Shiver with the city's coin, and sell it to addicts to fill their own pockets. I can take the drug, I know some people who will gladly destroy everry did they can get their hands on.

Sense Motive DC 25:

Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

There's something suspicious about the way that Destriant is licking his lips, and his claim seems suspicious.

Appraise: 1d20 ⇒ 5


Destriant will walk over to Trell, and offer him a hand up. "I know people all over the city. As soon as I can I'll put my ear to the ground, and see if we can't find the hole he washed up in," Destriant says.

Male Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 6
Vital Statistics:
[HP 46/46] [AC 19 | T 13 | FF 17] [Per +15/+18 traps | Init +2 | Spd 30] [F +6 | R +10/+12 traps | W +8/+10 illusions] [Inspiration 0/10]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[+1 Longspear +7 | 1d8+5 P] [Ranged Sling +5 | 1d4+3 B] [Active Conditions: None]

Not possible for me to pass that Sense Motive. Meh.

Andakos looks at Destriant with narrowed eyes for a brief moment, then shrugs. "I have heard that the city guard is less than scrupulous, but I didn't realize it had gotten that far. Maybe if they were paid a living wage... Very well, Destriant; I trust you. (Narrator: "He doesn't.") And I agree with you, Maelis, that we should get out of here as soon as possible, but we have a few things we must do before we leave. There is an encoded ledger and a locked chest in the other room. I can study up on Varisian and hopefully decipher the ledger, and we need to look in that chest for any clues to where Lamm might have gone. I believe we should also take the time to search the upstairs more thoroughly."

He pauses and looks down at his feet a moment. Taking a deep breath in, he says, "I apologize for losing my cool earlier. Seeing Zellara like that was quite a shock. We cannot leave her here in this evil place either. We must see to it that her remains are treated with respect."

Removing his crowbar from his pack and heading back to the other room, he says, "Can someone help me with this lock?"

(Male)(Elf)(Magus)(Blade Bound)1
Vital Statistics:
[HP 17/17] [AC 15| T 11 | FF 14] [Per +3 | Init +1 | Spd 30] [F +2 | R +2 | W +2]
Weapons and Conditions:
[Masterwork Coldiron Longsword+4 | 1d8+3 S | 19-20/x2] [Active Conditions: (Condition Name) 10/10 rds | (Condition Name) 10/10 mins | (Condition Name) 10/10 hrs]

Trell takes a moment to gather his composure before sitting up on his elbows and looking around once more. His hands still shake with...anger?...fear?...disappointment? he doesn't even know...probably a lot of all 3.

Trell decides to act like he never even asked Maelis the questions he asked. He is, in a very odd way, glad that his attention was directed elsewhere. Trell is not sure he wanted to hear the answer he might have had.

Trell looks up at Destriant as he hold his hand out and...for a moment...thinks about just laying there for a while more. So much pain and weakness. Even the thought of standing and moving around gives him pain.

Stop being a foolish child. Get up and go find this bastard. You didn't expect this to be easy, did you? his own voice says in the back of his mind.

With a weak groan, Trell grabs Destriant's hand and allows himself to be pulled up onto his feet. He makes a point of standing straight and trying to look like he not emotionally and physically exhausted.

Nodding and saying "Thank you" to Destriant Trell walks over to Andakos. He is intentionally not looking at the head of Zellara. He has had enough grief for one day.

"I can try to help. I am weakened from the fight...but I might be able to muster enough strength to assist"

Stength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

DC 12 Craft (alchemy), Trained Only:
Regardless of whether Destriant is right about shady guards, that doesn't mean you need to wander the streets with the stuff if you don't want to. You can always destroy it; shiver is notoriously flammable.

The moment Trell heaves at the crowbar, something in his neck twinges, and blood spurts out his wound again. His vision blurs and he falls unconscious.

Congrats on performing strenuous activity. You are back to -1 and dying. XD

The rough job of opening it causes something inside to crack audibly, but the lockbox is in fact open.

Inside you find several individually wrapped treasures, tied shut with twine:

1. A narrow teak cigar case inlaid with tiny bits of jade.
2. A 2-pound gold ingot bearing the Cheliax coat of arms.
3. A miniature gold crown.
4. A fist-sized scrimshaw carving of a kraken with garnets for eyes.
5. A silver ring bearing the inscription "For Emmah--the light in my nights."
6. A highly realistic and highly scandalous ivory figurine of two entwined succubi.
7. A masterwork shuriken.
8. An adamantine arrowhead.
9. A masterwork dagger with a strange blade shaped vaguely like a key. It bears the inscription: "For an inspiration of a father."
10. An abalone-shell holy symbol.
11. A shattered glass tube. Some sort of liquid has soaked into a few nearby cloths but doesn't seem to have damaged any of the items.
12. A crystal vial containing a shimmering, silvery liquid. The vial itself looks valuable.
13. A wand.
14. A bejeweled brooch with a broken clasp depicting a drake-like creature and an imp coiled around each other in an almost yin-yang pattern.

The following Knowledge check is only DC 10 so anyone can roll on it.

Knowledge (religion), DC 10:
The holy symbol is that of Shelyn, goddess of art and beauty.

Appraise DC 16:

1. Worth 10-40gp.
2. Worth 70-140gp.
3. Worth 340-380gp.
4. Worth 160-200gp.
5. Worth 140-160gp.
6. Worth 400-500gp.
7. Worth about 6gp.
8. Worth 40-70gp.
9. Worth at least 700gp, possibly as much as 1000gp.
10. Worth about 10gp.
11. Now worthless.
12. The vial is worth 20-60gp.
13. The value of the wand depends on the spell, the caster level, and how many charges are left.
14. You have no earthly idea.

Same Check, DC 20:

1. Worth 25gp.
2. Worth 100gp.
3. Worth 350gp.
4. Worth 200gp.
5. Worth 150gp.
6. Worth 450gp.
7. Worth 6gp, 2sp.
8. Worth 60gp.
9. Worth 750gp.
10. Worth 10gp.
11. Now worthless.
12. The vial is worth 25gp.
13. The value of the wand depends on the spell, its caster level, and the number of remaining charges.
14. You have no earthly idea, but it's probably a lot.

Since there's a wand, I assume someone will cast detect magic.

Detect Magic plus Spellcraft, DC 20:
The wand is a wand of magic missile (CL 1st) with 23 charges (345gp value). The silvery liquid in the crystal vial is a dose of silversheen. There is a rapidly-fading aura of transmutation from the liquid out of the shattered vial, but it fades too quickly to catch what the liquid was that was in it.

Knowledge (nobility), DC 15:
That brooch has the damn royal seal on it! Now that you think back on it, you do recall something about the queen's brooch being lost, and a reward for its safe return.

Male Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 6
Vital Statistics:
[HP 46/46] [AC 19 | T 13 | FF 17] [Per +15/+18 traps | Init +2 | Spd 30] [F +6 | R +10/+12 traps | W +8/+10 illusions] [Inspiration 0/10]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[+1 Longspear +7 | 1d8+5 P] [Ranged Sling +5 | 1d4+3 B] [Active Conditions: None]

Craft (alchemy): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Knowledge (religion) untrained: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Appraise: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

While doing the rote work of sorting through the contents of the chest, something clicks in the back of Andakos's mind. He remembers something that he learned in the lab at the Acadamae. "Actually, Destriant, shiver is highly flammable. Let's destroy it now so there is no risk of it hitting the streets. We are extremely weak right now; a malnourished junkie 10 year old girl could beat us down and take the shiver. Hand it to me and I'll take care of it. This is the best course of action."

He will also go over everything he found in the chest and its value with the party. I can't detect magic and I'm not trained in knowledge (nobility).

"Oh, also, Maelis? I think Trell here could use your assistance again. I will help as I am able."

Aid another (heal): 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (17) - 3 = 14

+2 to your heal check, Maelis.

Craft (alchemy) crystal vial: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

The crystal vial contains a dose of silversheen.

Female Human Sable Company Marine Skirmisher Ranger 3
Vital Statistics:
[HP 33/33] [AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14] [Init +3ᴱ | Per +7ᴱᵀ | Spd 30] [F +4 | R +6 | W +2]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Melee MW Comp LB +7ᴱ | 1d8+2 P | x3] [MW Lance +6ᴱ| 1d8+3 P | x3] [MW Scimitar +6ᴱ| 18-20x2][Active Conditions: Condition X 10/10 rds | Condition Y 2/2 mins]

"Fine! Turn in your gods-blighted Shiver to the guard, if it's so important to you," Destriant all but screams at Andakos before taking a ragged, shaking breath. His eyes are aflame, and his hands start to tremble as he turns and stomps away, leaning against a corner nearly panting as he sinks to sit on the floor. He buries his face in his severely trembling hands, his shoulders shuddering.

After a few minutes Destriant begins to collect himself. "Just... just put the Shiver away somewhere. I can't be around it. I'll be honest, my own past issues are a substantial part of the reason I'm even here. These reasons don't seem as compelling as yours, with your sister," he gestures to Andakos, before gesturing to Trell - now unconscious, "or his childhood. My reasons may not be as deep as yours, but Lamm has nonetheless had a hand in taking a lot from me, and I know from many, many others." After ensuring that the Shiver is safely stored away from his access, he stands back up to rejoin the group.

Knowledge (Nobility): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Destriant looks over the contents from the box, his eyebrows raising significantly. "Wait, let me see that brooch in slightly better light," Destriant says as he takes it, and examines the jewelry more closely. "Remarkable," he gasps, "this is no mere fine jewelry - though it could certainly be valuable to sell to any fence, or hawker. No, this is a royal brooch, which further reminds me that the Queen Ileosa, bless her majesty's name, lost hers recently, and that there is a reward for its safe return. Valuable indeed," Destriant finishes, handing the brooch back to Andakos.

Male Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 6
Vital Statistics:
[HP 46/46] [AC 19 | T 13 | FF 17] [Per +15/+18 traps | Init +2 | Spd 30] [F +6 | R +10/+12 traps | W +8/+10 illusions] [Inspiration 0/10]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[+1 Longspear +7 | 1d8+5 P] [Ranged Sling +5 | 1d4+3 B] [Active Conditions: None]

Andakos uses his flint and tinder (with some scrap paper as kindling) to create a small fire next to the water. Once all the shiver is burnt, he kicks the ashes into the water. "Thank you, friend. You have done the right thing. We all have our reasons for being here, and each is as valid as the next. And now Lamm has provided us each with the same reason to track him down. Zellara will have justice."

"And Lyse isn't my sister. She is my friend and mentee. Thank you all for helping me free her."

Andakos returns the lid to the hat box that contains Zellara's head and wraps the hatbox in some of Lamm's clothes to try to contain the smell. "I am going to ensure that this is properly interred. If anyone would like to join me, it would be my honor. I do not believe she had any family left; we may be the only ones who care about her. She led us to Lamm. We owe her this."

"Let's go finish searching upstairs. Maybe we will find something to help track down Lamm. Then we should take care of this," (he gestures to the hatbox under his arm) "and then I must find Lyse."

Take 20 on searching the rest of the fishery.

As the shiver burns with an acrid, unpleasant odor, Maelis and Destriant, regardless of their other feelings on the matter, feel a visible weight lift off their shoulders.

In fact, all of the party, even the (I assume eventually) barely-conscious Trell, feel invigorated by the experience, as if their power has grown from tonight's experiences.


Discovering the fate of Zellara Esmeranda, and burning the shiver stash, have earned you enough bonus XP to LEVEL UP!

You are all level 2!

Female Human Sable Company Marine Skirmisher Ranger 3
Vital Statistics:
[HP 33/33] [AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14] [Init +3ᴱ | Per +7ᴱᵀ | Spd 30] [F +4 | R +6 | W +2]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Melee MW Comp LB +7ᴱ | 1d8+2 P | x3] [MW Lance +6ᴱ| 1d8+3 P | x3] [MW Scimitar +6ᴱ| 18-20x2][Active Conditions: Condition X 10/10 rds | Condition Y 2/2 mins]

Destriant sits down, leaning his back against the wall to rest, all this activity exhausting him after his bloodloss. He watches Andakos search the fishery while reflecting on the battle behind them. He wasn't especially happy with his performance, but he identified several opportunities for improvement as he nods off, sitting against the wall.

Male Human Cleric (AngleFire Apostle) 3
Spells Prepared:
[0-lvl: Detect Magic, Mending, Stabilize] [1st lvl: True Strike 1/1 | Shield of Faith 1/1| Murderous Command 0/1] [2nd Lvl: Hold Person 1/1 | Mirror Image 1/1]
Vital Statistics:
[HP 22/22] [AC 14 | T 10 | FF 14] [Init +0 | Per +5 | Spd 30] [F +5 | R +1 | W +7] [Channel 7/7] [Bit of Luck 6/7] [Sudden Shift 7/7]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Ranged Lt Crsbow +0 | 1d8 | Rg 80 | 19-20/x2] [Melee Whip +0 | 0Dmg S | Rg 15 | Trip, dsrm - see txt] [Active Conditions:x0/0 rds | y 0/0hour]

Maelis notes Destriant's exhaustion and knows if the party plans to do anything more tonight, he will need more strength. He prays to Calistria for healing, dropping a previously prepared spell. "I'm sorry I couldn't have done more sooner, my friend. That creature was a nasty one. I hope in time you won't have much residual pain or scarring."

Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

With the team feeling a little more like themselves again, and flush with new power, they make their way out of the fishery, scouring each room again as they go; they find nothing but the bodies of their fallen foes (and gross fish fluid). Their curiosity sated, the party steps outside.

The first sound they hear is a scream, coming from somewhere nearby. The group turns to face its direction, but can't see where it came from. Before anyone can step forward to investigate, another scream is heard from further into the city. And another.

And another.

Hesitantly stepping down the road, the party hears shouting, screams, cries of both alarm and the city guard's bells. A pillar of smoke, inky black against the starry night sky, rises from somewhere further off. In the light of a great fire (likely the same one giving off the wretched column of smoke) a contingent of the Sable Company flies by in a V formation, mounted atop their majestic hippogriffs. But something is wrong; one of their rear number is flagging behind, dipping drunkenly in the air. Both rider and hippogriff plummet from the sky, hundreds of feet up, and land out of sight. Based on their trajectory and speed, it could not have been anything other than fatal.

A group of thugs pour from an alleyway and encroach on the party, looking as if they have murder on their minds--but apparently not their murder, because the mob passes by with torches and weapons in hand, snarling and rushing northward, further into West Dock. From somewhere nearby, a town crier can be heard:

"The King is dead! Long live the queen!

"The King is dead! Long live the Queen!!"

Female Human Sable Company Marine Skirmisher Ranger 3
Vital Statistics:
[HP 33/33] [AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14] [Init +3ᴱ | Per +7ᴱᵀ | Spd 30] [F +4 | R +6 | W +2]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Melee MW Comp LB +7ᴱ | 1d8+2 P | x3] [MW Lance +6ᴱ| 1d8+3 P | x3] [MW Scimitar +6ᴱ| 18-20x2][Active Conditions: Condition X 10/10 rds | Condition Y 2/2 mins]

Destriant's pale face is no longer due to traumatic blood loss alone. He warily eyes the group of ruffians before gathering his recent friends closer.

"I am sorry to have kept this secret from you, but I hope you'll understand. I am not quite a mere footman of Adrin Laecus. You see..." his deep, raspy voice pauses, pregnant with hesitation and caution, but another scream - this one closer - seems to spur him on in a slightly higher, notably lighter voice free of Destriant's usual moderate Varisian accent he continues, "I am Adrin. Again, I can only offer my humblest apologies. You see, my name is tied to some amount of infamy in aristocratic circles thanks to my last experience with Shiver. You've all heard of Blackjack, no doubt? They were utterly unknown outside of their persona. I wanted the freedom to act in such a way as well, so that I would not risk drawing more attention to my family who would surely disown me if I was caught in more controversy."

He looks furtively around again before continuing, "If you give me but a moment away from prying eyes, I can terminate this facade. I suspect that Master Laecus may be better at getting us information, or potentially keeping us safe. Even in disgrace he has resources that I do not have. I have a small office not far from here, in northern West Dock. We can go there and figure out our next step, if that is an agreeable arrangement," Destriant looks at each of them in turn.

Male Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 6
Vital Statistics:
[HP 46/46] [AC 19 | T 13 | FF 17] [Per +15/+18 traps | Init +2 | Spd 30] [F +6 | R +10/+12 traps | W +8/+10 illusions] [Inspiration 0/10]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[+1 Longspear +7 | 1d8+5 P] [Ranged Sling +5 | 1d4+3 B] [Active Conditions: None]

Gods, what now?

Andakos barely reacts to Destri-- Adrin's revelation because he is too distracted by the severed head in a box that he is currently carrying under his arm. This is not good.

He looks at each of his companions in turn, then back to Maelis. "Maelis, I hesitate to ask this, but I cannot wield my spear while protecting Zellara here. I fear we may need to protect ourselves in this chaos. Would you mind terribly taking her from me until we can find somewhere safe to leave her?"


Andakos watches the crowd until he sees someone that looks responsible; perhaps a city guard or official? Once he sees someone, he will ask, "Excuse me. Can you tell us what is going on? It seems the king is dead, but was it under suspicious circumstances? Why all this chaos?"

Gather Info (+4 ceaseless observation): 1d20 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 4 = 13


We will get to the results of your roll in a bit, but the king's illness was common knowledge. Certainly plenty of conspiracy theorists have come up with all kinds of nefarious explanations for his disease, but nothing you would have accepted as a genuine possibility, let alone solid evidence.

Male Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 6
Vital Statistics:
[HP 46/46] [AC 19 | T 13 | FF 17] [Per +15/+18 traps | Init +2 | Spd 30] [F +6 | R +10/+12 traps | W +8/+10 illusions] [Inspiration 0/10]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[+1 Longspear +7 | 1d8+5 P] [Ranged Sling +5 | 1d4+3 B] [Active Conditions: None]

Sure, but I think he's asking if the king died from what we all expected him to die from, why all the brouhaha?

A little extra clarification on the situation. I was going to have you roll a Knowledge check, but it's common historical knowledge so I don't think that's necessary. You would all be aware, even Trell who wasn't born here.

It's not uncommon for chaos to erupt directly after a monarch's death in Korvosa. The so-called "Curse of the Crimson Throne" has made certain no ruler dies of old age, and none have produced an heir. A solid line of succession is required to maintain status quo during a transition of power; Taldor and the like do not have this problem because they have an established line of succession. Eodred had no heirs, so the succession fell to his wife. It generally leads to periods of upheaval, so that part is actually not terribly shocking. It also doesn't always lead to complete anarchy in the streets, but whether that is caused by the king's passing or some other factor, you do not know.

It is also common knowledge that the queen is generally disliked by the populace. Rumors have long swirled around her that she has made multiple disparaging comments about Korvosa, calling it a "backwater outpost" and the like, showing her Chelish noble upbringing in the worst way. She was able to achieve the monumental task of making herself less liked by the populace than Eodred himself. Whether she will be a decent ruler or not, time will tell, but she certainly is disliked enough that some people would riot.

Male Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 6
Vital Statistics:
[HP 46/46] [AC 19 | T 13 | FF 17] [Per +15/+18 traps | Init +2 | Spd 30] [F +6 | R +10/+12 traps | W +8/+10 illusions] [Inspiration 0/10]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[+1 Longspear +7 | 1d8+5 P] [Ranged Sling +5 | 1d4+3 B] [Active Conditions: None]

Thanks, GM. Allow a bit of ret-con here? This will replace everything after "Separately...".

Addressing the whole party, he says, "We should find shelter at Zellara's home. It is the closest safe place for us to get off the streets, and we can also look around for any information she might have had on Lamm." He starts to walk in that direction, spear at the ready. (... assuming Maelis took the box)

Male Human Cleric (AngleFire Apostle) 3
Spells Prepared:
[0-lvl: Detect Magic, Mending, Stabilize] [1st lvl: True Strike 1/1 | Shield of Faith 1/1| Murderous Command 0/1] [2nd Lvl: Hold Person 1/1 | Mirror Image 1/1]
Vital Statistics:
[HP 22/22] [AC 14 | T 10 | FF 14] [Init +0 | Per +5 | Spd 30] [F +5 | R +1 | W +7] [Channel 7/7] [Bit of Luck 6/7] [Sudden Shift 7/7]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Ranged Lt Crsbow +0 | 1d8 | Rg 80 | 19-20/x2] [Melee Whip +0 | 0Dmg S | Rg 15 | Trip, dsrm - see txt] [Active Conditions:x0/0 rds | y 0/0hour]

The shock of Lord Laecus's revelation takes Maelis completely by surprise. He would have never suspected the man of being of the aristocracy, or living a life of duality.

Maelis takes the box with Zellara's... with Zellara with shakey hands. "Of course I will carry her;" he looks even more pale than usual.

"I have seen chaos in the streets before, and Lamm will use that to his advantage. He may have even gone to her house again. I agree we should go to Zellara's home first, then we could move on to Lord Laecus's office," he makes a specific emphasis on the title to give deference, and also as a question as to how to appropriately address him going forward.

Maelis will follow Andakos toward Zellara's home, assuming the rest of the party agrees.

Rule of Two! Moving to Zellara's Home. :)

As the party nears Zellara's hut, it immediately becomes apparent something is off. Approaching the front door, it lies slightly ajar. The small garden below the hut's only window appears as if it has not been weeded in weeks.

Andakos opens the front door...

... to find a hut that has clearly not been lived in for over a month.

Dust clings to every surface. The bread in the basket still lies on the table, stale to the point of hardness. There are no clear signs that anyone except the four party members have set foot in this house in some time.

Male Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 6
Vital Statistics:
[HP 46/46] [AC 19 | T 13 | FF 17] [Per +15/+18 traps | Init +2 | Spd 30] [F +6 | R +10/+12 traps | W +8/+10 illusions] [Inspiration 0/10]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[+1 Longspear +7 | 1d8+5 P] [Ranged Sling +5 | 1d4+3 B] [Active Conditions: None]

Andakos looks around, confused. Something isn't right here. "Look around. This house hasn't been lived in for a long time. Longer than twelve days, anyway." Andakos stands stock still for several moments, his mind racing. Then he retrieves the box from Maelis and, bracing himself against what he must do, opens it.

Heal check on the head to try to determine how long it has been dead. Perception for any clues that might help explain what he's seeing. Knowledge (arcana) to see if we could have fallen victim to illusion. Someone should roll knowledge (religion) to see if it's possible Zellara was a ghost. Man, I wish I had inspiration.

Heal: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20 +1 for traps
Knowledge (arcana) + free insp: 1d20 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 3 + (1) = 24

(Male)(Elf)(Magus)(Blade Bound)1
Vital Statistics:
[HP 17/17] [AC 15| T 11 | FF 14] [Per +3 | Init +1 | Spd 30] [F +2 | R +2 | W +2]
Weapons and Conditions:
[Masterwork Coldiron Longsword+4 | 1d8+3 S | 19-20/x2] [Active Conditions: (Condition Name) 10/10 rds | (Condition Name) 10/10 mins | (Condition Name) 10/10 hrs]

Trell has been following the group silenetly not really paying a ton of attention to what was going on around him. The failure of letting Lamm go still weighs heavily on him.

Even the commotion outside seems to have little effect on him. He was never one for politics and was tucked away in Vencarlos house and the Academy training for so long that the world outside just passed him by.

Trell eyes the box as it is being passed along to Maelis. He shakes his head and thinks Another casualty of Lamm. She was a good person only trying to help...she did not deserve this. No on deserves any of this. Lamm will die. By my blad or someone else's...but I will be there to watch it. I will not rest until that deed is done

He watches Andakos go to work on investigating the room. Trells own talents lie in combat...searchig for clues is not a strength of his.

Once Anadkos mention that this place has been empty for a long time Trell has a look of utter confusion, ...how...how can that be? She was obviously here when we were. Are you suggesting that she was already dead when we met her?

In point of fact, now that it is past midnight, it has been exactly two weeks to the day since the party visited Zellara's home. There is at least a month of dust on everything, and indeed, Zellara's severed head shows far too much decomposition for two weeks. She has been dead just over a month.

"I am sorry for the deception," a voice says somberly from behind them. Andakos turns to see the translucent image of Zellara Esmeranda standing nearby, hands folded in front of her, face drawn with sorrow and apprehension. She gestures to the box containing her severed head. The movement seems sluggish, as if she is sweeping her arm underwater. "I did not think you would listen to a ghost." She appears hesitant to continue, looking at each of the men in turn as if to gauge whether they will attack or not.

By the way, no one ever rolled Spellcraft on the wand or the harrow deck. Unless Maelis put a point into Spellcraft, I believe only Trell can do it. Remember you have to cast detect magic before you can identify them.

Male Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 6
Vital Statistics:
[HP 46/46] [AC 19 | T 13 | FF 17] [Per +15/+18 traps | Init +2 | Spd 30] [F +6 | R +10/+12 traps | W +8/+10 illusions] [Inspiration 0/10]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[+1 Longspear +7 | 1d8+5 P] [Ranged Sling +5 | 1d4+3 B] [Active Conditions: None]

A grin crosses Andakos's face as Zellara appears. I knew it. I knew it! I knew it when I first saw her head. "You are forgiven, dear Zellara, for your information led to the freeing of many children. We had less luck with Lamm; he managed to escape. Anything you can tell us about where he might go would be helpful."

He stands, regarding the apparition with a keen eye for a few moments. "How much of what you told us is true? Did Lamm kill your son? I am assuming he killed you. Why did he have your head in his room? For a man who kills as many people as Lamm, it must have been a mighty personal vendetta for him to save your remains like a trophy... and to deal with the smell, if you'll forgive my bluntness."

"Your harrow deck. We have it. I can sense its power. Is there anything we can do with it?"

(Male)(Elf)(Magus)(Blade Bound)1
Vital Statistics:
[HP 17/17] [AC 15| T 11 | FF 14] [Per +3 | Init +1 | Spd 30] [F +2 | R +2 | W +2]
Weapons and Conditions:
[Masterwork Coldiron Longsword+4 | 1d8+3 S | 19-20/x2] [Active Conditions: (Condition Name) 10/10 rds | (Condition Name) 10/10 mins | (Condition Name) 10/10 hrs]

As soon as the words are out of Trells mouth, Zellara's ghost form appears. Trell is taken aback and takes a few cautious steps backward. He has heard of things like this through his studies and stories from his father...but he never expected to see an actual ghost.

He takes a moment to gather himself and listens to the conversation that Andakos has with Zellara.

Retroactive Spellcraft Wand: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
Retroactive Spellcraft Harrow Deck: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Noice! Wand of Magic Missle! That will be useful

Female Human Sable Company Marine Skirmisher Ranger 3
Vital Statistics:
[HP 33/33] [AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14] [Init +3ᴱ | Per +7ᴱᵀ | Spd 30] [F +4 | R +6 | W +2]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Melee MW Comp LB +7ᴱ | 1d8+2 P | x3] [MW Lance +6ᴱ| 1d8+3 P | x3] [MW Scimitar +6ᴱ| 18-20x2][Active Conditions: Condition X 10/10 rds | Condition Y 2/2 mins]

Destriant puts a hand on his rapier as he walks into Zellara's house, mouth twisting slightly at the grime. Hey scans the room for any sign of threat, or ambush while Andakos more thoroughly looks through the room. At the sound of the new voice Destriant begins drawing his rapier, turning to face the noise. When he sees the ghost of Zellara he takes an involuntary step back, his heel catching on a chair leg.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

He catches himself before falling, but still feels quite foolish. Red-faced he sheathes his rapier, and waits for the answer to Andakos's questions.

Male Human Cleric (AngleFire Apostle) 3
Spells Prepared:
[0-lvl: Detect Magic, Mending, Stabilize] [1st lvl: True Strike 1/1 | Shield of Faith 1/1| Murderous Command 0/1] [2nd Lvl: Hold Person 1/1 | Mirror Image 1/1]
Vital Statistics:
[HP 22/22] [AC 14 | T 10 | FF 14] [Init +0 | Per +5 | Spd 30] [F +5 | R +1 | W +7] [Channel 7/7] [Bit of Luck 6/7] [Sudden Shift 7/7]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Ranged Lt Crsbow +0 | 1d8 | Rg 80 | 19-20/x2] [Melee Whip +0 | 0Dmg S | Rg 15 | Trip, dsrm - see txt] [Active Conditions:x0/0 rds | y 0/0hour]

Maelis is so startled by Zellara he nearly drops the box. His obvious lack of familiarity with death has left him completely baffled, though it is clear Andakos has at least some level of comfort here. He lets the man lead the conversation with the apparition, and after a moment thinks to add, "Zellara, what can I do to help put you to rest, at least physically if not spiritually?" he asks her, gesturing gently at the box.

Zellara smiles, but it is rueful. "Sweet Maelis. I appreciate the thought, but I fear my connection to this world already begins to fade."

Zellara turns back to Andakos. "You have many questions. I fear I do not have many answers." She sighs, though her chest does not move. "What I told you was mostly the truth. Gaedren's thugs mugged me and stole my harrow deck. Eran furiously tracked them down and demanded it back, and they killed him for it. In my grief and rage, I confronted him with my father's dagger, hoping to kill him for what he'd done, but he and his men were too much for me. He offered to let me live if I... did things for him. I spat in his face. So he cut off my head. Why he kept it, I do not know. As a trophy perhaps?" She shakes her head and takes a moment before continuing.

"I do not understand why I, of all his victims, was allowed to return and guide you to set things right. But whatever it was, I feel my connection to this place--to my vengeance--fading. Perhaps that is why I can no longer sense Gaedren Lamm. I know you did not manage to kill him, but you did save many lives tonight. Perhaps that was enough, for now."

She looks out of the window, ghostly visage shimmering in the moonlight. "While my connection to my house fades, my connection to my harrow deck becomes stronger. I have never been able to wield the power of magic like my mother, but my connection to the deck does give me power, of a fashion." She turns back to the group, looking particularly at Andakos with a small smile. "The city is in dire straits. The initial chaos will calm eventually, but it is still in need of heroes. I offer a trade, if you would be so bold as to accept."

She steps away from the window and gestures at the box, and the harrow deck inside--still thrumming with unknown arcane power. "That deck is special. It has been in my family for countless generations. Its magic is subtle, but potent. It is not quite oracular; as you may know, prophecy has been broken for some time. But it catches glimpses of... possibilities. And it can be a powerful tool in times of need. Perhaps you have felt its pull on probability already." She looks to each of the men before her. "From time to time, I can manifest through my harrow deck and perform a reading for each of you. The power of that reading can be quite beneficial in moments of need. In return, I ask that you lend your aid to the city that I love, the city that is my home. Gaedren is a monster, but he is not the only monster in Korvosa. There are others like him, and I believe you are the best-suited to stopping them."

She looks up at the group, her face earnest. "What do you say?"

Male Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 6
Vital Statistics:
[HP 46/46] [AC 19 | T 13 | FF 17] [Per +15/+18 traps | Init +2 | Spd 30] [F +6 | R +10/+12 traps | W +8/+10 illusions] [Inspiration 0/10]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[+1 Longspear +7 | 1d8+5 P] [Ranged Sling +5 | 1d4+3 B] [Active Conditions: None]

Andakos listens with growing fascination at Zellara's story. When she initially appeared, it was confirmation of Andakos's suspicion that she may have already been dead when they met two weeks ago and he was satisfied to have been proven right. But over the next few minutes, it began to sink in that they were speaking to a ghost, and his primary emotion shifted from satisfaction to awe. He works in the Acadamae, so he had seen incredible things in his days; he certainly had no reason to disbelieve in the supernatural, but seeing it in person was something else entirely. He was inclined to accept Zellara's offer simply for the opportunity to continue interacting with her and learning about her true nature. That would have been enough, but her words had also been extremely compelling. Although he doubted that he personally was 'best-suited' to take on this responsibility, he had to admit how quickly this group of strangers he has found himself a part of had become a formidable force. There was never any doubt he was going to accept her offer.

"Yes. Absolutely. I'm in."


"Zellara, is there somewhere specific you would like us to inter your remains? I will ensure it is done."

(Male)(Elf)(Magus)(Blade Bound)1
Vital Statistics:
[HP 17/17] [AC 15| T 11 | FF 14] [Per +3 | Init +1 | Spd 30] [F +2 | R +2 | W +2]
Weapons and Conditions:
[Masterwork Coldiron Longsword+4 | 1d8+3 S | 19-20/x2] [Active Conditions: (Condition Name) 10/10 rds | (Condition Name) 10/10 mins | (Condition Name) 10/10 hrs]

Trell, still in awe of the ghost before him, listens to Zellara's story. He perks up when she mentions the magic abilities of the harrow deck.

I also accept. I will carry the cards if no one else wants to. I am a bit...curious...and would like to study them a bit when I have some time. I have not heard of this particular magic before.

Male Human Cleric (AngleFire Apostle) 3
Spells Prepared:
[0-lvl: Detect Magic, Mending, Stabilize] [1st lvl: True Strike 1/1 | Shield of Faith 1/1| Murderous Command 0/1] [2nd Lvl: Hold Person 1/1 | Mirror Image 1/1]
Vital Statistics:
[HP 22/22] [AC 14 | T 10 | FF 14] [Init +0 | Per +5 | Spd 30] [F +5 | R +1 | W +7] [Channel 7/7] [Bit of Luck 6/7] [Sudden Shift 7/7]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Ranged Lt Crsbow +0 | 1d8 | Rg 80 | 19-20/x2] [Melee Whip +0 | 0Dmg S | Rg 15 | Trip, dsrm - see txt] [Active Conditions:x0/0 rds | y 0/0hour]

Maelis nods solemnly at Zellara's offer."My work here is far from finished, and our task has yet to satisfy my goals. I cannot say where this chase will take me, or where my Goddess will guide me, but so long as Her divine Retribution is to be had, I shall seek it in Her name;" he moves a finger along the tattoo on his left arm as he speaks, a movement so common, he doesn't seem to notice.

Female Human Sable Company Marine Skirmisher Ranger 3
Vital Statistics:
[HP 33/33] [AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14] [Init +3ᴱ | Per +7ᴱᵀ | Spd 30] [F +4 | R +6 | W +2]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Melee MW Comp LB +7ᴱ | 1d8+2 P | x3] [MW Lance +6ᴱ| 1d8+3 P | x3] [MW Scimitar +6ᴱ| 18-20x2][Active Conditions: Condition X 10/10 rds | Condition Y 2/2 mins]

Destriant looks around the group, discomfort obvious on his face as he meets everyone's eyes. "Unfortunately, I have been dispatched for the purpose of killing Lamm. It is doubtless that," he pauses briefly, a stray glance at Zellara the only betrayal of the detail he's hiding, "Master Laecus would approve of my pursuing other objectives. But be assured that I will remain with you until my objective is satisfied."

The url in the first Destriant is a SoundCloud reading of Destriant's voice. I meant to do this closer to when we started, but initially I was still recovering from a cold, and everything I tried to do sounded really nasal.

Dude, I dig the voice!

Zellara cocks her head to the side and studies Destriant with a wry smile. "Indeed? Well then, I am sure your friends will be glad to have you as long as they can."

She turns back to Andakos. "As to my head, I have little care for such things anymore. Bury it in my garden under my window, I suppose. I hated that thing; never had a green thumb. But Eran always loved my daisies." She trails off for a moment, lost in a thought or memory, before returning her gaze to the group.

"I sense that you found something of great import in Gaedren's things. Follow that trail. I have a good feeling about it." She looks around the deserted hut ruefully. "You may sleep here if you wish. It is dirty now, and perhaps a bit cramped for four, but you will be safe, I think. The roads will not be safe in the daytime, but they will at least be less dangerous."

Her image begins to slowly fade. When she speaks again, it seems to be coming from further and further down a long hallway. "Follow the trail of the brooch. I will speak to you all again, when the time is right. For now... be safe... and be vigilant..."

With that, she fades into the ether, and the party is once again alone in the hut.

Male Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 6
Vital Statistics:
[HP 46/46] [AC 19 | T 13 | FF 17] [Per +15/+18 traps | Init +2 | Spd 30] [F +6 | R +10/+12 traps | W +8/+10 illusions] [Inspiration 0/10]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[+1 Longspear +7 | 1d8+5 P] [Ranged Sling +5 | 1d4+3 B] [Active Conditions: None]

Andakos watches the space where Zellara was a moment before for several seconds before shaking himself out of his reverie. "Well, that was something, wasn't it?" He turns to his companions. "I believe we should take Zellara's advice and rest here tonight. I am loath to venture back out onto the streets until daylight, especially with the state we are currently in. Besides, I need to bury Zellara's remains and then I want to spend some time studying Lamm's journal. I noticed some patterns when I looked at it earlier and I believe that I can decipher it. It is probably the only clue we have as to his whereabouts."

He picks up the hat box and begins walking outside. "Now, does anyone want to help me bury this?"

After burying the head, he will stand in silence for a moment, not really knowing what to say. He will invite Maelis to speak if Maelis is inclined.

Then he wants to spend time on that book! He knows Varisian now! What check(s) do I need to make?

Female Human Sable Company Marine Skirmisher Ranger 3
Vital Statistics:
[HP 33/33] [AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14] [Init +3ᴱ | Per +7ᴱᵀ | Spd 30] [F +4 | R +6 | W +2]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Melee MW Comp LB +7ᴱ | 1d8+2 P | x3] [MW Lance +6ᴱ| 1d8+3 P | x3] [MW Scimitar +6ᴱ| 18-20x2][Active Conditions: Condition X 10/10 rds | Condition Y 2/2 mins]

Destriant assists Andakos with the interment of Zellara's head, helping to dig the hole deep enough for both respect, and practicality.

After the short ceremony, Destriant glances around the house one more time, making sure that just his three companions remain before stepping into a corner to remove the cosmetics, and clothing that turn Adrin into Destriant.

Human Vigilante (Social Persona) 3
Vital Statistics:
[HP 4/21] [AC 17 | T 11 | FF 16] [Init +1 | Per +6 | Spd 30] [F +3 | R +4 | W +3]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Melee MW Rapier +7 | 1d6+3 P | 18-20/x2] [MW L Steel Qdraw Shield +6 | 1d4+4 B | x2][Ranged Comp Longbow +4 | 1d6+3 P | Rg 110 | x3][Active Conditions: Condition X 10/10 rds | Condition Y 2/2 mins]

Adrin steps from the corner, finely dressed - though his clothes slightly wrinkled. I runs his fingers along his waxed moustache, holding the bundle of Destriant's rougher, more utilitarian clothes in his arms.

Looking over his companions he asks, "What is our plan for the morning?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Cleric (AngleFire Apostle) 3
Spells Prepared:
[0-lvl: Detect Magic, Mending, Stabilize] [1st lvl: True Strike 1/1 | Shield of Faith 1/1| Murderous Command 0/1] [2nd Lvl: Hold Person 1/1 | Mirror Image 1/1]
Vital Statistics:
[HP 22/22] [AC 14 | T 10 | FF 14] [Init +0 | Per +5 | Spd 30] [F +5 | R +1 | W +7] [Channel 7/7] [Bit of Luck 6/7] [Sudden Shift 7/7]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Ranged Lt Crsbow +0 | 1d8 | Rg 80 | 19-20/x2] [Melee Whip +0 | 0Dmg S | Rg 15 | Trip, dsrm - see txt] [Active Conditions:x0/0 rds | y 0/0hour]

Maelis stands somberly at the impromptu grave site. He knew not what deity, if any, Zellara worshiped, and decides simply to say, "May your soul find rest, and whence you meet Pharasma may you go to a place of Light and Peace. If we see you again, I can only hope that it is under less macabre circumstances."

Maelis tears a small strip of yellow cloth about 3 hand-spans in length from the bottom of his tattered robes, and he uses it to tie 3 small sticks together, if somewhat crudely, in an attempt to recreate the symbol so beautifully worked on his forearm. Kneeling down, he lays it on the fresh grave before turning and going back inside.

"I know that I need rest in order to rejuvenate, and I will need time to pray and prepare in the morning. Has anyone had an opportunity to really examine this brooch?" he asks Lord Adrin.

Human Vigilante (Social Persona) 3
Vital Statistics:
[HP 4/21] [AC 17 | T 11 | FF 16] [Init +1 | Per +6 | Spd 30] [F +3 | R +4 | W +3]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Melee MW Rapier +7 | 1d6+3 P | 18-20/x2] [MW L Steel Qdraw Shield +6 | 1d4+4 B | x2][Ranged Comp Longbow +4 | 1d6+3 P | Rg 110 | x3][Active Conditions: Condition X 10/10 rds | Condition Y 2/2 mins]

"In fact," Adrin says, his tone slightly snooty, "this is the Korvosan Royal Seal, as I mentioned earlier, it perfectly matches the description my office received, as having belonged to the... the queen." Adrin looks hesitantly about him as he finishes his sentence, unsure what implications His Majaesty's death will have for the long term prospects of the city. "There was a reward promised for its safe return, perhaps you three can do that tomorrow, while I spend some time in the city, seeing if I can find any leads on Lamm. He must still be in Korvosa," Adrin suggests, waiting to hear any alternative suggestions.

Male Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 6
Vital Statistics:
[HP 46/46] [AC 19 | T 13 | FF 17] [Per +15/+18 traps | Init +2 | Spd 30] [F +6 | R +10/+12 traps | W +8/+10 illusions] [Inspiration 0/10]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[+1 Longspear +7 | 1d8+5 P] [Ranged Sling +5 | 1d4+3 B] [Active Conditions: None]

"Thank you for your blessing, Maelis. We didn't know her well, but I can't help but feel a connection to her, similar to how I feel a connection with you all. Gaedren Lamm is a detestable man and it is unfortunate that he is the link that ties us together, but I am still glad to have met you. And her."


Once we are back inside, winding down for the night, Andakos wants to get to know his companions a bit better. Assume these are three separate conversation starters, since it's a bit awkward to try to have a back-and-forth conversation in pbp.

"Destri-- er, Adrin, is it? I find it fascinating that, even though I know your secret, I still see almost no resemblance between you and your counterpart. How do you change so quickly and so completely? And how long have you been living this double life?"


"Maelis, please forgive my bluntness, but you have me quite curious. I know Calistria as the patron goddess of spies, prostitutes, and hedonists. Yet you are calm, and quiet, and reverent. It seems quite the dichotomy to me. Again, excuse my ignorance, but I would be honored if you would enlighten me so I may correct my assumptions."


"Trell, you move in battle like a well-practiced and well-trained swordsman, yet you also wield arcane magics. Have you ever studied at the Acadamae? Who taught you to wield a sword?"



"I agree that our top priority is the brooch, though I must insist that we stick together, Adrin. The city is dangerous right now and we will be safer as a group. I'd also like to study Lamm's journal, and perhaps we can find a blacksmith that has remained open during this chaos. If we are going to continue getting ourselves into trouble, I am going to need better armor than my leathers."

(Male)(Elf)(Magus)(Blade Bound)1
Vital Statistics:
[HP 17/17] [AC 15| T 11 | FF 14] [Per +3 | Init +1 | Spd 30] [F +2 | R +2 | W +2]
Weapons and Conditions:
[Masterwork Coldiron Longsword+4 | 1d8+3 S | 19-20/x2] [Active Conditions: (Condition Name) 10/10 rds | (Condition Name) 10/10 mins | (Condition Name) 10/10 hrs]

Trell says his good-bye's to Zellara's mortal remains silently. He has never been good in situations like this and quickly becomes uncomfortable. Death is not something he has really been around too much in his days. He could count his parents...but...are they even dead?

Trell smiles at Andakos when he asks his question. He nods, "Yes. I trained there for many years and learned how to incorporate my magic ability with my martial ability. My father, Vencarlo Orisini, taught me the blade." he pats the sword at his hip a few times I...obviously...require some more practice... Trell give a wry smile at his comment. "How about you? Where did you acquire your talents?

Trell does not have to roll on this; he knows this information already. Adrin, being a fencer himself, gets a +2 bonus.

Knowledge (local), DC 15:
Vencarlo Orisini is a well-known minor noble and fencing teacher in Korvosa. Orisini Academy is renowned throughout Varisia, and is heard of as far south as Absalom. He's also a notorious antiroyalist, and has been an outspoken critic of the crown most of his life. You haven't heard anything about him having a son--particularly not a son of a completely different race--but that isn't entirely surprising. You have also heard he keeps his private life very much private. Plenty of gossip has surrounded the man over his many years, but none that you would take seriously.

Male Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 6
Vital Statistics:
[HP 46/46] [AC 19 | T 13 | FF 17] [Per +15/+18 traps | Init +2 | Spd 30] [F +6 | R +10/+12 traps | W +8/+10 illusions] [Inspiration 0/10]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[+1 Longspear +7 | 1d8+5 P] [Ranged Sling +5 | 1d4+3 B] [Active Conditions: None]

Knowledge (local) + free insp: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 8 + (1) = 10

Wow. I guess Trell can just tell me.

Before I forget, for Andakos only (since only he meets the requirements of speaking Varisian and being trained in Linguistics). Also remember that outside of combat or duress, you can always take 10 on skill and ability checks! That can come in handy a lot.

Linguistics, DC 15:
The relatively simple cipher is easy to break. It appears to be a shockingly detailed ledger of all Gaedren's ill-gotten gains. You can probably get a decent reward for turning this in. If nothing else, it proves Gaedren guilty of many, many crimes; were you to find him again and spare his life (doubtful), the guard could use this to make sure he is put away for the rest of his miserable life. But even without the criminal to go with the crime log, this book is likely worth a reward, and with the cipher it's worth twice as much as if the guard would have had to break the code themselves.

Male Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 6
Vital Statistics:
[HP 46/46] [AC 19 | T 13 | FF 17] [Per +15/+18 traps | Init +2 | Spd 30] [F +6 | R +10/+12 traps | W +8/+10 illusions] [Inspiration 0/10]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[+1 Longspear +7 | 1d8+5 P] [Ranged Sling +5 | 1d4+3 B] [Active Conditions: None]

Take 10 linguistics. 10 + 9 = 19. I'll share what he learned later when I have more time.

Male Human Cleric (AngleFire Apostle) 3
Spells Prepared:
[0-lvl: Detect Magic, Mending, Stabilize] [1st lvl: True Strike 1/1 | Shield of Faith 1/1| Murderous Command 0/1] [2nd Lvl: Hold Person 1/1 | Mirror Image 1/1]
Vital Statistics:
[HP 22/22] [AC 14 | T 10 | FF 14] [Init +0 | Per +5 | Spd 30] [F +5 | R +1 | W +7] [Channel 7/7] [Bit of Luck 6/7] [Sudden Shift 7/7]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Ranged Lt Crsbow +0 | 1d8 | Rg 80 | 19-20/x2] [Melee Whip +0 | 0Dmg S | Rg 15 | Trip, dsrm - see txt] [Active Conditions:x0/0 rds | y 0/0hour]

Maelis' easy smile turns quickly, and he frowns and narrows his eyes slightly at Lord Adrin's comment about the brooch. With an obvious tone of irritation at the arrogance he senses in Adrin's voice he retorts, "Well, My Lord, I hadn't been paying over much attention to the brooch to be honest, busy as I was looking after everyone's wounds. I know not of these things, having spent none of my life among the pomp of the nobility." His tone softens, and he continues with a sigh, "But I am happy to see it that we have a lead on Lamm to follow, and I AM grateful for your experience in these matters."

Later, while leafing through some of the books on Zellara's shelves, at Andakos' questioning, Maelis becomes very quiet and a darkness fills his eyes. They seem suddenly far away, "That is a complex tale, Andakos. And Calistria is not a simple or one faceted Goddess. My past has taken me along many paths, and along it Calistria's divine hand led me to where I am now. I have not always been Her servant. And if it is not clear by my somewhat withered and weakened form, or the hunger in my eyes when we found those vials, I have suffered great personal pains at the hands of Lamm and a former Shiver addiction. My suffering was only another path, and She will aid in my vengeance against a man quite deserving. She has brought me to Her in order to see my enemy pay for what he has done. Vengeance does not always take on the appearance of shining knights under the banner of justice and lawfulness. Sometimes a more duplicitous method is necessary, and that is Calistria's way."

Male Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 6
Vital Statistics:
[HP 46/46] [AC 19 | T 13 | FF 17] [Per +15/+18 traps | Init +2 | Spd 30] [F +6 | R +10/+12 traps | W +8/+10 illusions] [Inspiration 0/10]
Weapons and Active Conditions:
[+1 Longspear +7 | 1d8+5 P] [Ranged Sling +5 | 1d4+3 B] [Active Conditions: None]

Andakos listens intently as Trell speaks; Trell feels almost as if he is committing everything he says to memory as he says it. "I didn't always look like this. My parents are both human. I appeared human for my entire adolescence. And then I started becoming a man. And along with the fuzzy upper lip and cracking voice came some rather unexpected surprises. My parents took it all in stride; they never once faltered in their affection for me, and for that I owe them a debt I can never repay. Unfortunately, the fancy schools they had been sending me to at great expense did not share my parents' progressive attitudes. I was ousted from my school with no recourse." He pauses and takes a drink. "In Korvosa, there is one place where tieflings such as myself are welcomed with open arms: the Acadamae Militia. And so I was sent there. And this is where the privilege of well-off parents who would do anything for their only son paid off for me; they established a handful of generous annual 'donations' to the right people within the school. Whenever I was off-duty, I would have almost unfettered access to the Acadamae's labs and materials."

"That was over twenty years ago. My parents undoubtedly opened many doors for me to continue my studies, but I have also managed to endear myself to some of the faculty, some even to the point of providing me individual tutoring. Early on, I showed a particular affinity for two things: alchemy and a nearly eidetic memory. And so I have nurtured those talents."

"This is also where I met Lyse. She is a student at the Acadamae and shares my enthusiasm for alchemy. We became fast friends, and when she stopped showing up for our study sessions, I spent all of my money bribing the right people to find out what had happened. Zellara caught wind of this somehow, and here we are."


Andakos also gives Maelis the attention he is due. As a scholar, nothing excites him more than the opportunity to correct a misguided assumption. What a gift, to find oneself in the presence of someone who can fill a gap in one's knowledge! "Thank you for that, Maelis. I know about many things, but religion is certainly a topic that warrants more study. I appreciate your candor and patience with my questions. I look forward to discussing it more if you are willing."


When the discussions among the group have died down, Andakos finds a quiet corner and begins studying the book. Living in Korvosa for almost forty years, he had been exposed to plenty of Varisian, and was even able to understand simple words and phrases. He didn't expect to understand this book, and ironically if it had been unencoded, he might not have been able to. But, in a strange twist of luck, Andakos is extremely well-versed in ciphers. They had fascinated him since he was a boy, and he had read every book in the Acadamae on the topic at least twice. So, though he had only middling Varisian expertise, his absolute prowess in encryption helped the pieces just ... fall into place. In less than an hour, he had cracked the entire book.

Despite seeing that his companions were in various states of sleepiness (with good reason; it had been a tough day), his excitement was too much to contain. "Everyone, wake up! I've cracked it! Lamm. Everything he has done. All the crimes. All the lives he has destroyed. It is all here. I'm going to make a copy of it as soon as I am able, but we should turn this in. The guard was too lazy or too apathetic to do the work themselves, but now that I've cracked it, the information in this book will be invaluable to them. I imagine we will be handsomely rewarded." His scaly red face is contorted with an emotion that you can only assume is excitement. You all begin to understand why his fancy human school kicked him out.


If Adrin answers his questions, we'll go back and forth on that a bit and then Andakos is going to pass out face down on a table while making a copy of Lamm's book.

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