Artemis Entreri

Destriant's page

65 posts. Alias of Walhall.


Vital Statistics:
[HP 33/33] [AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14] [Init +3ᴱ | Per +7ᴱᵀ | Spd 30] [F +4 | R +6 | W +2]


Weapons and Active Conditions:
[Melee MW Comp LB +7ᴱ | 1d8+2 P | x3] [MW Lance +6ᴱ| 1d8+3 P | x3] [MW Scimitar +6ᴱ| 18-20x2][Active Conditions: Condition X 10/10 rds | Condition Y 2/2 mins]


Female Human Sable Company Marine Skirmisher Ranger 3

About Destriant

Male Human Vigilante 3
(LG) Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Perception +6

HP 21; CMD 17
AC 17; Touch 11; Flat 16
Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +3

Speed 30 ft.
BAB +3; CMB 6
MW Rapier +7 (1d6+3 P; Crit 18-20/x2)
Dagger (x2) +6 (1d4+3 P; Crit 19-20/x2)
MW Lt Steel Quickdraw Shield +6 (1d4+4 B; Crit x2)
Dagger (thrown) (x2) +4 (1d4+3 P; 10ft ; Crit 19-20/x2)
Composite Longbow (Str +3) +4 (1d8+3 P; 110ft ; Crit x3)

Str 16 (+3); Dex 12 (+1); Con 13 (+1); Int 10 (+0); Wis 10 (+0); Cha 16 (+3)

Acrobatics 3
Appraise 4(b)
Bluff 9
Diplomacy 9
Disguise 7
Escape Artist 2
Intimidate 9 (13 in area of reknown)
Knowledge (Engineering) 4(b)
Knowledge (Local) 6
Knowledge (History) 1(b)
Knowledge (Nobility) 5(b)
Linguistics 1(b)
Perception 6
Sense Motive 4
Stealth 3
Use Magic Device 7

Armor Prof., Light
Armor Prof., Med
Saving Shield
Shield Focus
Shield Prof.
Weapon Prof., Martial
Weapon Prof., Simple
Improved Shield Bash
Step Up

Common, Dwarven
Combat Gear
Rapier, Lt Steel Shield, Dagger x2, Chain Shirt
Other Gear
Explorer's Outfit

Total Weight: 42/76 (light Load)

Racial Traits
Extra Feat

Class Features
Seamless Guise (Ex)
Dual Identity (Ex)
Vigilante Specialization (Ex): Avenger
Social Talents:
Skill Familiarity (Ex): Diplomacy
Reknown (Ex): West Dock
Vigilante Talents:
Shield of Fury(Ex)
x (Su):
x (Sp):

Other Statistics
Favored Class: Vigilante (+ hp, +2 skill pt, +x)
Trait: Drug Addict (Campaign trait: myself, +1 Fort)
Trait: Shield Bearer
Money: 26gp, 0sp, 0cp
XP: 0/2000

Tracked Resources
Rations 0/0
Arrows 0/0
x 0/0

Physical Description
Broad, and tall, Destriant keeps his head, and face shaven. He dresses in rough clothes, and a full cloak, and carries his rapier, and rotella.

Bot Info
