Jahz the Wanderer |
Well, let's go ahead and get those Diplomacy checks out of the way.
Diplomacy 1, 3 Aids: 1d20 + 8 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 6 = 28
Sense Motive 1: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Diplomacy 2, 2 Aids: 1d20 + 8 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 4 = 31
Sense Motive 2: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Diplomacy 3, 2 Aids: 1d20 + 8 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 8 + 4 = 23
Sense Motive 3: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Jahz has a difficult time understanding the gardener's reaction, but the other worshipers are even more puzzling. It's like they don't understand he's dead, or that he probably took his own life, he thinks to himself as he pulls weeds and fights with stubborn brambles in the garden. And why don't the aasimar help with the maintenance of the temple? Or eat with the rest of the folks here?
As the aasimar receive the body from him, Jahz will study them - these are the first aasimar he's ever seen!
Perception to study aasimar: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Knowledge (nature) to help in Garden: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Sorry for not pairing actions with dice rolls gracefully - the descriptive paragraph didn't lend itself well to interruptions and we're trying to cover a chunk of time to keep things moving.
D. Kembe |
Kembe does his best to improve their social standing with the other members of the temple. Hopefully they'll open up a bit more.
Three Diplomacy Aids... no bonus: 3d20 ⇒ (19, 15, 6) = 40
Since Jahz and Pai chose to work in the garden, Kembe will assist in the library, hoping to learn something new. "What would you like help with first Arin?"
GM Blazej |
Jahz: No problem. This was my fault because I only meant for one Diplomacy check. What you have is perfect. If you (or anyone else) want to interrupt me at any point, feel free to do so. I'll make sure it works out in a reasonable way.
Liso graciously bows to the party in thanks. "I wish he was able to continue alongside us, but we have seen several others in our time here walk the same path as Wei. Some of those newer to the faith take it harder the first time, myself among them, but once they understand that..." She takes a moment to compose herself as she chokes up on her words before she continues. "Once they understand that this is Korada's way of easing the pain of those who wouldn't be able to find enlightenment. My husband struggled to find it, but now he need not struggle any longer."
Duang describes in a similar fashion, although her reaction is somber, but not as touched as sorry as Liso. She describes it in a manner that she has seen several times before.
"We all know the path to enlightenment is arduous and, in our time here, we have learned that despite one's best efforts, one may fail to ever obtain it. Why continue to strive to climb the mountain knowing you will never reach the peak? I wonder myself if I may not be worthy myself." She touches on the cuts to her own hands. "But I will do all I am able and hope that is enough." She also relates to the party a number of other people that have committed suicide over the years. The numbers she relates is that this event is relatively common here with about four deaths within the last decade and more beyond that.
"Some just aren't meant to find the purity of enlightenment. I offered every chance to him to pass the test along the way." Gastidem counts down on his fingers until there are none at all and shakes his head with knowledge of his own superiority. "Maybe his sons will be able to do what he was unable. At least one of them maybe."
The floors are worn where the assimar stand, as though this station has been filled for many years. Each one is a bit more wary with the party as they eye your weapons, but as you don't seem to be aggressive they return the favor and take a less combative posture around you.
GM Blazej |
Those in the library can make Knowledge (religion) and Knowledge (planes) checks.
Pai can make a knowledge (nature) check in the garden.
As you begin to start the process of accomplishing your tasks your own magical wards fade away with the passing of the hour.
- Library -
The Library is open to the party with only the young woman as the only constant worshiper that remains as the party delve into their task. She has her nose in a book the whole time and doesn't give much attention as you go about your own work.
The catalog aids to an incredible degree for the purpose of cataloging the books and scrolls within the room. With it at hand it makes the process a mere matter of cross-checking if the group ignores the contents of the books. An hour into the process though it is clear something is wrong with the library as you find that a significant portion of what is listed in the catalog is missing from the library. About half the texts detailing the faith of Korada are missing from the shelves.
- Garden -
Gastidem is ever present standing near the central statue, doing minor work to trim the area around it. He takes note of your efforts within the garden. While the gnome doesn't object, he also doesn't do anything to help you as he watches you slowly work your way though the mess of plants.
D. Kembe |
K Religion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
K Planes Untrained - max DC10: 1d20 ⇒ 20
As He and Arin begins work in the library, Kembe will notice the woman is still there and introduce them. "Hello Ms. I am Kembe, and this here is Arin. We're cataloging the library here, I hope we don't bother you." He tries to break the ice at least.
Arin Qualnoh |
Arin gets to work cross-checking the catalog, curious about the missing texts...
knowledge(planes): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
GM Blazej |
She peers from out of her book as she nods in agreement. From appearances along she seems to be young teenaged girl and she responds, "I appreciate the warning, you were't too noisy the first time you passed through though. I'll ... I'll head out if I'm in your way though. I'm the newest here and been reading as much as I can to try to catch up on everything everyone else knows. What are you looking for?"
Arin Qualnoh |
Arin gets a little worried at what seems like an impressionable teenager in the library.
Such a bright youth, and they're going to snuff out her individuality and spirit as she's sucked into their idealistic and warped group-thought...
No dear, you aren't bugging us at all. I'm Arin! Have you ever ventured outside of this temple before?
Pai Shecks |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
As Pai works, she attempts to angle herself so that she can keep an eye on Gastidem. The thought that he may be undead has her creeped out, and she really, really doesn't want him sneaking up on her. To better keep track of him, she tries to engage him in conversation as she works so she can hear his voice. Hope he's not a ventriloquist! Unlike her usual incessant chatter, she spaces out her questions and tries to come up with ones that will keep him talking for a while. But gosh, it's hard and after some hours her well of questions starts running dry.
"About how much time each day do you devote to tending the garden? What things do you do to tend it?" As in, what the heck do you do all day, because it looks like you do a whole lot of nothing!
Sense Motive (Does he believe what he says?): 1d20 ⇒ 17
"So earlier when I was in here, I took a look at your turtle statue. I'm really curious about it. What can you tell me about how it works? Is it mechanical, or magical, or something?" What about that pressure plate in its mouth? I really wish he'd go away so I could stick a stick in there or something.
Sense Motive (Does he know more--or less--than he says?): 1d20 ⇒ 20
"I know you said you don't know what a lot of these plants are. But which ones do you know? What can you tell me about them? It's worth a shot, anyway.
Sense Motive (How honest is he, really?): 1d20 ⇒ 8
Feelo |
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Feelo begins digging into their task, aiding Arin and Kembe in associating books with the catalog. He grows curious when they begin to realize the extent of the missing books, and that they all seem to be about Korada's worship.
Can Feelo tell anything about the missing volumes? Either from any common topics that he'd expect to see in those books, or expected topics that aren't covered by the books that remain?
He approaches the studying teen. "Sorry to add to your distraction here. I notice that there are a lot of books missing from the library. When you've been studying here, have there been any questions you've been seeking answers to that you find aren't answered by the books you've found?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Mera Ka |
Perhaps not the wisest choice, but Mera heads off to the crypt by herself. She whistles tunelessly and with little rhythm as she begins to make rubbings of every sarcophagi. If she completes that task before anyone shows up, she'll sit down for a snack, then move on to every other carving in the crypt.
GM Blazej |
- Library -
"Miriya," the young woman introduces herself as she takes her attention away from the tome. After another moment of thought she answers Arin by saying, "I used to live in a nearby village, a few days travel away, but the daily work their is farming and crafts. They had storytellers, but I have never been good at speaking, or listening to hear my parents. Still, some of those stories taught be about the library here in the temple. When I came of age a few years ago I traveled here."
"Missing books?" She looks a bit mournful that she could have had access to more books but answers with a shake of her head, "I haven't sought any specific answer and I wouldn't have realized that anything was missing if you hadn't mentioned it. I suppose the library has been here longer than everyone aside Dakang. Still I have seen everyone treat the works here with care and haven't taken anything in the years I've been here."
Feelo can't draw anything from the missing volumes aside from their shard focus on Korada's worship. Reading the remaining books on the faith of Korada give descriptions of the divine being as well as methods of proper worship that are consistent with one another. Among various other facts you know of Korada they speak of Korada's holy city of Vantian the Unshuttered, which continually crumbles into the sea of Ishiar while the residents rebuild on the far side of the city, an extension of the continued quest to remain dedicated to a perfect balance of focus and enlightenment. On one of the sections describing proper prayer there are guides directing that a double-arrow symbol of celestial silence and contemplation to be drawn over the mouth and eyes of the adherents of Korada during prayer.
Vantian and Ishiar are not locations connected with Korada. They are not locations in Nirvana at all. Ishiar is a great ocean in the Abyss. It is the realm of the demon lord Dagon and connects to several other Abyssal regions. Vantian, City of Open Windows, is the realm of Sifkesh, demon lord of heresy and suicide. Vantian is full of false temples and populated by fallen priests.
GM Blazej |
1d20 ⇒ 91d20 - 2 ⇒ (18) - 2 = 16
- Garden -
Gastidem waves about the central statue as he watches the pair do work. "Less than an hour of work now. When I first came here the garden was completely untended. While that is fine for the faithful, that meant they had not heard of the Kiss of Korada. So I took charge and tended to this area to at least lend access to allow others to attempt the right. Once I cleared around the central statue I decided that my time was better spent in prayer and guiding others. It isn't as though the others need the rest of the garden."
He is telling the truth.
"Mechanical?", he answers with a dismissive laugh. "This is a relic of faith so I guess you might call it magical. Although I must say that the touch of the divine is far different from other sorts of magic."
He knows it is a mechanical device and not magical in any way.
He has to think a long moment on the garden as eh looks from plant to plant before answering, "While I know they all can be cut, there are some ivy that has creep up the walls as well as some of the chrysanthemums."
He is able to give a bare description of a few of the plants and his level of knowledge is similar to that of Pai with him able to identify most plants she is able to and unable to on others.
Edited: Added a spoiler at the end
GM Blazej |
- Crypt -
It is quiet work within the crypt. The area is stoic but no longer hostile with the removal of the undead. The various depictions of angels come out clearly on the rubbings and even as Mera goes over any inch she can't find any sign that the undead did more than make a few scratches on some of the pieces.
Make a Fortitude Save vs Poison
Feelo |
Fortitude, adaptable luck: 1d20 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 + 3 = 17
Jahz the Wanderer |
Fortitude: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Does Gastidem use this plant to create a religious stupor in folks who attempt the Kiss? Jahz thinks to himself.
D. Kembe |
Fort: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
"You know what I've started to realize?" Kembe speaks up as he reads through another book. "These books seem to be altered. None of the rites or symbols described are actually connected with Korada. There is no such 'symbol of celestial silence and contemplation.'"
He hopes Miriya is within earshot of this. Misrepresentation of a God and their ways to trick people aren't something Kembe will overlook. "So how often do you all see Dakang? All we saw was his guards. You should have thought he would have come out to greet guests."
Mera Ka |
Fortitude: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
+2 if it's enchantment, immune to magical sleep
GM Blazej |
- Library -
Miriya does clearly hear Kembe as she tries to make a moment to interject. "I'm ... I'm sure you are wrong. These are the same things that Dakang teaches." She struggles and stammers as she looks some answer beyond Kembe's heretical declaration, "Maybe you are thinking of another faith?"
She gives a moment of thanks as Kembe changes the topic. "A few times each day. He remains sequestered in his room aside the prayers he presents. We had one this morning and we should see another announced soon. I'm ... I'm sorry if he didn't come out to greet you.
He is very focused on meditation and cannot be disturbed ... during it. I'm certain he will greet you during the prayer!" With her voice at the end, it feels like that declaration is a hope rather than a fact.
Arin Qualnoh |
Fortitude: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 Uh oh...
Arin suddenly comes to a realization looking through the books. As he listens to Kembe's own similar realization he starts to put together just how wrong everything is. He whispers to his teammate.
Vantian and Ishiar... they have nothing to do with Korada. These people are being led by demons to the abyss!
GM Blazej |
You feel fine Arin. Nothing is wrong probably.
After a bit more time a bell sounds through the temple. The intent obvious to even the otherwise silent crypt Mera is working. Miriya takes as her opportunity to avoid more probing of the faith, "That is the call for prayer. We would be happy for you to listen. Maybe you would understand then. I don't want to force you though."
Gastidem has a similar response. He doesn't rush to the chapel but does make his way not caring one way or another if anyone follows.
Along the way the party can either ignore the call, share information, or any combination.
Let me know what you wish to do as I prepare the next post.
Arin Qualnoh |
You don't have to go this time, do you Miriya? Maybe you could use this time to explain it more to me.
Diplomacy, persuade: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 lol, no
D. Kembe |
Kembe nods to Arin as he whispers "No, let's all go. We need to meet this Dakang and hear his prayers. We may learn something after all, right Miriya?" Hopefully without too much loss. We need to figure out how to stop this without causing a riot and getting ourselves killed.
I would like to meet up with the others on the way to share what each has found before going to the prayer.
Feelo |
Feelo's head whipped around when Arin mentioned the Abyss. Something has felt off this whole time. Could these poor people really have been tricked into worshipping demons?!? Desna bless and guide me, but this is not good at all!
He joins Kembe. "Yes, we definitely should all attend this prayer," and be on our guard! "Miriya, you can lead the way. Kembe, Arin, let's pull the others aside before we enter the chapel; we should share a few words."
Pai Shecks |
At the sound of the bell, Pai takes a moment to stand and arch her aching back. To Jahz, she quips: "Break time! Let's go sit a spell. And maybe catch up with the others." Stiffly at first, she heads for the door closest to the library to join the rest of the party.
Her eyes gleam with interest as she relates that she and Jahz found, in one of the farther off corners, distinct wiry shrub called flayleaf, a mild recreational hallucinogen typically declared as illegal for the addictive properties. "And Gastidem's footprints were around the shrub!"
@GM Blazej: Would Pai know how flayleaf is consumed? (Inhalation, swallowing, etc.?) If it is via inhalation, she would definitely take steps to protect herself and as many party members as possible from it.
Mera Ka |
Mera attempts to match the pitch of the bells with her whistling. Luckily, nobody is around to hear her musical ineptitude, but the notes sound sour even to her tin ear, so she switches to humming.
Perform whistle: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (10) - 2 = 8
The rest of the group quickly notices Mera did not heed the call of the bells...is she still at work in the crypt? Was there some other unknown, undetected undead horror lurking there that is even now feasting upon the half-elf's bones?
If you want to fetch Mera, she'll happily come along, but she's not that wise, and is busy with her task. Sounds of alarm or battle would draw her out. Otherwise, give her a sledgehammer and a pile of boulders and tell her make gravel for the society, she'll pound the rocks until she runs out of boulders...
D. Kembe |
Kembe will fetch Mera as this is important.
"Where's Mera gone to? We should all go in to this together." He hunts her down before going to the prayer.
Feelo |
While Kembe looks for Mera, Feelo brings Pai and Jahz up to speed on what they've been learning in the library. Due to the sensitive nature of the topic, he of course keeps his voice down. "...and it all is starting to point to a perverted form of demon worship!" Feel free to open spoilers for details
Once Kembe returns with Mera, he quickly fills her in and then advises caution. "So Dakang must be behind this, at least that's our best guess now. Pay close attention to him, and be mindful of your own mind. Don't let him seduce you as he's done these others."
GM Blazej |
Miriya doesn't seem willing to skip the prayer saying, "I don't ... I don't think I could do the teachings justice. I would share what I can, but Dakang would be a better teacher."
You are all able to regroup before the prayer
The entire population of the temple has come to the temple and taken places at each of the prayer mats. Even the assimar guard stand vigil within the room rather than at their post within the room. As you enter Duang gestures for you to take a place at one of the prayer mats as well.
Once everyone has had an opportunity to take a place, one of the guards calls out a single which is answers by the arrival of an obese human man moving confidently to the podium on the balcony. He is drapes in layers of cloth trimmed with small bells like the other worshipers. Each of them jingle lightly as he takes his position. His bald head is surrounded by a thin fringe of gray hair, but the lower half of his face is wrapped in a white silk scarf stitched with a line of double-arrow symbols.
Dakang takes a moment to look over the room and takes notice of the group of Pathfinders. "Blessings to Korada this day," he pronounces in a deep voice that fills the chamber. The worshipers respond in kind before he continues, "I would like to welcome our guests. Any that seek a greater understanding of our faith are more than welcome. I also understand that they are those that found Wei. For that we also thank you and apologize for the anguish you must have felt. Let this bring an end to his suffering."
With the opening pronouncements given he leads the congregation in a few meditative stretches before he speaks on the heavily home of Korada, the holy city of Vantian, City of Open Windows, "It is there the sacred residents are engaged in prayer and the maintenance of the city. I'm certain I am not alone in hoping that Wei has found a new home there."
According to Arin Vantian is a city within the Abyss and not one that would be home to an angel.
After much more preaching Dakang instructs everyone, "Now it is time to assume the symbols of celestial silence and contemplation." The worshipers produce vials of ink and begin marking each other's faces with double-arrow symbols above and below the eyes and mouth. While there are murmurs all the worshipers attempt to do this in a reverent silence. The assimar stand apart and do not participate and Dakang mere oversees the rite.
Xifen, his own face painted, comes to the party and silently gestures to you seeming to offer to decorate your faces as well.
Jahz the Wanderer |
Jahz does his best to hide his worried look. "Thank you for the offer, but perhaps we need to meditate more on the teachings before we are worthy of such an honor," he declines demurely as Xifen approaches with the paint. "We would be honored to watch and learn though, should you permit us that grace." He watches carefully, putting himself between his companions and the halfling if he approaches anyone else. I can't say anything too obvious right now, he thinks to himself, but hopefully this doesn't go much further - someone could get hurt!
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
He's unwise, but not that unwise as to speak openly of demons during the ceremony.
Mera Ka |
Mera politely shakes her head. "I prefer spinning balls, if you know what I mean. But thanks anyway."
Diplomacy: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (10) - 2 = 8
D. Kembe |
Kembe shakes his head slowly in the negative, referencing Jahz well said words. "We have not yet earned the honor. We'll watch and learn for now." It comes off a bit snootier than expected.
Diplomacy Assist: 1d20 ⇒ 7
I wonder what sort of magical trickery is about to take place. I must keep my eyes and ears peeled.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Arin Qualnoh |
Arin also declines the paint.
And my wish is the same. I want to study more before participating.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
GM Blazej |
Xifen looks disspointed and while other worshipers take notice, they do little but to signal for the continued silence.
After all the worshipers had the markings drawn on their faces, Dakang overlooks the crowd, PCs included before being the one to break the silence with a command.
"Wash the symbols from your face and enjoy the beautiful day Korada has provided."
The worshipers cheerfully respond and wash the symbols from each other's faces and begin filing out of the chapel to continue their business.
Dakang has no additional words, but he watches the group with a tinge of reserved judgement has he begins to leave via his exit.
With that, what does the party wish to do here or elsewhere?
Arin Qualnoh |
Arin watches Dakang closely as he surveys the face-painted crowd.
Is this part of the infernal ritual..?
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Jahz the Wanderer |
As the worshipers disburse, Jahz pulls the Pathfinders aside. "That symbol they were painting on their faces? That's the mark of Sifkesh, the demon lord of heresy and suicide. If Dakang is driving the worshipers here to suicide, it's little wonder they responded so oddly to Wen's death. We have to do something before someone else dies!"
Pai Shecks |
After everyone else had refused the face paint, Pai gestures her concurrence with her team. Boy, that looks weird! I'm glad he didn't approach me first, though. What would I have said?...
Afterwards, at Jahz's revelation, her eyes go wide. Speaking in as low a voice as her excited state would allow, she postulates: "Do you think Dakang could be a demon himself? Or part demon, at least? I mean, that would totally make sense, right? Oh, no... What if we have to fight him to get away?" This is so disquieting!
GM Blazej |
Arin: It is hard to get a good read on anyone here, but you see no nefarious action being taken by anyone here. If you didn't think anything wrong of the symbol or know the names being quoted, nothing you saw was abyssal in nature.
Feelo |
"Well, that basically confirms what we learned in the library... though it's odd that the nature of the ritual doesn't lean in any kind of demonic direction. It seems to be just the symbols?" The question in his voice that ends that statement gives away Feelo's personal confusion over what they're learning.
"I don't know... maybe we should just continue with our tasks, gather the information we need for this assignment, but keep our eyes and ears open."
Softer, Feelo continues. "But I know I'll be preparing different spells for tomorrow." He otherwise looks ready to head back to the library.
How much of our research tasks did we get completed prior to the prayer meeting?
Pai Shecks |
Pai nods in agreement. "Not much else to do now except kick the hornet's nest. Best not to do that if we don't have to, especially since there's still so much more to learn here for our mission. But we should make sure to work at least in pairs, just in case, you know?" She glances at Jahz and cocks her brow to indicate that she's ready to get back to the garden as soon as he is.
GM Blazej |
Feelo: You were able to get an hour of work prior to the prayer.
About another hour of work in the library will be necessary. A lot of progress was made in the garden but that will also take at least two hours. Mera has started work in the crypt, but there are still a lot left to record.
D. Kembe |
At the conclusion of the prayer Kembe gets up quickly to catch Dakang before he leaves. He offers a handshake as he introduces himself "Hello Mr Dakang. I am Kembe. I just wished to thank you for your hospitality for taking in us travelers as we visit your temple. Have you presided over your congregation long?"
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Kembe is attentive and sincere about his greeting, curious about the man.
GM Blazej |
Dakang never gets close enough to approach. His arrival was through his personal balcony entrance and it would be the same for his exit.
He acknowledges the greeting with a thoughtful nod before as he answers, "I am glad you were able to join with us Kembe. You are all welcome to continue to join within our ceremonies as you wish. All are happy to be able to share their faith with others. I have been allowed to ministered over this temple for over three hundred and ten years by the grace of Korada."
He appears to be nothing but human from what you can tell, but he seems to believe what he is saying.
Mera Ka |
Once they are alone again, Mera says "Let us complete our tasks as quickly as possible before we confront whatever is wrong here. Hopefully nobody else will die in the next few hours...anyone want to lend a hand in the crypt? There's a lot to do."
D. Kembe |
Kembe nods as he withdraws from speaking with Dakang to head back to the others.
"He claims to be over 310 years old as a human. That seems unlikely, but faith and magic can do some incredible things I've heard." He listens to the others' plans and agrees with Mera as well. "We need to keep in pairs and accomplish our tasks with as much haste as will allow."
"Pai, can you and Jahz be sure to leave the vines crawling up the wall intact? If we wanted to investigate Dakang's room it may give us entrance in the future." He raises an eyebrow at the thought. Snooping and spying is not one of my teachings, yet this circumstance it seems appropriate.
He turns to Feelo "Would you mind helping Mera in the crypt? Your eyes are trained to spot anything important there aren't they?"
Arin Qualnoh |
Arin waits until they are out of earshot of the prayer temple, walking along with his teammates before he weights in discretely.
All is not as it seems. A strong enough demon can easily elude our intuitions about his intentions. I think we know enough to be supremely careful from here on out. Agreed, we finish tasks as soon as possible, and then I suggest subtle, hidden investigation of Dakang. Perhaps during the next prayer when the aasimar guards are away from his chambers...
GM Blazej |
Pai Shecks: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Mera Ka: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
D. Kembe: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Arin Qualnoh: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Jahz: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Feelo: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
- Library -
Progress cataloging the library, closes to near and end after third hour within the temple. A little more effort is needed to finish the information, but the end is in site. Allowed a quick moment of fresh air Arin and Kembe are able to take a moment to check the halls and the status of their companions before they continue to work.
- Garden -
After not having spoken further of the flayleaf, Pai and Jahz continue working through the rest of the gardens. At this point they have gone through a significant amount. During this though Gastidem takes his leave of the room to proceed with his own business elsewhere giving the prayer some moments of privacy.
- Crypt -
Progress is faster with Feelo, but this is still a daunting task that has only a fraction completed. Still progress has been made and continues to be made.
If Mera desires she could take a few minutes to remove the barricade from the crypt door to have the area open to the gardens.
Arin Qualnoh |
After finishing the library Arin (and Kembe?) will go to the crypt first, and then the garden to see if they can help speed up efforts in other places.
He mentions the name of the demon lord that he and Kembe heard when he meets up with the teammates in other areas.
Feelo |
"Pairs makes perfect sense." Feelo nods as he agrees to join Mera in the crypt. "We should clear this barricade so that the door to the garden is free. You never know if we'll need to make a hasty retreat if this goes sour. Demons!"