GM BrOp - PFS |

It's March 11 where I am, so here we go!
You receive an urgent summons via sending in the early morning hours of 11 Pharast in Absalom. The magical missive rings like a bell in your head as you hear the voice of Sorrina Westyr, the Pathfinder Society's Master of Spells: "Pathfinders! Bestir yourselves! Make haste to meet Councilmember Jostlyn Ferqyr at the Vault of Abadar in the Ivy District. Time is short! Do it now!"
The desperate-sounding message does not come as a complete surprise, as Skyreach has been abuzz for days. You have heard the more magically-inclined Pathfinders in the Grand Lodge fretting over the Hao Jin Tapestry, the magical demiplane that has been under the Society's care for the last several years, but has recently begun a precipitous decline.
Those of you who have played through #10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm, and the #10-11 The Hao Jin Hierophant have more specific information about what I am talking about. You also might have more specific knowledge of Hao Jin and her demiplane (see Knowledge checks below).
Everyone is familiar with the Vault of Abadar, as it is the main temple to the Master of the First Vault in Absalom. Located in the Ivy District, the building looks unstable and off-center, as if it were constructed of blocks by a small child. This design is intentional, however, and the structure is more solid and durable than any other building in Absalom.
It is still dark as you move through the predawn streets of Absalom, and the city is just waking up. A low mist hangs over the streets, as is common for this time of year, given the buildings a mysterious and somewhat foreboding tinge. The Vault of Abadar is nearby, and you should reach it in the next five minutes.
As you march along, you suddenly notice several other individuals in similar states of dress (or undress), all in a hurry just like you. You're pretty sure you have seen them hanging about the Grand Lodge before, and you all seem to be making your way toward the same destination: the Vault of Abadar.
You may all introduce yourselves now and discuss what you might know before you reach the Vault.

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When the sending comes, Lens is slouching in his candlelit office, idly jiggling a thin sheet of metal — part of his fortune-telling booth's many internal mechanisms. (This particular one creates the sound effect of a tiny thunderstorm rattling behind the cheap velvet curtains).
Invoices are scattered across the desk; these are for various services rendered: prognostication, palmistry, scrying, omens, astrology — all payable to LENS LARK — all brazenly overpriced — all addressed to persons of various repute.
He roars for his porter: LERCH! Get the fortune-telling machine out!
He leaps up. Vault… of Abadar… He scratches his chin. Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13 Abadar… Jostlyn… He sits down. Grand Council… Abadar… Vault… Jostlyn… He shivers.
He roars for his porter: LERCH! Put the fortune-telling machine away!
Someone downstairs curses while Lens doffs his nightgown. This exposes his left arm, which is covered shoulder-to-forearm in occult swirls that seem to slowly undulate in hypnotic waves. On very close inspection, a keen observer might note that each invividual whorl is composed of Infernal script, woven so tight that it looks solid from a near distance. Lens's mithral shirt stretches over his potbelly; he snaps his finger and suddenly it looks like a creamy cotton tunic with delicate yellow trim. He pulls on his beeches, his most comfortable mud-stompers, his favorite feathered hat, and his fox-fur cloak.
On the way out he grabs a stack of vouchers that bear his exact likeness. He presses one of these against his forehead for several seconds and then bends its corner up, giving it a subtle mark. He chuckles darkly to himself and steps out into the misty street.
Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
Lens will share all the above info with his teammates when they convene.
Mesmeric Mirror
Trick implanted in card
Level 3 Spells: 5/5
Level 2 Spells: 6/6
Level 1 Spells: 7/7
Touch Treatment: 11/11
Mnemonic Vestment: 1/1

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The pang rings in his mind as Zwei lays on a rooftop eyeing his marks. He mentally sighs as he moves to a kneeling position and pulls out his bow. His marks concludes their obviously underhanded deal as money is exchanged s well as words. As the two part way around different sides of a corner, Zwei releases two arrows in quick succession. The two targets drop without a sounds as their bodies slide down respective walls. Zwei quickly gathers the money and documents and stealthily heads for the temple.
Local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Stealth: 1d20 + 31 ⇒ (17) + 31 = 48
Yes, she represents the Ivy district. She'd probably love for slavery to return to Absalom. Her time will come...

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Kn Arcana: 1d20 + 6 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 6 + 5 = 22
You catch a few glimpses of something large flying overhead. The rising sun glints brightly off of something on It circles a few times, before landing in front of the party. Standing before you is the largest Heron you have ever seen, the size of a bear. Seated atop is a short, powerfully built half-orc, clad in resplendent full plate bearing a necklace with a flexed arm, holy symbol of Kurgess, the Strong Man, god of competition, sport, and fair play around his neck.
Greetings friends! My name is Kramac. This is beak. She is good bird, be nice to her. You have also been summoned to the Vault of Abadar? Let us make haste! It seems we have news of Hao Jin!

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Aquila uses his Totem Transformation (Senses) and approaches Beak. He speaks to her in squeaks and squawks and offers her a berry.

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At the time of the summons, Ruby is at the Grand Lodge in Absalom speaking with her sister Syeira, who has recently been promoted to Venture-Captain. Syeira has been awake all night, nervous about the increased responsibility and Ruby is trying to calm her down a bit.
"Look, I know this isn't what you were expecting, but you've got to make the best of it. If it helps, Zelda and I will try to get our promo-"
Ruby pauses mid-sentence to listen to the summons.
"Never mind, Sy. We'll catch up later. Duty calls."
She gathers her Harrow cards from the table from a recent reading for her sister, grabs the rest of her gear, and makes her way to the Ivy District. She calls out to Syeira as she hurries out the door.
"And you really need to decide what to do with that stone floating around your head!"
Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
It would appear my Arcana roll is not as high as others, however, it is worth noting Ruby has completed about half a dozen missions in the Tapestry.
At 5'3", Ruby is the smallest of her siblings. Her long hair is a remarkable shade of red (by Varisian standards) that falls about halfway down her back, and her eyes are of a light brown with a tint of red as well. Her manner of dress is a mix of traditional Varisian scarves with costume jewelery and Desna iconography, as well as hints of the symbolism of the Harrow.
"Ah, it would appear we have all been summoned by Sorrina. My name is Ruby, it is a pleasure to meet you all. I believe I shall be providing you with healing on this adventure. I ask that after we receive our briefing, you indulge me in some rituals that may help us with our tasks."

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Beak stops preening his feathers for a moment, then gobbles up the offered berry.
After eating the berry, the bird hops happily from foot to food, jostling Kramac. After eating the berry and finishing his dance, beak turns to look at Kramac with an annoyed glare on his avian face, as if to say [i]why don't you feed me food this good?[/b].

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The feather in his hat flounces and his blue eyes gleam as Lens looks around the room. He bows with casual swagger.
Lens Lark — prognisticator, reader-of-things, finder-of-things, therapist, metaphysician, and honest upstanding gentleman — at your service!
He shoves a voucher into each of your hands. A free reading or session for friends! Please, stop by my office here in the city, or visit my little mansion out in the Taldan countryside. I do love guests. Kramac, I'll even do a reading for Beak, if she wants.
He turns to Aquila. A Knight-Captain! It's so good to be in the company of other upstanding citizens. Awesome character art, by the way.
Lens eyes Ruby's harrow deck. Of course, Ruby, of course. You know, my friend Seravnia also does these Harrow Readings, but absolutely refuses shows me how it works. He shakes his head sadly.
Lens would totally like a reading and help out with the Caravan Bond, assuming time permits.
He snaps his fingers. Oh! While I have managed to learn much about the legendary Hao Jin, I've never traveled in the tapestry myself.

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"Although a harrow reading can give glimpses of insight I personally believe people aren't restricted by the cards they are dealt." Aquila proclaims. His eagle Garra nods in agreement.
After listening to Lens' sharing of information he says.
"Hao Jin. Hmmm... Putting whole regions with their inhabitants in a demi-plane. I think that's morally questionable at a minimum. As they didn't choose this, it is almost slavery. I don't like slavers." Garra shakes her head to show she doesn't like slavers either.

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Ruby addresses Lens and Aquila
"The Harrow is a very particular practice in fortune-telling. It requires a little skill, a little luck, and sometimes a little divine guidance. Aquila, however, is correct. The Harrow is not intended to predict your future, only to give you insight into your projected future if you were to remain on your current path. A reading is only what you make of it; you can choose to alter your destiny based on the cards, or you can choose not to."

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Lens considers. I wonder, do the beings in the tapestry know they're there? Perhaps we're all in another tapestry.
Forefinger and thumb on chin, Lens considers the Harrow Deck. Hmmm… Yes… that very last part… divine guidance is the most tricky step…

GM BrOp - PFS |

A few minutes later you arrive at the Vault of Abadar. It is still a half hour before sunrise and judging from the closed gates you guess that it hasn't yet opened for business. A small bell and hammer hang next to the entrance with a small plaque that reads: "Strike once for night deposits."
Before you can decide what to do next, the gate opens with a loud creak and several heavily armed and armored members of the Brotherhood of Abadar step out: four human men and a half-elven woman. All are dressed in impeccable gold-tinted armor as befit the paladins of Abadar. After filing out they step aside and stand at attention, allowing a well-dressed older woman in white and gold robes to step out.
"Greetings, I am councilwoman and High Banker Jostlyn Fergyr. I assume you are the Pathfinders I was told are meeting me?"

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A few minutes later you arrive at the Vault of Abadar. It is still a half hour before sunrise and judging from the closed gates you guess that it hasn't yet opened for business. A small bell and hammer hang next to the entrance with a small plaque that reads: "Strike once for night deposits."
Before you can decide what to do next, the gate opens with a loud creak and several heavily armed and armored members of the Brotherhood of Abadar step out: four human men and a half-elven woman. All are dressed in impeccable gold-tinted armor as befit the paladins of Abadar. After filing out they step aside and stand at attention, allowing a well-dressed older woman in white and gold robes to step out.
"Greetings, I am councilwoman and High Banker Jostlyn Fergyr. I assume you are the Pathfinders I was told are meeting me?"
"Indeed we are! The early bird catches the wyrm."
Or would Abadarians use saying like "Early rise equals more billable hours" Aquila wonders.

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Before they reach the Vault, Kramac responds, While it is reprehensible if Hao Jin transported these civilizations without their knowledge or consent, that was long ago. The current inhabitants of the Tapestry grew up there - it is their home. When the Tapestry was falling, many inhabitants were not willing to leave.
After arriving,
Greetings Councilwoman. I am Kramac, and we are the Pathfinders you speak of.

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Before they reach the Vault, Kramac responds, While it is reprehensible if Hao Jin transported these civilizations without their knowledge or consent, that was long ago. The current inhabitants of the Tapestry grew up there - it is their home. When the Tapestry was falling, many inhabitants were not willing to leave.
"Thank you for that insight."
If a cage is so big that you never reach or even see the bars are you still a prisoner?

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Barnette was sitting at his large mahogany desk reviewing his ledgers from several of his business when he received the mental summons.
A look of irritation crosses his face as he rolls his eyes and closes the book.
His eyes glass over as he sends his sense out and once he feels a connection he says Lark we have a job, follow please
Instantly he severs the connection and shouts out down the hall HAROLD! prepare the bat I'm going out
As you are all about to head into the vault the sounds a beating wings grows louder as 2 large dark shapes descend from the dawn sky.
A well dressed middle aged man dismounts a dire bat as he straightens his nobles cloths and walk towards you smiling.
Landing behind him is an 8ft tall creature with large bat wings, 4 arms all with long claws, it's face a terrible mask of snarling teeth and blood red eyes.
Forgive my tardiness, I'm Barnette, this is Lark he says nonchalantly as he gestures behind him Don't delay on our account I'm sure we will have time to meet properly once we figure out why we're all here at this ungodly hour
Know Arcana: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27
Nobles: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 (as a replacement if allowed for Know local to see if he knows of Councilmember Jostlyn Fergur)

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Lens does his routine again (flouncing hat, shallow bow, voucher), when Barnette appears. What a… substantial bat. His name is Lark, did you say? A cousin of mine? Ha, ha, ha!
Lens Lark smiles and listens carefully to everyone's ideas on Hao Jin, but privately wonders if she offered her prisoners safety and a better chance at happiness than the world might otherwise give. Whether they knew or not might not matter… at the very least, the original circumstances may have been more complex than they now seem, thus requiring a flexible application of ethics — or, at the very least, something less than hyper-zealous egalitarianism… Much like myself, after all, Hao knew better — in such situations, common strictures of morality need not apply.
But he keeps these thoughts to himself.
Lens grins at the paladin. Lens Lark. Here, as circumstance dictates, with a promise to behave himself as circumstance dictates.

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Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
"Where did you find this amazing creature. I've never encountered a Heron this large before" Aquila asks Kramac.

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Haha! Beak is amazing. We met while I was traveling in Cheliax, near the Yolubilis River.
He is a Yolubilis Heron, if you're curious what type of creature he actually is.

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Haha! Beak is amazing. We met while I was traveling in Cheliax, near the Yolubilis River.
He is a Yolubilis Heron, if you're curious what type of creature he actually is.
"Ah, cool!"
He walks around Beak studying the Heron.
"Yes, I'm confident I'll be able to do this shape."

GM BrOp - PFS |

The councilwoman nods politely as you introduce yourselves and produces a small leather satchel and a sealed letter addressed to all of you that is marked with the seal of the Grand Lodge.
She hands both the satchel and letter to Kramac (who was the first to identify everyone as a Pathfinder), stating "These were just delivered via messenger from someone at your headquarters. Please peruse them quickly, after which I will escort you all into the Vault of Abadar, thrice-blessèd be his name."

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After reading the letter Barnette cocks an eyebrow
"Hmmm, off to The Eternal City to go see Hao Jin herself, well this should be interesting"
He smiles warmly at the councilwoman "Thank you for meeting with us and assisting with this matter it is greatly appreciated, May Abadar's Scales always tip in your favour" ending his sentence with a graceful bow he then glances around "It's unlikely any shops will be open now, are we to leave immediately?"

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Any knowledge checks on the Plane of Axis or Eternal City, for what we know in character?
Lens reads the letter and opens the satchel.
Is there time to do Caravan Bond/ a Harrow reading with Ruby? Lens will also implant a trick in our main frontliner if they permit. Kramac?

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The Caravan Bond takes one minute, while the Harrow reading takes 10. I'm ok not doing the Harrow reading until we get to Axis, but Ruby will be a bit insistent on the Caravan Bond before we step through any portal.

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Kramac and beak are ready to go! Kramac welcomes any help defeating the wicked that you might offer, Friend Lens.

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Before the group sets off, Ruby asks everyone to stand together for prayer and bow their heads.
"Desna, please watch over my caravan and family, and allow me to protect them in your name with the blessings that you have bestowed upon me..."
Ruby continues for one minute with some traditional Desnan prayers, some in Common, others in Varisian.
Effect: I have the ability to use my three domain abilities (Bit of Luck, Agile Feet, Dimensional Hop) on any of my "caravan companions" from up to 30' feet away, even if the ability normally requires touch. Since I can have up to 16 companions, I will also include any pets, familiars, and eidolons in this ability.
After a minute, Ruby raises her head and opens her eyes.
"There. That will help me protect you all with the powers granted to me directly by Desna. Now, that being said, if time permits I would like to give a Harrow reading to the group before we venture to Axis, but I understand if we must be on our way immediately."
If we are not allowed the Harrow reading now, Ruby will ask to conduct one at our soonest possible moment.

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A small humanoid carrying a bow emerges from the shadows. It is completely covered from head to toe in clothing leaving identifying features hard to spot. The small humanoid looks around suspiciously, but listens to the directions of Ruby for her prayer.

GM BrOp - PFS |

The Keeper looks a bit annoyed when Ruby asks for a prayer to be spoken, and is about to say something, but then decides otherwise. She and the Abadaran paladins even bow their heads respectfully as the prayer to Desna is spoken.
When Ruby is finished, the councilwoman leads the way into the Vault of Abadar and gestures for everyone to follow.
"I will now take you to the room where you will be transported to the Golden City of Axis, the realm of Abadar, thrice-blessèd be his name."
You enter through the main door of the temple-bank, and immediately descend a long circular stairway to a sub-basement. She then takes you down a corridor and through several locked doors that she opens using different, expensive-looking keys, and finally through the locked door of a room guarded by two golden iron golems.
The chamber is lit by magical lights which narrowly illuminate several stone plinths upon which sit strongboxes. Taking out yet another key, Councilwoman Fergyr unlocks the nearest one and lifts out an intricate golden miniature the size of a dinner plate in the shape of a circular city.
Keeper Ferqyr carefully hands the intricate golden miniature to one of the paladins beside her and pulls out and reads from a small scroll.
“The Vault of Absalom hereby contractually gives permission to the Members of the Pathfinder Society here present to make use of the miraculous powers of the Golden City of Tumen to travel to and return from the realm of the Master of the First Vault, thrice-blessed be his name. During their stay in Axis, the Pathfinders shall conduct themselves in a matter befitting their role as representatives of the Church of Abadar, thrice-blessèd be his name, and not bring ill repute upon it or any of its subsidiary organizations.”
She looks around the group. "I require an "Aye" or "I do" from each of you to show you are willing to undergo this contractual obligation with the Church of Abadar. By your assent you also hold your animal or magical companions to the same agreement. You also absolve the Church of Abadar, thrice-blessèd be his name, free of fault for any injury, death, dismemberment, or damnation of your soul which you might incur while present in Axis."
Strongly Law-Aligned: Creatures who are not lawful aligned take a –2 penalty on all Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based checks.
Enhanced Magic: A spell or spell-like ability with the lawful descriptor functions as if its caster level were 2 higher.
Impeded Magic: To cast a spell or spell-like ability with the chaotic descriptor, a caster must attempt a concentration check (DC = 20 + the level of the spell). If the check fails, the spell does not function but is still lost as a prepared spell or spell slot. If the check succeeds, the spell functions normally.

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Lens bows politely to the small figure with the bow. Welcome!
After Ferqyr finishes, Lens rolls his eyes and titters. Oh, how we all love an indemnity clause! "Give up you rights, or go home." Well, Keeper, Lens Lark's soul is spoken for, and his mind will live elsewhere if the living body is damaged. There is no harm in granting you security against an infeasible scenario; it costs me nothing.
He pauses. I am here to help the Pathfinder Society, learn about the famous Hao Jin, and save the tapestry and its inhabitants. These goals do not seem to conflict with yours. I agree to operate in a matter befitting the Church of Abadar and its subsidary affiliates — to the best of my Actual Knowledge at this moment in time.
With all seriousness, he intones: …Aye.

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Know Planes: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
After the councilwoman finishes, Barnette clears his throat to politely interject "Correct me if I misunderstood but I believe you were meant to say "in a manner befitting their role as representatives of the Church of Abadar"? Unless there is a specific matter you wish us to undertake on the churches behalf on top of our Pathfinder duties while we are in the golden city?"
Barnette give a rye smile and a wink "I love a good contract as much as the next man, but we really should be clear on the intentions"
Before Councilmember Jostlyn Fergur has a chance to respond he says "But either way, I accept! I will gladly undertake any tasks on behalf of the Church of Abadar and will conduct myself in a manner befitting a representative of the said institution, all costs of these undertaking shall be billed as sundries to the church upon presentation of receipts"
Barnette pauses for a brief second then adds "Great! I'm glad we all agree, let us be off then"

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At the mention of "representatives of the Church of Abadar", Ruby rolls her eyes but keeps her Azuranti snark to herself. She considers the councilwoman's words for a moment...

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After the councilwoman finishes, Barnette clears his throat to politely interject "Correct me if I misunderstood but I believe you were meant to say "in a manner befitting their role as representatives of the Church of Abadar"?"
Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
"If I understand correctly the Church of Abadar is sort of lending us their membership card of the Axis club. So as long as we're there anything we do would be traced back to them. And any costs would be passed to us, probably with an additional fee for handling." Aquila whispers to Barnette.

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Kn Planes: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
Kramac will relay what he knows about the workings of the plane of Axis to the group
Superb! That ritual was superb, Ruby!
After listening to the Keeper and the responses of his companions,
Hahahahaha! Barnetter and Lens! You missed your callings, Kramac thinks. Perhaps converting to Adabar would suit you.
Kramac slaps the Keeper heartily on the back.
Do not worry kind cleric! Kramac will behave while on Axis, and will make sure his companions do as well! We have no desire to sully your reputation in your god's home!

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Lens laughs aloud at the joke. And yes, good Kramac, there are so many scoundrels and liars in this sad world, that one must learn a little legalese to protect oneself. Lens's smile is tight, and doesn't reach his eyes. Axis will be a nice change of pace.

GM BrOp - PFS |

The paladins groan when they hear the halfling's joke, and the Keeper rolls her eyes.
"Yeah, haven't heard THAT one before," one of the paladins mutters to another.
"All right, all right, none of us want to be here at this hour of the morning, so let's get this over with. Everyone please carefully put your hand on the artifact," she says, holding out the disk of the golden city.
Once everyone has done so, she intones the phrase
Moments later you find yourself in a large room that is tastefully decorated with ornate stone benches and chairs. You seem to be at least on the second floor of a building, as the large picture windows overlook the largest open-air market you have ever seen in your lives. Countless smells and scents fill your nostrils: cooking meats and vegetables, spices, fresh fruit, and many others you can't identify. Beings from across the multiverse can be seen walking through the market eying the goods being sold there, or else trying to hawk their wares to passer's by.
Out of the window to the right is a massive wall and a golden gate easily over 120 feet in height decorated in gold- and silver-traced murals depicting all manner of commerce. Standing on top of the gate stands what looks to be a statue of a fully armored warrior of gold and steel, his or her hands resting on an enormous warhammer.
The wall to your right is covered by an embroidered curtain, depicting a monstrous creature being confined to a prison. The room contains no obvious exit, although you can't see what's on the other side of the curtain.