Warriorking9001's Untitled Campaign

Game Master Warriorking9001

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To start off, I say "Semi-Open Semi-private" because of the fact that I had already started getting a group together in the Undying Light campaign thread. However I decided to somewhat put that campaign on hold due to fears of my lack of experience. I would not try to straight up and down make the thread totally private, so feel free to say hello and see if we have a free spot for you, but I am going to prioritize those that I had already planned with.

20 point buy
Level 1
Variant multi-classing available
Spheres of Power and Spheres of Might used and preferred (This is also why I'll need time to tweak whatever modules we use.
Kirthfinder Inspired Equipment rules. (However when using Spheres and This equipment system together, come ask me for anything that seems like it might be missing, or what some of the weapons that are explicitly present in Spheres would translate to in the KF equipment system)

Feel free to recommend a module to use. Currently leaning towards Hollow's Last Hope and/or Crown of the Kobold King, but I am willing to at least look at any adventure path.

Hmmm, what races?

Those two modules would be fine with me. I'd assume you're not wanting a full adventure path.

Races I'll say just stick to paizo races, though feel free to send info on some DDS (Same company that made spheres) races.

And in terms of full adventure path or not I can go with either. A very slight preference to hear what full paths are out there for what I didn't think of (and running a whole campaign with yall would be nice)... and admittedly Hollow and CotKK is more because I can gain free somewhat easy access to them, but again I'd be fine running about anything you can throw at me so long as you can tolerate waiting for me to convert them.

Any of those two would do, or Wizard Academy as you suggested. Whatever you feel comfortable with.

Hmm... I'm definitely interested, though I will have to look through and learn the Spheres system. No preference towards which AP is used. (If you'll have me, anyway.)

Oh, btw... are these adventures set in Golarion? Just to know if I can be cooking some background. I'm thinking about a melee character, either offensive (Conscript) or defensive (Sentinel).

Arr, another question. How do we combine SoP with the different levels of proficiency KF describes (Simple, Martial, Exotic)? Most SoM classes are proficient with all Simple weapons plus whatever you get through your tradition, but I'm not sure how would that translate.

1: "Are these adventures set in Golarion?" HLL and CotKK are in golarion, Wizard's Academy is set in Skybourne. though I don't have the money/card to get the skybourne guide or wizard's academy so it's less likely.
2: "How do we combine SoM with different levels of proficiency?": Well... My best answer is that we'll figure it out example by example.

Ok, let's put an example (which is very close, actually, to what I was planning to play, as I said earlier):

Let's say I am going to play a Viking-like warrior (your love is like a truck berserker!). I pick Conscript for class. For Martial Tradition, I'm going to pick Heavy Armsman, which gives me Dwarven Heritage, Armor Training, the Berserker Sphere and another choice. That means I've got proficiency with all Simple weapons (thanks to Conscript), plus greataxe, warhammer, heavy pick, battle axe, etc (thanks to Dwarven Heritage).

Now what? Which of them have simple, martial or exotic proficiency? Do I have to pick a feat or talent thrice to reach full proficiency?

What I mean is that KF classes already state which weapons do they know and to what extent, whereas 'normal' classes don't because they follow the core rule, according to which proficiency is a binary thing (you either know it or you don't). So it won't be a case by case thing, probably all characters will have the same problem (though full casters won't probably care).

Or maybe I'm reading too much and those rules were not the ones you were referring to. Maybe you meant to use only the numen, floating inventory, etc rules?

Though here's at least an attempt to put some together.

Gaining a proficiency through a race and then taking a race's talent allows you to gain exotic proficiency in One of your racial weapons.

Bounty Hunter's Tools: The only thing I'm unsure about is the Kyoketsu Shoge, which we can probably say is something somewhat similar to the meteor hammer or some other light tethered weapon.

Bushido Training: You gain proficiency with the Sickle, Bastard Sword, Arming sword, kusarigama*, longbow, Glaive, Greatsword, Greatclub and Cutlass.
* KF equipment says: The Japanese kusarigama is a double weapon equivalent to a sickle and a chain whip (q.v.). 2 lbs., slashing damage.

Dancer Training: You are proficient with the intricacies of music and dance, and can apply that precision in battle. You gain martial proficiency with the Light Flail, Chain Whip, chakram, War fan, rapier, scimitar, shortsword, war flute, war lute, Light hammer, and whip. You may add your Dexterity modifier in place of your Charisma modifier when making Perform (dance) checks. (not sure what to do about the weaponized instruments)

Duelist training: You gain martial proficiency with the bastard sword, cutlass, double chicken saber,, Arming sword, estoc, greatsword, Arming sword, pistol, rapier, shortsword and dagger. (no idea what to do about the chicken saber, and removed the dual blade from existing)

Dwarven Training: You gain martial proficiency with the battle axe, earthbreaker, greataxe, greatclub, hand axe, heavy pick, light hammer, light pick, pickaxe, throwing axe, and warhammer, Lucerne Hammer, Halberd, and Meteor Hammer.

Elvish heritage: You gain martial proficiency with the Longspear, Bastard Sword, longbow, Arming sword, rapier, scimitar, short sword, shortbow, Smallsword, and Dagger.

Gladiator Training: You gain martial proficiency with the throwing shield (if that is a thing), as well as the Spear, shortspear, Longspear, battleaxe, lasso, net, gauntlet, short sword, shortbow, and whip.

Gnome Training: You gain martial proficiency with all weapons in the Crossbow group, battle ladder,Pole Flail,, flask thrower, gnome flick-mace, and Warhammer. You also Double the range increment on improvised and alchemical throwing weapons. Source: The unique ability of this discipline supersedes the Gnomish Flask Thrower)

Halfling Training: You gain martial proficiency with the,, cutlass, sling glove, and dagger. you gain Exotic Proficiency with the Sling and Staff Sling. You also gain the ability to reload slings and staff slings as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Hunter's training: You gain proficiency with the atlatl, bolas, boomerang, handaxe, harpoon, longbow, net, shortbow, throwing axe, blowgun, and hunting blowgun. In addition, you only suffer a –1 penalty per full range increment between you and your target when using a ranged weapon. Associated Feat: Far Shot.

Knightly Training: You gain proficiency with the Broadsword, light flail, greatsword, halberd, heavy flail, heavy pick, light pick, lance, Arming sword, shortsword, and warhammer, Bastard Sword, and Estoc. When performing a charge, you only suffer a -1 penalty to your AC rather than -2.

Mechanical Training: You gain Exotic Proficiency with all crossbows, and gain martial proficiency with the heavy mace.

Monk Weapon training: Awkward thing I just realized is that Monk weapons don't exist in KF but PF still uses them... what do I do.

Orcish Training: You gain proficiency with the battle axe, Light Flail, flail, greataxe, handaxe, heavy flail, spiked chain, Lajatang, and Hand Axe (I feel like orcish training needs more weapons but I don't know what to give them)

Outrider Training seems fine on paper, though I need to figure out what the stats for firearms are, any advice?

Peasant Training: You are proficient at using the tools of farming, fishing, mining, and herding in war. You gain proficiency with the ankus, crook, fishing tackle, handaxe, heavy pick, light hammer, light pick, cutlass, net, pickaxe, scythe, and spear. (You get some creativity with this one to decide what possible improvised weapons count as these)

Pikeman Training: I feel like you could say hand them the Polearm Group and be done with it, but y'all can double check, luckily most of the KF weapons mention what they supersede.

Pirate training: You gain proficiency with the hand axe, boarding gaff, Longspear, cat-o’-nine-tails, cutlass, Longsword, grappling hook, pistol, rapier, and dagger. Additionally, you gain a +2 competence bonus to Profession (sailor) checks made to sail a ship. At +10 base attack bonus, this bonus increases to +4. you also gain the ability to use Hand axes and long spears to aid you in boarding other ships (see what the boarding axe and boarding pike do)

Rock Toss: Exotic proficiency with Rocks, and a few other benefits probably.

Rogue Training: You gain proficiency with the blade boot, garrote, hand crossbow, kukri, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, Chakram, and whip. Additionally, you gain a +2 competence bonus to Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal a weapon on your person. At +10 base attack bonus, this competence bonus increases to +4. (again another awkward case of "Not enough weapons that connect")

Shield training: Martial Proficiency with all shields

Toolkit Training: no idea because so many weird home-brew weapons are in this. Also basically machetes are replaced with cutlasses.

Tribal training: This one might have to be remade from the ground up because of the fact that most of these would just be variations of club.

Unarmed training: Again a kinda awkward case of "Not enough weapons" Also in regards to unarmed training and actual unarmed spheres. if you have Exotic Proficiency with Unarmed Strikes (or with Gauntlets or other close/punching weapons whilst having the Unarmed Training Talent), you gain a +1 to damage for every die increase you'd get normally.

Hindsight is 20/20. I should have put that in a spoiler

Ok, so, mostly they give Martial proficiency. Some of them give Exotic, and I guess when you say only 'proficiency' you mean Simple, right?

As for weapons that don't exist, I would simplify and use another one's stats. Firearms are more problematic... If someone wants to go Gunslinger and you are one of those GMs who allow it, I guess we should have to work something out.

I'd say do HLL and CoKK first, just to see how things work out. If we like things enough we can figure out some way to transition to an adventure path or some more modules. Otherwise it would be a convenient break point to stop and try something else.

Admittedly I messed up the wording on some of these proficiencies...

You start with Simple proficiency with all weapons and shields if it says you gain proficiency with all simple weapons in the class (like conscript). Taking the talent bumps those particular weapons to Martial.
I gave Mechanical training and Duelist training some exotic proficiencies because..
Mechanical originally said it gives proficiency with all crossbows 'Including Exotic Ones'. So I cut out the middleman and gave exotic proficiency with crossbows.
Duelist straight up gives Bastard Sword proficiency, whereas something like knightly training says 'Use bastard swords, but only as 2 handed martial weapons'. meaning one clearly gives Martial proficiency whilst the other gives exotic proficiency. Though technically I should have given Bushido an exotic proficiency or two under that logic because wakizashis and katanas are exotic too. But you can still use these weapons with not exotic proficiency in this design.

Also... It's probably a bad idea to ask my own players for advice on something, but can someone translate this into something I understand because I'm not getting it.

Aside from being its own adventure, Hollow’s Last Hope works well as a prelude to GameMastery Module D1: Crown of the Kobold King. GMs interested in running this adventure as part of Crown of the Kobold King can remove all elements of the disease afflicting Falcon’s Hollow and instead use the encounters in Darkmoon Vale and in the ruins above the kobolds’ lair as supplementary encounters. Containing its own complete adventure and extensive details on the town of Falcon’s Hollow, Nicolas Logue’s Crown of the Kobold King is available now at your favorite local game store and online at paizo.com.

[was just wandering the threads, and saw your post...]I think it means you can remove the meta, overarching narrative/plot (if that is the disease in Falcon's Hollow) from Hollow's Last Hope and merely use its encounters (in Darkmoon Vale and the ruins above the kobolds' lair) as supplementary locations/encounters to enlarge and develop Crown of the Kobold King.

Hey there!

I have a long-term campaign pbp itch that could use some scratching. With that said, I would like to apply for this table - if you'd have me, that is.

Applying with this character. Profile is set up, but if there are questions, I'll answer happily. Some tweaking will be necessary, but nothing drastic. Mostly just gear and one trait removal.

I would also like the opportunity to play in a long term campaign. I made this druid for an AP and did not make the cut. But I am interested in seeing him.

That said, I don't have any experience with spheres.

Okay, allow me a moment to remember who is here

Jereru and Almonihah checked this back out from the start

Grimaldi, Chenaii, Oceanshieldwolf, and Skelatox want a space.

I do have to admit that I'd wonder how a 6 person group might fare against a module since I don't really know what the numbers are on that..

Also just noticed something of interest... I might actually have access to Wizard Academy, so I'll put it up to vote

Hollow's Last Hope / Crown of the Kobold King.

description of HLH and CotKK
Hollow: The town of Falcon's Hollow needs a miracle.

The plague has come to the town of Falcon's Hollow, and not even the town's priest can abate its wretched course. With the coughs of the sick and the wails of the dying echoing through town, the local herbalist uncovers a cure, but she needs some brave heroes to retrieve the ingredients. Finding the cure means risking the dangerous Darkmoon Vale, infiltrating a witch's haunted hut, and delving the ruins of an abandoned dwarven monastery.

Hollow's Last Hope is a wilderness exploration and dungeon adventure for 1st-level characters, compatible with the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game. This sixteen-page adventure includes details on the haunted forest and deadly ruins that hide the key ingredients to the town's salvation. Do your heroes have the skill and courage to find the cure in time?

Crown: The crown of the kobold king will be anointed in blood.

Five children from the town of Falcon’s Hollow have gone missing, dragged off into ruins underneath a cursed dwarven monastery. Soon they will be sacrificed to the crown, all to the glory of the twisted King of the Kobolds. If they are to be saved from this gruesome fate, brave heroes must follow their trail to the monastery and plumb the depths of its trap-laden and monster-infested halls.

This dungeon adventure, compatible with the world’s most popular fantasy roleplaying game, includes details on the town of Falcon’s Hollow and the deadly dungeons underneath a nearby ruined monastery. There are terrible dangers waiting for your players in the halls of the king, but they must be overcome if the player characters are to save the children.

This adventure can also be run as a sequel to GameMastery Module D0: Hollow’s Last Hope.[/spoiler:

Wizard's Academy
[spoiler=Wizard's academy description]Windfell Academy is an enigmatic place. Alongside their traditional studies, students can gain personalized summoning advice from a reformed succubus, delve the library’s many tomes with the aid of the library troll, or simply pass the time visiting with the school’s goblin groundskeeper as he explains the finer points of goblin holidays. But the school is also in jeopardy; the headmaster is missing, students are disappearing, and if the PCs can’t uncover the culprit in time, no one will survive until graduation!

In Wizard’s Academy, the PCs are tasked to join and explore an enigmatic academy of magic, delving the secret dungeons underneath the school while retaining their cover as innocent students. Alongside classic dungeon-crawling adventures, the PCs will also have the chance to attend classes, encounter school-related events such as a divination contest and a dueling club, all while searching for clues related to the missing headmaster and students.

With 8 possible villains and an adaptable encounter system, Wizard’s Academy is an adventure module that can easily be adapted for any party of PCs be they level 1 or 20, and can also be adapted in length, taking either a few gaming sessions to complete or becoming a small campaign unto itself!

Delve the school’s secrets and protect its students, but beware: Windfell Academy is a dangerous place, and death is not considered an acceptible excuse for missing detention.

Wizard’s Academy is an adventure module designed for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Sphere of Power magic system.

This volume also comes complete with Fantastical Creatures and How to Survive Them, a Spheres of Power bestiary with over 100 monsters, including both original creatures and classic fantasy monsters adapted to the Spheres of Power magic system.

Ok, I'll try to put up an alias during today. I'll leave the background empty, so as to accommodate whatever you end up choosing. I'll also assume we're playing only level 1 or 2 (if the game was to be longer, my options would have been different, so maybe if that happens I might ask you to tweak a few things or retrain).

How much money do we have to spend?

I wasn't submitting a character, just passing by!

and I see I kinda broke things... And here's the proper description of Wizard's Academy... Also I'd recommend we pick things before we make aliases because in Wizard's in particular it asks that everyone be mages. Speaking of that. Here have the Wizard's Academy Description

wizard's academy:

Windfell Academy is an enigmatic place. Alongside their traditional studies, students can gain personalized summoning advice from a reformed succubus, delve the library’s many tomes with the aid of the library troll, or simply pass the time visiting with the school’s goblin groundskeeper as he explains the finer points of goblin holidays. But the school is also in jeopardy; the headmaster is missing, students are disappearing, and if the PCs can’t uncover the culprit in time, no one will survive until graduation!

In Wizard’s Academy, the PCs are tasked to join and explore an enigmatic academy of magic, delving the secret dungeons underneath the school while retaining their cover as innocent students. Alongside classic dungeon-crawling adventures, the PCs will also have the chance to attend classes, encounter school-related events such as a divination contest and a dueling club, all while searching for clues related to the missing headmaster and students.

With 8 possible villains and an adaptable encounter system, Wizard’s Academy is an adventure module that can easily be adapted for any party of PCs be they level 1 or 20, and can also be adapted in length, taking either a few gaming sessions to complete or becoming a small campaign unto itself!

Delve the school’s secrets and protect its students, but beware: Windfell Academy is a dangerous place, and death is not considered an acceptible excuse for missing detention.

Wizard’s Academy is an adventure module designed for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Sphere of Power magic system.

This volume also comes complete with Fantastical Creatures and How to Survive Them, a Spheres of Power bestiary with over 100 monsters, including both original creatures and classic fantasy monsters adapted to the Spheres of Power magic system.

Honestly I'd be fine with either one. Run whichever you'd like to run more.

Sure, as you feel like! I was building a warrior, but I don't mind building also some spellcaster in case you opt for GMing Wizard Academy.

I don't really mind which one do we run. I have a library of characters waiting for action.

I think start with hollow/crown

Warriorking9001 wrote:
I think start with hollow/crown

Seems good to me.

Now, how much money do we start with?

I am open to any suggestions. I like what I have read of the spheres

Now.. I'm going to let y'all be a little bit freeform with money so long as you don't try to abuse that. Keep it somewhat within what the bounds of what the class normally has (except with conscript because if you want to be a conscript in medium armor you can), but feel free to pick up what seems right. We're starting Hollow at Level 1.

Also admittedly I'm getting a bit nervous realizing this was probably a 3.5 module

And I might take a look to see what else might be out there when I get a chance.

Edit: I looked and now we have 2 choices once again.
1: Hollow, Kobold King, Revenge of kobold king.
2: Rise of the Runelords (assuming I can get it on trove)

I'm fine with both.

I also had a look at the Conscript and found out it was you who started the developer's note. Yay for you, 1d6x10 is too thirdworldish, specially for a Martial class.

Jereru wrote:

I'm fine with both.

I also had a look at the Conscript and found out it was you who started the developer's note. Yay for you, 1d6x10 is too thirdworldish, specially for a Martial class.

I... didn't actually know this until you pointed it out that it mentioned my thread. Well then I guess we don't have to say screw the system!... And also sorry for then making it stricter after I complained that it's too strict before, but if y'all do go conscript try not to grab like full plate.

Chainmail is totally fine. I just wanted to say that bit because... Well I already saw with Undying Light (at the players' confession no less) that with 3pp and race building and stuff like that campaign had that players like to break things.

What? No adamantine plate armor? Aw, man...

No, seriously. I was thinking a chainmail, you know, very viking-like. I hope that's ok.

Edit: Snorri Svensson. Once again, he still has no fluff, and is built under the assumption that he's only going to play up to level 2 or 3. If you finally decide to GM a longer campaign, he would pick a conscript specialization in place of some feats, and a different FCB.

Warriorking9001 wrote:
Chainmail is totally fine. I just wanted to say that bit because... Well I already saw with Undying Light (at the players' confession no less) that with 3pp and race building and stuff like that campaign had that players like to break things.

Yep, sadly. 3PP is usually fine if you put some limits (e.g. Spheres only, or DSP only, or whatever). Race build, on the other hand... well, you have to be very attentive and disallow whatever builds you consider too cheesy, or not following the fluff, like dwarves with 40ft speed or you call it. Other than that, yes, players are usually going to try to optimize their choices, but that happens with the core system also.

also should I move things to a discussion thread?

Jereru wrote:
Warriorking9001 wrote:
Chainmail is totally fine. I just wanted to say that bit because... Well I already saw with Undying Light (at the players' confession no less) that with 3pp and race building and stuff like that campaign had that players like to break things.
Yep, sadly. 3PP is usually fine if you put some limits (e.g. Spheres only, or DSP only, or whatever). Race build, on the other hand... well, you have to be very attentive and disallow whatever builds you consider too cheesy, or not following the fluff, like dwarves with 40ft speed or you call it. Other than that, yes, players are usually going to try to optimize their choices, but that happens with the core system also.

Yeah... in my defense of the race building stuff I mostly was going to allow it in that game because of the idea of "Let us make something totally different from normal pathfinder. y'all are basically Smash characters, come up with what that means using these rules"

Up to you. I'd still vote to start with Hollow for now, just to feel things out.

How do you feel about traits? I have 3 traits and one drawback on the current version of the character. Other than that, it's just the money that exceeds the standard witch amount.

um.. drawbacks?

A negative trait, basically. Usually, it is permitted to pick up an extra trait as a trade-off if you take a drawback as well. That's why I'm asking. To know whether I should remove some (or all) or not. I have the following.

Fate's Favored (Faith): The fates watch over you. Whenever you are under the effect of a luck bonus of any kind, that bonus increases by 1.

Pragmatic Activator (Magic): While some figure out how to use magical devices with stubborn resolve, your approach is more pragmatic. You may use your Intelligence modifier when making Use Magic Device checks instead of your Charisma modifier

Seeker (Social): You are always on the lookout for reward and danger. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you.

Scarred (Drawback): An injury left you horribly, visibly scarred, making it more difficult for you to hide your true face, and also making most people distrustful of you merely due to your appearance. You take a –5 penalty on Disguise checks and a –2 penalty on Bluff checks. -

Admittedly I didn't know this. and it should be fine.. But for others I'll just say take only one drawback if you want one

and if we're using kobolds and hollow to feel things out, I think we're ready to go then

I guess the last question would whether we're going to go PBP or roll20/discord or something along those lines

As you wish, I've never tried Roll20 nor Discord for roleplaying other than drawing maps.

Either works for me. Your call, folks.

I am currently feeling a little out of my element, but I would like to play.

I like the Paizo forums for PbP.

I prefer the Paizo forums. I have an unexpected day off tomorrow I'll probably use to build my character.

Okay, I actually went ahead and made my character tonight. He's a Tengu Hedgewitch with the Charlatan and Green Magic traditions, making him something like a druidic rogue.

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