number one gm |
after running a very successful campaign here on the boards i have learned many things on the subject of gming and have decided to try the hand at another campaign
i have listened to community feedback and hope to give the players what they deserve
races are as follows
troll halftroll trelf trwarf tralfling halftrorc halftrelf traasimar triefling
(there was much demand for trolls last time so now i have delivered!)
classes - geisha bard only
roll d100 minus d100 for starting wealth
no traits will be used as i realize they complicate the system overly
many other homebrew systems in effect?
here is the adventure hook:
before starting quest some adventurers find themselves in a tavern

number one gm |
glad to such interest
for ability scores roll 3 d20s
first represents the point buy
second represents the base for all scores
3rd represents the maximum allowed score
to demonstrate:
1d20 ⇒ 3
3 point buy
1d20 ⇒ 4
all scores start at 4(looks good for a monk)
1d20 ⇒ 2
the max is 2 all scores must be bought down by 2 points which gives back 2 points per score for a total of 15 leftover points which can be converted to bonus feats at a rate of 5 points per feat


glad to such interest
for ability scores roll 3 d20s
first represents the point buy
second represents the base for all scores
3rd represents the maximum allowed score
to demonstrate:
3 point buyd20
all scores start at 4(looks good for a monk)d20
the max is 2 all scores must be bought down by 2 points which gives back 2 points per score for a total of 15 leftover points which can be converted to bonus feats at a rate of 5 points per feat
Point Buy: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Base Scores: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Max Score: 1d20 ⇒ 5
Gold= -70
Oh..Oh can I sell some of my body parts for money