number one gm's Untitled Campaign

Game Master number one gm

after running a very successful campaign here on the boards i have learned many things on the subject of gming and have decided to try the hand at another campaign

i have listened to community feedback and hope to give the players what they deserve

races are as follows
troll halftroll trelf trwarf tralfling halftrorc halftrelf traasimar triefling
(there was much demand for trolls last time so now i have delivered!)

classes - geisha bard only

roll d100 minus d100 for starting wealth

no traits will be used as i realize they complicate the system overly

many other homebrew systems in effect?

here is the adventure hook:

before starting quest some adventurers find themselves in a tavern

I will boycot this campaign as there are no Trnomes available as player character races

number one gm wrote:

here is the adventure hook:

before starting quest some adventurers find themselves in a tavern

Best part.

Generic Dungeon Master wrote:
I will boycot this campaign as there are no Trnomes available as player character races

i am most sorry but i feared that trnomes would lack essential balance compared to other races

All of this makes sense to me.

i cannot not dot this

2 people marked this as a favorite.


So we get to play as trolls, but we don't get any traits?

Man, that's just tragic.

Cash: 1d100 - 1d100 ⇒ (43) - (34) = 9

Oh, mama... Hot dice! Hot dice!

We working with a 16.5 point build?

Cash: 1d100 - 1d100 ⇒ (15) - (85) = -70

Looks like this troll is in the hole

Checking Account: 1d100 - 1d100 ⇒ (100) - (18) = 82

I'm assuming that you have a google doc of homebrew traits you'll be utilizing? Can I run a Trazata blooded Traasimar?

mon-aayyy: 1d100 - 1d100 ⇒ (92) - (18) = 74

dang, really wanted that falchion

glad to such interest

for ability scores roll 3 d20s

first represents the point buy

second represents the base for all scores

3rd represents the maximum allowed score

to demonstrate:

1d20 ⇒ 3
3 point buy

1d20 ⇒ 4
all scores start at 4(looks good for a monk)

1d20 ⇒ 2
the max is 2 all scores must be bought down by 2 points which gives back 2 points per score for a total of 15 leftover points which can be converted to bonus feats at a rate of 5 points per feat

are races random too?

number one gm wrote:

all scores start at 4(looks good for a monk)


pt buy: 1d20 ⇒ 15
base: 1d20 ⇒ 18
max: 1d20 ⇒ 20

EDIT: ooohhh yeahhhah

Yur to late, someone beat you to the punch

number one gm wrote:

glad to such interest

for ability scores roll 3 d20s

first represents the point buy

second represents the base for all scores

3rd represents the maximum allowed score

to demonstrate:

3 point buy

all scores start at 4(looks good for a monk)

the max is 2 all scores must be bought down by 2 points which gives back 2 points per score for a total of 15 leftover points which can be converted to bonus feats at a rate of 5 points per feat

Point Buy: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Base Scores: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Max Score: 1d20 ⇒ 5

Gold= -70

Oh..Oh can I sell some of my body parts for money

sadly the sale of body parts is permitted as you know severed troll body parts regrow into full troll thus you would become slavery

Damn! This games hard[/whine] I was looking for a way to pay back the mob I owe 70 gold to, They will just cut me up and use acid or fire

I thought he meant 3d20s for each!

PB: 3d20 ⇒ (6, 19, 11) = 36
Base: 3d20 ⇒ (15, 4, 3) = 22
Max: 3d20 ⇒ (10, 3, 19) = 32

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