Yo ho Yo ho, A Pirate's Life For Me: Skull & Shackles PBP

Game Master Heofthehills

The Story of Fury

A Disgraceful Crew

Infamy: 14 Disrepute: 14

Rickety's Squibs: +5
Senghor: +5 (Capped for now)

501 to 550 of 2,735 << first < prev | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | next > last >>

Male Human Investigator 4 | HP: 23 | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5 | BAB +3, CMB +6, CMD 18 | Init: +2 | Perception: +11 | Mutagen 0/1, Inspiration 6/6

Doc spends the morning keeping an eye on Diabolito and taking notes on the Rum's effects.

I wonder if it would be possible to distill the rum down further and use it as a fast acting poison. Combined with my sobriety panacea it could go completely undetected until it takes effect an hour later.

Doc thinks it over for a bit and jots a few things down. He looks over at Diabolito and shakes his head.

Poor guy, the next few days are going to be hell on him. Giving him some of my intoxication panacea might work for keeping him happier. I sure wish I had sufficent supplies and freedom to brew a mess of them for him, but if we had that, he'd probably not be hooked on this terrible stuff to begin with.

Heal: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Was my Diplomacy check on Grok sufficient to get my dagger back?

Female Human (Aryind) Magus (Bladebound, Kensai) 3 l AC: 15 (18)/T: 14 (17)/F:11 l HP: 30/30 l F: +5, R: +5, W: +3 l Init: +6; Per: +9 l AP 4

Dexterity: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (8) + 4 - 2 = 10

Wow. That is a hair's breadth from failure.

With her kurta repaired by Maera's cunning, Nissa had decided to wrap her long black tresses in Rosie's scarlet scarf. It made quite the contrast with her sky blue kurta.

Nissa quickly finishes her work and decides to pay Grok a visit. The quartermaster was one of the first friend's she had made on this rotting boat, and Nissa was not one to neglect a friend.

Ossok's sudden death made the Vudrani woman reflect on her own mortality. I don't believe that Ossok was stealing. He didn't seem to much care for material possessions. It could have been me, but for the grace of my caste.

Nissa will spend the afternoon chatting and telling stories with Grok. She won't mention Ossok, but his death has inspired her to seek out the solace of friendship. For all Grok's rough ways, Nissa found the woman charming and wise -- in her fashion.

Nissa will also check out the quartermaster's wares. What here detects as magical?

M HumanCONFIRM! Level 1 PBP GM

Sorry I missed the spoiler :( Grok smiles and shrugs, sadly, I have put this in the stock already, so it must be paid for. It's not very expensive...

Dwarf Druid (Shark Shaman) 5

And here comes the Fort....

Save: 1d20 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 3 - 2 = 19 +2 if there's poison involved!

The dwarf groans in his sleep.

M HumanCONFIRM! Level 1 PBP GM

Yay, you will wake up when we get to nighttime actions!

Dwarf Druid (Shark Shaman) 5

Woohoo! I'm not dead yet!

Female Undine Watersinger Bard/5
HP: 36/36 | AC: 18 T: 13 FF: 15 | Init +3 | CMD: 15 | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Will +5 | Percep +9

While she mends Nissa's kurta in the morning, Maera learns of Diabolito's precarious position, and resolves to try and see if she can use her water trick this evening to weaken the poor dwarf's rum ration. Without help, she's not certain if he'll ever kick the habit. Working in the galley is a rather nostalgic experience, taking her back to helping her mother cook for her father and many brothers, and since Kroop appears sober today, there's not much needed out of her on that front unless he specifically needs her aid. This gives her plenty of opportunity to thoroughly clean and organize the galley, using a combination of Prestidigitation, charm in coaxing the chickens into their pens, and good old fashioned elbow grease and smarts. It also gives her the perfect opportunity to thoroughly analyze what's in the galley, and whether it's magical or not. Poisoning the officers, she determines by the end of the day, is not a feasible option. But surely there's a plethora of knives in here...

Con: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 Using Detect Magic during the day as she cleans.


Male Half-orc Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 3 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | HP 34/34 (36/36) CON (0) | F +7 R +3 W +0 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Rage 12/15

Working: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Malak wakes up the next morn, stores his dagger and dons his bandanna while making way up to the deck. As he is upon the main deck and duties are being hand out he feels a new sense of pride. The thoughts cross his mind that some of these people could be his friend, but then go back very quickly to not trusting anybody. As Malak goes about his work during the day he tries to keep an eye on Scourge and Plugg, knowing he needs to stay out of the way of them. However, he doesn't care either. He isn't going to change anything to stay out of trouble because trouble finds its way to him very well. While working Malak looks out on the seas trying to discern where they may be or may be going.

Prof(Sailor): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Malak makes easy work of his rigging today. He does the usual, going around trying to aid any other riggers that are struggling. Eventually he finds Ratline and tries to strike up some form of conversation. "Say matey, how long ye been on this ship? Any good stories behind ye fingers? Lost in a boardin' raid or fight with a shark?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12 Only one aid another? Or can I use other helpful riggers?

Zaketta goes willingly (if not happily) belowdecks to set to work at the bilges. Seeing that Aramis would be joining her brightened her spirits a bit; she always enjoyed having someone to talk to while she went about her chores.

"I saw that you were looking out for Stormwhiskers last night - I appreciate that," she said nonchalantly. "That crusty ol' barnacle and I go back a ways - I hate to see him run aground like that."

Zaketta paused for a moment before adding awkwardly:

"And... I'm sorry about your friend... the witch doctor? I don't know just what went on there, but... well, it's a bastardly bunch that run this ship, and I'm sure that your friend didn't deserve that."

Zaketta looked Aramis in the eye as she continued:

"A right cap'n would never have done that - this Harrigan is going to call Besmara's curse down upon him, I can see that clear. And if you want help in evening the score... I'll be there with you. If you'll have me."

Zaketta spat in her hand and extended it for Aramis to take.


Str check, Con check
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 201d20 ⇒ 5

Looks like I'm going to be pretty worn out!

Male Human Investigator 4 | HP: 23 | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5 | BAB +3, CMB +6, CMD 18 | Init: +2 | Perception: +11 | Mutagen 0/1, Inspiration 6/6

When nightfall comes around, Doc will spend his time helping whomever is working on befriending the remaining holdouts in the crew. Also if someone requests a disguise self extract, they're welcome to it, 20 min. Duration.

Aid Another (Diplomacy or Intimidate): 1d20 ⇒ 10

Dwarf Druid (Shark Shaman) 5

*patiently waits for nightfall and cues the Jaws music*

Female Human (Chelaxian) Gunslinger (musket master) 5 | AC17, T15, FF12 | HP 39/39 | CMD 19 | F+5, R+8, W+2 | Init+6 | Perception +9 (+12 if Rotgut within 20 ft) | Grit 4/4

Strength: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Constitution: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Aaaaaand safe!

Aramis chats back to Zak as she works the bilges, glad for the company.

"Eh, 'e an' I were in th' same situation an' all," she shrugs. "I' jus' seemed th' right thing t' do. 'E didn' ask ta be 'ere, no more'n I did, so th' way I see it, we gotta stick together. Y'know?

"Th' orc? Well, 'e wasn' much of a friend, but 'e was dragged 'ere with us. Was a sad thing, t' see 'im go like tha'. Didn' know 'im too well, so if they says 'e was stealin', well... maybe 'e was, maybe they jus' wanted ta teach us a lesson, an' 'e was tha unlucky one, eh?" Her face darkens briefly, a flash of cold steel in her dark eyes. She turns to the other woman with a determined expression.

"I don' believe much in th' gods, lass. I was told I was blessed by Bessie 'erself, from th' day I was born in one o' tha worst storms me pappy'd ever been in. Bu' tha' blessin' ne'er got me anywhere, until I was washed up after a shipwreck wit' nothin' more than me name an' me pappy's gun. Now, maybe ol' Bes works in mysterious ways an' all, an' maybe this is 'er blessin'. I plan on takin' it if it is. Soon's I get me gun back, there'll be some changes. We'll make 'em ourselves if we need."

She spits in her own hand and grasps Zak's with it. Her handshake is firm, almost mannish, and she smiles when she releases the other woman's hand and goes back to her work.

M HumanCONFIRM! Level 1 PBP GM

As she works, she finds a great deal of items in her cleaning. She finds a masterwork dagger being used as a butcher’s knife, a pair of handaxes used as meat cleavers, 11 knives, a short sword, a vial of holy water, a good lock hanging unused off a pantry cupboard, 2 pounds of soap, four waterskins, a barrel of poor wine, six bottles of good Chelish brandy, three bottles of magnificent rum, a prosthetic leg made of wood and edged with a silver band, and 12 sp fallen behind
a cupboard. In addition, a trio of harpoons, a spear, and a magic grappling hook.

As Malak begins to talk to Ratline, it goes poorly quickly, the small man starts to ignore him the moment his fingers are mentioned, and Syl walks up, a hand sliding around his chest and she pulls him back, whispering, "Not the right subject...not everyone likes to talk about their battle scars."

Ratline looks to Malak when Syl stops him, "Your woman's right, but if you want to talk to me sometime...don't start there." He is calm and you think that it could have gone much worse if Syl hadn't helped out.

You get a +2 from Syl, which prevents losing face with Ratline from dropping in opinion, since his fingers are a sore subject. Even without the boosts you get, you were going to come up just short.


The crew is gathered by the nightly bell, having avoided whippings for a couple of days, it was clear by the tension in the air, that someone was going to taste the lash.

Scourge ran his hand down thong of his whip, grinning maliciously as Plugg began to speak.

"Well, we have given you two nights without a whip being cracked...and of course, people couldn't stay in line, so it's time for some punishment!"

At this point Plugg nods and two of his men grab Doc, "Last night our entertainment was cut short because some dirty b@stard got Owlbear to drink something that made him sick."

Scourge drops his whip and pulls out the cat, and gives Doc three quick lashes with real pain.

The pain:
3d4 ⇒ (3, 1, 2) = 6

Leaving Doc bleeding, having taken 6 points of lethal damage, he is dropped to the deck and Plugg and Scourge walk off to join their group of cronies while rum rations are handed out to everyone.

Rum and Nighttime a-go-go!

Female Human (Aryind) Magus (Bladebound, Kensai) 3 l AC: 15 (18)/T: 14 (17)/F:11 l HP: 30/30 l F: +5, R: +5, W: +3 l Init: +6; Per: +9 l AP 4

Was there anything magical at Grok's shop? What was for sell?

M HumanCONFIRM! Level 1 PBP GM


Grok opens each chest in turn, showing Nissa the goods. There are plenty of mundane items, lots of pirate weapons and accessories. The second chest has a magic candle in it, though it is in a box of candles, kept as if there is nothing special about it. The third chest has three magic potions, the fourth has six magic arrows, the fifth box is filled with armor and a small cashbox, but not magic, and the final trunk is made of metal and has a magic dagger, magic short sword, five scrolls, and one magic wand. Grok offers to tell Nissa anything she knows about the items, Nissa also notices that there is a gun sitting in the last trunk...a musket that looks slightly battered.

Female Human (Aryind) Magus (Bladebound, Kensai) 3 l AC: 15 (18)/T: 14 (17)/F:11 l HP: 30/30 l F: +5, R: +5, W: +3 l Init: +6; Per: +9 l AP 4

"That must be Aramis' musket! What must I do to see that returned to her? Also, how much for those candles? I could use them when I pray to the gods at night."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

M HumanCONFIRM! Level 1 PBP GM

"That thing is broken. Riaris tried to mess with it and couldn't get it to work worth a carp. It ain't doin' nothin' but takin' up space. Get it outta here. Far as the candles go, just a copper each...just be careful with 'em, Scourge doesn't like fire very much on the ship. And he doesn't like you very much either...so between the two..." she says all of this while pulling the gun out and placing it with a satchel of Aramis's ammo beside it with a shrug.

Female Undine Watersinger Bard/5
HP: 36/36 | AC: 18 T: 13 FF: 15 | Init +3 | CMD: 15 | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Will +5 | Percep +9

Daytime Finished:

Maera takes detailed mental notes of her findings, but doesn't feel comfortable sneaking anything out of the galley besides the silver pieces, which aren't likely to be missed. Still, there was decent booze for trading, a mysterious magical grappling hook, and eleven knives was probably enough to get a weapon for all of the crew that felt favorable to them. She's fairly confidant that if Diabolito were to ask, Kroop would loan anything for his cook's mate, especially since of his current poor condition. It was a lot of work getting this place in order, but certainly worth it. "You've some good birds here, Kroop. Some real sweethearts," she says as Kroop has just finished getting the meal to Caulky, the woman giving her a strong evil eye when she leaves. She pets a chicken. "Aren't you, Chookie? And thanks for gettin' me in here, Kroop. Hope this helps you and your mate. 'm real worried about him."

Maera is quick to go to Doc's side when he is released from punishment, helping him up, and giving his injuries a quick glance. "We all had a hand in that deception. It is not right that you alone should suffer the consquences," she hisses through gritted teeth.

Dwarf Druid (Shark Shaman) 5

Diabolito rouses slowly, groaning low and staggering his way up to the deck, shielding his eyes as even the evening light and lanterns feel especially harsh. Seeing his friends, he waves to them, licking his lips and heading for his next rum ration. He mumbles more to himself than anything else. "Whew. Must've been some rum last night."

Female Human (Aryind) Magus (Bladebound, Kensai) 3 l AC: 15 (18)/T: 14 (17)/F:11 l HP: 30/30 l F: +5, R: +5, W: +3 l Init: +6; Per: +9 l AP 4

Nissa has no real concept of the value of money. So she will five Grok all 12 sp she found below decks.

Nissa will thank Grok, and then go look for Aramis. "I found some of your things, Aramis. I return your heirlooms to you."

The Vudrani noblewoman is also confused -- but pleased -- that her continued defiance has not resulted in further beatings. She helps Maera with the doctor. Between the two of them they should be able to right the much larger man. "There will come a time when I will take that man's head," she whispers.

Later that evening, Nissa will approach Badger. "Greetings, my name is Nissa. I do not believe that I had yet had the pleasure of your company."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18


Spellcraft (Candle): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16


Male Half-orc Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 3 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | HP 34/34 (36/36) CON (0) | F +7 R +3 W +0 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Rage 12/15

At Ratline's sore response Malak grumbles slightly. He looks at Syl and takes the advice. "Aighty, mate. 'Tis my way to live for battle. I shall seek you out later." He then brushes Syl's arm off slightly and makes his way around the ship.

As Malak is standing and watching the punishment being dealt to Doc. His fist tightens and he feels anger swell up inside him. Why does this even matter to me? I don't even know this man, he been by ma side though. And these bilge rats are causin' me nuff trouble as is. He takes a step forward then notices the other crew around, some of which have come to trust his allies. He watches Scourge and Plugg scornfully, thoughts of crushing their necks running through his head. After a few seconds pass the barbarian huffs and backs down. Malak makes his way below decks to find some entertainment, looking to play games and take money. Maybe even vent some frustrations.

Rum Rations:

Fort: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Con: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Char: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Fatigue: 1d8 ⇒ 4

Malak finds Syl again and brings her by his side. She knows the crew better than him and he acknowledges the help she can give him. Malak finds Ratline, to try to make up for earlier. "Aye fella, my mistake on earlier. Say what do you know about them offisas on this bucket? Any of them give the crew trouble that might need solvin'? From what I seein' ain't no proper crew here at all, you be treatin' like slaves. Ye should be free pirates. Ammiright?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 10 Malak, has no interpersonal skills.

Female Human (Chelaxian) Gunslinger (musket master) 5 | AC17, T15, FF12 | HP 39/39 | CMD 19 | F+5, R+8, W+2 | Init+6 | Perception +9 (+12 if Rotgut within 20 ft) | Grit 4/4

The bloody hour makes Aramis' blood boil. Once again, she watches silently, hands balled into fists, blood seeping into her palms. When it's done, she helps Doc to his feet, muttering darkly under her breath. More coherently, she says "'Least ye took it like a man, Doc. They can't take yer pride, eh?"

When Nissa approaches her, Aramis' mouth goes dry. She manages to refrain from reaching out and snatching the object from the other woman's hands; instead, she slowly takes it, turning it over and staring at it as if she's never seen it before. When she looks up again, her face is set in an expression of steely resolution.

"I ne'er thought I'd see this again, lass. Seems ye've done tha impossible, eh?" She forces a smile, but she seems to be too awed for it to appear genuine. "This gun... this was me pappy's. 'E taught me ta shoot soon's I was big enough ta hold tha damn thing! I was washed ashore on Port Peril when I was eighteen... 'bout four years ago now. Ne'er saw me pappy again. But 'is gun was there with me. When they took it... it felt like they'd taken me pappy, an' me last chance ta say goodbye." She swallows, and she blinks back a tear before clutching Nissa in a firm hug. "Thanks, lass. I owe ye everythin'. You need me an' my gun fer anythin', ye've got us."

Though she itches to walk right up to the captain and put a bullet in his skull, she decides to mill about and try talking to people. Figuring she'll be the one getting the lashes soon enough, she decides to get on the ship's doctor's good side, and appraoches Habbly with a warm handshake.

"'Ey there. Ye seem ta be doin' a right job o' fixin' us up. 'Ow long've ye been a doctor for?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Female Human (Aryind) Magus (Bladebound, Kensai) 3 l AC: 15 (18)/T: 14 (17)/F:11 l HP: 30/30 l F: +5, R: +5, W: +3 l Init: +6; Per: +9 l AP 4

"You are welcome, Aramis. Your trust honors me."

I promise Nissa isn't this stuffy when she speaks Vudrani. Heretofore her only knowledge of the Taldane tongue comes from court tutors.

Dwarf Druid (Shark Shaman) 5

Diabolito wanders his way over to Doc, having been a bit out of it for the whipping time. "Yeesh. You look worse off than I do!" He chuckles quietly after several uncomfortable moments. "I'll take care of ya when we go below deck. Don't trust these idiots above deck not to get up in arms over it."

He looks at the bloody wound, seeing what he can do in the meantime, without magic.

Heal: 1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 6 - 2 = 13

Dwarf Druid (Shark Shaman) 5

Diabolito wanders his way over to Doc, having been a bit out of it for the whipping time. "Yeesh. You look worse off than I do!" He chuckles quietly after several uncomfortable moments. "I'll take care of ya when we go below deck. Don't trust these idiots above deck not to get up in arms over it."

He looks at the bloody wound, seeing what he can do in the meantime, without magic. He seems particularly interested in how much blood the wound has drawn, muttering something about a perfectly good waste of blood.

Heal: 1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 6 - 2 = 14

Male Human Investigator 4 | HP: 23 | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5 | BAB +3, CMB +6, CMD 18 | Init: +2 | Perception: +11 | Mutagen 0/1, Inspiration 6/6

Doc does his best not to laugh at Scourge when he gets pulled to take the blame for last night's debacle.

If I mock him openly he's likely to lash me until I'm unconscious, best to keep quiet.

When the Cat o'Nine-Tails hits instead of the whip, Doc's jaws clench tightly. After the third hit Doc slumps down and is pushed to the ground.

Ugh. They're going to pay for that one. I'll have to come up with something special for Scourge...

Doc hears feet stomping as several people rush over, and begins getting up with help from the others. Looking around he sees Maera and Aramis lifting him up. "Thanks you two, I appreciate the help. I'm glad to have friends I can count upon on this ... voyage." Doc gives a pained grin at Diabolito as he comes up remarking on his condition. "Aye, Scourge's scourge hit a bit harder than I was expecting, but I'll be fine when I get a moment. You, on the other hand... we need to have a talk 'tween you, me and Habbly about the rum."

When he gets a moment, he lets Diabolito examine his wounds. After he's done, Doc pulls out a vial and downs it quickly. As he pockets the vial the wounds on his back start to close up, leaving unblemished skin in their place.

Extract(Cure Light Wounds): 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Doc then collects his ration and does his usual trick of storing it in an empty extract vial.

Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Later Doc heads down to speak with Habbly, trying to convince Diablito to join him. He arrives about the same time Aramis has begun to chatting up Habbly. "Thanks again for the help Aramis, and when you two are done talking, I could use some advice Habbly, Diabolito's gettin' worn down by the Rum and we need to help him out."

I'll apply my aid another (the 10 roll) to Aramis' diplomacy, and sorry for the absurdly long post :p

Female Undine Watersinger Bard/5
HP: 36/36 | AC: 18 T: 13 FF: 15 | Init +3 | CMD: 15 | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Will +5 | Percep +9

Maera nods in agreement at Doc's attempts at an alcohol intervention. "This stuff'll kill you," she says to Diabolito quietly. "If Doc and Habbly don't have any ideas to help you kick the habit, at least let me water it down."

Female Undine Watersinger Bard/5
HP: 36/36 | AC: 18 T: 13 FF: 15 | Init +3 | CMD: 15 | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Will +5 | Percep +9

Nighttime Interaction:

When her intervention with Doc and Diabolito is done for now, Maera swaps her rum with Tilly, and seeks out Grok for the night, with a wide smile.

Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 Uh-oh, can I get a +2 from Tilly to make the swap go smooth?

"I figured you might have had your fill of shark, but I think I've got something better to repay you for the other day with a new trick I've learned." Using her now empty mug, she creates water in it, and with a flourish, changes it into wine. "Grand, eh? Any alcoholic drink, I can do it, and that there's on the house, with my compliments. Although, perhaps you'd be open to a little business arrangement?" She smiles, and waits to see if she's caught Grok's interest. "Assuming I haven't been in a fight, I can do this little trick three times a night... just... as a way of showing how grateful I be that you continue being so... reluctant to finish the cataloging. I'll let my mates know we're good and square for them to acquire what no one will mind missing. And after that, well, maybe we can start up a tab in the store... Good ol' fashioned barterin'."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Dwarf Druid (Shark Shaman) 5

Diabolito looks from the booze, to Maera, then back to the booze, then to Doc, obviously not used to this situation. "Why?...What's wrong with how much I'm drinking? I mean, I only have a couple a day. I can stop at any time." The way the usually confident dwarf speaks, it's pretty obvious he's not so sure about it this time.

"Which reminds me..what happened last night? Did I get whipped into unconsciousness or something that I don't remember? I get conked on the head by one of our new 'friends'? All I remember is that I woke up with the sun already down."

Female Undine Watersinger Bard/5
HP: 36/36 | AC: 18 T: 13 FF: 15 | Init +3 | CMD: 15 | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Will +5 | Percep +9

"Because this rum is a poison, intended to pacify us. Keep us weak, keep us tired. Keep us from makin' trouble. You've been drinking it longer than any of us, and it's taking its toil. I heard you keeled over mid-drink last night," she adds worriedly.

Female Human (Aryind) Magus (Bladebound, Kensai) 3 l AC: 15 (18)/T: 14 (17)/F:11 l HP: 30/30 l F: +5, R: +5, W: +3 l Init: +6; Per: +9 l AP 4

Preach, girl. Preach!

Dwarf Druid (Shark Shaman) 5

Diabolito stubs up and looks honestly...offended(?) at the idea that he might have become addicted and overtaken by the alcohol. "Keel over? Me? Why I never!" He harrumphs in a way that is iconically Dwarven.

He then looks over to Doc, hoping that he'll let him know that Maera is just overreacting.

M HumanCONFIRM! Level 1 PBP GM

When Nissa finds time to properly examine the magical candle, she realizes the item is a Candle of Truth. Interesting indeed.

Grok looks in wonder as she sees the glass fill with wine. "How did you know Ah loved me some wine. Here's the deal. You bring this trick to me when ya can and when you and yer friends need to buy somethin from me, Ahll make sure it's as cheap as Ah can give it to ya. Beyond that, Ah gots a bag that won't fit in any of my lockers and goods that ain't locked up, ain't no good for me. Get em out of here," she pounds the wine and slides the empty glass to Maera, "But another mug would be nice, before ya leave." She then places a heavy, sackcloth bag on the counter and nods. Players, you get all your starting gear back, including your money pouches...minus the money.

Habbly nods, "Honestly, looks ta me like you have had a bit much. It looks like you passed out from alcohol poisonin'. You should probably take a break from the rum if you can. Captain won't like it none, but you being dead would also not please 'im." The ship's surgeon shakes his head.

This is about the time that Sandara walks up and gives a pained smile. "Besmara's bosom, you look rough, dwarf. Been a long time since I've seen someone look as sick as you do. Perhaps I can help." She places a hand on his head and whispers several times and he feels a great deal better each time.

No Peek:

1d4 ⇒ 2
1d4 ⇒ 3

"Besmara's smile be upon you this day, dwarf." The woman smiles and the dwarf feels refreshed...five constitution better. He still feels weak and unhealthy...sweating, but not as bad as before. "I'd listen to Stitchman...he knows his stuff. Besides, you don't want to pass out again, do ya?"

Female Undine Watersinger Bard/5
HP: 36/36 | AC: 18 T: 13 FF: 15 | Init +3 | CMD: 15 | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Will +5 | Percep +9

Grok and Everyone when they go to bed:

"Lucky guess. Water into wine is such a classic. If you hadn't liked it, I'd played barkeep for whatever you did fancy," Maera chuckles, filling the mug generously to the brim, and changing it into wine again. With a wink, she takes the heavy bag, adding, "Well, we can't have that. Captain'd get mad. And I'm always willing to help, me." Gratefully, she inclines her head, and goes below deck with the sackcloth, awaiting the trickling of her companions as they come down. To each of them, she greets with a smile, and indicates towards the bag. "I think there's some things in here that belong to you."


To Zak in particular she'll take the time to properly introduce herself as the other woman gathers her gear. "My name's Maera, by the way. I figure any woman who can get a stab on Plugg, and manage to last the sweat-box as long as you have be someone who'd make a fine friend. I don't suppose it'd be too much to hope for that you made children for him only wishful thinking?"

Dwarf Druid (Shark Shaman) 5

"Those..." the dwarf grits his teeth, the sound just a bit too angry. "...bastards..." He sighs, looking at the rum, swallowing hard while not touching the rum. "Gozreh's waves...this is gonna be rough..." He looks at his friends. "Somebody take this rum before I march right up to that f@+!er, Plugg, and proceed to tie him face first into the barrel me'self."

He rubs his face, grimacing. "I'm gonna have to start making sure I have enough ability to create water..." The dwarf sighs, feeling just a bit better with the attention from Sandara. "Aye, lass. Can't live up to me name, if I'm acceptin' an early embrace from Gozreh."

He cracks his knuckles. "When the time comes...I'm going to kill each of those three and shove their bodies into rum barrels and let Gozreh do what she will with the bodies. Ain't worth giving to the sharks."

Below Deck
Diabolito's eyes go wide and his jaw just drops about as far as possible without being consumed by his salt-crusted beard. Digging through the bag, he grins, it growing wider by the moment, until he has every piece necessary to do ALL his work.

He eases on the hide shirt and gives his battleaxe a couple of test swings, settling that weapon to his side and his small bag at his hip.

It's several moments later when he notices Zak. He laughs heartily, seeing her. "So YOU'RE the one that got locked in the sweatbox?! Yeesh! You just hadta upstage me, didn't ya, lass! You weren't hittin' the sauce, were ya?" The sweaty, booze-soaked dwarf proceeds to lift the cleric up off her feet in a bear - err, shark - hug.


Male Half-orc Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 3 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | HP 34/34 (36/36) CON (0) | F +7 R +3 W +0 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Rage 12/15

Any results from Malak's interactions with Syl and Ratline?

Female Human (Chelaxian) Gunslinger (musket master) 5 | AC17, T15, FF12 | HP 39/39 | CMD 19 | F+5, R+8, W+2 | Init+6 | Perception +9 (+12 if Rotgut within 20 ft) | Grit 4/4

When Maera comes around with the bag later that evening, Aramis' eyes light up. She immediately rummages through the sack, claiming her belongings with with a practised eye. The recovery of two items in particular make her grin - her leather waist cincher, and her gunsmith's kit. She claps the bard on the shoulder, still grinning. "Have ta say, now I really feel like a woman again," she chuckles, buckling on her cincher, giving herself the illusion of feminine curves. "An' this - this'll serve us well, lass. Jus' you wait." She tosses the bag of tools up in the air and catches it with a wink. That done, she retreats to her hammock, hiding her musket behind a pile of forgotten, mouldering sacks.

Male Human Investigator 4 | HP: 23 | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5 | BAB +3, CMB +6, CMD 18 | Init: +2 | Perception: +11 | Mutagen 0/1, Inspiration 6/6

"What Maera and Habbly say is true Diabolito. This ain't just a drink, it's demon rum. I've no doubt that you'd be fine if the drink were anything else, but this stuff seems to have your number." With that, Doc takes the dwarf's rum and dumps it into one of his flasks and stoppers it up.

Doc spends the rest of the evening thinking over the situation on the boat. We're close to having the support of the full crew. No time for a tally yet, but I'd imagine we severely outnumber those loyal to the Captain. It won't be too long before the Captain realizes that. We'll need to begin planning soon. Certainly if we could get the entire crew off this demon rum it'd be a huge boon to us.

When he returns to the quarters to call it a night, he's surprised to find Maera there with everyone's gear. "Spectacular! I was wondering how I'd get the remainder of my things back. My hat, if I had one, would be off to you!" Doc says with a big grin. After digging through the bag for a few minutes and fishing out his dagger and armor he adds, "But I must say, that's quite a trick you've pulled there, Maera, How exactly did you manage to pull that off?"

Female Undine Watersinger Bard/5
HP: 36/36 | AC: 18 T: 13 FF: 15 | Init +3 | CMD: 15 | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Will +5 | Percep +9

"Grok has a fondness for wine, it seems," she says rather cheerfully, quite pleased to have raised everyone's spirits by getting their things back. Never underestimate the value of morale. "And while I have neither the taste nor the stomach for alcohol myself, there's plently here who do, and can help us all the more for it. I just used magic to cheat, and cut out the middle-man when it comes to makin' the stuff."

Zaketta was pleased to see Aramis accept her offer of friendship, and she spends the rest of day chatting with her pleasantly, swapping bar-room stories and tales of the sea. The surly swab was a good worker, and seemed to have a sharp temper that the Besmaran priestess found more than a little entertaining.

Soon enough, evening rolled around, though Zaketta was none too pleased to watch the Bloody Hour's usual spectacle.

"I'm all for discipline," she muttered to Aramis, "but this is just cruelty for it's own sake. Those two-" she gestured to Plugg and Scourge- "are getting their jollies from this, and that's bad sailing if ever I saw it. Mark me, those two are going to come to a bad end, whether we get involved or not."

Deciding that last night's deception had worked pretty well, Zaketta once again mimicked drinking down her rum sloppily, letting most of it spill off. It was a messy ploy, but certainly better than ending up like Diabolito.

When she finally made her way belowdecks, she went over to check on the intoxicated dwarf, and found several of the other crew, including Aramis, standing near. She was about to introduce herself to the others when Diabolito noticed her and grabbed her in a mighty hug.

"Easy there, Stormwhiskers! This is my best kidnappin' outfit, don't you know - it won't do to get your hairs all over it," she replied playfully, giving the druid a squeeze and a kiss on the forehead.

"And as for hittin' the sauce - I may have been, but I know how to hit back... as Plugg found out for himself that night." Zaketta gave a sly wink and cracked her knuckles. "But you look like you've been trying to pierce a pimple with a hammer, man. Are you sure you're all right?"

Zaketta is quite pleased to have her gear returned to her, and thanked Maera emphatically before groaning in mock exasperation at the bard's humorous query.

"I gave it my best shot, you can count on that, but wouldn't you know it - the target was too small to hit!" she cackled at her own jest as she stowed her more obvious gear under a stack of extra canvas, keeping only her dagger and darts, which she hid beneath her sash.

"Now then" she said to the others in a low, conspiratorial tone, "you've all been up and about this vessel freely for the past few days, but I haven't gotten the lay of the land yet, so to speak. Seein' as how everyone's settling in for a quiet night, I'm of a mind to go exploring. Anyone want to join me? I've got a little trick in case I get caught, of course." Zaketta muttered a quick incantation and tossed her head forward, her hair briefly covering her face. When she brought it up back up, her visage had drastically changed, becoming a perfect match to the big-eared Aretta Bansion.

"Not bad, eh? Course, I can only do this for myself - so if anyone wants to come with me, they'd better have their own way of getting out of trouble if it comes knocking."


Using Guidance and Tap Inner Beauty to boost my bluff check, and then Guidance and Disguise self to help out my Disguise check

Bluff (rum)

1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26


1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17

M HumanCONFIRM! Level 1 PBP GM

I had been waiting to see if anyone gave you an assist, but sadly they did not

Ratline looks up at Malak, "Look, mate, I get you are big and strong and you want to be the baddest man on the whole damn boat, but you need to back off a bit."

Ultimately, Malak gets the impression that he is pressing it too much in one day to really get through to the guy.

Habbly simply nods to Aramis, "I have been this ships doctor for going on a year, but I've been a ship surgeon for...fifteen years now..."

Dwarf Druid (Shark Shaman) 5

Diabolito would have, had he been with it! But sadly, unconsciousness makes for an auto-fail on the assist roll.

M HumanCONFIRM! Level 1 PBP GM

Day 7

As the night went on, rains began, not a simply rain storm, but a heavy pelting. The ship seemed mostly stable, but the rain makes it hard to see -2 to perception checks on deck and -2 on all rigger job checks .

Malak-Rigging Repair – 30ft climb + Profession Sailor/DEX check (DC 12)

(DC 12 on the climb check and you can't take 10)

Diabolito- Turtle Hunting - Profession Fisherman/Survival DC 12; failure = Man the Bilges the next day

Zak- Rat Catcher – Stealth/Survival/DEX DC 10

Nissa- Repairs – Profession Sailor/DEX DC 10

Aramis- Man the Bilges – STR DC 10 + CON DC 10 to avoid fatigue

Maera- Runner – Acrobatics/CON DC 12 to avoid fatigue (Getting pelted by the rain makes this more difficult)

Doc- Tending the crew- Survival/Heal DC 10 to take care of the crew members who are getting pelted by rain. Preventing them from getting sick.

Female Human (Aryind) Magus (Bladebound, Kensai) 3 l AC: 15 (18)/T: 14 (17)/F:11 l HP: 30/30 l F: +5, R: +5, W: +3 l Init: +6; Per: +9 l AP 4

Can Prestidigitation be used on repairs?

M HumanCONFIRM! Level 1 PBP GM

I'll let it give you a bonus, due to some of the repairs needing more than prestidigitation would allow and/or being too large. +2 to the roll though

Female Human (Aryind) Magus (Bladebound, Kensai) 3 l AC: 15 (18)/T: 14 (17)/F:11 l HP: 30/30 l F: +5, R: +5, W: +3 l Init: +6; Per: +9 l AP 4

Yay, better living through cantrips!

1d20 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 2 + 4 = 25

Male Human Investigator 4 | HP: 23 | AC: 17/12/15 | Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5 | BAB +3, CMB +6, CMD 18 | Init: +2 | Perception: +11 | Mutagen 0/1, Inspiration 6/6

Listening to Maera's description of her trick, Doc gets an idea. "How often can you do that little water-to-alcohol trick, lass? Maybe we can ease up the demon rum's effects on Diabolito, mayhap even more than him." Doc digs out one of his seemingly always available flasks and hands it to Maera. "Don't suppose you could try fillin' this up with your best shot at rum? I intend to spend tomorrow evening experimenting with it."

When Doc sees Zak disguise herself magically as Aretta, he grins. "Also a great trick you've got there. I've been workin' on a potion that would have a similar effect, although I've not got one ready today. Perhaps tomorrow evening someone else could accompany you under a similarly appropriate guise."

The next morning Doc wakens to grey skies and heavy rains. He spends his time checking up on others, although he doesn't go out of his way to do so speedily.

Heal: 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 12 - 2 = 13

Doc's got some free time and is all over, so if someone is chatting a crew member up during the day, he'll stop and chat a bit too to help out, i.e. aid another. I'll update if/when that happens.

Female Undine Watersinger Bard/5
HP: 36/36 | AC: 18 T: 13 FF: 15 | Init +3 | CMD: 15 | Fort +3 | Ref +7 | Will +5 | Percep +9

"Three times a day right now, if I'm lucky. Whenever I can, I'm going to offer Grok at least one of them." Maera said, filling up the flask, and using her last spell to turn it to rum. "If we can wean him off that stuff, so much the better."

Before they all head out to their daily tasks, Maera remembers to relay exactly what she found in the galley the other day, and adds that if Diabolito nicely asked to borrow it, Kroop would probably let him take it. "Also, I've worked out an arrangement with Grok. If there's anything out of the stores that particularly catches your eye, have me come over and help provide some... liquid incentive. She's letting me trade my magic for her lowest prices."

When she goes on deck, her spirits immediately brighten at the prospect of rain, and she seems to relish the idea of being out in it all day long.

CON: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Running all over the ship does get a bit tiring, but she doesn't seem to mind, soaked to the skin as she smiles and sings to herself for vigor.

Perform: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 1 rd used to remove fatigue.


Male Half-orc Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 3 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | HP 34/34 (36/36) CON (0) | F +7 R +3 W +0 | Init +2 | Perc +6 | Rage 12/15

Malak walks out onto the wet deck. He lifts his eyes to the horizon, staring at the oncoming clouds. "Damn rain'll make it mighty nice for doin' line work. Up to it 'ey say! Don't see single one of the rum-sloshing soft-handed offisas out her' now." Malak makes his way to the masts to starts repairs and begins climbing.

Climb: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Prof(Sailor): 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 5 - 2 = 20

The half-orc climbs the masts, moving deftly from rope to rope. His hands move furiously as they replace and retie knots, tightening and sliding old ones to better positions, unkinking the sails and the such. As Malak works the rain doesn't even bother him, it just keeps him cool. Whenever the rain starts to get in his eyes he simply ties his bandanna around his forehead to soak it up. The pirate barbarian tries to jump in and assist any fellow riggers, fully knowing the difficulty they are facing in the rain. Guess, not all of 'em can move as well as me. Some o' 'em probably too scared of fallin' in the rain too. The thought crosses Malak's mind to apologize to Ratline for yesterday, but is quickly brushed aside as a foolish appeal.

Female Human (Aryind) Magus (Bladebound, Kensai) 3 l AC: 15 (18)/T: 14 (17)/F:11 l HP: 30/30 l F: +5, R: +5, W: +3 l Init: +6; Per: +9 l AP 4

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Nissa chooses to work her repairs near Giffer Tibbs. Nissa uses her minor magic to speed the repairs and fight an ever losing battle to keep her clothes dry. She extends this courtesy to Giffer. She might be a little ragged, but this rain is not helping either.

"Hello, my name is Nissa. Join me as I work. You can tell me your name and how you ended up on this ill-favored vessel, and I can see what I can do to keep us both a little dryer. Your story would be a kindness as it would help to pass the time."

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Female Human (Chelaxian) Gunslinger (musket master) 5 | AC17, T15, FF12 | HP 39/39 | CMD 19 | F+5, R+8, W+2 | Init+6 | Perception +9 (+12 if Rotgut within 20 ft) | Grit 4/4

Hey guys, I just got the internet connected. Might take me a while to get into the swing of things again, but I'm back!

M HumanCONFIRM! Level 1 PBP GM

Yay, welcome back!

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