Wellards rescue attempt on RotRL

Game Master Wellard

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Male Human Binder 11 |Init +7 |HP 68/102 |AC 19 FF 16 T 13| CMD +8 | F+10 R+10 W+9 Percep +8

Inikai heads home and bathes for a long while, examining the scars he has acquired and feeling the remnants of pain from his recent exertions. His mail shirt will need to be repaired in places so he makes a mental note to see the blacksmith. Later, he unloads his trophies and examines them. "Ilsoari will know how to preserve them", he thinks.

When he is done he studies for a bit and then rests. When he wakes he will change and head over to the Rusty Dragon to join the others.

He's got pointed ears, like Spock. // AC 17, FF 14, T 15 // HP 68/73 // F,R,W 7,11,4 // Percept 14 + // Init +4

"Yeah, yeah." Romon's head bobs up and down with excitement. "A celebration. Look. Jael told me a little bit about what you all have done recently. Saved the town from the goblins and all. Now killing the demon. You guys are the Heroes of Sandpoint *. You deserve the best. Back in Magnimar, when something good happens, you pull a big job ... " Romon flushes momentarily, "or a wedding or something. You go out a celebrate. The best meal, some wine, girls, whatever." The Magnimarian rogue totals up his cah on hand and divides by three. "I've got 15 gold pieces I can throw in. It's almost all I have, but we'll find some more tomorrow. "

"Tomorrow, right. We're going back down to the well to try to finish it right. We could die. So let's live tonight!" We'll grab Inikai and the girls and Celebrate!"

Romon stands up quickly splashing water out of the tub. "I'm going upstairs to dress. I'll meet you guys at the door."

* Heroes of Sandpoint a novel in three parts coming soon from Magnimar House. Be sure to catch the musical next summer!

Edit: ninjaed by Bill, but it looks like Inikai's on board. Or will be soon.

Female Forest Gnome Wild Druid / 9| G AC17, W AC18 H AC17 DW AC21; HP 81/81, CMD 21, F/R/W 10/10/6 **, Percep +11 Low-light & Scent, Init +7

Although in Kallie's spluttering and embarrassed speech nothing much is cleared up for the child of the woods who is still almost completely ignorant of 'two foot' ways (up until just a few days ago she hadn't even Spoken to a two-foot in...in more winters than the fingers of her hands and most of her toes) but Ali can tell her new free-end... 'Friend, they say Friend. You talk Right Ali!' is trying hard to make her feel better.

The concept of needing or having more than one set of 'false skins' is still very strange to the young Gnome woman but at the mention of 'Shop-ing'....Ali perks up considerably again. She has managed to learn this new word for the exchanging of shine-es for other things and the idea of it always fills her with a great excitement. Her moods those of the mercurial fey, she is instantly happy again and grabs a hand each of both of the other women and contentedly skips along and continues her tale.

Although she is a fully grown Gnome women, it Is very easy to see her as a child... sometimes

Female Human (Chelish) Sorcerer 3

There was something infectious about Ali's cheer, Kallie noted as she and her mother led her to their home. She couldn't help smiling herself, though she pointedly looked away whenever the subject of the quasit's insults or her own theatrics came up.

Gods, it's like having a new younger sister. Was I ever like that with Sarae? She had even managed to put away her impending fears about introducing the concept of bathing to the gnome, but most importantly, her hands had stopped shaking as they had off and on since leaving the catacombs.

Male Human Ranger 10// AC 19 (20 w/2 weap), FF 16, T 15 // HP 109/109 // Percept +14 (+18 Forests/+16 Mtns) // Init +3 (+7 Forests/+5 Mtns)

Muchorak finishes bathing, returns to his room and dresses in fresher clothing...perhaps this could be a good experience he thinks to himself. Securing his belongings in his room, his sword on his hip Muchorak departs for a meal and to meet with Romon.

Male Human Binder 11 |Init +7 |HP 68/102 |AC 19 FF 16 T 13| CMD +8 | F+10 R+10 W+9 Percep +8

Wellard:[/spoiler]How if it has now been more than 24 hours since Inikai bound to Dahlver-nar then the pact will have ended. In that case he will bind Focalor.[/ooc]

Inikai places his trophies in brine to preserve them. Tomorrow he will see a taxidermist or someone who can properly mount them.Then he cleans himself off and changes into new clothes then heads over to meet with his fiends.

He's got pointed ears, like Spock. // AC 17, FF 14, T 15 // HP 68/73 // F,R,W 7,11,4 // Percept 14 + // Init +4

Romon looks over his clothing. He has only his black night-stalking suit. These aren't party clothes. Wish I had something else, but there wasn't time. He grins, remembering his hasty departure from Magnimar. I'll pass them off as the latest fashion.

He finishes changing and belts on his best dagger. Then he goes down, taking the stairs two at a time.

"Inikai! Good to see you. A quiet word, if you will." He draws him aside to ask quietly, "What's the best place to eat in town? We really need to do this right. Celebrate our victory and your great feats the last few days. We'll want some good wine too. Maybe we can do a tavern crawl...." More quietly still, "I can put up 15 gold."

If Inikai proves reluctant see speech to Marak above.

Female Human (Chelish) Sorcerer 3

Kallie showed Ali into her home as her mother prepared the bath. Her father's work and her grandmother's earnings from her adventuring days kept them in a nice house, though it was far from extravagant, leaning more towards "cozy".

The front door opened up into the common room, connected to which were the kitchen and bathing room. A narrow set of stairs led up to the two bedrooms, one for Kallie's parents, the other for her and her sister, this one with small shelves of books on Kallie's side. A hatch and ladder in the hallway led up to the tiny attic above.

The common room was decorated mostly with mementos from her grandmother's exploits. Nothing of much monetary worth as far as she and her family knew, but priceless in terms of family history.

"We're going to need to hurry. The others will likely be ready before long." she said as she escorted Ali into the room where her mother was drawing the bath.

"Um...you can just take your clothes off and I'll try to clean them for you." As much as she wanted to get her own bath as quickly as possible, she thought it best to get the hard part over with. She wondered if her mother had held onto any of the clothes she and her sister had as children or if they had all gone to the neighbors, but decided against searching for them. Gods, it'd make the poor girl look ridiculous... She then caught herself just in time. "Now...it's going to be hot, okay? You'll get cleaner that way. Just go in slow..." She tried to help the gnome in while at the same time being ready to jump away.

She had not forgotten the lessons that old cat had taught her.

Male Human Binder 11 |Init +7 |HP 68/102 |AC 19 FF 16 T 13| CMD +8 | F+10 R+10 W+9 Percep +8
Romon wrote:

"Inikai! Good to see you. A quiet word, if you will." He draws him aside to ask quietly, "What's the best place to eat in town? We really need to do this right. Celebrate our victory and your great feats the last few days. We'll want some good wine too. Maybe we can do a tavern crawl...." More quietly still, "I can put up 15 gold."

"Good to see you as well. The 'Dragon here has the best meals unless you want fish; then it's the Hagfish. The hagfish gets rowdier crowds and I think they might be more likely to want to here tales of adventure there. They might even buy us a few rounds if the storyteller is good. And who better than a felow Magnimar native?"

Female Forest Gnome Wild Druid / 9| G AC17, W AC18 H AC17 DW AC21; HP 81/81, CMD 21, F/R/W 10/10/6 **, Percep +11 Low-light & Scent, Init +7

Ali stares around in wide eyed wonder as she's escorted through Kallie's house. Often since she had been spending more time in the 'two-foots' place 'Sand-point! Ali, they call this place Sand-point. I tell you already, you be speaking right!' and had seen people going in and out of these dwellings but she had never really stopped much to think about them and had assumed that they were all just communal dwellings and anyone could go in anywhere.

As she begins to comprehend that this entire building is just for one pack..."this...this whole big place be just for One pack?! Just for You pack? No others??" never had she imagined such...wealth (although she doesn't really know that word...just the concept of having many many of something) belonging to just a very few. Her amazement continues to grow at the sheer number of...things in the place "And...and there be So many...things. So many shinees and lookiees and keepies (her words for interesting things)..." as she hesitantly reaches out curiously to touch many things, always though drawing her hand back at the last moment and looking with her big eyes for disapproval from Kallie.

As Kallie leads Ali into the bathing room though, somewhat to the Sorceress's surprise,instead of bewilderment, when Ali sees all the water instead a look of understanding comes into her eyes...although it is tempered with confusion as well. "Ooooh! You want Ali go for swim! BUt why you not just say so?" As the completely unashamed and unselfconscious wild druid begins to unceremoniously strip off her clothes she asks curiously "But how Ali swim in such small space?? It go deep??" Just as she is about to dive into the tub, Ali hears her free..her Friend's caution about it being hot. This stops her as she pauses for a moment to consider and instead just dips her toe in. "Oooh! It Is hot! Oh Oh Ali know! Yes yes, this just like special pool Ali find in mountain one time that always be hot! Even in the snows! Yes yes Ali like!" and with that she slips right in, the heat not seeming to bother her at all. As she purrs in comfort she small gnomish woman looks unabashedly and innocently at her friend as she says "Kallie come swim too...Ali mean Kallie come take BATH with Ali now too? Yes yes?" and smiles easily as she waits for her friend to join her.

(After the bath)
Ali will look curiously at the clothes Kallie shows her and comment on "...how they be pretty..." but is not quite yet comfortable with the idea of wearing them "How this help protect Ali from bite of tooth or hard shiny sticks" she mumbles to herself as she feels some of the fabrics. Whether her own clothes are properly cleaned or not, she will happily put them back on and join Kallie on the trip back to the inn.

Female Human (Chelish) Sorcerer 3

"Um...yes...most houses here are just for one family..." Kallie asnwered the first question awkwardly. She almost started to explain further about how wealth, space, the size of families, and population density played into it, but quickly decided that would lead down a long rambling path they didn't have time for at the moment.

She could not help but smile at Ali's wonder at all the keepsakes that had come to seem mundane to her, having seen them almost every day of her life, though she did give the gnome a worried look whenever she reached out for anything fragile. "Most of these are from my grandmother." she said with a measure of pride. "She did a lot of travelling in her time, adventuring...you know....like you and your friends."

Once Ali saw the tub, she had to explain. "It's not really swimming. It's..." Wow...maybe she really was raised by wolves... "You get in...relax...let the soreness drain from your bones...and wash away whatever the day has dirtied you with." She was exceptionally mindful of the dampness on her dress now. She quickly wiped down Ali's clothing as well as she could. She wished she had some clean clothing for the girl, but they had to work with what they had. She was just grateful she took to the bath as well as she did. "Gods, yes. I can't stand this filth on me a moment longer..." She had not bathed with anyone since she and her sister were little, and as disarming as Ali's childlike demeanor was, it really took her back.. Discarding her dress in the corner, and never intending to put it on again, she slipped carefully in alongside Ali. "Now hold still will you?" she said as she explained the concept of scrubbing. Thank Desna, this is much easier than bathing a cat... "We have hot springs in the area?" she asked idly. No wonder she had taken to it so well.

Afterwards, she was mindful to explain the use of towels before Ali ventured out, and explicitly warned against leaving before dressing again.

Casting Prestidigitation to dry hair quickly. :)

"These clothes aren't really meant to protect you from things like that..." Kallie started at Ali's question concerning clothing. "They're mostly to...well...protecct you from the elements...to cover your unmentionables..." She blushed a bit. "It's not a good idea to walk around town naked. People might start to talk." Gods, how do you explain something like this anyway?! "And sometimes it's just to look good..." She couldn't help but feel a bit shallow for having explained her own fashion so bluntly. "You probably wouldn't want to wear something like this while doing what you were doing today. I wore that dress because...well armor just wouldn't work out for me. It's too heavy for me." She placed her hands on her knees, leaning forward. "But I promise, I'll help you find something good tomorrow, okay? Now we had better hurry and go meet the others!"

Female Forest Gnome Wild Druid / 9| G AC17, W AC18 H AC17 DW AC21; HP 81/81, CMD 21, F/R/W 10/10/6 **, Percep +11 Low-light & Scent, Init +7

Ali had enjoyed the bath and had immediately understood the concept of 'scrubbing', it was very similar to the grooming she and her pack brothers and sisters would perform for each other. She happily returned the favor for Kallie, although perhaps a bit more awkwardly with the unfamiliar tools available.

It was a good thing for Kallie she had explicitly explained towels and not leaving the room undressed to Ali for that had been her intension. She had never known anything but air drying and was still curious to have a close look at all the interesting things in the house.

When it came to Kallie's difficult task of explaining society's cultural taboos concerning nudity and such, Ali understood little to none of it ' They will talk because Ali no wear false skins?? But they talk anyway yes yes? These people be very strange Ali think. But some of them be Ali's friends so they be ok.' but she was happy to have her new friend talking to her so just smiled and listened.

She did enjoy being clean though and happily walked and skipped alongside Kallie as they made their way to the Inn

Female Human (Chelish) Sorcerer 3

"You were all staying at the Dragon, right?" Kallie asked as they walked through town. "Hopefully they're still there..."

When they finally arrived, Kallie looked around the common room, trying to spot their companions.

said it before but I'll say it again..I love the way this party is gelling

The Dragon is busy tonight...busier than it has been for some time now...it's almost as if a shadow has been lifted from the town and people want to celebrate.

The various entries of members of the party are greeted with cries and cheers. It seems like many people want to buy you a drink in thanks for your efforts.

Male Human Ranger 10// AC 19 (20 w/2 weap), FF 16, T 15 // HP 109/109 // Percept +14 (+18 Forests/+16 Mtns) // Init +3 (+7 Forests/+5 Mtns)

Muchorak takes part in a few drinks not wanting to over-indulge himself, knowing that a warrior must always be ready for battle and in the wilds of his homeland attacks could happen in seconds. Whether they be from humanoid aggressors or bestial.

Female Human (Chelish) Sorcerer 3

Kallie was startled by the reception. Faced with the attention she had sought for so long, she actually took a step back and almost ran out the door. She wasn't used to this kind of treatment from her fellow townsfolk. "Uh...yeah...ha ha...we did it...go us..." She was making a futile attempt to hide behind Ali before she became acclimated to all the adulation. Straightening her posture and clearing her throat, she managed to say to those near her, "Please, think nothing of it! The..." Don't say Black Witch of Sandpoint!!! "...I was merely doing my part for the town, like the others." She smiled and pressed Ali forward lightly as she said 'others', half to give the girl the credit she deserved(she had certainly taken more risks than Kallie had), and half to focus as much attention away from her as she could as she looked for her companions.

Catching sight of the others, she weaved through the crowd towards them. "Gods! Does everyone in town know already?!" she asked, no longer able to hide her blushing. Despite her flustered appearance, she was beginning to enjoy herself. She had never been taken so seriously by her neighbors before...

He's got pointed ears, like Spock. // AC 17, FF 14, T 15 // HP 68/73 // F,R,W 7,11,4 // Percept 14 + // Init +4

Good food. Some fine wine. Romon basks in gourmandian satisfaction. This is the life. Not bad for a backwater town.

He urges his friends to enjoy themselves, tries to keep their glasses full. He also cajoles and teases them to talk about their adventures, the goblin attack, the glassworks. He wants to keep everyone's attention focused on his new friends.

A little PR is a good thing. And when your friends do well, they can do well by you.

Female Forest Gnome Wild Druid / 9| G AC17, W AC18 H AC17 DW AC21; HP 81/81, CMD 21, F/R/W 10/10/6 **, Percep +11 Low-light & Scent, Init +7

The entrance into the Dragon creates something of a comedic spectacle....for observers at least if not for the participants as Ali is, if anything, significantly more startled by the reception than even Kallie is. The Wild Druid's first reaction is that it is some sort of attack and she leaps like a startled cat, twisting in the air to hide behind her much taller friend. The comedic part ensues as the two young ladies both begin to try and hide behind each other. Ali has no verbal response to the tumult, the experience being completely beyond her ken, but at least it doesn't take her too long to realize that all the bared teeth are because all the people are happy instead of baring their fangs as was her first impression.

Fortunately for the flummoxed Gnome, Kallie soon spots their companions and Ali dashes to their table, hiding behind the legs and bodies of her larger comrades until she feels more comfortable. At their urgings and cajoling she finally comes out and joins them though it is still obvious she is more than uncomfortable with all the attention.

Eventually Ali is passed some sort of drink and a very...strange thing happens to her. At first she thinks she is being poisoned and she gasps and coughs and almost bites the hand that gave it to her. But at the laughs and continued smiles of her friends and seeing that the rest of them are drinking as well, Ali tries another sip...it wasn't as if it had Felt bad after all...

After her first couple of sips, a smile starts to slowly spread itself over the young Gnome's face as a warm glow starts to fill her belly. Almost instantly intoxicated, her speech starts to already become slurred as she says enthusiastically "Ali no know what this drink be...but Ali think she Like it! Yes yes! Ali want more!" and she will hold her cup out to be refilled or just take someone else's.

What ensues will be largely up to her friends as the Wild Druid has no experience or knowledge whatsoever of alcohol, intoxication or it's effects. Left to her own devices she will not stop and will continue drinking and, being of a hardy constitution, she should be able to put back quite a lot.

The best that can be said is that her reactions will likely be very....unpredictable. The worst? ... Ouch.

Male Human Binder 11 |Init +7 |HP 68/102 |AC 19 FF 16 T 13| CMD +8 | F+10 R+10 W+9 Percep +8

Inikai takes in the scene with a slightly muffled laugh. "How adorable Ali seems", he thinks. "Who here would suspect that she commands magic and can unleash a beast from herself? And in front of her is 'the Black Witch of Sandpoint' no less!"

He slowly nurses a drink and watches the crowd for reactions that are out of place, still suspicious that enemies might be present. And he tries to not get too distracted by that one serving girl. The one with the dark hair and those hips that make a man lose his train of thought.

He's got pointed ears, like Spock. // AC 17, FF 14, T 15 // HP 68/73 // F,R,W 7,11,4 // Percept 14 + // Init +4
Alisebett wrote:

The entrance into the Dragon creates something of a comedic spectacle....

Eventually Ali is passed some sort of drink and ... a smile starts .... Almost instantly intoxicated, her speech starts to already become slurred as she says enthusiastically "Ali no know what this drink be...but Ali think she Like it! Yes yes! Ali want more!" and she will hold her cup out to be refilled or just take someone else's.

Romon is pleased that Ali seems to be enjoying herself, and will help keep her glass filled. He thinks she's adorably amusing, and although he wouldn't want her to get hurt or ill, he has no thought for tomorrow morning.

Inikai wrote:

Inikai takes in the scene with a slightly muffled laugh. "How adorable Ali seems", he thinks. "Who here would suspect that she commands magic and can unleash a beast from herself? And in front of her is 'the Black Witch of Sandpoint' no less!"

He slowly nurses a drink and watches the crowd for reactions that are out of place, still suspicious that enemies might be present. And he tries to not get too distracted by that one serving girl. The one with the dark hair and those hips that make a man lose his train of thought.

Although he wants his friends to be the center of attention tonight, he will flirt with Kallie -- and any other good-looking woman in the room, including the serving girl with the dark hair and hips.

C'mon he's like a 16 year old boy.

Bethana bustles around organising everything as Ameiko is still recovering from her ordeal..

"Now then" the efficient halfling woman says to you.."I have a good meal ready for you all..unless off course you had other plans" she gives Romon a pointed look at this point and he gets the feeling that the Hagfish migfht not be as good an idea as it sounded.

Bethana gives a wry look at Ali and whispers to Kalli."Try not to let her get too drunk will you dear...I hate to think what your Mother would say"

Female Human (Chelish) Sorcerer 3

Kallie tried to keep an eye on Ali once the drinks started coming forth, but the adulation of the crowd was intoxicating in its own way.

"Oh, it really wasn't that difficult. The demon was a bit of a bother, but we put it down like all the rest for the good of the town. It wasn't all just me of course!" She pulled Romon forward when he came near and wound up half-leaning into him. She had been partaking of the wine, and she was far from being the most capable drinker. "If it wasn't for Romon here turning up when he did we likely would not have made it in to begin with." She was just about to turn the conversation towards asking just why he showed up when he did and where he was from in front of everyone as Bethana warned her about Ali. "Oh right..."

She's having a good time though...but...she does turn into a wolf...and if she's never been drunk before... It was a sobering thought in more ways than one. She excused herself and tracked down the gnomish girl, holding forth her hand with three fingers extending. "Ali, how many fingers am I holding out?"

Female Forest Gnome Wild Druid / 9| G AC17, W AC18 H AC17 DW AC21; HP 81/81, CMD 21, F/R/W 10/10/6 **, Percep +11 Low-light & Scent, Init +7

Squinting her eyes to concentrate, Ali looks closely at her friend's hand, weaving slightly as she leans in, the question put to her seeming suddenly very important. Obviously thinking furiously for a moment, a smile finally lights up the pretty young Gnome's face as, with a triumphant grin she announces surely "Free! Ali see Free Phingers!" Her mission successfully completed and immediately forgotten, Ali turns to the closest hand for another refill of her cup

He's got pointed ears, like Spock. // AC 17, FF 14, T 15 // HP 68/73 // F,R,W 7,11,4 // Percept 14 + // Init +4

Romon smiles in delight at Ali's success, congratulates her, and pours another drink for her, while supporting the leaning Kallie with his other arm.

Muchorak, Marak or Inikai, save us from ourselves, please! Besides, aren't we supposed to meet the town brass tonight?

Male Human Binder 11 |Init +7 |HP 68/102 |AC 19 FF 16 T 13| CMD +8 | F+10 R+10 W+9 Percep +8
Romon wrote:

Romon smiles in delight at Ali's success, congratulates her, and pours another drink for her, while supporting the leaning Kallie with his other arm.

Muchorak, Marak or Inikai, save us from ourselves, please! Besides, aren't we supposed to meet the town brass tonight?

Iniaki picks up on Romon's silent hint signals to the bar-maid that the table has had its fill of drinks."Let's not loose out senses here" he says with a smile "it would not do for the heroes of Sandpoint to fall face-first on the floor. Someone might go through our pockets while we snored."

"I wonder what is keeping our esteemed town gentry?"

The Exchange

Human 10th Cleric of Nethys | AC 21/T 12/FF 15, CMD 20, HP 103 / 103, F+12, R +7, W+15, Per +8, Init +6

At Inikai's query, Marak's brow furrows. He had been lost in thought the entire evening, sitting aside so as not to dampen others enthusiasm for the evening, but it did concern him that this town lay over a wellspring of evil, and the town leadership, [i]if they didn't already know about it,[i] were not exactly beating the bushes to address the situation.

Then again, perhaps he was just being paranoid. These small-town folk hardly seemed the type to engage in Chelaxian-esque machinations and intrigues...

He continues eating bread, dipping it in gravy, making up for his lack of strong drink by eating with a will, as if he had not spent the day seeing creatures that seemed to have come from Zon-Kuthon's own nightmares.

He's got pointed ears, like Spock. // AC 17, FF 14, T 15 // HP 68/73 // F,R,W 7,11,4 // Percept 14 + // Init +4
Inikai wrote:

Iniaki picks up on Romon's silent hint signals to the bar-maid that the table has had its fill of drinks."Let's not loose out senses here" he says with a smile "it would not do for the heroes of Sandpoint to fall face-first on the floor. Someone might go through our pockets while we snored."

"I wonder what is keeping our esteemed town gentry?"

"WHOOsh fallin on ta flur?? I'll check their pockets." Romon grins.

Male Human Ranger 10// AC 19 (20 w/2 weap), FF 16, T 15 // HP 109/109 // Percept +14 (+18 Forests/+16 Mtns) // Init +3 (+7 Forests/+5 Mtns)

Muchorak sits back and casually drinks his ale partaking in the others festivities. He wonders to himself if this is the way of the 'civilized' men, to drink themselves into a stooper. It is a wonder to him at how much land his people lost to men like these. Not exactly men like these he reminds himself, but still so called 'civilized' men.

He nods in agreement with the occasional pad on the back from the townsfolk of a job well done, but otherwise says very little.

Female Human (Chelish) Sorcerer 3

"'Free', huh?" Kallie smirked, putting the wine glass down. Okay, this could become a problem...now how did old Morris next door teach his son not to touch the drink all those years ago...

She felt terrible for what she was almost planning to do, but she kept that thought filed away. Slipping her an epicac is just a little too much this early. Instead she placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, you have to keep you mind sharp before we go meet with the mayor and everyone else, you know? Isn't all that drink making your head fuzzy?"

She realized the same could be said for Romon. "I mean, they might want us to go back down there today..." she said to both of them. "Back into the dark..."

Ilsoari slips his way deftly through the crowd with a grace unusual in one so old.

"Ha my friends...I have just returned from the Mayors office and she wishes to see you tomorrow morning in her office..she is sensible to the fact that you will wish to relax this evening. Father Zantus will be present too"

He looks to each of you his eyes narrowing slightly as he observes Romon's arm around Kalli

"Make merry this night for I have the feeling there will be more work ahead of you."

Kalli you forgot to add the 3rd level bonus spell for your bloodline which is Bless

He's got pointed ears, like Spock. // AC 17, FF 14, T 15 // HP 68/73 // F,R,W 7,11,4 // Percept 14 + // Init +4

"Shee. It's good. Nothing to do tonight. but have a good time."

Male Human Binder 11 |Init +7 |HP 68/102 |AC 19 FF 16 T 13| CMD +8 | F+10 R+10 W+9 Percep +8

Inikai was just about to challenge the others to a belching contest when Ilsoari arrived. Thinking of it makes him realize that he had let his guard down.

"Ilsoari! Please sit with us and celebrate!. There is so much to tell, I wish you could have seen us. There is a room below where things...Inikai catches himself and decides to recount the details in more private settings. Ilsoari had told him years ago about knowing who is in your audience.

For a moment Inikai thinks about his father and wishes the old man could have shared in this. The abstemious old priest would have chided him for the drinks and frivolity. And just think of what he would say if he knew of my pacts with forbidden beings! Well, to hell with his cold judements. We survived. We triumphed and I am going to enjoy being alive right now! Where did that curly-haired bar-maid get to?

Female Forest Gnome Wild Druid / 9| G AC17, W AC18 H AC17 DW AC21; HP 81/81, CMD 21, F/R/W 10/10/6 **, Percep +11 Low-light & Scent, Init +7

Having almost completely missed Ilsoari's words, Ali nevertheless latches onto the old adventurer as soon as she sees him as says much louder than she realizes "Hey! Isil...Islio...Hey Gray One! You look what Ali find! This water makesh you happy happy yes yes! You have shome Ok!" Her last statement not really being a question she shoves her cup into the elder mage's hand and fumbles for another for herself. She then proceeds to make that bashing cups motion she has learned, obliviously spilling most of the contents of both containers over their sleeves before she takes another large gulp.

He's got pointed ears, like Spock. // AC 17, FF 14, T 15 // HP 68/73 // F,R,W 7,11,4 // Percept 14 + // Init +4

"Hey, easy there, Ali. You're wasting the wine."

Female Human (Chelish) Sorcerer 3

Damn... Kallie frowned as Ilsoari ruined her excuse for Ali and Romon to stop while they were ahead. Gods, why did I have to get picked to be responsible? "Excuse me for a moment please..."

She disenganged herself from her companions and made her way to the bartender, asking quietly for the foulest epicac he could mix. Two servings.

Before taking them over herself, she looked about for the drunkest patron she could find. She felt bad enough for what she was doing, she hated the thought of handing the drinks over to them herself even more. Once she found her mark, she handed the drinks to him and pointed him towards Romon and Ali. "See the gnome and the strapping half-elf over there? Heroes of Sandpoint and all that. Give those to them, will you? It's on the house!"

She quickly set about finding some towels. The fear of her mother's scorn could drive her to some desparate ends at times.

Male Human Ranger 10// AC 19 (20 w/2 weap), FF 16, T 15 // HP 109/109 // Percept +14 (+18 Forests/+16 Mtns) // Init +3 (+7 Forests/+5 Mtns)

Muchorak moves over to Wolf Spirit and places a hand on her shoulder to garner her attention, "Be carefull with these drinks Wolf Spirit, the moment of joy with them is short lived and the brightness of dawn will bring only pain from them."

Hoping she understands his words, Muchorak moves back to just taking in the scene...it amazes him how the townsfolk enjoy the levity as if they had been the ones fighting the demon.

He keeps his stoicism, seemingly to be a solid stone in this chaotic revelry.

Female Human (Chelish) Sorcerer 3

Kallie kept an eye on Ali, just in case Muchorak managed to get through to her. She was ready to intercept the drink heading her way if the Shoanti man's words made any difference.

He's not exactly the life of the party himself. She chewed her lip in thought, What is his story anyway?

He's got pointed ears, like Spock. // AC 17, FF 14, T 15 // HP 68/73 // F,R,W 7,11,4 // Percept 14 + // Init +4
Kaliciel wrote:

She disenganged herself from her companions and made her way to the bartender, asking quietly for the foulest epicac he could mix. Two servings.

... "See the gnome and the strapping half-elf over there? Heroes of Sandpoint and all that. Give those to them, will you? It's on the house!"

Evil, evil, woman. If it comes Roman will drink it.

Female Forest Gnome Wild Druid / 9| G AC17, W AC18 H AC17 DW AC21; HP 81/81, CMD 21, F/R/W 10/10/6 **, Percep +11 Low-light & Scent, Init +7

Heh, I was kinda looking forward to writing Ali's reaction to Kallie's 'evil' plan...I know, I know I'm cruel. But, oh well... ;-)

As Ali feels Big Bear's big hand come down on her shoulder she looks up, waaaay up at him. She is all smiles and levity and is about to slur something nonsensical at him but as his serious demeanor manages to make it through the strange cloudiness she seems to feel the words die in her throat and she listens to his solemn warning. While the intoxicated wild druid does not fully understand all of Big Bear's words, her great respect for him causes her to listen as intently as she can. After he finishes she says in a much smaller voice than she had intended on using "You shay...you shay Magic Happy Water no make Ali happy alla the time?? And you shay Magic Happy Water no like the Sun? But Ali Like the Sun, yesh she does, yesh yesh..."

Now that her adrenaline ride has come to a halt, the effects of all the alcohol she has consumed suddenly seem to rush to catch up with her. Swaying like a reed in the wind the small Gnome tries to uncross her eyes as she puts her hand to her head and says "Ali feel...funny...and Ali no know why room won't stay still...Ali very tired..."

Her eyelids suddenly drooping and barely able to walk, the small wild druid stumbles over to where Big Bear is sitting and unceremoniously climbs up into his lap. Curling up into a little ball, the very drunk young humanoid is sound asleep before she even finishes closing her eyes...

Male Human Binder 11 |Init +7 |HP 68/102 |AC 19 FF 16 T 13| CMD +8 | F+10 R+10 W+9 Percep +8

I might be away for a few days. Please DMPC Inikai as needed.

Female Human (Chelish) Sorcerer 3
Alisebett wrote:
Heh, I was kinda looking forward to writing Ali's reaction to Kallie's 'evil' plan...I know, I know I'm cruel. But, oh well... ;-)

I'm not taking two baths in as many hours, demon child. ;)

Kallie let out a sigh of relief at Ali's change in behavior. Maybe the headache in the morning will keep her from getting so deep in the cups again... She intercepted the drink meant for her, saying, "The poor dear has had her fill already. Oh well!" and placing the mug aside on another table carelessly.

She offered the towel to Muchorak, clearing her throat for lack of a more comfortable way to approach the man. "You might need this, just in case it doesn't sit well with her."

She spied Marak seemingly enjoying the party as much as Muchorak. "Copper for your thoughts, Fa-" she mumbled something between "Father" and "Brother". She wasn't quite sure titles the clergy of Nethys used. "- Marak?" She had reclaimed her wine glass, though she held it mostly for show now. She was done with that for the night.

She had forgotten about Romon's drink...

Male Human Ranger 10// AC 19 (20 w/2 weap), FF 16, T 15 // HP 109/109 // Percept +14 (+18 Forests/+16 Mtns) // Init +3 (+7 Forests/+5 Mtns)

Muchorak comforts Wolf Spirit and she lays in his lap, as Kalie approaches with the towel which he accepts; although with an odd look on his face...Muchorak sees this woman handing him the towel and can't but wonder how she could so easily harm the innocent. He looks back down to Wolf Spirit curled in his lap and begins to mumble in his native tongue, for those of fluent would be able to recognize it as a type of nursery ryhme.

After a short while, when he is confident Wolf Spirit is asleep he will take her up to his room, he will open the window to allow the cool night air through and will curl up with her on his bed in a position very kin to pack animals.

The ipecac is duely delivered to Romon who will be feeling the effects just as Muchorak takes Ali upstairs.. The other drink disappears efficiently into Bethana's slops bucket as the halfling woman winks broadly at Kallie.

Ilsoari slips into a seat beside Inakaitalking quietly but still audible over the happy throng. He looks into the younger mans eyes and nods sagely

"So...found out a few things about yourself today did you...some good and some not so good. That's the nature of the adventuring life Lad...it can take you to the heights of passion and drop you just as fast into the depths of despair"

He's got pointed ears, like Spock. // AC 17, FF 14, T 15 // HP 68/73 // F,R,W 7,11,4 // Percept 14 + // Init +4

The cup arrives and Romon scoops it off the tray, raising it high to salute the "buyer". He hadn't planned to be treated himself, but the attention was nice. Then he sips it. "Ahch!" It has a bitter taste that is not pleasing. Romon decides it must be a local specialty, probably intentionally unpleasant, a kind of drinking test.

His mind flashes back to a Vudran restaurant in Magnimar. He and a pack of his friends are ordering increasingly spicy hor 'oeuvers. One by one they drop out, sweating and gulping water, unable to face the heat. After Tam had been crowned champion and the boys had congratulated themselves on their fortitude, the chef had walked out, smiled, and nonchalantly popped the leftovers in his mouth, munching contentedly and thus shaming them all.

Romon tosses off the cup in a single gulp and places it upside down on the table. He bids Ali and Muchorak a hearty goodnight. (Poor little gnome to fall asleep. She's going to miss so much fun. ) Beaming, he says, "Who's ready for anoth ..."

The first spasm hits him and he chokes it down. "Excuse me, I must -- the bathroom" He starts walking toward the door, trying forcefully to maintain his dignity. After two steps, an awful irresistible flow starts rising in his throat. All thoughts of dignity gone, he takes three more quick panicked steps toward the door, just trying to get out of sight before the inevitable.

He doesn't make it. Wretching and spewing, he goes down on the floor in a fountain of half-digested beef, potatoes, wine, beer, and whiskey.

Bethana appears in a welter of napkins and towels, and the dandy of Magnimar is led weakly off to his room.

Romon has left the building

Various comments are heard about soft city lads who cant hold their drink. Bethana organises the clean up and the gathering continues its merriment..albeit slightly more subdued now that half the heroes of have retired.The stories begin...tales of Sandpoints history, of heroes past, of battle, murder and sudden death

The Exchange

Human 10th Cleric of Nethys | AC 21/T 12/FF 15, CMD 20, HP 103 / 103, F+12, R +7, W+15, Per +8, Init +6

As Kalliciel sits down next to him, Marak makes an attempt at smiling, but it comes out as a bit of a scowl.

"I am unfamiliar with this town and it's people, and so the thought of drinking and eating in the presence of so many who, for all that I know, may have been in some way aware of the horrors that we saw today, or perhaps even in league with them, leaves me uneasy."

At the sight of Roman's attack of nausea, he gets up, "And it's certainly possible that a cultist may have attempted to poison us."

He leaves to make sure that Roman is merely suffering from an excess of libations, and not the effects of something more sinister, gripping the handle of his dagger and moving gracelessly through the other patrons, suspecting that anyone present could be an agent of the imagined enemies in his mind...

Marak will make a heal check on Roman, and probably spend the night half-sleeping sitting up in his chain shirt, waiting for assassins while awake, and dreaming of shambling mismatched creatures made from different people while asleep. He's had a nasty attack of paranoia!

Female Human (Chelish) Sorcerer 3
Marak Quan wrote:

As Kalliciel sits down next to him, Marak makes an attempt at smiling, but it comes out as a bit of a scowl.

"I am unfamiliar with this town and it's people, and so the thought of drinking and eating in the presence of so many who, for all that I know, may have been in some way aware of the horrors that we saw today, or perhaps even in league with them, leaves me uneasy."

Kallie waved away at Marak's stated fears. "Oh don't be silly! How could there be anyone in league with something like that in Sandpoi..." Chopper. Kallie's eyes widened in shock and realization, the wine glass in her hand trembling. "Oh gods..." She was suddenly the frightened girl she was five years ago.

Marak Quan wrote:

At the sight of Roman's attack of nausea, he gets up, "And it's certainly possible that a cultist may have attempted to poison us."

Her diabolical scheme to preserve her companions' livers had slipped her mind. "Oh, he probably just had a bad pint..." she said half-awares to the seat Marak had just vacated. The forefront of her mind was too busy with finding patterns and explanations for all the horrors that had befallen Sandpoint in recent memory, helped along by the wine she had earlier. Oh gods! Could there be more like Chopper? Just waiting?!

After several minutes, she suddenly stood upright, nearly turning the table over. Walking over to Inikai and Ilsoari, she excused herself from the party, still wide-eyed from what she thought was a revelation. "Hi, I really need to be going. Early to bed, early to rise. Ha ha! Please stay indoo..safe! Ha! The wine! Must be going to my head! Bye!" She then went straight for the stairs rather than the exit. Please be awake please be awake please be awake..

Nervously knocking on Muchorak's door, she constantly shifted her weight. C'mon c'mon c'mon... If Muchorak answers: "Um, hi...is Ali okay? She's not asleep already is she? Heh." Her anxiety was plain to see.

If Ali is awake:

"Oh hey...Ali! Are you feeling alright? Did you want to stay here tonight, or would you like to spend the night at my home? I can show you about bright and early that way!"

If Ali is asleep:

"Oh, sorry! Let her sleep, please. Hopefully she won't feel too badly in the morning. Thanks for talking her down earlier..." She forced a polite smile until she was out of sight. Back downstairs, she was wrestling with her fear and her pride. Pride won out as long as she was inside. She was not about to ask for an escort home. As soon as she was outside however, fear broke into the lead. As soon as the inn was out of sight and she was relatively certain no one was around, she broke into a run, straight home, as fast as her legs could carry her.

Female Forest Gnome Wild Druid / 9| G AC17, W AC18 H AC17 DW AC21; HP 81/81, CMD 21, F/R/W 10/10/6 **, Percep +11 Low-light & Scent, Init +7

Ali responds to Kallie's questions (if given the chance) with the only reply possible to her at the moment "Zzzzzzzzzzzz....shgunk, hatch, gurgle..zzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

Male Human Ranger 10// AC 19 (20 w/2 weap), FF 16, T 15 // HP 109/109 // Percept +14 (+18 Forests/+16 Mtns) // Init +3 (+7 Forests/+5 Mtns)

Muchorak answers the door and somewhat glares at Kalie, "The Spirit has been tainted by your peoples drink, she needs rest." He pauses and his expression lightens, "The Spirits do not travel the world so visible often, it would be wise to learn from them what they have to offer." He places a hand on Kali's Shoulder, "Respect the Spirits and great bounty may befall you."

Noticing her agitated state, and hearing Wolf Spirits, noise..."You are free to rest here if you like?"

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