We Be Pirates, You Be Booty! (Inactive)

Game Master Daxter

Loot Sheet


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Male Half-Elf Alchemist (Internal Alchemist/Vivisectionist) 12 / Rogue 2
77/141 hp/ 64 Non-lethal Init +9, AC 34[touch 19, FF 29], Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +7; Perception +18 Effects: Barkskin, Bullet Shield, Fly

Yeah. I can post for those two, or any other ones you need me to.

Male Human Hurricane King

Do iiiiiiit.

I'm almost home I can get it.

Skeleton Anchor
Auramoderate necromancy; CL7th
Slotnone; Price14,450 gp; Weight100 lbs.

This ship’s anchor is crafted of fused bones and skulls, but it has the strength and hardness of iron. When attached to a ship by a rope or chain and dropped into the water, the anchor increases its weight to properly anchor the ship it is attached to. Once per day, the skeleton anchorcan hold the ship it is attached to immobile for up to 1 day, or until commanded to release.

The greatest property of a skeleton anchor, however, is to summon undead skeletons from the corpses of drowned mariners, who rise from the depths of the sea and clamber up the sides of the ship to serve as its crew. The undead created by the anchor are 1 Hit Die skeletons (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 250) that possess Profession (sailor) scores of +7. Each skeleton can perform the duties of one crew member but has no other abilities. The skeletons cannot speak, attack, or even defend themselves. They are not proficient with any weapons or armor. The skeletons obey the commands of the ship’s captain or pilot, but they only obey orders pertaining to the operation of a ship.

A skeleton anchor can be used just once every 7 days to create up to 28 skeletal crew members. The skeletons do not count against the maximum total Hit Dice worth of undead creatures that the user can control. The skeletons act as crew for 1 week or until dismissed by the ship’s captain or pilot. At the end of the week, the skeletons abandon the ship.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Pie Level 20

That anchor is awesome.

Impossible Bottle
Aurafaint abjuration and transmutation; CL5th
Slotnone; Price20,000 gp; Weight1 lb.

An intricately detailed miniature sailing ship sits inside this clear glass bottle. When taken aboard an undamaged sailing vessel at sea, the model automatically reconfigures to become a perfect replica of the new ship. It takes 24 hours for the model to attune to the ship.

A ship attuned to an impossible bottle takes half damage from all attacks that deal damage. The model ship in the impossible bottle absorbs the remaining damage, registering holes in its hull, rips in its sails, and scorch marks from fire. Once the attuned ship gains the broken condition, however, the impossible bottle ceases its protection, and any further attacks on the attuned ship deal full damage. If the attuned ship gains the sinking condition or is destroyed, the impossible bottle shatters and is permanently destroyed. If an impossible bottle was attuned to a damaged ship, once that ship has been fully repaired, the impossible bottle reattunes itself over 24 hours and thereafter resumes its protection. An impossible bottle removed from its attuned ship ceases its protection, and must be re-attuned over 24 hours if brought back on board. If the bottle is shattered while it is attuned to a ship, the impossible bottle is destroyed and the attuned ship immediately takes 150 points of damage.

Lastly, an impossible bottle can be used to repair an unattuned ship. As long as the bottle still functions, its owner can christen a vessel by smashing the impossible bottle against the ship’s prow, releasing a wave of restorative magic that immediately repairs up to 150 points of damage to the vessel.

Male Half-Elf Alchemist (Internal Alchemist/Vivisectionist) 12 / Rogue 2
77/141 hp/ 64 Non-lethal Init +9, AC 34[touch 19, FF 29], Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +7; Perception +18 Effects: Barkskin, Bullet Shield, Fly

That anchor is really...unique. And the bottle is an item I've never seen before.

Male Grizzly Bear 3 | HP: 30/30 l AC: 19 /T: 12/FF: 17 l Fort: +4, Ref: +5, W: +4 l Init: +2 l Per: +5; Low-light vision; Scent l Movement: 40

I don't think it's 14k unique. =P

Scoundrel’s Sword Cane
Auramoderate divination; CL7th
Slotnone; Price20,925 gp; Weight4 lbs.
A skull and partial backbone carved from ivory top this +2 sword cane(Advanced Player’s Guide179), and gray sharkskin covers its wooden scabbard. The wielder can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier to attack rolls with a scoundrel’s sword canesized for her, even though it isn’t a light weapon.

The eyes of the skull atop the scoundrel’s sword cane constantly enhance the wielder’s awareness, granting the wielder a +5 competence bonus on Perception checks. In addition, once per day, the wielder can concentrate while holding the cane to see through the skull’s eyes as if they were her own. In effect, the scoundrel’s sword canecan be used as a periscope, allowing the wielder to safely peer over obstacles or around corners. If the wielder has total concealment from an observed creature except for the end of the cane, the wielder uses the skull’s Diminutive size modifier for her Stealth check instead of her own size modifier.

Male Half-Elf Alchemist (Internal Alchemist/Vivisectionist) 12 / Rogue 2
77/141 hp/ 64 Non-lethal Init +9, AC 34[touch 19, FF 29], Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +7; Perception +18 Effects: Barkskin, Bullet Shield, Fly
Bjorkus wrote:
I don't think it's 14k unique. =P

Of course it is. :P It's "14k unique enough to bring good money" kind of unique. ;)

By the way, does anyone else in the group have Weapon Finesse? Cause that swordcane might be a good improvement to my character's rapier.

Male Grizzly Bear 3 | HP: 30/30 l AC: 19 /T: 12/FF: 17 l Fort: +4, Ref: +5, W: +4 l Init: +2 l Per: +5; Low-light vision; Scent l Movement: 40

You're the only one.

Also, we're using a zero sum loot system so if there's something you want, take it. Don't worry about asking.

Male Half-Elf Alchemist (Internal Alchemist/Vivisectionist) 12 / Rogue 2
77/141 hp/ 64 Non-lethal Init +9, AC 34[touch 19, FF 29], Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +7; Perception +18 Effects: Barkskin, Bullet Shield, Fly

Ok. I just wanted to make sure. Zirul will take the cane then. Never really heard of zero sum loot system.

In essence, you pay out to the group from the gold you would have gotten for items you take. That way, the party ends up with the same amount of gold regardless of loot being 'claimed'.

You can see it in action in the loot link at the top.

Also, we take a cut from every payout to cover consumables. I think it'd be a good idea to split the scroll fund to include potions too. Kal, what do you think?

Male Human Hurricane King

Sounds good to me.

And I'm for selling the anchor and bottle.

Male Half-Elf Alchemist (Internal Alchemist/Vivisectionist) 12 / Rogue 2
77/141 hp/ 64 Non-lethal Init +9, AC 34[touch 19, FF 29], Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +7; Perception +18 Effects: Barkskin, Bullet Shield, Fly

Ok. That makes sense to me. Yeah, I'd say that selling those two would be good.

I also would say that Zirul would be selling his rapier, to help offset his costs, and he'd be holding onto that formula book for just a bit longer, until he can actually create level 4 extracts.

Selling your own stuff is on you.

I'll just mark the formula book as not to be sold for now.

Male Half-Elf Alchemist (Internal Alchemist/Vivisectionist) 12 / Rogue 2
77/141 hp/ 64 Non-lethal Init +9, AC 34[touch 19, FF 29], Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +7; Perception +18 Effects: Barkskin, Bullet Shield, Fly

Ok. Just wanted to make sure on how it all was done. :) Thank ya.

Male Human Hurricane King

That reminds me... Kal can make +1 armor, shields and weapons (up to 32.5 pounds per item) for free now, so if anyone's still using unenchanted gear, let's get that swapped out.

Stuff only goes through the loot sheet to be processed and distributed. Once it's yours, you can track it on your own.

As soon as the Council meeting is done we'll do a payout and zero the sheet out.

Male Half-Elf Alchemist (Internal Alchemist/Vivisectionist) 12 / Rogue 2
77/141 hp/ 64 Non-lethal Init +9, AC 34[touch 19, FF 29], Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +7; Perception +18 Effects: Barkskin, Bullet Shield, Fly

Well, Zirul does have an unenchanted mithral chainshirt...

Male Human Hurricane King

Sorry... I can't enchant stuff that's already made. Just make regular +1 stuff.

Male Half-Elf Alchemist (Internal Alchemist/Vivisectionist) 12 / Rogue 2
77/141 hp/ 64 Non-lethal Init +9, AC 34[touch 19, FF 29], Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +7; Perception +18 Effects: Barkskin, Bullet Shield, Fly

Well dang. :P Can't beat a mithral shirt can ya?

Male Grizzly Bear 3 | HP: 30/30 l AC: 19 /T: 12/FF: 17 l Fort: +4, Ref: +5, W: +4 l Init: +2 l Per: +5; Low-light vision; Scent l Movement: 40

Celestial Armor!

Male Human Hurricane King

Mithral celestial armor!

Feral's gonna murder me in my sleep for even mentioning that here. :P

Male Grizzly Bear 3 | HP: 30/30 l AC: 19 /T: 12/FF: 17 l Fort: +4, Ref: +5, W: +4 l Init: +2 l Per: +5; Low-light vision; Scent l Movement: 40


Male Human Hurricane King


Male Half-Elf Alchemist (Internal Alchemist/Vivisectionist) 12 / Rogue 2
77/141 hp/ 64 Non-lethal Init +9, AC 34[touch 19, FF 29], Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +7; Perception +18 Effects: Barkskin, Bullet Shield, Fly

We REALLY don't want the alchemist to be wearing something that screams LOOK AT ME! lol

Oh, my fellow Council members, what potions would we want to keep on hand?

Cause I know we have a scroll list, but not a potion one, from what I've seen. Ideas?

Male Grizzly Bear 3 | HP: 30/30 l AC: 19 /T: 12/FF: 17 l Fort: +4, Ref: +5, W: +4 l Init: +2 l Per: +5; Low-light vision; Scent l Movement: 40

Delay/neutralize poison would be cool.

Male Human Hurricane King

Problem with neutralize poison (and the reason we don't have scrolls of it) is that it's a CL check. We do have scrolls of delay poison, but I'm not against potions too.

Male Human Hurricane King

I'm going to go ahead and swap out Kal's armor for a +1 dragonhide breastplate from his current funds. I assume Opal can take us shopping in a suitably large city with teleport? :)

Male Grizzly Bear 3 | HP: 30/30 l AC: 19 /T: 12/FF: 17 l Fort: +4, Ref: +5, W: +4 l Init: +2 l Per: +5; Low-light vision; Scent l Movement: 40

Ah, I forgot neutralize poison was a CL check.

Unfortunately, Bjorkus doesn't make anything. =(

Male Grizzly Bear 3 | HP: 30/30 l AC: 19 /T: 12/FF: 17 l Fort: +4, Ref: +5, W: +4 l Init: +2 l Per: +5; Low-light vision; Scent l Movement: 40

Woo! Teleport shopping trip!

Female Human

Opal will take people anywhere they wanna go within her range for the shopping trips. She's also working on quite a wardrobe for herself. She wants to be the most fashionable female pirate on the high seas. :)

Also, Red had best get his little but back to the game thread soon or it shall continue along that vein. We need to be kept busy, ;)

Male Half-Elf Alchemist (Internal Alchemist/Vivisectionist) 12 / Rogue 2
77/141 hp/ 64 Non-lethal Init +9, AC 34[touch 19, FF 29], Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +7; Perception +18 Effects: Barkskin, Bullet Shield, Fly

Remember, also, we do have some things that can be done as an infusion (that means anything in my formulae book can be used by anyone in the group), so that can definitely expand our horizons. With Alchemical Allocation, we can reuse some of the more expensive bottled items and get several more uses.

Bjorkus does make something. He makes with the ladies. ;)

Male Grizzly Bear 3 | HP: 30/30 l AC: 19 /T: 12/FF: 17 l Fort: +4, Ref: +5, W: +4 l Init: +2 l Per: +5; Low-light vision; Scent l Movement: 40

Peter's at work so no DM for the rest of the night. =(

Sawbones Zirul wrote:
Bjorkus does make something. He makes with the ladies. ;)

Okay, true. =P

Male Human Hurricane King

I'm pretty exhausted, so I'm gonna go ahead and skedaddle to bed.

Goodnight you people.

Male Grizzly Bear 3 | HP: 30/30 l AC: 19 /T: 12/FF: 17 l Fort: +4, Ref: +5, W: +4 l Init: +2 l Per: +5; Low-light vision; Scent l Movement: 40

I think Bjorkus found the newest prospect for his harem.

Male Half-Elf Alchemist (Internal Alchemist/Vivisectionist) 12 / Rogue 2
77/141 hp/ 64 Non-lethal Init +9, AC 34[touch 19, FF 29], Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +7; Perception +18 Effects: Barkskin, Bullet Shield, Fly

Oh gods. We'll be in trouble then.

It makes me wonder, what in the world is Zirul gonna end up with, when he gets on the Crew Manifest?

I need to work that out with Red.

Male Half-Elf Alchemist (Internal Alchemist/Vivisectionist) 12 / Rogue 2
77/141 hp/ 64 Non-lethal Init +9, AC 34[touch 19, FF 29], Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +7; Perception +18 Effects: Barkskin, Bullet Shield, Fly

Oh, no worries. I know that, whatever you all come up with, it will be freaky. I mean, we have a Bite-o-matic, Punch-o-saurus, Superharem, Fishman, and Iron Chefess. Can't get much weirder.

Male Human Hurricane King

Who're you calling weird?!

Male Half-Elf Alchemist (Internal Alchemist/Vivisectionist) 12 / Rogue 2
77/141 hp/ 64 Non-lethal Init +9, AC 34[touch 19, FF 29], Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +7; Perception +18 Effects: Barkskin, Bullet Shield, Fly

Hey Fishman, we're an odd bunch. :P

Male Human Hurricane King

What does the fact that there are five of us have to do with anything?

Male Half-Elf Alchemist (Internal Alchemist/Vivisectionist) 12 / Rogue 2
77/141 hp/ 64 Non-lethal Init +9, AC 34[touch 19, FF 29], Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +7; Perception +18 Effects: Barkskin, Bullet Shield, Fly

Ok, we're a strange bunch, Mr. Semantics. :P

Female Human

More posting or I will be stuck on youtube watching this over and over again. :P

Also, we are eccentric, not strange. :P

Male Grizzly Bear 3 | HP: 30/30 l AC: 19 /T: 12/FF: 17 l Fort: +4, Ref: +5, W: +4 l Init: +2 l Per: +5; Low-light vision; Scent l Movement: 40

Red's at work. =(

Male Grizzly Bear 3 | HP: 30/30 l AC: 19 /T: 12/FF: 17 l Fort: +4, Ref: +5, W: +4 l Init: +2 l Per: +5; Low-light vision; Scent l Movement: 40

I'm going to have to start waking him up when I leave for work again.

Male Human Hurricane King


Male Human(Amazing)

First off, if I didn't have to pay rent I wouldn't have to work so much. :)

And secondly, getting up isn't the problem. Its going back to sleep.

Male Half-Elf Alchemist (Internal Alchemist/Vivisectionist) 12 / Rogue 2
77/141 hp/ 64 Non-lethal Init +9, AC 34[touch 19, FF 29], Fort +14, Ref +23, Will +7; Perception +18 Effects: Barkskin, Bullet Shield, Fly

Going back to sleep is the biggest problem of all.

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