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![]() A furious *snap* sounds, as the Seal deep in Sindran's inventory breaks of its own accord. A cloud of dust forms over the fragments, shaping itself into a circle. Over the course of 15 minutes (plenty long enough for everyone to be gathered around) the circle expands to about 5 ft in diameter, while the room slowly fills with the smell of sulphur.
"I have NO time for this infighting! We are so close to victory! Nothing can stand in our way!" It's clear that he is fully up to speed on the betrayal of the 7th knot - and he is livid. "The Knot Hibernal is hereby declared broken. In accordance with the Pact of Thorns, I release these traitors. They are no longer bound to my service or enjoy my protection. I send to you, my Nessian Knot, my furies: Tisaera and Melinoe." Through the window, you see two creatures step in behind the cardinal's chair; clearly, powerful she-devils. Erinyes, most likely. "Make them suffer for their treachery. Then return to the work at hand. Bring me the daemon’s gift!" His message delivered and understood, the cardinal casually throws a new stone seal through the window for you to use.
![]() When all questions are done, Thorne hands you another clay seal marked with the unholy symbol of Asmodeus (similar to the one in Book One).
Cardinal Thorn does not linger long aboard the craft. He is quickly gone, teleported away. The next day the barge docks in Farholde. ![]()
![]() Caladwhen wrote:
"The seal is a powerful Sarenraean artifact. The Victor himself consecrated the blasted thing by praying and fasting for seven days over it... or so the story goes. Whatever the truth, it is certainly a powerful artifact of Asmodeus’ most bitter enemy. Find a way to shatter it! I care not what it involves or how long it takes! Break the seal. I have confidence that you, Caladwhen, will be able to discern what must be done. Let nothing stand in your way." ![]()
![]() Aerent Sephim wrote:
Thorne shows you another clay seal marked with the unholy symbol of Asmodeus. "I will hand you this when all questions are done."Dismissively, he says:
"The Baron is a broken tool. He may be useful, but he is a risk. How big a risk likely depends on how well you deal with him." ![]()
![]() "There is another who may be able to aid you. Once, a thriving cult of Asmodeus existed in Farholde. It was led by a half-elvish noble – the Baron Arkov Vandermir. He is treacherous and decadent, but wealthy and well-connected. Tiadora will introduce you, before she departs." "I know not what aid the Baron can provide, but his family is old and long has dwelt in Farholde. Never trust him, but know this : he’s afraid of me; and with good reason.
![]() "I am undeterred by this setback. Where one knot failed, two will succeed. I will also send my seventh knot – the Knot Hibernal, led by Elise Zadaria." "I task you with finding the Horn and calling forth Vetra-Kali. Elise and her knot will aid you: Elise proved herself a capable assassin in our last venture. The seventh knot will remain in Farholde and see that anyone who tries to find the Horn or interfere with your work, meets an unhappy end. Thus, you will have time to do what must be done." ![]()
![]() "I already have agents in the great cities of this kingdom. With this pestilence, they could deliver blight and death to the very center of the realm. Caught between the twin storms of the Fire-Axe and Vetra-Kali’s gift, we shall bring ruin to Andoran. This gift you shall bring to me." "It will not be easy. I have already lost one band of followers on this errand. I sent the fourth knot to find the Horn of Abaddon. They succeeded at that at least – revealing to me that it was concealed within a great spire of stone less than a day’s ride from Farholde." "But then they vanished. I have heard no more from the elven ranger Aiden Kael since. He knew the Caer Bryr well so no normal hazard would defeat him. Perhaps the Horn of Abaddon is guarded. I cannot say. But it matters not! The Tears of Achlys must be mine!" ![]()
![]() "I have learned the truth about this daemon prince. I have learned what the Victor feared. Vetra-Kali is an archdeacon in service to the lord of pestilence. This immortal monster could create a plague so virulent that it will bring Andoran to its knees." "When the Victor attacked, the Daemon Prince was close to unleashing his masterpiece upon the world -- a pestilence known as the Tears of Achlys (pronounced ACKLis). I am uncertain of the specifics of this plague but if anything could terror in the heart of the Victor, then I Must Have It. The Tears of Achlys will be our poisoned dagger into the heart of Andoran." ![]()
![]() Once more, you meet the devilishly handsome bald man in his black and burgundy robes. He wears black silk gloves and openly displays his silver unholy symbol of the Lord of Hell. He sports a wicked and knowing grin. Upon you entering the cabin, he heartily greets you, sporting a wicked grin. "My ninth knot!"
He is quick to come to business, though.
"Three battles have already been fought and three victories won. The villages of Ambryl and Tarrington Fields lie sacked. The fortress of Lorringsgate is in ruins. Each of you did your part in seeing these triumphs come to fruition. Do not think I have forgotten that." "But our work is not yet done. Andoran has not yet acquiesced to our unholy master nor tasted the full measure of our vengeance. So I have another mission for you. Tomorrow, this barge will dock in Farholde, the northernmost town in all the realm. Farholde is a backwater of no real significance. Its lord has already left the place hoping for glory in the war. But it does border the Caer Bryr (pronounced
"Hidden within the Caer Bryr is the Horn of Abaddon, an ancient temple once occupied by a particularly loathesome death cult called ‘The Sons of the Pale Horseman’. Almost eighty years ago the first Darian king, Markadian I the Victorious overthrew the Horn and destroyed the Sons. No great loss, honestly." "But what the Victor found within the temple is why we are here. He defeated a daemon prince called Vetra-Kali Eats-the-Eyes. So terrrified of this monstrosity was the king, that he had the priests of Sarenrae craft a great silver seal to forever forbid the daemon from returning to our plane of existence. The seal remains to this day." ![]()
![]() The following dawn, you are called into Thorn's study. When you arrive, you find the Knot Hibernal (Elise's 7th knoth) waiting outside. Much time for words, there isn't, as Elise leaves the study looking positively flustered with anticipation. She claps her hands, and the 7th Knot leaves without a word. Then Cardinal Thorn summons his 9th knot (You!). Since you lack a clear leader, he summons you all. "Welcome, my children," he says in his deep resonant voice that has an almost inhuman quality to it. "Training is at an end. You have proven yourself worthy. Now, it is time for you to use that training and take on your first mission." "Your mission is war, my children. You will bring war to Andoran. You have two objectives. " "First, you will see a shipment of munitions delivered to a bugbear chieftain named Sakkarot Fire-Axe. He makes his camp on the southern coast of Lake Tarik, beyond the Watch Wall. With this shipment, the Fire-Axe will have resources enough to unite the barbarous humanoid tribes of the east, and light the fire of war." "Sitting on the dock as we speak is the longship Frosthamar captained by Kargeld Odenkirk. Tomorrow when the ship is resupplied it will be your transport. The captain is a ruthless mercenary and not to be trusted. He knows nothing of the specifics of our mission and you should keep it that way. He knows he is smuggling cargo to the east beyond the Watch Wall. That is all he need know. " "Once the cargo is safely delivered, he will take you just south across the lake under cover of darkness and land you near the town of Aldencross. There our contract with Captain Odenkirk will be concluded." "It is shame how greedy he has proven. I had hoped to let the captain serve me again but it seems he is too much of a liability. Kill him. Kill his crew. Burn his ship and leave no survivors. It is crucial that no one suspects our involvement and that loose ends are taken care of. Oh, and be sure to reclaim the coin I gave him. Best not to be wasteful." "That done, you will begin your second task. We will do more still to aid our ally the Fire-axe. The bugbears are mighty warriors but poor siege engineers. You will infiltrate the tower Balentyne, keystone of the Watch Wall, kill its commander and open the gate for Sakkarot’s horde. " "Once the shaggy monstrosities pierce the Watch Wall, the bugbears will pillage and lay waste to the townships of the east, and the local garrisons will have no choice but to meet the Fire-Axe in the open field. Sakkarot is the most brilliant, gifted and murderous bugbear of his generation. I expect these battles will go poorly for the knights and yeoman of fair Andoran." "Do all of this and then when your task is done, break this clay seal." He hands you a delicately carved clay seal adorned with a tangled knot of thorns surrounding the holy symbol of Asmodeus. "I will have more instructions then. Succeed and I will see you rewarded handsomely. Fail or betray me and you will pray for the comfort of Hell before I am done with you. " "The mission you start upon today is a holy mission. The people of Andoran think they have seen the last of the mighty Asmodeus. Soon enough we will remind them that there is no escaping the grasp of Hell. Let us toast our success." He pours one glass of deep red wine for each of the PCs and then finally pours one for himself. He raises the glass and offers a toast. "To war." ![]()
![]() Thorn is not always with you - and it soon becomes apparent that you are not the only ones being trained. The former "White Ravens" under Elise Zadaria are also receiving the Cardinal’s attentions.
After the training is finished, Adrastus pronounces you ready and holds a great banquet in your honor. He awards your party the title of the "Nessian Knot" in an infernal ritual involving blood and fire. During the ritual he summons forth a barbed devil and offers to it one of the slaves of your choosing. The devil gleefully rips the slave apart and feasts on the blood. The Cardinal then draws forth some of the devil’s blood with a silver athame. Adrastus traces the unholy symbol of Asmodeus on the forehead of each PC in the mingled blood of devil and sacrifice. "Behold", he proclaims, "The Nessian Knot is forged. And just in time," Cardinal Thorn remarks. "My ship has arrived." On the river dock behind the manor, under cover of darkness, a square-sailed longship sails into the slip. It sits heavily in the water, obviously laden with a substantial cargo. ---{ ACT III }--- ![]()
![]() Adrastus sits in his study seeming almost as he has moved not an inch from where he gave you your orders at dusk yesterday.
He holds the silver and sapphire trinket you came to bring him, as if in deep contemplation or lost in memory. Suddenly, he holds up the symbol, to let it glitter in the light. "A pretty enough thing, eh? This is a holy symbol of Sarenrae, in particular the sort favored by the Knights of the Alerion. But perhaps you are familiar with them."
"Remember this symbol. This is the mark of those who destroyed our faith and sought to banish all trace of the worship of our Father from these shores. These, my friends, are your enemies. Keep it. It may aid you in disguising yourself." Smiling, he tosses the holy symbol to whoever gave it to him. "You have done well - escaping from Branderscar, viciously slaughtering Sir Balin - except for one area of expertise, where your success can be guaranteed by adding a ...specialist. Yes...you are worthy. Come now, let us complete your training!" ![]()
![]() Sindran Eithe wrote: What happens to the contract, specifically the Bound if the Master dies? Are they still bound to the Pact?"[/ooc] "Why, mister Cindering-Hate, to state the blatantly obvious; due to the second loyalty, you are explicitly prohibited to take action to cause such an unfortunate event. The other loyalties shall remain in effect." ![]()
![]() Time passes. Three days, to be exact. Once again, you are summoned by Tiadora to appear before Cardinal Thorn. "Have you enjoyed your gifts? The iron circlets allow you to move amongst your enemies as one of them. The silver amulets will remind you of your true loyalties. And the other items – well, you need them now." "You have done well to escape from Branderscar and to accept my offer. However, you are still not ready for my service. Tiadora will lead you to the basement of this domicile. There you will find nine chambers, each more dangerous than the last. Somewhere hidden within these chambers is a pendant of silver and sapphire. Recover the pendant and bring it to me. Let nothing and no one stand in your way." He stands up and looks out of the manor house window across the grey moor. "It is now almost dusk. You have until dusk tomorrow to bring me my prize. Do not fail me. ![]()
![]() "Well done. Your first command: prepare yourselves. Stay within the manor. You are hunted by the Andoran soldiery. In three days we begin your training." You are led back to the manor hall by Tiadora, and you have three days to spend on research, personal quests, or leisure.
Any loot that you wish to sell, or any of the gold you gathered so far, may be added to this 200gp. Remember that you are now by contract required to share your loot, so each of you is entitled to 20% of the loot. I counted 1311GP in the party wallet, and thus Sharing the gold between you would give you each 262 extra gold to spend.
![]() Cardinal Thorn smiles. "Excellent! Let us make it official. Signing in blood is traditional." He brings out a quill, a silver ritual knife and two copies of a contract written on some unidentifiable leather and written in dark red ink knowledge planes DC 40: the Pact of Thorns.
flayed lemure skin; what else are lemures good for...! And powdered garnet mixed with animal blood for ink He lets you keep one copy of the contract. The other, he takes. Infernal:
"Most High Legistrate Dessiter of the Phistophili, the Law has need of extension." In a puff of smoke and sulfur, a muscular creature appears, with rust-colored skin and a jutting crown of ridge-like horns. The creature is draped in lengthy contracts, unrolling and folding back with its every move. knowledge (planes) DC 25, but feel free to peek:
This is a contract devil. These folks keep track of all infernal contracts, remember every promise ever made, every vow ever broken. They are, if you will, hell's judges; they are the law. Anything you say can and will be used. "Hello again, Cardinal," speaks the devil with it's glib voice. It extends a hand and its long, curving fingers. The cardinal passes his copy of the contract to the devil, and it quickly scans the document. "Lemure hide. Hah, how quaint. ", looking at you, he says: "I trust you are the bound? Very well, we have an accord. The Law is now More. Thus It Is Written, Thus It Shall Be.". And the Phistophilus flashes off to his home plane, carrying the contract with it, for safekeeping in Hell's vaults. it's official. You now work for the last Cardinal of Asmodeus in all of Andoran. Best of luck in your career! ![]()
![]() "I believe you to be the first to ever escape from Branderscar Prison. Well done! Of course, you had some help from the outside," he says with a wicked smile. "But enough with the pleasantries. You must be curious why I’ve helped you. Rest assured, this is no random act of altruism. I have brought you here for a reason. My name is Cardinal Adrastus Thorn. I am the last high priest of Asmodeus left in the land of Andoran. Once the Prince of Nessus was rightly revered alongside the other great powers." "Now, the Supreme Elect of Andoran has become a puppet to Sarenraean fanatics who wish to destroy any religion that does not bow to their insipid sun god." "For their blasphemy, I will see the same people who imprisoned and condemned you suffer. I understand what you went through for I have faced it myself." With that, he pulls down the sleeve of his robe and reveals his own runic ‘F’ brand.
He rises and his eyes flash with hellfire and divine purpose. "Join me! Serve me well in this holy endeavor and I will raise you up in the eyes of gods and men. I will make you princes of the new Andoran. Today, swear fealty to me and to Asmodeus." "Put aside forgiveness and I shall give you vengeance. Put aside mercy and be made powerful. Put aside peace and become my harbingers of war. What say you? Will you swear your allegiance or will you burn with the rest of the blind fools?" |