GM Eats the Eyes |

In the kingdom of Talingarde, many crimes may send you to Branderscar Prison, but the sentence has but one meaning. You are wicked and irredeemable. Each of you received the same greeting when you arrived. You were held down by rough hands and branded upon the arm with a runic F, the hand of Tomas Blackerly holding the iron--or in the case of Tenoch, the acid. His face looked down on you and he laughed as your skin burned. The mark signifies ‘forsaken’ and the painful scar is indelible proof that each of you has betrayed the great and eternal love of Mitra and his chosen mortal vassals.
Condemned, you face at best a life of shackles and servitude in the nearby salt mines. Others might await the “gentle” ministrations of the inquisitors so that co-conspirators may be revealed and confessions extracted. Perhaps, some of you will be spared this ordeal. Perhaps instead you have come to Branderscar to face the final judgment. In three days, the executioner arrives and the axe falls or the pyre will be lit. Through fire or steel, your crimes will be answered.
You have all been chained together in the same communal cell dressed in nothing but filthy, tattered rags. Manhandled and mistreated, any finery you once possessed is either ruined or long lost. No special treatment has been given any prisoner--male or female, commoner or noble--all of the forsaken are bound and imprisoned together. Your feet are secured by iron cuffs tethered by one long chain. Your arms are secured to the wall above by manacles. A guard is posted right outside the cell day and night. The only other company is a large creature in the cell next to yours that hasn't moved since you first arrived. Little thought is given to long term accommodations. At Branderscar, justice comes swift and sure.
Escape seems hopeless. You have all been well searched and every attempt to conceal anything on your person has failed. And if you could somehow slip your bonds and fly out of this prison, where would you go? Who from your former life would want anything to do with the forsaken? Despised, alone and shackled – all that you can do now is await your doom.
For each of you, your old life is over. For each of you, hope is a fading memory. For each of you, justice will be fairly meted. And who can blame fair Talingarde after what each of you has done?
Go ahead and introduce your character. You have a little bit to begin roleplaying. I'll get things moving after everyone has posted.

Zova Lex |

Zova Lex opens her eyes, finally awakening after the inquisitors took her. She tried to move her hand to touch her swollen eye, but found the effort futile as she found it shackled to the wall. Looking nervously at the room around her and the people she was here with, she tried to speak, but as of now, the only sound that came out of her mouth was a dry, raspy groan. She licked her cracked lips, spreading the blood from her mouth around before spitting it out on the ground below.
"Who... who are you people? She whispered, after peaking up at the guard stationed outside the cell door. "Where am I? I am a Hellknight representative from the Order of the Scourge, it would be in your best favor to help me."
That's when the memories came back to her. The last thing she remembered before being knocked unconscious was fighting off the guards and inquisitors. She had... she had killed the Mitran. Memories that all seemed part of a haze then started reappearing, dotting her mind. The brand on her arm... the grim faced inquisitors... It was as if she had a sudden epiphany about her dreadful situation. "This is Branderscar, isn't it?"

Cоrаl |

The guards open the door,and drag young raven haired woman inside.
Ignoring her protests they chain her to the wall and prepare to leave.
The woman stares at the other convicts with obvious fear and scream to the guards.
Hey! Come back you can't leave me alone with this...
One of the guards slaps her across the face, and they leave, locking the door behind themselves.
The woman move as far away as her chains allow, and stays quiet trying not to look at her inmates.
Bit of overreaction perhaps, but there are some pretty scary people inside this cell.

Zova Lex |

Zova looks at this newcomer with interest. When the guards leave, she turns and faces the prisoner. "Tell me, are you a murderer too? Did you squash some innocent life from this world to end up here? Did you leave an inquisitor in pieces and leave him outside your home for the rest of them to find?" Though not consciously trying to freak the newcomer out, Zova's training as a Hellknight left little room for tact. In truth, she legitimately wanted to know who she shared the cell with.

Nera Leroung |

"No death on my end big girl, only broken pride and a broken arm." She grinned at the others, revealing pearly white teeth, "They found me guilty of desertion and I guess I was. Pushed my captain down the stairs on my way out but he survived. The idiots here seemed very happy to tell me that, as if it had been my goal to kill him."
She pulled at her bonds, but there was hardly any movement. She sighed before trying a different approach, wiggling her hands in an attempt to get them loose.
Escape Artist: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Cоrаl |

Coral glances at the half-orc.
I have murdered no one. Some have died, but we were just trying to protect ourselves.
In any case it was their fault ,they were not supposed to be there.
Coral takes a deep breath.
I am not making much sense am i?
In short i tried to enter somewhere the mitrans don't want me to be ,and get things they want to be hidden. They got me.
You.. you are orc....half-orc from the mainland right?

Zova Lex |

Zova raises an eyebrow at a mention of her heritage. "I am a Hellknight first and foremost, member of the prestigious Order of the Scourge. My mother was a Shoanti Warrior, and my father, an orcish Hellknight who brought justice to the good people of Varisia." She lowers her voice slightly. "Asmodeus guided his blade as it did mine. These Mitrans have been deemed guilty, and by the Dark Prince's unholy power, I swear I will have my revenge on them."

Ardra Pain de Veau |

Ardra ignores her cell mates, or perhaps she simply doesn't notice them. She stares at nothing from behind her lank and filthy hair, her only sign of wakefulness is her long tail which whips from sides to side, heedless of obstruction, like an angry cat's.

Cоrаl |

"I am a Hellknight first and foremost, member of the prestigious Order of the Scourge. My mother was a Shoanti Warrior, and my father, an orcish Hellknight who brought justice to the good people of Varisia." She lowers her voice slightly. "Asmodeus guided his blade as it did mine. These Mitrans have been deemed guilty, and by the Dark Prince's unholy power, I swear I will have my revenge on them."
Coral eyes widen with disbelief.
" You worship the dark one? Then why would you come here? It's certain death! The church has hunted your kind ever since the great purge.It's just scam of course.
There are no asmodeans left in Talingarde. They are only legend that priests use to scare the commoners and secure their own power. "
She thinks for a moment ,then her face brightens with hope.
"Or perhaps the mitrans are onto something ,perhaps your faith is preparing for invasion?
Is that it? Is that why you are here?
If so maybe they can free us? "

Nera Leroung |

"They need to be quick if they are to free us, we're dead in a few days." Well, the lucky ones were. Some were doomed to die a slow, painful death in the salt mines. That was a far crueller punishment than beheading.

Zova Lex |

Zova grimaceed. "My famuly has lived here for many generations before the Mitrans! The reason there are no more Asmodeans is because the Mitrans killed them all! It was an unlawful genocide and now my god has given me a grand vision of a world in which I repay the crimes comitted. A world in which I take everything from them like they took my husband." She then tries her best to pull free from the chains.
strength: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
With this failure, she rests, deciding to save her energy for when she could coordinate everyone to pull together. There was, as her time in the Hellknights have shown, strength in numbers.

GM Eats the Eyes |

A group of six guards, clubs in hand and longswords at their side, come into the cell led by a fat well-dressed man. He is easily recognized as Tomas Blackerly, the sergeant of the watch. The sergeant seems a little confused for a moment. Tomas brandishes his sword a little, "Don't you be trying to pull free," he says to Zova.
He lifts his hand and points to Cora, “You there! That’s the scum! Get ‘er unshackled. If any of you makes trouble, they’ll earn a thrashing! Today’s your lucky day, scum. You’ve got a visitor. How you ever warranted such a fine lady is beyond me. Seems she wants to say good-bye. Now step lively. We wouldn’t want to keep her waiting.”
One guard works at Cora's manacles and iron bands, while the others croud around, clubs ready. She is escorted out of the room. The door slams shut behind Cora, the last of the guards leaving with her.
The guards shove you into one of the chairs. There waiting for you is a hauntingly beautiful woman in an elegant black dress and soft silken veil. She looks as if she is headed to a funeral. Her hair is so platinum as to almost be white and her eyes are a vibrant almost unearthly green. She clearly has been weeping.
“Oh, dearest,” proclaims the unfamiliar woman. “I’m so relieved you’re alive!” She quickly turns to Tomas. “Could we please have a moment alone, good sir? For pity’s sake?”
Tomas goes blank for a bit and then quickly agrees. “Of course, my lady. For you,’ tis no problem.”
The guards leave. As soon as they are gone the woman’s demeanor immediately changes. She drops all pretense of grief or concern. She is immediately all business.
“Have you forgotten me, dearest?” the unexpected visitor says with a smirk, dropping her pretense of grief. “Call me Tiadora. We possess a mutual friend who would like to meet you and your fellow cell-mates. Unfortunately, our friend is unwilling to visit you in your present rather shabby accommodations so it seems you must escape. Don’t be so dour. Just because it’s never been done before is no reason you can’t be the first."
“If you manage that, cross the moors on the outskirts of town. On the old Moor Road you’ll see a manor house with a single lantern burning in the second story. There our mutual friend waits. That is all I know. He did want me to give you this.”
She takes off her silken veil and wipes away a few fake tears with it.
“Something to remember me by, dearest.”
Please ask any questions you have in one post altogether, I'll mix them together so you ask one at a time after.
The rest of you are alone in the room for a moment, feel free to roleplay a little more. Bear with me, I will try to get you all back together soon.

Cоrаl |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
“Call me Tiadora. We possess a mutual friend who would like to meet you and your fellow cell-mates. Unfortunately, our friend is unwilling to visit you in your present rather shabby accommodations so it seems you must escape. Don’t be so dour. Just because it’s never been done before is no reason you can’t be the first."
Coral doesn't waste time with questions about the woman or her mysterious friend. Escaping the prison is priority.
My cell-mates? Are you sure? Some of them look like they gonna kill me the moment i set them free.And probably eat me afterwards."
“If you manage that, cross the moors on the outskirts of town. On the old Moor Road you’ll see a manor house with a single lantern burning in the second story. There our mutual friend waits. That is all I know. He did want me to give you this.”
The old Moor Road? I'd love to but there are some small matters in the way,the guards,the locks,the chains.
She takes off her silken veil and wipes away a few fake tears with it.“Something to remember me by, dearest.”
Corvina takes the veil ,then looks at Tiadora with bitter smile .
" And what pray is this? Very pretty ,but not exactly useful right?
It shall certainly remind me of you."
Coral abandons the sarcasm and continues with low hissing whisper.
" Enough of this games,if you have some means to help me ,do it.
I will free the others and i will bring them to you friend, i will do anything you want.Just help me get out of this hellhole."

Zova Lex |

Zova gestures at the... beast with a movement of her head. "Do any of you know what thing thing is?"

Zova Lex |

Without waiting for an answer, Zova raises her voice and calls to the other cell. "Hey you. In the other cell. Do you speak the Common tongue?" She then shifts to orc. "Or what of the language of the orcs?

GM Eats the Eyes |

The large creature stirs, slowly getting to his feet. He turns and grabs the bars. The large creature appears to be an ogre, with a dirty, matted mass of hair. A low, gruff voice speaks up, using common, "Grumblejack uses his tongue. Why little green'un ask?"
My cell-mates? Are you sure? Some of them look like they gonna kill me the moment I set them free. And probably eat me afterwards."
Tiadora laughs, Our mutual friend requires a meeting with all of you. Do bring them with you.
The old Moor Road? I'd love to but there are some small matters in the way,the guards,the locks,the chains.
Tiadors's smile seems cold, Then escape first.
"And what pray is this? Very pretty ,but not exactly useful right? It shall certainly remind me of you."
You will find out.
"Enough of this games,if you have some means to help me ,do it. I will free the others and i will bring them to you friend, I will do anything you want.Just help me get out of this hellhole."
Tiadora shakes her head, I have done what I can to help you. You must do the rest.
Tiadora rises and the guards return. Her demeanor once more changes and she is again a perfect picture of grief. “No, I can’t bear to leave you!” She gives you on the cheek. The kiss is ice-cold and feels somehow alien and inhuman.
Tomas shakes his head. “I’m afraid it’s time, miss.”
She looks deep in Tomas’ eyes and says, “Thank you for letting me say good-bye. There’s no need to search my dearest. You are such a good friend for letting me see my dearest one more time.”
“Such a good friend,” Tomas repeats his voice almost mechanical. Then the watch sergeant seems to snap out of it and bows politely. “A pleasure, madam,” She leaves unveiled. Her eyes meet yours one last time and she briefly gives a wicked smile.
“Three days.” The words echo in the your mind. “Don’t disappoint me, dearest.” You are taken back to your cell by a cadre of guards and shackled once more.
Coral is brought back through the doors, several gaurds surrounding her. Once more she is secured in tightly locked bands around her ankles and her hands are shackled above her head.
Lights are dimmed and the door to their block is locked once more. The guards leave though clearly two of them are stationed behind the door.

Ardra Pain de Veau |

Ardra's eyes remain unfocused as she continues look off into the distance, apparently to no one in particular she asks, oh, the pretty one was gone for a while, did she have a nice visit? did she have sparkling conversation over canapes and aperitifs? was sergeant Tomas a gallant escort? a smile touches the corners of her mouth as she turns her head to stare unabashedly at Cora, her eyes burning and full of rage though her voice remains soft and distant did he sate his appetite this time, pretty one, or does he still require something more?

Zova Lex |

Little? She's like 6'5", 270 lbs of muscle! Then again, she's not ogre sized...
Ignoring the tiefling who seemed to be mocking the other prisoner, and instead focuses on the ogre. "Grumblejack... tell me, what did you do to get locked up here? Hopefully you took down a few of those Mitra loving humans.
Appreciating the size of the ogre, Zova gave a small smile. When she made her escape, she had to bring him. Having such a creature in her debt might be useful.

Cоrаl |

Still frustrated by Tiadora and feeling safely away, Coral smirk at the woman.
oh, the pretty one was gone for a while, did she have a nice visit? did she have sparkling conversation over canapes and aperitifs? was sergeant Tomas a gallant escort? did he sate his appetite this time, pretty one, or does he still require something more?
"And why do you ask? Feeling jealous? You are out of luck i am afraid, the sergeant's heart seems to be already taken.
But now is not the time to talk about roses and red wine."She looks around and lowers her voice
"Someone out there ,want to help us"
Coral describes her encounter with Tiadora( except the exact location we are supposed to go),then tries one of her magic tricks.
I try to cast magic hand to hold the veil in front of everyone. It doesn't have material components but if the chains get in the way:
Concentration: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
"This thing is supposed to get us out somehow"
Do i know something usefull?
Kn Arcania: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

Ardra Pain de Veau |

to Coral, that's where you're wrong, sweetling, I was already out of luck. If you're right it's some new girlsturn to be unlucky.
she studies the veil
whispering those pictures in the pattern, maybe there's a way to free them from the fabric. If i could get my hands on those tools i could get us loose

Cоrаl |

There is magic involved in the symbols,but nothing i am familiar with.
I wouldn't risk tinkering with magic i don't understand but if you are willing...."
Coral focus her mind and the veil slides in the air towards Ardra.

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

"So someone on the outside has an interest in our welfare," a gruff voice arises from the large brutish form that had been hanging quietly in the middle of the group, "and has even given us something that could aid in our escape?" Apparently, despite the deathly-seeming greenish-grey skin and the stench, it was not a corpse. The form shifts, head lifting and the lank hair hanging from it's scalp parts to reveal dark orbs peering from a monstrous visage. Slits open in the face where a nose should be as the creature takes a breath, it's mouth opens into a gruesome smile, small writhing tentacles hanging where there should be teeth. "Now that is interesting."

Zova Lex |

Zova grins. "So you live. Very good, it would be a waste to have a powerfully built figure as yourself as nothing more than dead weight." She lowers her voice so that only the... -was it a tiefling?- could hear hear. "Soon enough we may need to combine our power to pull ourselves free from these chains, that is, if that napkin doesn't free us. My mission is not complete and I have no interest in simply dying here."

Ardra Pain de Veau |

it speaks! how... revolting. still, I agree with you. As for this... indicating the veil floating before her I mislike traditonal magics like this, they lack a certain... precision in too many of their applications. But what have I to lose
she shrugs and tentatively reaches out with her bound hands and attempts to pluck the image ofthe thieve's tools from the material

Zova Lex |

"Wait." Zova hisses. "We do not want to do anything at this very moment. Let us wait a few hours and see if we have time to ourselves between our shifts. Then you can use your magic."

GM Eats the Eyes |

Ardra reaches out and puts her fingers to the stitching that describes a set of thieves tools. A moment later, a small, very fine set of thieves tools appears in her hands.
Masterwork Thieves tools. When you decide to use them, they will grant a +2 to Disable Device. While you are manacled, you take a -2 (cancelling each other out), but once you've picked one set of manacles, the others are similar enough that you gain an additional +2 (stacking for +4). For now, they are small enough, they can be hidden in your hand if you'd like.

Ardra Pain de Veau |

she breathes a sigh of relief before turning to Zova you're going to have to calm down before you attract attention; we do need a plan, though. before i undo anyone's cuffs, I want to decipher what all these symbols are. some are obvious, some not so much.

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

The monstrous tiefling watches as the veil floats past him, taking a look at the symbols on it.
Nodding at Zova, he replies, "Indeed. I live, such as it is. We'll see if that changes in a few days, or if we are able to use that thing to help us get out of here."
At Ardra's words of revulsion, the creature's face seem to shift, perhaps in a visage of annoyance, it is hard to tell. "'It' has a name," the hideous being says to her, "and that name is Tenoch. As we are all in the same situation here... prisoners... I would ask that you stow your Mitran sensibilities. I have had enough appearance-related prejudice on the outside, I won't have it here." He sighs and shakes his head.
"In any case, you are right. A plan would be wise. Perhaps a night outing, if time can be determined here. Observation of the guard's movements may be useful as well."
"As for the symbols," he continues, "two of them appear to be a weapon, blades of some sort, and the large central symbol seems something akin to the symbol of Asmodeus, perhaps an identifier as to the one who seeks to aid us. The veil is clearly magical. If there is one among us who may be able to determine its properties, perhaps they can do so."

Zova Lex |

When the gate was opened the first time, about how long did it take for the guards to unlock it, then step inside? (If you were to measure it in rounds of six seconds each?)

Ardra Pain de Veau |

Ardra can't help herself and laughs out loud. She quickly calms herself and returns to whispering.
Well Tenoch, you're right. If we're going to work together to escape we can't afford to worry about what each of us looks like. I, for one, don't care if you've got a mouth full of squids, I have my own conspicuous problems to deal with.
Her long, tufted tail rears over her head and touches one of the articulated horns growing from the sides of her head, just behind her brow.
I may have served the king a meal made by my own hands, served him wines from my own cellar and sat at his left hand for an evening, but that didn't stop the whispering from his servants and retainers, nor the unabashed stares and less than discrete barbs from his nobility and family. No, you look as you were made to look, just as I do. What I find revolting is that when chained in close quarters to a bunch of unwashed bodies covered in fear sweat, in a place that reeks of despair and rotting garbage and offal, in a cell that adjoins another containing an ogre smelling like a mountain of pig sick, you somehow manage to stand out. If you can't help that, when we get out of here I'll make you a cologne which can neutralize an ocean of sewage, but in the meantime you'll forgive me if I'm a bit terse... I have a sensitive nose and I've been under a lot of stress lately
she directs her attention back to the veil.
now, along with the blades and unholy symbol I see a potion, which I should be able to identify once we have it in hand, a window, perhaps, what could be a length of rope, I'm guessing a lantern, a sack or pouch of something, and a... pile of bricks?

Cоrаl |

"Rope,lantern...what a waste.
If that wheat-haired hussy could smuggle stuff like this she should have at least bring something more useful.
Well we will use what we have.
Now about the plan,this is what i have seen."
Coral whispers and parts of the floor darken forming rough map of the prison.
I use prestidigitation to color the floor .
The image persist until everyone has time to study it then vanishes
"We should also try and see how fast the guards respond when there is trouble,and in what numbers.
Hide the veil and let's make some noise."
In the meantime i try to recall if i have some useful knowledge about Branderscar.
Knowledge (Geography): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Knowledge (Nobility): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
i doubt kn arcania or kn planes are of any use but if i am wrong roll them for me they are+9

Nera Leroung |

"It all depends on what we want to do. I think we'd best get them just after a switch. The guards will still be fresh then but we also will have plenty of time until the next arrival." That at least sounded reasonable to her, the years in the army might have taught her a bit about tactics and strategy after all.

Zova Lex |

Zova nods her head in earnest. "Yes, from my experience with Hellknights, we've learned that there are inefficiencies in every individual. The great forces of Hell can help only but so much with organization, after all, we are but mere mortals."
@ Andra's next response.
"Kill you? Unlikely. We need to work together I'm guessing. Let's all save our rage for these Mitrans eh?"

Ardra Pain de Veau |

sounds like the beginnings of a plan to me, we can make a break for it just after the latest night shift change. For now...
she plucks the veil from the air, carefully wraps it around her tools and deftly hides them on her person.
slight of hand or stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
I think the pretty one has the right idea, anyone hate me enough yet to try and kill me right now?
she smiles impishly
"Kill you? Unlikely. We need to work together I'm guessing. Let's all save our rage for these Mitrans eh?"
rolls her eyes
I meant we need to make a convincing ruckus in order to attract the guards' attention and gauge their response
Tenoch Itzcoatl |

Tenoch smiles at Ardra. "I may take you up on that offer of cologne, although I expect were I given leave to bathe, much of this stench may be washed off. A side-effect of being forced to live in garbage pits and sewage," he says, glancing aside in thought. "It seems what they deem good for me, was not something they considered sufficient for an offering to their God," he finishes with a shrug.
The monstrous tiefling glances at Coral. "That 'wheat-haired hussy' brought us things we previously did not have that could very well be instrumental in our escape. Lockpicks are useful. Weapons are useful. Even the lantern could be of use to those of you who have difficulty seeing in the darkness. And who knows what may be in the sack or pouch, or what the potion may be."
He nods at Nera's plan. "Agreed. After shift change, if that is a time we can determine, one pair of guards will be fresh, and the others who were replaced will not be should an alarm sound and they be called to act."
"As for guaging the guard's response, one group may act very differently than another, so I am unsure as to the information we may gain from it. Although we may gain some information on timing for when they do act, it is also possible that they would beat us into silence, which means we may not be as fit to act when the time comes... If we do go this route, perhaps I should be the one to draw their ire."

Zova Lex |

Zova shakes her head at Tenoch, looking down at her powerfully built form. "No, I believe that my constitution should be greater than yours in this. As part of Hellknight training, I was forced to suffer many beatings as to learn how to not give away any information should I be captured and tortured." She grins sadistically. "Hide what you need to hide, and I will start making threats. They'll be sure to come in at some point and stop me when they hear the language of devils leave my lips."
Linguistics to remember random words in infernal: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0
... really? Really?

Cоrаl |

"That 'wheat-haired hussy' brought us things we previously did not have that could very well be instrumental in our escape. Lockpicks are useful. Weapons are useful. Even the lantern could be of use to those of you who have difficulty seeing in the darkness. And who knows what may be in the sack or pouch, or what the potion may be."
"Eager to defend the pretty dove, even before you have laid eyes upon her eh? How charming . And not that long ago you told us not to judge by appearance. Forgetting your own advice?
She didn't even....."
Zova Lex |

Zova shakes her head and responds in common. "That comment was not directed towards you. I just forgot the language of Asmodeus for a brief second." He face shifts into a snarl as she raises her voice and shouts at the guards outside. All in infernal of course. "บุตร ของ พระเจ้า มิตรา ผู้หญิงเลว! คุณมีความคิด ที่ ถูกขังอยู่ใน คุก ทำเช่นนี้ ไม่ได้หรือไม่ เจ้าชายแห่ง ความมืด Asmodeus นาฬิกา กว่า คุณ และจะมี การแก้แค้น ของเขา! ฉันจะนำ สถาบันการศึกษา นี้ทั้ง ลง รอบศีรษะ ของคุณคุณ รู้หรือไม่ว่า!"

GM Eats the Eyes |

One of the guards steps in, the other hanging back by the door, gripping something in his hands. The first guard walks up to the cage, inspecting the situation and the yelling half-orc. He picks up his club looks right at her and says, "Keep it down, or I'll have to come make you keep it down." He turns to leave, expecting to be obeyed.

Zova Lex |

Zova sneers. "วิธีการเกี่ยวกับฉันผลักสโมสรที่ดวงอาทิตย์ไม่ได้ส่องแสงที่?

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

"Pretty dove? I was merely using the honorific you had attributed to the woman," Tenoch replies to Coral, his head cocked to the side in confusion as he examines her attitude. "I have not seen her, so cannot comment on her appearance. Such things are not important to me. Getting out of here is."
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Turning back to Zova he speaks. "I cannot speak to your constitution, but in my life amongst the vermin, I have learned a few things and can be quicker to recover than...," he pauses as Zova calls out in Infernal at which point he snorts in amusement, the slits in his face flaring. "And so the decision is made," he says softly to the powerful half-orc. "Of course, there's no guarantee they would even recognize that tongue nor understand your threats."
The beastly creature then settles down to his earlier corpse-like position, to wait and see the results of Zova's action.

Zova Lex |

Zova calms down at the suggestion of Coral and leans back against the wall, looking frustrated. Something tells you all, she was disappointed having to cut her rants short.